Shape up or Shape out: The case of Lecturers Unfit for the Modern Classroom Ann Hildah Gatakaa Kinyua, PhD Lecturer of English and Linguistics, Chuka University, Kenya Moses Kathuri Njeru Lecturer of Environmental Studies, Chuka University, Kenya Abstract Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number four is quality education for all and the Commonwealth Education Report (2019) underscores the central position of this goal in powering the achievement of the entire 2030 agenda. Top among the issues attendant to quality education is quality teachers who are able to meaningfully interact with learners in line with the principles of the heutagogical approach where learners are considered autonomous and learning is seen as self-determined. However, the majority of instructors serving in Kenyan classrooms at all levels today are products of old, teacher-centred approaches of content delivery and have faithfully carried on the practice to their charges. This situation is aggravated by inadequate or non-existent facilities in the way of technologies that would open up education by means of open access not confined to the traditional classroom. All these facts work against the envisaged quality education for all and fail to inspire the global goal of education as a continuous lifelong learning process since the learner is reduced to a consumer of knowledge that has been created elsewhere. These issues are relevant in Kenya, a country that is yet to adopt in serious practice the concept of the Open University. This paper aims to assess the preparedness of Kenyan university lecturers as instructors in an educational platform that is rapidly becoming open, global and technology-based. It also seeks to assess their present abilities or lack there-off to embrace technology to promote their effectiveness as instructors. The study also assesses the lecturers‟ attitudes towards the paradigm shift and what it means for them as contributors to the achievement of SDG 4. The study will be conducted on a random sample of lecturers from Kenyan universities. The findings of the study will identify gaps and inform policy formulation regarding in-service staff training and development. Keywords: Information Communication Technology (ICT); Technology-Based Instruction (TBI); Open Education Resources (OER); Teacher-centred

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Page 1: Shape up or Shape out: The case of Lecturers Unfit for the ...business-school.open.ac.uk/sites/business-school... · attitudes towards the paradigm shift and what it means for them

Shape up or Shape out: The case of Lecturers Unfit for the Modern Classroom

Ann Hildah Gatakaa Kinyua, PhD

Lecturer of English and Linguistics, Chuka University, Kenya

Moses Kathuri Njeru

Lecturer of Environmental Studies, Chuka University, Kenya


Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number four is quality education for all and the

Commonwealth Education Report (2019) underscores the central position of this goal in

powering the achievement of the entire 2030 agenda. Top among the issues attendant to

quality education is quality teachers who are able to meaningfully interact with learners in

line with the principles of the heutagogical approach where learners are considered

autonomous and learning is seen as self-determined. However, the majority of instructors

serving in Kenyan classrooms at all levels today are products of old, teacher-centred

approaches of content delivery and have faithfully carried on the practice to their charges.

This situation is aggravated by inadequate or non-existent facilities in the way of

technologies that would open up education by means of open access not confined to the

traditional classroom. All these facts work against the envisaged quality education for all and

fail to inspire the global goal of education as a continuous lifelong learning process since the

learner is reduced to a consumer of knowledge that has been created elsewhere. These issues

are relevant in Kenya, a country that is yet to adopt in serious practice the concept of the

Open University. This paper aims to assess the preparedness of Kenyan university lecturers

as instructors in an educational platform that is rapidly becoming open, global and

technology-based. It also seeks to assess their present abilities or lack there-off to embrace

technology to promote their effectiveness as instructors. The study also assesses the lecturers‟

attitudes towards the paradigm shift and what it means for them as contributors to the

achievement of SDG 4. The study will be conducted on a random sample of lecturers from

Kenyan universities. The findings of the study will identify gaps and inform policy

formulation regarding in-service staff training and development.

Keywords: Information Communication Technology (ICT); Technology-Based Instruction

(TBI); Open Education Resources (OER); Teacher-centred

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1. Introduction

Embracing technology is a crucial component of advancement in many sectors of life,

including education. As rightly observed by Grabe (2007) technology transforms our

societies and totally changes the way people think, work and live. Accordingly, schools and

other educational institutions which are supposed to prepare students to live in “a knowledge

society” need to consider Information Communication Technology (ICT) integration in their

curriculum (Ghavifekr & Rosdy, 2015). Educational technology encompasses learning

theory, computer-based training and online learning to facilitate learning and improving

performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and

resources. Timothy et al., (2013) observe that there is substantial evidence that incorporating

technology of any kind in the classroom as an instructional tool enhances the learning process

and maximizes the students‟ abilities in active learning.

ICT can be used in various ways where it helps both teachers and students to learn about their

respective subject areas. A technology-based teaching and learning offers various interesting

ways which includes educational videos, stimulation, storage of data, the usage of databases,

mind-mapping, guided discovery, brainstorming, music, world wide web (www) that will

make the learning process more fulfilling and meaningful (Finger & Trinidad, 2002). On the

other hand, learners will benefit from ICT integration where they are not bound to the limited

curriculum and resources, instead hands-on activities in a technology-based course is

designed to help them to stimulate their understanding about the subject. It also helps

instructors to design their lesson plans in an effective, creative and interesting approach that

would result in students‟ active learning.

Hermans, Tondeur, Van-Braak, and Valcke (2008) have identified three main stages for ICT

to be highly valued and regarded by the teachers: integration, enhancement and

complementary. Integration approach is about implementing right use of ICT in a particular

subject area that involves complex concepts and skills to improve students‟ achievement and

attainment. Besides, the review of curriculum is also needed so that only related ICT

resources and appropriate software will be installed for the main aims and objectives of

curriculum to be achieved. Enhancement approach is about using ICT to give great emphasis

on the topic introduced. For instance, Microsoft PowerPoint can be used to present the topic

in a very innovative and creative way that will lead into discussion and exchanging ideas and

thoughts. Finally, complementary approach is when the ICT is used to aid and support the

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student‟s learning. This approach allows students to be more organized and efficient in which

they can obtain the notes from computer, submit their work by e-mail from home as long as

they meet the deadline. They will also search for information from various online sources to

fulfil the task given to them (Hermans et al., 2008).

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has embraced OER in instruction

and in conjunction with the Ministry of Education is in the process of rolling out a new

Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) which advocates for critical thinking, creativity and

digital literacy (Orwenjo & Erastus, 2018). All this is geared towards an educational system

that is in tandem with the global requirement of replacing traditional teaching methods with a

technology-based teaching and learning, tools and facilities. However, in Kenya there lacks a

serious policy framework that institutionalises the uptake and implementation of TBI and

OER in educational institutions at all levels. Kenya has also failed to institutionalise the

concept of the Open University (the report of a 2011 technical committee mandated with the

task of mapping out the logistics of setting up the Open university in Kenya continues to

gather dust on the shelves) and individual institutions of higher learning have been left to

map their own strategies to set up schools and develop curriculums that embrace the concept

of open learning so as to position and align themselves competitively on the global front. One

natural consequence of this is lack of a policy on human resource training regarding the use

of TBI and OER, and individual lecturers, with very few exceptions, are left to take personal

initiatives to self-develop themselves in order to be relevant and operate in a world that is

increasingly becoming technology-driven. Another consequence is the relative disinterest by

universities to provide requisite infrastructure for the uptake and utilisation of technology for

both learners and instructors. This paper discusses the levels of preparedness among Kenyan

lecturers in embracing technology for content delivery in their classrooms.

2. Theoretical Framework

This paper was developed based on the guidance of two theories: Human Capital theory,

(Schultz, 1981) and Educational Production Functions (Coleman, 1965). Human Capital

theory posits that human capital consists of knowledge, skills and abilities of the people

employed in an organisation. Bontis, et al., (2001) define human capital as the individual

knowledge stock of an organisation as represented by its employees-the human factor in the

organisation; the combined intelligence, skills and expertise that give the organisation its

distinctive character. Competence includes skills and education, while attitude covers the

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behavioural component of the employees‟ work. Intellectual agility enables one to change

practices and to think of innovative solutions to problems. Human capital therefore signifies

any stock of knowledge or characteristics the worker has, either innate or acquired, that

contribute to his or her productivity. This theory has been employed in this paper in

commentaries on the abilities of teachers to utilise OERs in instruction. The Education

Production Function theory as applied in education examines the relationship among the

different inputs into the educational process and outcomes of the process. It relates various

inputs affecting a student‟s learning, for example schools, families, peers and neighbourhoods

to measured outputs including subsequent labour market success, college attendance,

graduation rates, and, most frequently, standardized test scores. This theory has been applied

in this paper with regard to data related to availability of teaching/learning resources and the

infrastructural support within and around the school.

3. Methodology

The study was carried out in selected public universities in Kenya. The study was conducted

using ex post facto research design to determine the perception and use of education

technologies by 8,000 academic staff in public universities in Kenya. The study classified

public universities into two: old and newly established universities. The seven old

universities in Kenya had been established before the year 2000. The new ones were

established after the year 2000. Two out of the seven old universities, and five out of the new

universities were randomly chosen for the study. For a population of 10,000, Kathuri and Pals

(1993) recommend a sample size of 370.

The study used structured questionnaires to collect primary data. Faculty members who are

experts in educational technology reviewed the questionnaire to improve on its face and

content validity. The questionnaire was also considered reliable after obtaining a reliability

coefficient of 0.79, which is above the minimum threshold reliability coefficient (of 0.7) as

recommended by Mugenda and Mugenda (1999). Although the determined sample size was

370, to cater for unresponsiveness, four hundred questionnaires were then either posted via e-

mail or delivered to the selected respondents who had two weeks to fill the questionnaires.

The filled questionnaires were either posted via email or collected as mutually agreed. Three

hundred and eighty two filled questionnaires were returned and were complete in all aspects

but 370 were considered for further analysis.

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The questionnaire was designed to obtain information on the academic staff‟s age, gender,

current designation, teaching experience, their perception about adequacy of facilities and use

of technologies in education. The collected data was cleaned and keyed in for analysis aided

by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 for windows.

4. Findings

The findings of this study have been presented under the state of events amongst academic

staff in Kenya‟s public universities regarding their abilities to offer technology-supported

instructions and their attitudes towards the same. Also presented are findings regarding

institutional and infrastructural challenges that hinder uptake and rolling out of OER in

Kenya‟s public universities.

4.1 Uptake of Technology-based Instruction and OER

The academic staff in Kenya‟s public universities have embraced technology in the following


4.1.1 Course Preparation

Slightly more than half (58.4%) of the academic staff reported using their mobile phones, I-

pads, tablets, laptops and desktops to access worldwide web resources to enhance their

lecture notes. More than four fifths (81.9%) of these were aged between 30 and 55 years.

This they mostly did before getting to the lecture hall, but once in a while some accessed the

web-based resources even as a lecture was ongoing if they felt an inadequacy that could be

addressed by going online.

4.1.2 Actual Classroom Teaching

The academic staff have embraced the use of technology for actual instruction in a number of

ways. Firstly, 46% of the lecturers declared to have abandoned hard copy lesson notes in

favour of soft copies carried on their mobile phones, I-pads, tablets and portable laptops.

Secondly, 41% of the lecturers admitted to sending soft copies of lecture notes to students

prior to their meeting via their emails or mobile phone Whatsapp platform. This, they said,

promoted access and attention especially in very large classes where they were not sure very

students could hear them in large rooms without public address devices.

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About half (51.4%) of the lecturers of language admitted to have used the online dictionary in

real time to confirm the pronunciations of words. Slightly more than half (52.4%) of lecturers

in other fields, reportedly accessed the web-based resources for figures, diagrams and other

visual information that they felt would promote the content learning. More so, 48% of the

lecturers used power-point presentations where possible. They claimed this kind of

presentation kept the students more attentive and receptive to the content. This agrees with

Ghavifekr and Rosdy‟s (2015) observation that almost all ranges of subjects can be learned

more effectively through technology-based tools and equipment.

4.1.3 Evaluation and Assessment

In acknowledgement of the large volumes of information available online on all areas of

knowledge, 56.7% of the lecturers across the divide admitted to giving students assignments

regarding the writing of term papers on barely introduced topics. The students would be

expected, therefore to use the web-based resources in doing the assignments. As Finger &

Trinidad (2002) observe, such use of ICT in teaching enhances the learning process and

maximizes the students‟ abilities in active learning as they have to be fully involved in the

process of knowledge discovery, evaluation and analysis. In addition, 33% of the lecturers

declared that they no longer expected hard copy documents from their graduate students. In

this case, the graduate students submitted their documents (Masters or Ph.D.

proposals/concept papers, term papers) via email and the lecturer in turn made their

corrections and comments on the soft documents. Hermans, et al., (2008) document this as

part of the complementary function of ICT. However, since this requires some level of

proficiency in ICT use on their part, some 56% of the lecturers opined that use of hard copies

was better. Furthermore, lecturers noted that the large number of students in undergraduate

classes discouraged this kind of interaction.

4 Challenges in Uptake of Technology Based Instruction (TBI)

This section discusses the challenges that hinder the uptake and utilisation of TBI among

academic staff in Kenya‟s public universities. The challenges are two-fold: lecturer-based

challenges and infrastructure-based challenges.

4.1: Lecturer-based challenges

The section presents challenges that are based on the academic staff are discussed as follows.

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4.1.1 Lack of Awareness

About 22.4% of the academic were unaware of OER. Having not been beneficiaries of such

resources themselves they came into the field with a fixated mindset of traditional texts as the

only source of educational learning. They admitted to knowing that there is a lot of

information on just about everything on the internet but they were not aware that part of that

information could actually help them in delivering their subject content to their learners. This

is especially the case with the long-serving older academic staff. These finding concur with

those of a study by Bateman (2006) amongst university students and lecturers whereby nearly

every respondent was „unfamiliar‟ with the concept of OER. A small number (13%) of

academic staff is also completely ignorant of the concept of the Open University and how one

can, for example, have a meaningful interaction with students on a virtual platform by use of

technology. More than a third (38.6%) of the academic staff are aware of availability of OER

and the possibility of technology-based instruction but they do not know how to go about the

utilisation or embracing these resources.

4.1.2 Poor ICT Skills

Less than half (42.4%) of the academic staff in Kenya have high ICT abilities that empower

them to offer TBI in an optimal way (either in a physical or on a virtual platform, and

actually embraced the same in day to day instruction). However, more than half (58%) of the

respondents had basic computer skills and rated their computer skills as either excellent or

good. They possessed enough ICT knowhow to perform such tasks as operating their smart

mobile phones and visiting search engines for information search and retrieval. About half of

these lecturers reported to have self-taught themselves in ICT skills. This is because they

were products of the Kenyan education system where at all levels of instruction, the

computer-student ratio is very low therefore; very little, if any, meaningful computer-based

learning can take place (Chapelle, 2011, Kinyua, 2019). Almost a third (28%) of the

academic staff admitted to having very poor ICT skills. The computing skills they had

acquired were as a matter of necessity as they strove to acquire higher education. As a result,

their ICT abilities were selective, based on what was relevant in the course of their studies.

While 23% of the academic staff were proficient at Microsoft Word applications, they were

incompetent at MS Excel or MS PowerPoint, and a further 14.8%, while acknowledging

awareness of the same, were actually ignorant as to the equipment they would require to

successfully deliver content via Microsoft PowerPoint, for example.

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4.1.3 Negative Attitudes

One hurdle to the implementation of TBI and OER is the poor attitude some lecturers have

towards the resources. About 44.1% of the respondents felt that OERs are tedious and time

consuming. Being products of the teacher-centred methods of teaching, many lecturers may

fail to appreciate the research-supported advantages of technology as an aid to classroom

learning, therefore they do not even consider the possibility of embracing it. Additionally, in

an environment with poor institutional support, lecturers find it an unnecessary bother to (for

example) secure the equipment necessary for a PowerPoint-aided classroom delivery. More

so, the equipment may not be available exactly when required so they abandon the idea

altogether. Regarding the utilisation of OER the 87.8% of the lecturers decried the large

numbers of students that cannot be accommodated in the regular computer rooms at certain

universities, even if the rooms were available for use.

4.1.4 High Cost of Training

More than a third (39%) of the respondents indicated a desire to upgrade their ICT skills,

especially to be able to offer TBI in a competent way, in accordance with the global trends.

However, while bemoaning the fact that many universities in Kenya lack the capacity to offer

world-class training in educational technology, 44% of the respondents cited the high cost of

taking the necessary courses through online classes being offered by other universities that

are established in the discipline.

4.2 Infrastructural Challenges

Infrastructure provides the necessary support for TBI. The study discusses some of the

challenges regarding infrastructure as follows:

4.2.1 Inadequate Facilities

Uptake of technology-based instruction and utilisation of OER must be supported by relevant

infrastructure. On the one hand the lecturers who have capacity to use TBI methods can do so

only if the universities provide the equipment that can enable the same. On the other hand, as

Bateman (2006) observed, OERs are open and free only theoretically because in reality,

especially in the developing world, these resources are neither open nor free to those unable

to access the basic yet necessary infrastructure: electricity, computers with affordable

software and the internet. An overwhelming majority (96.7%) of the respondents decried

inadequate infrastructure to support TBI.

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In recent years in Kenya, many universities have opened satellite campuses in an effort to

expand their reach and to respond to the demand for higher education. Unfortunately, many

of these campuses have been set up in a hurried manner, so that in some cases the lecture

room is just an open space with no power sockets where a lecturer could plug in equipment

for a TBI session. Many of these campuses have since been closed by a ministerial directive.

More so, in many universities in Kenya, internet access for lecturers and learners is limited to

Wi-Fi connection in hotspots created in strategic points on university premises. This means

lecture halls and offices lack internet connectivity. This reduces the lecturer‟s advantage in,

for example, visiting the web for content that could enrich his/her lesson. At the same time

this removes the opportunity of an OER interaction in a lecture hall even where students may

have their own laptops. Hennessy, Ruthven and Brindley (2005) note that a key factor in use

of ICT is sufficient computer labs and ICT equipment so as to ensure that subject teachers

and learners have easy access to ICT tools whenever needed. A report by the Ministry Of

Information Communications and Technology (2016) acknowledges that one of the major

bottlenecks hindering the uptake of ICT in Kenya is that of access to critical and essential


4.2.2 Poor Institutional Support

All the respondents reported not to have a policy on TBI or even OERs at their universities.

While discussing the use of OER in universities, Bateman (2006) laments the lack of concrete

structures to see to their implementation. As noted above, in Kenya, the concept of the Open

University, for example, at least on the national platform, remains a proposal. Individual

university managements in Kenya have had to take responsibility to introduce the open

learning schools, at their own cost. Unfortunately, in an environment with competing

interests and reduced funding, university managements have failed to or lack the capacity to

invest in the equipment and infrastructure requisite for effective TBI, as well as to create an

infrastructural environment conducive for OER utilisation among lecturers and learners.

5. Discussion of Findings

One thing that was very clear from the findings of this paper is that over 15% of lecturers

teaching in universities in Kenya are ignorant of the concept of TBI and OER. This

proportion can frustrate the benefits associated with TBI and OER. Furthermore, some

lecturers who are aware of the TBI and OER lack ICT skills to be able to effectively use

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them. In the light of Human Capital theory this is a pointer towards less productivity owing to

lack of knowledge and expertise of the lecturers, which calls for action on the part of the

education managers: Firstly, there is a need to do in-service training to sensitise the academic

staff on the existence and importance of TBI and OER. Secondly, it is imperative that this in-

service training extends to equipping all academic staff with a high measure of ICT

competence that would ensure their participation in adoption of TBI and utilisation of OERs.

This in the long run will update the workforce for more productivity.

The Education Production Function theory relates the different inputs into the educational

process and outcomes of the process. The findings of this study reveal that in order to

promote learning in Kenya‟s universities, there is real need to upgrade facilities within the

universities and campuses to give the lecturers and learners an opportunity to use and benefit

from TBI and OER. United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 cites reasons for

lack of quality education as lack of adequately trained teachers, poor conditions of schools

and equity issues related to opportunities provided to rural children (UNDP, 2016). Kenya

being a member state should show commitment to this ideal by ending the tokenism

mentality evident in policy formulation without implementation and follow-up. Apart from

ensuring electricity and internet connectivity throughout the country, specifically in the

remote parts of Kenya, funding of institutions of learning at all levels should be enhanced so

as to ensure that every institution has proper, functional and well equipped lecture halls and

computer rooms. There should also be a policy framework guiding university expansion so as

to check the proliferation of university campuses that lack both adequate human resource and

facilities to aid instruction.


By embracing the use of TBI and OER the Ministry of Education in Kenya through KICD

has taken a step in the right direction. However, there is need to follow up policy with

implementation so that there is a policy framework that supports the empowerment of

universities to acquire, roll out and utilise these resources. In accordance with the global

trends, Kenya should adopt the concept of open learning and be ready to facilitate its

implementation by way of funding the start-up institution and funding the existing institutions

well enough so that they may acquire the infrastructure necessary for adoption of TBI and

OER. There is also need for training and upgrading their human resource to be able to

embrace the new methods of instruction in order to promote learning among their charges. In

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turn, the instructors should recognise and appreciate TBI and OER as a useful supplement to

their traditional teaching resources. The lecturers must be willing to align themselves in the

direction the educational world is going by actively updating their ICT skills and making

efforts to integrate TBI and OER so as to meaningfully and creatively engage with their

learners. This will help in steering the country in the direction of the global requirement of

shifting from traditional methods of instruction to more effective technology-aided

instruction methods.


Bateman, P. (2006). Discussion Paper: The AVU Open Educational Resources (OER)

Architecture for Higher Education in Africa. OECD Expert Meeting – Barcelona.

Chapelle, C. (2011). Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition: Foundations

for Teaching, Testing and Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Devlin, Timothy J.; Feldhaus, Charles R.; Bentrem, Kristin M. (2013). The Evolving

Classroom: A Study of Traditional and Technology-Based Instruction in a STEM

Classroom. Journal of Technology Education, v25 n1 p34-54 Fall

Finger, G., & Trinidad, S. (2002). ICTs for learning: An overview of systemic initiatives in

the Australian states and territories. Australian Educational Computing, 17(2), 3-14.

Ghavifekr, S. & Rosdy, W.A.W. (2015). Teaching and learning with technology:

Effectiveness of ICT integration in schools. International Journal of Research in

Education and Science (IJRES), 1(2), 175-191.

Grabe, M., & Grabe, C. (2007). Integrating Technology for Meaningful Learning (5th ed.).

Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin

Hermans, R., Tondeur, J., Van -Braak, J., & Valcke, M. (2008). The impact of primary

school teachers‟ educational beliefs on the classroom use of computers. Computers &

Education, 51(4), 1499-1509.

Hennessy, S., Ruthven, K. & Brindley, S. (2005). Teacher perspectives on integrating ICT

into subject teaching: commitment, constraints, caution, and change. Journal of

Curriculum Studies, 37(2), 155–192.


Kathuri, N. J. & Pals, D. A. (1993). Introduction to Educational Research. Njoro: Egerton


Kinyua, A. H. G. (2019). When the Trainer is Untrained: Stakeholder Incapacitation in

Implementation and Utilisation of Open Educational Resources in Kenya. Paper

presented at the Pan Commonwealth Forum on 9th


September, 2019, Edinburgh.

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Ministry of Information Communications and Technology (2016). National Information &

Communications Technology (ICT) Policy. Government printer, Nairobi, Kenya.

Mugenda, O. M. & Mugenda, A. G. (1999). Research Methods: Quantitative and Qualitative

Approaches. Nairobi : Act press.

Orwenjo, D.O., & Erastus, F.K. (2018). Challenges of Adopting Open Educational Resources

(OER) in Kenyan Secondary School: The Case of Open Resources for English

Language Teaching (ORELT). Journal of Learning for Development, 5(2), 148-162.

Robinson, Rhonda; Molenda, Michael; Rezabek, Landra. "Facilitating Learning"

(PDF). Association for Educational Communications and Technology.

United Nations Development Programme (2016). Sustainable Development Goals. Author.

Available on https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/

Accessed on 28th

June 2019

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Shape up or Shape out: The case of Lecturers Unfit for the Modern Classroom

Ann Hildah Gatakaa Kinyua, PhD

Lecturer of English and Linguistics, Chuka University, Kenya

Moses Kathuri Njeru

Lecturer of Environmental Studies, Chuka University, Kenya


Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number four is quality education for all and the

Commonwealth Education Report (2019) underscores the central position of this goal in

powering the achievement of the entire 2030 agenda. Top among the issues attendant to

quality education is quality teachers who are able to meaningfully interact with learners in

line with the principles of the heutagogical approach where learners are considered

autonomous and learning is seen as self-determined. However, the majority of instructors

serving in Kenyan classrooms at all levels today are products of old, teacher-centred

approaches of content delivery and have faithfully carried on the practice to their charges.

This situation is aggravated by inadequate or non-existent facilities in the way of

technologies that would open up education by means of open access not confined to the

traditional classroom. All these facts work against the envisaged quality education for all and

fail to inspire the global goal of education as a continuous lifelong learning process since the

learner is reduced to a consumer of knowledge that has been created elsewhere. These issues

are relevant in Kenya, a country that is yet to adopt in serious practice the concept of the

Open University. This paper aims to assess the preparedness of Kenyan university lecturers

as instructors in an educational platform that is rapidly becoming open, global and

technology-based. It also seeks to assess their present abilities or lack there-off to embrace

technology to promote their effectiveness as instructors. The study also assesses the lecturers’

attitudes towards the paradigm shift and what it means for them as contributors to the

achievement of SDG 4. The study will be conducted on a random sample of lecturers from

Kenyan universities. The findings of the study will identify gaps and inform policy

formulation regarding in-service staff training and development.

Keywords: Information Communication Technology (ICT); Technology-Based Instruction

(TBI); Open Education Resources (OER); Teacher-centred

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1. Introduction

Embracing technology is a crucial component of advancement in many sectors of life,

including education. As rightly observed by Grabe (2007) technology transforms our

societies and totally changes the way people think, work and live. Accordingly, schools and

other educational institutions which are supposed to prepare students to live in “a knowledge

society” need to consider Information Communication Technology (ICT) integration in their

curriculum (Ghavifekr & Rosdy, 2015). Educational technology encompasses learning

theory, computer-based training and online learning to facilitate learning and improving

performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and

resources. Timothy, et al., (2013) observe that there is substantial evidence that incorporating

technology of any kind in the classroom as an instructional tool enhances the learning process

and maximizes the students’ abilities in active learning.

ICT can be used in various ways where it helps both teachers and students to learn about their

respective subject areas. A technology-based teaching and learning offers various interesting

ways which includes educational videos, stimulation, storage of data, the usage of databases,

mind-mapping, guided discovery, brainstorming, music, world wide web (www) that will

make the learning process more fulfilling and meaningful (Finger & Trinidad, 2002). On the

other hand, learners will benefit from ICT integration where they are not bound to the limited

curriculum and resources, instead hands-on activities in a technology-based course is

designed to help them to stimulate their understanding about the subject. It also helps

instructors to design their lesson plans in an effective, creative and interesting approach that

would result in students’ active learning.

Hermans, Tondeur, Van-Braak, and Valcke (2008) have identified three main stages for ICT

to be highly valued and regarded by the teachers: integration, enhancement and

complementary. Integration approach is about implementing right use of ICT in a particular

subject area that involves complex concepts and skills to improve students’ achievement and

attainment. Besides, the review of curriculum is also needed so that only related ICT

resources and appropriate software will be installed for the main aims and objectives of

curriculum to be achieved. Enhancement approach is about using ICT to give great emphasis

on the topic introduced. For instance, Microsoft PowerPoint can be used to present the topic

in a very innovative and creative way that will lead into discussion and exchanging ideas and

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thoughts. Finally, complementary approach is when the ICT is used to aid and support the

student’s learning. This approach allows students to be more organized and efficient in which

they can obtain the notes from computer, submit their work by e-mail from home as long as

they meet the deadline. They will also search for information from various online sources to

fulfil the task given to them (Hermans, et al., 2008).

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) has embraced OER in instruction

and in conjunction with the Ministry of Education is in the process of rolling out a new

Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) which advocates for critical thinking, creativity and

digital literacy (Orwenjo & Erastus, 2018). All this is geared towards an educational system

that is in tandem with the global requirement of replacing traditional teaching methods with a

technology-based teaching and learning, tools and facilities. However, in Kenya there lacks a

serious policy framework that institutionalises the uptake and implementation of TBI and

OER in educational institutions at all levels. Kenya has also failed to institutionalise the

concept of the Open University (the report of a 2011 technical committee mandated with the

task of mapping out the logistics of setting up the Open university in Kenya continues to

gather dust on the shelves) and individual institutions of higher learning have been left to

map their own strategies to set up schools and develop curriculums that embrace the concept

of open learning so as to position and align themselves competitively on the global front. One

natural consequence of this is lack of a policy on human resource training regarding the use

of TBI and OER, and individual lecturers, with very few exceptions, are left to take personal

initiatives to self-develop themselves in order to be relevant and operate in a world that is

increasingly becoming technology-driven. Another consequence is the relative disinterest by

universities to provide requisite infrastructure for the uptake and utilisation of technology for

both learners and instructors. This paper discusses the levels of preparedness among Kenyan

lecturers in embracing technology for content delivery in their classrooms.

2. Theoretical Framework

This paper was developed based on the guidance of two theories: Human Capital theory,

(Schultz, 1981) and Educational Production Functions (Coleman, 1965). Human Capital

theory posits that human capital consists of knowledge, skills and abilities of the people

employed in an organisation. Bontis, et al., (2001) define human capital as the individual

knowledge stock of an organisation as represented by its employees-the human factor in the

organisation; the combined intelligence, skills and expertise that give the organisation its

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distinctive character. Competence includes skills and education, while attitude covers the

behavioural component of the employees’ work. Intellectual agility enables one to change

practices and to think of innovative solutions to problems. Human capital therefore signifies

any stock of knowledge or characteristics the worker has, either innate or acquired, that

contribute to his or her productivity. This theory has been employed in this paper in

commentaries on the abilities of teachers to utilise OERs in instruction. The Education

Production Function theory as applied in education examines the relationship among the

different inputs into the educational process and outcomes of the process. It relates various

inputs affecting a student’s learning, for example schools, families, peers and neighbourhoods

to measured outputs including subsequent labour market success, college attendance,

graduation rates, and, most frequently, standardized test scores. This theory has been applied

in this paper with regard to data related to availability of teaching/learning resources and the

infrastructural support within and around the school.

3. Methodology

The study was carried out in selected public universities in Kenya. The study was conducted

using ex post facto research design to determine the perception and use of education

technologies by 8,000 academic staff in public universities in Kenya. The study classified

public universities into two: old and newly established universities. The seven old

universities in Kenya had been established before the year 2000. The new ones were

established after the year 2000. Two out of the seven old universities, and five out of the new

universities were randomly chosen for the study. From a population of 10,000, Kathuri and

Pals (1993) recommend a sample size of 370.

The study used structured questionnaires to collect primary data. Faculty members who are

experts in educational technology reviewed the questionnaire to improve on its face and

content validity. The questionnaire was also considered reliable after obtaining a reliability

coefficient of 0.79, which is above the minimum threshold reliability coefficient (of 0.7) as

advised by Mugenda and Mugenda (1999). Although the determined sample size was 370, to

cater for unresponsiveness, four hundred questionnaires were then either posted via email or

delivered to the selected respondents who had two weeks to fill the questionnaires. The filled

questionnaires were either posted via email or collected as mutually agreed. Three hundred

and eighty two filled questionnaires were returned and were complete in aspects but 370 were

considered for further analysis.

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The questionnaire was designed to obtain information on the academic staff’s age, gender,

current designation, teaching experience, their perception about adequacy of facilities and use

of technologies in education. The collected data was cleaned and keyed in for analysis aided

by Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 22 for windows.

4. Findings

The findings of this study have been presented under the state of events amongst academic

staff in Kenya’s public universities regarding their abilities to offer technology-supported

instructions and their attitudes towards the same. Also presented are findings regarding

institutional and infrastructural challenges that hinder uptake and rolling out of OER in

Kenya’s public universities.

4.1 Uptake of Technology-based instruction and OER

The academic staff in Kenya’s public universities embrace technology in the following areas:

4.1.1 Course Preparation

A great majority (58.4%) of the academic staff reported using their mobile phones, I-pads,

tablets, laptops and desktops to access worldwide web resources to enhance their lecture

notes. This they mostly did before getting to the lecture hall, but once in a while some

accessed the web-based resources even as a lecture was ongoing if they felt an inadequacy

that could be addressed by going online.

4.1.2 Actual Classroom Teaching

The academic staff have embraced the use of technology for actual instruction in a number of

ways. Firstly, 46% of the lecturers declared to have abandoned hard copy lesson notes in

favour of soft copies carried on their mobile phones, I-pads, tablets and portable laptops.

Secondly, 41% of the lecturers admitted to sending soft copies of lecture notes to students

prior to their meeting via their emails or mobile phone Whatsapp platform. This, they said,

promoted access and attention especially in very large classes where they were not sure very

students could hear them in large rooms without public address devices.

About half (51.4%) of the lecturers of language admitted to have used the online dictionary in

real time to confirm the pronunciations of words. Slightly more than half (52.4%) of lecturers

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in other fields, reportedly accessed the web-based resources for figures, diagrams and other

visual information that they felt would promote the content learning. More so, 48% of the

lecturers used power-point presentations where possible. They claimed this kind of

presentation kept the students more attentive and receptive to the content. This agrees with

Ghavifekr and Rosdy’s (2015) observation that almost all ranges of subjects can be learned

more effectively through technology-based tools and equipment.

4.1.3 Evaluation and Assessment

In acknowledgement of the large volumes of information available online on all areas of

knowledge, 56.7% of the lecturers across the divide admitted to giving students assignments

regarding the writing of term papers on barely introduced topics. The students will be

expected, therefore to use the web-based resources in doing the assignments. As Finger &

Trinidad (2002) observe, such use of ICT in teaching enhances the learning process and

maximizes the students’ abilities in active learning as they have to be fully involved in the

process of knowledge discovery, evaluation and analysis. In addition, 33% of the lecturers

declared that they no longer expected hard copy documents from their graduate students. In

this case, the graduate students submitted their documents (Masters or Ph.D.

proposals/concept papers, term papers) via email and the lecturer in turn made their

corrections and comments on the soft documents. Hermans, et al., (2008) document this as

part of the complementary function of ICT. However, since this requires some level of

proficiency in ICT use on their part, some 56% of the lecturers opined that use of hard copies

was better. Furthermore, lecturers noted that the large number of students in undergraduate

classes discouraged this kind of interaction.

4 Challenges in Uptake of Technology Based Instruction (TBI)

This section discusses the challenges that hinder the uptake and utilisation of TBI among

academic staff in Kenya’s public universities. The challenges are two-fold: lecturer-based

challenges and infrastructure-based challenges.

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4.1: Lecturer-based challenges

The section presents challenges that are based on the academic staff are discussed as follows.

4.1.1 Lack of Awareness

About 22.4% of the academic were unaware of OER. Having not been beneficiaries of such

resources themselves they came into the field with a fixated mindset of traditional texts as the

only source of educational learning. They admitted to knowing that there is a lot of

information on just about everything on the internet but they were not aware that part of that

information could actually help them in delivering their subject content to their learners. This

is especially the case with the long-serving older academic staff. These finding concur with

those of a study by Bateman (2006) amongst university students and lecturers whereby nearly

every respondent was ‘unfamiliar’ with the concept of OER. A small number (13%) of

academic staff is also completely ignorant of the concept of the Open University and how one

can, for example, have a meaningful interaction with students on a virtual platform by use of

technology. More than a third (38.6%) of the academic staff are aware of availability of OER

and the possibility of technology-based instruction but they do not know how to go about the

utilisation or embracing these resources.

4.1.2 Poor ICT Skills

Less than half (42.4%) of the academic staff in Kenya have high ICT abilities that empower

them to offer TBI in an optimal way (either in a physical or on a virtual platform, and

actually embraced the same in day to day instruction). However, more than half (58%) of the

respondents had basic computer skills and rated their computer skills as either excellent or

good. They possessed enough ICT knowhow to perform such tasks as operating their smart

mobile phones and visiting search engines for information search and retrieval. About half of

these lecturers reported to have self-taught themselves in ICT skills. This is because they

were products of the Kenyan education system where at all levels of instruction, the

computer-student ratio is very low therefore, very little, if any, meaningful computer-based

learning can take place (Chapelle, 2011, Kinyua, 2019). Almost half (48%) of the academic

staff admitted to having very poor ICT skills. The computing skills they had acquired were as

a matter of necessity as they strove to acquire higher education. As a result, their ICT abilities

were selective, based on what was relevant in the course of their studies. While 23% of the

academic staff were proficient at Microsoft Word applications, they were incompetent at MS

Excel or MS PowerPoint, and a further 14.8%, while acknowledging awareness of the same,

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were actually ignorant as to the equipment they would require to successfully deliver content

via Microsoft PowerPoint, for example.

4.1.3 Negative Attitudes

One hurdle to the implementation of TBI and OER is the poor attitude some lecturers have

towards the resources. About 44.1% of the respondents felt that OERs are tedious and time

consuming. Being products of the teacher-centred methods of teaching, many lecturers may

fail to appreciate the research-supported advantages of technology as an aid to classroom

learning, therefore they do not even consider the possibility of embracing it. Additionally, in

an environment with poor institutional support, lecturers find it an unnecessary bother to, for

example, try to secure the equipment necessary for a PowerPoint-aided classroom delivery.

More so, the equipment may not be available exactly when required so they abandon the idea

altogether. Regarding the utilisation of OER the 87.8% of the lecturers decried the large

numbers of students that cannot be accommodated in the regular computer rooms at certain

universities, even if the rooms were available for use.

4.1.4 High Cost of training

More than a third (39%) of the respondents indicated a desire to upgrade their ICT skills,

especially to be able to offer TBI in a competent way, in accordance with the global trends.

However, while bemoaning the fact that many universities in Kenya lack the capacity to offer

world-class training in educational technology, 44% of the respondents cited the high cost of

taking the necessary courses through online classes being offered by other universities that

are established in the discipline.

4.2 Infrastructural Challenges

Infrastructure provides the necessary support for TBI. The study discusses some of the

challenges regarding infrastructure as follows:

4.2.1 Inadequate Facilities

Uptake of technology-based instruction and utilisation of OER must be supported by relevant

infrastructure. On the one hand the lecturers who have capacity to use TBI methods can do so

only if the universities provide the equipment that can enable the same. On the other hand, as

Bateman (2006) observed, OERs are open and free only theoretically because in reality,

especially in the developing world, these resources are neither open nor free to those unable

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to access the basic yet necessary infrastructure: electricity, computers with affordable

software and the internet. An overwhelming majority (96.7%) of the respondents decried

inadequate infrastructure to support TBI.

In recent years in Kenya, many universities have opened satellite campuses in an effort to

expand their reach and to respond to the demand for higher education. Unfortunately, many

of these campuses have been set up in a hurried manner, so that in some cases the lecture

room is just an open space with no power sockets where a lecturer could plug in equipment

for a TBI session. Many of these campuses have since been closed by a ministerial directive.

More so, in many universities in Kenya, internet access for lecturers and learners is limited to

Wi-Fi connection in hotspots created in strategic points on university premises. This means

lecture halls and offices lack internet connectivity. This reduces the lecturer’s advantage in,

for example, visiting the web for content that could enrich his/her lesson. At the same time

this removes the opportunity of an OER interaction in a lecture hall even where students may

have their own laptops. Hennessy, Ruthven and Brindley (2005) note that a key factor in use

of ICT is sufficient computer labs and ICT equipment so as to ensure that subject teachers

and learners have easy access to ICT tools whenever needed. A report by the Ministry Of

Information Communications and Technology (2016) acknowledges that one of the major

bottlenecks hindering the uptake of ICT in Kemya is that of access to critical and essential


4.2.2 Poor Institutional Support

All the respondents reported not to have a policy on TBI or even OERs at their universities.

While discussing the use of OER in universities, Bateman (2006) laments the lack of concrete

structures to see to their implementation. As noted above, in Kenya, the concept of the Open

University, for example, at least on the national platform, remains a proposal. Individual

university managements in Kenya have had to take responsibility to introduce the open

learning schools, at their own cost. Unfortunately, in an environment with competing

interests and reduced funding, university managements have failed to or lack the capacity to

invest in the equipment and infrastructure requisite for effective TBI, as well as to create an

infrastructural environment conducive for OER utilisation among lecturers and learners.

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5. Discussion of Findings

One thing that was very clear from the findings of this paper is that over 15% of lecturers

teaching in universities in Kenya are ignorant of the concept of TBI and OER. This

proportion can frustrate the benefits associated with TBI and OER. Furthermore, some

lecturers who are aware of the TBI and OER lack ICT skills to be able to effectively use

them. In the light of Human Capital theory this is a pointer towards less productivity owing to

lack of knowledge and expertise of the lecturers, which calls for action on the part of the

education managers: Firstly, there is a need to do in-service training to sensitise the academic

staff on the existence and importance of TBI and OER. Secondly, it is imperative that this in-

service training extends to equipping all academic staff with a high measure of ICT

competence that would ensure their participation in adoption of TBI and utilisation of OERs.

This in the long run will update the workforce for more productivity.

The Education Production Function theory relates the different inputs into the educational

process and outcomes of the process. The findings of this study reveal that in order to

promote learning in Kenya’s universities, there is real need to upgrade facilities within the

universities and campuses to give the lecturers and learners an opportunity to use and benefit

from TBI and OER. United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 cites reasons for

lack of quality education as lack of adequately trained teachers, poor conditions of schools

and equity issues related to opportunities provided to rural children (UNDP, 2016). Kenya

being a member state should show commitment to this ideal by ending the tokenism

mentality evident in policy formulation without implementation and follow-up. Apart from

ensuring electricity and internet connectivity throughout the country, specifically in the

remote parts of Kenya, funding of institutions of learning at all levels should be enhanced so

as to ensure that every institution has proper, functional and well equipped lecture halls and

computer rooms. There should also be a policy framework guiding university expansion so as

to check the proliferation of university campuses that lack both adequate human resource and

facilities to aid instruction.


By embracing the use of TBI and OER the Ministry of Education in Kenya through KICD

has taken a step in the right direction. However, there is need to follow up policy with

implementation so that there is a policy framework that supports the empowerment of

universities to acquire, roll out and utilise these resources. In accordance with the global

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trends, Kenya should adopt the concept of open learning and be ready to facilitate its

implementation by way of funding the start-up institution and funding the existing institutions

well enough so that they may acquire the infrastructure necessary for adoption of TBI and

OER. There is also need for training and upgrading their human resource to be able to

embrace the new methods of instruction in order to promote learning among their charges. In

turn, the instructors should recognise and appreciate TBI and OER as a useful supplement to

their traditional teaching resources. The lecturers must be willing to align themselves in the

direction the educational world is going by actively updating their ICT skills and making

efforts to integrate TBI and OER so as to meaningfully and creatively engage with their

learners. This will help in steering the country in the direction of the global requirement of

shifting from traditional methods of instruction to more effective technology-aided

instruction methods.


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Moses Kathuri Njeru, Lecturer Environmental Sciences

Shape up or Shape out: The Case of Lecturers Unfit for theModern Classroom Chuka University Kenya BiographyAm Moses Kathuri Njeru, a lecturer of EnvironmentalSciences at Chuka University, Kenya. I successfullydefended my Ph.D Thesis in November 2019 and awaitinggraduation at Chuka University. I have over ten yearsworking experience at the University level both as anadministrator and lecturer. For three years as a Director ofChuka University Campus, I developed a lot of interest incontemporary issues in learning and teaching at Universitylevel.