Shenzhen lean-sigma consultant Co., LTD 版版版版 版版版版 1/41 Unit 4 Work and Career

Shenzhen lean-sigma consultant Co., LTD 版权所有 翻版必究 1/41 Unit 4 Work and Career

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Shenzhen lean-sigma consultant Co., LTD 版权所有 翻版必究 1/41

Unit 4 Work and Career

Page 2: Shenzhen lean-sigma consultant Co., LTD 版权所有 翻版必究 1/41 Unit 4 Work and Career

1) Should people live to work or work to live?

Page 3: Shenzhen lean-sigma consultant Co., LTD 版权所有 翻版必究 1/41 Unit 4 Work and Career

2) Let your imagination soar and picture what the ideal job looks like to you. The one who comes up with the wildest and the most original idea will be awarded something.

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• Text Understanding

Let’s talk briefly:

1)According to the writer, what is a laborer ?2)What is a worker, then?

3)What is the worker’s attitude toward leisure? What about the laborer’s attitude toward leisure then?

4)According to the writer, what would be the problem when a large number of people don’t enjoy what they are doing, but they enjoy excess of free time?

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The writer thinks that the essential prerequisites for happiness are: 1) freedom; 2) importance. (从这个意义上来说)___________ , people won’t feel happy if they are prevented by others or by fate from doing ____________________ ; or what they do seem of no value both to themselves and to others.

in this sense

what they enjoy doing

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People can be called laborers or ____________if they (被迫 ) _______________take jobs with only the purpose of (谋生 ) ______________or(养家糊口 )_____________________ Although their labor is important to others (otherwise they will not be paid for it), it has no personal significance or _______ to themselves. So they are a group of unhappy people.

wage slaves are compelled to

earning a living supporting their families.


Page 7: Shenzhen lean-sigma consultant Co., LTD 版权所有 翻版必究 1/41 Unit 4 Work and Career

At the (极端的对立面 )_______________is play. People enjoy great freedom as far as play is concerned. They are free to choose what to play. The only reason for playing is that they enjoy it for its own sake. Play is (纯粹私人的活动 ) ____________________

opposite extreme

a purely private activity.

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Between labor and play stands _____. A man is a worker if he is personally _________ in the job which society pays him to do (here two criteria for happiness are met). Whether a job is a labor or a work is not decided by the job itself or the earthly criteria. Hence, a mental job is not necessarily work and (体力劳动不总是划分为劳作 ) ________________________________________

It is all decided by the man’s attitude.


a manual one can’t always be classified as a labor.

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Whether a man is a worker and a labor can be seen from his attitude toward ______.

To a worker, leisure simply means the hours they need to rest his body and mind ( 以便于更加高效地工作 ) ________________________; he doesn’t need much leisure time; he would rather work himself to death and ignore his family. Actually, to him, work itself is a kind of leisure.


so as to work more efficiently

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To a laborer, however, on the other hand, leisure means (免受强迫 ) ________________________; the more leisure time, the better. ( 在现代技术社会,仅有少数人有幸成为工作者 ) _________________________


__________________. And the figure may not necessarily go up in the future.

freedom from compulsion

In modern technological society,

only a small number of people are fortunate

enough to be workers

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Technology and the division of labor have ( 带来两个后果 )___________________________:1) turning more ________ into _______ and 2) greatly increasing _____________________ . This is likely to pose serious social problems as we look back on the way aristocracies in the past killed their ample free time.

brought about two consequences

workers laborersthe laborer’s leisure time

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They might behave in a harmless way by________ their life: the right season at which to do things - when to be in town, when in the country, when to shoot grouse, etc. And to ( 消除无聊 )_____________

they might also do something harmful: they started wars; they slaughtered animals for ____, they risked their fortunes at the gaming table and their lives in duels.


escape boredom


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With excess of free time left( 任由他们支配 )

__________________, the bored modern time laborers are not expected to behave better. They might either 盲从快速变化的时尚 ______________________

_______ manipulated by the profit-driven business men or (沉溺于破坏性的活动 ) _________________

____________________: dangerous driving, drug-taking or crimes. These might pose a threat to the personal and social safety and security.

at their disposal

blindly follow the fast-changing

fashion indulge themselves in

the destructive activities

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Things would be different if (大多数人 ) _________________________are workers because


the majority of the population

they will put their aggression into their work

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•Let’s think critically

1. According to the writer, people will be happy if they are doing something they are interested in? Is it necessarily the case?

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Let’s think critically

2. The writer worries that the way people entertain themselves will be dangerous and self-destructive. Do you agree? As far as you know, how do most people nowadays relax themselves? What do you think are the healthy means of relaxation?

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Verbal ellipsis

A gardener of a cobbler may be a worker, a bank clerk a laborer.

1) To err is human, to forgive divine.

2) Histories make men wise; poems witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend . (历史使人明智;诗词使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深刻;伦理使人庄重;逻辑修辞学使人善辨。 )

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Thanks To Everybody !!!

End & Thanks