THE MAIN ARTERY September 2017 Rev. Timothy Bennett—Pastor Mr. Jan Kliewer—Choir Director Mr. Bill Lawson—Interim Organist Mrs. Tryntje Keesler—Secretary/Editor Contact Information: Phone607-723-0031 Office Hours—Monday to Friday 9:00am—1:00pm Email[email protected] Website—www.mainstreetbaptist.net Service mes: Sunday 11:00am 6:00pm Sunday School 9:45am Directory Changes: Daniel & Amanda Svoboda 180 Pixley Road Chenango Forks, NY 13746 Joe and Margaret Kotylo 817-538-5980 Choir practice resumes Wednesday 9/13 at 7:00 PM! See you there! Special Thanks to our Guest Preachers during the Month of August: Rev. Dr. Peter Marr Rev. John Koopman Mr. Dennis Moulton Rev. Steve Reynolds We need YOU! To be Main Street’s next “Top Model”! Looking for volunteers to model seasonal clothing from some of the donated clothes from the clothing room during our Soup Luncheon . WHEN? Sunday September 17th. See Diane for details!

September 2017 THE MAIN ARTERY - Main Street Baptist · THE MAIN ARTERY September 2017 Rev. Timothy Bennett—Pastor Mr. Jan Kliewer—Choir Director Mr. Bill Lawson—Interim Organist

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Page 1: September 2017 THE MAIN ARTERY - Main Street Baptist · THE MAIN ARTERY September 2017 Rev. Timothy Bennett—Pastor Mr. Jan Kliewer—Choir Director Mr. Bill Lawson—Interim Organist


September 2017

Rev. Timothy Bennett—Pastor

Mr. Jan Kliewer—Choir Director

Mr. Bill Lawson—Interim Organist

Mrs. Tryntje Keesler—Secretary/Editor

Contact Information:

Phone—607-723-0031 Office Hours—Monday to Friday 9:00am—1:00pm Email—[email protected] Website—www.mainstreetbaptist.net

Service times:

Sunday 11:00am 6:00pm Sunday School 9:45am

Directory Changes:

Daniel & Amanda Svoboda 180 Pixley Road Chenango Forks, NY 13746 Joe and Margaret Kotylo 817-538-5980

Choir practice resumes

Wednesday 9/13 at 7:00

PM! See you there!

Special Thanks to our Guest

Preachers during the Month of


Rev. Dr. Peter Marr Rev. John Koopman Mr. Dennis Moulton Rev. Steve Reynolds

We need YOU! To be Main Street’s next “Top Model”!

Looking for volunteers to model

seasonal clothing from some of

the donated clothes from the

clothing room during our Soup

Luncheon .

WHEN? Sunday September

17th. See Diane for details!

Page 2: September 2017 THE MAIN ARTERY - Main Street Baptist · THE MAIN ARTERY September 2017 Rev. Timothy Bennett—Pastor Mr. Jan Kliewer—Choir Director Mr. Bill Lawson—Interim Organist

I found interesting B.B. Warfield’s paraphrase of Paul’s

sentiments in Philippians 2:12-13. It emphasizes “your own

salvation”. Acknowledging our usefulness to each other,

Paul goes on to encourage personal responsibility in view of

the sufficiency of God’s work within each of us.

“I trust it was not due to my presence only that you able to

exhibit so Christlike a disposition. After all, it is not my

pleasure but your own salvation that should primarily

engage your thoughts. And if my presence were, indeed,

useful to you, how much more effort should you make, now

that I can no longer be with you and you are thrown on your

own resources. Nay, let me not so speak. You are not in any

case thrown on your own resources. Let it be with godly

awe in your hearts and reverent fear of mind that you

engage in this solemn work. For it is, you remember, none

other than God Himself who prompts you to the effort, -

whose it is effect within you both the wish and the

performance: and this He does in the prosecution of His

blessed purpose of good towards you. It is in His hands that

you are in this work: it is thus a holy work—in the

prosecution of which you may, therefore, well put off

sandals from your feet. In devout submissiveness, then,

carry it on, with all diligence, and depend

on no creature’s impulse or help: it is God

who in it works in and through you and

fulfils His gracious will with respect to you.”

Rev. Timothy Bennett


This month, we bringing ANNA KALIVODA to your attention as one of the teens in our church life, Anna will be a Junior at Chenango Forks High School in

September and excelled academically and athletically through her tenure there. She has helped with plays and Vacation Bible school at Main Street and has

sung in times past with the youth choir here. From my working with her in some of these capacities, she impresses with her work ethic and efficiency. She’s a

busy gal, having been on travel teams almost round in soccer, from which she is unfortunately side-lined after an ACL rupture and extensive surgical repair. Last year, her team at Chenango Forks was state champion for soccer. She is very

motivated to set goals to aid in her full recovery so that she can soon get back to competing in the sport.

So what are her plans for the future? Anna will be looking at colleges and has seen Houghton college recently. Possibilities for future work include physical

therapy, pediatric physician’s assistant or teaching. She enjoys working with kids and has volunteered at a summer fun for two weeks in the science room. It was

a good experience for her and can be applied for community service require-ment for Honor Society. Current activities and passions include playing soccer of

course, boating with her family on Cayuga Lake, running, playing lacrosse, increasing her abilities in art, and cooking. Her many food and environmental

allergies has spurred her to experiment with vegan recipes which her mom says are very tasty. Accommodating for those allergies is normal for her now.

Anna states that her parents and grandparents (Ed and Priscilla Pease) are those that have most influenced her life. She is impressed with their humility and

generosity. I asked her a difficult question. “what would you like to tell kids your age?” Her answer—”Live in the moment, enjoy being a kid.” Good advice for any age, I

think even if you’re not a kids. Anna, we’re glad to have you in our church’s life and we pray for your future that

God will continue to bless you and show you His plan. (Submitted by Diane Runion)

Page 3: September 2017 THE MAIN ARTERY - Main Street Baptist · THE MAIN ARTERY September 2017 Rev. Timothy Bennett—Pastor Mr. Jan Kliewer—Choir Director Mr. Bill Lawson—Interim Organist

1—Anna Kalivoda 3—Alex Kalivoda 3—Jonathan Galli 3—William Galli 4—Judy Snyder 6—Adam Snyder 9—Doug Johnson 9—Demos Ford 11—Aaron Bennett 11—Wanita Geer 12—Rachel Thiel 13—Beverly Beere 15—Joshua Root 16—Jessica Carl 17—Brandi Robinson 23—Madison Waters 23—Ed Pease 28—Tanner File 30—Melissa Tesoriero

Happy Anniversary

September 3—Aaron & Amy Bennett—11 yrs.

September 4—Bill & Cheri Busch—7 yrs.

Triumphant September 8 @ 7PM

First Baptist Port Crane

Sherry Anne September 8 @ 7PM First Baptist Endicott

Both Concerts: Free Admission, Free Will Offering will be Taken. See attached flyer for more info on Sherry’s concert.

Mark your Calendars! ABW/BTA Fall Missionary Gathering

Tuesday October 3rd Main Street Baptist Church

6:00 PM Dish to pass supper

Missionary Speaker TBA Watch for further details!

Page 4: September 2017 THE MAIN ARTERY - Main Street Baptist · THE MAIN ARTERY September 2017 Rev. Timothy Bennett—Pastor Mr. Jan Kliewer—Choir Director Mr. Bill Lawson—Interim Organist
Page 5: September 2017 THE MAIN ARTERY - Main Street Baptist · THE MAIN ARTERY September 2017 Rev. Timothy Bennett—Pastor Mr. Jan Kliewer—Choir Director Mr. Bill Lawson—Interim Organist


We received $270.00 in July to help John Roosevelt seek to hone skills in presenting God’s word to the children of Haiti. Davis College matched that donation to $250, making the total $520.00. Thank you! The breadbox offering for September will go to the American Bible Society that provides Bibles to people around the world in their own language, to military and police officers, and to support groups that use Bible-based healing. An example of the difference having the Scriptures makes is in the lives of the Lisu people in northern China who’s ancestors converted to Christianity 100 years ago. “Imagine living in a village that’s been Christian for 100 years, but never having a Bible of you own.” It was the dream of a Lisu teacher who worked for 40 years to translate God’s word into his village’s language so that all could have a Bible of his own. It was supported and funded by the American Bible Society and people who sacrificially gave to get the project underway. Please take a look at the bulletin board in the chapel entry way to see the expressions on the faces of those who received what they had longed for. The offering will be collected the last Sunday of the month of September.



This will be a free lunch of homemade soups and some Panera bread with beverage and cookies

provided. There will be 5 or 6 soups from which to choose,

including gluten free and possibly vegetarian. The objective is to bring to the congregation’s

attention our Soup Kitchen which provides provide and sandwiches to the community the 2nd and 4th

Saturdays of the month. As a part of this effort, those who come can get, also for free, clothing, shoes and some household items found in our clothing room. To highlight this, we will have models showing some of the clothes that you

have donated. It will be a fun time and one you won’t want to miss. If you can, bring a can of

vegetables or broth as a donation to the making of more soup to serve those in our neighborhood.

We have wonderful volunteers under the direction of Maynard Wark, who not only make sandwiches, prepare the soup and serve it, but who sit and talk with the folks who come. We want to honor them as well as those who sort and look over donated

clothing that is made available.



We will be accepting clean

clothing in good repair for

fall/winter. This is a

benefit for our community

and for people in our

church family to use. Extra

clothing has been given to

several local schools, to the

Children's Home, to people

displaced by fire or floods,

and some to nursing homes.

Please keep up your

donations, and when you

bring them, please place

them in the receptacle

that’s found in the chapel



October 3—ABW Ministries Fall Missionary Meeting @ Main Street Baptist Church Dish to Pass Supper October 17—Tim Long @ Main Street Baptist Church 7PM October 18—Tim Long @ Conklin Ave Baptist Church 7PM (covered dish supper @6PM) Tim Long who is a missionary to Baja California and Mexico will be at our church on the 17th to tell of his work in those areas. He’s been to our church before and is an engaging speaker. Put this on your calendar and tell your friends and family. He will also speak at Conklin Avenue Baptist Church on the 18th and they will have a dish to pass supper ahead of the program.

Page 6: September 2017 THE MAIN ARTERY - Main Street Baptist · THE MAIN ARTERY September 2017 Rev. Timothy Bennett—Pastor Mr. Jan Kliewer—Choir Director Mr. Bill Lawson—Interim Organist

On September 3, 1889, the Memorial Baptist Church (now known

as Main Street Baptist Church) was organized. For this month, I

though it would be interesting to see who composed the Deacons.

Several of the names you might recognize from the windows in the

sanctuary and chapel.

To be a deacon at that time you had be a elected by a 2/3rd’s vote.

The term was three years. The Manual of the Memorial Baptist

Church Binghamton, NY, Article III Section 2, pg. 19 lists the role of

the deacons as follows:

“It shall be the duty of the Deacons to seek out such members as

are in necessitous circumstances, and need pecuniary assistance,

and the use of alms of the church for their relief; to inquire into the

moral character and standing of applicants for memberships; to

visit the sick; to prepare and distribute the elements of the Lord’s

Supper; to take a general supervision of the interests of the church,

and to cooperate with and assist the pastor in the performance of

his duties”

Five deacons were elected in 1889. The church membership was

almost 100.

The following were our first Deacons. Their occupations and

addresses were found in the 1889 J.E. William Binghamton City

Directory, Binghamton N.Y.

D.D. Brown [Dexter D. Brown] - Furniture Dealer—170

Washington—Home, 66 Walnut Street. (pg. 124-1889)

WO Birdsall—Fruit—40 W. Park Ave. H. Do. (pg. 123)

Jessie Bartoo—Chair Maker—19 Murray (pg. 115). He was the

father of architect Elfred H. Bartoo and Grace Bartoo Hotchkin.

O.P. Bradley—Doolittle & Bradley—Home, 53 Seminary Street.

(pg. 130). E.W. Doolittle and O.P. Bradley were book and job

printers located at 21 Court Street (pg. 185).

M. Smithers [Michael Smithers?] - Home, 15 Glenwood Ave.

(pg. 388).

Page 7: September 2017 THE MAIN ARTERY - Main Street Baptist · THE MAIN ARTERY September 2017 Rev. Timothy Bennett—Pastor Mr. Jan Kliewer—Choir Director Mr. Bill Lawson—Interim Organist

CHOW 10-12p

CHOW 10-12p

Saturday Soup 4:30-6:30p

Saturday Soup 4:30-6:30p

Communion Choir Rehearsal 7PM

Choir Rehearsal 7PM

Choir Rehearsal 7PM

7 PM 8 AM Red Oak

7PM Soup Luncheon After service

BTA Fall Gathering Memorial Park Vestal 4:00PM