
Short Code Excellcomm

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A SMS short code is a number on which SMS can be sent by subscribers of the mobile operators. All incoming SMS, to the

short code can be made available with full details to the customer.

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In a shared short code environment every company which wants to avail this service is provided with a Keyword (Keyword is an unique identifier for your company on our shared short code).

In incoming messages are recognized on the basis of keywords and forwarded to the respective companies account.

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• Respond to a Promotion or offer

• Request more Informationto be sent immediately to the mobile phone any time.

• Register Interest for your promotion or event

• Request a Call-back

• Receive a Promotional mobile coupon or Discount voucher• Make a mobile SMS Donation to charity• Register a Vote or take part in a poll / survey• Receive a link to your Mobile Website

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Insurance companies

Insurance companies can use Short Code to receive information on premium due date, policy update, premium payment

confirmation, maturity reminder etc. by insurance holder.

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Mutual fund companies use SMS services to receive updated NAV values, dividends, bonus etc.

Restaurants and hotels can use Short Code service to collect home delivery orders, mobile users can get information on promotions

like food of the day etc.

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After booking your airline tickets can check change of flight schedules, flight cancellation, booking promotions etc.

Now most of the bank use SMS services and account holders of the respected banks can get account balance information, payment information, cheque or demand draft enquiry, payment transfer

and any other services that is offered by bank

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Entertainment industry use SMS Gateway for download services like Jokes, Wallpapers, Ring tones, Games, Applications, MP3, Movie clips.

Educational institutes can use Short Code for providing receive results, exam information, can play quiz contest etc. that is organized by school / college / university by students etc.

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Hotel booking industry is also using this services to reach travelers on mobile, travelers can book hotels by mobile and if bank support mobile payment so you can also pay for your booking by mobile

Complete Reporting Change auto replies as many times you want One free Reply SMS for every incoming SMS (as an auto reply) URL Forwarding to receive incoming SMS on your application Instant response and real time reporting

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• They are more Memorable than long phone numbers and website names.

• Provide great Brand Experience.

• Raise or maintain Brand Awareness.

• The response from a Short Code Number is almost Immediate. Your marketing budget benefits round the clock; engaging directly with the consumer.

• To start your Relationship with Customers before the competition does.

• With every response your company’s details are sent back to the responder’s mobile phone. People are more likely to action information stored on their mobile phone than an email sitting in their inbox.

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• Engaging in a Dialogue with its Prospects and gaining the Knowledge of their Interest

• Measuring the Success Rate of the campaigns by analyzing the responses of the Customers

• Making the campaigns more Attractive by Adding a simple and Easy to remember call-to-action making the life of interested customers easier to gain information and get in touch

• Gather the data of the interested and potential customers from the responses

• Ability to qualify the leads generated through responses hence further increasing the awareness

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• This Offer is valid till 30th January, 2012

Short code 8786

Control Panel for short Code

Free access to incoming Reports

Community Building

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• Mobile Phones are the world’s most widely distributed Computers

• As a result these Devices & their Networks have become a platform for many other services.

• In Pakistan there are over 100 million mobile users.

The Mobile phone is now the most widely available medium for reaching your potential in Pakistan!

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