This is the topic of the first week - “Connect.”

SERVE - Week 2 - Connect

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This is the topic of the first week - “Connect.”


This basically ties into my friendship map, so I’m going to roll the two together, but mainly focus on the map!

The friendship..

That’s George.

So.. About George..

- From Pittsburgh, PA- Mechanical Engineering major- Avid weightlifter- A resident of mine for two years

Seems like we’d get along, right?

WR0NG(Well, we do, but I have no idea how..)


- Country- Top 40 (or whatever number..)

- Rock- Old things songs/artists I’ve never heard of before


- Likes brunettes - Meh, brunettes are okay.

Political Persuasion

Left Right

What happens when we get mad..

Ryan George

Frequently Used Words

- Party- Lifting- I’m going to be late

- Meeting- Working- I might have to leave early

So why are we friends?Well, I asked George.. and he says it’s because we’re lifting buddies.

He then pointed me to this video:


Here’s a teaser of it..

Now that video is a little (a lot) ridiculous, but I think there is something to it. I think that by spending time with anyone, you do connect. You relate. You trust (especially if that person is making sure thousands of pounds don’t crush you) (yes, THOUSANDS - I’m a beast obviously).

There are other reasons why I think we’ve stayed friends, despite our many differences:

- There’s a mutual understanding of where we’re each coming from and the differences we have.- We both have similar values, even though they present themselves in different ways (Family, loyalty, etc.).- He’s one of the few people to whom I open up and tell things, both good and bad (When I apply to things, if I get them, if I don’t, my parents’ and their divorce process, frustrations with people (and life), girls/relationships, etc..

And you know..

I think he cares about the stuff I tell him..

And I’m the same way with him.

To quote that video I just told you to watch..

A cocktail of testosterone..oops wrong quote

“It’s just two dudes [...] caring, being there..”

That took a lot of editing to make it less awkward.

(I think it’s still awkward)

So maybe that’s why we’re still friends.

But maybe not.. I never know with George

See ya next week