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Pengalaman setting equalizer

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    Hye guys ... kali nie admin mau berbagi sdikit pengetahuan tntang cara mengatur equalizer yg baik & benar. Ok lets do it now !!! Untuk dapat m'ngatur equalizer , terlebih dahulu qt harus mengetahui tntang p'bagian range" frequensi sesuai dgn nilai range freq masing" antara lain yaitu Low bass / sub bass range freq, bass rage freq, middle low range freq, middle range freq, upper mid range freq, presence range freq, dan treble range freq . Penjelasannya adlh sbgai berikut :

    - Low bass / Sub Bass Range Frequency 20 Hz 80 Hz- Bass Range Frequency 80 Hz 250 Hz- Lower Middle Range Frequency 250 Hz 500 Hz- Midle Range Frequency 500 Hz 2 kHz- Upper Middle Range Frequency 2 kHz 4 kHz- Presence Range Frequency 4 kHz 6 kHz- Treble Range Frequency 6 kHz 20 kHz

    Dari sini qt bisa m'lihat & lalu " m'ngira2 " dahulu apa yg hrus dilakukan untuk m'setting equalizer agarsbuah lagu / intrument bsa s'suai dgn yg qt inginkan. Agar mudah tmn" bsa starting dgn m'otak atik equalizer yg ada pada winamp / software p'mutar lagu lainnya yg m'milki fasilitas equalizer tentunya ( sama kyk admin dulu hehe ) Next -> kadang disebuah lagu qt m'nemui suara intrument / vocal yg sakit wktu qt dengarkan...kadang jga ngga jelas s'perti suara orang b'gumam...kadang ada suara drum yg seperti kaleng/ kardus... gn ntu cara setting equalizer'nya biar g kyk gitu ???Untuk p'bahasan ini akan admin jelaskan pada BELAJAR BARENG " EQUALIZER PART 2 "


    Pada tutorial part 1 , qt telah mengenal pembagian range frequancy sesuai dgn nilai-nilai freq tertentu. Kali ini admin akan m'beri sdikit contoh pengaturan eq agar suara bisa terdengar "nyaman" dimayoritastelinga ( hal ini berlaku penilaian scara global krna stiap individu m'miliki daya tangkap telinga sesuai dgn karakteristik stiap individu). Ingat !! dlm hal ini tidak ada aturan khusus tntang benar / salah dlm mengatur equalizer krna hal ini bersifat fluktuatif Ok mari qt mulai "contoh" pengaturan & hasil dri pengaturan tersebut .

    - Sub Bass / Low Bass Range FreqPada range freq ini memiliki nilai 20 - 80 Hz tpi biasanya pada sbuah lagu hanya akan difokuskan padarange freq 40 - 80 Hz. Knapa ??? karna pada range freq yg kurang dri 40 Hz akan lbh sukar didengar

  • ( kecuali dgn speaker besar & volume yg keras ) dan sbagai contoh nada t'rendah pada senar bass gitar memiliki freq skitar 41 Hz , bass drum skitar 60 - 80 Hz

    - Bass Range FrequencyMengatur eq pada range frekuensi bass yang b'kisar antara 80-250 hz dengan pengaturan equalizer yang umumnya dipusatkan pada frequency sekitar 100 - 200 hz, akan m'pengaruhi k'tebalan dari s'buah instrument atau sebuah lagu. Namun qt hrs b'hati2 dlm m'naikkan gain di range ini kna apabila over maka lh akan m'hasilkan suara "berdentum"

    - Lower Middle Range FrequencyUmumnya, pengaturan eq di low mid range dpt d'lakukan di freq apa saja di sekitar 250 500 hz namun lebih sering dipusatkan disekitar frekuensi 300 - 400 hz. Tp jika qt m'nambhkan gain yg b'lebihan di range freq ini maka dpt m'buat suara instrument / lagu mnjadi "kaleng". Sample : kick drum & tom terdengar s'perti t'buat dr kardus / karton.

    - Midle Range FrequencyMengatur eq di mid range ini sering d'lakukan untuk m'buat suara instrument yang berkarakter hampir sama agar terdengar jelas (biasanya sekitar 500 hz sampai 1 khz). P'nambahan gain jg dpt menambah attack (biasanya di 800 hz dan 1,5 khz) .

    - Upper Middle Range FrequencyRange frequency ini me'nentukan efek attack dari rhythm instrument juga percussive instrument. P'ngaturan eq dpt d'aplikasikan di freq mana saja pada range ini, namun biasanya d'pusatkan sekitar freq 3 kHz.

    - Presence Range FrequencyMengatur eq pada freq di range ini dpt m'buat track vocal atau instrument melodi lainnya t'dengar lbh dekat & lebih jelas . Namun jika over dpt m'buat suaranya t'dengar kasar. Pengaturan eq umumnya d'pusatkan d'sekitar freq 5 kHz.

    - Treble Range FrequencyPada dasarnya, range treble freq ini m'nentukan k'jernihan dr instrument. P'ngaturan eq di range ini biasanya d'pusatkan d'sekitar freq 7 kHz sampai 15 kHz. Namun jika qt over maka dpt m'nimbulkan suara yg sakit d'telinga ( s'perti d'tusuk ).

    Note : Admin m'nyarankan agar lbh mudah sbaiknya qt m'ngatur range freq rendah dan b'jln ke range yg lbh tinggi . Jgn terlau anarki dlm m'nambah / m'ngurangi gain d'stiap freq agar qt lbh teliti & m'rasakan stiap p'bedaan dri perubahan gain yg qt lakukan sehingga qt m'ndapatkan hasil s'suai yg d'inginkan.


    Secara definisinya, mengatur equalizer adalah proses mengangkat (boosting/enhancing) atau menurunkan (cutting) gain dari frequency tertentu tanpa mempengaruhi frequency frequency lainnya.

  • Untuk dapat mengerti cara mengatur equalizer pada saat mixing maupun mastering, sebelumnya anda perlu memahami pengaruh atau efek dari beberapa range frequency bagi sebuah instrument ataupun lagu secara keseluruhan.Range- range frequency tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai acuan pengaturan equalizer pada proses mixing maupun mastering

    Range frequency 40 Hz 80 Hz : range frequency sub bass atau low bass

    Range frekuensi terendah yang biasa ada dalam sebuah lagu adalah range frekuensi 40 80 hz dengan pengaturan equalizer yang dipusatkan di sekitar 50 hz . Range frekuensi ini dinamakan range frekuensi sub bass / low bass. Memang banyak suara yang memiliki frekuensi sekitar 20 40 hz, namun suara tersebut biasanya bukanlah suara dari alat musik (kecuali untuk beberapa jenis pipe organ). Kick drum, bahkan bass guitar pun tidak memiliki frekuensi di range tersebut (nada terendah dari senar bass guitar memiliki frekuensi 41 hz). Dengan demikian pada banyak kasus, range frekuensi 20-40 hz dipangkas habis menggunakan HPF (high pass filter) atau low cuts filter.Range frequency sub bass / low bass umumnya diatur dengan equalizer untuk memberikan power kedalam sebuah instrument ataupun keseluruhan lagu. Range frekuensi tersebut tidak akan terdengar jelas ketika anda mendengarkan lagu pada level volume yang pelan ataupun mendengarkan lagu menggunakan speaker kecil. Dengan demikian, agar anda dapat mengatur range frekuensi sub bass / low bass dengan benar, maka anda harus mengatur equalizer sambil mendengarkannya pada level volume yang keras, kemudian mencobanya pada level volume yang dipelankan. Sebaiknya anda juga mendengarkannya pada speaker stereo system yang besar maupun kecil sebagai perbandingan.

    80 Hz 250 Hz : bass range frequency

    Mengatur equalizer pada range frekuensi bass yang berkisar antara 80-250 hz dengan pengaturan equalizer yang umumnya dipusatkan pada frequency sekitar 100 hz atau 200 hz, akan mempengaruhi ketebalan dari sebuah instrument ataupun sebuah lagu .Pada track guitar dan bass guitar, dinaikkannya gain di sekitar frekuensi 100 hz biasanya akan menambah suara terdengar lebih bulat. Namun anda harus berhati-hati karena jika anda memberikannya secara berlebihan akan membuat suaraguitar ataupun bass guitar terdengar berdentum.Pada beberapa kasus, gain di sekitar frekuensi 100 hz pada track guitar bahkan diturunkan untuk membuat suara guitar tersebut terpisah dari suara bass guitar, dan mengurangi suara dentuman dari track tersebut. Namun konsekuensinya adalah not - not yang dimainkan pada range frekuensi tersebut menjadi terdengar samar. Biasanya, untuk membuat not not tersebut kembali terdengar jelas, anda perlu menambahkan sedikit gain pada frekuensi disekitar 200 hz.Pada track vocal, frekuensi di sekitar 200 hz menentukan keutuhan dari suara vocal yang direkam. Namun frekuensi di range ini seringkali dipotong agar suara vocal terdengar terpisah dari instrument-instrument lain. Kecuali jika anda telah mengatur equalizer dan menaikkan gain di frekuensi high pada track vocal dan membuat suaranya terdengar tipis, dinaikkannya gain di sekitar frekuensi 200 hz biasanya akan mengembalikan ketebalan suara vocal tersebut.

    250 Hz 500 Hz : lower mid range frequency

  • Mengatur equalizer pada frekuensi di sekitar 250 500 hz dapat memberikan aksen pada ambience di studio rekaman anda serta menambahkan kejernihan pada suara bass dan instrument string yang bernada rendah seperti cello, ataupun nada rendah dari piano dan organ.Penambahan gain yang berlebihan di range frekuensi ini dapat membuat kick drum dan tom terdengar seperti terbuat dari kardus atau karton, sehingga untuk track track tersebut serta track cymbal frekuensi lower mid biasanya dipangkas habis.Pada umumnya, pengaturan equalizer di low mid range dapat dilakukan di frekuensi apa saja di sekitar 250 500 hz namun lebih sering dipusatkan disekitar frekuensi 300 dan 400 hz. Bagian terendah dari range frekuensi lower mid ( 250 hz 350 hz ) disebut juga dengan range frekuensi upper bass yang biasa dinaikkan pada track vocal terutama vocal wanita untuk membuat suaranya terdengar lebih tebal.

    500 Hz 2 kHz : mid range frequency

    Mengatur equalizer di mid range sering di lakukan untuk membuat suara instrument terompet ataupun yang berkarakter hampir sama terdengar jelas (biasanya sekitar 500 hz sampai 1 khz), atau untuk membuat efek suara telephone. Penambahan gain di mid range juga dapat menambah attack dari track bass guitar (biasanya di 800 hz dan 1,5 khz). Sama halnya dengan nada - nada rendah dari track rhythmguitar yang juga dapat terdengar lebih memiliki attack jika gain di frequency 1,5 khz dinaikkan.Untuk instrument guitar, piano dan vocal, gain dari mid range frequency ini lebih sering di turunkan. Menurunkan gain di frequency 500 800 hz untuk track gitar akustik dapat membuatnya terdengar lebih jernih, sementara menurunkan gain di frequency 800 hz pada track vocal dapat menurunkan suarasengau serta membuatnya terdengar lebih bulat dan jelas.Untuk track snare drum, penurunan gain di frequency 800 hz dapat menghilangkan kesan suara kaleng.

    2 kHz 4 kHz : upper mid range frequency

    Range frequency ini menentukan efek attack dari rhythm instrument juga percussive instrument. Pengaturan equalizer dapat diaplikasikan di frekuensi mana saja di range ini, namun biasanya dipusatkan sekitar frequency 3 kHz.Pada kick drum, menaikkan gain di frequency 2,5 kHz dapat memberikan attack pukulan dengan karakter felt beater, sementara 4 kHz memberikan karakter hardwood. Frekuensi frekuensi ini dapat pula memberikan attack lebih jelas pada tom dan snare.Track guitar pun seringkali diberikan sedikit attack dan pemisahan suara dengan cara mengatur equalizer di range ini. Sementara untuk track vocal, sedikit boosting ( sekitar 1 dB 3 dB) di mid rangeakan membuat vocal tersebut terdengar lebih menonjol. Namun menambahkan gain terlalu berlebihan dapat membuat syllables dari vocal sulit untuk di reduksi dan membuatnya tidak enak didengar. Pada track background vocal, umumnya mid range frequency di turunkan agar terdengar lebih transparan.

    4 kHz 6 kHz : presence range frequency

    Mengatur equalizer pada frequency di range ini dapat membuat track vocal ataupun instrument melodi lainnya terdengar lebih dekat dan lebih jelas. Namun jika berlebihan dapat membuat suaranya terdengarkasar. Pengaturan equalizer di range ini umumnya dipusatkan disekitar frequency 5 kHz.

    6 kHz 20 kHz : treble range frequency

  • Pada dasarnya, range treble frequency ini menentukan kejernihan dari instrument. Pengaturan equalizerdi range ini biasanya dipusatkan di sekitar frequency 7 kHz, 10 kHz dan 15 kHz. Suara S pada vocal biasanya memiliki frequency sekitar 7 kHz, membuat frequency tersebut biasanya diturunkan. Namun anda harus hati-hati pada saat menurunkannya karena dapat membuat vocal terdengar tumpul. Breathsound dari track vocal biasanya terdengar di frequency 15 kHz keatas. Pada garis besarnya mengatur equalizer untuk track vocal adalah menghilangkan aksen S yang terlalu kasar dan memberikan breathsound yang berkualitas.Frequency 7 kHz juga merupakan metallic attack dari frekuensi drum, sementara 15 kHz merupakan desisan bagi track cymbals. Ketika mengatur equalizer secara keseluruhan, frequency 10 kHz digunakan sebagai penambah level kejernihan secara umum.


    16Hz 60Hz = SUB BASS This is the super low-end that can be felt physically by your body on a good subwoofer/sub-bass system. Sounds with these frequencies are the most powerful ones, and they will take up a lot of room in the mix. Use this range to fatten up your kick drums or sub-bass patches. Too much volume in this range makes your mix sound muddy.

    60Hz 250Hz = BASS This is where basslines and kick drums have their most important sounds. A common problem is that the bassline and kick cancel each other out due to PHASE problems (easily demonstrated when DJ-ing, if you play two tracks and have them beatmatched, it's important to cut oneof the tracks' bass level or else the kick drums will cancel each other out and the overall bass level is lowered). A useful trick then is to try PHASE INVERSION on either the bassline or the kick drum, compressing the kick and bass together and/or avoiding to place a bass note on top of a kick drum. Thisrange should also be lowered in most other sounds like guitars, synth lines and vocals so they don't interfere with the kick and bassline. Too much volume here makes the mix sound boomy.

    200Hz - 400Hz Too much volume here will cause vocals to sound muddy and unclear. Cut this to thin out drum parts like snares, hi-hats, percussions and cymbals, boost to make them sound warmer or more woody.

    250Hz 2kHz = LOW MID or MID-LO Most instruments have their darkest parts here; guitars, piano, synthlines. Boosting around 500Hz 1kHz can sound horn-like while boosting 1kHz 2kHz can sound metallic.

    400Hz - 800Hz You can reduce some of these frequencies on the master mix to make your overall bass level sound tighter. Boost or cut here to fatten up or thin out the low end of guitars, synthlines and vocals.

    800Hz 1kHz Here you can also fatten up vocals and make them sound warmer, in a different way than the previously mentioned method. Boosting around 1kHz helps add to the knocking sound of a kick drum.

    1kHz 3kHz This is the edgy part of a sound, boost (gently!) here to define guitars, pianos, vocals and

  • add clarity to basslines. Cut here to remove painful mid-frequencies in vocals. This frequency range is very hard on the ears, so be careful not adding too much volume here!

    2kHz 4kHz = HIGH MID or MID-HI Vocals have a lot of sound in this area, the sounds B, M and V lie here.

    3kHz 6kHz = PRESENCE Plucky, fingered guitars and basslines can be more defined by boosting in this range. Cut in the lower part to remove the hard sound of vocals. Cut in the upper part to soften/round off sounds, and boost to add more clarity or presence to a sound. Boosting here helps defining most instruments and vocals.

    6kHz 10kHz = HIGH Boost this area to add more air and transparency to a sound. Crispness and and sparkle can be added by boosting this range on guitars, strings and synth sounds. Snares and bassdrumsalso benefits from boosting this area. In vocals, cut some of these frequencies (a de-esser plugin does this easily) to remove the hissing sounds. The sounds S and T lies between 6kHz and 8kHz and too much volume there will make the vocals stressful on your ears.

    10kHz 16kHz = HIGH This frequency range is where the crispness and brightness of sounds lie, and hi-hats and cymbals are the dominant drum parts. You can boost here to add even more air and transparency to sounds, and cut here to remove noise and hissing sounds which is unwanted in a bassline, for example. Pads and atmospheric sounds benefits from a boost in this range to make them sound brighter. Be careful not to boost too heavily, or else the mix will sound noisy.


    First of all, for the best sound CUT instead of boost. You will always achieve a better sound this way. Ifyour music is quieter after cutting, boost the gain to bring it back. Boosting frequencies on a standard equalizer will muck up the phase of the soundwaves, and make it sound worse by introducing harmonicdistortion among other things. the post that jdamford made is a great guide, however it left out a couplepoints. For one, if you do a wide band cut around 400-500 hz, it will give your music a "scooped" sound. Often, a hard cut here (-10db) will make your kick drum and your floor toms sound like magic. A good tip to find a good EQ is to start at around 400hz@(-10) and slowly move up to 600 and your "sweet spot" should be in there.


    60Hz the bass you can FEEL 150Hz or so bass range some between value the tonality of your leads/vocals/whatever 500Hz or so magical frequency for cool bass sounds (boost this on slap bass) 1kHz or so magical frequency for basically any vocals (boost this for magic) some between value boost this for an airy sound (i.e., pads) 10kHz or so boost this for bright sounds (especially drums)

  • it's very general, but I'll mess with all of my sliders until everything sounds right. that's really my best advice, too: feel it out. you'll learn things that way.


    do what sounds good to you, and always try to cut before you boost any frequencies. Often times cutting around where you want to hear a boost will sound better than just boosting the frequency itself. If you want a couple helpful tips try these (I'm guessing you're mixing music, so these tips will pertain to music):

    Putting a hi-pass filter on pretty much everything except a kick drum up to around 60-80hz will clear out any unwanted noise. nothing except a kick drum (save a few instruments) makes any frequencies that low that matter anyways.

    250 is the "muddy range." Cut here whenever possible to find clarity in your music.

    Mid range can make things sound tinny when boosted. Be careful when boosting here or your music will sound like it's coming through an old radio. Cutting here can get rid of unwanted noise, but can also detract from the dynamics of things like vocals, guitars, and other midrange instruments.

    According to the Fletcher-Munson curve, 2khz-5kh is where the human ear is most sensitive, so be careful boosting here as people may find your music very unappealing if theres too much 2k. Boost closer to 5k for things such as cymbals for brilliance or vocals for clarity.

    5k and up rarely needs boosting unless your ear says it does. Some things, like guitar, can have a lowpass down to somewhere around 10k or even lower because their harmonic spectrum doesn't go beyond that, and you're just adding to your noise.

    Seriously though, just do what sounds good to you, and use the pre sets if you have to! They were madeby people who spent decades figuring out all of these things. Trust your ears!

    THE ULTIMATE EQ GUIDE Please Note - The values below are merely guides, each mix is unique and individual so experimentation is advised.

    Low Bass: anything less than 50Hz

    This range is often known as the sub bass and is most commonly taken up by the lowest part of the kickdrum and bass guitar, although at these frequencies it's almost impossible to determine any pitch. Sub bass is one of the reasons why 12" vinyl became available: low frequencies require wider grooves than high frequencies - without rolling off everything below 50Hz you couldn't fit a full track onto a 7" vinyl record. However we do NOT recommend applying any form of boost around this area without theuse of very high quality studio monitors (not home monitors - there is a vast difference between home nearfield and studio farfield monitors costing anywhere between 5,000 and 20,000). Boosting blindlyin this area without a valid reference point can and will permanently damage most speakers, even PA systems. You have been warned!

  • Bass: 50-250Hz

    This is the range you're adjusting when applying the bass boost on most home stereos, although most bass signals in modern music tracks lie around the 90-200Hz area with a small boost in the upper ranges to add some presence or clarity.

    Muddiness/irritational area: 200-800Hz

    The main culprit area for muddy sounding mixes, hence the term 'irritational area'. Most frequencies around here can cause psycho-acoustic problems: if too many sounds in a mix are dominating this area,a track can quickly become annoying, resulting in a rush to finish mixing it as you get bored or irritatedby the sound of it.

    Mid-range: 800-6kHz

    Human hearing is extremely sensitive at these frequencies, and even a minute boost around here will result in a huge change in the sound - almost the same as if you boosted around 10db at any other range. This is because our voices are centred in this area, so it's the frequency range we hear more than any other. Most telephones work at 3kHz, because at this frequency speech is most intelligible. This frequency also covers TV stations, radio, and electric power tools. If you have to apply any boosting in this area, be very cautious, especially on vocals. We're particularly sensitive to how the human voice sounds and its frequency coverage.

    High Range: 6-8kHz

    This is the range you adjust when applying the treble boost on your home stereo. This area is slightly boosted to make sounds artificially brighter (although this artificial boost is what we now call 'lifelike') when mastering a track before burning it to CD.

    Hi-High Range: 8-20kHz

    This area is taken up by the higher frequencies of cymbals and hi-hats, but boosting around this range, particularly around 12kHz can make a recording sound more high quality than it actually is, and it's a technique commonly used by the recording industry to fool people into thinking that certain CDs are more hi-fidelity than they'd otherwise sound. However, boosting in this area also requires a lot of care -it can easily pronounce any background hiss, and using too much will result in a mix becoming irritating.----------------------Kick Drum

    Any apparent muddiness can be rolled off around 300Hz. Try a small boost around 5-7kHz to add somehigh end.

    50-100Hz ~ Adds bottom to the sound100-250Hz ~ Adds roundness250-800Hz ~ Muddiness Area5-8kHz ~ Adds high end prescence8-12kHz ~ Adds Hiss

  • Snare

    Try a small boost around 60-120Hz if the sound is a little too wimpy. Try boosting around 6kHz for that 'snappy' sound.

    100-250Hz ~ Fills out the sound6-8kHz ~ Adds prescence

    Hi hats or cymbals

    Any apparent muddiness can be rolled off around 300Hz. To add some brightness try a small boost around 3kHz.

    250-800Hz ~ Muddiness area1-6kHz ~ Adds presence6-8kHz ~ Adds clarity8-12kHz ~ Adds brightness


    Try boosting around 60Hz to add more body. Any apparent muddiness can be rolled off around 300Hz.If more presence is needed, boost around 6kHz.

    50-100Hz ~ Adds bottom end100-250Hz ~ Adds roundness250-800Hz ~ Muddiness Area800-1kHz ~ Adds beef to small speakers1-6kHz ~ Adds presence6-8kHz ~ Adds high-end presence8-12kHz ~ Adds hiss


    This is a difficult one, as it depends on the mic used to record the vocal. However...Apply either cut or boost around 300hz, depending on the mic and song.Apply a very small boost around 6kHz to add some clarity.

    100-250Hz ~ Adds 'up-frontness'250-800Hz ~ Muddiness area1-6kHz ~ Adds presence6-8kHz ~ Adds sibilance and clarity8-12kHz ~ Adds brightness


    Any apparent muddiness can be rolled off around 300Hz. Apply a very small boost around 6kHz to addsome clarity.

  • 50-100Hz ~ Adds bottom100-250Hz ~ Adds roundness250-1kHz ~ Muddiness area1-6kHz ~ Adds presence6-8Khz ~ Adds clarity8-12kHz ~ Adds hiss

    Electric guitars

    Again this depends on the mix and the recording. Apply either cut or boost around 300hz, depending onthe song and sound. Try boosting around 3kHz to add some edge to the sound, or cut to add some transparency. Try boosting around 6kHz to add presence. Try boosting around 10kHz to add brightness.

    100-250Hz ~ Adds body250-800Hz ~ Muddiness area1-6Khz ~ Cuts through the mix6-8kHz ~ Adds clarity8=12kHz ~ Adds hiss

    Acoustic guitar

    Any apparent muddiness can be rolled off between 100-300Hz. Apply small amounts of cut around 1-3kHz to push the image higher. Apply small amounts of boost around 5kHz to add some presence.

    100-250Hz ~ Adds body6-8kHz ~ Adds clarity8-12kHz ~ Adds brightness


    These depend entirely on the mix and the sound used.

    50-100Hz ~ Adds bottom end100-250Hz ~ Adds body250-800Hz ~ Muddiness area1-6hHz ~ Sounds crunchy6-8kHz ~ Adds clarity8-12kHz ~ Adds brightness



    1. Increase to add more fullness to lowest frequency instruments like foot, toms, and the bass.2. Reduce to decrease the "boom" of the bass and will increase overtones and the recognition of bass line in the mix. This is most often used on bass lines in Rap and R&B.__________

  • 100Hz

    Increase to add a harder bass sound to lowest frequency instruments.Increase to add fullness to guitars, snare.Increase to add warmth to piano and horns.Reduce to remove boom on guitars & increase clarity.__________


    1. Increase to add fullness to vocals.2. Increase to add fullness to snare and guitar (harder sound).3. Reduce to decrease muddiness of vocals or mid-range instruments.4. Reduce to decrease gong sound of cymbals.__________


    1. Increase to add clarity to bass lines especially when speakers are at low volume.2. Reduce to decrease "cardboard" sound of lower drums (foot and toms).3. Reduce to decrease ambiance on cymbals.__________


    1. Increase for clarity and "punch" of bass.2. Reduce to remove "cheap" sound of guitars__________


    1. Increase for "clarity" and "pluck" of bass.2. Reduce to remove dullness of guitars.__________


    1. Increase for more "pluck" of bass.2. Increase for more attack of electric / acoustic guitar.3. Increase for more attack on low piano parts.4. Increase for more clarity / hardness on voice.5. Reduce to increase breathy, soft sound on background vocals.6. Reduce to disguise out-of-tune vocals / guitars__________


    1. Increase for vocal presence.2. Increase low frequency drum attack (foot/toms).

  • 3. Increase for more "finger sound" on bass.4. Increase attack of piano, acoustic guitar and brightness on guitars.5. Reduce to make background parts more distant.6. Reduce to soften "thin" guitar.__________


    1. Increase to add attack on low frequency drums (more metallic sound).2. Increase to add attack to percussion instruments.3. Increase on dull singer.4. Increase for more "finger sound" on acoustic bass.5. Reduce to decrease "s" sound on singers.6. Increase to add sharpness to synthesizers, rock guitars, acoustic guitar and piano.__________


    1. Increase to brighten vocals.2. Increase for "light brightness" in acoustic guitar and piano.3. Increase for hardness on cymbals.4. Reduce to decrease "s" sound on singers.__________


    1. Increase to brighten vocals (breath sound).2. Increase to brighten cymbals, string instruments and flutes.3. Increase to make sampled synthesizer sound more real.


    80hz - rumble of the bass100hz - thump of the kick200hz - bottom of the guitar250hz - warmth of the vocal350hz - bang of the snare400hz - body of the bass500hz - clang of the high hat600hz - clang of the cymbals800hz - ping of ride cymbal1000hz - meat of the guitar1200hz - body of the snare1400hz - meat of the vocal1600hz - snap of the kick/plectrum on guitar (attack)2500hz - wires and snap of snare3000hz - presence of the vocal4000hz - ring of ride cymbal/top end of bass guitar

  • 6000hz - sizzle of the high hat7000hz - sizzle of the cymbals8000hz - top end of the kick9000hz - brightness on snare and cymbals10000hz - brightness on vocal12000hz - air on vocal14000hz - air on cymbals