Service for the Lord’s Day Resurrection of the Lord April 16, 2017 But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples, 'He has been raised from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him.' This is my message for you.” So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples. Suddenly Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came to him, took hold of his feet, and worshiped him. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will see me.” Matthew 28.5-10 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY We glorify God by engaging in worship, pursuing justice, and nurturing all who enter our doors. detail from Starry Night Van Gogh In the public domain

Service for the Lord’s Day · Service for the Lord’s Day ... Isabel Bandoroff, Zachary Coons, Isabelle Fleming, Maimai Hanna, ... opened the gates to everlasting life;

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Service for the Lord’s Day Resurrection of the Lord

April 16, 2017

But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid; I know that you are looking for Jesus who was

crucified. He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay.

Then go quickly and tell his disciples, 'He has been raised from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of

you to Galilee; there you will see him.' This is my message for you.”

So they left the tomb quickly with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples.

Suddenly Jesus met them and said, “Greetings!” And they came to him, took hold of his feet, and

worshiped him.

Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee; there they will

see me.”

Matthew 28.5-10


We glorify God by engaging in worship, pursuing justice, and nurturing all who enter our doors.

detail from Starry Night Van Gogh In the public domain

WELCOME TO ALL GUESTS We are glad you have chosen to worship with us today. Please take a moment to complete a Welcome Bookmark located in the back of pew in the sanctuary or at the entrance in the Chapel and place it in the offering plate. On the back of the Bookmark, you will see a number of ways to learn more about the ministries at FPC. We look forward to getting to know you and hope to worship with you again soon. For information about becoming a member of First Presbyterian Church or to talk to a pastor, please call the office at 252-1919.

Please join us again in worship next week at 8:45 am or 11:00 am. For those who need it, there are

additional handicapped parking spaces available on Sunday mornings in the parking lot adjacent to the building. Please enter the parking lot via Mill Street. The church can be entered via the Market Street entrance.

Assisted listening devices and large print versions of today’s hymns are available upon request from the ushers who are located at each door. Please return the large print hymn binders to the Narthex after the service.

Restrooms: On the Sanctuary level, restrooms are located on the same level through the double doors on either side of the chancel. On the Chapel level, restrooms are located on the same level in the art gallery hallway.

Childcare for infants and pre-school children is available during worship. An usher can help you find the nursery or children’s classes.

Coffee and donuts are available in the Assembly Room between services. We serve Café Citadelle’s fair trade, shade-grown, and hand-picked 100% Arabica Haitian coffee ($1/cup suggested donation). If you enjoy the coffee, you can purchase 12-oz. bags, $12.00/each, from the office Monday through Friday. Your support helps rebuild Haiti one cup at a time!

Thank You LOGOS Worship Skills Team: We are grateful to the youth and adults of LOGOS Worship Skills who created the ribbon banners outside and in the sanctuary to celebrate the Easter season:

Helen Kelly, Sarah Bowes, Clare McEachin, Cory Cameron, Caitlin Foehse, Philip Allison, Victor Allison, Garrett Amato, Isabel Bandoroff, Zachary Coons, Isabelle Fleming, Maimai Hanna, Nick Harling, Anna Grace Hurst, Jacqueline Mullins, Vivian Rudd, Tyler Smith, Emma Zent, Claire Abraham, Ella Abraham, Danielle Aubry, Holly Cason, Ella Davisson, Grace Fleming, Caroline Host, Emily Host, Charlie Jefferson, Jake Nahra, Daphne Nicol, Lucy Nunnelley, Pierce Nunnelley, Hale Pettit, Maddie Powell, Joshua Preacely and Katie Taylor.

The flowers today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Alma and Louis Haggin by the Haggin children.


NO classes will be held today, Easter Sunday. Classes resume next week, April 23rd. re:formed: 10:00 a.m. (gather at 9:45), Breckinridge Room (Room 210)

This class features a series on Hospitality from Epiphany through Trinity Sunday and will explore the nature of hospitality during three seasons of the church year: Epiphany – hospitality in light of the Incarnation, Lent – hospitality in the shadows of Sin, and Easter – hospitality in light of the New Creation.

All are invited to participate as we discuss what it might mean to become more hospitable in the spaces in which we live our lives.

Youth: 6th-12th Grade: 10:00 am, Room 209

Confirmation Class: 9:45 am, LOL Room (Room 208) – April 23

Children: 3 year-olds – 5th grade: 9:45 am, Gather in Room 201

EASTER: GATHER IN GOD’S NAME Please silence all mobile devices. To learn more about the ministries of FPC,

please fill out a Welcome Bookmark and place it in one of the plates during the offering.

PRELUDE Celebratory Brass Music

“Prelude,” from Prelude & Fugue in C, BWV 545 J.S. Bach


INTROIT, HYMN 235 “O Sons and Daughters, Let Us Sing” O FILII ET FILIAE

Please sing the “Alleluia” refrain as invited.

LIGHTING OF THE CHRIST CANDLE Leslee and Jeff Jennings (9:00)

Leader: Alleluia! Christ is risen! Sarah Bowes and Steve Kelly (11:00)

All: Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia!


Leader: On this day you won victory over death,

raising Jesus from the grave and giving us eternal life;

All: Glory to you, O God.

For us and for our salvation you overcame death and

opened the gates to everlasting life;

Glory to you, O Christ. You lead us into truth;

Glory to you, O Holy Spirit.

Glory to you, O Blessed Trinity, now and forever more.

Amen! Alleluia!

*HYMN 232 “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” EASTER HYMN

Following the hymn, children are invited to come forward for the Children’s Blessing.

CHILDREN’S BLESSING “Un-burying the Alleluias” Kelly Nicol


All praise to you Holy God,

Holy One, Holy Three.

All was falling and lost,

Jesus our hope was buried,

but you raised him from death to life,

raising us from despair to hope,

drawing us from bondage to freedom,

dawning on us, a new creation.

May our lives sing praise to the name of your son, Jesus Christ,

as we shout together,

Alleluia! Alleluia! Christ is risen! Amen.


First time, Cantor; Second time, All

After the Response, 3 and 4-year-olds may go to Room 201; Kindergarteners and 1st graders are invited to remain in

worship with their families.



A READING FROM EPISTLES Colossians 3.1-4 Mary Reed

PSALTER Psalm 118, selected verses: “Jesus Christ Is Risen” TAIZÉ

Ryan O’Leary and Elizabeth Mayhew, cantors

Please sing the words, “Jesus Christ is risen” and “Alleluia!”

A READING FROM THE GOSPELS Matthew 28.1-10 Caitlin Foehse

SERMON Mark Davis


…in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.


*AFFIRMATION OF FAITH, APOSTLE’S CREED pg. 35 in Glory to God Hymnal


Leader: May the peace of Christ be with you. People: And also with you.


OFFERTORY Let All the World in Every Corner Sing Ralph Vaughan Williams

Chancel Choir 1872-1958

Let all the world in every corner sing,

My God and King.

The heavens are not too high

His praise may thither fly:

The earth is not too low,

His praises there may grow.

The Church with Psalms must shout,

No door can keep them out:

But above all the heart

Must bear the longest part

--George Herbert, 1593-1633

*DOXOLOGY, HYMN 607 “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” OLD HUNDREDTH

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Christ, all people here below; Praise Holy Spirit evermore; Praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.


Invitation Eli Powell (9:00)

The Great Thanksgiving Clara and Lida Nicol (11:00)

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Lift up your hearts.

We lift them to the Lord.

Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

It is right to give our thanks and praise.

Leader: Why do we give thanks and praise before this Table?

… sing to the glory of your name:

Sanctus, Hymn 556 “Holy, Holy, Holy” SANCTUS (Roberts)

Leader: Why do we eat bread at this Table?

Why do we drink from the cup at this Table?

What do we remember at this Table?

... great is the mystery of faith:

Memorial Acclamation, Hymn 557 “Christ Has Died; Christ Is Risen” MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION (Roberts)

Leader: For whom do we pray at this table?

…Lord, in your mercy. Hear our prayer.

…now and forever:

Great Amen, Hymn 558 “Amen” AMEN (Roberts)

THE LORD’S PRAYER Pg. 35 in Glory to God Hymnal


This is the Lord’s Table. None are barred by creed, confession or membership. Please come forward as directed

by the ushers. Receive the bread and dip it into the cup. Appropriate responses to receiving the sacrament

include “Amen” and “Thanks be to God.” Please ask the ministers for a gluten-free option. Please notify an usher

if you prefer to be served communion in your pew.


Please join in singing the Refrain:

HYMN 240 “Alleluia, Alleluia! Give Thanks” ALLELUIA NO. 1

Please sing repeatedly: HYMN 243 “Be Not Afraid” BE NOT AFRAID



God of hope, we no longer look for Jesus among the dead,

for he is alive and the Lord of life.

We give you thanks that you have fed us at this table

and renew your gift of life within us. Increase in our minds and hearts the risen life we share with Christ,

and help us to grow as your people through Christ, your risen son. Amen.

*HYMN 233 “The Day of Resurrection!” LANCASHIRE


Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice! Aim for restoration, comfort one another,

agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you.


Christ is risen!

Christ is risen indeed! Alleluia!

Please remain standing as the light of Christ is carried forth into the world.

*POSTLUDE Toccata C.M. Widor

We invite you to take your bulletin home with you as a helpful resource concerning the life of the church.

If you choose not to, please recycle them as you exit.

Head Ushers: Tyler Murphy (9:00) and David Startsman (11:00)

Head Greeters: Skip Watson (9:00) and Bruce Nicol (11:00)

†During the season of Lent, we kept silence during the service of communion as a means of fostering a heightened sense of

introspection and devotion. Today and throughout the season of Eastertide, we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord by singing,

as indicated in the bulletin, while communion is served.

Cares and Concerns

Please hold the following members of our community

in prayer:

John Bertram Lancaster (2.5 yrs), first cousin once

removed of Leslee Jennings, who has been

diagnosed with cancer.

Dixie Morgan’s nephew, Adam Morgan, who is

having complications from Guillain Barre

Syndrome and pneumonia.

William Fullwood on the death of his father,


Meg Matthews for a full recovery after rotator

cuff surgery.

Renee Smith on the death of her sister, Jennifer

Smith, and Annette Mathy who is Mrs. Smith’s


Katie LaMonica on the death of her mother, Susan


If you would like to be included among those being prayed

for, please contact Karen Mossman at [email protected] or (859) 382-9713.

This Week

Today 8:00a Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary

9:00a Worship Service, Sanctuary 11:00a Worship Service, Sanctuary

Monday, April 17 6:30p PW Circle 6, Offsite

Tuesday, April 18 8:00a Pastor’s Bible Study, Dining Rm

9:00a Morning Prayer, Chapel

Wednesday, April 19

9:00a KY Bach Choir Board Meeting, Dining Rm 4:30p Pastor’s Bible Study, Library

5:30p Legacy Fund Trustees Meeting, Library 5:30p Campus Design Meeting, Dining Rm

Thursday, April 20

10:30a Continuing Connections Meeting, Library 12:00p VIP Lunch, Dining Rm

5:00p Belonging Commission, Dining Rm 7:00p Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary

Friday, April 21 12:00p Sean Gladding’s Bible Study, Dining Rm

1:00p PW Spring Gathering Food Prep, Kitchen

Saturday, April 22

9:00a PW Spring Gathering, FPC

Sunday, April 23

8:45a Worship Service, Chapel 9:45a Chamber Choir Rehearsal, Music Center

10:15a Chancel Choir Rehearsal, Sanctuary 11:00a Worship Service, Sanctuary

Visit the church website, www.fpclex.org, or see latest newsletter, for more information about the events listed. To hear about weekly reflections and upcoming events via

email, contact the church office..

Join Us for the Final Concert in this year's Series:

From Baroque to Broadway

Friday, April 28 at 7:30 pm

Featuring Elizabeth Arnold, Angelique Clay & Jeryl Cunningham

Benefitting: Sweet Blessings

Free tickets are available today from Marlon Hurst and

throughout the week in the church office.

Bluegrass Musician’s Open House

April 23, 2017 @ 7 pm in the Assembly Rm

First Presbyterian Church is hosting a local jam session. Open to

anyone and everyone in the community and in the church

interested in playing bluegrass music. All skill levels and interests;

all amateur or wannabe musicians invited.

Bring your voice, guitar, banjo, mandolin, fiddle, bass, harmonica,

washtub bass, thimbles & washboard, paper & comb, stick & saw

or whatever you play. We will play bluegrass and country and

gospel music. Jam, sing and harmonize with other local musicians.

For more information contact:

Thomas Glover at [email protected] or

Andrew Perkins at [email protected].

The One Seventy Four Fund This fund focuses on our buildings and grounds, the place we

gather to worship and the home base for all our ministry and


The Faith in Action Fund This fund supports the full range of our ministries–everything

from children to adults, worship to missions.

The Cornerstone Fund This fund provides transformative, innovative engagement in our

community so that our love of our neighbors is both felt and


To learn more about the Society of 1784 or how to give to any

of the three funds, contact the church office, 252-1919, or

[email protected].

Next Week 2nd Sunday of Easter

Acts 2.14a, 22-32

Psalm 16

1 Peter 1.3-9

John 20.19-31


from Freaking News

In the public domain

First Presbyterian Office Staff

Kelly Abraham, Director of Youth Ministry

[email protected]

Mark T. Davis, Pastor

[email protected]

Caitlin Foehse, Associate Pastor

[email protected]

Nikki Hale, Office Support Specialist

[email protected]

Marlon Hurst, Director of Music and Arts

[email protected]

Kelly Nicol, Director of Children’s Ministry

[email protected]

Terese Pierskalla, Church Administrator

[email protected]

LeTicia Preacely, Communications Specialist

[email protected]

Tina Wagoner, Organist

[email protected]

Mark West, Facilities Manager

[email protected]

Question about First Presbyterian Church? Email a staff member, stop by the office or

give us a call.

Campus Design welcomes your ideas and insights. Please feel free to speak with

any member: Susan Combs, Ellen Chapman, Caitlin Foehse, Jeff Jefferson, Susan

Keegan, Van Meter Pettit, Lance Poston, Darren Taylor, & Holly Wiedemann.

Place matters to us.

Worshiping and serving as neighbors in the heart of

Lexington’s downtown, we are placed to make a difference.

The design of our campus—the garden, green spaces, facilities, parking

lots—can help us fulfill our goals and dreams, and it shapes the difference

we will make.

Since August, the members of Campus Design Committee have been

working hard to bring a recommendation for a comprehensive campus

design to the leadership of First Presbyterian Church. Through over a hundred interviews, current use studies, and walk-throughs of the campus,

we have heard the priorities, thoughts and dreams of the congregation.

In January, the Campus Design chose K. Norman Berry Associates (KNBA)

to prepare a master plan which will represent the collective vision of the

congregation. KNBA is a design firm of 18, founded in 1971, with offices in

Louisville and Lexington. Their work includes commercial, ecumenical,

residential and educational work consisting of new construction as well as

complex historic renovations and restorations.

This spring, KNBA and Campus Design met with focus

groups for a kitchen and columbarium, interviewed staff,

and listened to the congregation in an Open Table

Discussion. The many suggestions, insights, and ideas—

addressing the kitchen, accessibility, outreach, and much

more—are spurring the design and our thinking. What is

the difference we can make with:

gathering spaces that welcome guests and congregants

for church events and outside functions?

a campus that is a welcoming center downtown, accessible to people with diverse needs and ages?

a kitchen designed to prepare meals for over 100

people and support our outreach?

Initial designs for a campus master plan are underway. On April 29th at the

Church Leadership Retreat in Wooded Glen, Indiana, KNBA will present

initial ideas to church leadership, hear feedback, and work to hone the design.