Sermon for Sunday, July 15 “I have come that you may life, life abundantly” I believe that what describes this abundance is rooted in the economy of God, rather than the economies of our world, that are all too often rooted in “not enough” or “too much.” I believe that it is an abundance where all are benefitted, it’s a win-win scenario as opposed to a win- lose. It is important to recognize that these beautiful, hopeful, inspiring words come in the context of the story in the gospel of John, of the man born blind. A story of man who, through no fault of his own, was living within a systemic framework that disadvantaged him, isolated and marginalized him because he happened to be born blind. There were those who wanted to maintain the status quo, to benefit from systems that clearly identified those who were in and those who were out, and the man born blind was out. Winners and Losers. In this healing story, the symbolism of “understanding and not understanding” is employed regarding what the work of Jesus is about. The man born blind is made to see again. He is rescued from the human systems of prejudice, ignorance, intended to keep him apart and dependent. Dependent on “charity” and relegated to a life of begging rather than to what God intends, wholeness and well-being. “I have come that you may have life, life abundantly” And the good news is that you get to be part of it. I believe this idea of abundant life that Jesus speaks of is connected to the Lord’s prayer in in which Jesus invites us to pray “your will be done on earth as it is in heaven” Anglican Bishop N. T. Wright once said, “The whole point of Jesus’s work was to bring heaven to earth and join them together forever, to bring God’s future into the present and make it stick there.” The economy of God is to be established on earth as it is in heaven. When we pray the Lord’s prayer, if we really mean it, we are in fact asking to be collaborators in this mission for the world, a world where all can flourish. Some have approached this text from an interpretative lens that simply spiritualizes Jesus’ use of the word of abundant life as meaning eternal life. However, rooted in the very physical story of the man born blind, one cannot ignore what abundant life in this world meant for him! Jesus’ ministry in this world always brought ‘flesh and bone’ consequences of bringing heaven and earth together. “I have come that you may have life, life abundantly” And the good news is that you get to be part it. The economy of God stands in stark contrast to the economy of this world, or to borrow from Dr. Walter Brueggemann’s phrasing, Pharaoh’s economy- an economy where the worth of a human being is defined in terms of their ability to make bricks. We’re not here to live by those

Sermon for Sunday, July 15...The vision of God’s abundance was also witnessed in Father Eduardo who comforted this young child, (in a shelter for children), who fell asleep in his

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Page 1: Sermon for Sunday, July 15...The vision of God’s abundance was also witnessed in Father Eduardo who comforted this young child, (in a shelter for children), who fell asleep in his


Page 2: Sermon for Sunday, July 15...The vision of God’s abundance was also witnessed in Father Eduardo who comforted this young child, (in a shelter for children), who fell asleep in his



Page 3: Sermon for Sunday, July 15...The vision of God’s abundance was also witnessed in Father Eduardo who comforted this young child, (in a shelter for children), who fell asleep in his


Page 4: Sermon for Sunday, July 15...The vision of God’s abundance was also witnessed in Father Eduardo who comforted this young child, (in a shelter for children), who fell asleep in his



Page 5: Sermon for Sunday, July 15...The vision of God’s abundance was also witnessed in Father Eduardo who comforted this young child, (in a shelter for children), who fell asleep in his



Page 6: Sermon for Sunday, July 15...The vision of God’s abundance was also witnessed in Father Eduardo who comforted this young child, (in a shelter for children), who fell asleep in his



Page 7: Sermon for Sunday, July 15...The vision of God’s abundance was also witnessed in Father Eduardo who comforted this young child, (in a shelter for children), who fell asleep in his


• thereisabundancenotscarcity• thereishumandignityandwell-beingandnotjustbricksatwhatevercost• thereisbelongingandsolidaritynotmarginalizationandisolation• thereishopeandnotdespair


Page 8: Sermon for Sunday, July 15...The vision of God’s abundance was also witnessed in Father Eduardo who comforted this young child, (in a shelter for children), who fell asleep in his

One:Helpustobeco-creatorsofaworldofyourabundance,movedbeyondourownneedsandhurts,wherewewilldojustice,lovetenderly,andwalkhumblywithyouandeachotheronearthasitisinheaven.All:GiveusthisdayourdailybreadOne:sothateachpersonintheworldmayhaveenoughfood,enoughcleanwater,enoughcleanair,adequatehealthcare,andsufficientaccesstoeducationsoastohavethesustenanceforahealthylife.Teachustogivefromoursustenanceandnotjustfromoursurplus. All:Andforgiveusourtrespassesasweforgivethosewhotrespassagainstus.One:Forgiveusourblindnesstowardsourneighbour,ourobsessiveself-preoccupation,ourracism,oursexism,andourincurablepropensitytoworryonlyaboutourselvesandourown.All:AnddonotputustothetestOne:butgiveus,instead,moredaystomendourways,ourselfishness,andoursystems.All:ButdeliverusfromevilOne:thatis,fromtheblindnessthatletsuscontinuetoparticipateinanonymoussystemswithinwhichweneednotseewhogetslessaswegetmore.All:Foryoursisthekingdom,thepowerandtheglory,foreverandeveramen.InspiredfromaversionoftheLord’sprayerbyRonRolheiser