Українська Католицька Парафія Покровa Пресвятої Богородиці Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish 965 Boyd Avenue – Winnipeg, MB R2X 0Z9 – (Established 1922) Parish Office: Ph: 204 582-7535; Fax: 204 582-4647 Parish email: [email protected] www. facebook.com/bvmchurch; www.blessedvirginmaryparishwpg.ca Office hours: Tuesday—Friday from 10 am to 2 pm Please call before coming to the office. “Independently owned” 1442 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3V7 Ph: 586-8044 www.cropo.com Serving the Ukrainian Catholic Community For over 50 Years Ivan’s AUTOBODY IVAN PECUH 811 Murray Ave Winnipeg, MB, R2V 4S7 Tel: 334-4754 Fax: 338-3705 COLLISION, GLASS RE COLLISION, GLASS RE COLLISION, GLASS RE COLLISION, GLASS REPLACEMENT, PLACEMENT, PLACEMENT, PLACEMENT, RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; GALARNYK INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 696 McGregor Street Winnipeg, MB R2V 3T8 Mon to Fri 9:00 – 6:30 Sat 9:00 – 2:30 Servi n g t h e C o m m u ni ty fo r o v er 4 0 yea rs 582-7891 KARPATY MEATS & DELI 536 BANNERMAN AVE. Phone: (204) 586-1395 (at McGregor St.) Tuesday – Friday: Winnipeg, Manitoba 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. R2W 0V6 Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. “The Financial Institution of choice for Manitoban’s Ukrainian Community” 950 Main St. 80-2200 McPhillips St. 1341-A Henderson Hwy. 1375 Grant Ave. Ph: 989-7400 www.carpathiacu.mb.ca ПРОПОНУЄМО ПОВНИЙ ОБСЯГ ФІНАНСОВИХ ПОСЛУГ Serving Canadian Ukrainian community for over 70 years! 310 Leila Ave. (204) 954-7450 www.nwcu.mb.ca Ваше... моє... наше! 5 березня 2017 # 10 (627) March 5, 2017 Pastor Rev. Volodymyr Bashutskyy Ph: 204 582-7535 Chair Parish Executive: Glen Henkewich Ph.: 204 633-1502 UCWLC President: Janet Kuchma Ph: 204 582-5932 Men's Club President: John Natyna Ph: 204 339-9366 Catechism Coordinator: Sharon Johnston Ph: 204 582-4679 Perogy Committee President: Myron Fedoruk Ph: 204 338-7243 Parish Bus Coordinator: Jerry Pilipowicz Ph: 204-582-7570 Hall Rental: John Kutcher Ph: 204 589-7152 Church Auditorium: Ph: 204 582-4466 Auditorium Rental: Ph: 204 582-7535 College Avenue Hall: Ph: 204 586-3032 Sunday, March 5, 2017 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT Неділя 5 березня 2017 ПЕРША НЕДІЛЯ ПОСТУ Divine Liturgy: Weekdays – 9:00 am; Feast Day – 9:00 am, 7:00 pm; Sunday Schedule: Saturday — 5:00 pm (English) Sunday – 10:00 am (Bilingual) Baptisms & Weddings by Appointment

Serving Canadian Ukrainian community for over 70 years! KARPATY · 2020. 1. 25. · Wed. Mar. 8 7:00 pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS — ХРЕСНА ДОРОГА Thu. Mar. 9 10:30 am Fred

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Page 1: Serving Canadian Ukrainian community for over 70 years! KARPATY · 2020. 1. 25. · Wed. Mar. 8 7:00 pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS — ХРЕСНА ДОРОГА Thu. Mar. 9 10:30 am Fred

Українська Католицька Парафія Покровa Пресвятої Богородиці Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish 965 Boyd Avenue – Winnipeg, MB R2X 0Z9 – (Established 1922)

Parish Office: Ph: 204 582-7535; Fax: 204 582-4647

Parish email: [email protected] www. facebook.com/bvmchurch;


Office hours: Tuesday—Friday from 10 am to 2 pm

Please call before coming to the office.

“Independently owned”

1442 Main Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3V7

Ph: 586-8044


Serving the Ukrainian Catholic Community

For over 50 Years

Ivan’s AUTOBODY IVAN PECUH 811 Murray Ave Winnipeg, MB, R2V 4S7 Tel: 334-4754 Fax: 338-3705



INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 696 McGregor Street Winnipeg, MB R2V 3T8

Mon to Fri 9:00 – 6:30

Sat 9:00 – 2:30

Serving the Community

for over 4

0 years



536 BANNERMAN AVE. Phone: (204) 586-1395 (at McGregor St.) Tuesday – Friday: Winnipeg, Manitoba 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. R2W 0V6 Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

“The Financial Institution of choice for

Manitoban’s Ukrainian Community”

950 Main St.

80-2200 McPhillips St.

1341-A Henderson Hwy.

1375 Grant Ave.

Ph: 989-7400 www.carpathiacu.mb.ca


Serving Canadian Ukrainian

community for over 70 years!

310 Leila Ave. (204) 954-7450


Ваше... моє... наше!

5 березня 2017 # 10 (627) March 5, 2017


Rev. Volodymyr Bashutskyy

Ph: 204 582-7535

Chair Parish Executive:

Glen Henkewich

Ph.: 204 633-1502

UCWLC President:

Janet Kuchma

Ph: 204 582-5932

Men's Club President:

John Natyna

Ph: 204 339-9366

Catechism Coordinator:

Sharon Johnston

Ph: 204 582-4679

Perogy Committee President:

Myron Fedoruk

Ph: 204 338-7243

Parish Bus Coordinator:

Jerry Pilipowicz

Ph: 204-582-7570

Hall Rental:

John Kutcher

Ph: 204 589-7152

Church Auditorium:

Ph: 204 582-4466

Auditorium Rental:

Ph: 204 582-7535

College Avenue Hall:

Ph: 204 586-3032

Sunday, March 5, 2017


Неділя 5 березня 2017


Divine Liturgy: Weekdays – 9:00 am; Feast Day – 9:00 am, 7:00 pm; Sunday Schedule: Saturday — 5:00 pm (English)

Sunday – 10:00 am (Bilingual) Baptisms & Weddings by Appointment

Page 2: Serving Canadian Ukrainian community for over 70 years! KARPATY · 2020. 1. 25. · Wed. Mar. 8 7:00 pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS — ХРЕСНА ДОРОГА Thu. Mar. 9 10:30 am Fred

quered kingdoms, did what was just, obtained the

promises; they broke the jaws of lions, put out rag-

ing fires, escaped the devouring sword; though

weak they were made powerful, became strong in

battle, and turned back foreign invaders. Women

received back their dead through resurrection. Oth-

ers were tortured and would not receive deliver-

ance, in order to obtain a better resurrection. Still

others endured mockery, scourging, even chains

and imprisonment. They were stoned, sawed in

two, put to death at sword's point; they went about

garbed in the skins of sheep or goats, needy, af-

flicted, tormented. The world was not worthy of

them. They wandered about in deserts and on

mountains, they dwelt in caves and in holes of the

earth. Yet despite the fact that all of these were

approved because of their faith, they did not obtain

what had been promised. God had made a better

plan, a plan which included us. Without us, they

were not to be made perfect. Therefore, since we

for our part are surrounded by this cloud of wit-

nesses, let us lay aside every encumbrance of sin

which clings to us and persevere in running the

race which lies ahead. Let us keep our eyes fixed

on Jesus, who inspires and perfects our faith.

Alleluia Verses: Moses and Aaron are among His

priests and Samuel among those who call upon His


They called upon the Lord, and he answered them.

Gospel: John 1:43-51

Instead of 'Indeed, it is fitting': In you, Lady full

of grace, all creation rejoices, the world of angels

and the human race. Sanctified temple, spiritual

paradise, boast of virgins, God took flesh from you

and became a child; He was God before the ages.

He made your womb a throne and made it more

encompassing than the heavens. In you, Lady full

of grace, all creation rejoices, glory be to you.

Communion Hymn: Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest.

Exult, you just, in the Lord; praise from the up-

right is fitting. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

Sunday, March 5, 2017 FIRST SUNDAY OF LENT

Tropar, Tone 1: Though the stone was sealed by the Jews* and soldiers guarded Your most pure

body,* You arose, O Savior, on the third day,* and

gave life to the world.* And so the heavenly powers

cried out to You, O Giver of life:* Glory to Your

resurrection, O Christ!* Glory to Your kingdom!*

Glory to Your saving plan,* O only Lover of Man-


Tropar, 1st Sunday of Lent, tone 2:

We pay homage to Your undefiled image, Good

Lord,* and beg pardon for our faults, Christ our

God.* By Your will You chose to mount the cross

in Your flesh* to free Your creatures from slavery

to the enemy.* For this we gratefully cry out to

You:* "By coming to save the world, our Saviour,

You filled all things with joy."

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever. Amen!

Kondak of the first Sunday of Lent, tone 8: The

uncircumscribed Word of the Father* became cir-

cumscribed by being enfleshed from you, God-

bearer.* You brought back the stained image to its

original state* by infusing it with divine beauty.*

But recognizing our salvation we portray it by word

and deed.

Prokimen, tone 4: Blessed are you, and praisewor-

thy, O Lord, the God of our fathers, and glorious

forever is your name.

Verse: For you are just in aII you have done.

Epistle: A reading from the Epistle to the Hebrews (11: 24 -26; 32 -12: 2)

Brothers and Sisters! By faith Moses, when he had

grown up, refused to be known as the son of Phar-

aoh's daughter; he wished to be ill-treated along

with God's people rather than enjoy the fleeting

rewards of sin. Moses considered the reproach

borne by God's Anointed greater riches than the

treasures of Egypt, for he was looking to the re-

ward. What more shall I recount? 1 have no time to

tell of Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, of David

and Samuel and the prophets, who by faith con-

Тропар, глас 1: Хоч запечатали камінь юдеї,* і воїни стерегли пречисте тіло Твоє,* воскрес Ти,

Спасе, на третій день,* даруючи життя світові.*

Тому сили небесні взивали до Тебе, Життєдавче:*

Слава воскресінню Твоєму, Христе,* слава царству Твоєму,* слава провидінню Твоєму,*

єдиний Чоловіколюбче!

Тропар першої неділі посту, глас 2:

Пречистому образові твоєму поклоняємося, благий,* просячи прощення прогрішень наших,

Христе Боже,* бо волею благоволив єси плоттю

зійти на хрест,* щоб ізбавити тих, що їх створив єси, від неволі ворожої.* Тому благодарственно

кличемо Тобі:* Ти радістю сповнив усе, Спасе наш, прийшовши спасти світ.

Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Духові, і нині, і повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.

Кондак першої неділі посту, глас 8: Неописане Слово Отче* із тебе, Богородице, воплоченням

описалося* і, осквернений образ* у давнє зобразивши,* з божественною добротою

з'єдинило,* та ісповідуючи спасення,* ділом і словом ми це являємо.

Прокімен, глас 4: Благословенний Ти, Господи,

Боже батьків наших, і хвали достойний; ім'я Твоє преславне на всі віки.

Стих: Бо ти праведний у всьому, що вчинив єси нам.

Апостол: До Євреїв послання святого апостола Павла читання (11: 24 - 26; 32 -12:2)

Браття і Сестри! Вірою Мойсей, коли був виріс, відрікся зватися сином дочки фараона;

волів радше страждати разом з людом Божим, ніж

зазнавати дочасної гріховної втіхи, бо, дивлячись на нагороду, вважав за більше багатство наругу

вибраного народу від скарбів Єгипту. І що ще скажу? Часу не вистане мені, коли почну

розповідати про Гедеона, про Варака, про

Самсона, про Єфту, про Давида й Самуїла та пророків, що вірою підбили царства, чинили

справедливість, обітниць осягнули, загородили

пащі левам, силу вогню гасили, вістря меча уникали, ставали сильні, бувши недолугі, на війні проявили мужність, наскоки чужинців відбивали. Жінки діставали своїх померлих, які воскресали. Інші загинули в муках, відкинувши

визволення, щоб осягнути ліпше воскресіння. Інші наруг і бичів зазнали та ще й кайданів і в'язниці; їх каменовано, розрізувано пилою,

брано на допити; вони вмирали, мечем забиті; тинялися в овечих та козячих шкурах,

збідовані, гноблені, кривджені; вони, яких світ був невартий, блукали пустинями, горами,

печерами та земними вертепами. І всі вони,

дарма, що мали добре засвідчення вірою, не одержали обіцяного, бо Бог зберіг нам щось краще, щоб вони не без нас осягли

досконалість. Тому і ми, маючи навколо себе таку велику хмару свідків, відкиньмо всякий

тягар і гріх, що так легко обмотує, і біжімо

витривало до змагання, що призначене нам,

вдивляючися пильно в Ісуса, засновника й

завершителя віри.

Стихи на Алилуя: Мойсей і Арон між Його священиками, і Самуїл між тими, що Його імя прикликають.

Вони Господа прикликали, і Він відповів їм.

Євангелія: Від Йоана 1: 43 - 51

Замість 'Достойно...': Тобою радується, Благодатная, всяка твар, ангельський собор і чоловічеський рід, освящений храме і раю

словесний, дівственна похвало, що із неї Бог воплотився і младенцим став, перед віками

сущий Бог наш. Лоно бо твоє престолом

сотворив і утробу твою просторішою небес учинив. Тобою радується, Благодатная, всяка твар, слава тобі.

Причасний: Хваліте Господа з небес, хваліте Його на висотах.

Радуйтеся, праведні, в Господі, правим

належить похвала. Алилуя! Алилуя! Алилуя!

Неділя 5 березня 2017 ПЕРША НЕДІЛЯ ПОСТУ

Page 3: Serving Canadian Ukrainian community for over 70 years! KARPATY · 2020. 1. 25. · Wed. Mar. 8 7:00 pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS — ХРЕСНА ДОРОГА Thu. Mar. 9 10:30 am Fred

Please pray for the following sick & shut-in Parishioners from BVM: "Oh God, Our Father we pray You restore to physical health those of our parishioners who

are weakened with illness, give peace of mind to those troubled with worry and comfort to

those discouraged with problems. Help them find in the days of their strength, a faith and

trust in You and a love for one another to guide them through any health challenges or

troubles they may face". Amen.

Schedule of Services from March 5, 2017to March 12, 2017 Sunday Services:

Sat. Mar. 4 5:00 pm Divine Liturgy

For health & God’s blessings for all parishioners


9:00 am Catechism

9:30 am Confession

10:00 am Divine Liturgy (Bilingual)

For health & God’s blessings for my brother Tim Dankewich

from Kathy Dankewich

Mon. Mar. 6 No Service

Tues. Mar. 7 9:00 am For health and God’s blessings for Orest and Oksana Bashutskyy

from Myron Fedoruk


Thu. Mar. 9 10:30 am Fred Douglas Lodge Divine Liturgy



Sat. Mar. 11 9:00 am For the late + Elsie Kosowan from Pat and Teresa Bielak

Sunday Services:

5:00 pm Divine Liturgy

For health & God’s blessings for all parishioners


9:00 am Catechism

9:30 am Confession

10:00 am Divine Liturgy (Bilingual)

For health & God’s blessings for John & Barbara Kutcher

from Rostyslav and Daria Surowy

Shut-ins: Emillia Rose,

Stella Demedash;

Holy Family Nursing Home:

Stephania Demkiw, Rose Burack,

Lorraine Putasnick, Olga Dilay,

Anna Kmet; Olga Palmer

Maples Care Home:

Murray Balagus; Joseph Bodnar,

Helen Trafiak;

Fred Douglas Lodge:

Michael Pawlosky;

River Park Gardens Nursing

Home: Sofia Bachynsky

March 5, 2017

Epistle Readers:

10:00 am Simeon Rusnak

Andriy Bobelyak

March 12, 2017

Epistle Readers:

10:00 am Simeon Rusnak

Benedict Boguski


Ken and Bertha



Jimmy Sawchuk

and Terry Krowchuk

Eucharistic Ministers:

10:00 am

Bernice Kulbaba

Eucharistic Ministers:

10:00 am

Adeline Natyna


In loving memory of + Elsie & + James Romaniuk (March 6, 1997)

from Phillis, Danny & Brad Available dates in: April 2, 9, 16, 23,30


For health & God’s blessings for Henry Nattyna

from John & Adeline Natyna and Family Available dates in: March 19; April 2, 9, 16, 23,30


For good health & God’s blessings for Irene Dobush from sister Jean Zalitach Available dates in: March 19; April 2, 9, 16, 23,30

LAST WEEK INCOME: Sunday Collection: $ 1,522.00 Env: 77

Direct Deposit: Parishioners: 16; Easter Flowers: $55.00;

Bulletin Advertising: $350.00; Church donation: $200.00

EXPENSES: Total: $ 4,595.53; Manitoba Hydro Electricity: $856.36; Heating 2,606.38

SHAW; $196.58

The Parish Pilgrim Icon of the Miraculous Lady of Pochaiv If you are interested in welcoming the Parish Pilgrim Icon of the Miraculous

Lady of Pochaiv into your home,

please contact Diana Kochanski-Kornik at 204-334-8386.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Parish Council Meeting is rescheduled from Monday, March 6

to Monday, March 13 for 5:30 pm.

Page 4: Serving Canadian Ukrainian community for over 70 years! KARPATY · 2020. 1. 25. · Wed. Mar. 8 7:00 pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS — ХРЕСНА ДОРОГА Thu. Mar. 9 10:30 am Fred


Donor Intention $

Cropo Funeral Chapel Bulletin Advertising $350.00

Nick & Bernice Hurrie Church Donation $100.00

Mary Fedchuk In honour of Mrs. C. Buyachok’s 100th birthday $100.00

We will be taking residents to liturgy at Holy Family Home on Sunday, March 5. If you can help please be at Holy Family Home by 9:15 a.m..

The Ukrainian Canadian Women's Council will be honoring Ukrainian Canadian Women in Politics on Sunday, April 2 @ 4:00 p.m. @ Holy Eucharist Parish Center. Tickets are $60.00 and can be purchased from

Janet Kuchma @ 204-582-5932 or

[email protected].

2017 Youth Winter Games Schedule Indoor SoccerIndoor SoccerIndoor SoccerIndoor Soccer: Saturday, April 1, 2017 Seven Oaks Soccer Plex,

725 Kingsbury Ave.,

Registration 11:30pm., soccer and snacks 12:00-3:00pm

Clean indoor runners required

WindupWindupWindupWindup: Friday, May 5, 2017 St Basil Parish Hall, 202 Harcourt St.,

Food, Music, Games and Awards 6:00-10:00pm

All youth of all ages are invited and admission is free.



2017 Church Envelopes

and Calendars may be

picked up from the ta-

ble at the entrance of

the church. Please con-

tinue to support our

parish by making your

donations regularly!

The deadline for ordering perogies for this month is Monday, March 13.

Please call Myron Fedoryk at 204 338-7243.

Please come to peel potatoes on Wednesday, March. 15 at 10:00 am and to help make perogies on Thursday, March 16 at 8:00 am.

Thank-you for supporting our parish!

‘A Night at the Oscars!’

Fund Raising Dinner for Immaculate Heart of Mary School Saturday, March 11, 2017

Holy Eucharist Parish Centre, 460 Munroe Avenue

Cocktails & Hors d'ouvres at 6:00 P.M. - Dinner at 7:00 P.M.

Each ticket will be sold for $125.00 which includes the full ‘red carpet’ treatment: live jazz entertainment, delicious dinner, hors d’ouvres, beverages, raffle prizes, student art auction, and a charitable receipt. Gather a group of friends and book a table together! Tickets can be purchased online at:www.lubovfoundation.ca or by contacting the school office at: 204-582-5698 or E-mail:[email protected].


BITTER HARVEST Based on one of the most overlooked tragedies of the 20th century, Bit-

ter Harvest is a powerful story of love, honor, rebellion and survival as

seen through the eyes of two young lovers caught in the ravages of Jo-

seph Stalin’s genocidal policies against Ukraine in the 1930s. As Stalin

advances the ambitions of communists in the Kremlin, a young artist

named Yuri (Max Irons) battles to survive famine, imprisonment and

torture to save his childhood sweetheart Natalka (Samantha Barks) from

the “Holodomor,” the death-by-starvation program that ultimately killed

millions of Ukrainians. Against this tragic backdrop, Yuri escapes from

a Soviet prison and joins the anti-Bolshevik resistance movement as he

battles to reunite with Natalka and continue the fight for a free Ukraine.

Filmed on location in Ukraine, this epic love story brings to light one of the most devastating

chapters of modern Europe. The stellar cast also includes Barry Pepper, Tamer Hassan and

Terence Stamp. Director George Mendeluk co-wrote the screenplay with Richard Bachynsky-

Hoover based on Bachynsky-Hoover’s original story. The film is produced by Ian Ihnatowycz,

Stuart Baird, George Mendeluk, Chad Barager and Jaye Gazeley. Dennis Davidson, Peter D.

Graves and William J. Immerman serve as executive producers. Richard Bachynsky-Hoover is

executive producer (Ukraine). The film will be released in Canada by dFilms on March 3, 2017.

Group sales of tickets are available. We would encourage your parishes and associated

organizations, to take advantage of this opportunity.

Please don't delay, though. The showing of films is a commercial venture, and if people

aren't going to the theater, the film will close.

So take advantage of the opportunity.

Ukrainian Canadian Congress Manitoba Provincial Council