Week 1 1. What is one of your favorite childhood memories? Was their anything about your family of origin that made it unique? 2. Do you maintain relationships with your family of origin? Is this a struggle or does it come fairly easily? 3. Do you agree there is a temptation to become bitter about our families? Why or why not? 4. Read Ephesians 5:22 to 5:25. What does it communicate about having a happy family? 5. What do you hope your children or the next generation in your family experiences that you did not?

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Week 1 1. What is one of your favorite childhood memories? Was their anything about your family of origin that made it unique? 2. Do you maintain relationships with your family of origin? Is this a struggle or does it come fairly easily? 3. Do you agree there is a temptation to become bitter about our families? Why or why not? 4. Read Ephesians 5:22 to 5:25. What does it communicate about having a happy family? 5. What do you hope your children or the next generation in your family experiences that you did not?

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Week 2 The blessing/fatherhood 1. Who is someone who has encouraged you or communicated their confidence in you? 2. How would you describe your father? What kind of relationship do you have or did you have with him? What attributes of the blessing do you think you received from your father? 3. When it comes to blessing the next generation, which of the aspects of the blessing mentioned come easiest to you? Which ones are most difficult? 4. Do you find it easy to call God your Father? Why or why not? 5. How do the imperfections of our father lead us to the love of the perfect Father?

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Week 3 Role of the Mother 1. What was your relationship like with your mother growing up? How has it changed over the years? 2. What are your thoughts that the mother communicates presence and care as a major role in the family? 3. Was the mother in your family of origin respected and honored? 4. What happens when a mother is not respected by people in the home? What is your responsibility to make sure the mother in your family is respected and honored? 5. Read aloud John 19:25-27. What do you imagine Jesus felt in the moment he saw his mother standing by the cross? What do you imagine Mary was feeling as she stared at her son on the cross? 6. What is your relationship to Mary as a spiritual mother? Do you think of her in this way? Why or why not?

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Week 4 Prayer and the Family 1. Growing up, did your family pray together? If so, how? 2. Of the suggestions on praying together as a family, what do you already do? 3. Of the suggestions on praying together as a family, which one or two would you like to integrate into your family life? 4. Why is it important to integrate prayer and faith into the regular activities of the family? 5. Do you agree that it is a spiritual battle to bring prayer into families? Why or why not? 6. What is the best way for you to integrate prayer into your family?

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Week 5 Forgiveness 1. Share about a time when someone did you wrong. How did you respond? Are you prone to dreaming about the “perfect revenge encounter?” 2. Are you a grudge-holder or do you let things go easily? If you hold a grudge, how does that work for you? What are some of the reasons you do not forgive someone in your family? 3. Read 1 Peter 2:20-23 In the example of Christ, what do we do if we’ve been wronged? 4. According to the 3 steps of forgiveness, we must empathize with our offender, relinquish our hurt to God, and then wait for God to avenge us. When it comes to family, which of these is the most difficult step for you? Do you trust that God will handle it (Read Romans 12:19)?

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Week 6 Evangelization 1. How have you communicated (or failed to communicate) the basic message of the gospel in your home? If you’ve feel like you’ve failed to do that well, why have you failed? 2. Kelly gave 5 simple facts that point to the core message of the Gospel. Exploring each one of these, which do you have the most trouble expressing or communicating? Why? Which one is easy for you to share with your spouse, kids, and other family members? 3. Thinking about the fact that we all believe that there is a God, what are some ways that you live this out in your home? What are some areas where you could improve upon this belief? 4. Thinking about the last point (We are called to conversion), how are you different since you started attending Nativity? What are some ways you can continue to grow in Christ and share this with your family?