SEX ECONOMY AND ORGONE RE.SFARCII IN PALESTINE 73 SEX-ECONOMY AND ORGONE RESEARCH IN PALESTINE° By W Arndt From, M.D. a. HtTilio., aizACTIONs 10 THE ORGONa ACcirMULATOM Francisco de Goya, the great Spanials painta of 200 yeara agor ume aaid that phantaay, freed nf the shacklea of reatam, would leme narif in the alisurd and çhaotie. What this artiat comprehended intuitively, Frcud tricd te clarify hy fui acientific inveatigation r,f thr Unconicious. Relch, how- ever, recognized the irracional structure of ali humanity as the expresa;on of the emocional pague, and by hitt diactivery ai the btoparhies, ha. givcn tia the mearia ar iaking tni the fight against this mais Micame. Reich gata: "The light againet thr hiopathiet will Ix one of the moa arduout tildo with which hurnanity wus ever confronted. 1 do not hesitare to concerni iliat na previnui revalution 'lar iuch aehievernents aa the cominai of the plagua ai the Mitidie•Ageo can compare with titia taak in magnitude, depth and danger. The solution cf titia task will probahly reqttire the greateat revalurion in thought and action which man has coe had tu aehieve." When Frcud "ibook the aleeping worid" with hia diacovery of infaritile tauality, the resinance againat the discovery could ter explained by morai- iitiC ai rhowiand yeara' atanding and by rhe anxicty causai by the mabung ~acima ai nnconscious conflicta. It ia more difficuir ta find thc causei zif the irracional retiatance agoirou the orgnne aceumulatur which cremes atning biolngical rraction in the fight nat only avim carme hitt innumerahle ()the diieue forma. Reich atum "The targorie rncrgy has yielded 'orne therapeutic mula which are io incrrdibk that 1 have not dartd ut putiliali them kat 1 arpear ;tia ehariatatt." The (ar that the magnitude and the variety of therapeutie suei:esta might arouse partieularly in thc beginninib only loa "1 As we ali know, tuday penieillin ia knuwn ali over the work! as a mirado drug, Yet, th e ehartirrririat:,.:r of penicillin had beco knuwn lona Ware the war: they had heen &saibra by the Engliah hacteriologin Fleming as bali agi) as 1939. Hawrver, no attention waa paid to bis work and, without Trandéted by ente Editar.


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By W Arndt From, M.D.

a. HtTilio., aizACTIONs 10 THE ORGONa ACcirMULATOM

Francisco de Goya, the great Spanials painta of 200 yeara agor ume aaid that phantaay, freed nf the shacklea of reatam, would leme narif in the alisurd and çhaotie. What this artiat comprehended intuitively, Frcud tricd te clarify hy fui acientific inveatigation r,f thr Unconicious. Relch, how-ever, recognized the irracional structure of ali humanity as the expresa;on of the emocional pague, and by hitt diactivery ai the btoparhies, ha. givcn tia the mearia ar iaking tni the fight against this mais Micame. Reich gata: "The light againet thr hiopathiet will Ix one of the moa arduout tildo with which hurnanity wus ever confronted. 1 do not hesitare to concerni iliat na previnui revalution 'lar iuch aehievernents aa the cominai of the plagua ai the Mitidie•Ageo can compare with titia taak in magnitude, depth and danger. The solution cf titia task will probahly reqttire the greateat revalurion in thought and action which man has coe had tu aehieve."

When Frcud "ibook the aleeping worid" with hia diacovery of infaritile tauality, the resinance againat the discovery could ter explained by morai- iitiC ai rhowiand yeara' atanding and by rhe anxicty causai by the mabung ~acima ai nnconscious conflicta. It ia more difficuir ta find thc causei zif the irracional retiatance agoirou the orgnne aceumulatur which cremes atning biolngical rraction in the fight nat only avim carme hitt innumerahle ()the diieue forma. Reich atum "The targorie rncrgy has yielded 'orne therapeutic mula which are io incrrdibk that 1 have not dartd ut putiliali them kat 1 arpear ;tia ehariatatt." The (ar that the magnitude and the variety of therapeutie suei:esta might arouse partieularly in thc beginninib only loa "1

As we ali know, tuday penieillin ia knuwn ali over the work! as a mirado drug, Yet, the ehartirrririat:,.:r of penicillin had beco knuwn lona Ware the war: they had heen &saibra by the Engliah hacteriologin Fleming as bali agi) as 1939. Hawrver, no attention waa paid to bis work and, without

• Trandéted by ente Editar.

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thr sirgen,y nf the war, penicdlin proltably would have rematned un-known. Atter th,.• fapanese had taken lava. the Atires hed to carda for J

ettlicitute for quinina, and it watt "dieenvered" that ODT bati a oleadly eflea on mresquitora. In rrality DDT had bren disenvered ',cara agn by Swisa ehemist; again, it. wus "reeliiterivered" when the war mede ne4easary the preiervattun of "human material." Ai we soe, human lixes irier em;

siderahly in value during the war when it comei to the enemy and gain value when it comes to °nese nwn ranks, Thie shows thc whole arrimar of nur mecham:Feri which admires the machine hitt

has contempt for life. Troe, the "maehine" e:111rd orgone accumulator is no impo-ming offair .

Phyaie.iarts as well as lay peupk like to reler tn it, somewhat derieively, "the hox." Some douht the nietiticatinn nf cnlling it an "aerumulattn" because no use nf eRectricity ta involved Feve prnpk can imagine a medicai 4pparatus without electrieity. Thus, n patient, when the felt the charzeter lane prickling aeneations, reinarked that now 1 had liwitched un thc electru current, How rnuçh more oripoeing had heen the treatment with ao eleerrie "hair dtmehr" in a fuebintuible Itcrlin sanitarium which mede the hair stand ateaight on end Whar ali the physidane concerned knew that the whole thing was a bintf. Nnw comes the accumulator from America. and many F-urrapeana, tad tu thinking in such categories, are inclinai to can it an Americain hindi ignorant of thr fitei that the diacovery uf tilo nreone took piar In Europe.

Again and again, thc therapeutic sul...cegou athieved with the urgiam accumulator are ascribed to, "auggestinti." again and again hy critica wht, do ma idke the irouhlr of even invetaigating the mattcr. Alto, it does no? *cem tu have oicurrcd to any of thcsc critica why dle inventor, if bent uri

misleading bis public, should eltouee ah bis meatte such a primitive "box" which lenda itself poorly tu a "suggestive" influente, which, more tilai, that, by tis very simplicity, is apt to aruusc skepticiam.' A aurgton sat. fully

eirair's sir; Duiing the 192tt's it was diituvered iliri Wtii101113 wrgtt tia be cum! hy eumeititin, The inethe.! W5 it fienutii Dertriatulosii ri Citnic in Switeirdend The hand with ttw watts was piam' un the tupi ut a pantuatet, the Wide verte planei with tufar reli Laia. atoei ellen the munir *AP turno' 'to Ti'' rue{ guid on buiu aubitatitr, and the ekantety was uwed butely f‘u ahc whatins JUMNd 4 ibr 91110,

there wu no Me tia! influente witetuver The pootowat, digo, wes ussJ nterelY liar

it5 sugirefivq eghott, Htippe A pium heis tr chieetnety weill taken! tf une wanteel tu IIRC dic eccuanulaten for 'ittiaintiee" imuizei. une winild katitainly put tia it urine nurt tetiuut inseto, tio¢ drikáji owitdirt, hahti id isnuas rolou o, a /machio:lig ,tintar, 1.1 That IS urraisely the dans whists impingias Illut uni/ rife 11111140, bus•—pubably eten guie sia--the .are 4.44ske ema ',atoe tient imbuam! abiectitant--T,P.W.

ded, in un accumulator for five minutes; when, atter deis time, he did nos feel the prickling, he said, deriaively, that he seemed irrite a prior medium; as far az he was concerned, that was that. Another physician, a family friend, refuired evett tu Look at titia "suggestinn boa" and riaketi the hreak of a friendship. 1 could nos hrlp feeling that he coneidered it a competition %vali bis ihort.wave apparatus and Ide ultraviolet lamp. Another phyeirian tu whom 1 wanted tu show the uccumulator wars more directa "The icica- ufic aspect ai tt," he said, "I don't understand, rwither does it intereat me. And practically, it ia nf no value tf% me hecatine ynu have the monopoly (I) on it." Quite generally, emana physiciarie as ~11 as Lay people, there acme tu be more interest in the posaibk financial expinitation than in the therapeutte effeete. An institution in the Spa Tiberrae nrdered an accumu-lator from uri. My letter aaking for what purpow it was neerled reniained

unanewered. Apparently, sanitarium there wished to be tip to date. The Net that the Orgone Institute is a non-profit organization is incom-prehensible to many and the statement of this fact ia often met with disbelief.

We meei reetatance, however, nnt only in peuple whu have an :mugi> nietk altitude tuward the accumulator from the begirming, bus abo in pajem' and their relativee whu at first were in favor of argente erratmem. Although I never snake any prumises and keep emphasizing thc experi-mental nature of tire therapy, the expectations are trentendous. Many paciente are very irnpatient and capeei immediute viailile resulta aval from une seraion. It helpi bule tu point out that in many case• it tales conaider aide tisne belore the first viaihie effeets appear. We know from payeher-analytic experience that pacienta whu scan tu have a particularly iugh runfidence in the treatment are otien covering up a attung chauim which, at thc slightest provocation, rnay appear as a htrung reeistance. Situdarly, in the case uf orgone ACCUMUliltUf frealltIrt1t, the itúual contidetwe ()hen furna unto an ali the greater skepticiam with the fim real ter seeming tailure. Partieularly is thia ao when, as in the iate atages of aevcre discarei, there ia initial improvetnent which, atter a (rebito elege, is flui fullowed by (unhe improvement. lf the condition gets mese io% apite of the orgone treatment ar if some other diwasr prontos devek,pa, there is a tendency to mak. the urgune accurntildtur reaponsible. A emacei- lundu tu thc Iam

Vnitk that he could use Me actutnulatur nu mure than three ornee; intenediately, the family council split iatti twa partia, une of which ,iectibed the weaknese to the accinnulator, ciai the unha baud, if there is

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çyrnplumatec cia general improvement, thia ta ,sina in br Ageribed to other catiwk, paraculariy if the aterraitng physician ia asked for hal opintno Rerently, a ratírtlt with arvere artarks of .angina pectoria werned vrry eager to atara orgone treatment. After impravernent Ltd taken piare very promptly, hc refused to give any t:redit to the acctunulator. The auggehatat rd urgone treatrnent had beca his sonsa. The negative altitude. ni the fathri hecomes understandable when une know' hia aggresaive amolde tnward

Aftcr there had heen no attacks for severa! werica and the general oondition bati irnprovtd grratiy, the folie' derlared that he had under

i.aken the filliffint therapy mereiy to please hm mat. When the sun, ;ater the

First trestment, noriced a strong tradening ni the fatre•-a phenomenon well-known to tua-the feche* intcribeci titia to the efforr invrtived in putting on his truuNers. The mather atai a "neutral" attitude, aaying ir Wtli a goort thing anyhow fur the father to sir in the areun-áulator twice a dny berma,:

it would kccp him guie. Many people, ai a reault uf improvementa, admit that "there mula br

surnething to it" but at thr same tinir &tufa thr far-reaching significatur at sare diacovery uf the arguiu. Tinir irrational structurr malar it imp slide for thetn to draw the only postible concluaions from their mit ohurvtitions.

A particular pite:torneiam is the anerript uf many pacienta tu Ilide da-,ti-cturstilatur from frienda ar thr attending phyrician, It hal% ar if aunle new Lind of underground moveram were developing herr.

Evrit though there ia still rrtuch of titia inintical ur diatrustful attitudc. it moia be aaid that there are abe a great rnany finais of rational remetam and that thr :lamber uf &lendo aí the ticeumulator asa conatantly incteaung. as a result of peraunal alattervatiana and thr literature published ara far.

Generally speaking, moa ['copie, dur to their authuritarian structure. are watting for "recognition" from above, that ti, fruto the aliciai irientilia authartues; Chia in apite lir the fact that, apart from the handful of arrue specialina, ali acientaats, nu matter whist their specialty, can only he laymett to thr field of ()Norte researelt. Recogratitm can nu more br expectei from a tnechanirtically ariertted sciencr than Frcud rould expect rei:cigana:a from experimental psychuIugy. h is mure 'bati lacei), that thc thrgone accumulator will attain Os rreognitiun from bei" from the people, ou the hasta of studily inerraaing theraprutic resulta which finally will eliminais ali irrational upposition.


3. atAirrioNi Ti) A LAVIVRE Mieis

The violem reactiana quantia Wilbrim Rrich`" thicoveries, capccully the Norwegian premi tampaign aftcr the dimenvery of the hiona, were ai fim monnprchensible tu me. flui hitt scicatific puhlicationa licetned to me no cima and Ingira] that thcse anuiu did nos turn me against thent, bua, rather, did the opinante. After ali, the literaturc ia full ttf wientific publica-liana which tater un turned viu to be ciumenta; as a tule, they sinaply go tom without uny sons and dance. Evrn if the dia(overy of the {irmane had been proven erronenua, the violeta i.ainpaign against Keith riill wnuld have tu be explained.

When, w the fali uf tom, I deritird to preçent the findsup of sorte

econorny, including Non, torgnne and canerr research, tu a Jarger public in a series ai. tallui, 1 aoun icarned tu underatand the irrational rearlioni agatitat Reich. Even in sa mordi circle with chutei acquaintance with sem-eronomy, there suma aviar peculiar differenera of opinam. nine uÉ our foca& oNerted to the publii presentation of ¡hem setena& problema ai lung as they 'hW nor hem offtrially recognized hy established autharitlei.

appeared that ihe Safra' ~Ir who, in the fiel& of economia and widtout hcing experta, nevertheless believe thenuarlvei cum-

pctent to forni an tipttlitin nf their own, keep a rempectful distance from ali caber field*, which the), consider the exclusiva domain of the experta. What, we mim tt.mk ourselves, is the reatam for tina basically difierent altitude? Wç Ictow that the fielda of economia and paycholugy touch

the numa personal ferlings. Er-una:Mc and usual auppreasion can lirotlucc viutent resistancen apitou economia and sexology, hut authori- tarian credulnuanem reigni with regarei tu research flua lonnected with apeei& emotions. Mudem uience, togetiter with thc enorrnous teebnicat advances, luta earned general adtniratiun, irar Chis tururi, there it IiuIe underitanding (tf the fact that there ia irrationalirm to uientific rette.trch.

The fact that a considerable pari uf acientifir disaiverirs and inventiotts comei from outaidera is gcnerally unknown ar overlauked. What is known, however, is the fact that thesc discovertea and invencione—ta the extent to which they do nua terve deatructive purpuseer-always oauld establish themselves only agaí= the greatest abitados. Peadiarly etiough, Chias fact ia alai:g' recngtiiied as trate fur the pitar only. I have ovei heard the explanatiun that, tu the pata, it wita dias ta the law develupment aif trai&

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and rommunicationi. Even stranger was rhe explanation offered by piychnanalyit who thaught that sus h renstatiera only exist at lung ae the experiment bei nat proved the apperitite. Stich explanatione nnly ahow the complete ignorante aí the depth praceai ai irratinnal phenamena. Isa

reality. it #2 again and again the tanta resinem" which appotie any and ali haneally new diKoveriee, no marta in Mut tiriri. ()ne nnly hei to mentiria e;alifro, Nitrar, Sehleich, Fremi end Madame Curte.

Orle the moei d ti ult taeke in my talks wae to malte citar thc dit•

frreocc hetween meelianittic atirai-c and tunetional argnne reaeareh. A supure-uive education, over Mínima& nf orara. epht up the identily cet

ensonem and thinking and, incremeingly, mude it ima an abealute an

titheeic Thia diminuir:c! the unitury experiencr ;tf our hiological paisanos.,

with that af the outer world and led to the ahstractioni al um' mind, a mini! which. in contraia to nut "animal" innincts, carne to he averevalit ateei. People were na longe'. ahlc to comprehend natural processei with their feelings hot only hy mechanint. thinking. Tis emocional impover.

iehment paraded intellectual obieettvity while the remaining feelingm

hec.ame enmeahed in myetierd and ideological cartaiderationa. Goethe knew

dna when hr San I, fiUnd wenn ihr't$ nicht erfühlt, ihr werdeVe nie eriagen.•

("And if you cari'' feri it, never catch it.") Thus I gradually hegan ur undereumil the wariung which Reich had

addreased to me when informed of my Man for theac talks; "Your ente

pelar ia interetting tirai important and 1 W1111 ynu thc beat succeet. But mor add a warnittg. Pleame do:* foro that the people who come to ywr do eu, nu the one hand. with expectations which atem from the hiulogicat nucieus, that is, iram germine iunging for life bui that, on the tolice haurir ali 'acople, whoeuevrt, have in tilem a character armar which, nra mirto

how good your intentions, may very easily brins about irratiunai ructionN, analety and hauri!. Dian't ever forget dto! man, at pite and the same time, hes a gruta longing for lite and a tterrientione fear of spuntallealte alivenes

1 would like, as boi i can, to preveni your heing taken unawares liy reto

bana o( the emotional plague." In the early pintee nf my tante, 1 tivereatitnated the iturrett ia detailed

questions of eCILICetiUti f.lf the effects ui the orgone accumulatur, in that I took tina Onerem vi detaile ai identical with sin intereet in thc total prol). leen. Very toem 1 diseovered that the overwheltning nut¡ority of. intereated people encountered the Recatem difficultiee ia really cornprehearling the unity In thc natural pructaa.. Again and again I fuund that tni.pet uf tilem


had only their uwn ltmited field of Mirres'. Renietancre hecame eppareni even in a entali Mele ai friende when the (lixai:atm wrnt heyarel the bounderica o( peyehology. °there, who heti Muni! a strung interest in engane reeesucb, tumescer' CO me tO inee Mit the amuei problem att mude az pneeible in arder ta avoiri unnecesear-y attacka. Thua, peopie intereated in phyuitx did not want tu hear of binlogy, mini( intereeted in medicine cif tviychulogy, peaple intereeted in of Omites, peopie intereated in paychulogy of any of the quiser hranchee of natural suence.

when, ma the beginning cif t he lif LrIllid erice of my talke„ 1 deacribed the resistances with which reli progteietve altas anil itiseciveriee had met in thc Net. I eneountered mure opposition than bciore. Apparently, I had, in some of my hit the core of these difficututa when 1 pointed abe their conncetion with human rigidity as compareci with the hioingical motility ai the animal. An electrieal enguirer critteizerl ttty diectientin by saying that he had not tome tu linen tu a discourse on paychtilogy; what hr wanted [S5 beta about, unho-, verte the electruieoptc reactions in the arcumulator and prnofa for the therapeutie effieney ai the accumulator. Há renegue %jantei the connectione between Pexectinorny and arpar reheiarch watt ahown ira ltii etaying :May coser on the evcning when orgont researeh wai being diectiesed. ft war alio tharacterinic that, 'Joon my mentioning the cataitrophic significam:e of the atem bumb, bis mecha-Mane thinking took the line indieated by Reich whu verme; "One might Lly that the way In which Márl rosete to thede bailudly diflcrent processes and forma af Moryfir cnergy canal the antitheats betwero rigid mecha-ruam and ative tunetionallem." The atum boi" mit' titia trine, wits not Oti.in ngerotas, lince mor every Saggt-CAIIVe WC,lpoil defensive wetapou wat hmid.

Oi particular norteei ia the mode of reactiun cai the political activista. do nat mean people like the politician anil eocailogist who, after hateniag ,ine of tny sair' ta hie wife that the sexual poihirrn Will a marta tua

w•nrien, and that lhe ineteari of lie alualki go tu otty talks; orh t..e Mio srnid that the Rusatan Eive-year.platt was mure importam to tom tiriri çargane phyeice. Peuple like these cannut he takeu iieriousty. Miare ta por-tant are Mitritiets whu are ready to accept Reichse hiolugikul aud cagou: research. Their altitude tiiward ilea-reoniany is souwwhat like that cif lucha x tu Darwin. They are ready to cooperai,. with Rekh tis the estear to which thcY ser magro* in bis eciatitific inaights, particularly, us thc light agúnat sexual euppranion, but they UttittUt rii.:Ctilt the ‘411i.CeVt

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democraey." Thry trila at thc 'inumai restei to Mandem: "What good is a lociallam in the future," the Zionists say, "if in thc mcantime the Jcws are kin"! by faseiam. Ler us, first of ali, sie up a jewish atate go that we catt

defend ourielves like any other nation, by muni ai armo if nereasary." The Marxista, em the (ober hand, argue ai fullowa: "What good ia a work

dcmocracy in the future while in thc meantime we are rukd by power politica. Only a lociety with econoinic socialism can establiab a se*. economic education." They believe that they run bring up consentiu people without eliminating the irrational mais buais. Thcy overlook ar underestimate the dependence of the mechantam of ~domes* on healthy biological puisation. They land in mechanistic thinking and in the belief that a inechanical revolution will bring ahout a mo:talim anciety.

Mechaniatically, they split off ioriology from thc essence ai the functional energy eoncept, and thcir ¡militar towards urgone research is as antithetical, as is that of inechanicai matei iuliam to dialectic materiallam, ar aí experi mental payrhology tu psychotinolyiis, ar of meehsinistic physies to orgone

physica. Finaily, 1 wai tuld that 1 was not qualified to prezem such a scientifir

aubjert era lay people. People who said ia overlookeci the fact that there are no authorities in the field of orgone research, and that mechaniatically thinking Relendo* have the greateat difficulty iu following functional thinking. However, the neressity of tnaking the public acquainted with nur kind of working is attested by the file that the problem of the biopathies lias betume thc moa inqxtrtant problem of humanity, a problem, more, which cama he Icft to the specialists. Our task is that nf making thc facts known on a hroad bugio, and at the muni- time that of finding people who corne ince) con"ideration for active co-workership. We dai our ()cot to win professional people as co-workers hut we are awarc of the alim chances here. A adenda who participated in my lecturca and who, as the firas one here, carried out the biun experimento and confirmed them, aaked thc Univeraity cif lerusalem to eheck the biun and orgone experimenta; the Clarim Institute in jermialem, on their request, rcceivrd material cost.

cerning Reich's work. However, the interest In professional (irdes boa rernained very auperficial. There hm as yet not been any ierious objective

oiti ciam , On the whok 1 have the impression that there ia a lively and widesprenil

inteeeit bus that the number of those who are afile ar ready to cooperate aetively ia atiii very inani. Ai alwaysi, youth, not yet in a rui in thek feeling

and thinking, are mau upctimindecl. 'Rua, a cofiesr student sei out to translare "Orgonotic pulaation" ince Hebrew in arder te discuaa It with his fcllow mudem.. At firat, he met with considerable realitance and was ridiculcd; bui the /nublem were diacursed agaitt and again undl finally there wai intereat. Bui a considerable (tumba of adulta, alio, to an increasing degrce, grappie serinuely with the prohleins of sex-econorny and orgone reaearch. Ai a reault of two series of lecturea during the psit three yeura, ai well as of single lecturel and a publication in n local papa, hundreele of people, for the fim time, carne in enntacr with there problema. Troe, many of there will fim inquire from the "authorities" what they think about it, althuugh thesc themselves are laymen in the field. Bui ai aex.economy and orgone reaearch ia apread by the written and spoken word, underitanding steaciily grows. The resittances will be overcome by thc constantly increasing pronfs and the progress of the researeh, not In the least by the therapeutie SUCCCISCS. However, it will take a systematie re-educados% ()dote fundiam' thinking on a mais acide is possible.

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Projeto Arte Org Redescobrindo e reinterpretando W. Reich Caro Leitor Infelizmente, no que se refere a orgonomia, seguir os passos de Wilhelm Reich e de sua equipe de investigadores é uma questão bastante difícil, polêmica e contraditória, cheia de diferentes interpretações que mais confundem do que ajudam. Por isto, nós decidimos trabalhar com o material bibliográfico presente nos microfilmes (Wilhelm Reich Collected Works Microfilms) em forma de PDF, disponibilizados por Eva Reich que já se encontra circulado pela internet, e que abarca o desenvolvimento da orgonomia de 1941 a 1957. Dividimos este “material” de acordo com as revistas publicadas pelo instituto de orgonomia do qual o Reich era o diretor. 01- International Journal of Sex Economy and Orgone Research (1942-1945). 02- Orgone Energy Bulletin (1949-1953) 03- CORE Cosmic Orgone Engineering (1954-1956) E logo dividimos estas revistas de acordo com seus artigos, apresentando-os de forma separada (em PDF), o que facilita a organizá-los por assunto ou temas. Assim, cada qual pode seguir o rumo de suas leituras de acordo com os temas de seu interesse. Todo o material estará disponível em inglês na nuvem e poderá ser acessado a partir de nossas páginas Web. Sendo que nosso intuito aqui é simplesmente divulgar a orgonomia, e as questões que a ela se refere, de acordo com o próprio Reich e seus colaboradores diretos relativos e restritos ao tempo e momento do próprio Reich. Quanto ao caminho e as postulações de cada um destes colaboradores depois da morte de Reich, já é uma questão que extrapola nossas possibilidades e nossos interesses. Sendo que aqui somente podemos ser responsáveis por nós mesmos e com muitas restrições. Alguns destes artigos, de acordo com nossas possiblidades e interesse, já estamos traduzindo. Não somos tradutores especializados e, portanto, pedimos a sua compreensão para possíveis erros que venham a encontrar. Em nome da comunidade Arte Org. Sobre o Instituto Wilhelm Reich e Bibliografia About the Wilhelm Reich Institute and Bibliography ---------------------- International Journal of Sex Economy and Orgone Research ----------------- -------------------- The Orgone Institute -------------------- 01 Wilhelm Reich About the History and the Activities of our Institute 1942 International Journal of Sex Economy and Orgone Research Volume 1 Number 1 1942 Interval 6-15 Pag. 1-10 02 Outline of Present Activities of the Orgone Institute 1945 International Journal of Sex Economy and Orgone Research Volume 4 Number 1 1945 Interval 98-101 Pag. 96-99 03 The Annals of The Orgone institute 1947

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McF 207 Annals of the Orgone Institute, Number 1. 1947 Interval 5-5 Pag. 3 04 Walter Hoppe. Sex-economy and Orgone Reserarch in Palestina 1947 McF 207 Annals of the Orgone Institute, Number 1. 1947 Interval 40-44 Pag. 73-81 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- Orgone Energy Bulletin ------------------------------- ------------ Orgone Institute ------------ 01 Myron Scharaf. The First Orgonomic Conference at Orgonon 1948 McF 208 Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1. Jan. 1949 Interval 15-18 Pag. 23-29 02 Orgonomic Movement 1949 McF 209 Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 2. Apr. 1949 Interval 17-19 Pag. 77-81 03 A. E. Hamilton. Reaction to the First Orgonomic Conference 1948 McF 301 Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 3. Jul. 1949 Interval 14-17 Pag. 117-123 04 Notes Editorial. A Letter to the American Medical Association 1949 Wilhelm Reich 302-Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 4. Oct. 1949 Interval 25-25 Pag. 186-187 05 Notes Editorial. A correspondence 1949 McF 303 Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol. 2, No. 1. Jan. 1950 Interval 25-26 Pag. 44-46 06- Our Biosocial Base of Operation 1950 McF 305 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 2, No. 3. Jul. 1950 Interval 3-4 Pag. 97-98 07 Wilhelm Reich. Orgonomy 1935-1950. A brief Aecount 1950 McF 305 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 2, No. 3. Jul. 1950 Interval 27-35 Pag. 143-151 08 Orgonomie Literature Ordered from Russia 1950 McF 305 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 2, No. 3. Jul. 1950 Interval 36-40 Pag. 152-160 09 Wilhelm Reich. The Orgone Energy Obsevatory (1948) McF 306 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 2, No. 4. Oct. 1950 Interval 33-34 Pag. 217-219 10 Elsworth F. Baker. The Orgone Institute Diagnostic Clinic. 1951 McF 307 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 3, No. 1. Jan. 1951

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Interval 22-23 Pag. 39-41 11 Ola Raknes. Orgonomic Work in Sacandinavia 1951 McF 307 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 3, No. 1. Jan. 1951 Interval 24-29 Pag. 42-52 12 Ilse Ollendorff. Orgone Energy Accumulators in U.S.A. 1951 McF 307 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 3, No. 1. Jan. 1951 Interval 29-32 Pag. 53-58 13 The Wilhelm Reich Foundation 1951 McF 307 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 3, No. 1. Jan. 1951 Interval 32-33 Pag. 59-60 14 An Esperiment in Social Administration 1952 McF 313 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 4, No. 3. Jul. 1952 Interval 3-5 Pag. 130-134 15 Fron The Charter of the Wilhelm Reich Fundation 1952 McF 313 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 4, No. 3. Jul. 1952 Interval 5-6 Pag. 135-136 16 The Wilhem Reich Fundation By-Laws 1952 McF 313 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 4, No. 3. Jul. 1952 Interval 6-10 Pag. 137-145 17 Financial Report of the WRF 1952 McF 313 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 4, No. 3. Jul. 1952 Interval 11-14 Pag. 146-153 --------------------------- Bibliography on orgonomy --------------------------- 01-Glossary 1949 McF 209 Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 2. Apr. 1949 Interval 25-27 Pag. 93-96 02 Orgonomie Leetures January 1948 to Date Jul 1949 McF 301 Orgone Energy Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 3. Jul. 1949 Interval 20-20 Pag. 128-129 03- Bibliography of works on Orgone Energy 1951 McF 310 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 3, No. 4. Oct. 1951 Interval 83-84 Pag. 342-344 04 Ola Raknes. FroM Libido Teoria to Orgonomy 1952 McF 311 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 4, No. 1. Jan. 1952 Interval 8-11 Pag. 13-18 05 Bibliography (1950.1951) 1952 McF 313 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 4, No. 3. Jul. 1952 Interval 15-18 Pag. 154-161

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06 History of Orgonomy (1897-1952) 1953 McF 315 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 1,2. Mar. 1953 Interval 47-49 Pag. 90-94 7 Literature on Orgone Energy 1948-1951 McF 517 Oranur Project. Orgone Energy Emergency Bulletin No. 1 1950 Interval 6-7 Pag. 10-12 08 Wilhem Reich Biography Material 1953 McF 316 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 3,4. Sep. 1953 Interval 2-3 Pag. I-II 09 Prefatory Note 1953 McF 316 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 3,4. Sep. 1953 Interval 6-8 Pag. 1-4 10 BackGround and Scientific Development of Wilhelm Reich 1953 McF 316 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 3,4. Sep. 1953 Interval 8-10 Pag. 5-9 11 Glossary and Abbreviations 1953 McF 316 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 3,4. Sep. 1953 Interval 11-13 Pag. 10-14 12 Books, Articles and Seminars by Whilhelm Reich 1953 McF 316 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 3,4. Sep. 1953 Interval 13-25 Pag. 15-36 13 Articles on orgonomy by Coworkers 1953 McF 316 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 3,4. Sep. 1953 Interval 25-33 Pag. 37-53 14 Books and Articles about Orgonomy 1953 McF 316 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 3,4. Sep. 1953 Interval 34-37 Pag. 54-61 15 Books, Articles and Reviews with References to Orgonomy 1953 McF 316 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 3,4. Sep. 1953 Interval 38-59 Pag. 62-105 16 Listings and Compaign by Wilhelm Reich (1949) 1953 McF 316 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 3,4. Sep. 1953 Interval 60-66 Pag. 106-119 17 Index by authors 1953 McF 316 Orgone Energy Bulletin. Vol. 5, No. 3,4. Sep. 1953 Interval 67-76 Pag. 120-137 --------- CORE. -----------------

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----------------------- The Orgone Institute and Bibliography ----------------------- 01 Wilhelm Reich - Response to Ignorance 1955 McF 512 Wilhelm Reich Biographical Material, History of the Discovery of the Life Energy.1955 02 Grossroads Ahed - Wilhelm Reich at the Supreme Court (E.U.A.) in 1956 McF 504 A Court Case VII 1954-1957 Interval 4-29 Pag. 1-51 03 Appendix - Orgonomic State of Maine (1948-1952) 1956 McF 504 A Court Case VII 1954-1957 Interval 38-46 Pag. 17r-33r 04 Bibliography of Works on Orgone Energy (1937-1951) 1952 McF 504 A Court Case VII 1954-1957 Interval 49-51 Pag. 39r-43r 05 Texts of the orgonomy indicated at the Court Case in 1956 McF 509 A Court Case XII 1954-1957 Interval 4-4 Pag. IV-V 06 Backgroud and Scientific Devolopmente of Wilhelm Reich 1956 McF 509 A Court Case XII 1954-1957 Interval 43-45 Pag. 11a-15a 07 Glossary 1956 McF 509 A Court Case XII 1954-1957 Interval 45-48 Pag. 15a20a