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PALM-PIT WATER OFFERINGFeeling that the all powerful, master and ruler of this universe has accepted libation, he must be offered water to have it in the palm-pit for sipping with the recitation of the following verse:Tripuraantak Deenaartiharam, Shreekanth Shaashwat.Grihaanaachaamyaneeyam cha, Pavitrodak KalpitamCOW MILK OFFERING FOR BATHWith a deep feeling that the Great Lord, who destroyed the three cities has sipped the palmpit water, he should be offered to have cow-milk for bath by reciting the following verse:Madhuram Gopaya: Punyam, Patapootam Puraskritam.Snaanaarth Deyva deyveysh, Grihaan parmeyshwara.CURD-BATH VERSEWith the assumption that the cow-milk presented for bath has been accepted, curd for same purpose shall be offered, reciting this verse.Durlabhamdivya Suswaadu Dadhi sarv priyamparam.Tushti dampaarwateenaath, Snaanaaya pratigrihyataam.GHEE (BUTTER-OIL) BATH VERSEWhen this act is over, and it has been felt that Paarwateenath has taken bath in curd, he is required to have the offer of butter-oil (Ghee) for further bath.Ghritam gavyam shuchirasnigdham, Suseyayam pushtidaayakam.Grihaan Girijaanaath, Snaanaaya Chandrasheykhar.HONEY-BATH VERSEFeeling as such that Lord Maheswar has taken bath in Ghee, a devotee is to offer Honey for taking bath.Madhuram mridumohaghnam, Swarabhang vinaashanam.Mahaadeyvey Dumutsristam, Tavasnaanaya Shankar.SUGAR-BATH VERSEAfter Madhusnaam (Honey-bath) the Lord is to be offered sugar by reciting the verse as follows:Taapashaantimkaree sheera, Madhuraa swaad sanyuntaa.Snaanaarth deyvadeyveysh, Sharkareyvam Pradeeyatey.FIVE PIOUS LIQUIDS MIXTURE BATH VERSEIf Panchaamrit is ready, the devotee is not required to give cow milk, curd, ghee, honey and sugar baths distinctly. He can offer the Lord only Panchaamrit Bath by reciting the verse given below.Payodadhi Ghritam Kshaodrahi sharkaraa, Mishritayi: Kritam.Panchaamrit, Grihaaneydam, Snaanaarth Shivashankar:PURE WATER-BATH VERSENow after Panchaamrit bath or bath given by Cow-milk, Curd, Ghee, Honey and Sugar distinctly pure waters bath is to be given to Lord, by speaking the verse as follows :Gangaa Godaavaree Reywaa, Payoshanee Yamunaa tathaa.Saraswatyaadi Teerthaani, Snaanaarth pratigrihyataam.