Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1 , S. Elnikety 2 , O. Hodson 2 , A Fekete 3 1 IBM Research 2 Microsoft Research 3 University of Sydney M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

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Page 1: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation underthe Hood

Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3

1IBM Research 2Microsoft Research 3University of Sydney

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 2: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions


Concurrency Control

Replication Model

Readset Certification



M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 3: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Transaction Processing in Replicated Databases

I Database Replication:I Higher availability & better performanceI Maintaining consistency is challenging

I State of the Art:I GSI Replicated Databases.I Each replica uses Snapshot Isolation (SI).

I Goal:I Global One Copy Serializability.I Overall Isolation level stronger than the one of individual

components.I The replicated system keeps its performance.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 4: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Transaction Isolation

I Isolation is a correctness criterion.I Concurency in the system.I Multiple levels of isolation:

I Snapshot Isolation.I Serializability.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 5: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Snapshot Isolation

I Multi-version concurency control technique.I Important

I Used by Oracle, SQL Server, Postgres.I Sometimes the strongest isolation level available.

I Attractive performanceI Read-only transactions never block or abort.I Read-only transactions do not block update transactions.I Updates might abort. Certification needed.

I checks for ww conflicts.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 6: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Anomaly under SI



R(X,Y) W(X) C










I X,Y balance of two bank accounts.I T1 and T2 withdraw 90E from X and YI Logic: X + Y > 0

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 7: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions


I The strongest DB isolation level.I Illusion that transactions execute serially.I Programmers want it:

I As if there is no concurrency.I Commonly implemented with 2PL.

I expensive to achieve.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 8: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Serializability under SI

I Centralized DatabaseI Modify database engine, SSI.I Use Fekete’s work [SIGMOD 2008, best paper]

I Replicated DatabasesI Open question.I No modification of the database engine.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 9: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

GSI Replicated Database

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 10: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

SQL Transaction ModelA. SELECT expr_list FROM Ri WHERE pred(Ri )B. INSERT INTO Ri VALUES (values)C. UPDATE Ri SET attr_values WHERE pred(Ri )D. DELETE FROM Ri WHERE pred(Ri )E. SELECT agg(attr) FROM Ri WHERE pred(Ri )GROUP BY group_attrHAVING pred(agg(attr))

F. SELECT attr_listFROM R1...Ri ...RnWHERE pred(R1) LOP ...LOP pred(Ri ) LOP ... LOP pred(Rn)

LOP pred(attri,j , attri,j )G. SELECT attr_list

FROM R1...Ri ...Rn,SQWHERE pred(R1) LOP ...LOP pred(Ri ) LOP ... LOP pred(Rn)

LOP pred(SQ)H. SELECT attr_list

FROM R1...Ri ...RnWHERE pred(R1) LOP ...LOP pred(Ri ) LOP ... LOP pred(Rn)

LOP pred(attri ,SQ)

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 11: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

1SR Needs Readsets

I Snapshot Isolation (SI) → Generalized Snapshot Isolation(GSI)

I Certify WritesetI Serializability → One Copy Serializability (1SR)

I Certify WritesetI Certify Readset

I Yes, we have a proof :) !

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 12: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions


I The Writeset contains modified tuplesI Introduced by UPDATE, INSERT and DELETEI Includes both new and old tuple valuesI All Writesets are managed at the Certifier.I Writeset certification is required by both GSI and 1SR

I checks if concurrent transactions modify the same item.I It is well knows how to manage the Writesets

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 13: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions


I The Readset contains read tuples.I Introduced by SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE.I Readsets certification is required by 1SR.

I checks if a transaction reads data modified by concurrenttransactions.

I Readset identification is challenging:I never done in replicated setting.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 14: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

So far ...

I We introduced SI.I Sometimes SI is not enough !I Serializability needed:

I Keep the nice properties of SI.I Open Problem for replicated databases:

I Readset management is difficult!

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 15: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Main Contribution - Readset Management

I Framework to manage the ReadsetsI Observation: each SQL statement has a predicate.

I The Readset is a list of predicates.I Readset certification requires predicate evaluation.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 16: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Certifier Design

I The Certifier manages:I persistent log.I main memory database, CertDB.

I The log is used for durability.I CertDB is used to certify update transactions.I CertDB maintains the Writeset of recently committed

transactions.I CertDB schema:

I the replicated schema.I commit version attribute.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 17: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Readset Certification

I Intuition:I Ensures that if the transaction executes on the latest

version it would read the same values.I Implementation:

I Replica identifies the Readset:I Extracts the predicate of each SQL statement.

I Replica expresses the readset as certification queries.I The certification queries are evaluated on CertDBI Empty conflict set indicates serializable execution

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 18: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Concurrent Transactions

I Snapshot versions at originating replicas.I Commit version of a transaction.I CertDB contains the writesets and committed version.I Consider a transaction T:

I version > snapshot(T )

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 19: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Readset for SELECT Statements

Transaction Queries

A. SELECT expr_list FROM Ri WHERE pred(Ri)

Certification Queries

A. SELECT * FROM Ri WHERE pred(Ri) ANDversion > snapshot(T )

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 20: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Readset for UPDATE Statements

Transaction Queries

B. INSERT INTO Ri VALUES (values)C. UPDATE Ri SET attr_values WHERE pred(Ri)D. DELETE FROM Ri WHERE pred(Ri)

Certification Queries

B. SELECT * FROM Ri WHERE pk = @pk ANDversion > snapshot(T )

C. SELECT * FROM Ri WHERE pred(Ri) ANDversion > snapshot(T )

D. SELECT * FROM Ri WHERE pred(Ri) ANDversion > snapshot(T )

Certifying the Readset also detects ww conflicts.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 21: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Experimental Study

I Impact of providing 1SR vs. GSI:I Lower throughput and higher response timeI Higher abort rate

I Replicated system with 8 replicasI TPC-W

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 22: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions


I TPC-W benchmark:I Web application (online book store).I Database schema consists of 10 tables.I Database size: 800 MB.I 13 transaction templates.I Ordering Mix(50% updates).I Browsing Mix (5% updates).

I Metrics:I Transactions per minute (TPM).I Response time.I Abort rate.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 23: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Scaling of SGSI with Replication Degree








0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050





t, T


Number of Clients

1-replica SGSI

1-replica GSI

2-replica SGSI

2-replica GSI

4-replica SGSI

4-replica GSI

8-replica SGSI

8-replica GSI

Throughput of TPC-WShopping Mix (20% updates)











0 150 300 450 600 750 900 1050








Number of Clients

1-replica SGSI

1-replica GSI

2-replica SGSI

2-replica GSI

4-replica SGSI

4-replica GSI

8-replica SGSI

8-replica GSI

Resp. Time of TPC-WShopping Mix (20% updates)

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 24: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Comparing SGSI to GSI










10000 20000 30000 40000 50000








Throughput, TPM

8-replica GSI

8-replica SGSI

Scalability of TPC-W ShoppingMix (20% updates)







10000 20000 30000 40000 50000











Throughput, TPM

8-replica GSI

8-replica SGSI

Certifier CPU Utilization TPC-WShopping Mix (20% updates)

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 25: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Sensitivity to Update Transaction Ratio











0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500





t, T


Number of Clients

8-replica TPC-W Browsing Mix

8-replica TPC-W Shopping Mix

8-replica TPC-W Ordering Mix

SGSI Throughput of TPC-WMixes.











0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500








Number of Clients

8-replica TPC-W Browsing Mix

8-replica TPC-W Shopping Mix

8-replica TPC-W Ordering Mix

SGSI Response Time ofTPC-W Mixes.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 26: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Abort Analysis via SmallBank









10 25 50 100 150 200 250 300




, %

Multi-Programming Level

ww conflictsrw conflicts


M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 27: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions


I We introduced SGSI:I 1SR in replicated databases.

I Built a replicated system prototype.I Evaluated SGSI performance:

I SGSI is practical.I Moderated cost for small degree of replication.I Performance and scaling is comparable with GSI.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 28: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Readset for Joins

Transaction Queries

F. SELECT attr_listFROM R1...Ri ...Rn

WHERE pred(R1) LOP ...LOP pred(Ri) LOP ... LOP pred(Rn)LOP pred(attri,j , attri,j)

Certification Queries

for each relation Ri

F. SELECT * FROM Ri WHERE version > snapshot(T )

I An upper-set of the Readset is certified.I False aborts.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 29: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Data Managed at Certifier

I Accuracy depends the data maintained at the Certifier.I False aborts:

I not enough information to evaluate the ReadsetI Solution:

I manage a copy of relations at the Certifier.I physical design tuning problem.

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 30: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Extended CertDB

I Each data item has several instances.I New instace: UPDATE,INSERT.I Expired: UPDATE, DELETE.I Each copy relation is augmented with VStart and VEnd .I VStart and VEnd determine:

I update predicate: upd(Ri).I visibility predicate: vis(Ri).

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood

Page 31: Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood...Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood Mihaela Bornea 1, S. Elnikety 2, O. Hodson 2, A Fekete 3 1IBM Research

Outline Motivation Concurrency Control Replication Model Readset Certification Evaluation Conclusions

Extended Certification

Transaction Queries

F. SELECT attr_listFROM R1...Ri ...Rn

WHERE pred(R1) LOP ...LOP pred(Ri) LOP ... LOP pred(Rn)LOP pred(attri,j , attri,j)

Certification Queries


WHERE (query_pred)AND (upd(R1C ) ...OR upd(RiC ) ... OR upd(RnC ))AND (vis(R1C ) ...AND vis(RiC ) ... AND vis(RnC ))

M. Bornea, S. Elnikety, O. Hodson, A. Fekete IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Microsoft Research, University of Sydney

Serializability with Snapshot Isolation under the Hood