SFSP Pre-Approval Webinar For New Sponsors Arianne McConchie, RDN, CD, MBA Community Nutrition Program Lead OSPI Child Nutrition Services Hannah Powell, MS, RD NSLP & SFSP Specialist OSPI Child Nutrition Services Welcome to the Summer Food Service Program Preapproval webinar. My name is Arianne McConchie, I am the community nutrition program lead and I am presenting today alongside Hannah Powell, NSLP/SFSP specialist. Just a reminder this webinar is intended for all New SFSP sponsors, so this includes sponsors that did not participate in Summer of 2019, and new sponsors who are currently operating due to COVID. Please record all questions in the Q&A box, as we do not want these to get lost in the chat box we will review questions at the end of the presentation. An Overview We will be reviewing key aspects of the summer food service program These overarching topics have been explained in more detail during your required training so today will be a quick overview of key points of the summer program The SFSP regulations require the State Agency to conduct a preapproval visit of all new sponsors, prior to approving their traditional SFSP application. Preapproval visits are intended to assess sponsor’s potential to successfully operate the program and 1

SFSP Pre-Approval Webinar...SFSP Pre-Approval Webinar For New Sponsors Arianne McConchie , RDN, CD, MBA Community Nutrition Program Lead OSPI Child Nutrition Services Hannah Powell

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Page 1: SFSP Pre-Approval Webinar...SFSP Pre-Approval Webinar For New Sponsors Arianne McConchie , RDN, CD, MBA Community Nutrition Program Lead OSPI Child Nutrition Services Hannah Powell








SFSP Pre-Approval WebinarFor New Sponsors

Arianne McConchie , RDN, CD, MBACommunity Nutrition Program Lead

OSPI Child Nutrition Services

Hannah Powell , MS, RDNSLP & SFSP Specialist

OSPI Child Nutrition Services

Welcome to the Summer Food Service Program Preapproval webinar. My name is Arianne McConchie, I am the community nutrition program lead and I am presenting today alongside Hannah Powell, NSLP/SFSP specialist.

Just a reminder this webinar is intended for all New SFSP sponsors, so this includes sponsors that did not participate in Summer of 2019, and new sponsors who are currently operating due to COVID.

Please record all questions in the Q&A box, as we do not want these to get lost in the chat box – we will review questions at the end of the presentation.

An Overview • We will be reviewing key aspects of the summer food service program • These overarching topics have been explained in more detail during your required

training so today will be a quick overview of key points of the summer program

The SFSP regulations require the State Agency to conduct a preapproval visit of all new sponsors, prior to approving their traditional SFSP application. Preapproval visits are intended to assess sponsor’s potential to successfully operate the program and


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also allows OSPI to offer technical assistance. Normally, we would conduct this visit on‐site; however, Nationwide Waiver #11, allows us to conduct the preapprovals remotely. The webinar, in conjunction with a submission of a follow‐up Preapproval form, will be conducted in place of the on‐site preapproval visit this year.


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Summer Food Rocks!


Thank for your commitment to feeding kids this summer! As we all know when school is out, many children do not know when and where their next meal will be. Providing summer feeding sites helps to fill that void. so we greatly appreciate you taking this on and participating in the Summer Feeding Program. Your local communities will appreciate you for this well.


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Purpose of the SFSP

To provide free meals to children, ages 18 and under when schools are closed. Serve all children, regardless of race, color,country of origin, gender, age, or disability.

The purpose of the summer food service program is to

• To provide free meals to children, ages 18 and under when schools are closed.

• Serve all children, regardless of race, color, country of origin, gender, age, ordisability.


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SFSP Oversight USDA

United States Department of


OSPI Office of

Superintendent ofPublic Instruction





The USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service administers the SFSP at the national level. In Washington State, OSPI administers the program and oversees the sponsor administration of the program. Sponsors are then responsible to monitor their sites in compliance with federal regulation


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SFSP Application Process


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_______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

Application Process Sponsors must apply each year Application componentsComplete all required trainingsWINS applicationOnline application checklistPreapproval Visit (New Sponsors only)Preapproval webinar AND Preapproval survey

Sponsors Transitioning from Emergency Meals Checklist

Sponsors must apply each year to participate in SFSP. If you are currently operating due to COVID, you still must submit an SFSP application in order to continue operation into the summer months

• Application components

Complete all required trainings

WINS application

Online application checklist

Preapproval Visit for New Sponsors –This webinar AND completion of thepreapproval survey fufill this requirement.

To find more detailed information on application requirements please viewthe application chekclists posted to the child nutrition webpage.

Sponsors Transitioning from Emergency Meals Checklist


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All required application materials can be found on program materials/required documents webpage.



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Pre-Approval Survey All sponsors will be emailed a Preapproval survey following the end of the webinar. Menu must be uploaded.

Completion of the survey will finish the Preapproval Visit Requirements.


You will be emailed the link to the Preapproval survey following the end of today'spresentation. Before starting this survey, please be prepared to upload a copy of your menu. Completion of the survey will finish the Preapproval Visit Requirements.



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USDA Waivers


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SFSP Waivers for 2020 Area eligibility for closed enrolled


Meal service times

Non-congregate meal service

First week visit

Meal pattern

Parent pick-up

Area eligibility (throughJune 30th)

The waivers listed here have been approved for SFSP operation this summer. These include: Area Eligibility to qualify Closed Enrolled Sites The Meal Service Time waiver‐ This allows distribution of 2 meals together and up to 1 week’s worth of meals at one time The Non‐congregate meal service waiver allows for ‐ grab’n’go service, home deliveries, and mobile meal routes (bus routes, etc.) The First Week Visit waiver – allows the first week review to be waived at eligible sites The Meal Pattern waiver‐ allows flexibility if experiencing shortages in the food supply chain‐ This is approved on a case by case basis The Parent Pick‐up waiver‐ allows the parent/guardian to pick up meals on behalf of children The statewide Area Eligibility waiver allowing non area eligible sites to operate SFSP‐only extends through June 30; we have applied for an extension and this has NOT yet been approved If you implement a waiver, you are required to participate in a data collection survey at the end of the summer. POLL QUESTION – WHICH WAIVERS WILL YOU BE IMPLEMENTING


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Administrative Review Waiver Request SFSP regulations require all new sponsors to be reviewed within their first year of operation.

May 8: OSPI has requested a waiver of review requirements for new SFAs operation SFSP for the first time.

SFSP regulations require all new sponsors to be reviewed by the state agency withintheir first year of operation.

On May 8th, OSPI has requested a waiver of review requirements fornew SFAs operating SFSP for the first time. We will update sponsors as guidance is received.


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Types of SitesWhat type(s) are you planning to Operate?

Open Sites Must be Area Eligible Open to the public Any child 18 and under that

comes to site must be served

Closed or Camp Sites Open to a specific group of

children enrolled in a specific activity Area Eligibility or Income

Documentation Camp – only serving children

enrolled in camp Income Documentation only

Here is a quick review of the types of sites that can operate: Open sites must be area eligible, open to the public and available to any child 18 and under Closed or camp sites are open to a specific group of children enrolled in a specific activity. Closed sites can be eligible by area eligibility, or closed and camp sites can be eligible by income documentation. Eligible closed sites can claim all children in attendance, camps may only claim F/RP eligible children. Closed Sites & Home Deliveries – can deliver to families approved for F/R price meals

POLL QUESTION‐WHAT TYPES OF SITES WILL YOU BE OPERATING? Your answers to this poll question will help us better tailor the rest of this presentation to your needs.


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Site Rules

We will now review a few site rules


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Site Rules – Adult Meals Program Adults: Over 18 years old and work directly with meal service at the site (volunteer or paid employees) Ok to provide free meal(s) Meals are NOT reimbursable

Non-program Adults: Do not work with the meal service at the site Adult must pay for full value of meal Sponsor can pay for meal with other source funds

The first site rule pertains to Adult meals:

Program Adults: Are adults Over 18 years old and work directly with meal service atthe site (volunteer or paid employees)

It is Ok to provide free meal(s) to these individuals

Although these Meals are NOT reimbursable

Non‐program Adults: ARe individuals who do not work with the meal service at the site

These Adults must pay the full value of meal, or at least the USDA reimbursement rate of that meal.

Sponsors could also pay for these meals with other funding sources

Sponsors must document how they will keep track of NP adult meals and cash


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handling procedures. All adult meal counts need to be reported on the claim separate from the child meal counts.


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Site Rules– Parent Pick-Up

Child Nutrition Response #25 – Nationwide Waiver to Allow Parents & Guardians to Pick Up Meals for Children

Requires Sponsors to notify SA of implementation & development of procedure that: Ensures meals are provided to parents/guardians of children Prevents service of duplicate meals

The next site rule pertains to parent pick up of meals, and Child Nutrition Response#25 –is a Nationwide Waiver that Allow Parents & Guardians to Pick Up Meals for Children

This Requires Sponsors to notify SA of implementation & development of a procedurethat:

• Ensures meals are provided to parents/guardians of children

• Prevents service of duplicate meals

Meals must be distributed to parents/guardians, not to older siblings or nannies unless parent or guardian gives written consent for a different individual to pickup meals on behalf of their children.


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Site Rules – Meal Times

Sponsors must establish meal times for each site. In order for meals to be eligible for reimbursement, meals must be served during the approved meal service times.

Update WINS with all Meal Times Adjustments

The last site rule involves meal times‐Sponsors must establish meal times for each site. In order for meals to be eligible for reimbursement, meals must be served duringthe approved meal service times in WINS. WINS is also used to update local HDs & the Meal Location mappers, so it is very important that this information is up to date.


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Washington Integrated Nutrition System (WINS)

We will now talke about some of the data that needs to be put into WINS‐Washington Integrated Nutrition System


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Serving Capacity Step 1: Sponsor plans for the number of children expected to be served at each site (ADA*) Step 2: Site Cap is set by OSPI at 120% of ADA Step 3: Sponsor cannot claim meals in excess of Cap – monitor!

*Average Daily Attendance

According to program requirements, OSPI must set limits on the number of meals a site may serve to children for meal reimbursement. Your Average Daily Attendance is entered in the site calendar –this number should be slighlty higher than your projected daily attendance to cover any fluctuations in participation. OSPI sets the site CAP at 120% of the ADA. A sponsor may not claim reimbursement for meals served to children at any site in excess of the approved site cap. It is extremely important for the site supervisor to know what the approved site ADA and CAP is so that when participation increases, the site supervisor can inform the sponsor/monitor so that it can be adjusted on the site calendar. WINS will not allow you to claim meals in excess of the cap, so it is very importatnt this is adjusted as needed.


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Making Changes in WINS Update your site Average Daily Attendance (ADA) if you exceed

your CAP Example: Your CAP = 100 On average in June, you served 115 meals per day Revise your site calendar to increase your ADA to 115

Don’t forget to resubmit your site calendar after changes are made Site Calendars must be revised prior to claim submission

For example, if your site CAP is set at 100 children and on average in the month of June you are serving 115 meals each day, you would need to make a revision in your site calendar to set your ADA to 115. Remember to submit your revised site calendar prior to claim submision. It is also helpful that you notifiy your program specialist of this change if it is close to the claim deadline so they can approve this for you.


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Making Changes in WINS Adding sites after application approval Contact your program specialist – provide site name and address

If you need to add sites in WINS, your program specailist can do this for you. You will need to provide the site name and address.


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Meal Pattern


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SFSP Meal Pattern


Listed here is the SFSP meal pattern. You can see the serving size of food components varies depending on the meal being served. https://www.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/public/childnutrition/programs/summerpr ograms/pubdocs/Form‐Food‐MealPattern.pdf


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Meal Pattern Waiver Child Nutrition Response #24 – Nationwide Waiver to Allow

Meal Pattern Flexibility in Child Nutrition Programs Extends through June 30, 2020

Experience a disruption in food supply chain due to the pandemic & are unable to meet meal pattern requirements

Contact OSPI, [email protected] Meal Pattern Waiver Request Form & Vendor Documentation will need to be submitted

Child Nutrition Response #24 – Is a Nationwide Waiver that Allows Meal PatternFlexibility in Child Nutrition Programs, this waiver has been extended through June 30, 2020

Sponsors may use this waiver if they experience a shortage in the food supplychain due to the pandemic & are unable to meet meal pattern requirements. Useof this waiver is granted on a case by case basis. Please contact your programs specialist if you are unable to meet the meal pattern requirements.


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Infant Meals CACFP Infant Meal Pattern must be followed for children under age 1

Questions? Email [email protected]

If you are providing meals to children under the age of 1 year old, you must follow the CACFP meal pattern AND indcate this on your site application in WINS. https://www.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/public/childnutrition/cacfpinfantmealpatte rn.pdf


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Dietary Accommodations Child with Documented Medical Need: Signed note from medical

provider Must accommodate - within

reason Meals are eligible for

reimbursement, even if

Child without Documented Medical Need: Can choose to accommodate Meals must meet meal

pattern requirements to be eligible for reimbursement Milk Allowance for LEAs

following NSLP Meal Pattern –Nutrition Guide (pg. 19)

During the summer you may be made aware of special dietary needs of children that visit your sites.

If the Child has a Documented Medical Need: Sponsors are required to provide reasonable accommodations for children who are considered to have a disability. These substitutions must be supported by a statement from a recognized medical authority along with identifying which foods must be avoided and which foods may be substituted.

For a Child without a Documented Medical Need: Sponsors may make substitutions for children who do not have a disability but have a special medical or dietary needs. Substitutions must be made on a case by case basis. The question with non‐disabling food substitutions is “can you claim the meal?” The answer is – it depends: if the accommodation can be made within the meal pattern requirements, then the meal can be claimed for reimbursement. LEAs following the NSLP Meal Pattern may serve USDA’s approved milk substitutions and claim these meals for reimbursement. Additionally, sponsors are not required to accommodate dietary preferences, such as vegetarian meals or religious preferences, but are encouraged to do so within the


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      existing meal patterns.


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Dietary Accommodations

This is the SFSP Dietary Accommodations form. When informed of a special dietary requirement, you would ask a parent to have this form completed by their medical provider and then return it to you. It must be signed by a State recognized medical authority. Once returned, it becomes a dietary prescription. As the sponsor, you need to determine how to proceed based on the information provided on the form.


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Documentation Needed ifProduction Records NotUsed: Menu Portion sizes planned for each

menu item each day Number of meals prepared for

each site daily Recipes CN labels/PFS Product and nutrition labels of

products used Food/supplies receipts

Documentation Needed if Production Records Used: Complete daily production

records Recipes (if applicable) CN labels/PFS Product and nutrition labels of

grain products used Food/supplies receipts

Meal Preparation Documentation Needed

After reviewing the meal pattern and creating your menu, It is up to you to decide how you want to document meal preparation. As you can see here there are some additional forms of documentation you will need to provide if production records are not completed for your program. Most of the same information that would be documented on a production record still needs to be documented regardless of what forms of documentation you use.

Click 1‐6 = Documentation with Production Records Click 7‐14 = Production Records Not Used


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Meal Service Styles


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Meal Service Styles Child Nutrition Response #22 – Nationwide Waiver to Allow Non-Congregate Feeding in Child Nutrition Programs

Allows Grab’n’Go service, home deliveries, and mobile meal routes Must provide unitized meals – may be pre-plated/packaged or

grocery style Offer vs Serve is not allowable under this waiver

Child Nutrition Response #22 – Is the Nationwide Waiver to Allow Non‐Congregate Feeding in Child Nutrition Programs

This waiver allows for:

• Grab’n’Go service, home deliveries, and mobile meal routes

• These meals must be unitized meals – which could include pre‐plated,packaged or grocery style meals

• Offer vs Serve is not allowable under this waiver


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Meal Service Styles Congregate Feeding Sites

May utilize either Offer vs Serve or Serve Only meal service styles

OVS must be approved in site application

Meals may be pre-plated/packaged or served cafeteria style

When providing meals in a congregate setting sponsors may:

utilize either Offer vs Serve or Serve Only meal service styles

If you would like to use OVS, this must beapproved in site application

Meals could also be pre‐plated or served cafeteria style


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Meal DeliveryAll satellite* and vended meal sites need to document daily meal delivery receipts.

*An off-site sponsor kitchen prepares and delivers meals to site

If meals are being distributed from an off‐site sponsor kitchen, all satellite and vended meal sites must keep daily meal delivery receipts to track how many meals were delivered to the site. The Information on the meal delivery receipt should be transferred onto that day’s meal count form to show how many meals the site has available for that day.


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Food Safety Everyone’s responsibility!


Regardless of who prepares the meals, everyone needs to think of food safety first!


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Food Safety Food Handlers Card MDPs must operate in accordance with

HD guidance

Helpful links on OSPI SFSP website http://www.k12.wa.us/ChildNutrition/programs/SummerPrograms/SimplifiedSummerFoodRes ources

Washington State requires that all food workers have a food worker card before handling food served to the public. Food workers who take a food safety training class and pass the State of Washington exam on food safety basics are issued a Food Worker Card (also called a Food Handler Permit). Many summer meal sites qualify as temporary food service establishments, which means just one person in charge at each site needs to maintain a food worker card. All other food workers, in this case, would still need to be adequately trained on food safety related to their role. Anyone who manages the direct handling of unpackaged ready to eat foods, must have a food handlers card.

All Meal Distribution Plans must operate in accordance with the local Health Department’s guidance. If implementing home deliveries and/or multiple days’ meal distribution, sponsors are required to discuss their MDP with the HD and make any necessary adjustments.


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Health Inspections Local Health Departments are contracted annually to conduct

health inspections of summer meals sites

Health inspections conducted at school sites over the summer may count as 1 of the 2 required NSLP health inspections in the following school year

As previously mentioned, It is mperative that WINS is updated as we notify local health departments weekly of any changes in operation based off WINS calendars


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Meal Counts


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Point of Service Meal Counts

BEGIN HANNAH'S SECTION This is OSPI's Daily Meal Count Form. Your organization is able to develop their own form; however, it must track all of the same details. All parts of the form must be completed (explain each section of the meal count form). • # of Meals & Milk Received, leftover from previous day, and amount available for

service• First Eligible Meals served to children• Second Meals served to children, if applicable• Program Adult Meals served• Non‐Program Adult Meals served & income received• Total leftovers

All meal counts must be taken at the point of service. This means that once a child have received or selected all required meal components, a trained staff member crosses off a meal of the meal count form. The numbers on the form should be crossed off starting at one in ascending order. 2nd meal counts should also be taken at the point of service – same goes for home deliveries and mobile routes. Each driver should maintain a separate meal count form.


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Point of Service Meal Counts

Allowable Meal Counting Method Open Sites Tally sheet or clicker (if approved by OSPI)

Closed Sites Tally sheet or clicker (if approved by OSPI)

Closed Sites with only Upward Bound participants

Tally sheet or clicker (if approved by OSPI)

Camps By name meal count

Migrant Sites Tally sheet or clicker (if approved by OSPI)

All meals must be counted at the point of service.

Use of a clicker or electronic counting system must be approved by OSPI in the site application. If a clicker is used, CLICKER should be written across the top of the Tally Sheet with the total daily count transferred to the form.


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Counting Multiple Days and Meals Record meals being distributed on top of Meal Tally Form Report how many days of meals were provided Separate Meal Tally Forms are not required for each day and/or


Sponsor must clearly and consistently document both the meal types provided and how much was provided

It's a local level decision how multiple days worth of meals will be documented and counted. Documentation should be clear and consistent, so it's understandable what each meal count or tally represents. You may choose to keep a separate count form for each day or meal, if you choose. A single Meal Count Form may also be kept in this situation ‐ label what days meals were provided for and the specific meal types provided.


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Second Meals

2nd Meals may be offered. Only offer after all children receive 1st meal. Only complete meals may be reimbursed. The number of 2nd meals that can be reimbursed is

based on 2% of the 1st meals claimed.

To aid in reducing excess meals, sites may offer second meals to children toward the end of the meal. Note, however, that only 2% of the 2nd meals will be reimbursed. Discuss the difference between a first meal and a second meal. Emphasize that in order for a 2nd meal to be reimbursed it must be a complete meal and that they will only be reimbursed for 2% of 2nd meals served.


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Leftover Meals What can I do with leftover Meals? Save them for service on another day Serve as second meals (if doing congregate meal service

onsite) Donate to non-profit organization Donate to children or adults at the site (not reimbursable)

All leftover meals should be recorded – sponsors are required to have forecasting procedures in place to ensure leftovers are minimized

In order to minimized waste, sponsors are able to save meals to serve on another day (if local Health Dept. Allows), offer second meals, donate meals to a non‐profit organization, and/or donate to children at the site. Donated leftovers cannot be claimed for reimbursement.


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Donation When donating meals, sponsors must document How much was donated What was donated When the donation occurred Who the food was donated to

A policy or procedure should be developed to document both when meals will be donated and to whom

If leftovers are donated, sponsors must document how much was donated, what was donated, when the donation occurred, and who the food was donated to.

Sponsors should also develop a policy or procedure on when leftovers will be donated and to whom. This procedure may need to include details such as if <10 meals remain, they'll be donated to children but if >10 meals remain, they will be donated to a non‐profit organization, like the local food bank.


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Field Trips

Notify OSPI by close of business day before field trip. Submit notifications using online form.

Ensure: There will be a point of service meal count. Staff taking the meal count has been trained.

Consider and plan for any food safety issues.

The only time meals are reimbursable when served to children off site is when the sponsor has submitted a field trip notification to OSPI with at least the night prior notice. When you plan on taking a field trip with a planned meal service, you are required to notify OSPI in writing prior to the trip or you will not be allowed to claim those meals. If you plan on taking a field trip without a meal service, you do not need to inform OSPI about it. The field trip notification is now submitted through a survey gizmo; more on that in a minute.

Federal regulation does not require that sponsors receive formal approval for field trips from the OSPI. Therefore, OSPI does not send the sponsor a written approval form. However, if the field trip notification survey does not meet all requirements, the sponsor will not be able to submit the survey.

Keep in mind the field trip site is a temporary site and all rules must be followed as they are at the regular food service site. The person taking the meal counts must be trained and that training must be documented. I recommend you document it by writing on the back of the field trip meal count form who was trained, by whom, when, and what was trained. I also recommend the field trip meal count form be on a different color paper than the other meal count forms. It will stand out in a stack of


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meal count forms and other paperwork. A point‐of‐service meal count must be conducted for those children receiving meals on a field trip.

This form can be found on SFSP Webpage under Program Materials and Required Documents.


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Monthly Meal Count Consolidation

On an Administrative Review, many of the Meal Count errors that we see are simply from transposing errors...it seems like a rather simple task – but it is very easy to get distracted and make mistakes.

The monthly meal count consolidation form is shown here. At the end of each month, the Daily meal count forms should be reviewed and tracked on a Meal Count Consolidation spreadsheet ‐ OSPI has developed one that can be used and it can be found on the SFSP webpage.


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Procurement & Allowable Costs


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Procurement Procurement = Official process of purchasing goods and services

Ensures you get the best price for what you need If you are unable to purchase the products you need through the proper procurement process due toCOVID-19 Document Purchase from any suppliers from which you can get what you need

Sponsors are required to complete Procurement Training annually as part of the SFSP application process. READ SLIDE.


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Allowable Costs Creditable foods Non-food supplies Labor costs for operational and administrative staff Travel expenses to purchase food / deliver food to sites Office supplies directly related to SFSP Training and marketing material costs

Allowable Costs for SFSP include ‐ READ SLIDE


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Unallowable Costs

Only food and supplies related directly to the meal program can be paid for with SFSP funds

Detailed list of unallowable costs on pg. 132 ofAdministrative Guide

Only food and supplies related directly to the meal program can be paid for with SFSP funds. Page 132 of the Admin Guide provides a comprehensive list of unallowable costs; some examples include: Cost of excess meals not served to eligible children Meals served in violation of Program requirements (non‐reimbursable meals) Rental costs for outside of program operation Food used outside the program (I.e. coffee for staff) Bad debts Fines or penalties for violations of Federal, state, or local laws and regulations Entertainment, etc.


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USDA Foods

• Entitlement = Extra $ to order USDA foods or state processed foods through OSPI

• $ Based on last year’s reimbursement - .015 for every meal served

• Must sign up separate from SFSP app. to get these extra funds

Organizations earn entitlement dollars based on the number of meals served during the previous years’ operation. Next year, your organization may be eligible to receive Entitlement dollars to order USDA foods. Entitlement is extra money to order USDA or W‐Code foods through OSPI. Sponsors that earned at least $50 in USDA Foods entitlements based on their 2019 operation are eligible to participate. You earn 1.5 cents for every meal served ‐ the order period is usually April, so mark your calendars for next year.


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Monitoring-Chain of Oversite




Site Supervisor

Site Employees

Site Volunteers

Monitoring: This is what the chain of oversight of the SFSP looks like. (read slide)


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Monitoring Requirements Pre-operational Visit

• Before the site begins meal service operation for SFSP • Goal: ensure site is ready for operation

First Week Visit • During first week of operation • Goal: ensure site is operating as required

Site Review • During the 4th week of operation • Goal: review operations

There are three required monitoring events the sponsor must complete for each site. The forms for each are located in the Program Materials and Required Documents section. The Monitor's Guide Handbook covers the visit and review requirements well – make sure to provide the monitor with this handbook and train the monitor on their responsibilities!

The Pre‐Operational Visit occurs prior to SFSP operations beginning at a site; the goal of this visit is to ensure the site is ready to operate. The First Week Visit is conducted within the first week of operation; the goal is to ensure the site is operating as required. The 3rd visit Is the Site Review, which must be conducted within the first 4 weeks of operation. The goal of the site review is to review operations and ensure compliance with federal regulations.

These reviews need to be completed regardless of how long a site might operate. (example, a site operates for 3 days, all visits and reviews must still occur)

If your site is currently operating due to COVID‐19, these visits may not need to be conducted.


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Monitoring Reference Sheets

TRUE OR FALSE – SITE REVIEWS CAN BE DONE VIA DESK AUDIT ALL SUMMER Reminder‐ Desk Audits can only be done through June 30; We will update sponsors if we receive guidance from the USDA that this waiver has been extended.

If site operated during COVID‐19 closure and is operating under the same sponsoring organization, monitoring visits are not required to be completed again. However, we would recommend conducting an additional site review during the traditional summer months to ensure all sites are operating in compliance with federal regulations. If you are adding new sites to your SFSP operation, all 3 monitoring visits would need to be conducted unless they are eligible for a waiver. Review the Monitoring Visits and Monitoring Visits during the Emergency closure Reference Sheet for details on waivers and flexibilities granted by the USDA for this year.

Nationwide Waivers #15 & #10 allow some monitoring flexibilities – these are outlined on the Monitoring Visits during Emergency School Closure Reference Sheet.

https://www.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/public/childnutrition/programs/summerpr ograms/pubdocs/MonitoringVisitsDuringEmergencySchoolClosureReferenceSheet.pdf


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https://www.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/public/childnutrition/programs/summerpr ograms/pubdocs/MonitoringVisits‐WaiversReferenceSheet.pdf


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Training Your Staff Who? Anyone involved in administration or operation

of SFSP Cooks Site supervisor/site foodservice staff Monitors Volunteers Administrative staff

You, the sponsor administrator, are required to train all personnel that will be in any way involved in your SFSP. This includes both administrative and operational staff, such as the cook, site supervisor, site staff, monitor, volunteers, and office staff.

If new staff or volunteers join your SFSP team during the summer, you will need to make sure they are trained on the topics required for their role before they begin performing their role. Make sure you document that these new individuals were trained (who, on what, and when) If staff were trained during emergency SFSP, they will not need to be trained again unless their role has changed.


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Training Your Staff What Topics? Attachment 15 in Administrative Guide Document: Training topics covered Date of training(s) Retain the training sign in sheet

Attachment 15 of the Administrative Guide summarizes the topics that should be covered in training. Essentially, each staff member must be trained on their specific role within the program and Civil Rights. OSPI has developed an optional site staff training that can be utilized by sponsors. Email the Summer inbox if you would like us to email you these trainings.

Ensure all training is documented and retained. Documentation should include who attended, the training topics covered, and the date training occurred.


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Civil Rights Provide equal access &

reasonable accommodations to all participants

Include Non-Discrimination Statement on all program materials

Maintain a Civil Rights Complaint Procedure

Train all staff on procedure

The Civil Rights Reference Sheet reviews the regulations for Child Nutrition Programs – program benefits must be made available to all eligible people in a non‐discriminatory manner. https://www.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/public/childnutrition/CivilRightsReferenceS heet‐CommunityNutritionPrograms.pdf

Sponsors must provide equal access and reasonable accommodations to all participants. Program materials must include the USDA non‐discrimination statement; the short statement may be used "this institution is an equal opportunity provider"

A Civil Rights Complaint Procedure must be maintained by each sponsoring organization ‐ it must also reference the USDA Civil Rights Complaint Procedures. OSPI has a sample complaint procedure available on the SFSP webpage.

Each SFSP staff member, including volunteers, must receive Civil Rights training annually. Ensure training is documented and retained.


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Beneficiary Data Collected annually via Site Reviews Visual Observation, if income applications are not accepted Race & Ethnicity Reference Sheet

The USDA requires sponsors to obtain race and ethnicity data, in order to determine if the Child Nutrition Programs are reaching all potentially eligible participants. If income applications are not accepted, visual observation can be used to collect this data on the site reviews. The Race & Ethnicity Reference Sheet includes additional details on the requirements.


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And Justice for All Posters Must be displayed where program

benefits are made available All sites, including mobile sites Sponsor's main office

Posters may be printed as 8.5"x11"

Printable Poster found on USDA's website.

And Justice for All Posters must be displayed anywhere program benefits are made available. This includes all sites, including mobile stops along bus routes, and at the Sponsor's Administrative office. As school transportation laws do not allow posters to be hung in the bus windows, we would recommend taping the poster to the cooler or box that is used to hold the meals.

The USDA has provided guidance that the poster may be printed in 8.5"x11" size at this time ‐ the link to the poster is included on the slide, which we will email out following the presentation.


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Record Retention

All supporting documentation to support your claims must be maintained for 3 years plus the current year Receipts Meal preparation records Meal counts Food/labor costs

All supporting documentation to back up your claim‐Receipts, meal preparation records, meal count records, labor costs, etc. Must be retained according to record retention requirements.

USDA requirements state that the supporting documentation can only be disposed of following the 3 years, plus current year if there are no unresolved audit findings or the program is not under investigation


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Meal Reimbursement Sponsors are reimbursed for the number of eligible meals claimed multiplied by the established rate for that meal.

Sponsors are reimbursed for the number of eligible meals claimed multiplied by the established rate. This program is a meal reimbursement program, not cost reimbursement. Each meal has a reimbursement rate assigned to it. Found on the Claims & Reimbursement Rates portion of the website.

SFSP includes a Vended/Urban Reimbursement Rate & Self‐Prep/Rural reimbursement rate. Your meal reimbursement rate will depend on whether your sites are considered urban/rural and meal preparation type.


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Submitting Claims Claims are due no later than 5:00pm on the 15th of the

month following the claim month (regardless of weekends).

Claim Month Claim Deadline Last Chance to Claim June July 15 August 31 July August 15 September 29

August September 15 October 30 September October 15 November 29





Claims are due no later than 5:00pm on the 15th of the month following the claim month (regardless of weekends). (Sept. 15 fall on a weekend.)

File claims in WINS. If you submit your claim by the 15th you will be paid by the last day of that month.

In the event you miss the “Last Chance” deadline, there is a process that allows you to request a 1‐in‐36 month exception.

Hydie Kidd, fiscal supervisor can answer questions related to submitting claims


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USDA Handbooks

USDA publishes manuals for this program. We have a link to them in the Helpful Links section of the SFSP website. Almost everything you need to know about how to administer and operate the SFSP is contained in these handbooks. Please review them annually.


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Administration Guide Program Contact Info: [email protected] 360-725-6200


We also have published a Traditional SFSP FAQ which is updated frequently – this can be found on the CNS COVID‐19 webpage.

https://www.k12.wa.us/sites/default/files/public/childnutrition/pubdocs/Transitionin gToTraditionalSFSP‐FAQ.pdf


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Thanks for feeding kids thissummer!



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SFSP Pre-Approval Webinar


Key Area:

3220 – Starting A Summer Program – 1 hr.

Please keep a copy of this certificate for your Professional Standards records.