If everyone in the UK with gas central heating installed a condensing boiler we would save £1.3 billion on our energy bills every year – enough energy to meet the needs of over 4 million homes for a year – and carbon dioxide emissions by 17.5 million tonnes Friday 26 September 2014 All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Michaelmas Term All Hallows Catholic is part of a group of schools who have successfully bid to the Department for Education for funding to support teaching and learning in languages. The consortium consists of 6 schools across the Midlands and the North West. We will lead on transition and primary / secondary collaboration. From September 2014 Languages are compulsory in key stage 2 (ACH) Geography drop-in session KS4/5 students every Thursday 3:30-4:30. The session will provide assistance on case studies, exam questions and key terms. Year 7 Service of Welcome October 4. 6-7pm AHLC Football Tournament October 15. 1-3pm Peace and Remembrance Day November 10 Year 11 Mock Exam Starts November 12 Year 7 and 9 Parent Consultation Day November 20. 9am – 7pm Celebration Assemblies Week Year7-13 November 24 SRE Parents’ Information Evening November 27. 7pm-8pm AHLC Rugby Tournament December 3. 1-3pm Carol Service St. Alban’s Church December 11 7pm All Hallows Has Talent December 19 PARENTS AS PARTNERS The college is hosting a Target setting Parental Information Evening on Thursday 9 October from 7-8pm, and is open to all parents. All Hallows Catholic College will be hosting an Esafety awareness evening for parents only on Thursday 16th October at 6:00pm. This is being led by PC Jane Commins from Cheshire Police. The aim of the evening is to provide up to date Information and guidance to parents/carers that will assist with your understanding of the risks technology can bring to your child. All parents/carers of children in any year group are welcome. Students must sign out at the Attendance Office before leaving College to attend a medical appointment. When they return to College the student must sign back in. This ensures registers will be accurate and we know the student is off site should we have a fire alarm. The Attendance Office is currently located along the Science corridor, but will shortly be moving to a new space along the RE corridor. We thank parents for making medical appointments, where possible, that do not take up a whole day of schooling. This often allows a student to have their legal registration mark for both a.m and p.m sessions and so their overall attendance does not fall. ECO FACT TRIPS AND UPCOMING EVENTS SPECIALISM SUCCESS PRAYER FOR THE SVP SOCIETY Lord we pray for the Saint Vincent de Paul Society, the churches that sponsor them, all other charitable ministries, and the people they help. O Lord, multiply the supplies they distribute to the needy, give new strength to the workers, and bring in more volunteers who serve the poor with genuine love. Protect these ministries and teach us all by their example that helping the needy brings great joy. Saint Vincent, pray for us. Amen. PROCEDURES FOR A MEDICAL APPOINTMENT DURING THE COLLEGE DAY

September 26 2014 final

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Page 1: September 26 2014 final

If everyone in the UK with gas central heating installed a condensing boiler we would save £1.3 billion on our energy bills every year – enough energy to meet the needs of over 4 million homes for a year – and carbon dioxide emissions by 17.5 million tonnes

Friday 26 September 2014

All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Michaelmas Term

All Hallows Catholic is part of a group of schools who have successfully bid to the Department for Education for funding to support teaching and learning in languages. The consortium consists of 6 schools across the Midlands and the North West. We will lead on transition and primary / secondary collaboration. From September 2014 Languages are compulsory in key stage 2 (ACH)

Geography drop-in session

KS4/5 students every Thursday 3:30-4:30. The session will provide assistance on case studies, exam questions and key terms.

Year 7 Service of Welcome

October 4. 6-7pm

AHLC Football Tournament

October 15. 1-3pm

Peace and Remembrance Day

November 10

Year 11 Mock Exam Starts

November 12

Year 7 and 9 Parent Consultation Day

November 20. 9am – 7pm

Celebration Assemblies Week Year7-13

November 24

SRE Parents’ Information Evening

November 27. 7pm-8pm

AHLC Rugby Tournament

December 3. 1-3pm

Carol Service St. Alban’s Church

December 11 7pm

All Hallows Has Talent

December 19


The college is hosting a Target setting Parental Information Evening on Thursday 9 October from 7-8pm, and is open to all


All Hallows Catholic College will be hosting an Esafety awareness evening for parents only on Thursday 16th October at

6:00pm. This is being led by PC Jane Commins from Cheshire Police. The aim of the evening is to provide up to date

Information and guidance to parents/carers that will assist with your understanding of the risks technology can bring to your

child. All parents/carers of children in any year group are welcome.

Students must sign out at the Attendance Office before leaving College to attend a medical appointment. When they return to College the student must sign back in. This ensures registers will be accurate and we know the student is off site should we have a fire alarm. The Attendance Office is currently located along the Science corridor, but will shortly be moving to a new space along the RE corridor. We thank parents for making medical appointments, where possible, that do not take up a whole day of schooling. This often allows a student to have their legal registration mark for both a.m and p.m sessions and so their overall attendance does not fall.





Lord we pray for the Saint Vincent de Paul Society,

the churches that sponsor them, all other charitable

ministries, and the people they help. O Lord, multiply

the supplies they distribute to the needy, give new

strength to the workers, and bring in more

volunteers who serve the poor with genuine love.

Protect these ministries and teach us all by their

example that helping the needy brings great joy.

Saint Vincent, pray for us. Amen.


Page 2: September 26 2014 final

Friday 26 September 2014

All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Michaelmas



Careers Support—Mrs J Pilling—Monday and Thursday

Visyon Counsellor—Mrs L Nolan—Tuesday

College Nurse—Mrs J Jones—Wednesday

Family Support - Mrs P Shatwell—Monday to Friday

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]


Most students appreciate the importance of being in College on time. Children who are regularly late do miss out on their education

and form bad habits that will not be tolerated in the workplace.

As a result of the change to the College day we need to inform parents that students must be in the registration form class for the

register to be taken at 8.45am. This means students should arrive 5-10 minutes earlier in College to be on time.

Any students arriving after 8.45am will receive a L code. Two L codes within a week will result in a form tutor detention.

Any student arriving after 9.05am will receive a U code. This means they will be classed as absent for the whole morning and this

may have consequences for overall attendance.

Thank you for your co-operation and support with this matter.


Parents are encouraged to purchase an Annual Travel Pass for their child’s travel to school. This can be purchased for a single

payment of £420, which is a considerable saving on the cost of transport paying by daily return fare and can save time on journeys

as students are not searching for change on a daily basis. Alternatively an Annual Travel Pass can be bought for £450, in three

staged payments of £150. A 10% discount is available when annual passes are purchased for second and subsequent siblings.

Passes can be purchased directly from Bostock’s and further details of passes and concessions are available on the school’s


If parents have concerns about the running of specific buses they can contact Bostock’s directly, on 01260 273108.


Students use a biometric system to pay for meals in school. Each child will only be registered with your consent. If you do not consent to your child’s biometric data being taken, they will be issued with a PIN which they can use to pay. The system uses an image of the fingerprint to create a mathematical algorithm and then discards the fingerprint. Only the numbers remain and these cannot be reinterpreted back into the fingerprint. It is very similar to the way a barcode works, in that the shape is scanned to recall a number.

Please can parents who park on Bedford Road/ Cambridge Road at the end of the day not block any driveways when waiting for their children? Thank you for your support on this matter.

Based in the Student Support office

Based in the office next to room A9/A10

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Friday 26 September 2014

All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Michaelmas



All Hallows Fitness Suite now up and running!

Students are now able to use our fantastic new Fitness Suite as long as

they have been inducted (the majority of students have now completed an

induction in their PE lesson). Students who have been absent for this les-

son will not be able to use the Fitness Suite until their induction is com-


Due to popular demand we have allocated different slots for different year

groups. Students must sign up on the day - there will be a sign up sheet on

the notice board in the Sports Hall. This will be on a first come first served basis. We can not accommodate more

than 28 students in the fitness suite due to space/health and safety. Therefore the first 28 names on the sheet will

be able to stay but unfortunately we won't be able to let more than this stay. Clubs are as follows:

Monday - Y7/8 (mixed) until 4.30pm

Tuesday - Y7/8 (girls only) until 4.30pm

Wednesday - Y9/10/11 (girls only) until 4.00pm

Thursday - Y11/Sixth form (mixed) until 4.30pm

Friday - Y9/10 (mixed) until 4.30pm

The Fitness Suite is also open at lunch (second break). See PE

club timetable for year group slots. Students MUST wear full PE

kit to use the Fitness Suite and follow all safety guidelines and

the code of conduct.

Any queries please contact Mr Lawson or a member of the PE

staff for more information.


What is an essay plan? - It is the first stage of a successful essay when you note down all the relevant points needed to fully answer the question. Number each point in the order they should appear in the essay

There are 46 days left until the start of the Year11 Modules

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Friday 26 September 2014

All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Michaelmas

Year 7— 12 November (11:00am-12:30pm)

Year 8— 14 October and 16 December (11:45am-1:15pm)

Year 9– 6 October and 1 December (9:00am-10:00am)

Year 10—17 October and 5 December (1:15pm-2:00pm)

Year 11—29 September and 8 December (2:30pm-3:30pm)

These are for parents who would like discuss any concerns relating to their child. No appointment necessary but please be prepared

to wait. No more surgeries are planned this year with other year groups, but please feel free to contact our Pastoral Assistant , Mrs C

Jepson ([email protected] – 01625426138 X15), should you require an appointment with a Year Learning Leader

“We are writing to say a huge thankyou to the young people of Year 7 for the wonderful way in which they entered into their

“community building” days here at the Marist Centre. Each day began with an invitation to look at their talents, values, strengths and interest and to put these at the service of their newly formed class. Their worksheets and guidelines made the most beautiful offering to God at morning prayer. Role play was great fun as they set about building up a good community spirit in various scenarios! The DVD Ice age reminded us of the importance of learning and looking out for one another! What a lovely Year 7—full of life, a great sense of team-work, and the gift of joy and laughter! Your teachers and support workers are doing a wonderful job and we thank them for the warmth, encouragement and love shown to-wards the young people throughout their days here. Yours Sincerely,

Marist Centre team”



Page 5: September 26 2014 final

All Hallows Catholic College Newsletter Michaelmas

Friday 26 September 2014

The following are the dates for training days in 2014-15. Students are not required to attend on these days unless taking an external exam.

Monday 3 November 2014

Friday 13 February 2015

Friday 22 May 2015

Term College Opens to Students College Closes to Students

Michaelmas Tuesday 2 September 2014 (Year 7, 12 and 13)

Wednesday 3 September 2014 (All Students) Friday 24 October 2014

Christmas Tuesday 4 November 2014 Friday 19 December 2014

Epiphany Monday 5 January 2015 Thursday 12 February 2015

Easter Monday 23 February 2015 Thursday 2 April 2015

Whitsun Monday 20 April 2015 Thurdays 21 May 2015

Trinity Monday 6 July 2015 Tuesday 21 July 2015


Over the last week of College attendance was as follows:

Year 7 - 96.50%

Year 8 - 96.10%

Year 9 - 97.50%

Year 10– 95.10%

Year 11 - 95.40%

Year 12- 96.8%

Year 13– 91.3%

Attendance last week was 96.1% (an increase from 95.7% last week) and was also better than the same time last year when we had 94.3% attendance. Indeed it

is the best weekly attendance for this week in the first half term for 6 years. We aim for 97%.

Last week GIRLS attendance was 95.7% (up 0.9% well done girls), BOYS attendance was 96.5% (no change). The girls have closed the gap with attendance last


Holiday absence from College

Holidays have not been authorised since 1st September 2013 under new legislation on all English schools. Requests for holidays must still be made in writing to

the appropriate Key Stage leader (Mrs Garvey KS5, Mr Blades KS4/KS3), but in the vast majority of cases they will be unauthorised. A Fixed Penalty Notice may

be issued of £60 per parent / carer per student, to be paid within 21 days, otherwise the penalty will rise to £120 per parent / carer to be paid within 28 days. If the

penalty remains unpaid then the matter will proceed to the Magistrates Court where you will receive a criminal record if you are found guilty.

Medical absence from College

Whilst the College requires parents to contact us on each day of absence , school policy now requires that any student who accumulates 7 or more days of

absence during the course of the academic year will be asked to provide medical confirmation of the need to be absent before any further absences are

authorised for medical reasons. This is a necessary measure as we closely monitor absence due to illness / medical reasons in order that we can ensure students

are supported where needed.

For your information medical confirmation does not have to be a doctor's note but can also take the form of a medical appointment card, a copy of a relevant dat-

ed prescription or evidence of medication being taken

If no medical evidence is provided then the absence will be coded as unauthorised. Ten or more unauthorised absences may result in you receiving a Fixed

Penalty Notice. This incurs a penalty of £60 per parent / carer to be paid within 21 days, otherwise the penalty will rise to £120 per parent / carer to be paid within

28 days. If the penalty remains unpaid then the matter will proceed to the Magistrates Court where you will receive a criminal record if you are found guilty.













YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 YEAR 10 YEAR 11 Year 12 Year 13