Seven Volcanoes

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  • 8/13/2019 Seven Volcanoes


    by Chris CarringtonNovember 21, 2013


    A new island has appeared in the Pacific.A submarine eruption just offNishino-Shima IslandJapan has erupted for the first time in 40 years!he Japanese Na"y noticed the e#plosions as boilin$ la"a met sea water $i"in$ rise to plumes of steam and ash.Almost %&000 miles away in 'e#ico& the (olima "olcano blew its top after a period of relati"e calm. A steam and ashcloud rose two miles into the s)y and the $rumblin$ of the mountain could be heard in towns a few miles away.In *uatemala the +,ire 'ountain belched out la"aand sent up a moderate ash cloud causin$ an ash fall o"ernearby towns. !he e#plosions and shoc) wa"es occurrin$ in the "olcano can be felt by residents o"er miles away.

    /oors and windows are reported to be rattlin$& but there has been no dama$e so far.In anuatu the 1asur "olcano is $i"in$ some cause for concern. Althou$h the e#plosions are 2uite wea) thecontinuous ash that is comin$ from the mountain is startin$ to build up on farmin$ land.3"er to Italy& 'ount tna is puttin$ on 2uite a display.!he current eruption started a few days a$o and has been $ettin$ stron$er as time mo"es on. A massi"e eruption litup the s)y and disturbed residents yesterday. !he ash cloud was hi$h enou$h to see fli$hts canceled. !he la"a flowwas the bi$$est in years& and the town of 5afferana which lay in its path saw some dama$e.6a"a di"erters were put into place& and most of the town escaped unscathed.In Indonesia a four mile hi$h ash cloud is ma)in$ life hard for residents.
  • 8/13/2019 Seven Volcanoes


    'ount Sinabun$came bac) to life in 7080 after dormancy of hundreds of years. 3ccasionally comin$ to life after its7080 awa)enin$& the rumblin$ of the "olcano prompted the e"acuation of o"er 000 people as scientists feared amajor eruption.!here has been no la"a flows so far but the ash cloud is $rowin$.

    Mount Sinabung ash lou!Still in Indonesia but on the island of Ja"a this time& 'ount 'erapi e#ploded yesterday.'any people were )illed when it last erupted in 7080. !here is no news of casualties at this point.So& we ha"e eruptions bi$ enou$h to prompt e"acuations. ,li$hts are canceled& and a new island pops up off thecoast of Japan. I would ha"e called that newsworthy myself but ob"iously Im wron$. If I was ri$ht it would ha"ebeen common )nowled$e ri$ht9 :eports may ha"e been on the news ri$ht9So many "olcanoes throwin$ so much $as& ash and particulates into the air can ha"e an effect on climate& this is ascientific fact. Im not sayin$ that these "olcanoes herald the start of a new ice a$e but the planet certainly seems tobe $ettin$ a bit more acti"e of late.(ontinued lar$e eruptions put a hu$e amount of particulate matter into the atmosphere& and these particles reflectsunli$ht away from earth and when there is enou$h of them the temperatures can drop.!he'ount Pinatubo eruptionlowered temperatures by around 0.;

  • 8/13/2019 Seven Volcanoes


    Soures httpCCwww.newscientist.comCarticleCdn7407






    increasin$-la"a-flows.html httpCCwww.""olcano.cfm9"nG74040