The year is 2060. Magic is as real as the mean streets of the mega-sprawls. Corporations call the shots while nailing each other through covert operatives in cutthroat competition. Flesh and machines have merged—the street samurai with his smartguns and impossibly fast reflexes, the decker who can plug his own brain into the worldwide computer network, the rigger who links his mind to his vehicle and takes hairpin turns at fantastic speeds. And you're a part of this wired world, where corporate skyscrapers glitter over the dark shadows they cast. You live in those shadows. You're a shadowrunner—a street operative. You may be human or troll, dwarf or elf. You may throw fireballs, pull out your trusty Uzi or slice through computer security with a program as elegant and deadly as a stiletto. No matter what, you get the job done. You're a shadowrunner— a professional. You don't just survive in the shadows—you thrive there … for now. Shadowrun, Third Edition is a complete rulebook for gamemasters and players. It contains all the rules needed to create characters and ongoing adventures set in the popular Shadowrun universe. Shadowrun, Third Edition updates, revises, expands and clarifies rules from previous Shadowrun rulebooks. It is compatible with previous versions of Shadowrun and with previously published Shadowrun source material. Sample file

Shadowrun 3rd Edition - DriveThruRPG.comShadowrun, Third Edition is a complete rulebook for gamemasters and players. It contains all the rules needed to create characters and ongoing

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  • The year is 2060. Magic is as real as the mean streets of the mega-sprawls. Corporations call the shots while nailing each other through covert operatives in cutthroat competition. Flesh and machines have merged—the street samurai with his smartguns and impossibly fast reflexes, the decker who can plug his own brain into the worldwide computer network, the rigger who links his mind to his vehicle and takes hairpin turns at fantastic speeds. And you're a part of this wired world, where corporate skyscrapers glitter over the dark shadows they cast. You live in those shadows. You're a shadowrunner—a street operative.

    You may be human or troll, dwarf or elf. You may throw fireballs, pull out your trusty Uzi or slice through computer security with a program as

    elegant and deadly as a stiletto. No matter what, you get the job done. You're a shadowrunner— a professional. You don't just survive in the shadows—you thrive there … for now.

    Shadowrun, Third Edition is a complete rulebook for gamemasters and players. It contains all the rules needed to create characters and ongoing adventures set in the popular Shadowrun universe. Shadowrun, Third Edition updates, revises, expands and clarifies rules from previous Shadowrun rulebooks. It is compatible with previous versions of Shadowrun and with previously published Shadowrun source material.




  • ®

    Fantasy Productions





    INTRODUCTION 6 Dice Pools 43 Cyberware and Social Interaction 93 WELCOME TO THE SHADOWS 7 Gear 44 Armor and Society 93

    The Basics 8 Contacts 45 Negotiation and Leadership 93

    What’s New? 8 Lifestyle 46 Interrogation and Intimidation 93

    What Is a Roleplaying Game? 8 Condition Monitor 46 Etiquette 94

    Getting Started 10 Karma 46 Instruction 95

    Roleplaying Shadowrun 10 Finishing Touches 46 Using Build/Repair Skills 95

    What Runners Do 10 Metahumanity 47 Using Stealth 95

    Basic Runner Types 11 Dwarfs 47 Using Knowledge Skills 96

    Settings 11 Elves 48 Using Language Skills 97

    Shadow Activity 12 Humans 49 Complementary Skills 97

    SEE HOW THEY RUN 14 Orks 50 Creating Your Own Skills 97

    AND SO IT CAME TO PASS … 22 Trolls 50 COMBAT 100 CREATING A SHADOWRUNNER 52 Initiative 100Slouching Toward

    Apocalypse (1999–2010) 24 Sample Characters 52 Determining the Order 102

    The Resource Rush and Building a Shadowrunner 54 Combat Turn Sequence 103

    Lone Eagle 24 The Priority System 54 1. All Dice Pools Refresh 104

    Japan, Inc. 25 Choosing Your Race 54 2. Determine Initiative 104

    VITAS—The New Black Death 25 Choosing Magical Abilities 54 3. Characters Take Action 104

    2011—The Year of Chaos 25 Choosing Attributes 55 in Their Combat Phase 104

    If It’s Tuesday, This Must Assigning Skills 57 4. Begin a New Combat Turn 104

    Be the UCAS (2012–2018) 26 Assigning Resources 60 Using Dice Pools 104

    The Indian War and Finishing Touches 62 Combat Pool 104

    the Great Ghost Dance 27 Sample Characters 64 The Combat Phase 104

    The Treaty of Denver 28 Using Sample Characters 64 Declaring Actions 104

    Welcome to Our SKILLS 81 Free Actions 105

    World (2018–2029) 28 Base Skills 81 Simple Actions 105

    Goblinization 29 Active Skills 81 Complex Actions 107

    In Other News … 29 Knowledge Skills 82 Movement 108

    The Crash of ’29 30 Language Skills 82 Movement Rate 108

    Secession and War (2030–2037) 30 Skill Ratings 82 Walking 108

    Corporate Specialization 82 Running 108

    Machinations (2033–2048) 31 Defaulting 84 Interception 108

    Humans and Metas— The Defaulting Process 84 Surprise 108

    From Bad to Worse (2036–2046) 33 Limits on Defaulting 85 Ranged Combat 109

    Life on the Cutting Active Skill Categories 85 Resolving Ranged Combat 109

    Edge (2049–2060) 33 Build/Repair Skills 85 Range and Base Target Number 109

    Bug City 33 Combat Skills 85 Situational Target Modifiers 110

    Election Fever 34 Magical Skills 87 Attacker Success Test 113

    Corp War 34 Physical Skills 87 Dodge Test 113

    2060 and Beyond 35 Social Skills 87 Damage Resistance Test 113

    GAME CONCEPTS 36 Technical Skills 88 Determine Outcome 113 Vehicle Skills 88 Apply Damage 114Playing Shadowrun 36

    The Abstract Nature of Rules 36 About Knowledge Skills 89 Called Shots 114

    Making Tests 38 Choosing Knowledge Skills 89 Damage Codes 114

    Making Dice Rolls 38 Street Knowledge 90 Firearms 114

    Different Types of Tests 39 Academic Knowledge 90 Single-Shot Mode 114

    Sixth World Knowledge 90 Semi-Automatic Mode 115Time 39 Combat Turns 39 Background Knowledge 90

    Burst-Fire Mode 115 Interests 90 Full-Auto Mode 115Actions 40

    Shadowrunning by the Numbers 40 About Language Skills 91 Ammunition 116

    The Concept 40 Lingos 91 Reloading Firearms 117

    Reading and Writing 91 Shotguns 117Race 40 Attributes 40 Using Skills 91

    Projectile Weapons 117 Skill Tests 91 Strength Minimum Rating 117Initiative 42

    Magic 42 Taking the Time 92 Projectile Weapon Types 118

    Using Charisma-Linked Skills 92 Grenades 118Skills 43 Racism 92 Missile Launchers 120

    2 Shadowrun, Third Edition




  • Resolving Rocket in Vehicles 150 Combat Spells 191

    Types of Injury 125 Magicians 160 Regional Telecommunications

    Condition Levels 126 Aspected Magicians 160 Local Telecommunications

    and Missile Fire 120 Vehicles and Natural Domains 150 Detection Spells 192

    Melee Combat 120 Riggers and Spirits 151 Health Spells 193

    Melee Combat Weapons 120 Casting Magic from Vehicles 151 Illusion Spells 195

    Resolving Melee Combat 122 Astral Projection from Vehicles 151 Directed Illusion Spells 195

    Attacker’s Success Test 122 Vehicle Gunnery 151 Indirect Illusion Spells 195

    Defender’s Success Test 123 Manual Gunnery 151 Manipulation Spells 196

    Compare Successes 123 Sensor-Enhanced Gunnery 152 Control Manipulations 196

    Determine Damage 123 Using Drones 153 Elemental Manipulations 196

    Damage Resistance Test 123 About Drones 153 Telekinetic Manipulations 197

    Full Defense 123 Remote-Control Networks 154 Transformation Manipulations 198

    Knockdown 124 Actions 156 THE MATRIX 199

    Shock Weapons 124 Issuing Commands 157 Accessing the Matrix 200

    Barriers 124 MAGIC 158 Jackpoints 200

    Firing Through 124 Mana 158 Icons 200

    Breaking Through 125 The Magic Attribute 158 Seeing the Matrix 202

    Damage and Healing 125 Force 160 Grids and Hosts 202

    Applying Damage 125 Full Magicians 160 Grids (RTG) 202

    Healing 126 Magical Skills 160 Grids (LTG) 203

    Using Biotech 129 Exclusive Actions 160 Private LTGs 203

    Magical Characters and Damage 129 Drain 161 Hosts 203

    VEHICLES AND DRONES 130 Noticing Magic 161 Matrix Topology 203

    About Riggers 130 The Shamanic Tradition 161 System Access Nodes 205

    Vehicle Attributes 130 Totems 161 Distributed Databases 205

    Handling 130 The Shamanic Lodge 166 System Ratings 205

    Speed 132 The Hermetic Tradition 167 Intrusion Difficulty 205

    Acceleration 132 Hermetic Libraries 167 Security Rating 205

    Body 132 The Hermetic Circle 167 Security Codes 205

    Armor 132 Adepts 168 Subsystem Ratings 206

    Signature 133 Adept Powers 168 Rating Format 206

    Autonav 133 The Astral Plane 171 Cyberdecks 206

    Pilot 133 Astral Perception 171 Deck Ratings 206

    Sensor 133 Astral Projection 172 Hardening 206

    Cargo Factor 133 Astral Barriers 174 Active Memory 207

    Load 133 Astral Combat 174 Storage Memory 207

    Seating 133 Astral Tracking 177 I/O Speed 207

    Entry Points 133 Sorcery 177 Response Increase 207

    Special Vehicle Ratings 133 Spells 178 Detection Factor 207

    The Driving Test 134 Spell Pool 180 The Hacking Pool 207

    Sensors 135 Learning Spells 180 Cyberterminals 207

    System Components Spellcasting 181 Accessories 208

    and Sensor Ratings 135 Spell Defense 183 Running the Matrix 208

    Sensor Tests 135 Dispelling 184 Movement in the Matrix 208

    Sensor and Remote Deck Ranges 136 Conjuring 184 Matrix Perception 209

    Electronic Nature Spirits 184 Non-Combat Actions 209

    Countermeasures (ECM) 138 Elementals 186 System Tests 209

    Vehicle Combat 138 Conjuring Drain 188 System Operations on Grids 210

    The Maneuver Score 138 Spirit Forms 188 Security Tally 210

    Vehicle Combat Turn Sequence 140 Spirit Combat 188 Security Sheaves 210

    Vehicle Actions 141 Controlling 189 Grid Security Tallies 211

    Multiple Vehicle Combat 145 Banishing 189 Alerts 211

    Passenger Actions Astral Conjuring 189 Host/Grid Reset 212

    During Vehicle Combat 145 Foci 189 Triggering IC 212

    Vehicle Damage 145 Form 189 Proactive vs. Reactive 212

    Rigger Damage 145 Bonding 190 Crashing IC 212

    Vehicle Damage from Impact 145 Activation 190 IC Ratings 212

    Colliding with Objects 148 Spell Foci 190 Types of IC 212

    Vehicle Damage from Weapons 149 Spirit Foci 190 System Operations 214

    Repairing Vehicles 149 Power Foci 190 Interrogations 214

    Vehicles and Magic 149 Sustaining Foci 191 Ongoing Operations 214

    Elemental Manipulation Spells 150 Weapon Foci 191 Monitored Operations 215

    Spells Against Characters Street Grimoire 191 Operations Descriptions 215

    3Shadowrun, Third Edition




  • Utilities 220 Dice Pools 248 Purchasing Gear 272

    Operational Utilities 220 NPC Professionalism 248 Availability 272

    Special Utilities 220 Toxins and Diseases 249 Street Index and Cost 273

    Offensive Utilities 221 Toxins 250 Legality Codes 273

    Defensive Utilities 222 Diseases 251 Making Legal Purchases 273

    Cybercombat 222 Shadowrunning 251 Permits 273

    Cybercombat Sequence 222 Tips for Less Stressful Hauling the Load 274

    Initiating Combat 223 Shadowruns 252 Personal Weapons 275

    Initiative 223 CONTACTS 253 Impact Projectile Weapons 276

    Actions 223 Legwork 253 Firearms 276

    Combat Maneuvers 224 Searching the Matrix 254 Pistols 276

    Resolving Attacks 226 Appropriate Contact Restrictions 254 Taser Weapons 277

    Intrusion Countermeasures 227 Contact Levels 254 Submachine Guns 277

    White IC 227 Level 1 Contact 254 Rifles 277

    Gray IC 228 Level 2 Contact 256 Heavy Weapons 279

    Black IC 230 Level 3 Contact 256 Ammunition 279

    RUNNING THE SHADOWS 231 Fleshing Out Contacts 256 Reloading Firearms 280

    Perception 231 Playing Contacts 256 Firearm Accessories 280

    Security Systems 232 Favor for a Friend 256 Explosives 282

    Physical Security 232 Sample Contacts 257 Armor 283

    Technical Security 234 Bartender 257 Armor and Combat Pool 285

    Maglocks 235 Fixer 257 Lifestyle 285

    Active Security Measures 236 Mechanic 257 Shelter 285

    Magical Security 237 Mr. Johnson 258 Entertainment 285

    Matrix Security 237 Talismonger 259 Personal Electronics 286

    Weapon Detection 237 Technician 259 Tools 288

    Fencing the Loot 237 Sample Characters as Contacts 259 Surveillance and Security 288

    Finding A Fence 237 SPIRITS AND DRAGONS 260 Vision Enhancers 288

    The Loot 237 Powers 260 Communications 288

    The Meet 238 Accident 262 Surveillance Measures 289

    SINless 238 Animal Control 262 Surveillance Countermeasures 291

    What’s in a SIN? 238 Astral Armor 262 Security Devices 292

    Credsticks and ID 238 Binding 262 Security Countermeasures 293

    Forging Credsticks and IDs 239 Concealment 262 Survival Gear 293

    Lifestyles of the Rich and Shadowy 239 Confusion 262 Skillsofts and Chips 295

    Luxury 240 Engulf 262 Source and Object Code 295

    High 240 Enhanced Senses 263 Cyberware 296

    Middle 240 Fear 263 Alphaware 296

    Low 240 Flame Aura 263 Headware 297

    Squatter 240 Guard 263 Bodyware 300

    Streets 240 Hardened Armor 263 Cyberlimbs 301

    Hospitalized 240 Immunity 263 Cyberdecks and Programs 303

    Keeping Up the Payments 240 Influence 263 Biotech 303

    Buying a Lifestyle 241 Innate Spell 263 Slap Patches 305

    Multiple Lifestyles 241 Magical Skills 264 Magical Equipment 305

    Team Lifestyles 241 Materialization 264 Vehicles 305

    BEYOND THE SHADOWS 242 Movement 264 Vehicle Control Adjustments 305

    Karma 242 Noxious Breath 264 Rigger Gear 306

    Awarding Karma 244 Psychokinesis 265 Ground Vehicles 306

    Improving the Character 244 Search 265 Boats 306

    Improving Attributes 244 Venom 265 Aircraft 306

    Improving Skills 244 Vulnerability (Weakness) 265 Military and

    Learning New Skills 245 Combat 265 Restricted-Issue Vehicles 306

    Training 245 Initiative 265 Drones 307

    Karma Pools 246 Actions and Skills 265 Vehicle Weapon Mounts 307

    Re-rolling Failures 246 Dice Pools 265 Vehicle Weapons 307

    Avoiding an “Oops” 246 Spirits 266 SEATTLE AND

    Open Tests 246 Elementals 266 THE MODERN NORTHWEST 313

    Buying Additional Dice 246 Nature Spirits 266 Seattle 313

    Buying Successes 246 Dragons 267 Seattle at a Glance 313

    Extended Actions 246 STREET GEAR 270 Getting In and Around 314

    The Hooper-Nelson Rule 248 Gear Ratings and Statistics 270 Government 314

    Hand of God 248 Racial Modifications 272 Law Enforcement 314

    Non-Player Characters 248 Upgrading 272 Corporations 316

    4 Shadowrun, Third Edition




  • Seattle in the Shadows 317 Medical Facilities 318 Newsnets 319

    Tribal Lands and Other Neighbors 319 The Salish-Shidhe Council 319 Salish 319 Sinsearach 319 Makah 320 Cascade Crow 320 Cascade Ork 320 Tsimshian 321 Tir Tairngire 321


    Converting Characters 323 Skills 323 Dice Pools and Threat Ratings 323 Magic 324 Gear 324

    Converting Sourcebook Material 324 Rigger 2 324 Virtual Realities 2.0 324

    INDEX 326



    Shadowrun Created By Jordan Weisman

    Bob Charrette

    Paul Hume

    Tom Dowd

    L. Ross Babcock III

    Sam Lewis

    Dave Wylie

    Third Edition Design, Writing and Development

    Michael Mulvihill

    with Robert Boyle

    Additional Material By Randall Bills

    (Matrix from original

    material by Paul Hume)

    Diane Piron-Gelman

    (See How They Run) Steve Kenson (Magic, Spirits and

    Dragons, Seattle and the Modern Northwest)

    Jon Szeto (Vehicles and Drones)

    Second Edition Design and Development Tom Dowd

    First Edition Design Bob Charrette, Paul Hume and Tom Dowd

    The Cool Brigade Randall Bills, Robert Boyle, John Bride

    groom, Guido Hoelker (and the rest of the German playtesters … ), Dan “Flake” Gren

    dell, Fred Hooper, Steve Kenson, Jim Nelson, Bryan Nystul, Mike Nielsen, Lou Prosperi, Douglas Quinto Reis and Luis Ricon (and all of the Brazilian playtesters), Jon Szeto, Sharon Turner Mulvihill and especially Jill Lucas and Mort Weisman

    Playtesters John Bellando, Russ Bigham, David

    Buehrer, George Burke, John Carey, Lisa Chemleski, Bryan Covington, Wayne DeLisle, Michael DeVita, Adam Dolsen, Eric Duck-worth, Daniel Ducret, Christi Ewart Jr., FATGOP, Daniel Felts, Andy Frades, Tony Glinka, William Gold, Rocky Goodenough, Robert Habenicht, Mason Hart, Michael Hathaway, Cary Hill, Lyle Hinkley, Chris Hussey, David Hyatt, Will Jackson, Jonathan Jacobson, Erik Jameson, Ricky Jimenez, Matt Johnson, Sean Johnson, Jim “Loki” Jones, Adam Jury, Mara Kaehn, Brad Kercher, Lorne Kerlin, Craig Knefelkamp, Don Larkin, Seth Levine, Tim Link, Craig Loos, Eva Marie, Sean Matheis, Tim Mathena, Mark McKenna, Paul Meyer, Bill Michie, Dennis Jon Miller, Michael Miller, E. Mark Mitchell, Daniel Mooneyham, Linda Naughton, Mike Naughton, Justin Pinnow, Steven “Bull” Ratkovich, Max Rible, Kenna Rice, Kenneth Riehle, Cristina Rizen, Asher Rosenberg, Seth Rutledge, Angela Schaafsma, Shayne Schelinder, Lonnie Schmidt, Sandra Schmitz, Brian Schoner, Joe Shidle, Thomas Shook, Chris Siddle, Brian Skipper, Darci Stratton, Lori Tharp, Steven Tinner, Daniel Tomalesky, Richard Tomasso, Malik “Running Wolf” Toms, Ted Turrietta, Thomas Vielkanowitz, Joe Voelker, Sebastian Wiers, Jim Wong, Jon Wooley.

    Plus all the players the world over who helped shape Shadowrun over the years.

    Dedication I would like to dedicate this book to the

    man who taught me the importance of reading and thus imagination. He taught me the importance of words and writing. He taught me the importance of self-confidence. He taught me most of all that nothing short of following my dreams was acceptable. Thanks, dad—I miss you. MM

    Shadowrun Line Developer Michael Mulvihill

    Editorial Staff Editorial Director

    Donna Ippolito Managing Editor

    Sharon Turner Mulvihill Associate Editor

    Diane Piron-Gelman Assistant Editors

    Robert Boyle Tara Gallagher

    Production Staff Art Director

    Jim Nelson Graphic Design and Layout

    Fred Hooper & Jim Nelson Cover Illustrations

    Paul Bonner (front) Tom Baxa (back)

    Sample Character Illustrations Tom Baxa Jeff Laubenstein Jim Nelson Marc Sasso Mark Zug

    Interior Color Scenes Tom Baxa (p. 8), Peter Bergting (pp. 1 & 5), Clint Langley (pp. 2 & 3), Jeff Laubenstein (p. 6), Kevin McCann (pp. 4 & 7)

    Black and White Illustrations Janet Aulisio, Tom Baxa, Peter Bergting, Paul Bonner, Doug Chaffee, Tom Fowler, Fred Hooper, Mike Jackson, Clint Langley, Jeff Laubenstein, Larry MacDougall, Dave Martin, Jim Nelson, Mike Nielsen, Mark Nelson, Paolo Parente, Marc Sasso, Steve Prescott, Ron Spencer, Shane White, Karl Waller, Matt Wilson.

    Shadowrun® is a Registered Trademark and Trademark of Wizkids LLC in the United States and/or other countries. The WK Games logo is a Trademark of WizKids LLC. Copyright© 1998–2005 WizKids LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior permission of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise circulated in any form other than that in which it is published. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only.

    Version 1.0 (January 2005), based on the Corrected 13th printing (2005), with additional corrections. Published by FanPro LLC, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

    Find us online: [email protected]

    (email address for Shadowrun questions) http://www.shadowrunrpg.com

    (official Shadowrun web pages) http://www.fanprogames.com

    (FanPro web pages) http://www.wizkidsgames.com

    (WizKids web pages) http://www.studio2publishing.com

    (Studio 2 Publishing—Online Sales)

    5Shadowrun, Third Edition




    mailto:[email protected]://www.shadowrunrpg.comhttp://www.fanprogames.comhttp://www.wizkidsgames.comhttp://www.studio2publishing.com

    Table of ContentsIntroductionWelcome to the ShadowsThe BasicsWhat's New?What is a Roleplaying Game?Getting StartedRoleplaying ShadowrunWhat Runners DoShadow ActivitySettingsBasic Runner Types

    North America (circa 2060)

    See How They RunAnd So It Came To Pass...Slouching Towards Apocalypse (1999-2010)The Resource Rush and Lone EagleJapan, Inc.Vitas - The New Black Death2011 - The Year of ChaosIf It's Tuesday, This Must be the UCAS (2012-2018)Disasters-R-UsWyrm TurnsMagic on the Cutting EdgeThe Indian War and The Great Ghost DanceThe Treaty of DenverWelcome to our World (2018-2029)GoblinizationIn Other News ...This Modern LifeThe Crash of '29Secession and War (2030-2037)New Nations: Keeping ScoreHave Yourself A Free CityCorporate Machinations (2033-2048)Show Me The MoneyHumans and Metas - From Bad to Worse (2036-2046)Life on the Cutting Edge (2049-2060)Bug CityElection FeverCorp WarAll in the Family2060 and Beyond

    Game ConceptsPlaying ShadowrunThe Abstract Nature of RulesMaking TestsDifferent Types of Tests

    TimeCombat TurnsActions

    Shadowrunning By the NumbersThe ConceptRaceAttributesInitiativeMagicSkillsDice PoolsGearContactsLifestyleCondition MonitorKarmaFinishing TouchesMetahumanityDwarfsElvesHumanisOrksTrolls

    Creating a ShadowrunnerSample CharactersBuilding A ShadowrunnerThe Priority SystemsChoosing Your RaceChoosing Magical AbilitiesChoosing AttributesRacial Modifications TableAssigning SkillsSkill Cost TableKnowledge Skills by ClassAssigning ResourcesStarting Character Extra TablesFinishing TouchesDice Pool Calculation TableSample CharactersThe AdeptCombat DeckerCombat MageCovert Ops SpecialistDrone RiggerThe FaceThe InvestigatorThe MercenarySprawl GangerStreet MageStreet SamuraiStreet ShamanThe Tech-WizTribal ShamanVehicle RiggerWeapons Specialist

    Using Sample Characters

    SkillsBase SkillsActive SkillsKnowledge SkillsLanguage Skills

    Skill RatingsSpecializationSkills and Linked Attributes TableDefaultingDefault TableActive Skills CategoriesCombat SkillsMagical SkillsPhysical SkillsSocial SkillsTechnical SkillsVehicle Skills

    About Knowledge SkillsChoosing Knowledge SkillsStreet KnowledgeAcademic KnowledgeSixth World KnowledgeBackground KnowledgeInterests

    About Language SkillsLingosReading and Writing

    Using SkillsSkill TestsTaking the Time

    Using Charisma-Linked SkillsRacismCyberware and Social InteractionArmor and SocietyNegotiation and LeadershipInterrogation and IntimidationSocial Modifiers TableEtiquetteInstruction

    Using Build/Repair SkillsBuild/Repair TableUsing StealthUsing Knowledge SkillsKnowledge Skill Table

    Using Language SkillsLanguage Skill TableComplementary SkillsCreating Your Own SkillsSkill Ratings Table

    CombatInitiativeDetermining the OrderThe Initiative PassDamage and InitiativeInitiative TiesDelayed ActionsTimed Items and Initiative

    Combat Turn SequenceUsing Dice PoolsCombat Pool

    The Combat PhaseDeclaring ActionsFree ActionsSimple ActionsComplex Actions

    MovementMovement RateWalkingRunningInterception

    SurpriseRanged CombatResolving Ranged CombatRange and Base Target NumberSituational Target ModifiersWeapon Range TableRanged Combat Modifiers TableAttacker Success TestDodge TestDamage Resistance TestDetermine OutcomeApply DamageDamage Codes

    FirearmsSingle-Shot ModeSemi-Automatic ModeBurst-Fire ModeFull-Auto ModeAmmunitionReloading FirearmsShotgunsFiring Mode TableShotgun Spread Example

    Projectile WeaponsStrength Minimum RatingProjectile Weapon TestsScatter DiagramProjectile Weapons Table

    GrenadesGrenade Blast DiagramGrenade Damage TableGrenade Range Table

    Missile LaunchersResolving Rocket and Missile Fire

    Melee CombatMelee Combat WeaponsMelee Weapons TableResolving Melee CombatAttacker's Success TestDefender's Success TestCompare SuccessesDetermine DamageDamage Resistance TestFull DefenseKnockdown TableShock Weapons

    BarriersBarrier Effect TableBarrier Rating TableFiring ThroughBreaking Through

    Damage and HealingDamage Level TableCondition MonitorTypes of InjuryApplying DamageCondition LevelsWound TableDamage Modifiers TableHealingHealing TableDoctoring TableMedical Costs TableBody Part Types TableUsing BiotechFirst Aid TableMagical Characters and Damage

    Vehicles and DronesAbout RiggersVehicle AttributesHandlingSpeedAccelerationBodyArmorSignatureAutonavPilotSensorCargo FactorLoadSeatingEntry PointsSpecial Vehicle RatingsECM/ECCM

    The Driving TestDriving Test Modifiers TableDriving Test Modifiers Table Key

    SensorsSystem Components and Sensor RatingsSensor TestsSensor Test Modifiers TableSensor Tests Results TableFlux Rating TableSituational Range Modifiers Table KeyFlux Range TableSensor and Remote Deck RangesSituational Range Modifiers TableElectronic Countermeasures (ECM)

    Vehicle CombatThe Maneuver ScoreVehicle Combat Turn SequenceVehicle Points TableTerrain Points TableVehicle ActionsAccelerating/Braking TN Modifiers TableAccelerating/Braking TN Modifiers Table KeyPositioning Modifiers TableRamming Modifiers TableHiding Target Modifiers TableRelocating Target Modifiers TableMultiple Vehicle CombatPassenger Actions During Vehicle Combat

    Vehicle DamageRigger DamageVehicle Damage from ImpactVehicle Damage Modifiers TableImpact Damage Levels TableColliding with ObjectsCrash Test Modifiers TableVehicle Damage from Weapons

    Repairing VehiclesVehicles and MagicElemental Manipulation SpellsSpells against Characters in VehiclesVehicles and Natural DomainsRiggers and ShipsCasting Magic from VehiclesAstral Projection from Vehicles

    Vehicle GunneryManual GunneryManual Gunnery Modifiers TableManual Gunnery Modifiers Table KeySensor-Enhanced GunnerySensor-Enhanced Gunnery Modifiers KeySensor-Enhanced Gunnery Modifiers Table

    Using DronesAbout DronesRemote-Control NetworksActionsIssuing Commands

    MagicManaThe Magic AttributeForceMagiciansFull MagiciansAspected Magicians

    Magical SkillsExclusive ActionsExclusive Actions TableTheories on the Nature of MagicDrainNoticing MagicThe Shamanic TraditionTotemsBearBuffaloCatCoyoteDogDolphinEagleGatorLionMouseOwlRaccoonRatRavenSharkSnakeWolf

    The Shamanic Lodge

    The Hermetic TraditionHermetic LibrariesThe Hermetic Circle

    AdeptsAdept PowersAstral PerceptionAttribute BoostAttribute Boost Drain TableBody ControlCombat SenseCombat Sense Power TableEnhanced PerceptionImproved AbilityImproved Ability Costs TableImproved Physical AttributeImproved ReflexesImproved SenseKilling HandsKilling Hands Cost TableMagic ResistanceMissile ParryMystic ArmorPain ResistanceRapid HealingSuspended State

    The Astral PlaneAstral PerceptionAssensing TableAstral ProjectionAstral BarriersAstral CombatAstral Damage CodesAstral Tracking

    SorcerySpellsSpell PoolLearning SpellsSpellcastingObject Resistance TableSpell DefenseDispelling

    ConjuringNature SpiritsElementalsConjuring DrainSpirit FormsSpirit CombatControllingBanishingAstral Conjuring

    FociFormBondingActivationSpell FociSpirit FociPower FociSustaining FociWeapon Foci

    Street GrimoireCombat SpellsDeath TouchManaboltManaballPowerboltPowerballStunboltStunball

    Detection SpellsDetection Spell Target NumberAnalyze DeviceAnalyze TruthClairaudienceClairvoyanceCombat SenseDetect EnemiesDetect IndividualDetect LifeDetect (Life Force)Detect MagicDetect (Object)MindlinkMind ProbeMind Probe Results Table

    Health SpellsAntidoteCure DiseaseDecrease (Attribute)Decrease (Cybered Attribute)DetoxHealTreatHealthy GlowHibernateIncrease (Attribute)Increase (Cybered Attribute)Increase ReactionIncrease Reflexes +1Increase Reflexes +2Increase Reflexes +3OxygenateProphylaxisResist PainStabilize

    Illusion SpellsDirected Illusion SpellsConfusionMass ConfusionChaosChaotic WorldEntertainmentTrid EntertainmentIndirect Illusion SpellsInvisibilityImproved InvisibilityMaskPhysical MaskPhantasmTrid PhantasmSilenceStealth

    Manipulation SpellsControl ManipulationsControl ActionsControl EmotionsControl ThoughtsInfluenceElemental ManipulationsAcid StreamToxic WaveFlamethrowerFireballLightning BoltBall LightningTelekinetic ManipulationsCloutFlingLevitateMagic FingersPoltergeistTransformation ManipulationsArmorPhysical BarrierAstral BarrierIce SheetIgniteLightPetrifyShadow

    MatrixAccessing the MatrixMatrix JargonJackpointsIconsSeeing the MatrixGrids and HostsRegional Telecommunications Grids (RTG)Local Telecommunications Grids (LTG)Private LTGsHostsMatrix TopologyNorth American RTG System RatingsSystem Access NodesDistributed Databases

    System RatingsIntrusion DifficultySecurity RatingsSecurity CodesSubsystem RatingsHost Rating TableRating Format

    CyberdecksDeck RatingsHardeningStock Cyberdeck TypesActive MemoryStorage MemoryI/O SpeedResponse IncreaseDetection FactorThe Hacking PoolCyberterminalsAccessories

    Running the MatrixMovement in the MatrixMatrix PerceptionNon-Combat Actions

    System TestsSystem Operations on Grids

    Security TallySecurity SheavesSample Security Sheaf TableGrid Security TalliesAlertsHost/Grid Reset

    Triggering ICProactive vs ReactiveCrashing ICIC RatingsTypes of IC

    System OperationsInterrogationsOngoing OperationsMonitored OperationsOperation DescriptionsAnalyze HostAnalyze ICAnalyze IconAnalyze SecurityAnalyze SubsystemControl SlaveDecrypt AccessDecrypt FileDecrypt SlaveDownload DataEdit FileEdit SlaveGraceful LogoffLocate Access NodeLocate DeckerLocate FileLocate ICLocate SlaveLogon to HostLogon to LTGLogon to RTGMake ComcallMonitor SlaveNull OperationSwap MemoryTap ComcallUpload Data

    UtilitiesOperational UtilitiesAnalyzeBrowseCommlinkDeceptionDecryptRead/WriteRelocateScannerSpoof

    Special UtilitiesSleazeTrack

    Offensive UtilitiesAttackBlack HammerKilljoySlow

    Defensive UtilitiesArmorCloakLock-OnMedic

    CybercombatCybercombat SequenceInitiating CombatInitiativeActionsIC Initiative TableProgram Size TableCybercombat Target Numbers TableIC Damage TableCombat ManeuversResolving AttacksOverload Damage Target NumberDump Shock Damage Levels

    Intrusion CountermeasuresWhite ICCripplersKillerProbeScrambleTar Baby

    Gray ICBlasterRippersSparkyTar Pit

    Black IC

    Running the ShadowsPerceptionPerception Test Modifiers TablePerception Success Table

    Security SystemsPhysical SecurityTechnical SecurityWire TableMaglocksActive Security MeasuresPhysical Search Modifiers TableMagical SecurityMatrix SecurityWeapon Detection

    Fencing the LootFinding a FenceFinding a Fence TableThe LootThe Meet

    SINLessWhat's in a SIN?Credsticks and IDForging Credsticks and IDCredstick TableCreating a Credstick Table

    Lifestyles of the Rich and ShadowyLuxuryHighMiddleLowSquatterStreetsHospitalizedKeeping up the PaymentsBuying a LifestyleMultiple LifestylesTeam Lifestyles

    Beyond the ShadowsKarmaAwarding Karma

    Improving the CharacterImproving AttributesImproving SkillsLearning New SkillsTrainingRacial Attributes Limit TableSkill Improvement Cost Table

    Karma PoolsRe-Rolling FailuresAvoiding an "Oops"Open TestsBuying Additional DiceBuying SuccessesExtended ActionsThe Hooper-Nelson RuleHand of GodMetahuman Variation Table

    Non-Player CharactersDice PoolsNPC Professionalism

    Diseases aned ToxinsShadowrunningTips for Less Stressful Shadowruns

    ContactsLegworkSearching the MatrixAppropriate Contact RestrictionsContact LevelsLevel 1 ContactLevel 2 ContactLevel 3 Contact

    Fleshing out ContactsPlaying ContactsSample ContactsBartenderFixerMechanicMr. JohnsonTalismongerTechnician

    Sample Characters as Contacts

    Spirits and DragonsPowersAccidentAnimal ControlAstral ArmorBindingConcealmentConfusionEngulfEnhanced SensesFearFlame AuraGuardHardened ArmorImmunityInfluenceInnate SpellMagical SkillsMaterializationMovementNoxious BreathPsychokinesisSearchVenomVulnerability (Weakness)

    CombatInitiativeActions and SkillsDice Pools

    SpiritsElementalsAir ElementalEarth ElementalFire ElementalWater Elemental

    Nature SpiritsSpirits of ManCity SpiritField SpiritHearth Spirit

    Spirits of the LandDesert SpiritForest SpiritMountain SpiritPrairie Spirit

    Spirits of the SkyMist SpiritStorm SpiritWind Spirit

    Spirits of the WatersLake SpiritRiver SpiritSea Spirit

    DragonsEastern DragonFeathered SerpentWestern DragonGreat DragonKnown Great Dragons

    Street GearGear Ratings and StatisticsRacial ModificationsUpgrading

    Purchasing GearAvailabilityStreet Index and CostLegality CodesMaking Legal PurchasesPermitsLocal Fines and Punishment (Seattle)

    Hauling the LoadPersonal WeaponsImpact Projectile WeaponsFirearmsPistolsTaser WeaponsSubmachine Guns (SMGs)RiflesFirearms Table

    Heavy WeaponsHeavy Weapons Table

    AmmunitionReloading FirearmsAmmo Reloading TableAmmunition Table

    Firearms AccessoriesFirearm and Weapon Accessories TableExplosivesExplosives Table

    ArmorClothing and Armor TableArmor and Combat Pool

    LifestyleShelterEntertainmentEntertainment TablePersonal ElectronicsElectronics Table

    ToolsTools Table

    Surveillance and SecurityVision EnhancersCommunicationsSurveillance MeasuresSurveillance and SecuritySurveillance CountermeasuresSurveillance Measures TableSurveillance Countermeasures TableSecurity DevicesSecurity CountermeasuresData Encryption / DecryptionSecurity Countermeasures TableSecurity Devices Table

    Survival GearSurvival Gear Table

    Skillsofts and ChipsSource and Object CodeSkillsofts and Chips Table

    CyberwareAlphawareHeadwareCommunicationsInternal HeadwareCyberearsCyberears TableCybereyesCybereyes Table

    BodywareBodyware TableCyberlimbsCyberlimbs TableBone Lacing TableBoosted Reflexes Table

    Cyberdecks and ProgramsCyberdecks and Programs Table

    BiotechBiotech TableSlap Patches

    Magical EquipmentMagical Equipment Table

    VehiclesVehicle Control AdjustmentsRigger and Vehicle Gear TableRigger GearGround VehiclesBoatsAircraftMilitary and Restricted-Issue VehiclesDronesVehicle Weapon MountsVehicle WeaponsCar TablesBike TablesTruck TablesHovercraft TablesBoat TablesWinged Plane TablesRotocraft TablesSecurity Vehicle TablesDrone TablesVehicle Mount TablesVehicle Weapon Tables

    Seattle and the Modern NorthwestSeattleSeattle at a GlanceGetting in and AroundGovernmentLaw EnforcementCorporationsSeattle in the ShadowsMedical FacilitiesNewsnets

    Tribal Lands and Other NeighborsThe Salish-Shidhe CouncilSalishSinsearchMakahCascade CrowCascade OrkTsimshianTir Tairngire

    The Developer's SaySourcebook UpdatesSample Character Record SheetsIndexCharacter Record Sheet