Seville, 6th – 9th February 2012

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“Tackling Young People´s Welfare in Europe” TYPE Project First Transnational Exchange Workshop “ Amadora Empreende” Project – Social and Youth Entrepreneurship. Seville, 6th – 9th February 2012. Câmara Municipal da Amadora. PRESENTATION. Amadora EMPREENDE. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Tackling Young Peoples Welfare in EuropeTYPE ProjectFirst Transnational Exchange Workshop

    Amadora Empreende Project Social and Youth Entrepreneurship Seville, 6th 9th February 2012 Cmara Municipal da Amadora

  • Amadora EMPREENDEAmadora Empreende is a Municipal Project of support to Entrepreneurship created in 2008, based on the recognition of personal skills and on the identification of the best solutions for each case:

    Entrepeneur Path: Creation of Enterprises/self employment

    Alternative solutions: Education-Qualification-Employment


  • Amadora EMPREENDETARGET GROUPSIndividuals with age between the 16 and 65 years (including), with Portuguese citizenship or legal residents in Portugal, as well as profitable or non profitable organizations, since, in each entrepreneurship initiative, 50% of the beneficiaries are resident in Amadora. The enterprises or resultant business must be located in Amadora

  • AREAS OF INTERVENTIONAmadora EMPREENDEMain goal:- To give support to the all citizens who intend to implement business in Amadora

    Phases of the process:

    Motivation and contact spread in mass of the project, realization of Sessions of explanation / information;2. Reception of Applications initial evaluation of business ideas and selection, taking into account the profile of the candidate and the relevance and exequibility of the business;3. Coaching specialized consultancy support for the preparation of the Business Plan; 4. Qualification Qualification for management and development of the business, with thematic workshops and seminars directed do the necessities of the Promoters


    Amadora EMPREENDE5. Implementation Specialized consultancy for the concretization of Business, support in accessing financing sources, support in services of accountability, concession of Incubator;

    6. Follow-up Periodic contact with the business promoters, to check the situation point and the development of the business project;

    7. Meeting Annual realization of a public event to present the Projects supported by the Project


    To promote sensibilization/information on Entrepreneurship next to teachers and students in schools of Amadora;

    To contribute to the qualification of young people through pedagogic and Innovative proposals, that can turn basic skills into entrepeneur skills ACTIVITIES:

    Teachers qualification in the area of Entrepreneurship

    Right Arm One day in your future (Action addressed to students)

  • AREAS OF INTERVENTIONAmadora EMPREENDEMain Goal: To promote the integration of discriminated publics in situation of social exclusion in entrepreneurship projects, with the objective of creating self-employment

    ACTIVITIES:Qualification in basic skills for the most appropriate development of an entrepreneur path or other, more suitable, such as education or employment

    Attendance of proximity to residents in vulnerable territories that intend to develop business ideas

  • Amadora EMPREENDESpecialized support in the search of capitals and investors

    Concession of work spaces in the Quick Incubator (rooms equipped with autonomous islands of furnishings / equipments, attributing to the entrepreneurship initiatives)

    Concession of commercial spaces of municipal property (In areas of reaccommodation, by means of rules of temporary attribution, based on viability and effective results of the project)

    Financial Support (attributed by private partners who support the business ideas)


  • Amadora EMPREENDE


    Amadora EMPREENDE*The third Edition started in April 2011. The 9 projects are still in process ofDevelopment and Coaching

    YearFinal ProjectsSucessful ProjectsEdition 1 2008213Edition 2 - 2009255Edition 3 - 2010183Edition 4 -201190*

  • Amadora EMPREENDE


    General Evaluation

    STRENGTHS: involvement of diverse target groups (age group, level of schooling, etc); involvement of population groups living in vulnerable territories; qualification of the individuals with entrepreneurship skills; development, renovation and dinamization of the local business cloth and consequent creation of employment

    WEAKNESSES: Low rates of success in the implementation of the ideas of business, comparing to the number of final projects

  • Amadora EMPREENDEFINAL PROJECTS 2008Simulator of Real Loads in Means of transport of Shut CabinCaffee /Snack BarRissis & CiaComputer RepairingArchitecture and UrbanismProjecto . mnimoGardening

  • Amadora EMPREENDEFINAL PROJECTS 2009Project Solues Eficientes VITRALSSIMO: O Renascer do Vitral nadia Lubiva Atelier de Costura

  • Amadora EMPREENDEFINAL PROJECTS 2010Dotylandia Party Spaces

    Home care services

    Education/Qualification (Special education for children and young people; snior qualification)

    Consultancy and services in the area of management (project analysis, accountancy, auditing)

    Web Projects and electronic commerce

    Services of Plumbing

    Photography of events

    School of hairdressers and hairdresser

    National tourism

    website for sale / spread of national products

    House of cakes, based on the excellence of the production and on the quality of the products

    Craftwork Shop

  • Amadora EMPREENDEPARTNERSPromoter: Cmara Municipal Amadora (City of Amadora)

    Partners: ISCTE/ AUDAX (Consultive and Formative Entity)Fundao GulbenkianDolce Vita TejoEscola Intercultural das Profisses e do Desporto da Amadora

  • More informations:

    Cmara Municipal da Amadora (City of Amadora)Diviso de Interveno Social (Division of Social Intervention)T. 214 369 053 E-Mail: [email protected]