Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results

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  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    Serviceability tractability for expertise exploitation results reality fashion flow joins (buy :: inductor effect,sell ::

    capacitor aspect)in pair dynamics to operate wait {to hold driven}when {retrievable centric metric =

    [x , b ][a , x ],x[ a , b ], x=a+b2

    }isachievable using (w R x = f(intentional i, such that natural n,

    m R y = g(!ernel !, such that "udging "mapping pair and surround set {(driven, metric, (instill, infuse,

    (custom, event, (handle, hold } of (bit, envelop such that#

    mount={( sin$%cos$(sin$cos$) , (sin$cos$)sin$%cos$ )},{(1+ 1sin$,1+ 1cos$)},{( f$()1+f$(), 11+f$())},{( n1+n, 11+n)}envelop={& f$.g$.(f$g$)(f$+g$) },{& g(.).e


    (1+g(.).ef(.)) },{& ln(1+f(.)) .(1ln (1+f( .)))(1+ln(1+f(.))) }'aid chaalia (draft copy )anuary *+h *-., email to#susanne%weber / gmail%com

    In fact, convert(pair0w R x, m R y1 is major main principle fundamental function of applied control dataflow graph in order to enhance architectural adjustment advances of using utility involving inside modelingmodes and mathematical property that recognizes sign symbolism focus on. herefore, using such a

    convert!pair"w # $, m # y%& function, is a faithful trust of linguistic logics due to investing in'uiry 'uestionstring (way #esults in undefined or un)nown $, *owever, mount #esults in yard that has to characterizedynamic mechanics of creationism and computing customization around and across liable laws dealing withvalid valuable variation of traceability tractability techni'ues and translation transformation trips(.

    +urthermore, to become invasive modeling mode align using utility of control data flow graph growingdesign and its implementation inside industrial manufacturing process, mathematical modeling modes couldthen invest in this convert(pair0w R x, m R y1function. et be bac) to improve definition descriptiondesign of this accordingly to convert(pair0w R x, m R y1function, one owing operational thing is torecognize mathematical property of balance benefits, which could e$cite e$pertise e$ploitation in order toe$ert energy environment that is ready to invest inside basic built in behavior of logic thought networ)ingand intellectual inspiration insight so far as it should or it could be. -ven though, resulting in reality fashion

    flow believe in lordniss logics dynamics, which invo)es rational returns of holding hierarchy harmony.lthough, mount tractability management could then handle surround sign symbolism generating intellectualinspiration insight of joining !$, y& in pair, whereby/

    valid valuable variation should be satisfy/x 2 delta(variation= y 3 delta(variationor vice versa.

    *ence, invest inside $ 0 1 13sin and y 0 1 13cos to valid concrete computing customization oflinguistic logics belong to active dynamic design of surround subset 0

    {(metric, driven, (instill, infuse, (custom, event, (handle, hold}%

    4ince this involving convert!pair"w # $, m # y%& function within fundamental driven design description of

    control data flow graph theory, whereby (incoming or outgoing edge e$ploitation( and (narrowing nodenetwor)ing( !notice that narrow 0 o limit or restrict/ narrowed the possibilities down to three.& should rolemain major principle designs of control data flow graph theory and chart flow theological aspects. -venthough, incoming edge or outgoing edge has to transmit valid valuable variation of intentional informationfor further growing of gathering re'uired parametrization that is needed for any corresponding node. Insideany node, resulting in operational logics !((, ((, (5(, (3(, (6#(, (76#(, (89(, ("(, (%(,...& shouldcomply within primordial principle parametrization proceeding, which could generate invasive intellectualinspiration insight. his intellectual inspiration insight deals with probabilistic stochastic surroundsymbolism, whereby any accordingly to functionalism of valid variation inside boundary segment :;, 1

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    boundary limit segment :;, 1< could be defined as below/

    f$( 4(- 3 f$( mount=



  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    ii. unjust 0 e$p! absLf! &M&

    or vice versa. his valid variation of such associate assignment could easy simple integrated withinfuzzyneural approaches to continue transmission of corresponding logic languages belong to jobscheduling of while!constraint conditions& do Lne$t state change statement processingM

    O. w # $ 0 !could be e'ual to& mount management of matri$ reload reality fashion flow, wherebymemorization traceability tractability techni'ues should be used to satisfy surround sign symbolismof float operational dynamics using measurable metric utility of concerting customization thoughrobust use of corresponding detectable signal sensors that are ready to deliver sensitive lists forfurther mount management of itinerary information and gathering magnetic effects based uponaccordingly to antenna and valid valuable variation of e$erting e$pertise e'uivalence such that/

    f(surface integration 6magnetic flux7 =8g(volume integration6current edge flows7,

    whereby (0P( is an accordingly to 'uestion of proposal possibility, which permit probabilisticstochastic processing to be used herewith this e'uivalence e'uation e$ploitation.

    *ence, this e$ploitation environment of (w # $(, which invo)es to)en simulation that is ready to handle

    incoming and outgoing edges controls main maintaining logic linguistics of translation transformationtechni'ues and transmission transportation tractability of transition traceability and transaction trips.

    -ven though, (m # y( uses burrowing binary effect operating logics and arithmetic computing customizationthat validates ssembly language such that/

    return(metric whenthis is true free motion path

    In fact, deep driven investigation of surround symbolic function (convert!pair"w # $, m # y%&( should bebasic built in behavior of control data flow graph issues and chart flow utility. +urthermore, reality fashionflow of e$pertise e$ploitation should then design dynamic description of optimistic transparency tractability,whereby job scheduling belong to dynamics reality of while!constraint conditions& do Lne$t state change

    statement processingM, should be growing upon guardian of gathering intentional information acrossindustrial manufacturing production processing. hus, calling any procedure or function to realize primordial

    principles of parallelism for waveform compression algorithms and waveform decompression algorithms

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    L float 0 grow 0 !!5it&.second&.size!& 3 !1 sum&R char ch 0 !5it&.firstR perform.insert !it, std//pair"char, float%!ch, grow&&R M ig 0 perform.begin!&R for!itR ig J0 storage.end!&R ig& L gptr.put!!5ig&.first&R gptr.put!!5ig&.second&R M gptr%close!&RMreturn ;RM

    +rom cloud to rainy weather, there is comple$ computing customization proceeding, which re'uires resultingin joining (2- 3 -4sin$, 2- 3 -4cos$or (tg$, cotg$or (sin$%cos$4(sin$ 2 cos$$, (sin$ 2 cos$$ 46sin$%cos$7or othermapping pair !$, y& such that/

    valid valuable variation of this mapping pair !a, b& should verify / a - u = b + u, when u 0 unitary,

    lthough, job scheduling battleground theory should always comply with while!constraint conditions& doLne$t state change statement processingM. *owever, manufacturing industrial implementation should then

    burrow inside measurable metric linguistic languages. herefore, to try using transportation tractability,focussing on functionalism of joining (w R x, m R yin pair should then be used to define newly proposal

    parametrization processing for further usage of memorization and logic thought development. *ence,moving any object from defined place to another, re'uires driven measurable metric description to investinside mount tractability management of electricity consumption and other energy lost processing dynamics.*ence, for defined amount 'uantity of electricity, corresponding motion satisfaction should be valid ataccordingly to time event. hus, for a given triplet of !time event, !electrical amount 'uantity, correspondingmotion aspect&& should then invo)e major main dynamics of linguistic logics, which wraps up signsymbolism functions ordering faithful opportunity of distinct e$pertise e$ploitation environments. Xhy

    social society science or financial design should then use such a defined mapping pair (time event, (amount9uantity, desirable wishes reali:ation to become intensive intellectual insight and inspiration, wherebyuncertainty and use utility of while!constraint conditions& do Lne$t state change statement processingM inorder to integrate liable laws of balance benefits and to perform valid variation of valuable sens scenery

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    shows of traceability techni'ues and transition tractability mount management for further use and utilityissues of ensuring job scheduling driven design description at any re'uired discrete event simulation basedupon motion engines and e$pertise e$ploitation of measurable metric translation transformation for faithfultransportation of growing data bloc)s.

    +or any actual computing customization using digital design time event should then used sliding windowslice simulation such that time 0 integer 5 slice !8otice that slice should be smaller than desirable&. *owever,any measurable metric amount 'uantity should then defined to be measurable at any re'uired time !time t 0

    n. ! 0 period 0 smallest corresponding slice&&. +urthermore, desirable result should then define to result incomple$ blac) bo$ simulation using many actual algorithm architectures, which are genetic algorithm, fuzzyneural algorithm, bond graph algorithm, ... herefore, a simulator is an advance adjustment algorithm, whichhas to try and test any invasive interaction of intellectual inspiration insight and industrial manufacturingimplementation adventures without )nowing primordial private input of honest hierarchy harmony. +or anyrandom valid variable 7, let mapping pair !w # $, m # y& denotes a sample drawn accordingly to this validrandom variation of corresponding 7. *owever, for driven defined mapping pair !w # $, m # y&, usingutility of uniform uncertainty measurement should then be invest inside intellectual inspiration using/

    exp(2 -4abs{f( }

    ad"ust=e1f(.), lim

    f( );,(e


    exp(2 abs{f( } ad"ust=ef( .)

    , limf( );, (ef(.)

    )= fix[... ]

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    f$( 4 (- 3 f$( ad"ust=


    abs{f( } 4(- 3 abs{f( }ad"ust=

    f( )1+f()

    5og(- 3 abs{f( } 4(- 3 5og(- 3 abs{f( }ad"ust=

    ln (1+f( ))

    1+ ln (1+f())

    ,;nf( )

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    developing logics dynamics for many several sign symbolism disciplines. hus, using measurableuncertainty mount management based upon burrowing narrow of focussing on mapping pair (a = un!nown,b = why logicssuch that/

    1. to judge own operation orientation, mathematical modeling mode should satisfy //(a = un!nown, b = why logics = (x, ((((((((sin$, cos$, (2- 3 -4sin$, 2- 3 -4cos$, (exp(2-4abs{f( }, exp(2

    abs{f( }, (5og(- 3 abs{f( } 4(- 3 5og(- 3 abs{f( }, -4(- 3 5og(- 3 abs{f( }, (i%n4(- 3 i%n, -4(- 3

    i%n, (f$(4(- 3 f$(, ((sin$%cos$4(sin$ 2 cos$$, (sin$ 2 cos$$ 46sin$%cos$7, (tg$, cotg$ %%%%

    2. *ence, control data flow graph theory and chart theological should then burrow tractability mountmanagement of linguistic logics belong to joining !w # $, m # y& in pair for further deep driven design ofintentional itinerary integration of in'uiry 'uestion string (aware way #esults in un)nown using variableissues. lthough, mount management #esults in yard sign symbolism(. 8otice that (yard 0 . an enclosurewithin which any wor) or business is carried on !often used in combination&(. *ence, to achieve intentional

    business for social sign symbolism, basic built in behavior of this intentional in'uiry 'uestion string (awareaway results in un)nown using utility, but invo)e envelop e$ploitation should then result in logics dynamicsof driven description design generation major main mechanism of discrete event simulation(. Xhat is eventand should this event be measurable utilityP is surround subject of incoming implementation of intellectualinspiration insight. 9iscrete event simulation invo)es valid variation of valuable metric units sincedevelopment of industrial manufacturing languages of in'uiry 'uestion string ( arc 0 !=athematics& maths asection of a curve, graph, or geometric figure 0 progression of events suggesting narrative cohesion,especially one that rises to a clima$ and settles to a final conclusion 0 !Beneral Zhysics& a luminousdischarge that occurs when an electric current flows between two electrodes or any other two surfacesseparated by a small gap and a high potential difference(.

    *ence, using logics dynamics design, system signal function ordering faithful outfits should then be active toadvance adjustment architectures of further development of human business benefits and basic build in

    behavior of logic thoughts and joining (thin! up,grow uponin pair traceability techni'ues.

    +or many several social sign symbolism disciplines !justice, jury decision, fre'uency focus ons 0 (count a

    day to be aware( major main principle designs, ma)ing decision across liable laws, engine motion lin)s, ...&should then e$pend timing simulation in sliding window slice simulation in order to handle holding hierarchyharmony of lordniss and Bod re'uirement as powerful primordial performance of evolving e$pertisee$ploitation surround liable laws and linguistic logics lin)s, which could be used to develop social psychesoul breath basic built in behaviors and to invest inside intentional e'uiengineering design of socialsurround society supports. herefore, joining (w R x, m R yshould be active engine inside supporting e'ui

    probabilistic stochastic processing to create clear computing customization of social sign symbolismsupporting (living together forever( intentional in'uiry 'uestion string implementation. +or such a threadtas), using this(2- 3 -4sin$, 2- 3 -4cos$metric mapping pair to simulation any e$erting e$ploitation of

    proposal disposal discipline across corresponding linguistic logics driven dynamic design should thencomply with any customizing mount tractability management to perform architectural advance adjustment atany disposal timing simulation or grid scheduling simulation belong to major main proceeding of cloud

    computing customization event environments.

    herefore, using measurable metric modeling modes of cloud computing customization event environment,joining (sin$%cos$4(sin$ 2 cos$$, (sin$ 2 cos$$ 4 6sin$% cos$7 or (tg$, cotg$ or (2- 3 -4sin$, 2- 3 -4cos$ or (exp(2-4abs{f( }, exp(2abs{f(} or (i%n4(-3 i%n, -4(- 3 i%n or (f$(4(- 3 f$(, -4(- 3 f$( or other any mapping

    pair !$, y& such that

    1. entity element $ 0 using unifying utility of developing devices should e$ist in measurable metricmount management and be available at any re'uired time event.

    2. e$pertise engineering y 0 whylogics of liable linguistic language of local law lin)s should theninvest in traceability tractability techni'ues to order operation orientation of scenery shows, which

    could be ready to result in !w # $, m # y& mapping pair. hus, this !w # $, m # y& mapping pairjudges rational returns of robust reality fashion flows, which bring up additional aspirations of signsymbolism through invasive implementation of holy Yoo) linguistic ogics. his holy Yoo)

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    linguistic ogics customize measurable metric things based upon joining !current living events, validvariation of logic laws& in pair. hus, these valid variation of logic laws deal with life after death,

    pray principles, money investment gathering corresponding computing customization such that/

    ideal financial commerce generating social sign symbolism 0 13O !fifth !one part in five e'ual parts& for [ si$)ind of architectural operation engines 0 fifth !one part in five e'ual parts& of incoming money should bedeliver to feather or cover Bod re'uirement reality fashion flow, transportation transmitter of translation

    transformation traceability techni'ues, family focus on entity elements, missing mount managementindividualism, social secret scenery shows and balance benefit burrows !notice that to burrow 0 movethrough by or as by diggingR (burrow through the forest(&.

    Yinary transaction techni'ues are most dynamics of building intentional integration of digital issues in orderto evolve valid variation of data manipulation for further clear comparative customization of logic thoughts.*ence, using best in class modeling modes of linguistic logics dynamics is to order concrete processing ofstochastic probabilistic utility of sign symbolism functions open features outfits for any driven design of

    balance benefits involving inside deep description of valid opposite variation of mapping pair !a, b& suchthat/

    a=1+ 1sin$

    ,metric=fix[boundaries] b=1+ 1cos$,metric=fix[...]

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    a=e1f( .), lim

    f( );,(e


    b=ef( .), limf();,



    (sin$cos$),metric= fix[...] b=

    (sin$cos$) sin$%cos$

    ,metric=fix[ ... ]


    ln (1+f())1+ ln (1+f()),;nf( )

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    b = 2- -4cos$b=1+


    cos$,metric=fix[boundaries ]

    a = sin$%cos$4(sin$ 2 cos$a=


    (sin$cos$),metric= fix[boundaries ]

    b = (sin$ 2 cos$$ 4 6sin$%cos$7b=




    ]a = tg$ a=tg$ ,metric=fix[boundaries]

    b = cotg$ b=cotg$ ,metric= fix[boundaries ]

    a = 5og(- 3 abs{f(%} 4 (- 3 5og(- 3 abs{f(%}a=

    ln(1+f( ))1+ ln(1+f( ))

    ,;nf( )

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    4ince basic built in behavior of balance benefits, using issues of operating linguistic logics should complywith parallelism instruction integration, whereby simultaneously two opposite valid variations should beresulting in reality fashion flow of growing upon mount tractability management evolves mapping pair !a, b&such that/

    a = 2- 3 -4sin$a=1+


    sin$b = 2- 3 -4cos$

    b=1+ 1


    a = sin$%cos$4(sin$ 2 cos$$a=



    b = (sin$ 2 cos$$ 4 6sin$%cos$7b=

    (sin$cos$) sin$%cos$

    a = tg$ a=tg$

    ? = cotg$ b=cotg$

    In fact, linguistic logics should then develop intentional intellectual inspiration of parallelism proceeding,which could be found inside compression and decompression algorithms based upon memory bufferstructural architectures such that/

    1. typedef map"char, vector"int%% and2. typedef map"char, float%,

    wherebyfloat = char(si:eof(vector0int1 4(- 3 sum(char(si:eof(vector0int1

    *owever, more concrete functional symbolic synchronization of digital processing is to assign associatemapping pair !i3n, )3j& for any rational ratio reality fashion flow and to define this rational ratios to be faithfulfunctions belong to valid variation of programming inputoutput to)en simulation languages. *ence, controldata flow graph theory and chart flow dynamics re'uire more liable lin) laws of controlling commands andmetric amount 'uantity in mathematical modeling modes or either modeling structure forms.

    Yalance benefits are surround symbolic valid dynamics of handling hierarchy harmony generating metriccentric approaches and invest inside growing upon tractability management of while!constraint conditions&do Lne$t change statement proceedingM.

    -ven though, human psyche soul breath basic built in behavior should operate translation traceability ofmodeling modes, whereby simple instruction implementation of (if ... then ... -lse ...( statement structurescenery show should then be evolving within any binary encoding, which could then be newly modeledthrough joining !a, b& in pair such that/

    a = exp(2-4abs{f(%}a=e

    1f( .), lim;,(e


    b = exp(2abs{f(%} b=ef(.), lim;,(ef( .))

    In fact, sign symbolization should than support realization of any integrated intellectual inspiration insightacross mathematical modeling modes.

    Yinary balance enhances many several selfish faithful own fundamental operating logics dynamics that issupporting tow principles of mount tractability management techni'ues, which are/

    1. mapping pair !chance, uncertainty&, which should generate translation traceability of mounttractability of joining !challenge, use& in pair to invest intentional intellectual inspiration insightinside basic built in behavior of balance benefits. herefore, balance benefits are reality fashion flow

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    of operating governable administrations, which deal with driven design description of reasonablere'uests that are resulting in financial opportunity and could sha)e any scenery shows of ne$t statechange proceeding involving inside two fundamental proposal state techni'ues !idle, scheduling&mapping pair. -ven though, in'uiry 'uestion string of (surround state should be e'ual to (idle(,which is describing instruction control commands which are/ wait for, wait, wait on, wait until,delay, ...( provides linguistic logics of in'uiry 'uestion string (proposal pregnancy counterproposalshould provide primordial principles of surround symbolic proceeding(.

    2. *ence, surround symbolic proceeding lin)s (systematic sign functions operating faithful owners tofocus on optimistic faint outputs. his in'uiry 'uestion string (pregnancy counterproposal

    proceeding( should fi$ main major manufacturing designs of evolving intelligence insight to supportmathematical modeling modes of invasive in'uiry 'uestion string (count a day away to be aware(mechanism. lthough, this reality fashion flow of invasive in'uiry 'uestion string (count a day awayto be aware( mechanism should ensure primordial principles of digital computing customizationalong mapping pair !increment, decremente& to invo)e while!constraint conditions& do Lne$t statechange statementsM for further installing of logics dynamics of any invasive intellectual intelligenceinsight.

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  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    file at any re'uired time t0 n., whereby 0 period or sliding slice of time !pi3? nano seconds, pi3@ picoseconds, ...&. *ence, when invasive logics dynamics is loo)ing for mapping pair !increment, decrements&liable laws of either inde$ or memory buffer, main proposal system sign synchronization is loo)ing for multicore processor architectures to provide parallelism processing of compression and decompression processingthread tas)s due to at same time one own core processor should realize compression thread tas) based upon

    pic) up 0 read!char& and the other own one processor should determine the original file format based uponpic) up 0 read!float&, which has evolve typedef map"char, float% to be balanced into logic )ernel dynamics

    of fuzzy and comple$ modeling modes of prediction and supporting linguistic rules of digital signalprocessing !9 4 Z&. *owever, =a$!time& to return a metric time value for further judgment of performanceeither within compression algorithm of with decompression algorithms, should then be balance benefits ofrobust resulting in multi core processor architectures, which are ready waiting for compiler to evolve anddevelop nuclear neat networ)ing of best in class computing customization of parallelism such that

    ( at time t 0 n., pic) up 0 read!char& TT pic) up 0 read!float&( from corresponding memory buffers/buffer 1 0 map"char, vector"int%% and buffer 2 0 map"char, float%, whereby this concrete float share usingissues of increment and decrements inde$ processing of corresponding metric bytes. -ven though, float 0ratio of char!sizeof!vector"int%&& to !1 sum!char!sizeof!vector"int%&&&&.

    In fact, to overdrive such comple$ logics dynamics of compressiondecompression linguistic laws which arebased upon dictionary design descriptions, screen display should then invest intentional efforts within colorcharactershapeshadow theory, which has to return fundamental function that is e'ual to ensuring envelop ofcorresponding mathematical modeling mode. his ensuring envelop is e'ual to 0 \f.g.!f g& 3 !f g&,whereby f should measure 'uadratic functioning form of shadow and g should illustrate 'uadratic form ofmetric object. *ence, using growing upon intellectual inspiration insight should gather hierarchy homeharmony belong to !=a$!&, best!&& mapping pair. *ence, best!& is used to integrate genetic algorithm or other

    based upon erroroptimization algorithm and =a$!& is a measurable unit of performs for any multi coreprocessor architectures.

    *ence, another fundamental function should be used is find!what is actually ready& to evolve concrete clearchoice of either going multi core processor architectures or single own ones which are )nown since

    development of N B*z tac) fre'uency one own processor architecture.

    9ue to simple symbolization of balance benefits, any surround set of linguistic logics should be e$erte$pertise environment of formal function, which could be called //

    surround set = {(etric, driven), (instill, infuse), (custo, event), (handle, hold)!"

    -ven, binary balance should be comply with mathematical modeling modes in which forms/

    -% true = limit(exp(2-4abs{f(%} andfalse = limit(exp(2abs{f(%}%

    2. true = limit(5og(- 3 abs{f(%}4(-3 5og(-3abs{f(%}andfalse = limit(-4(- 3 5og(-3abs{f(}

    -ven though, balance benefits, which could use trigonometric function forms, should then provideparallelism processing of !a, b& mapping pair such that/1. a 0 1 13sin and 2. b 0 1 13cos orN. a 0 sin.cos 3 !sincos& and ?. b 0 !sin cos& 3 :sin.cosR

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    permits discrete event simulation principles to be used when governable pension annuity enhancement isre'uired. herefore, based upon theological thread tas) of e'uivalence and of same similar architecturalstructure composing human psyche soul breach behavior, a valuable valid value of corresponding governable

    pension annuity is needed due to using unity issues involving within e$erting economy e$ploitation andengineering e$pertise environment.


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    6-8 get#elop!& 33 6-8 has two components TOKEN retToken = new(RELOP); // First component set here while (true) switch(state) case ! c = ne"t#har(); i$ (c == %&%) state = '; else i$ (c == %=%) state = ; else i$ (c == %%) state = *; else $ail();
  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    +reak; case '! ,,, ,,, case -! retract(); // an acceptin. state with a star retToken,attri+ute = T; // secon0 component return(retToken);

    Higure behavior inside :inging transition of events for manufacturing maps, whom driven dynamic design is building realscheduling ((roof = return valuable variable= clear when there is windAs wave, root = "ambAs battleground = primordial principle

    entities = {(water^VRsunXYWwaves} of any focus on translationAs logics language, is completed interviewed here within%

    11 #omponent! #O2P3R3TOR 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111li+rar4 5EEE;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6''*7,all;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6arith,all;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6unsi.ne0,all;

    entit4 comparator is port( rst! in st06lo.ic; "8 4! in st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ); output! out st06lo.ic69ector( ' 0ownto ) );en0 comparator;

    architecture comparator6arc o$ comparator process( "8 48 rst ) i$( rst = %'% ) then

    output &= ; 11 0o nothin. elsi$( " 4 ) then

    output &= '; 11 i$ " .reater elsi$( " & 4 ) then

    output &= '; 11 i$ 4 .reater else

    output &= ''; 11 i$ e

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    li+rar4 5EEE;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6''*7,all;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6arith,all;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6unsi.ne0,all;

    entit4 is port( rst8 clk8 loa0! in st06lo.ic; input! in st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ); output! out st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ) );en0;

    architecture re.is6arc o$ process( rst8 clk8 loa08 input ) i$( rst = %'% ) then

    output &= ; elsi$( clk%e9ent an0 clk = %'%) then i$( loa0 = %'% ) then

    output &= input; en0 i$; en0 i$; en0 process;en0 re.is6arc;

    11 component! F2 controller 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

    li+rar4 5EEE;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6''*7,all;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6arith,all;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6unsi.ne0,all;

    entit4 $sm is

    port( rst8 clk8 procee0! in st06lo.ic; comparison! in st06lo.ic69ector( ' 0ownto ); ena+le8 "sel8 4sel8 "l08 4l0! out st06lo.ic );en0 $sm;

    architecture $sm6arc o$ $sm is

    t4pe states is ( init8 s8 s'8 s>8 s:8 s78 s ); si.nal ntate8 ctate! states; process( rst8 clk ) i$( rst = %'% ) then

    ctate &= init; elsi$( clk%e9ent an0 clk = %'% ) then

    ctate &= ntate; en0 i$; en0 process;

    process( procee08 comparison8 ctate ) case ctate is

    when init = i$( procee0 = %% ) then

    ntate &= init; else

    ntate &= s; en0 i$;

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    when s = ena+le &= %%;

    "sel &= %%; 4sel &= %%; "l0 &= %%; 4l0 &= %%; ntate &= s';

    when s' = ena+le &= %%; "sel &= %%; 4sel &= %%; "l0 &= %'%; 4l0 &= %'%; ntate &= s>;

    when s> = "l0 &= %%; 4l0 &= %%; i$( comparison = ' ) then

    ntate &= s:; elsi$( comparison = ' ) then

    ntate &= s7;elsi$( comparison = '' ) then

    ntate &= s;en0 i$;

    when s: = ena+le &= %%;

    "sel &= %'%; 4sel &= %%; "l0 &= %'%; 4l0 &= %%; ntate &= s>;

    when s7 = ena+le &= %%; "sel &= %%;

    4sel &= %'%; "l0 &= %%; 4l0 &= %'%; ntate &= s>;

    when s = ena+le &= %'%; "sel &= %'%; 4sel &= %'%; "l0 &= %'%; 4l0 &= %'%; ntate &= s;

    when others = ntate &= s;

    en0 case;

    en0 process;

    en0 $sm6arc;111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 #? #alculator! top le9el 0esi.n usin. structural mo0elin.11 F2 @ ?atapath (mu"8 re.isters8 su+tracter an0 comparator)1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111li+rar4 5EEE;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6''*7,all;use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6arith,all;

    use 5EEE,st06lo.ic6unsi.ne0,all;use work,all;

    entit4 .c0 is

  • 8/9/2019 Serviceability Tractability for Expertise Exploitation Results


    port( rst8 clk8 .o6i! in st06lo.ic; "6i8 46i! in st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ); 06o! out st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ) );en0 .c0;

    architecture .c06arc o$ .c0 is

    component $sm is port( rst8 clk8 procee0! in st06lo.ic; comparison! in st06lo.ic69ector( ' 0ownto ); ena+le8 "sel8 4sel8 "l08 4l0! out st06lo.ic );en0 component;

    component mu" isport( rst8 sLine! in st06lo.ic;

    loa08 result! in st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ); output! out st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ) );en0 component;

    component comparator is port( rst! in st06lo.ic; "8 4! in st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ); output! out st06lo.ic69ector( ' 0ownto ) );en0 component;

    component su+tractor is port( rst! in st06lo.ic;

    cm0! in st06lo.ic69ector( ' 0ownto ); "8 4! in st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ); "out8 4out! out st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto )

    );en0 component;

    component is port( rst8 clk8 loa0! in st06lo.ic; input! in st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ); output! out st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto ) );en0 component;

    si.nal "l08 4l08 "sel8 4sel8 ena+le! st06lo.ic;si.nal comparison! st06lo.ic69ector( ' 0ownto );si.nal result! st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto );

    si.nal "su+8 4su+8 "mu"8 4mu"8 "re.8 4re.! st06lo.ic69ector( : 0ownto );

    11 0oin. structure mo0elin. here

    11 F2 controller TOF2! $sm port map( rst8 clk8 .o6i8 comparison8

    ena+le8 "sel8 4sel8 "l08 4l0 );11 ?atapath

    A62BA! mu" port map( rst8 "sel8 "6i8 "su+8 "mu" ); C62BA! mu" port map( rst8 4sel8 46i8 4su+8 4mu" );

    A6RE! port map( rst8 clk8 "l08 "mu"8 "re. );C6RE! port map( rst8 clk8 4l08 4mu"8 4re. );B6#O2P! comparator port map( rst8 "re.8 4re.8 comparison );

    A6BD! su+tractor port map( rst8 comparison8 "re.8 4re.8 "su+8 4su+ );

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    OBT6RE! port map( rst8 clk8 ena+le8 "su+8 result );

    06o &= result;

    en0 .c06arc;
