K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research Vidyanagar, Vidyavihar (E) Mumbai !"""## Course Details Program PGDM (IB) Faculty Email ID [email protected] Trimester 1st Faculty Contact Number 022 6728302 Faculty Name Pro!. "arnesh Ma#hi$a Students Contact Hours 12 to ( Monday to %riday) Course Name %inan&ia' &&ountin Course Code Max Marks 100 Credits %u'' Course Obecti!es and Outcomes Course Obecti!es" %inan&ia' &&ou ntin &ourse aims to ma#e the student understand the nationa' and internationa' a&&oun tin *ra&ti&es. It +ou'd ma#e the students understand th e ,arious te&hni-ues to e used +hi'e *re*arin oo#s o! a&&ounts. Student learning outcomes #rom t$e course" s a resu't o! this study/ the students +i' ' a&- uir e #no +'e de o! ru' es and reu'ation !or a&&ountin and shar*en their &riti&a' ana'yti&a' thin#in ai'ity . his is a&hie ,ed thro uh inter *reta tion o! &ases / dis&u ssio ns and othe r asses smen t a&ti,ities. tudents +i'' master the !o''o+in &&ountin u'es 4 Prin&i*'es 5ost o! a'es 4 In,entories arious sour&es o! !inan&e Pre*aration o! !inan&ia' statement na'ysis o! !inan&ia' statement 1

Session Plan Accounting

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7/24/2019 Session Plan Accounting

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K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & ResearchVidyanagar, Vidyavihar (E)

Mumbai !"""##

Course Details Program PGDM (IB) Faculty Email [email protected]

Trimester 1st Faculty ContactNumber

022 6728302

Faculty Name Pro!. "arnesh


Students ContactHours

12 to ( Monday to


Course Name %inan&ia'

&&ountinCourse Code

Max Marks 100 Credits %u''

Course Obecti!esand Outcomes Course Obecti!es"

%inan&ia' &&ountin &ourse aims to ma#e the student understand the nationa' and

internationa' a&&ountin *ra&ti&es. It +ou'd ma#e the students understand the

,arious te&hni-ues to e used +hi'e *re*arin oo#s o! a&&ounts.

Student learning outcomes #rom t$e course"s a resu't o! this study/ the students +i'' a&-uire #no+'ede o! ru'es and

reu'ation !or a&&ountin and shar*en their &riti&a' ana'yti&a' thin#in ai'ity. his

is a&hie,ed throuh inter*retation o! &ases/ dis&ussions and other assessment


tudents +i'' master the !o''o+in

• &&ountin u'es 4 Prin&i*'es

• 5ost o! a'es 4 In,entories

• arious sour&es o! !inan&e

•Pre*aration o! !inan&ia' statement

• na'ysis o! !inan&ia' statement


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K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & ResearchVidyanagar, Vidyavihar (E)

Mumbai !"""##

Course Co!erage%To&ics rele!ant tot$e 'earning (oals)'(*

Indicate extent to+$ic$ t$e same isaddressed #or eac$'(

, - .ddresses t$e'earning (oal/arely,, - .ddresses t$e'earning (oalModerately,,, - .ddresses t$e'earning (oalStrongly

T$e course +ill be able to rein#orce #ollo+ing learning goals"1. nderstand I% and GP uide'ines (M9) (5)

2. Basi& &&ountin 5on&e*ts (M9)3. 5ost o! sa'es 4 In,entories (5)

:. ;on<;i,ed =onmonetary ssets and heir morti>ation (5)

. %inan&ia' tatement Pre*aration (5)

6. %inan&ia' tatement na'ysis (5)



Po+er Point Presentations

5ase dis&ussions and inter*retationsIntera&ti,e sessions

Session Plan SessionNo0

To&ics to beCo!ered

Pre 1eadings% Suggested1eadings % Cases


Basi& &&ountin %undamenta's o!


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K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & ResearchVidyanagar, Vidyavihar (E)

Mumbai !"""##

1/2 5on&e*ts &&ountin y P.5.


3/:/ 5ost o! sa'es 4


&&ountin y oert =.

nthony/ Da,id "a+#ins

4 9enneth Mer&hant

6/7/8 ;on ;i,ed =on

Monetary ssets

and heir


&&ountin y oert =.

nthony/ Da,id "a+#ins

4 9enneth Mer&hant

? 5'ass est

10/11/12 our&es o!5a*ita' Det

&&ountin y oert =.nthony/ Da,id "a+#ins

4 9enneth Mer&hant

13/1:/1 our&es o!

5a*ita' +ners


&&ountin y oert =.

nthony/ Da,id "a+#ins

4 9enneth Mer&hant

16/17/18 ther Items hat

!!e&t =et

In&ome 4

+ners A-uity

&&ountin y oert =.

nthony/ Da,id "a+#ins

4 9enneth Mer&hant

1? 5'ass est

20/21 De*re&iation&&ountin

%undamenta's o!&&ountin y P.5.


22/23/2: %inan&ia'



&&ountin y oert =.

nthony/ Da,id "a+#ins

4 9enneth Mer&hant

2/26/27 nderstandin



&&ountin y oert =.

nthony/ Da,id "a+#ins

4 9enneth Mer&hant

1e2uired Text andCourse Material /ooks%3ournals%Maga4ines%

1eadings.ut$or Publis$er%5ear%

Edition%Ot$er Details


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K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & ResearchVidyanagar, Vidyavihar (E)

Mumbai !"""##

&&ountin eCt and 5ases

%undamenta's o! &&ountin

%inan&ia' tatement na'ysis

oert =. nthony/

Da,id "a+#ins 4

9enneth Mer&hant

P.5. u'sian


ata M&Gra+ "i''


ata M&Gra+ "i''

;e,e' 1

.ssessment Criteria)including continuouse!aluation and endterm assessment*

Indicate extent o# alignment +it$intended 'earning(oals )'(*

6 - .ssesses t$e'earning (oal/arely

66 - .ssesses t$e'earning (oalModerately

666 - .ssesses t$e'earning (oalStrongly

Com&onent 7eig$tage

'earning (oals .ssessed ,







ttendan&e E



E 6 666 6

ssinments 20E 6 666 6

5'ass est 20E 6 666 6

erm end


0E 6 666 6

Ex&lanation o# t$ec$oice o# met$ods #orassessment o#  'earning (oals

he assessment *arameters and their &ontents ha,e een *'anned to ensure that

students are a'e to understand/ 'earn/ *ra&ti&e and master the identi!ied 'earnin

out&omes. '' assessment &riteria are aimed at &riti&a' thin#in +hi&h is the

!undamenta' re-uirement o! 'earnin this &ourse.


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K J Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & ResearchVidyanagar, Vidyavihar (E)

Mumbai !"""##

'earning (oals,

80 '( 8)M9* ? Management 9no+ledge:0 '( :)CT*? Critical T$inking;0 '( ;)CS* ?Communication Skills<0 '( <)TO* ? Team Orientation=0 '( =)(.* ? (lobal .+areness>0 '( >)E1* ? Et$ical 1es&onsibility