L t rao aS s X11 + y + A r oJ wrr ti ti n w 1 yz t ° y r 3 < t- M1lx OCALA EVENING STAR MONDAY JANUARY 13JflM n rya u NEW ARRIVALS- Candied Cherries in half pound boxes 30 cents Saratoga Potato Chips in half pound packages Cranberries 10 cents a quart Peanut Butter Boneless Herring 10 cents a jar a f VanHoutens Breakfast Cocoa Fancy Table Raisins Guava and Apple Jelly pure 3 goods 1 Our Toilet Soap assortment is second to none Graham Rye Whole Wheat and Buckwheat Flour- AT THE TEAPOT GROCERY o Veterinary Surgeon Office opposite Tompkins Livery Stabl- eGUERRANTYI i E P S t OCALA HOUSE c WINE ROOMS CAFEW- e have again opened our Cafe in connection with our business and will always have on hand everything us- ually ¬ kept in a firstclass place such asOYSTERS IN ALL STYLES WESTERN STEAKS HAM AND EGGS FISH AND GAME IN SEASON CHICKEN TO ORDER Give us a call and we guarantee you- r good service reasonable prices and prompt attention t I f W Ao KALIENBERGER i Manage- rC 9 Y f > J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 129 South Third Stee- tPhone30J Ocala Fla I y J To the public our friends and patrons we beg to an ¬ nounce that we are now sell- ing ¬ ice at our factory and from delivery wagons at 40 Centsp- er 100 pounds promising- you prompt service best qual hilts and fall weight Thanking you for your fa- vors ¬ and hoping to serve you in the future r OCALA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phase it- 6 f 1 J c 0 I OCAlA OCCURRENCES K of P meet tonight I I Elks imMt tomorrow evening Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night Masons meet Thursday evening- If you need electric wiring or re- pairing ¬ of any kind phone 300 Mr E D Hobbs of Tampa JH a guest of the Ocala House large assortment of CUT GLASS and CHINA at Postoffice Drugstore- Dr S H Blitch was in town today atttending to his band duties Ben Condon has a line of new coast- er ¬ bicycles Tor rent Mr Harry Peter of Dunnellon was in town today Are you going to get your ice cream from the Corner Drugstore Sure Thats the place Mrs H K Smith left on the A C L this afternoon for a few weeks stay- at Weir Park TO RENTTo gentleman and wife- a large neatly furnished room close- In Address G care Star office Mr Perkins of the Fitzgerald Co cjontinues ill and is confined to his room in the Ocala House FOR RENT 5room house across street from waterworks Apply to H C Jones Mr and Mrs Jack Ruritz came in from Silver Springs yesterday to at- tend ¬ the Oulpepper meetings FOR SALEA good saddle pony and a mediumKissed farm mule Ap ¬ ply to Hiawatha Lake Stock Farm H H Whitworth city piss Shelly Souter the popular toachrr at Iklleviow spent Sunday in Ocala with her aunt Mrs Fannie Clark- VAXTEDStlollll hand bags and burlap any kind any quantity any ¬ where we pay freight Richmond Bag Co Richmond Va Jack McCully the farmer and truck- er ¬ of the Berlin section was in town today shaking hands with his Brick City friend- sLOSTPart of a gold watch fob with seal in shape of head on the end Lost on streets Finder will be re- warded ¬ by returning to J C Smith- at A E Burnetts jewelry store I i m u u I SHORTCOMINGS OF THE SHORT George MacKay Makes Some Remarks About the Service on the Ocala I and Homosassa Branch I Editor StarI note with pleasure your reference to the damaging sched- ule ¬ now given Ocala over the A C L short line IB it not time for Ocalas business- men to wake up and realize that they are paying their thousands of dollars- in freights to a company whose every action is unfriendly detrimental and damaging to our interests a company whose every promise of betterment either in schedule or railway facilities have been broken a company which has never yet shown any disposition- to consider our interests in a single instance Everywhere along the line the com ¬ plaint is general that the people can ¬ not further do business in Ocala on account of the schedule now estab- lished ¬ The sanitary condition of the cars at times is absolutely disgusting the wash from a broken urinal all over the floor of the smoker leaky lamps leaking kerosene on passeng- ers ¬ broken glass in the windows all contributes toward the Interest shown- In us by this company as well as to keep away business from our city- I would suggest calling a meeting of our business men of Ocala to consider proper and effective remedies for this roads continuous disregard of any principle of right justice and decency towards a community and territory- that annually glues hundreds of thou- sands ¬ of dollars for the worst possi ¬ ble railway service and the most ar ¬ rogant treatment of patrons The remedy is easy within our uiiit ed efforts Let us apply it now with ¬ out further parlance with a company whose stock in trade is procrastination I bluff and false promises Yours truly George MacKay Ocala Florida January 13 1907 CANVASSED THE VOTE The city council met this morning I in special session to canvass the re ¬ turns of the recent city election There were present Chairman J D Robert san and Aldermen Duval Carroll Rheinauer Alclver and Carmichael I The returns were officially canvassed- and the following results declared For mayor G A Nash 1G3 J D Rob- ertson ¬ M7 Alderman at large L W Duval 204 Alderman second ward J Gate 40 Alderman second ward J M Meffert 89 Alderman third ward- K T Ilolvonston 08 II A Fausett Is Alderman fourth ward H C- Jones7 Messrs Nash Gates Mef fort H0hcn ton Jones and Duval were declared elected THE NEW CITY COUNCIL I The newly elected members of the city council and mayor elect G A Nash will meet at the city council chamber tomorrow afternoon at 5 J oclock to be sworn in PROGRAM OF MISS WARTMANS MUSICAL Two Duets a Czardas Brahams- b Norma Bellini Dorothy Schrieber and Miss Wartmann Le Bergeronette Burgmuller Virginia Sistrunk Harmonies des Anges Burgmuller Blanche Whaley The Mill By the Brook Kohler Olivia Toffaleti Barcarolle Burgmuller Winona Wetherbee Allegro Schmitt- La Grange Sistrunk Scherzo Kuntze Ava Lee Edwards Chase of the Butterflies Dennee Nellie Beckham Polonaise Schmoll Tommie Standley Tarantelle Dennee Mary Phillips Second Mazunka Godard Elizabeth Newsom- Am Genfer Sec No 2 Bendel Mary Ervin a Impromptu in A Flat Schubert- b Prelude No2 Chopin Adele Bit linger a Lisonjera 1 J Chaminade- b La Morena j- Jean Tongue Grande Polanaise H Weber Ellen Clarkson- A Gipsy Maid and I Parker Mrs Mote Ballet Music from Flramors Rubenstein Dance of the Bayaderes j Candle Dance of the Brides of Cashmere Ellen Clarkson and Miss Wartmann I N 2 u DunATTENTION < 21 Hon Jno S Beard one of Floridas- most u- sf eloquent orators Y will address the f voters of Dunnellon Thursday evening j January f 6 on the subject of Prohibition Everyone cordially invited to hear him f TO BUILD ANOTHER HOUSE- Mr I- to Rheinauer has let the contract Mr Chas J Phillips to build at once a six or sevenroom residence on the southeast corner of the Tyler block This cottage like the other three has been rented before work commenced As soon as the cottage- is completed the larger of the hree houses now on the property will be moved a little nearer the southwest corner and a fifth house will be built- in the center of the block on the west side and at some further date a sixth house will be built in the center of the block on the east side NOTICE WOODMEN- The Martel choppers will hold a meeting tomorrow evening and install the officers of the camp for the en- suing ¬ yea After the installation the ramp will have a feast most of you know the rest and have invited the members of Fort King camp to at- tend ¬ You will be cordially welcomed and that there will be plenty of fun an1 things to eat goes for the saying MANICURING- Mrs Emma T Hackett manicurist- to introduce herself and work to the ladies of Ocala will for the next thirty days do manicuring for twentylive cents Call on her and let her show you how nicely your nails may be made to look With Miss Affleck the milliner 3t Mr John II Spencer the popular automobile and engine expert fas the fortunate winner of the fine Jersey milch cow raffled off by Mr S L Bitting last week John is very hap- py ¬ over his good fortune I Mr C W Perkins came down last night from Jacksonville and is a guest- of the Ocala House- Dr Robertson the financial agent of Columbia College Lake City made a very fine address at the Baptist church yesterday morning to a large audience I J A Jones a prominent citizen of the Reddick section was in town to ¬ day as was Merchant J B Devoe of the same place Mr C A Hamrick and wife of Jacksonville are in the city guests of I Mrs M C Looney Mr Hamrick is 1 the organizer of the Maccabees and is I making a great success in his efforts to organize new camps and renew old ones He is on his way to St Peters ¬ burg Tampa and Key West Mr G B Tankersley of Coleman- was in the city yesterday and attend- ed ¬ the revival services at the gospel tent The French Phosphate Co is busy grading track at Anthony Into iti mines The steamshovels have ar rrived so have the ties for the track I and as iron is shortly expected the same will be laid I Mrs Sue Feaster of Micanopy was in town today to see her sister Mrs- T M Moore and transact business at the courthouse- Mrs Archie Mclver and her mother Mrs Volney Fant and her young daughter came to town this afternoon from a visit to Mrs John L Davis at Irvine Mrs McIvers sister The AntiSaloon League has heard from Senator Rodenberry of Georgia- and he informed the league that he was sorry he could not come to Ocala next Saturday and make a temperance speech at the rally that day Homosassa was visited by a hail- storm this morning that literally cov- ered ¬ the ground but the rain soon came and melted the ice Mr A R Griffin one of the leading merchants of Anthony was in town today He said the temperance meet ¬ ing at Anthony yesterday afternoon was well attended Dont fail to see our big line of Ocala post cards in colors Ocala News Co a IN THE CIRCUIT COURT h j The court was busy this afternoon G- oti trying the case of Lee Howell of An- thony ¬ against the Seaboard Air Liner railroad company In which the Sea- board ¬ J train passing along Mr Howells- field of vejvet beans at Anthony set the same on fire and a portion otjhes- ame was destroyed Major Izlar a peared for the plaintiff and Attorneyx < L N Green for the railroad The Jury trying the case is composed of Messrs- D E Mathews H B Roberts Walter 1 Ray E O Cordery L T Hickson and j W A Davis Among the witnesses C examined were Allen Stevens Sparr tr i oS and John Syler Anthony l 1 t 7 ° KEYS FOUND l l A bunch of keys consisting of a postoffice key a front door Yale lock fj key a barn door key and a suit case r > or trunk key has been found and can l aa be had by paying for this notice and calling on E G Smith at the Southern Hoarding House just west of the lienwood Hotel t SETTER DOG LOST- A setter dog about eight month- sI > white and black spots answersr to the name of Jack has collar with name W H Hendon Hogansville Ga I on Reward for his return to the Hunter Drugstore- Mrs x nr Christian Ax daughter and companion Miss Welting of Balti- more ¬ 1 arrived at the Ocala House last t i night und will spend the remainder lof the winter at their home at the Meadows making frequent visits to Ocala Mr Ax with Mr C V Miller came through the country from Jack- sonville ¬ in Mr Axs fine touring car 41 Mr J T Sutphin and Mr M O Cog j gins of the M O Coggins Co com- mission ¬ I merchants of Pittsburg and I Mr WL S Pancoast of Philadelphia I another commission man were guests of the Ocala House yesterday and to- day ¬ I r TO BUILD A COTTAGE- Mrs rr A A Johnson colored will build a 900 cottage of five or six rooms opposite the old Marion House- In the third ward LevI Alexander- the contractor will do the work and = will put the cottage up at once This t woman built a similar cottage last year one of the neatest in the neigh bzorhood WEATHER FORECAST 3 Washington D C Jan 13Falr to ¬ night with colder In northeast portion r frost In north portion tonight Tue9 + + 033 day fair THE MEANEST MAN IN TOWN- s the one wuo always wears a frown is cross and disagreeable and la short and sharp in his answers Nine cases 4 out of ten Its not the poor fellows 0 fault Its his liver and digestion thkt 1 u make him feel so miserable he cant f help being disagreeable Are you iiT danger of getting Into the condition Then start at once taking Ballafd s Herbine for your liverthe safe sure p r- and reliable vegetable regulator Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore Electric smoothing Irons the finest thing ever invented for the home Ev- ery ¬ woman should have one in the house Call and see them at Tucker Y Mathews electrical store F FISH AND OYSTERC I am now receiving dally fresh sup J plies of fish and oysters I will take care of your orders and give you the I best I also carry a nice stock of pork I and beef choice meats at living prices s Give me a share of your business L K Tompkins the last stall on the v right City Market- FURNISHED r ROOMS ANTED- By a young couple for light housekeep- ing ¬ Apply at this office 1 A WANTED Cheap for cash a small piece of colored tenement property r close In Address c Ajax care Star l x 4 t zs s x

sf f on of to hear him

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L t rao aS s X11 + y +Ar oJ wrr ti ti n w 1 yzt ° yr3 <t-





Candied Cherries in halfpound boxes 30 cents

Saratoga Potato Chips in halfpound packages

Cranberries 10 cents a quart

Peanut Butter

Boneless Herring 10 cents ajar

a f

VanHoutens Breakfast Cocoa

Fancy Table Raisins

Guava and Apple Jelly pure3


Our Toilet Soap assortment issecond to none

Graham Rye Whole Wheatand Buckwheat Flour-





Office opposite

Tompkins Livery Stabl-







e have again opened our Cafe inconnection with our business and willalways have on hand everything us-


kept in a firstclass place such


Give us a call and we guarantee you-r

good service reasonable prices andprompt attention





Y f>

J PHILLIPSContractor and Builder

Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

129 South Third Stee-tPhone30JOcala Fla

I y


To the public our friendsand patrons we beg to an ¬

nounce that we are now sell-


ice at our factory andfrom delivery wagons at

40 Centsp-er 100 pounds promising-you prompt service best qualhilts and fall weight

Thanking you for your fa-


and hoping to serve youin the future



Phase it-

6 f 1 J

c 0



K of P meet tonight I


Elks imMt tomorrow evening

Odd Fellows meet tomorrow night

Masons meet Thursday evening-

If you need electric wiring or re-


of any kind phone 300

Mr E D Hobbs of Tampa JH aguest of the Ocala House

large assortment of CUT GLASSand CHINA at Postoffice Drugstore-

Dr S H Blitch was in town todayatttending to his band duties

Ben Condon has a line of new coast-er


bicycles Tor rent

Mr Harry Peter of Dunnellon wasin town today

Are you going to get your ice creamfrom the Corner Drugstore SureThats the place

Mrs H K Smith left on the A CL this afternoon for a few weeks stay-at Weir Park

TO RENTTo gentleman and wife-a large neatly furnished room close-

In Address G care Star office

Mr Perkins of the Fitzgerald Cocjontinues ill and is confined to hisroom in the Ocala House

FOR RENT 5room house acrossstreet from waterworks Apply to HC Jones

Mr and Mrs Jack Ruritz came infrom Silver Springs yesterday to at-


the Oulpepper meetings

FOR SALEA good saddle ponyand a mediumKissed farm mule Ap ¬

ply to Hiawatha Lake Stock Farm HH Whitworth city

piss Shelly Souter the populartoachrr at Iklleviow spent Sunday inOcala with her aunt Mrs FannieClark-

VAXTEDStlollll hand bags andburlap any kind any quantity any ¬

where we pay freight Richmond BagCo Richmond Va

Jack McCully the farmer and truck-er


of the Berlin section was in towntoday shaking hands with his BrickCity friend-

sLOSTPart of a gold watch fobwith seal in shape of head on the endLost on streets Finder will be re-


by returning to J C Smith-at A E Burnetts jewelry store


im u u



George MacKay Makes Some RemarksAbout the Service on the Ocala I

and Homosassa Branch I

Editor StarI note with pleasureyour reference to the damaging sched-ule


now given Ocala over the A C Lshort line

IB it not time for Ocalas business-men to wake up and realize that theyare paying their thousands of dollars-in freights to a company whose everyaction is unfriendly detrimental anddamaging to our interests a companywhose every promise of bettermenteither in schedule or railway facilitieshave been broken a company whichhas never yet shown any disposition-to consider our interests in a singleinstance

Everywhere along the line the com ¬

plaint is general that the people can ¬

not further do business in Ocala onaccount of the schedule now estab-lished


The sanitary condition of thecars at times is absolutely disgustingthe wash from a broken urinal allover the floor of the smoker leakylamps leaking kerosene on passeng-ers


broken glass in the windows allcontributes toward the Interest shown-In us by this company as well as tokeep away business from our city-

I would suggest calling a meeting ofour business men of Ocala to considerproper and effective remedies for thisroads continuous disregard of anyprinciple of right justice and decencytowards a community and territory-that annually glues hundreds of thou-sands


of dollars for the worst possi ¬

ble railway service and the most ar ¬

rogant treatment of patronsThe remedy is easy within our uiiit

ed efforts Let us apply it now with ¬

out further parlance with a companywhose stock in trade is procrastination

I bluff and false promisesYours truly George MacKayOcala Florida January 13 1907


The city council met this morningI in special session to canvass the re ¬

turns of the recent city election Therewere present Chairman J D Robertsan and Aldermen Duval CarrollRheinauer Alclver and Carmichael

I The returns were officially canvassed-and the following results declaredFor mayor G A Nash 1G3 J D Rob-ertson


M7 Alderman at large L WDuval 204 Alderman second ward JGate 40 Alderman second ward JM Meffert 89 Alderman third ward-K T Ilolvonston 08 II A Fausett

Is Alderman fourth ward H C-

Jones7 Messrs Nash Gates Meffort H0hcn ton Jones and Duvalwere declared elected


I The newly elected members of thecity council and mayor elect G ANash will meet at the city councilchamber tomorrow afternoon at 5

J oclock to be sworn in


Two Duets a Czardas Brahams-b Norma Bellini

Dorothy Schrieber and Miss Wartmann

Le Bergeronette BurgmullerVirginia Sistrunk

Harmonies des Anges BurgmullerBlanche Whaley

The Mill By the Brook KohlerOlivia Toffaleti

Barcarolle BurgmullerWinona Wetherbee

Allegro Schmitt-La Grange Sistrunk

Scherzo KuntzeAva Lee Edwards

Chase of the Butterflies DenneeNellie Beckham

Polonaise SchmollTommie Standley

Tarantelle DenneeMary Phillips

Second Mazunka GodardElizabeth Newsom-

Am Genfer Sec No 2 BendelMary Ervin

a Impromptu in A Flat Schubert-b Prelude No2 Chopin

Adele Bit linger

a Lisonjera 1J Chaminade-b La Morena j-

Jean Tongue

Grande Polanaise H WeberEllen Clarkson-

A Gipsy Maid and I ParkerMrs Mote

Ballet Music from Flramors RubensteinDance of the Bayaderes

j Candle Dance of the Brides of CashmereEllen Clarkson and Miss Wartmann

I N2 u



Hon Jno S Beard one of Floridas-most



eloquent orators Y will address the fvoters of Dunnellon Thursday evening jJanuary f 6 on the subject of ProhibitionEveryone cordially invited to hear him f



toRheinauer has let the contract

Mr Chas J Phillips to build atonce a six or sevenroom residence onthe southeast corner of the Tylerblock This cottage like the otherthree has been rented before workcommenced As soon as the cottage-is completed the larger of the hreehouses now on the property will bemoved a little nearer the southwestcorner and a fifth house will be built-in the center of the block on the westside and at some further date a sixthhouse will be built in the center ofthe block on the east side


The Martel choppers will hold ameeting tomorrow evening and installthe officers of the camp for the en-


yea After the installation theramp will have a feast most of youknow the rest and have invited themembers of Fort King camp to at-


You will be cordially welcomedand that there will be plenty of funan1 things to eat goes for the saying

MANICURING-Mrs Emma T Hackett manicurist-

to introduce herself and work to theladies of Ocala will for the next thirtydays do manicuring for twentylivecents Call on her and let her showyou how nicely your nails may bemade to look With Miss Affleck themilliner 3t

Mr John II Spencer the popularautomobile and engine expert fas thefortunate winner of the fine Jerseymilch cow raffled off by Mr S LBitting last week John is very hap-py


over his good fortuneI

Mr C W Perkins came down lastnight from Jacksonville and is a guest-of the Ocala House-

Dr Robertson the financial agent ofColumbia College Lake City made avery fine address at the Baptist churchyesterday morning to a large audience

IJ A Jones a prominent citizen ofthe Reddick section was in town to ¬

day as was Merchant J B Devoe ofthe same place

Mr C A Hamrick and wife ofJacksonville are in the city guests of I

Mrs M C Looney Mr Hamrick is 1

the organizer of the Maccabees and is I

making a great success in his effortsto organize new camps and renew oldones He is on his way to St Peters ¬

burg Tampa and Key West

Mr G B Tankersley of Coleman-was in the city yesterday and attend-ed


the revival services at the gospeltent

The French Phosphate Co is busygrading track at Anthony Into itimines The steamshovels have arrrived so have the ties for the track

I and as iron is shortly expected thesame will be laid


Mrs Sue Feaster of Micanopy wasin town today to see her sister Mrs-T M Moore and transact business atthe courthouse-

Mrs Archie Mclver and her motherMrs Volney Fant and her youngdaughter came to town this afternoonfrom a visit to Mrs John L Davis atIrvine Mrs McIvers sister

The AntiSaloon League has heardfrom Senator Rodenberry of Georgia-and he informed the league that hewas sorry he could not come to Ocalanext Saturday and make a temperancespeech at the rally that day

Homosassa was visited by a hail-storm this morning that literally cov-


the ground but the rain sooncame and melted the ice

Mr A R Griffin one of the leadingmerchants of Anthony was in towntoday He said the temperance meet ¬

ing at Anthony yesterday afternoonwas well attended

Dont fail to see our big line of Ocalapost cards in colors Ocala News Co



h jThe court was busy this afternoon G-


trying the case of Lee Howell of An-thony


against the Seaboard Air Linerrailroad company In which the Sea-

board¬ J

train passing along Mr Howells-field of vejvet beans at Anthony setthe same on fire and a portion otjhes-ame was destroyed Major Izlar apeared for the plaintiff and Attorneyx <

L N Green for the railroad The Jurytrying the case is composed of Messrs-D E Mathews H B Roberts Walter


Ray E O Cordery L T Hickson and jW A Davis Among the witnesses C

examined were Allen Stevens Sparr tri oS

and John Syler Anthony l1 t

KEYS FOUND llA bunch of keys consisting of a

postoffice key a front door Yale lock fj

key a barn door key and a suit case r >

or trunk key has been found and can laabe had by paying for this notice andcalling on E G Smith at the SouthernHoarding House just west of thelienwood Hotel



A setter dog about eight month-sI


white and black spots answersrto the name of Jack has collar withname W H Hendon Hogansville Ga

I on Reward for his return to theHunter Drugstore-


x nr

Christian Ax daughter andcompanion Miss Welting of Balti-more


1 arrived at the Ocala House last ti night und will spend the remainderlof the winter at their home at theMeadows making frequent visits toOcala Mr Ax with Mr C V Millercame through the country from Jack-sonville


in Mr Axs fine touring car 41

Mr J T Sutphin and Mr M O Cog j

gins of the M O Coggins Co com-mission


I merchants of Pittsburg andI Mr WL S Pancoast of PhiladelphiaI another commission man were guestsof the Ocala House yesterday and to-day





A A Johnson colored willbuild a 900 cottage of five or sixrooms opposite the old Marion House-In the third ward LevI Alexander-the contractor will do the work and =

will put the cottage up at once This twoman built a similar cottage lastyear one of the neatest in the neighbzorhood


Washington D C Jan 13Falr to ¬

night with colder In northeast portion r

frost In north portion tonight Tue9 ++ 033

day fair

THE MEANEST MAN IN TOWN-s the one wuo always wears a frown

is cross and disagreeable and la shortand sharp in his answers Nine cases 4

out of ten Its not the poor fellows 0

fault Its his liver and digestion thkt 1u

make him feel so miserable he cant fhelp being disagreeable Are you iiTdanger of getting Into the conditionThen start at once taking Ballafd sHerbine for your liverthe safe sure p r-

and reliable vegetable regulator Soldby the AntiMonopoly Drugstore

Electric smoothing Irons the finestthing ever invented for the home Ev-ery


woman should have one in thehouse Call and see them at Tucker Y

Mathews electrical storeF


I am now receiving dally fresh sup Jplies of fish and oysters I will takecare of your orders and give you the

I best I also carry a nice stock of porkI

and beef choice meats at living prices sGive me a share of your business LK Tompkins the last stall on thevright City Market-


ROOMS ANTED-By a young couple for light housekeep-ing

¬Apply at this office 1


WANTED Cheap for cash a smallpiece of colored tenement property rclose In Address c Ajax care Star


x 4 t zs s x