1 May 2005 NIH Emergency Management/ Continuity of Operations Program Overview Briefing


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1May 2005

NIH Emergency Management/Continuity of Operations

Program Overview Briefing

Page 2: ser.ors.od.nih.gov

2December 2008

Division of Emergency Preparedness and Coordination (DEPC)

• History of the Division of Emergency Preparedness and Coordination

• DEPC Responsibilities

• NIH Emergency Response Capabilities

• Coordination with HHS


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3December 2008

In 1985, the Office of Research Services (ORS) expanded the technical capabilities of the Fire and Emergency Response Program (NIH Fire Department) and established the Emergency Management Branch.

Serving under the Division of Safety within ORS, the Emergency Management Branch advanced the NIH Fire Department and response support personnel capabilities, specifically in the hazardous materials arena.

The Emergency Management Branch remained the primary coordination lead until the late 1990’s, when reorganization led to a merger with the NIH Police Department and designation of one management component - the Division of Public Safety.

Following the 2001 terrorist attacks on our Nation, the Division of Public Safety was reorganized giving way to the Security and Emergency Response Program. From this, the Division of Emergency Preparedness (DEPC) was created.

History of Division of Emergency Preparedness and Coordination

History of the NIH Division of Emergency Preparedness and Coordination:

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DEPC Responsibilities

Many of the NIH emergency preparedness activities are maintained by the NIH Division of Emergency Preparedness and Coordination (DEPC).

NIH DEPC is the principal emergency planning resource for the NIH and is responsible for coordinating all NIH resources essential to emergency planning and preparedness functions.*

NIH DEPC is responsible for the:

NIH Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan

NIH Red Alert Critical (RAC) Program

NIH Evacuation Program (including shelter-in-place)

NIH Crisis Response Program

NIH Emergency Alert and Notification Program

NIH Employee Emergency Awareness Program

NIH Secure Communications

Government Emergency Telecommunications Service (GETS) Program

* DEPC Website. http://ser.ors.od.nih.gov/div_emergency_prep.htm

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NIH Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities

NIH maintains extensive emergency preparedness and response capabilities:

– NIH Division of Police

– NIH Division of Personnel Security and Access Control

– NIH Division of Fire and Rescue Services

– NIH Division of the Fire Marshal

– NIH Division of Emergency Preparedness and Coordination

– NIH Division of Physical Security Management

These capabilities are found within the NIH Office of Resource Services (ORS) Security and Emergency Response Resources.

For more information on NIH Security and Emergency Response Resources visit: http://ser.ors.od.nih.gov/

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6December 2008

Coordination with HHS

Several aspects of the NIH EM/COOP Program are coordinated with HHS. In order to ensure successful coordination and communication between HHS and NIH, DEPC acts as the liaison with HHS in the following areas:

Secure communications;

Secretary’s Emergency Response Team (SERT);

National-level exercises; and

Alternate emergency facilities.

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7December 2008

NIH Emergency Management/Continuity of Operations (EM/COOP) Program


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8December 2008

NIH EM/COOP Program Overview – Key Facts

Personnel Safety and Emergency Preparedness. NIH has emergency plans in place to provide for the safety and protection of employees, patients, and visitors across a wide range of potential emergencies. To increase employee awareness of these emergency measures, NIH has implemented a training program and produced outreach materials.

Protection of Critical Assets. Emergency response guidelines serve to safeguard animals, research and property, and focus on the continued execution of critical activities during a crisis event.

Emergency/Crisis Response. The Office of Research Services, the NIH Fire Department, and campus Police are working closely with the DEPC on providing a high level of emergency response capability.

Coordination. NIH emergency and crisis operations are coordinated with HHS as well as local, state, and federal emergency and response organizations. NIH is also strengthening its internal crisis communications program.

The NIH EM/COOP Program is designed to ensure the following:

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9December 2008

What is COOP?

“COOP is an integral effort…to assure the capability exists to continue essential…functions across a wide range of potential emergencies, including localized acts of nature, accidents, and technological and/or attack-related emergencies…COOP….is more simply a “good business practice” - part of the fundamental mission of federal departments and agencies as responsible and reliable public institutions…All Federal Departments and Agencies…shall have a viable COOP capability.” Presidential Decision

Directive 67

A COOP Plan defines an agency’s strategy for performing essential functions during any emergency that may affect that agency, this includes have to relocate the essential functions to another location

COOP Plan = Specific actions required to continue essential functions with minimal interruption

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10December 2008

Why is a COOP Plan Needed?

Takes an all-hazards approach in ensuring the capability exists for an agency to continue its mission essential functions.

Protects and ensures the mission of an agency during all types of emergency events, with consideration to a rapidly changing and escalating threat environment.

Establishes an important component of a comprehensive EM/COOP Program that aligns activities throughout the NIH.

A viable COOP Plan:

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11December 2008

Objectives of a COOP Plan

The objectives of a COOP Plan include:

Reducing loss of life

Minimizing damage and losses;

Protecting critical facilities, equipment, records, and other assets;

Ensuring the continuous performance of an agency’s essential functions/operations during an emergency;

Reducing or mitigating disruptions to operations;

Achieving a timely and orderly recovery from an emergency and resumption of full service to customers.

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12December 2008


Currently NIH has a COOP Plan in place that is designed to ensure continuity of the NIH mission essential functions, based on an all hazards approach, that also addresses the need to maintain the health and safety of the NIH employees, patients, and the visitor community. It is an overarching strategy aimed at managing and recovering from situations or events that have a direct adverse impact on the operations of NIH.

The NIH COOP Plan applies to a broad spectrum of human-caused, natural, and technological emergencies and threats such as:

Natural disasters;

Technological or human-caused hazards;

Material and emergency shortages;

Infrastructure failure.

The NIH COOP Plan activation addresses various types of emergency events. It is broken down into four different levels starting from Level 4 (an event impacting part of an NIH building housing essential functions) up to Level 1 (an event impacting the NIH Bethesda Campus or the National Capital Region).

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13December 2008

In order to execute the NIH COOP Plan, teams with distinct roles and responsibilities have been established. The NIH Emergency Support Teams (ESTs) are pre-designated teams that respond during COOP operations and provide a resource management strategy designed to coordinate resources in such a manner as to ensure the continuance of NIH essential functions.

The NIH ESTs include:

The NIH Emergency Support Teams


Disaster Recovery


Animal Resources Team

Administrative Support Team

Clinical Center Team

Facilities Team

Safety Team

IT Team

Public Information Team

Logistics Team

Public Safety Team

Disaster Recovery


Animal Resources Team

Administrative Support Team

Clinical Center Team

Facilities Team

Safety Team

IT Team

Public Information Team

Logistics Team

Public Safety Team

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NIH Emergency Support TeamsNIH Emergency Support Teams

The NIH Emergency Support Teams are pre-designated teams that respond during COOP operations and provide Institutes and Centers with additional resources (when requested by the respective Institute EC) to ensure the continued execution of essential functions.

Administrative Support Team: provides administrative support, information processing, and financial support operations.

Animal Resources Team: consists of two teams:

– Animal Recovery and Relocation Team assists in housing and relocating animals.

– Animal Care Team assists in triage, treatment and care of animals.

Clinical Center Team: provides medical expertise and triage support, and response personal wellness services.

Facilities Team: provides consultation, support and resources relating to the NIH infrastructure and facilities.

Information Technology Team: provides IT equipment and infrastructure support and services.

Logistics Team: provides services and materials related to transportation, food and water, requests for specialized equipment, etc.

Public Information Team: coordinates all public information communicated to groups and/or individuals inside and outside the NIH.

Public Safety Team: the initial responders to emergencies where there is an immediate threat to life and/or property.

Safety Team: provides consultation and direct support activities relating to the safety and health.

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15December 2008

NIH Crisis Response Team Initiative


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16December 2008

NIH CRT Initiative

On February 1, 2004, a fire in Building 30 caused extensive damage to the facility, requiring building occupants to relocate.

As a result of the fire, several lessons were learned:

A clear notification process needs to be established;

Communication between NIH and the ICs needs definition and improvement;

All ICs must be able to quickly tap NIH resources in emergency events;

There needs to be a single point of contact for emergency recovery needs at NIH.

In an effort to remedy the communication and coordination problems that arose during the Building 30 fire, the DEPC is pursuing the following new initiative:

NIH Crisis Response Team Initiative

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17December 2008

The objective of the CRT Initiative is to:

The CRT Initiative lays the foundation for NIH to have a coordinated response in a crisis event by facilitating communication:

NIH Crisis Response Team Initiative

NIH works with each of the Institutes and Centers and the Office of the Director to establish, train, and test a Crisis Response Team. An Emergency Coordinator has been identified in each Institute and Center that is responsible for coordinating the CRT activities.

Increase coordination and communication across the NIH; and

Establish a robust and streamlined Crisis Response System.

Across an IC;

Between ICs;

With NIH Leadership; and

With the DEPC.

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Crisis Response Team Crisis Response Team

1. Emergency Coordinator: Main point of contact for the CRT and the liaison between the Institute and DEPC.

2. Leadership Team: Provides strategic decision-making, coordination and communication for NIH.

3. Support Team: Responsible for initial set-up and operations associated with the NIH Crisis Management Center (i.e. a designated operations room to convene CRT members)

4. Functional Team: Responsible for maintaining NIH mission essential functions.

The CRT consists of four main components:

The Crisis Response Team (CRT) is responsible for implementing NIH specific plans and procedures during an emergency event and initiating emergency operations, continuing essential functions, and instituting recovery efforts.

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19December 2008

The Support Team coordinates activities associated with the Crisis Management Center.


Crisis Response Team Structure

The Leadership Team provides strategic decision-making, coordination and communication for the IC. The Emergency Coordinator is a part of the Leadership Team and acts as a liaison between the IC and the DEPC.

Leadership Team

Support Team

Functional TeamThe Functional Team executes response operations, assesses the impacts of an event on IC mission activities, and recommends initial and follow-up actions to the Leadership Team.


Each CRT consists of the three basic components and an Emergency Coordinator. This person serves as the IC point of contact and acts as a liaison between their Institute or Center and the DEPC.

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CRT Emergency Coordinator ResponsibilitiesCRT Emergency Coordinator Responsibilities

The IC Emergency Coordinator is the main point of contact for emergency preparedness activities at the individual IC.

The IC Emergency Coordinator is responsible for:

– Coordinating IC response and recovery activities across the IC Crisis Response Team (CRT);

– Coordinating with the NIH Division of Emergency Preparedness and Coordination; and

– Coordinating development and maintenance of the IC EM/CRT program.

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CRT Leadership Team ResponsibilitiesCRT Leadership Team Responsibilities Determine the effect an emergency has on IC.

Establish priorities during emergencies.

Conduct liaison activities with the NIH COOP Senior Management Group.

Coordinate management issues involving IC Programs, Divisions, Branches, and Laboratories.

Coordinate communication activities with IC staff.

Coordinate the release of information to groups outside of the NIH with the NIH COOP Public Information Team.

Issue IC policy.

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CRT Support Team ResponsibilitiesCRT Support Team Responsibilities

Setup the IC Crisis Management Center (CMC) to ensure it’s operational during an emergency.

Coordinate the flow of information in and out of the CMC.

Document response actions and update IC Leadership, Functional Team Leaders, and Emergency Coordinator

Assist in requesting and coordinating additional NIH resources available to IC during an emergency.

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CRT Functional Team ResponsibilitiesCRT Functional Team Responsibilities

Assess emergency situation and determine level of impact on IC’s essential functions.

Report to designated areas as instructed and initiate emergency response actions.

Work to maintain essential functions.

If the scope of the problem is beyond the Function-specific group’s capability to respond, define what help is needed and contact the IC Emergency Coordinator.

Provide Leadership Team with regular status updates.

Perform and/or recommend follow-up actions.

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Crisis Management CentersCrisis Management Centers

A Crisis Management Center (CMC) is used by the IC CRT Leadership Team to centrally direct emergency operations.

Members of the CRT will convene at the CMC upon activation by the Emergency Coordinator. In the event that the primary CMC site is rendered unavailable, an alternate CMC will be used.

IC has CMC locations geographically dispersed to cover all IC facilities and primary and secondary CMC locations are identified in each.

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25December 2008

Crisis Response Teams Link to the NIH COOP Program

The IC Emergency Coordinator is the connection between the IC operations and NIH operations. The IC Emergency Coordinator coordinates and communicates with the NIH Disaster Recovery Coordinator.

Safety Team

Public SafetyTeam

Public InformationTeam

Logistics Team

IT Team

Facilities Team

Clinical CenterTeam


Animal ResourcesTeam

NIH DisasterRecovery






Emergency Responders


Support TeamFunctional


The NIH Office of the Director and the 27 Institutes and Centers

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26December 2008

Emergency Preparedness at Work


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27December 2008

Each NIH Building has an Occupant Emergency Coordinator and a team of volunteers to implement actions to protect life and property during an emergency.


–Building re-entry


Questions concerning specific building emergency plans should be directed to your Occupant Emergency Coordinator.

To find your building’s Occupant Emergency Coordinator check the following page on the NIH website:


NIH is prepared to respond.

Emergency Preparedness at Work

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28December 2008


The NIH has an evacuation plan in place for the NIH Bethesda Campus.

NIH law enforcement and security will direct traffic movement during a campus evacuation.

For a campus map with evacuation routes, visit the following page on the NIH website: http://parking.nih.gov/evacplan.cfm

For online building evacuation training, visit: http://ser.ors.od.nih.gov/emergency_prep.htm

NIH Campus Evacuation

Regional Evacuation

In an evacuation that involves the entire National Capitol Area, the NIH follows the direction provided by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), General Services Administration (GSA), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

A wide variety of emergencies, both natural and man-made, may require all or parts of NIH facilities to be evacuated.

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29December 2008


Shelter-in-place means selecting a small, interior room and taking refuge there until an all-clear signal is received.

Shelter-in-place generally lasts a couple hours, not days.

In some cases, employees will be asked to shelter-in-place at their work stations and in others, they will be asked to relocate to a pre-determined shelter location.

If a shelter-in-place order is issued, the DEPC will notify building Occupant Emergency Coordinators and IC Emergency Coordinators. Follow the guidance of the building Occupant Emergency Coordinator during a shelter-in-place event.

The NIH Fire Department and NIH Police will coordinate with the DEPC to ensure timely shelter-in-place of employees and visitors.

Some emergencies may require employees to shelter-in-place.

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30December 2008

Reporting an Incident

To report an emergency on the NIH Bethesda campus:

To report an emergency in an off-campus facility:

Call the NIH Emergency Communications Center at 911.

Call 9-911 to report the event to the local authorities.

Call the NIH Emergency Communications Center at 301-496-5685.

Emergency procedures vary according to the type of incident; incident-specific response procedures are outlined on the following slides.

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31December 2008

Reacting to an Incident - Medical Emergencies

Call 911 (on campus) or 9-911 (off campus).

In the Clinical Center, call 111 for Clinical Center Code Blue.

On the NIH campus, the Occupational Medical Service (OMS) will stabilize and, as necessary, refer urgent medical cases to other health care facilities.

If an NIH employee has a potential blood-borne pathogen exposure, such as HIV or Monkey B virus, after routine hours, call the Clinical Center operator at 301-496-1211 to contact an OMS physician.

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32December 2008

Reacting to an Incident - Fire

If possible, confine the fire by closing all doors.

Pull/activate the nearest fire alarm box and notify others in the area of the emergency.

Call 911 (on campus) or 9-911 (off campus) and report the emergency.

For those working in a laboratory, if time permits, turn off gas and confine hazardous materials in cabinets.

Evacuate in an orderly manner. Do not use elevators.

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33December 2008

Reacting to an Incident – Chemical, Biological or Radiological Release

Leave the room and close doors. Do not open the windows. If applicable and safe to do so, use absorbent material to keep the substance from spreading.

Remove contaminated clothing/shoes before entering a clean area.

Wash any body parts that may have come in contact with the material.

Call 911 (on campus) or 9-911 (off campus) and report the emergency.

After evacuating, do not permit anyone to enter the area until emergency response personnel determine it is safe.

Anyone who may be contaminated should be restricted to a single staging area. Do not move from this area until directed by authorities. Moving from area to area will cause further contaminate and place others at risk.

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34December 2008

Reacting to an Incident – Telephoned Bomb Threat

When receiving bomb threat DO NOT hang up. Take all threats seriously. Stay calm and take notes. For a bomb threat reference card, visit: http://ser.ors.od.nih.gov/documents/bomb_threat_card.xls

Try to determine:

– The exact location of the bomb

– The source of the threat

– What time the bomb will explode

– Background noises that could help identify the caller’s location

– Characteristics of the caller’s voice (gender, age and/or accent)

Dial *57 immediately to trace the call. Listen for confirmation and hang up. The number of the last call will be reported to the local telephone company.

Call 911 (on campus) or 9-911 (off campus). Pass on all information to the police.

Do not activate the fire alarm, this may trigger the bomb. Listen and follow instructions on how to evacuate.

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35December 2008

Reacting to an Incident – Suspicious Package/Explosive

Never touch a suspected bomb/explosive.

Do not use radios and transceiver equipment near the suspected explosive.

Call 911 (on campus) or 9-911 (off-campus).

If evacuation is necessary, leave in an orderly manner.

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36December 2008

Reacting to an Incident – Terrorism

Depending on the nature of the event, the response may vary.

Always remain calm, monitor radio or television for information, and listen to local, state, and federal authorities for specific instructions and terror threat warnings.

Call or e-mail your emergency contact and let them know where you are going.

Be aware of your surroundings. If you see anything suspicious, report it to authorities.

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37December 2008

Emergency Actions At Work

Employees are encouraged to refer to the following emergency preparedness resources for information on how to handle emergencies that occur during the workday:

Building Evacuation & Shelter-in-place http://ser.ors.od.nih.gov/documents/evac_training.ppt

NIH Policy Manual, Chapter 1430 – Occupant Evacuation Plan http://www1.od.nih.gov/oma/manualchapters/management/1430/main.html

NIH Emergency Preparedness Handbook http://ser.ors.od.nih.gov/documents/HandbookFinal.pdf

NIH Radio Station 1660 AM http://dtts.ors.od.nih.gov/index.htm

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38December 2008

Emergency Preparedness at Home


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39December 2008

In order to be prepared for an emergency event, planning is your strongest ally. Make sure you know what is available in both your community and your workplace.

The NIH Emergency Preparedness Handbook offers practical guidelines to employees and their families in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from an emergency event.

Family Emergency Actions

Preparing Before an Emergency—Covers options such as home evacuation plans, family contact cards, emergency preparedness kits, and school/care provider response plans.

Responding When an Emergency Happens—Recommends gathering information, communicating with family, caring for pets, and understanding the actions your child’s school will take.

Recovering After the Emergency—Focuses on the physical and emotional responses that can be seen after an emergency and offers tips for coping.

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Your Preparedness Role at Home

– Create a Household Emergency Plan.

– Plan escape routes.

– Locate the best shelter-in-place rooms in your home.

– Know how to properly shut off utilities.

– Develop a Family Communications Plan.

– Select a trusted friend or relative outside of your geographic area to contact in case local phone lines are unavailable, or you are separated from family members.

– Write down and post emergency contact numbers.

– Make photocopies of vital documents. Keep original documents in a safe deposit box, place one copy in a safe location in your home, and give the second copy to an out-of-town friend or relative.

– Create Household and Pet Disaster Kits (water, food, first-aid supplies, medications, radio (crank or battery), flashlight, extra batteries, blankets, pillows, veterinary/shelter numbers etc.).

– Get involved in community preparedness efforts.

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41December 2008

Know who your IC Crisis Response Team Emergency Coordinator contact the DEPC at 301-496-1985 if you don’t know who your IC Emergency Coordinator is.

Identify your building’s Occupant Emergency Coordinator and make sure you understand the procedures for sheltering-in-place and evacuating.

Take advantage of existing emergency drills. Know what to do during an emergency situation.

Create a list of phone numbers to help you contact colleagues and family members during and after an emergency.

Understand what is available to employees. Utilize available resources such as the NIH Radio Station (1660 AM), the NIH Intranet, and the NIH Crisis Response Teams.

Steps you can take to better prepare for an emergency situation:

Next Steps