1 Rabekah D. Stewart Program Manager Marchem Pfeiffer Academic Counselor Work-Study Students Manager’s Mentions September 2013 Inside this issue: Manager’s Mentions 1 Cultural Enrichment 1 Program Updates 2 Summer’s End 3 Senior Information 3 Star Students 4 Important Dates 4 Calendar, Birthdays & Important Dates 4 upward bound newsletter THE OSU TRiO UPWARD BOUND PROGRAM September 2, 2013 Welcome back Upward Bound students and parents! We are excited about the new academic year with you. We have a great year planned for you. Please read this newsletter and enclo- sures very carefully so that you do not miss any important chang- es or dates. In past years, a monthly mandatory cultural activi- ty is planned for all students and one Saturday Academy session. This year is no different! Howev- er, there are two major changes that I would like to bring to your attention. Saturday Academy is no longer a required activity for Seniors; instead all seniors are required to attending the monthly workshop. Also, tutoring is avail- able on Mondays beginning Sep- tember 16th. Students below a 3.0 GPA are required to attend each week until their grades im- prove. Progress will be checked quarterly. Students (not required to attend tutor- ing) may also attend the sessions for homework help on Mondays during tutoring time, or on Satur- days from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Another very important difference in the UB pro- gram this year is the addi- tion of more service pro- ject opportunities and a fundraiser. Watch for more information to come. Lastly, beginning Septem- ber 2nd, Mr. Pfeiffer will be visiting the target schools during all lunch times. Be sure to look out for announcements so you can meet him weekly for updates and the infor- September Cultural Enrichment Activity: Plan to join the Upward Bound family at the annual Gate’s Millennium Bridge Builder’s Forum, Saturday, September 14th from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Ohio Union, 1739 N. High Street. We will meet at 8:45 a.m. in front of Brutus (inside through the main doors). Please have your ride ready to pick you up no later than 3:45 p.m. You will parcipate in a day-long interacve event designed to provide you and your parents the tools and movaon to complete high school and aend college. The program will help all parcipants understand how to apply to college, learn about ways to pay for college and what to expect as college students. Parents are welcome and must register online prior to aending. For more informaon and to register visit hp://odi.osu.edu/administrave-offices/bridge- builders/ mational lunch n’ learn workshop. If you do not attend a target school, a separate time will be arranged and an- nounced for you. Contact me at any time via email, [email protected] or by phone, 614-292- 2344. Our office has moved, we are now located in Hale Hall, 154 W. 12th Ave. Rm. 301. Tutoring and senior workshops will take place in this building. Saturday Academy ses- sions will still be in Cen- tral Classrooms (renamed as Enarson Hall). Have a great school year! Ms. Stewart

September Newsletter - OSU Office of Diversity and Inclusion - The

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Page 1: September Newsletter - OSU Office of Diversity and Inclusion - The


Rabekah D. Stewart Program Manager

Marchem Pfeiffer Academic Counselor

Work-Study Students

Manager’s Mentions

September 2013

Inside this issue:

Manager’s Mentions


Cultural Enrichment 1

Program Updates 2

Summer’s End 3

Senior Information 3

Star Students 4

Important Dates 4

Calendar, Birthdays &

Important Dates


upward bound



September 2, 2013

Welcome back Upward Bound students and parents! We are excited about the new academic year with you. We have a great year planned for you. Please read this newsletter and enclo-sures very carefully so that you do not miss any important chang-es or dates. In past years, a monthly mandatory cultural activi-ty is planned for all students and one Saturday Academy session. This year is no different! Howev-er, there are two major changes that I would like to bring to your attention. Saturday Academy is no longer a required activity for Seniors; instead all seniors are required to attending the monthly workshop. Also, tutoring is avail-able on Mondays beginning Sep-tember 16th. Students below a 3.0 GPA are required to attend each week until their grades im-prove. Progress will be checked

quarterly. Students (not required to attend tutor-ing) may also attend the sessions for homework help on Mondays during tutoring time, or on Satur-days from 12:30 to 2 p.m. Another very important difference in the UB pro-gram this year is the addi-tion of more service pro-ject opportunities and a fundraiser. Watch for more information to come. Lastly, beginning Septem-ber 2nd, Mr. Pfeiffer will be visiting the target schools during all lunch times. Be sure to look out for announcements so you can meet him weekly for updates and the infor-

September Cultural Enrichment Activity: Plan to join the Upward Bound family at the annual Gate’s Millennium Bridge Builder’s Forum, Saturday, September 14th from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Ohio Union, 1739 N. High Street. We will meet at 8:45 a.m. in front of Brutus (inside through the main doors). Please have your ride ready to pick you up no later than 3:45 p.m. You will participate in a day-long interactive event designed to provide you and your parents the tools and motivation to complete high school and attend college. The program will help all participants understand how to apply to college, learn about ways to pay for college and what to expect as college students. Parents are welcome and must register online prior to attending. For more information and to register visit http://odi.osu.edu/administrative-offices/bridge-builders/

mational lunch n’ learn workshop. If you do not attend a target school, a separate time will be arranged and an-nounced for you. Contact me at any time via email, [email protected] or by phone, 614-292-2344. Our office has moved, we are now located in Hale Hall, 154 W. 12th Ave. Rm. 301. Tutoring and senior workshops will take place in this building. Saturday Academy ses-sions will still be in Cen-tral Classrooms (renamed as Enarson Hall). Have a great school year!

Ms. Stewart

Page 2: September Newsletter - OSU Office of Diversity and Inclusion - The


Page 2

Saturday Academy—It’s Back!!

Mark Your Calendar for October 26, 2013


9th Grade: College/Career Exploration

10th Grade: Communications

11th Grade: College Prep Writing

Homework Help & Make-Up Tutoring 12:30 to 2

Star Student Excursion! If your name appears on page 3 or

you are a current member of the

sophomore class you are eligible to attend

the start student excursion to Dave & Bust-

er’s on Friday, September 13th 6-9 p.m.

We will meet at the Polaris Location, 1554

Polaris Parkway, Columbus, OH 43240.

You must email Ms. Stewart

to reserve your spot! Stew-

[email protected]. It’s time

to eat & play—you deserve


See you on the 13th!


Students, if your GPA was below a 3.0 at the close of

the 2012-2013 school year, you are required to enter

tutoring first quarter. In addition, all new students,

including those that entered the program during the

summer, are required to have tutoring as well. Look

for your name in the separate letter included in this

mailing. Tutoring will be held in Hale Hall, Rm. 11

(ground floor), Mondays beginning September 16th

from 5-8 pm. Refer to the letter for additional infor-

mation. Homework help and make-up tutoring will be

available after Saturday Academy, 12:30 to 2.

HBCU College Fair, September 21, 9-2

Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) offer a cul-turally rich college experience and boast an extensive history of blacks in higher education. The Ohio HBCU Foundation is hosting the 5th Annual HBCU College Fair on Saturday, Sep-tember 21st. It will be held at Barnett Community Center; 1184 Barnett Rd. You must sign up in advance with Mr. Pfeiffer at your school, via the Facebook page, or by calling the UB office. Deadline is September 19th. There will be light refreshments and this event is free! There will be music by DJ Krate Digga and hosted by The Big Man Konata from Pow-er 107.5. Be sure to sign-in with Ms. Stewart once you arrive. Oh yea, her alma mater will be in the building—make sure you visit the Lincoln University table!

Page 3: September Newsletter - OSU Office of Diversity and Inclusion - The


Summer Institute

Star Students

Star students are those that

are recognized by their

peers and instructors each

week during the 6-week

summer institute. They

demonstrate positive atti-

tudes, are helpful to others,

hold themselves to high

standards, are hardworking

academically and socially,

and overall represent the

Upward Bound program &

all that it embodies well!

*Iman Clark—wk 1

Ray Stewart IV—wk 2

Emmanuel Tutu—wk 3

Tyeisha Gray—wk 4

*Summer Institute Overall

Star Student

Special recognition to

the sophomore class!

You were top class of

the summer institute!

Page 3 September

Get ON TRACK . . .

This is the beginning of your senior year and pre-paring to apply for college starts now! Attend college fairs, make col-lege overnight visits, meet with your guid-ance counselor, register for October or No-vember ACT/SAT tests, make inquiry to your top 3 schools, & fellas don’t forget to register by your 18th birthday for the Se-lective Service in order to be eligible for federal & state financial aid (www. aie.org). There is no time like the present—get to it!

SENIORS!!!! You will attend a monthly man-datory workshop series every 3rd Tuesday from 3:30 to 5:30. The 1st mtg. will be held Tues-

day, September 17th. The

Location will be announced at a later date. For questions,

contact Mr. Pfeiffer.


Upward Bound is on Facebook. An-

nouncements, messages, and event

invites are updated regularly. You

can also ask questions, make sugges-

tions, comments, and view pictures.

Find us: [email protected] Note: Comments and pics must be

appropriate or will be removed!

. . . And Now a Word From A Gradu-ate! One of the many exciting op-portunities that is offered to Up-ward Bound students is the Sum-mer Bridge Program. Over 7 weeks in the summer immediate-ly following high school gradua-tion, UB students are offered the opportunity to take 2 clas-ses at The Ohio State Universi-ty. This summer, the students took two classes : Online Learning Strategies and Skills which taught students how to maximize the efficiency of using technology in college classes; and Introduction to Philosophy that required the students to read, research, write papers, and collaborate with other students in order to be successful. Kaymesha Knox, South High School graduate 2013 & current OSU freshman said, “. The big-gest thing I learned is that procrastination only hurts you. I would put off studying and when it came time for a midterm, I was up all night cramming and I did horrible on the test. I would recommend the sum-mer bridge program to all students. You get free clas-ses and an early college experience. You learn your limits early so you know how much you can handle when it comes time to actually go off to college. . . . If you don’t strive to do well in school you won’t.” The Summer Bridge Program offers a rewarding experi-ence that can positively change a student’s life forev-



Seniors, to be eligible for the Summer Bridge Program, you

must meet the mandatory require-ments. Meet with UB Academic Counselor monthly by appoint-

ment, attend all senior work-shops, cultural enrichment activi-ties, complete FAFSA application,

take the ACT or SAT exam, and apply to OSU by Nov. 1st. For complete details, visit the UB

webpage to review this section in the handbook. Don’t miss this

fantastic opportunity!

Page 4: September Newsletter - OSU Office of Diversity and Inclusion - The


Office of Diversity & Inclusion

154 W. 12th Avenue

3rd Floor, Hale Hall

Columbus, OH 43210

osu upwardboundprogram

Phone: 614.292.2344 Fax: 614.292.7889

Website: http://odi.osu.edu/future-students/upward-bound/





We’re on

Facebook Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

1 2 Labor Day

—UB Office


3 4 5 6






11 12

13 14 Cultural


15 16


5-8 pm

17 Senior



19 20





22 23


5-8 pm

24 25 26


27 28




5-8 pm


Sept. 2 Labor Day—HOLIDAY

Sept. 6 Deadline to register for October SAT Exam Sept. 14 Cultural Enrichment: Bridge Builder’s Forum, details

on front page

Sept. 16 Tutoring Begins

Sept. 17 Senior Workshop

Sept. 21 ACT Exam/HBCU College Fair

Sept. 23 Tutoring

Sept. 26 New Student Induction & Orientation

Sept. 30 Tutoring *Mr. Pfeiffer will be at your school beginning September 3rd. Look out for

announcements so you know where to meet him!

Visit UB on the

web for access to

the monthly cal-

endar, newslet-

ter, and hand-





Upcoming Test Dates

ACT Test Date Registration

Sept. 21, 2013 Aug.23, 2013

SAT Test Date Registration

Oct. 5, 2013 Sept. 6, 2013

Waivers: Check with your UB Staff

to receive a testing fee waiver.

Important Dates

September Page 4

Iman Clark 9/1

Ms. Stewart 9/3

Briana Robinson 9/6

DID YOU KNOW? . . . “Did you know that it is normal for your mind to wander? A joint study by Harvard University, Dartmouth College and the University of Aberdeen in Scotland found the parts of the brain that control “task-unrelated thought” (such as daydreaming) are al-most always active when the brain is at rest”(healthwatchmd.com). In other words, keep your brain active with productive activities such as reading or researching. School is officially back in session so make sure that your brain is focused and your thoughts are on task so that you can accomplish your goals!

To view this

newsletter in

color visit the

UB program
