Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project Environmental Management Framework Beijing Guohuan Tiandi Environmental Technology Development Center Co., Ltd. October 2012 E4056 V3 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project - All Documentsdocuments.worldbank.org/curated/en/... · Appendix 1 Site checklist before construction into the site ... the document of the State

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Page 1: Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project - All Documentsdocuments.worldbank.org/curated/en/... · Appendix 1 Site checklist before construction into the site ... the document of the State

Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project

Environmental Management Framework

Beijing Guohuan Tiandi Environmental Technology Development

Center Co., Ltd.

October 2012

E4056 V3


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Page 2: Shangrao Sanqingshan Airport Project - All Documentsdocuments.worldbank.org/curated/en/... · Appendix 1 Site checklist before construction into the site ... the document of the State


I. Projects included in environmental management framework .................................. 3

II. Compilation basis ......................................................................................................... 4

2.1 The laws and regulations for environmental protection ............................................................ 4

2.2 Technical specifications of the environmental assessment........................................................ 5

III. Environmental management procedures ................................................................. 6

3.1 Project classification ................................................................................................................. 6

3.2 The preparation and requirements of environmental documents .............................................. 7

3.3 Public consultation and information disclosure ........................................................................ 8

3.4 Complaint mechanisms ............................................................................................................. 9

3.5 Audit and approval .................................................................................................................... 9

3.6 Supervision.............................................................................................................................. 10

3.7 Reporting ................................................................................................................................. 10

IV. Environmental impact recognition .......................................................................... 10

4.1. Recognition content of environmental impact ....................................................................... 10

4.2 Essential environmental problems recognition ....................................................................... 13

4.3 Selection of environmental assessment tools .......................................................................... 13

4.4 Requirements of selecting locations and routes ...................................................................... 14

V. Environmental management process and organization .......................................... 15

5.1 Environmental management process ....................................................................................... 15

5.2 Environmental management organization and responsibilities ............................................... 15

VI. Environmental management regulations ............................................................... 19

Appendix 1 Site checklist before construction into the site ......................................... 45

Appendix 2 Environment checklist of construction site .............................................. 46

Appendix 3 Environmental rectification notice ........................................................... 55

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I. Projects included in environmental management framework

Shangrao airport projects include the airport, the access road and auxiliary works. At present, only

the airport has been determined and in the phase of the feasibility study. Other off-site associated

works are in the planning and design phase, so the specific facilities programs are not determined yet.

The project management agency has commissioned an advisory body to establish a framework of

environmental management.

The framework will provide project management agencies and relevant departments with

environmental management guidance to ensure that the environmental management shall be in line

with the Chinese government and local government policies and legal requirements, in line with the

environmental assessment policies and procedures provided by the World Bank environmental

assessment business policies / programs (OP/BP4.01). Environmental management framework

provides environmental management contents, procedures, and responsibilities of all parties.

Specific contents included in the environmental management framework are shown in Table 2-1-1.

Table 1 the project contents included in the environmental management framework

Content of the

project Project description Property

Off-site matching

projects of the

airport (airport

access roads and

matching pipeline


1. Building an access road of 4.65 km long

2. Laying an off-site water supply pipeline of 7.6 km long

(with the diameter of DN500).

3. Laying a gas supply pipeline of 5km long along the

access road.

4. Laying airport sewage pipeline of 10km long along the

access road.


Bank Loan

Projects, still in

the planning and

design phase

and put into the

framework of



Off-site power

supply project

1. Building a 10KV electric transmission line from

Maojialing substation to the airport of 7.5km long.

2. Building a 10KV electric transmission line from

Zaotou substation to the airport of 8km long.


Bank Loan

Projects, the


impacts and

measures are put

in the

framework of






According to the survey by Shangrao Hydraulic Design

Institute, two ponds to be occupied by the airport are the

source of water for irrigation of about 300 acres.

Compensation and rehabilitation measures need further study.

NBF, will be put

in the

framework of

environmental management

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Relocation of the


transmission lines

1. The line for rerouting the high-voltage wires of 110kv

Maozao line is about 15km.

2. The line for rerouting the high-voltage wires of 110kv

Wangzao line is about 12.8km.


Bank Loan

Projects, the

framework of



Borrow pits and

disposal sites To be further determined in the detiailed design


Bank Loan , the

framework of



II. Compilation basis

2.1 The laws and regulations for environmental protection

(1) Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China, December 26, 1989;

(2) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution,

April 29, 2000;

(3) Law of Water Pollution Prevention of PRC, June 1, 2008;

(4) Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution

by Solid Waste, April 1, 2005;

(5) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental

Noise, March 1, 1997;

(6) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Environment Impact Assessment, September 1, 2003;

(7) Law of the People’s Republic of China on Water and Soil Conservation, March 1, 2011;

(8) The Law of Land Administration of the People’s Republic of China, January 1, 1999;

(9) Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China, June 29, 2002;

(10) Regulations on the Administration of Construction Project Environmental Protection (98) Decree

No. 253 of the State Council, November 29, 1998;

(11) List of Category Management of Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects

(SEPA Order No. 2) put into effect on October 1, 2008;

(12) List of Category Management of Environmental Impact Assessment for Construction Projects

(SEPA Order No. 5), March 1, 2009;

(13) Comments on Strengthening the Ecological Protection, Environment and Development [1997] No.

785 by National Environmental Protection Agency, November 28, 1997;

(14) Notice on Strengthening Environmental Impact Assessment Management and Prevention of

Environmental Risks, the document of the State Environmental Protection Administration,

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Environment and Development [2005] No. 152;

(15) State Council’s Decision on Implementing Scientific Development Concept to Enhance

Environmental Protection [2005] No. 39, December 3, 2005;

(16) Notice on Strengthening the International Financial Organization Loan Construction Project

Environmental Impact Assessment Management, the State Environmental Protection Administration,

the State Development Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance, People's Bank of China, June,


(17) The command of Ministry of Communications [1990] No. 17, Transportation Construction

Project Environmental Protection Management Practices, 1990;

(18) The document of Ministry of Communications Highway Transportation Development [2004] No.

164, Notice on Issuing Several Opinions on the Strictest Farmland Protection System in Highway

Construction, April 6, 2004.

2.2 Technical specifications of the environmental assessment

(1) HJ2.1-2012 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment General Provisions;

(2) HJ/T2.3-93 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment Surface Water


(3) HJ2.4-2009 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment Sound Environment;

(4) HJ610-2011 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment Underground Water


(5) HJ2.2-2008 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment Atmospheric Environment;

(6) HJ19-2011 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment- Ecological Impact;

(7) HJ/T87-2002 Technical Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment Constructional Project

of Civil Airport;

(8) HJ14-1996 Principle and Technical Methods for Regionalizing Ambient Air Quality Function;

(9) GB/T15190-94 Technical Specifications to Determinate the Suitable Areas for Environmental

Noise of Urban Area;

(10) February 14, 2006, the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), the Environment

and Development, 2006 No. [28] Interim Measures for the Public Participation in Environmental

Impact Assessment;

(11) GB50433-2008 Technical Regulation on Water and Soil Conservation Plan of Development and

Construction Project;

(12) MH/T5105-2007 Surrounding Aircraft Noise Calculation and Prediction of Civil Airports;

(13) GB18218-2009 Identification of Major Hazard Installations for Dangerous Chemicals;

1.2.3 Safeguard policies of the World Bank

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(1) Business policies of the World Bank- OP 4.01: Environmental Assessment

(2) Business policies of the World Bank- OP 4.12: Involuntary Resettlement

(3) Business policies of the World Bank- OP 4.11: Physical Cultural Resources

(4) Environmental, health, safety guidelines of the World Bank - EHS:


(5) Environmental, health, safety guidelines of the IFC - EHS: AIRPORTS

(6) Environmental, health, safety guidelines of the IFC - EHS: WASTEWATER AND AMBIENT

WATER QUALITY, water and health

(7) Environmental, health, safety guidelines of the IFC - EHS: ELECTRIC POWER


(8) Environmental, health, safety guidelines of the IFC - EHS: WASTE MANAGEMENT,

III. Environmental management procedures

Environmental management procedures of the off-site works include project preparation and 5 steps of

construction phase as well as 2 steps of implementation phase. Requirements and responsibilities of

each step are as follows:

A. Phases of project preparation and construction

1. Screening and classification of the off-site works

2. Preparation of all the environment documents

3. Public consultation (consultation of the public opinion and information disclosure)

4. Public grievance mechanism

5. Review and approval

B. Implementation phase

6. Supervision

7. Reporting

8. The requirements of the implementation progress of each project (some shall be completed

before the preparation of the airport project, such as farmland irrigation project and off-site

power supply project, etc. Implementation schedule requirements shall be listed for each project)

3.1 Project classification

The project contains seven projects in total, divided into two types of new construction and


Type 1 New construction project

Project 1: New-built access road projects;

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Project 2: New-built off-site water supply pipeline projects;

Project 3: New-built gas supply pipelines;

Project 4: New-built sewage lines;

Project 5: New-built Off-site power supply project

Project 6: Farmland irrigation compensation project

Type 2 Reconstruction project

Project 7: Relocation project of the electric transmission lines.

3.2 The preparation and requirements of environmental documents

The project borrower shall provide environmental documents and the relevant approval documents in

accordance with the requirements of the following table:

Table 1.1 Environmental documents

Project type Requirement of environmental documents*

Type 1 New construction project

Environmental assessment documents and

environmental management plans;

Environmental assessment documents have

been approved by the local environmental

protection agencies.

Type 2 Reconstruction project

For the requirements of the new line construction

Environmental assessment documents and

environmental management plans;

Environmental assessment documents have

been approved by the local environmental

protection agencies;

Environmental impact assessment document

This project borrower shall be responsible for the preparation of the environmental impact

assessment document. The project borrower should entrust the qualified and experienced

environmental impact assessment agencies approved by the environmental protection administration

department to carry out the environmental impact assessment and prepare environmental impact

assessment documents.

Environmental management plan

This project borrower shall be responsible for the preparation of the environmental management

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plan. The environmental management plan shall include the environmental protection measures in the

project design, construction and implementation phases. These measures shall mitigate or compensate

the negative impacts of the activities on the environment and society, or reduce them to an acceptable

level at least.

3.3 Public consultation and information disclosure

The project borrower shall be responsible for public consultation according to the national and World

Bank's requirements. The primary responsibilities include: a) Issuing environmental documents; b)

Collection of public opinions and concerns; c) Recording important findings, summary, and

recommendation and feedback. The project borrower or its entrusted environmental impact assessment

organizations shall issue information announcement, disclose the environmental documents and

collect affected people’s opinions. Public consultation methods include questionnaires, seminars,

public meetings and others. The purpose of the public consultation is to collect the views of affected

residents on the project environmental impacts to determine the important environmental issues held

by the affected residents. Any important views in the public consultation will be included in the

environmental assessment documents.

Environmental management agencies or their hired consultant shall be responsible for reviewing the

records of public consultation, determining whether to provide feedback of comments and suggestions

from the public and giving full consideration in the preparation of the environmental documents.

Public consultation requirements of each project are as follows:

Table 1.2 Public consultation requirements

Project type Relevant requirements

Project 1: New-built access road Carry out the public consultation

Project 2: New-built off-site water supply

pipeline projects

Carry out the public consultation together with the

new access road projects

Project 3: New-built gas supply pipelines Carry out the public consultation together with the

new access road projects

Project 4: New-built sewage pipelines Carry out the public consultation together with the

new access road projects

Project 5: New-built off-site power supply

project Carry out the public consultation

Project 6: Farmland irrigation

compensation project Carry out the public consultation

Project 7: Relocation project of the electric

transmission lines Carry out the public consultation

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Procedures and methods of the project information issuing and public consultation should be

formulated in accordance with the requirements of the national and World Bank’s public consultation

and information disclosure. The first round of public consultation and information disclosure shall

publish the project information, major environmental impacts and mitigation measures after the

completion of the environmental screening and before the completion of the draft environmental

documents in the affected areas, and collect the opinions and suggestions on environmental impacts of

the project by public meetings and feedback. The second round of public consultation and information

disclosure shall publish the full text of the environmental assessment documents after the completion

of the draft environmental documents in the affected areas, and collect the opinions and suggestions

on environmental impacts of the project by public meetings and feedback.

3.4 Public grievance mechanism

In order to continue to follow the public opinions during the project implementation, make the

information public and ensure the community involvement, the project borrower shall establish the

complaint mechanisms.

EIA documents should include a complaints mechanism to ensure a timely response to complaints of

all affected groups or individuals. The project borrower shall inform the affected groups or individuals

of the complaint channels in the public consultation. Complaint mechanisms shall include: (I)

Recording and reporting systems, including 2 forms of written and oral complaints; (II)) Person in

charge of handling complaints; (III) Time limits and procedures of dealing with complaints. The

complaint processes include: Groups or individuals suffering from adverse environmental impacts can

make a complaint directly to the project borrower in the oral or written form, and the sub-borrower

shall reply within the prescribed time limit after receiving the complaint. If the complainant is not

satisfied with the treatment results of the borrower, he can make complaint to the local environmental

protection administration agencies. If the complainant is still not satisfied with the results, he can take

legal action in the local People's Court.

3.5 Review and approval

Domestic review and approval: The borrower shall be responsible for the domestic approval of the

environmental documents. The borrower shall ensure simultaneously that the requirements of the

World Bank's related safeguard policies and guidelines and the procedures have been taken into

consideration in the preparation process of the environmental documents.

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Review and approval of the World Bank: The World Bank will review environmental documents,

so as to ensure that the content of the environmental documents meet the domestic requirements, and

also comply with the requirements of the World Bank.

The implementation phase of the project: The borrower shall ensure the comprehensive effective

implementation of the environmental management plans, and shall invite the external environment

agency to monitor the environment according to the environmental management plans, and submit the

execution progress report of the environmental management plans.

3.6 Supervision

In the project implementation process, the World Bank will work jointly with the local environment

protection administration agencies and the project borrower to monitor the implementation of the

project, to ensure the implementation of the environmental management plan comply with the


3.7 Reporting

During the project execution, the project borrower shall request the project construction superior to

report the implementation of the environmental management plan. The project construction superior

shall record the monitored results carefully according to the monitoring plan of the environmental

management plan, and at the same time confirm the correction or protective measures that must be

taken in the monitoring period. Progress reports submitted by the project construction superior shall

include the implementation of the environmental management plan (such as slow-down measures and

monitoring), whether there are significant environment problems as well as the solutions to the

corresponding problems. The project borrower shall submit the project implementation report about

the environmental management to the World Bank once every six months. The report includes 1) The

implementation of the environmental management plan, 2) The environmental problems occurred; 3)

The processing of environmental issues and the results.

IV. Environmental impact recognition

4.1. Recognition content of environmental impact

The projects included in this framework are mainly divided into the following categories: 1) Access

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road projects, 2) Off-site pipeline projects, including water supply, gas supply and sewage pipelines, 3)

Off-site power supply and reconstruction of electric transmission lines, 4) Water replacement projects.

(1) Recognition of the access road project environmental impacts

Recognition of the access road project environmental impacts in the phases of construction and

operation is shown in Table 4-1-1.

Table 4-1-1 Recognition of access road project environmental impact factors

Phase Impact







water Sound Soil





Vegetations Animal Scenery







and property




Subgrade and











and vehicle





traffic and


(2) Recognition of the off-site pipeline project environmental impacts

It includes off-site water supply, gas supply, and sewage pipeline projects. The environmental impacts

in the phases of the construction and operation are similar. The recognition of the environmental

impacts is shown in Table 4-1-2.

Table 4-1-2 Recognition of the off-site pipeline (water supply, gas supply, sewage pipelines) project environmental

impacts factors

Phase Impact activities Ambient





water Sound Soil





Vegetations Animal Scenery





Temporary land

occupation and

permanent land





personnel and

vehicle activities

Operation period Running of the

pipelines (gas

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supply, sewage)

(3) Off-site power supply and electric transmission line reconstruction project environmental impact


Recognition of the off-site power supply and electric transmission line reconstruction environmental

impacts in the phases of construction and operation is shown in Table 4-1-3.

Table 4-1-3 Recognition of the off-site power and electric transmission line reconstruction environmental impact


Phase Impact







water Sound


waste Soil





Vegetations Animal Scenery






of lines and



Erection of









and vehicle







(4) Recognition of water replacement project environmental impacts

Recognition of water replacement project environmental impacts in the phases of construction and

operation is shown in Table 4-1-4.

Table 4-1-4 Recognition of water replacement project environmental impact factors

Phase Impact







water Sound Soil





Vegetations Animal Scenery




















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Running of




4.2 Essential environmental problems recognition

(1) Recognition of sensitive areas

According to the field investigation, all the sites of the off-site projects and the areas along the line

determined in the framework do not involve nature reserves, national forest parks, national key

commonweal forests, scenic spots, nor involve the key cultural relic protection units at or above the

county level.

(2)Sensitive protect objective

After the determination of the project contents and lines, the field will be investigated in a detailed

way. Once an environmentally sensitive objective is detected, determine the environmental assessment

level in accordance with the national relevant requirements, and develop clear measures to reduce the


4.3 Selection of environmental assessment tools

Determination of the environmental assessment tools for the projects included in the framework

should be in accordance with the requirements in Table 4-3-1.

Table 4-3-1 Determination of the environmental assessment tools


No. Project Name Property Environmental assessment tools Remark

1 Access road projects New-built

Need to carry out environmental impact


Provide environmental management plan

Need to be approved by the

environmental protection agencies

2 Off-site water supply

pipeline projects New-built

Need to carry out environmental impact


Provide environmental management plan

Need to be approved by the

environmental protection agencies

3 Off-site gas supply

pipeline projects New-built

Need to carry out environmental impact


Provide environmental management plan

Need to be approved by the

environmental protection agencies

4 Off-site sewage pipeline

project New-built

Need to carry out environmental impact


Provide environmental management plan

Need to be approved by the

environmental protection agencies

5 Off-site power supply

project New-built

Need to carry out environmental impact


Provide environmental management plan

Need to be approved by the

environmental protection agencies


Rerouting projects of the

original electric

transmission lines


Need to carry out environmental impact


Provide environmental management plan

Need to be approved by the

environmental protection agencies

7 Land acquisition and - Need to develop a resettlement actionplan

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resettlement under the guidance of the RAF.

8 Farmland irrigation

compensation -

Need to carry out environmental impact

assessment for the construction of water


Provide environmental management plan

9 Borrow pits and disposal

sites -

If it is needed to set up, the environmental

impact assessment shall be included in each

project and carried out together.

4.4 Requirements of selecting locations and routes

(1) Requirements of selecting routes for the road projects

①In the phase of designing routes, the advanced methods shall be used to carry on deep and careful

studies to the route plan to determine the most feasible route plan on the basis of verification and

comparison of multi criteria.

② Routes shall be designed to make the project quantity the smallest, the construction cost low, the

operation expenses reduced, the benefit good, and bring advantages to the construction and the

maintenance under the conditions of ensuring traffic safety, comfort and speed. If the increase of the

work amount is not much, the higher technical specification shall be used as far as possible, and the

lower one shall not be used, also shall not pursue the higher specification one-sidedly.

③The route shall be selected to occupy less farmland, and shall not occupy the high-yield fields, the

economic crop fields or economic forests fields as far as possible (for example tea fields, orchards)

and the like.

④The route shall avoid occupying nature reserves, scenic spots, and historical sites, etc., and attention

shall be paid to coordinating with the surrounding environment and the landscapes, appropriate

consideration to the beauty, and the protection of the important historical relics.

⑤Project geology and hydrogeology shall be investigated in depth when selecting routes to identify

the extent of its impact on highway projects.

⑥To consider the roads and bridges comprehensively under the principle that large and medium-sized

bridge sites shall be subject to the general direction of the route and shall not extend the route

excessively just because of the bridge sites. The bridge sites shall be selected to locate on river reach

of being straight, steady water flow and good geology as far as possible, and pay attention to the

convenience for the public. Small bridges and culverts shall be located in line with the direction of the

route, but also shall take the reasonableness of the locations into account without reducing the route

technical specifications.

⑦ To use bridge and tunnel structures reasonably to reduce the destruction of the original terrain, so as

to protect the environment; take full advantage of the big gradient in mountainous terrain to digest the

waste by filling ditches, so as to dispose the waste.

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(2) Route selection requirements of electric transmission line

① Line path is short, special crosses less, and hydrogeologic conditions good.

② In selecting and locating the routes, the tower site shall avoid steep slopes and poor geological


③ To occupy small areas, try to occupy less or no basic farmland, and reduce deforestation and


④ Apply avoidance measures in the environment sensitive areas.

(3) Requirements of selecting soil excavating and depositing sites

Both the ecological impacts and transportation costs shall be taken into account in selecting the soil

excavating sites. The requirements are mainly as follows:

① To select the areas with relatively sparse vegetation distribution, or to avoid the woodlands,

avoiding the destruction of the original vegetation.

② It shall be away from the village settlements, in order to avoid the dust material impact on the

surrounding crowd generated by earthwork excavation and the transport of soil. Also, avoid occupying


③ The soil from the selected areas shall be consistent with the requirements of filling subgrade. Field

survey shall be done in advance to avoid blind and random excavation.

④ Groundwater of the selected areas shall not be too shallow, avoiding hard exploitation and

expanding exploitation areas.

⑤ Transportation is in good conditions in the selected areas, and the distance is moderate.

⑥ The selected soil excavating and depositing sites shall have an appropriate straight line distance

from the highway, so as not to affect the visual landscape effects.

V. Environmental management process and organization

5.1 Environmental management process

Project environmental management process is shown as Figure 5-1-1.

5.2 Environmental management organization and responsibilities

Project environmental management organization and responsibilities are shown as Table 5-2-1.

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路改建)水源替代工程 拆迁安置





Figure 5-1-1 Environmental management flow chart

Project type determination Airport Office

Implement according to Table 5-2-1

review and approval

Supervision and reporting

Airport Co., Ltd. and relevant departments, environmental impact assessment institution, and consultancy expert

Environmental protection

department, the World Bank

Airport Co., Ltd., Airport Office

and the World Bank

Land qcuisition and

resettlement Road project

(access road)

Pipeline project (water

supply, gas supply,

sewage pipeline)

Transmission line project (power supply, transmission line reconstruction)

Irrigation water



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Table 5-2-1 Organization of environmental management and responsibilities

Organization of environmental



Airport Office

The preparation phase of the project: 1) Under the assistance of consultancy expert or institution, determine each

engineering project type and environmental file requirements; 2) Examine and verify the environmental files submitted by

Airport Co., Ltd.; 3) Examine and verify the capacity of Airport Co., Ltd. to implement environmental management plan

effectively; 4) Make sure elimination contract clause covers corporate responsibilities to implement environmental

management plan; 5) Demand Airport Co., Ltd. to prepare and submit Environmental Due Diligence Report;

Engineering project implementation phase: 1) Under the assistance of industry experts and local environmental protection

bureau, supervise the implementation of Airport Co., Ltd. environmental management plan; 2) Report regularly the

implementation of environmental management plan to the World Bank.

Airport Co., Ltd.

The preparation phase of the project: 1) Under the cooperation of relevant government departments, take charge of the

planning ,design and implementation of each project, prepare environment file according to the requirements (e.g.

environmental assessment, environmental management plan, environmental due diligence report), and public participation

(public opinion consultation and information disclosure).

The implementation phase of the project: 1) Launch activity in accordance with approved environmental file, and assist in

project inspection and supervision; 2) Make sure the bidding document and relevant contracts contain the requirements of

environmental management plan; 3) Record monitoring results in accordance with the monitoring plan in the

environmental management plan, in the meanwhile confirm the corrective and preventive measures which are necessary

during the monitoring period, and record the results of similar activities which have already been launched in the prophase

reporting phase; 4) Submit progress report to project management organization and this report should include the

implementation of environmental management plan.

Environmental assessment

institution or consultancy experts

Commissioned by Airport Co., Ltd., prepare environmental impact assessment document(hereinafter referred to as “EIA

document”) and environmental management plan;

Assist Airport Co., Ltd. to implement environmental management plan.

The local administrative

department of environmental


The preparation phase of the project: Approve environmental impact assessment document;

The implementation phase of the project: 1) Supervise the implementation status of environmental management plan

carried out by Airport Co., Ltd.; 2) Make sure the project enterprise follow “three at the same time” system and related

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environmental policy during the process of replacing and transforming the devices; 3) Launch other routine work, such as

assist to deal with pollution accident and pollution disputes.

World Bank Check the project environment file and supervise the implementation status of environmental management plan.

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VI. Environmental management procedure

For the project that included in the environmental management framework, formulate a set of

environmental management procedure to launch effective environmental management to the general

influence that appears in the working progress. In this procedure environmental management measure,

organization, environmental supervision procedure and requirements are included. For the sensitive

points appeared in the process of analyzing environmental impact and formulating abatement measure

according to the selected EIA tools, specific impact analysis and measures will be made.

Environmental management framework is shown in the table below.

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Project Environmental impact mitigation measures Implemented






Design phase

Implement environment

measures in the process of

working drawing design

and bidding documents


(1) The building engineering project contractor is

asked to equip 1~2 site environmental engineers in

each construction site to take charge of the

implementation of environmental protection

measures during the whole construction period,

make sure the construction activities of the project

and every sub contractor (if there is one) meet all

the requirements of this procedure, and make sure

necessary environmental protection measures are

adopted during the construction progress.

(2) During the construction progress, the contractor

should communicate and negotiate with the public

in the project area, set up bulletin boards at the

entrance of every construction site and inform

public the specific construction activities and

construction time. Meantime provide the contact

person and contact number so that the public can

complain and advice the construction activities.

(3) Contractor should actively cooperate with the

environmental supervision unit that commissioned

by the owner to launch environmental supervision

work during the construction period.

(4)After the contractor signing the contract and

before starting working, the construction scheme

should include “site environmental management



ject Office


ject office, o

wners, C

ity E



ental P


n B





sport B


(5) Contractor must follow the relevant regulation

of the local safe and civilized construction.

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(6) The building project contractor and construction

supervision unit are asked to have accepted relevant

environmental protection and management training

before starting working;

(7) As to serious environmental impact caused by

non-compliance of the environmental protection

measures that proposed in this environmental

protection code of practice, environmental

supervision and civil work contractor should take

immediate remedial measures and inform the

corresponding World Bank Project Office within

24h. City and county project organization should

supervise and assist building project contractor to

take remedial measures. Contractor should record

the measure implementation status and report to the

construction supervision unit and county project


(8) Contractor reserves the environmental

management deposit from the project contract funds

according to annual budget. The amount should

account for about 3% of the budget.

Construction phase















site prep




(1) Confirm project permanent land occupation and

temporary land occupation (construction production

area, construction camps, access road and

construction yard) scope and handle project land

relevant formalities.



ction u



ject office,











and R



sport B






sts qu



tion to



e in


rm of


(2) The existing pipeline survey work should be

done in the construction area and damage to the

existing pipeline should be avoided in construction.

(3) Construction production area, construction

camps, pioneer road and borrow area, abandoned

dreg site should be far away from the surface water


(4) Construction unit should negotiate with city

(county) project organization to determine

appropriate public water source. It should choose

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municipal tap water as drinking water sources and

newly chiseled well is strictly forbidden.


ction site m





body o

f the p

roject co


ction area en



ental im

pact co





(1) Pay attention to water

dust-controlling to reduce

dust pollution.

(2)Construction muck that

produced should be

removed in time, and closed

transport vehicles should be

used to transport earthwork,

muck and construction




(1) Strictly control subgrade

and pipeline excavation and

avoid overexcavation

damaging vegetation

ground. Arbitrarily cutting

down trees is forbidden out

of construction area.

(2) The produced waste slag

should be removed in time,

and the earthwork, slag and

construction waste must be

transported in a closed

transport vehicle.

(3) Sprinkle water to control

dust and reduce dust

pollution at construction




Asphalt mixing station

should adopt centralized

plant mixed mode and

mixing station should be

located within the construction production

area. It is strictly forbidden

to set up asphalt mixing

station in the main site of

the project construction

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(1) Before the construction

project completes,

ecological remediation

should be made to the

damaged earth at least

restore to the status before


(2) dyke up the arable

surface soil that stripped in

the construction temporarily

at the relatively flat area of

the filed and use bagged soil

to form a temporary

retaining wall, in the

surrounding area set up

temporary drainage ditch

and settling measures, and

use dust-proof net to cover

which can also be used for

ecological remediation of

the construction camps after

the construction completes.



(1) Strictly control the

construction time. In

construction site that is

within 150m from

residential area, construction

equipment with big noise

should stop working at

night(22:00 ~ 06:00). For

worksite that has to do

continuous construction

work, construction unit

should according to the

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specific situation get in

touch with local

environmental protection

department in time, apply

night construction certificate

in accordance with

provisions, and at the same

time release announcement

to utmost get public support.

(2) For sensitive points that

are relatively close to the

construction site (within

50m), mobile or temporary

sound barriers and other

noise prevention measures

should be taken.

(3) Construction site should

be as far as possible from

surrounding schools,

hospitals. Operation

schedule of strong noise

machine near school should

be discussed with the school

authority and avoid

construction during school

examination time.

Others (1) At construction site, it is

strictly forbidden to burn

various kinds of waste.
















(1) Pay attention to water

dust-controlling to reduce

dust pollution.

(2) Construction muck

produced should be cleared

in time and disposed reasonably.

Asphalt mixing (1) Priority relies on

municipal asphalt mixing

plant purchase.

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(2) Asphalt concrete mixing

station should use mixing

equipment well enclosed

and with high dust removal

efficiency. It is strictly

forbidden to use semi-closed

asphalt boiling process.



(1) Commercial concrete are


(2) Concrete is mixed in a

wet way and the mixing

process should be done in a

sealed state.




(1) In the process of

transportation, temporary

storage and handling of bulk

materials such as earthwork,

cement and lime, wind

shielding measures and dust

prevention measures should

be taken.

(2) Material storage area site

should be flat and solid.

(3) Stacking yard for storing

construction material such

as cement, lime, etc. should

adopt containment measures

and be covered with

tarpaulin to avoid pollution

caused by wash of rainfall.




(1) Equipment for washing

the vehicles should be

installed at the entrance and

exit of construction site. Vehicles that go out of the

site should be cleaned up.

The road between vehicle

flush equipment and site

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exit should be laid with

concrete, asphalt or

hardcore. Silt shall not be

taken out of site.

(2) Closed transport vehicles

should be used to transport

earthwork, muck and

construction garbage.

Precast yard (1) Concrete mixing

wastewater can not be

discharged directly. It

should be reused for water

spraying for

dust-controlling measures

after being collected and

handled by settling pond.

After the construction

completes, the settling pond

should be covered with soil

and the ecology should be




(1) Fixed mechanical

equipment with large

vibration (such as blender)

should be retrofitted with

vibration reduction engine


(2) Fixed strong noise

source (such as dynamo

etc.) should be retrofitted

with soundproof shield or

settled to operate indoors.

(3) Strictly control the

construction time. In

construction site that is within 150m from

residential area, construction

equipment with big noise

should stop working at

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Others (1) Before the project

completes, ecological

remediation should be made

to the damaged earth at least

back to the status before


(2) Bank up the arable

surface soil that stripped in

the construction temporarily

at the relatively flat area of

the filed and use bagged soil

to form a temporary

retaining, in the surrounding

area set up temporary

drainage ditch and settling

measures, and use

dust-proof net to cover

which can also be used for

ecological remediation of

the construction camps after

the construction completes.

(3) At construction site, it is

strictly forbidden to burn

various kinds of waste.









Drip oil



(1) Try best to chose advanced equipments,

machines to effectively reduce run, reek, drip, leak

quantity and mechanical maintenance times, so that

to reduce production of oily sewage.

(2) In unavoidable run, reek, drip, leak process, try

to use solid oil absorption material(such as cotton

yarn, chip, oil absorbing sheet, etc.), collect waste

oil and transform waste oil to solid matter ,and avoid producing overmuch oily sewage.

(3) Repair and maintenance of machines, equipment

or transport vehicles try to focus on the

maintenance point of each section in order to collect

oily sewage.

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(4) Horizontal flow settling pond should be settled

at mechanical maintenance place. Oily sewage

collected by settling pond can be discharged after

simple treatment of acid and alkali neutralization,

precipitation, deoiling and deslagging. After

construction completes, the settling pond should be

covered with soil and afforested.

(5) Equipment maintenance place ground should be

dealt with hardening, seepage prevention treatment

to avoid soil pollution caused by drip soil.

(6)Establish equipment repair and maintenance

record, and conduct regular maintenance according

to the running situation of the equipment.


noise control

(1) The construction unit must select the

construction machinery and transport vehicles

according with the relevant national standards and

try to use the low-noise construction machinery.

(2) The fixed mechanical equipment with large

vibration should be retrofitted with damping base.

For fixed strong noise source, should consider the

installation of soundproof barrier (such as power

generation vehicle, etc.) or operation indoors.

(3) Strengthen the care and maintenance of all types

of construction equipments, and keep their good

operation, in order to fundamentally reduce noise

and vibration sources.





(1) The construction unit must select construction

machinery equipment and transport vehicles

according to national health protection standards, to

ensure that its emissions are in line with the relevant

national standards.

Solid waste


(1) The scattered hazardous waste (oil gloves, oil

gauzes, etc) shall be recycled and disposed by the

qualified units commissioned by the Project

Ministry. (2) The oil penetrating into the soil should be

promptly collected and archived by scraping device,

then transported to the qualified disposal site for

centralized treatment.

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(3) When the maintenance of machinery, if

equipment and transport vehicles can not be

maintained in the designated maintenance sites, the

container or solid oil-absorbing material should be

used to absorb oily wastewater generated by the

equipment, and for treatment after collecting , while

the location should select the nearby abandoned

dreg site with the qualification of disposing such




ental p


n p

ractice standard

s in co


ction site



of site

(1) The produced waste slag should be timely

removed, and the earthwork, slag and construction

waste must be transported in a closed transport


(2) Sprinkle water to control dust, then to reduce

dust pollution.


estic wastew

ater contro


(1) Canteens should set up oil separator, and entrust

the removal and transportation unit to clean up

promptly. The waste removal and transportation

units shall hold the waste assimilating qualification

and license approved by the relevant departments.

(2) Construction site should set up temporary toilets

and septic tanks, and the temporary toilets septic

tanks should be done with seepage treatment.

(3) Construction site should set up drainage ditch

and settling ponds and the sewer line. Pipelines in

canteen, toilet and shower should be equipped with

filters. The construction wastewater can only run

into the municipal sewer network or river after

precipitation. And at the same time guarantee

drainage ditch clean and drainage ditch smooth.

(4) Construction site should keep the drainage

unobstructed, without black smelly water and no

defecates and urinates anywhere phenomenon.

(5) A variety of domestic wastewater shall be prohibited to dump and discharge along water

distribution network, and domestic garbage and

construction waste can not be piled up nearby the

construction site.

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gas co



(1) The dining in construction site should use clean

energy such as natural gas and electricity

conforming to the provisions of local environmental

protection department.

Solid (1) The recyclable waste (such as waste paper, etc.)

should be collected to recycle and disposal.




(2) Construction site should set up closed garbage

station to collect workers’ garbage and remove and

transport them timely in accordance with the


(3) The closed swill buckets should be set up

outside of canteen, and should be timely removed

and transported.

(4) Septic tank trustees should timely clean and

bury them by soil at the end of construction.


logical im

pacts co



(1) Within a month after the construction project

completes, the provisional infrastructure should be

completely demolished and repaired to the

pre-construction state.

(2) Bank up the arable surface soil that stripped in

the construction temporarily at the relatively flat

area of the filed and use bagged soil to form a

temporary retaining, in the surrounding area set up

temporary drainage ditch and settling measures and

use dust-proof net to cover which can also be used

for ecological remediation of the construction

camps after the construction completes.



(1) Provisional infrastructure in construction site

shall be prohibited to use clay bricks, and shall

comply with safety and fire requirements and

relevant national regulations. (2) Construction camp should be divided clearly

with the construction area, and appropriate

quarantine measures shall be taken to ensure that

construction site in a neat orderly state.

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(3) It is strictly prohibited to burn all types of waste

in construction site.


ction m

aterials field en



ental p


n p



w area en



ent im

pact co



Overall requirement (1) During

construction, deep

excavation should be

avoided and should

balance the excavation

and filling as far as

possible. If it is needed

to borrow, priority

should be given to the

procurement of goods

earth or the waste soil

coordinating urban

construction projects,

to avoid only setting up

the borrow area , which

can fundamentally

eliminate the impact

of the borrow area on


(2) The project should

fetch soil in a

concentrate excavating

method to reduce the

number of the borrow


Dust control (1) During the

operating process, it is

necessary to pay

attention to sprinkle

water to control dust,

then to reduce dust

pollution brought by earth excavation.

Ecological impacts


(1) When excavating,

topsoil should be kept

for land reclamation,

and topsoil should be

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temporarily piled in a

relatively flat area, and

use the bagged soil for

temporary block, while

temporary drainage

ditch and grit measures

are build around, and

adopt dust network

coverage, for the

ecological restoration

of abandoned dreg site

after the completion of


(2) Vegetation

restoration should be

carried out at the end of

the project.

Landscape control (1) Appropriate


protection measures

should be taken in

accordance with the

requirements of each

project EIA report.










impact co



Overall requirement (1)The abandoned soil,

if any, should be

considered first to

recycle in situ or

transport to other site

for reuse, or to be

reused for vegetation

restoration of the

borrow area. Avoid

setting up the borrow

area singly, which can fundamentally

eliminate the impact of

the borrow area on


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(2)When the

abandoned soil can not

be recycled, it is

necessary to first

investigate whether

there are the specified

architecture muck

consumptive places in

local, if any, they

should be required to

apply for muck

removal and


procedures according

to the regulations, and

shipped to the


consumptive places.

Dust control (1) Abandoned dreg

site should be layered

and compacted, which

can effectively inhibit

the generation of dust.

(2)To take the method

of sprinkling water to

inhibit dust, then to

reduce dust pollution of

the bare ground.

Ecological impacts


(1) Before entering the

abandoned dreg site,

topsoil should be

excavated for land

reclamation, and

topsoil should be

temporarily piled in a relatively flat area, and

use the bagged soil for

temporary block, while

temporary drainage

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ditch and grit measures

are build around, and

adopt dust network

coverage, for the

ecological restoration

of abandoned dreg site

after the completion of


(2) Vegetation

restoration after

excavating soil


eme fo

r water an

d so

il loss p





ject constru

ction area

(1) Topsoil shall not be piled on the runoff pooled

ground; shall not be stacked in the nearby sensitive

areas of road or river of the project; shall not be

stacked in the region affects the construction or

clear road; try to pile in the low-lying idle plots to

reduce the protective measures engineering amount.

Topsoil shall be piled temporarily within the land

acquisition on both sides of subgrade; to avoid fall

of earth, temporary weaving soil bag block shall be

set around the bulldozers; the temporary stockpiling

topsoil shall be used for the latter part of the slope

green cover soil.

(2) Slope protection should be carried out promptly,

based on the subgrade slope protection principles.

Because the roads included in the project are urban

roads, taking into account the land development of

both sides, ecological protection should be

emphasized and light branch block be

supplemented. According to the engineering

geological and hydrological conditions, geonets

slope stabilization shall be adopted in the filling

sections, and blocking muck walls in partial sections.

(3) Block shall be set in the temporary earth piles to

prevent rain erosion.

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(4) Set settling pond in the subgrade drainage ditch









l area

(1) The prevention focus of the construction

production areas is soil erosion in construction site.

And due to the vehicles frequency and stockpile

need, the construction site should be all hardened by


(2) During the rainy season, temporary block

ditches should be set up outside the low-lying land

in the project area to prevent rain erosion.

(3) Make dust network coverage to the topsoil and

stockpile, and set block to prevent rain erosion.

(4) Reasonably arrange for the duration to shorten

the temporary land use time, and make vegetation

restoration or reclamation to the temporary land at

the end of construction.




ur p



and co


l area

(1) For the new opened construction detour, it is

necessary to well perform the engineering

protection and drainage project.

(2) Reasonably arrange for the duration to shorten

the temporary land use time, and make vegetation

restoration or reclamation to the temporary land at

the end of construction.









trol area

(1)Temporary green should be given to the shed and

the areas outside the hardening region, and sowing

grass and planting shrubs to green and beautify the

site environment.

(2) Brick drainage ditches shall be constructed to

quickly rule out the stagnant water.

(3) At the late period of project, demolish the shed

and hardened area, remediate land and restore







ion an





(1) Necessary drainage measures shall be

constructed before excavating soil in the borrow

area: drainage ditch shall be set in the surrounding

of the borrow area, settling pond exports, while

inside, rainwater runs into nearby natural ditch after

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sediment deposition; the intercepting ditches shall

be set in excavating soil slope platform and

excavating soil slope outside, to connect with

drainage ditch.

(2)Try to cover soil to restore one, green and

renovate one after excavating one, to prevent large

areas of bare surface caused by excavation and the

caused serious soil erosion. Prior to the

implementation of greening measures, it is

necessary to take topsoil backfill to a green area

and to implement the land settling measures.

(3) The slope plant measures in excavating soil

areas are difficult to quickly recover in short term,

and temporary covering is needed in case of heavy

rainfall, to avoid runoff scouring slope.

(4) At the end of construction, it is needed to

recover vegetation or reclamation in borrow area.


dreg site



(1) If it is difficult to implement, abandoned dreg

site should be set up, and col or low-lying areas

shall be selected as the abandoned dreg site.

(2) Prior to disposing, the blocking muck wall shall

be constructed in the downside of abandoned dreg

site according to terrain features. And the blocking

muck wall should be built according to the waste

piling up and terrain features, and it should be safe,

economic, and reasonable.

(3) Drainage ditches shall be constructed in the

upside of the abandoned dreg site to intercept slope

runoff, and settling pondshall be set up in both ends.

Energy dissipation facilities shall be set up when

drainage ditches terminal has a large gradient.

(4) Disposal waste shall be promptly rolled and

drainage ditches shall be located after flattening.

(5) Ecological restoration shall be made in the abandoned dreg site after the completion of


Ecological restoration (1) Ecological restoration should make full use of

topsoil stored during clean-up process in the site,

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without excavating new soil.

(2) The combination of arbor and shrub grass

should be used for planting operations, and higher

density growth evergreen broad-leaved shrubs shall

be used as under plants at the time of the selection

of arbor greening plants, with comprehensive

greening and non blank to prevent the invasion of

alien species.

(3) Greening Plants prohibits the use of alien


Preservation of cultural


(1) If immovable cultural relics (including ancient

ruins, ancient tombs, etc.) are found during

construction period, it is necessary to immediately

stop the construction and protect the site under the

supervision of the construction supervisor, while

they are not allowed to be dealt with privately, and

should immediately report to the local cultural relics

management department.

(2) After the identification and clean-up of cultural

relics by cultural relics management department, the

construction unit should develop cultural relics

section construction program, and acquire the

consent of the cultural relics department before


(3)The movable heritage (including the life and

production objects of every time), if found, should

be initiatively handed in to the cultural relics

management department, and can not be accounted

for own.

Construction traffic


(1) Reasonably arrange for the construction period

to shorten the temporary land use time.

(2) Closed transport vehicles should be used to

transport earthwork, muck and construction


(3)When there are patches of residents within 50m

from the construction detour, the transportation of

construction materials on the detour should be

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prohibited at night.

(4) Construction transport vehicles should avoid the

local road traffic peaking hours, to prevent traffic

congestion and safety incidents.

(5) Construction vehicles shall travel on the

specified lane, and can not change driving route

privately and make damage to agricultural land and


Traffic safety (1) Drivers shall be emphasized for safe driving

while vehicles shall travel alongside road planning

line, without changing running lines and driveways

at will.

(2)The drivers must improve their driving skills and

be required to have a license.

(3) Limit traveling time, and drivers take turns to

drive. Avoid traveling in dangerous road and time,

so as to minimize the accident, and vehicles as well

as pedestrians shall go through in accordance with

the signal, and obey the on-site command by traffic


(4) To install speed control system in the trucks,

and supervise drivers’ driving.

(5) To timely purchase spare parts for maintenance

of vehicles, and avoid serious accidents due to

equipment failure or premature component failure.

(6) To minimize the situation of confound using

roads by pedestrians and construction vehicles, and

when crossing the street, they shall go through

crosswalk or overpass, underpasses, without

grabbing with the motor vehicles.

(7) To improve the signpost visibility and

strengthen the traffic safety all-round.

(8) To carry out traffic safety and pedestrian safety

education in communities nearby school.

(9) To coordinate with emergency responders to

ensure that appropriate aids are provided in the

event of an accident. Try to purchase local materials

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in order to reduce the transportation distance.

Large vans are used in construction site to reduce

the amount of traffic crossings. Adopt traffic safety

restrictions and use road signs and signals workers

to remind pedestrians and vehicles to pay attention

to the dangerous traffic situation.

Temporary footbridges shall be built in sensitive

sections, such as schools, hospitals, residential area

and nursing homes, as well as the business district

to ensure the safety of pedestrians when crossing

the street.

(10) Use local materials as much as possible in

order to shorten the transport distance, and use the

shuttle and others vehicles to transport workers to

reduce the use of alien vehicles as far as possible.

(11)To avoid the transport vehicles overloading,

cover the transport vehicles to avoid the goods

transported scattering, and plan vehicle

transportation routes and time with details, in order

to avoid traveling in central areas, traffic sections

and residential areas. For the strictly demanding

sections, transport at night according to the actual

situation. Timely clean up the spilling lime soil

during transition to reduce dust pollution.

(12) On the excavating road, set the warning sign

and night lighting up for hint;

Hazardous waste and

inflammable and explosive


(1) When gasoline and diesel are delivered to the

site, the inspectors shall carefully inspect the

packaging to see if it is intact, if it leaks, if any,

shall reject and return.

(2) Oil and chemical solvents stored in the

construction area shall have a special storehouse,

and equipped with warning signs, the ground

anti-seepage treatment shall be done and prepare emergency materials such as adsorption packets /

sand / sawdust, etc.

(3) Prepare emergency plans, and provide training

to the workers before construction.

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Public participation (1) Set a bulletin board at the entrance of the

construction site, showing the project name, main

construction content, construction time, etc., and

telling the contact person and telephone for

complaints and recommendations.

(2) Arrange environmental protection professional

and technical personnel to answer public questions

about environmental protection.

(3) For continuous construction at night, you shall

go through relevant procedures and inform the

surrounding residents; the bulletin information shall

include the starting and ending time of the

continuous operation and the night construction

certificate issued by the environmental protection


(4) If, there is need to interrupt the municipal

services (including water, electricity, telephone and

bus lines, etc.) because of the construction, you

shall post a notice to inform the public of that in the

project sites, affected households and enterprises

before 5 days at least, and indicate the starting and

ending time of the interruption.

(5) All the comments and issues of the public shall

be documented, and the issues raised by the public

shall be answered or responded in a timely manner,

and all the answers to the comments, the results

responded shall be recorded and archived, and

accept the checking of the supervision institutions.

Impact co


l of so





(1) Strictly comply with the subsidy standards

stipulated by the nation and Jiangxi Province,

combining with the local reality, and agreements

signed those whose land was acquired and those

who were relocated, to distribute the land and

relocation subsidy expenses to the relevant village

groups and individuals immediately. Must carry forward the democracy fully and respect the

citizen’s basic rights to distribute and use subsidy

expenses rationally; allocate the farmlands and

place labor forces reasonably and implement

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relevant policies.

(2) Construction transport vehicles should avoid the

local road traffic peaking hours, to prevent traffic

congestion and safety incidents.

(3) The occupied or destroyed local roads in the

construction of the future roads shall be moved or

protected after the completion of the construction,

and carry out the restoration and the afforestation of

the road surface, and pay the local authority certain

compensation expense to maintain the right benefits

of the local authority and inhabitants.

Impact co


l of lan



(1) In order to strengthen the integration,

coordination of the project and the peripheral

landscapes, the side slope of earth-filling ,excavation must meet the natural ground edge, and

the circular arc may be used on the side slope to

improve its visual effects. The side slope surface

shall maintain rough, in order to take protection

measures or plant grass measures in the surface.

The retaining wall may use the shelter planting

method to plant bushes and the evergreen trees to

cover it, also can plant the climbers to improve the

visual effects.

(2) In view of the fact that the construction detours

are built along both sides of the road, it shall be

suggested to enhance the environmental protection

propaganda to improve the environmental

protection consciousness of the administrative personnel and constructors. Forbid abandoning the

life and the production wastes at will.

(3) For the abandoned dreg sites and temporary

stack sites of the construction materials, they shall

work strictly within the area, forbidding polluting

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the landscape environment by random discarding.

(4) After the completion of the project, clean up

timely the greasy dirt and trash in the abandoned

dreg sites, material sites, construction detours and

construction site, smooth the ground to restore the

original landform and the vegetation as far as

possible, making the engineering construction

coordinate with the peripheral natural environment.

Construction security (1) In the construction site, warning marks or

warning description shall be made on the operation

posts, equipment and sites that may cause

occupational disease harms easily.

(2) Carry out regular personnel training and

examination of occupational health for those

engaged in toxic and hazardous operations, guide

the operators to properly use occupational

protective equipment and personal labor protection


(3) The construction unit shall provide construction

workers helmets, safety belts and safety shoes,

overalls matching with the types of jobs in which

they are engaged in and other individual labor

protection articles.

(4) Low noise equipment shall be used in the

construction sites. Promote the use of automation, a

closed construction technology to reduce the

mechanical noise. During the operations, operators

shall wear earplugs to protect their hearing.

(5) The work areas that can not be ensured good

natural ventilation for anticorrosive and

waterproofing work in the basement shall be

equipped with forced ventilation facilities.

Operators shall wear gas respirators or protective masks when they are working in the workplace full

of toxic and harmful gases.

(6) In the dust workplace, watering shall be taken to

reduce the dust concentration, and operators shall

wear dust masks; in welding operations, operators

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shall wear protective masks, goggles, gloves and

other personal protective articles.

(7) When operating in high-temperature, there shall

be summer cooling products in the construction site,

and work schedules shall be reasonably arranged.


itary an

d M

edical S


(1) Meals, drinking water and resting place for the

personnel at the construction site shall be consistent

with the hygienic standard.

(2) Dormitories, canteens, bathrooms and toilets

should be equipped with ventilation and lighting

facilities, and special personnel shall be assigned to

be responsible for routine maintenance.

(3) Dormitories at the construction site must be

installed with open windows, and the dormitory

beds shall not be more than 2 layers, and a wide bed

for a number of people is not allowed.

(4) Canteen shall have valid hygienic license issued

by the relevant departments, and all kinds of

appliances shall be standard and clean. The cook

shall hold valid health certificate.

(5) Canteen shall be in a place away from sources

of pollution like toilet, garbage station, toxic and

hazardous places.

(6) Canteen shall be provided with independent

preparation room and storage room, and a rat guard

not less than 0.2m shall be installed at the bottom of

the door leaf.

(7) Toilet, sanitary fixture, drainage ditch and dark

and wet area shall be disinfected regularly.

(8) The living area shall be equipped with closed

container, and undergo regular fly disinfestation and

timely removal and transportation.

(9) Construction site shall be equipped with

infirmary, health kits, commonly used drugs and bandage, tourniquet, neck collar, stretcher and other

emergency equipments.

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(10) When construction workers suffer infectious

diseases, food poisoning and acute occupational

poisoning, it shall be promptly reported to the local

health and epidemic prevention department and

competent building department, and disposal shall

be done in accordance with the relevant provisions

of the health and epidemic prevention departments.

Operating phase

Environmental Risk


(1) Develop emergency measures against transport

of dangerous goods during the operating period.




, the o

wner an

d th

e local



ental p


n b


and traffic d





(2) Strengthen traffic management, and set markers

like speed limit and No Horn at starting point and

ending point of the project to control traffic noise


(3) Set sidewalk (zebra crossing) where schools,

hospitals and large residential quarters locate and

provide signal lamp additionally at a special

environmentally sensitive point to protect the

people traveling.

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Appendix 1 Site checklist before construction into the site


No. Environmental issues Check results (mark “√”) Remark


If the project conflicts with the World Bank’s

security policies on natural habitats, material

and cultural resources, involuntary resettlement,


Yes □ No □ N/A □

2 If there is important vegetation and trees in the

areas occupied by the project Yes □ No □ N/A □


If the project construction roads have

significant impact on the surrounding residents

to travel Yes □ No □ N/A □


If there is the public vulnerable to the impact of

construction in the vicinity of the project area

(residents, schools, hospitals, office

concentrated areas, etc.)

Yes □ No □ N/A □

5 It may result in the deterioration of the quality

of life of the towns nearby Yes □ No □ N/A □


If the construction of the project needs to

interrupt the municipal services (including

water, electricity, telephone, bus routes, and so


Yes □ No □ N/A □

7 If the construction of the project requires

removal Yes □ No □ N/A □


If it may be affected by the flood in the rainy


Yes □ No □ N/A □


If the temporary land occupancy by the project

will affect other lands Yes □ No □ N/A □


If pipelines involving electricity,

telecommunications and other municipal

services are within the project construction

scope and nearby

Yes □ No □ N/A □

11 If there is surface water body within the project

construction scope and nearby Yes □ No □ N/A □

Others Yes □ No □ N/A □

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Appendix 2 Environment checklist of construction site

Construction Site Environment Checklist for Sanqingshan Airport Project in Shangrao, Jiangxi

Province with the World Bank Loan


name Project site name

The contract

number and


Check results

(mark “√”) Remark

Items to be inspected Yes No Not


I. Gen

eral requirem


1.1 If there are effective measures to prevent and

control air, water and soil, and noise pollutions and

improve environmental hygiene in the project

construction organization design

1.2 If the environmental protection, environmental

hygiene management and inspection systems are

established for the construction site

1.3 If there are inspection records of environmental

protection and environmental hygiene management

of the construction site

1.4 If the operating personnel are provided with the

necessary protective equipment, and effective

protective measures against occupational diseases

have been taken

1.5 If the operating personnel engaged in the work

exposed to occupational hazards undergo periodic

medical examinations and trainings (the related

medical examination certificate and training

records shall be provided)

1.6 If dietetic hygiene, heatstroke prevention,

winter protection, anti-gas poisoning, epidemic

prevention and other measures are provided to the

operating personnel combining the features of each


1.7 If the educational training and assessment

provided to the operating personnel at the

construction site include laws and regulations on

environmental protection, environmental hygiene,

etc. (the supporting documents such as records

shall be provided)

Others (detailed description shall be provided)

II. Site L



and C




of T




2.1 If the construction area of the construction site

is clearly separated with the office and living areas

with appropriate isolation measures

2.2 If construction area is clean and orderly

2.3 If there is corporate name or corporate logo at

the entrance of the construction site, and the main

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Construction Site Environment Checklist for Sanqingshan Airport Project in Shangrao, Jiangxi

Province with the World Bank Loan


name Project site name

The contract

number and


Check results

(mark “√”) Remark

Items to be inspected Yes No Not


entrances are provided with project overview board

in compliance with requirements

2.4 If the public is informed in advance of

interruption of municipal services (including water,

electricity, telephone and bus routes) due to


2.5 If the existing housing and infrastructure at the

construction site are used for temporary facilities

2.6 If the new temporary housing is reasonable in

land occupancy and meet the security and fire

protection requirements (the relevant proof shall be


2.7 If the clay bricks are used for the construction

of temporary facilities

2.8 If the oil, chemical solvents, and other items

stored at the construction site which are provided

with special storage and warning signs.

2.9 If the floors of the storages for oil and

chemicals undergo anti-seepage treatment, and the

storages are provided with adsorption packet/sand

/sawdust and other materials for emergencies

2.10 If dormitories are set up in the buildings that

are not yet completed

2.11 If temporary facilities were removed within

one month after the project is completed

Others (detailed description shall be provided)





s and




ental S


3.1 If closed color steel enclosure not less than

2.5m in height, not be less than 3m in sensitive

sections is provided at the construction site

3.2 If the bulletin board meeting the requirements is

provided at the construction site, which shows

environmental conservation, civilized construction

system, emergency disposal process and other


3.3 If the construction unit has taken protective

measures to ensure the safety of buildings and

structures adjacent to the project under

construction, and the underground pipelines

3.4 If the large machinery and equipment such as

high scaffolding and tower crane at the construction

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Construction Site Environment Checklist for Sanqingshan Airport Project in Shangrao, Jiangxi

Province with the World Bank Loan


name Project site name

The contract

number and


Check results

(mark “√”) Remark

Items to be inspected Yes No Not


site are kept a safe distance from overhead

transmission wires, and high voltage lines adopt

insulating materials for security

3.5 If the hard security measures are taken at the

temporary street sidewalks and road vehicle

entrances near the project under construction and

indicating device at night is provided

3.6 If significant safety warning signs in line with

national standards are installed at the dangerous

parts of construction site

3.7 If appropriate security measures are taken at the

construction site based on seasonal variation to

achieve safe construction conditions

3.8 If the extinguishing equipment is properly

maintained, and escape way is unobstructed

Others (detailed description shall be provided)


ust P


tion C



4.1 If the construction site roads properly use the

surrounding existing or proposed roads of the site

and nearby

4.2 If new construction of access road, it undergoes

hardening treatment based on its purpose, and the

dust production sections undergo sprinkling for

dust suppression

4.3 If the materials at the construction site are for

concentrated stacking

4.4 If selection of the second site for material

stacking is reasonable

4.5 If material storage area, processing area, and

large template storage site are flat and solid

4.6 If materials easy for flying and with fine

particles at the construction site are for sealed

storage, and are covered for loading and unloading,

and handling operations

4.7 If the earthwork which is piled up in centralized

way is covered, cured or greened

4.8 If the spoil is for comprehensive utilization or

delivered to a special place for disposal

4.9 If the exposed parts of office and living areas at the construction site undergo water spray for dust

suppression and greening and landscaping taking

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Construction Site Environment Checklist for Sanqingshan Airport Project in Shangrao, Jiangxi

Province with the World Bank Loan


name Project site name

The contract

number and


Check results

(mark “√”) Remark

Items to be inspected Yes No Not


into consideration of the actual situation

4.10 If the closed transport vehicles are used for

transportation of earthwork, muck and construction


4.11 If the facilities for washing vehicles are

provided at the access into the construction site and

the bypaths to the site are laid with concrete,

asphalt, grass mats or brickbat cushion to avoid the

sediment from being carried out of the site

4.12 If the ready-mixed concrete and ready-mixed

mortar are used at the construction site

4.13 If the dust-control and removal measures are

taken in case of mixing concrete and mortar

4.14 If the earthwork backfilling, transfer, and other

construction that may generate dust pollution are

prohibited in case of force 4 wind or above

Others (detailed description shall be provided)

V. H


l Gas E


n C



5.1 If various types of waste are burnt at the

construction site

5.2 If the construction vehicles, machinery and

equipment, etc. are maintained in good operating

conditions, and their exhaust emissions are in line

with the national emission standard

5.3 If the decoration materials are qualified

construction materials after testing by a statutory

testing unit (the materials shall have certificate of


5.4 If the boards and other wood materials for

interior decoration are prohibited in the use of

anti-corrosion, moisture-proof treatment agents like

asphaltic bitumen and coal tar.

5.5 If the kitchen in the living area of the

construction site is required for installation of fume

treatment facilities

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Construction Site Environment Checklist for Sanqingshan Airport Project in Shangrao, Jiangxi

Province with the World Bank Loan


name Project site name

The contract

number and


Check results

(mark “√”) Remark

Items to be inspected Yes No Not


Others (detailed description shall be provided)


ater Pollu

tion C



6.1 If the settling ponds are provided at the

foreground of mixer and transport vehicle wash at

the construction site

6.2 If the wastewater is discharged directly into the

municipal sewer system or rivers

6.3 If the wastewater after secondary sedimentation

is recycled or used for water spray and dust


6.4 When sediment reaches 1/4 of the depth of

settling ponds, if it undergoes sediment removal

and the sediment in the settling ponds is delivered

to the designated location

6.5 If the canteen is provided with oil interceptor,

and is promptly cleaned up by a qualified cleaning

and transportation unit entrusted

6.6 If the closed swill bucket is provided outside

the canteen, and is for timely removal and


6.7 If the septic tank for temporary toilet at the

construction site undergoes anti-seepage treatment

6.8 If the drain ditch shall be provided at the

construction site, wastewater is discharged into the

municipal sewer system or rivers after

sedimentation, and drainage of drain ditch is


Others (detailed description shall be provided)


oise p


tion co



7.1 If follow the construction time requirement


7.2 If make the surrounding residents noticed and

conduct relevant procedure when construct in night

7.3 If adopt sound absorption and insulation

measures such as sheltering, closing, and

afforestation on construction site.

7.4 If make use of low noise equipment and keep

maintenance well for equipment

7.5 If noise producing equipment is set on one side

far away from residential areas

7.6 If take noise reducing measures such as closing

for noise producing equipment

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Construction Site Environment Checklist for Sanqingshan Airport Project in Shangrao, Jiangxi

Province with the World Bank Loan


name Project site name

The contract

number and


Check results

(mark “√”) Remark

Items to be inspected Yes No Not


7.7 If take the speed limit and forbidden singing

measures for construction vehicles

7.8 If noise producing equipment (air compressor,

generator and so on) is set in closed room.


aste contro


8.1 If the construction site has closed refuse storage

area, if the construction refuse and life refuse are

set by classifying and cleared

8.2 If the construction refuse in building are

transported by relevant container and pipeline, and

throwing is forbidden.

8.3 If the waste produced by construction,

removing and site clearing are disposed by

classifying and recovered, recycled

8.4 If the construction waste clearing unit has waste

clearing certification and business certification

approved by relevant department

8.5 If waste oil and chemical solvent is centralized

for storage, and entrusted to the unit with the

qualifications for processing

8.6 If the construction equipment have obvious oil


8.7 Construction camp shall set up enclosed refuse

storage area, for the collection of living garbage

from the worker, and remove in time in accordance

with the provisions.

8.8 Septic tank should be entrusted for clearing in

time, and be buried after construction.

8.9 If clear all the solid waste produced by the

construction after the project.

Others (detailed description shall be provided)

IX. Water

loss and soil



9.1 If the existing legal earth field and abandoned

dreg site determined by local sanitation department

are made use of

9.2 If the new earth borrowing area has been

approved by the relevant units, and if it is taken

measures for protection of earth field slope

9.3 If pay attention to overburden cleaning, storage,

and ensure vegetation restoration after construction.

9.4 If build intercepting ditch and headrace to lead

away water formed in the rainy season, and avoid

surface runoff scouring to engineering

Others (detailed description shall be provided)

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Construction Site Environment Checklist for Sanqingshan Airport Project in Shangrao, Jiangxi

Province with the World Bank Loan


name Project site name

The contract

number and


Check results

(mark “√”) Remark

Items to be inspected Yes No Not


X. P


n o



ral relics

10.1 During construction, if found suspected

cultural relics, construction should be immediately

stopped for protection of scene, and reported to the

local administrative departments of cultural relics

for processing, and can restore construction after

treatment by the cultural relics management


Others (detailed description shall be provided)

XI.. V


n p



11.1 If there is behavior of cutting down trees

outside the construction.

11.2 If the arrangement of the construction site is

reasonable (judged from reducing project

implementation to vegetation damage degree)

11.3 If take effective measures promptly for

construction and destruction of vegetation, and bare

soil, in order to avoid soil erosion, loss (take cover

sandstone, planting grass fast-growing measures)

11.4 If the original vegetation site is restored or

conducted reasonable virescence after the


11.5 If introduce foreign species for vegetation

ecological restoration and greening.

Others (detailed description shall be provided)

XII. Risk


12.1 If have accident prevention plan.

Others (detailed description shall be provided) X

III occu


nal h


13.1 If set the warning mark and warning

specifications in the easy

occupational-disease-inductive work post and

equipment, place

13.2 For high noise construction operations, if

operating personnel wear ear plugs for hearing


13.3 For the operating region that can not guarantee

good natural ventilation, such as the basement

anticorrosive, waterproof work and so on, if

equipped with forced ventilation facilities. If

operating personnel in the workplaces with toxic

or harmful gas wear protective mask or respirator

13.4 In dust workplaces, if the operator wear dust


13.5 For welding operations, if operating personnel

wear protective mask, goggles and gloves personal

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Construction Site Environment Checklist for Sanqingshan Airport Project in Shangrao, Jiangxi

Province with the World Bank Loan


name Project site name

The contract

number and


Check results

(mark “√”) Remark

Items to be inspected Yes No Not


protective equipment

13.6 For high temperature operation, if construction

site is equipped with cooling purposes supplies, and

with reasonable arrangement of work and rest time

Others (detailed description shall be provided)


. San

itation an

d ep


ic prev



14.1 If construction site staff meals, drinking water,

rest area are in compliance with health standards

(health certificate should be provided)

14.2 If dormitory, dining room, bathroom, toilet

have ventilation and lighting facilities, and a

specialist is responsible for maintenance

14.3 If the construction site dormitory meet the

settings of open-type windows, and dormitory bed

must not exceed 2 layers. It is strictly prohibited to

use wide bed requirements

14.4 If the dining room has the effective health

license issued by relevant departments, and if the

cook has valid health certificate.

14.5 If the dining room meets requirements of

being far away from the toilet, and refuse,

poisonous and harmful place pollution.

14.6 If the dining room sets independent

production, storage room, and if door leaf below is

set rat damper not less than 0.2m.

14.7 If the toilet, sanitation facilities, drain and

damp area are conducted regular disinfection

(related record should be made)

14.8 If the living quarters is set closed container,

and conducted regular fly destroying, timely


14.9 If the construction site is set up the infirmary,

and equipped with health kit, commonly used drugs

and bandage, tourniquet, neck collar, stretcher and

other emergency equipments

14.10 When construction personnel suffer

infectious diseases, food poisoning, acute

occupational poisoning, if timely report to the

sanitation and epidemic prevention departments

and the competent department in charge of

construction and is handled in accordance with the

relevant provisions of the health and quarantine

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Construction Site Environment Checklist for Sanqingshan Airport Project in Shangrao, Jiangxi

Province with the World Bank Loan


name Project site name

The contract

number and


Check results

(mark “√”) Remark

Items to be inspected Yes No Not



Others (detailed description shall be provided)

Traffic safety

15.1 If carry out safe education training regularly

for driver emphasised on safe driving.

15.2 If limit driving time, and the driver take turns

for driving; If avoid dangerous road at dangerous

driving time

15.3 Vehicle need periodic maintenance, and if use

the parts approved by manufacturer, timely

purchase parts for vehicle maintenance

15.4 If separate the pedestrian and vehicles

15.5 If cooperate with the local community and the

competent authority to improve road signs, and the

signpost visibility,

15.6 If develop traffic safety and pedestrian safety

education in project peripheral community, school


15.7 If maximally purchase and use local materials

15.8 If motor vehicle drivers work with license or


Others (detailed description shall be provided)

Others (detailed description shall be provided)

Inspection construction phases:________ Inspection date:________ Inspection time: __________

The weather records: _____________________________________________________________

On-site inspector signatures:____ Person in charge of environmental supervision signature: ________

Notes: ① The remarks can be filled in problems checked, give explanation in view of the unqualified

situation to, and put forward correction, prevention action advice.

② On-site inspection finds out that measures are not qualified or need improvement, environment

supervision shall immediately issue “environmental rectification notice” to the contractor and records

the number of “environmental rectification notice” in the note column. The detailed information of the

contractor's corrective actions should be recorded.

③ The table is general construction site environment checklist for using world bank loan project

construction comprehensive economic development standard town small civil engineering in Jiangxi

province, in view of the specific subproject and specific environmental problems, can be combined

with the local environmental conditions and construction content for the table adjusting, and take

appropriate measures to protect the environment.

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Appendix 3 Environmental rectification notice

Environmental rectification notice

No.: ___________________________________________________________________________

The contract number and name: _____________________________________________________

Subproject name: ________________________________________________________________

Project site name: _______________________________________________________________

Current construction phase:


The problems existing in the on-site inspection:

Inspector: __________ Date: __________

The contractor analyzes the reasons of problems and makes improving plan:

Person in charge of the contractor: _________ Date: _______

Environmental supervision opinion:

Person in charge of environmental supervision: ______ Date: ______

The environmental protection departments advice (when necessary):

Contact: ______Date: ______

Modification time limit:

Completed before Date____ Month_____ Year______.

Person in charge of the contractor: ____________Date: __________

Person in charge of environmental supervision: ______Date: _________

Review conclusion:

Reviewer : ______ Date: ________