1 We are still unable to open up for our Sunday worship although the government allows 50 people in church. This is due to our church size. Until further notice, we will have to continue to meet online for our church service and bible study programs. And I appreciate the efforts made by the membership to stay connected, have the needful fellowship, and be a blessing to one another. Let us keep up the good and great work in the Lord. And we praise God for the faithful giving by the church despite the fact that we never meet physically. I am in Brisbane now under a 14 days’ quarantine. Like all returning passengers, I was being escorted by the Australian police and military to our hotel from the airport. It is a surreal experience to be confined in a hotel room and only able to take daily short walks in a little garden below, escorted by the police. They were very helpful and gracious. Australia may close her borders for a whole year until next July to overcome this pandemic. In view of this and the semi-shutdown of the church, I may be here till the end of October, and it will probably be my last trip for the year. Although I may be away but I am always be contactable through WhatsApp and, as usual, be connected with the staff and the deacons on the work of the church. The staff will be largely working from home until September and possibly beyond that, depending on how the country is coping with the pandemic. This is in line with the governmental injunction. Bro Azel Titt has come of age to be drafted into the National Service and let us continue to remember him in our prayers before the Lord. I am sure that Denzil and Kym are very proud of their son heading off to serve the country, just as every parent in Shalom for their sons. We are working towards having our virtual AGM in August probably via Zoom. A soft copy of the notice will be sent out again soon. This The Pastor’s Desk By Pastor Wee SHALOM MONTHLY July 2020 170 Upper Bukit Timah Road #17-03 Singapore 588179 Ph: 64637910 Pastor Wee: 90183844 | Pastor Tan: 90238278 Tottori Sand Dunes, Japan For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; (1 Tim 2:5)

SHALOM MONTHLYshalom-baptist.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/NL-Jul-2020.pdf · 1 We are still unable to open up for our Sunday worship although the government allows 50 people in

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Page 1: SHALOM MONTHLYshalom-baptist.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/NL-Jul-2020.pdf · 1 We are still unable to open up for our Sunday worship although the government allows 50 people in


We are still unable to open up for our

Sunday worship although the government

allows 50 people in church. This is due to our

church size. Until further notice, we will have to

continue to meet online for our church service

and bible study programs. And I appreciate the

efforts made by the membership to stay

connected, have the needful fellowship, and be

a blessing to one another. Let us keep up the

good and great work in the Lord. And we praise

God for the faithful giving by the church despite

the fact that we never meet physically.

I am in Brisbane now under a 14 days’

quarantine. Like all returning passengers, I was

being escorted by the Australian police and

military to our hotel from the airport. It is a

surreal experience to be confined in a hotel

room and only able to take daily short walks in a

little garden below, escorted by the police. They

were very helpful and gracious. Australia may

close her borders for a whole year until next

July to overcome this pandemic. In view of this

and the semi-shutdown of the church, I may be

here till the end of October, and it will probably

be my last trip for the year. Although I may be

away but I am always be contactable through

WhatsApp and, as usual, be connected with the

staff and the deacons on the work of the church.

The staff will be largely working from home until

September and possibly beyond that,

depending on how the country is coping with the

pandemic. This is in line with the governmental


Bro Azel Titt has come of age to be drafted

into the National Service and let us continue to

remember him in our prayers before the Lord. I

am sure that Denzil and Kym are very proud of

their son heading off to serve the country, just

as every parent in Shalom for their sons.

We are working towards having our virtual

AGM in August probably via Zoom. A soft copy

of the notice will be sent out again soon. This

The Pastor’s Desk By Pastor Wee

SHALOM MONTHLY July 2020 170 Upper Bukit Timah Road #17-03 Singapore 588179 Ph: 64637910

Pastor Wee: 90183844 | Pastor Tan: 90238278

Tottori Sand Dunes, Japan

For there is one God,

and one mediator between God and men,

the man Christ Jesus;

(1 Tim 2:5)

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Virtual AGM: At the rate it is going, we may have to conduct a virtual AGM before September.

More information will be forthcoming. It is quite a laborious process and we appreciate bro James

for working on it as well as those assisting him.

Phase 2 Opening: Although the government now allows a gathering of 50 people in the

church, we are unable to have our regular church service on Sunday due to our size as well as if

ACS would allow it. They too, are apprehensive about letting us into the school. As such, we will

continue with our online sermons. And, as it is not permissible for a gathering of more than 5

people in the home, we cannot have our fortnightly BSC gathering physically either. We will

continue with the online teleconferencing. Let us be patient and wait upon the Lord for the

complete opening up of the church.

In the meanwhile, I appreciate all the efforts by both the teachers and the members in being

regular and faithful despite the many

inconveniences. It is always a joy to

see the members coming together to

study the Bible and to just catch up

during this surreal time.

Although it is permissible for some

visitations for the church, it will only

will be treated as a postponed AGM and not a

fresh notification for a new AGM. The agenda

will be the same with some minor changes to

the 2020 Budget – reduction in our rental in

ACS, increase in our Other’s Fund to help the

needy, et al.

The following is a page from the book In

Silence, I Cry: “When we scan the horizon of life

with our human sight, it can be depressing.

Looking ahead, we usually see the ‘fog’ of

human sufferings, the ‘mist’ of unforeseen

tragedy, or the ‘dark clouds’ of untimely death.

We feel unsure and insecure about the future.

However, when we look ahead with the

undimmed ‘eyes’ of faith, we see the smile of

God in every trial; the love of God in every

sorrow; the comfort of God in every tear; the

deliverance of God in every tribulation; and

above all, the divine purpose of God in every

detour of our lives.

Faith in God is like the radar that pierces

the distant skies; or the sonar that probes the

depths of the oceans; or the night-vision

binoculars that illuminates the darkness. When

we fully believe and trust God, we see beyond

the people and problems, beyond the suffering

and sorrow, beyond the trials and tribulations,

beyond the confusion and consternation, to a

loving God, His perfect plans, His all-sufficient

grace, and His tender care for us in everything

that befalls us. Faith is never a blind leap into

the dark but a sure walk into the light.”

‘Seeing is not believing. Seeing is seeing.

Believing is being confident without seeing.’

- G. Campbell Morgan

- Pastor Wee


English 206

Chinese 35

Total 241

Overseas 15

Collections for June 2020

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be done if the people meeting are comfortable with it. No worries if you are not comfortable with it;

just make it known. We can always meet up online.

Once again, the staff are willing to help out if anyone needs help or advice. Please feel free to

contact them. They will be most happy to assist you.

Sunday Live Streaming: A pre-recorded sermon will be activated at 10.00 am for the 11.00 am

Service on each Sunday. The link will be sent to all the members through the WhatsApp chat

groups before Sunday. The Chinese Ministry will have their sermons. Here are some helpful


Families or individuals should be ready for 'church' before 11:00 am and watch it together. There

will be a recommended hymn first and then followed by the sermon.

Let us continue to give the due respect to God for the time of worship.

Do share the messages with your friends and loved ones if they are open to receiving them. Let us

be a light in the dark world of the cyberspace.

Shalom Bible Institute (2nd Semester of 2020): The 2nd Semester will commence on the 5th

of August 2020. The course details are as follows:

Course: Ecclesiology (The Doctrine of the Church)

Day: Every Wednesday

Time: 7.45pm-9.45pm

Course Material Fee: $20

Closing Date for Registration: 31st July 2020 (max 30 students)

Please do contact Bro Christian at 98531847 if you would like to register for this course.

Church Funds: We encourage our members to use the internet bank transfer for their giving

to the Lord. We praise God for the faithful and sacrificial giving by the members.

General Fund (GF): OCBC: 518–075 775–001

Building Fund (BF): OCBC: 518–075 775–002

Faith Mission Fund (FMF): OCBC: 518–075 775–003

Please contact bro James (90078548) if you need further clarification or help in this matter.

Financial Needs: Do seek out Deacon Chris Cheong if you have a genuine financial need

from the church. The church, despite our limited resources, will be glad to help those with genuine

needs. Their requests will be treated with strict confidentiality.

Special Project: We will do a collection for Pastor Thaung's orphanage in Myanmar. Shalom

sends $3,500 every 6 months to help with their orphanage of about 20 orphans. At the moment we

will need another $800 to send for the period of July to December 2020. The closing date for this

collection is on the 12th July. Please indicate in your online transfer with the heading 'orphanage'.

Any extra money will be used for the next round of giving in 2021. Please feel free to contact the

staff if you need any clarification.

Fulltime Staff Contact Details: Please feel free to contact the staff if you need any

clarification or help.

Pastor Wee 9018 3844

Pastor Tan 9023 8278

Bro Chris Cheong 9687 7404

Bro Eric Tan 9489 7643

Bro Christian Eliab 9853 1847

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From the Mission Fields

Missionary Jireh Nono, Thailand

Dear Pastor Wee and Church, Greetings from

Thailand! I am writing this letter to thank your church for

being a great blessing to me and to our people during

the pandemic and report also the names of the

recipients of these blessings. Before you sent the

money and inform us about the blessing, I and our

people been praying to God on how we can be a

blessing and help to our members, sympathizers and

our community. Most of our people lost their job on the

month of April because factories, Schools,

Establishments were closed because of COVID.

I believe that the help that came from you was an

answered prayer from God and your Church was used

by God during that trying times. I know that no one is

excused during the pandemic and even you there were

affected. But what we are really thankful that in spite of

your own personal struggles as a church but still you

made to be a blessing to us and other churches. In

order to help a lot of family and people we decided to

give food pack (5 kilos rice, eggs, noodles, cooking oil,

condiments) for every person and family that really in

need during this time.

By God’s grace at this point of time our community

slowly return to normal. We are now allowed to gather

in church provided we need to observe the

precautionary measures and most of our people by

God’s grace has return to their jobs. In behalf of BIBLE


would like to extend our sincerest gratitude for all your

July birthdays! Chong-Ooi Jane, Tan Eric,

Friesen Vaughn, Lee Christina,

Lee-Rallonza Fremarie,

Kumar Vijaya Isaac,

Dai Ruina, Teo Zhi Yang,

Chia-Dai Meina, Ng Andrew,

Chin James, Dai-Lin Ying Ying,

Ho Robin, Lim Daniel,

Ng Choon Hin

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

(Phil 2:5-11)

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kindness and sacrifice in order to be a blessing to us in difficult times. God bless you all. Your

Missionary in Thailand, Brother Jireh John Nono

Missionary Felicidad Felicilda, Africa

Dear Pastor, friends, and churches, Revelation 15:1 “And I saw another sign in heaven,

great and marvelous, seven angels having the seven last plaques, for in them is filled up the

wrath of God.” I pray to God that His wrath will not consume us as there are still a lot of souls to

be saved.

The second quarter of this year is challenging because of the COVID-19. Most of our

activities went to a halt, even our visitations, Bible studies, and Sunday services. We actually

were gaining ground already as our attendance had grown. Every Sunday we had visitors that we

were able to present the Gospel during Sunday school. Most of them received the Jesus Christ

as their Lord and Savior. For almost 2 months, we only communicated through phone and I did

my preaching through Facebook live, which I know some of our members were not able to see as

they do not have internet.

I, however, am continued to be involved in treating patients. As a 65-year-old man, I am one

of the most vulnerable to be affected by this virus, but I believe that life and death is in the hand

of the Lord. No matter how we try to avoid death, if it is our time then it is our time.

People are more receptive now to the Word of God as they realized that we are vulnerable,

and no amount of knowledge can allow us to escape from the wrath of God. The solution to this

pandemic is only to humble ourselves and call unto God. God is the only one that can stop this


Please continue to pray for me and my wife. My wife in not with me in Africa. She had her

surgery in Cebu last December and was recuperating January. She was supposed to join me

here in March, but the pandemic started, and she is with family in the Philippines due to

lockdown. Please pray that she can join me here soon. Please also pray for our protection and

good health. We thank God for all of you who, in spite of the difficulties during this time of

pandemic, are still thinking of the mission. God will richly bless you. To God be the glory, great

things He hath done. In Christ, Dr. & Mrs. Felicidad Felicilda Missionaries to Africa

Shalom’s Vision Shalom Baptist Church

is a church where our first love for God is our first work; where our Christianity is a relationship rather than a religion;

where the lost and foreign mission are our constant care; where the purity of the gospel truth is jealously guarded and taught;

and where our membership is, in essence, stewardship. We are fundamental in our belief, evangelistic in our outlook, and loving, as we have been taught.

Above all, Shalom is a church where the last word of our Lord Jesus Christ is our first command:

‘All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all

things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.’

(Matthew 28:18-20)

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