July 3, 2016 Seventh Sunday after Pentecost WORSHIP INVITE NURTURE GROW SERVE Bethlehem First UMC Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - r.b5z.netr.b5z.net/i/u/10108627/f/July_3__2016.pdf · under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead;

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Page 1: Seventh Sunday after Pentecost - r.b5z.netr.b5z.net/i/u/10108627/f/July_3__2016.pdf · under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead;

*Please stand as you are able. Worship Bulletin │

July 3, 2016

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost


Bethlehem First UMC

Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

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Worship Bulletin │ 2


Thank you for worshipping with us today. Our ushers and greeters are happy to help you find your way. You may also pick

up a map of the church in the Narthex, at the front entrance of the Sanctuary, or in the Stars Café near the church office,

just outside of the Worship Center.

If you are visiting with us for the first time today, we are so glad that you are here. Please complete one of our Connection

Cards and drop it in one of the baskets near the doors as you leave.

Our purpose at Bethlehem First UMC is to "Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world." We do this

by making Worship a priority. By offering an intentional Invitation to follow Jesus Christ. By making time to Nurture Godly

friendships. By committing to Grow in our faith. And striving to make a difference in the lives of others through Service.

We want every member of Bethlehem First UMC to earn their WINGS. To follow Christ faithfully and live their faith boldly

as together we transform our community through the love and grace of Jesus Christ. We would love for you to join us on

this journey of transformation.


Childcare is available for newborns through age 4 during Sunday school and all Sunday morning worship services.

Newborn to Walking, Room 121 | Walking to Age 3, Room 110 | Age 3 & 4, Room 109

For Your Convenience

Restrooms are located in the narthex (front lobby), the Commons Area, near Room #114, and next to the Stars Cafe.

Greeters with yellow lanyards are available to answer questions and help you find your way around.

Index Worship

8:30 Worship Service ...................................................................................... 3

9:30 Worship Service ...................................................................................... 4

11:00 Contemporary Worship Service ........................................................... 4

Sermon Notes .................................................................................................. 5

11:00 Traditional Worship Service ................................................................. 6

BFUMC Happenings

Bethlehem Happenings ...................................................................... 8

Our Faithfulness .................................................................................. 9

Prayer Concerns ................................................................................ 14

Week at a Glance .............................................................................. 15

Contact Information............................................................ Back Cover

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*Please stand as you are able. Worship Bulletin │ 3

Prelude Cindy Crawley

Greeting Rev. Matt Parker

Call to Worship

Sing praises to the Lord, sing praises.

We come to worship God with shouts of joy.

Sing praises to the Lord, sing praises.

We come to entreat Christ to turn our mourning into dancing.

Sing praises to the Lord, sing praises.

We come to touch the healing Spirit of God

*Hymn How Great Thou Art UMH 77

Praise and Thanksgiving Rev. Parker

Pastoral Prayer Rev. Parker

Offering/Offertory Cindy Crawley

Scripture Reading Psalm 23 (pg. 392) Rev. Parker

Message “He Leads Me” Alma Flahn

Sacrament of Holy Communion UMH 12 Rev. Parker

We practice "open communion," welcoming all who love Christ, repent of their sin,

and seek to live in peace with one another. You do not need to be United Methodist

or a member of Bethlehem First United Methodist Church to receive the Sacrament

of Holy Communion. All are invited to come to the Lord’s Table.

*Benediction Rev. Parker

Usher/Greeter: Shirley Alcorn

8:30 Holy Communion Service

A 30-45 minute worship service meets every

Sunday morning in the Chapel. This intimate

service offers hymns, prayer, a message, and

Holy Communion.

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Worship Bulletin │ 4

Welcome Music 9:30 Band 16 Tons

Welcome Rev. Matt Parker

We Pray Rev. Parker

We Worship 9:30 Band Sing to the King Trust & Obey

We Give Rev. Bernat A Handful of Dust

“__________________________” | ____________________

WELCOME | We are glad you chose to worship with us today! Please enjoy some coffee and refreshments in the Stars Cafe before the service begins. During the service, you will have a chance to respond to the message using your Connection Card. Please complete the card and return it to us in the baskets at the rear of the Worship Center. For our first-time guests, we have a special gift available for you as you leave the Worship Center.

MISSIONS SPOTLIGHT | Barrow County Family Connection: By partnering with the Barrow County School Systems, the Barrow County Family Connection provides supplies (such as backpacks and school supplies) and hosts opportunities for families to meet their most basic needs. This July, the Barrow County Family Connection will host a Back to School Bash where kids will receive backpacks filled with school supplies. You can help make this possible by donating a backpack or making a special donation for backpacks. Discover more about Barrow County Family Connection by visiting their website at www.barrowfamilyconnection.com.

WHAT’S NEXT? | We want to help you with the “next step” in your faith journey. At the end of the service, we will identify three easy steps for you. However, your next step may be something we have not identified because that step is different for everyone. Use your Connection Card or stop by our Guest Services Desk in the Stars Cafe and let us help you discover some practical “next steps” just for you. You can also discover more online at www.bethlehemfirstumc.com/next.

#SUNDAYSONGS | Music for today’s gathering: “Furious,” “The Lord Our God,” “Happy Day,” “Revelations Song,” and “Forever Reign.”

11contemporary Matt Parker @revmattparker

“More Than Conquerors” | Romans 8:28-39

We Hear Rev. Bernat

“Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”

Luke 11:1-4

Sacrament of Holy Communion Rev. Bernat

Amazing Grace 9:30 Band

We Respond & Go 9:30 Band My Country Tis of Thee

If any part of the service touched you this morning and you would like to pray with someone, please come by the prayer table located in the back of the worship center by the sound booth.

Ushers/Greeters: Rich & Patty Boyd

Audio/Visual: Becky Adcock, Susan Smith

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*Please stand as you are able. Worship Bulletin │ 5

The Lord’s Prayer

For many people, The Lord’s Prayer is just a collection of words that have been repeated so often

they have lost their meaning. It is in danger of becoming irrelevant and devoid of significance. Yet in

this prayer, Christ has given us a prayer we can use for ourselves and as a model for all other prayers.

During this series, we dig into this powerful prayer, line by line and discover what Jesus meant when

He shared it with His disciples. We will learn why this prayer was radical and controversial in it’s time,

and unpack its relevance for our lives today. Invite a friend to join us at 9:30 or 11T as we explore The

Lord’s Prayer.

July 3 – Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

July 10 – Forgive Us Our Trespasses

July 17 – Lead Us Not into Temptation

July 24 – For Thine is the Kingdom

“Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread”

9:30 & 11:00 Traditional

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Worship Bulletin │ 6



CALL TO WORSHIP Rev. Brent Bohanan

Jesus says: “I am the bread of life.” Those who come to me shall not hunger, and those who believe in me shall never thirst.” We hunger for the bread of Jesus, the bread of life,

Jesus says: “Pray for your daily bread.” We pray for the bread of Jesus, the bread of life,

Jesus says: “My Father gives you the true bread from heaven.” We are grateful for the bread of Jesus, the bread of life.

INVOCATION Rev. Bohanan As we gather today in your house, around your table, we thank you, Lord, for bread. We thank you for bread that is the heart of the food we eat. And we thank you for the bread that is broken and shared in communion with one another. With thanksgiving we remember that night when Jesus sat with his friends at supper, and broke the bread and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you.” Thank you for the bread of Jesus, the very bread of life. We thank you, Lord, today and always, for being our daily bread. Amen.

*OPENING HYMN America the Beautiful UMH 696

*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH The Apostles’ Creed UMH 881

I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

GREETING Rev. Frank Bernat


Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

*OFFERTORY HYMN The Star Spangled Banner Combined Choirs

11:00 a.m.

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*Please stand as you are able. Worship Bulletin │ 7

*OFFERTORY Jesus Saves BA 3


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise him, all creatures here below; praise him above, ye heavenly hosts; praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

SCRIPTURE READING Luke 11:1-4 (pg. 735) Rev. Bohanan

HOMILY “Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread” Rev. Bernat


We are a church of open communion and everyone is welcome. When the Pastor invites you forward, please come as you are able, the ushers will direct you. If you would like to receive Holy Communion in your pew, please let one of the ushers know. Gluten Free elements are available on the altar to the right.


I Come With Joy UMH 617, V. 5


*CHORAL BENEDICTION Shalom to You UMH 666 Shalom to you now, shalom, my friends. May God’s full mercies bless you, my friends.

In all your living and through your loving, Christ be your shalom, Christ be your shalom.


Hearing Assistance is available for the 11:00 o’clock service in the sanctuary. Please ask one of the greeters or ushers for a receiver and they will be happy to assist you.

Acolytes Alex Nunn, Lindsey Nunn

Greeters Lenell Carr, Nadine Goodman, Larry Laske, Malcolm Mercer, Susan Mercer, Pam Shaw, Terry Shaw

Ushers Dwight Austin, Charles Autry, Allen Bower, Ron Deal, John Fleeman, Jeff Kennedy, Lamar Pugh, Don Wages


The altar is open for prayer before, during, and after the service. One of our pastors will be available near the altar should you want someone to pray with you.


The Back to School Collection helps provide backpacks and school supplies to families in Barrow County who are

in need of assistance. If you would like to contribute to this ministry, please leave your donation on the altar

during Holy Communion. All monies will go directly to Family Connections for distribution. Thank you.

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BFUMC Happenings │ 8

July 3, 2016


Please note the date and time has changed. This very important workshop will help you plan ahead for the

unexpected. When someone dies there are immediate decisions that must be made: writing the obituary,

setting up funeral arrangements, picking out flowers, etc. There are less immediate details to tend to, but no

less important: finances, credit cards, bank accounts, housing, and estate planning. There is no charge for

this workshop, facilitated by Larry Laske. You will need to bring a 3 ring binder, pen or pencil, and a brightly

colored folder. All literature and documents will be provided. Also, bring your spouse or executor with you

to the workshop. Please RSVP by Sunday, July 24.

Gretchen Hill │770-867-3727 │[email protected]


Bethlehem First UMC is going to Murphy-Harpst to host a fun Friday for the youth residents. Mark this date

on your calendar. More details to follow.

Jaren Self │404-372-9223 │[email protected]


The United Methodist Women Band of Sisters Circle and our Summer Camp are working with Family

Connections to support the Back to School Bash! This event provides backpacks and school supplies to those

in need around our community. We need your help. Through July 17, we will graciously receive your

backpacks and monetary donations for this event. There will be backpacks placed at the altar of each

service, and you may drop your monetary donations and backpacks there. Thank you for your support.

Amanda Brannon │ 770-363-7400 │[email protected]


Join us on the mountain as we study how we were meant to be Wild and Free. It is time we overcome the insecurity that we are “too much or never enough!” Cost for the weekend is $169, which includes all meals and lodging.

To secure your spot, a deposit of $50 and the information below must be completed and turned into Amanda Brannon by August 7 (please make your check payable to BFUMC and notate “Women’s Retreat.” Space is limited, so register soon!! Amanda Brannon│ 770-363-7400│ [email protected]

Name: _____________________________________________________ Cell: ______________________


Are you willing to drive? Y /N How many can ride with you ____

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BFUMC Happenings │ 9



Sunday School ....................................... 47 9:30 Children ......................................... 34 On-Line Worship ................................... 32 Nursery .................................................. 43 8:30 Worship ......................................... 15 9:30 Worship ....................................... 101 11:00 Children ....................................... 39 11:00 Contemporary Worship .............. 55 11:00 Traditional ................................ 137 Total Sunday Worship ......................... 422

Operating Budget Update

MTD Actual YTD Actual


Operating Budget Gifts and Other Receipts $75,425.76 $ 501,295.40

Operating Budget Disbursements $ (74,107.30) $(465,310.95)

Receipts Over (Under) Disbursement $1,318.46 $ 35.094.45

Operating Budget Update

The Budget goal for June is: $ 78,425.76

Operative Budget Gifts through June 19th $ 76,574.32

July 25 1 person

July 26 1 person

July 27 1 person

July 28 2 people

July 29 2 people


Bethlehem First UMC is committed to providing lunches to the children in the Bethlehem Mobile

Home Park during the month of July. Volunteers are still needed to make and take lunches. All

supplies will be provided. Please sign up at the reception desk in the Stars Café or contact Gretchen

Hill in the church office. These are the days in July that we still need people:

July 6 1 person

July 15 2 people

July 18 1 person

July 21 1 person

July 22 1 person

Gretchen Hill │770-867-3727 │[email protected]


We partner with Our Daily Bread, in Athens, to prepare and serve food to the homeless, hungry and

working poor. Our next service opportunity is Monday, July 25. We are looking for people to help

prepare and/or serve food. Food preparation will be Sunday, July 24, in our main kitchen

immediately following the 11:00 o’clock worship services. We will transport the food and serve

lunch in Athens on Monday, Juily 25. If you would like to help serve or prepare food, please contact:

Ruth Pugh, 404-513-8455 | Melissa Burton, 404-789-1860

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BFUMC Happenings │ 10

Bethlehem First UMC

Sager Brown Mission Trip

Sunday, July 10 thru Friday, July 15, 2016

Sager Brown was started on its current site in 1867 as a school and orphanage for African American children. It served families and children in Louisiana for more than 110 years. The school closed in 1978. In 1992, Hurricane Andrew devastated St. Mary Parish and the community surrounding Sager Brown. But, the brick buildings of the old school still stood. Local United Methodists cut the chains off the doors to the old buildings and invited UMCOR to use Sager Brown as a disaster center to respond to the needs of the survivors of the hurricane. And, Sager Brown rose once again as UMCOR Sager Brown. Volunteers come for a one- or two-week mission trip. They are provided with clean, comfortable housing; nutritious meals; and 23 acres of lush, peaceful scenery along the Bayou Teche. Through the work in the UMCOR depot, volunteers engage in hands-on ministry that reaches out to the world. Through sewing items for various kits and through sorting, verifying, and packing relief kits, volunteers learn about the needs of people and communities they may never meet. Today, UMCOR Sager Brown reaches humankind locally, nationally, and worldwide.

Today, we lift up our mission team as they prepare for this journey to Baldwin, Louisiana. Please remember them each day as they use their hands and feet for God.

Mary Lee Howard

Rachel Howard

Nick Jacobs

Syntha Johnson

Gary Otts

Judy Rainwater

Jared Self

Kearsen Self

Next Mission Trip to Sager Brown │January 2—6, 2017

Ride the church bus or travel in your own vehicle to reduce overall cost of the trip.

Jared Self │404-372-9223 │[email protected]

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BFUMC Happenings │ 11

The Serve Team would like to thank you, BFUMC, for all you have done this first

half of 2016! Thanks to all who give of your time and use your gifts and talents to

serve others, to those that have seen ways God can provide for missions and have

been faithful in giving to Faith Promise, and to those that pray for missions and the

work BFUMC and our mission partners are doing to reach a broken world with the

love and hope of Christ.

Faith Promise Explained - Giving of our tithe’s is based on our known income, everything we have

belongs to God and we are commanded to give a portion of that back that is used to support the

local church and it’s ministries. Faith Promise giving is based on income that is unknown of how it

will come. It is a commitment made in faith that if God provides an amount that he has laid on

your heart to give towards BFUMC’s missions and outreach efforts, that you promise to give.

During our Global Impact Celebration (GIC) in March, Faith Promise commitments received

totaled $32,000 to be given towards missions over the next year. Since the GIC, $14,785 has been

received. Praise God! These funds and your willingness to serve others, has made an impact in

our efforts to make disciples of Jesus Christ and to show our community and world God’s love.

Even if you did not make a Faith Promise commitment, we welcome any contributions. Please

indicate Faith Promise on your giving or you can give online next to the Faith Promise box.

Results of Your Faithfulness


Monthly support for the Attaway family that is serving in Thailand

Monthly support for the Macenczak family serving in Honduras

Contributions to Nudge Ministries’ efforts in Ghana

Support for Village of Hope to get donated clothes and school supplies sent and

distributed in Liberia

Purchase Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes that our church will fill later this

year to be shipped to children all over the world


Support towards trips to serve the children at Murphy Harpst

Support towards UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)

Purchase food to serve those in need with Our Daily Bread in Athens

Fuel cost to be able to take bus/van on mission trips and outings

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BFUMC Happenings │ 12


Provide funds needed to purchase 30 boxes of food to be distributed during

each House of Bread distribution for the next year (330 total)

All cost covered for food to continue Summer Lunch program this year

Covered cost to provide breakfast for the teachers at Bethlehem Elementary

during teacher workdays

Scholarship towards FCA Camp (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) for

Apalachee football team

Support for building material, food and refreshments for Building a Better


Serving by the Numbers

Sometimes we hear all of the wonderful ways in which BFUMC is serving, but when you put

numbers with it, you see what kind of impact we are making.

Building a Better Barrow (June 2-4, 2016)

46 volunteers, youth and adults, served with Building a

Better Barrow in partnership with Barrow County

Habitat for Humanity.

9 work sites

5 churches represented that served

Summer Lunch Program (May-June)

750 lunches served

180 Food 2 Kids bags filled with food to last the weekend

61 volunteers served

Winder Food Pantry (Weekdays in June)

21 volunteers served

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BFUMC Happenings │ 13

8 – Statham

1 – Bogart

1 – Colbert

1 – Athens

BFUMC House of Bread Food Pantry (January-June)

56 different volunteers served

7,245 pounds total food distributed

604 pounds of food distributed on average at each


305 total boxes of food distributed between January-June

25 families, 84 individuals total, served at each distribution

144 unique families, 478 unique individuals total with 167 being under the age of 18, served

between January - June

Where in our community do these 144 families live?

81 - Winder

27 – Bethlehem

16 – Auburn

9 – Monroe

Limited sots are available. (Have an RV? You are welcome to take those to stay in while you

are there to serve and may reduce your overall cost of the trip, contact Jared for details.)

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BFUMC Happenings │ 14

Levesque, Evajol & Dave Lieske, Elaine Lockridge, Larry Loyz, Ignacious Macenczak, Hollie & Family McElroy, Keith Monk, Leanne Ingram Moore, Martha Moore, Shirley Nash Family Partee, Mary Nell Persecuted Christians in the Middle East Pitts, Louise Powell, David Philllips, Suzanne & Chris & Family Price, Charles, Karen Family Pruett, Frances & Leeon Ritch, Doug Rister, Julie Ross, Glen Schulz, Dawn Sigman, Angel, Wade, Dezi, Mason Smith, Dee Smith, Hazel Stephens, Joyce Stockwell, Judy Stokes, Virginia Thompson, Cheryl Thompson, Rachel Thompson, Mary Willie Wiley, Javid & Layden Wilson, Gary Jr. (Bubba)

To receive a detailed prayer list, sign up today for e-prayers through The Inn, www.bethlehemfirstumc.com.

For assistance, contact Gretchen Hill, 770-867-3727, ext. 10.

Bowker Family Bullock, Charles Callahan Family Carter, Pat Capo, Brenda, Richard Casper, Paulina Delinski, Tom Dickerson Family Dixon, Tanna Edge Family Family of Ft. Yargo Drowning Families of Orlando Flood Victims in West Virginia Harmon, Tiffany, Michael Hill, Linda Hilland, Pam Laske, Nancye, Larry Loudermilk, Pam & Family Meeks Family Military Moon, Andy & Melissa Nulph, Bryan Powell Family Royal, Martha Ruhkamp, Ken Shannon, Ann Stiles/Martin Family Summer Camp Staff & Children Teal, Jordan Thompson, Easton& Family UMCOR Mission Trip United States Wilkes, Linda On-Going

Abbett, Ann, Suda, Supi Adams, Katie Allen, Herman Andrews Family Baby Bella & the Scott Andrews Family Barnwell, Vance Beaird, Dianne Bennett, Diana Black, Colin Brannon, Elizabeth Bretz, Sandy & Dale Brown Family Buchanan, Gail Bullock, Annie, Janie Bullock, Beverly Carrier, Rhonda, Curley Cash Family Chalas, Bev & Ron Collins, Charlene “Sally” Cook, Mercer Corley, Tim Eckels, Michael Firman, Michelle Flanigan Family Federico, Kyle Godina, Megan Gorsuch, Shelly & Lyn Graham, Ernie Harris, Harriet Henley, Bill Jr. Ingram, Leanne Monk Lawrence, Michael Lee, Heather

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BFUMC Happenings │ 15

Week at a Glance

For a detailed schedule of events, Login on our website at “The INN”

and click calendar, or contact the church office


Childcare Info on Page 2

Every Sunday

Worship AM

8:30, Chapel │ 9:30, Worship Center │ 11:00 Contemporary, Worship Center │ 11:00 Traditional, Sanctuary

Sunday @ 9:30 AM

Adult Sunday School @ 9:30 AM

Friendship, 123 │ JOY (Ladies), 127 │ Just Say Jesus, 125 │ Open Door, 124 │ Shared Journey, 128 │ Wesley, 101 │

College & Career Class, 126

Children ~ Large Group/Small Group Format

PreK-4th Grade, Fellowship Hall


5th/6th Bridge, Gym│ Middle School, Gym │High School, Gym

Sunday @ 11:00 AM

Adult Sunday School @ 11:00 AM │ Hot Topics, 127

Children ~ Large Group/Small Group Format

PreK-4th Grade, Fellowship Hall

This Week

Monday, July 4 Independence Day

Fitness Center Closed

Church Office Closed

Tuesday, July 5

9:15 a.m. Ladies LIGHT Bible Study, 128

Wednesday, July 6

` 7th-12th Grade Youth-Funopolis Fun Center, Commerce

9:00 a.m. Crochet, 128

7:00 p.m. Adult Choir Rehearsal, 119

Sunday, July 10

5:00 p.m. Sunday Night Live Youth (7-12 Grade), Gym

5:00 p.m. Next Faithful Steps, 128



AUGUST 10, 2016

Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power

at work within us, to accom-plish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to

Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations

forever and ever! Amen.

Ephesians 3:20-21 (NLT)

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Our Staff

After School Ministries Director, Melanie Spilman 770-867-3727 ext. 16 [email protected]

Audio/Video, Mark Nichols .........................................404-606-7671 (cell) [email protected]

Children’s Ministry Director, Ben Wilcox................ 770.867.3727. ext. 18 [email protected]

Custodian, Jack Chilcote ........................................... 770.712.7336 (cell)

Executive Assistant, Karen Whitehead ....................770-867-3727 ext. 11 [email protected]

Finance Director, Nikki Shelton ...............................770-867-3727 ext. 20 [email protected]

Fitness/Rec Director, Anissa Sullivan .......................770-867-3727 ext. 15 [email protected]

Office Assistant, Gretchen Hill .................................770-867-3727 ext. 10 [email protected]

Office Assistant, Jenny Pohl .....................................770-867-3727 ext. 31 [email protected]

Preschool Director, Lizzy Sheffield ...................................... 770.867.3724 [email protected]

Security, J.P. Boyd ................................................................ 770.867.9551

Youth Ministry Director, Zach Drummond ..............770-867-3727 ext. 25 [email protected]

Our Clergy

Rev. Frank Bernat, Senior Pastor 770-867-3727, ext 23, 770-362-7998 cell [email protected] Rev. Matt Parker, Associate Pastor 770-867-3727, ext 22, 404-538-2567 cell [email protected]

Music Minister, Karen Smith 770-867-3727 ext. 12, 830-513-2029 (cell) [email protected]

9:30 Worship Leader, Mitch King 770-722-4759 cell [email protected]

11C Worship Leader, Caleb Kimsey 770-815-8168 cell [email protected]

Organist, NeeCee Delk 706-224-5998 (cell)

Pianist, Katrina Wilson 404-732-7308 (cell)


At Bethlehem First UMC, we have a common mission: To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation

of the world. We offer a loving, nurturing environment in which to serve and worship Christ, and to grow

spiritually. We would love to have you join us each Sunday.


If you would like to learn more about Bethlehem First UMC, please visit our website,

www.bethlehemfirstumc.com, speak with one our pastors, call the church office. 770-867-3727, or email us,

[email protected].


Are you interested in exploring membership at Bethlehem First UMC? Join us for Coffee with Pastors on Sunday,

August 14, to learn more about what membership looks like at Bethlehem First and discover if this is the next

step for you. During your time with the pastors, you will learn about the history and theology of our church,

expectations of members, and have a chance to ask questions about the church. A cup of coffee does not

obligate you to membership. For more information, ask one of our pastors about Coffee with Pastors.