THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH September 2015 PASTOR’S CORNER Dear Friends, Last month, I shared with you some possible ways the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage might impact our church. The session has asked Liz Orndorff, John Preston, Charlie Boyd and me to review our current wedding policy and to update it where needed. Last month I said that both Hannah and I are biblically and theologically open to performing same sex weddings. I can’t speak for Hannah, but I want to share with you how I’ve arrived at my position. First, I acknowledge that how I think theologically has been shaped by a variety of theologians, but primarily John Calvin, Art Cochrane, Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Walter Brueggemann. I acknowledge that there aren’t any women theologians in my list, which is a deficit on my part. Nevertheless, these are the theologians that have spoken to me and continue to speak to me. For the most part, they represent Orthodox Reformed theology that underlies what we believe and have believed as Presbyterians. I also find the roots of what is called Liberation Theology in their writings. Liberation Theology came out of the experience of theologians in South America who essentially say that God is on the side of the poor and the oppressed. Liberation Theology has resonated with and influenced a variety of groups that have experienced discrimination and oppression including women, racial and ethnic minorities and those who fall under the LGBTQ umbrella. Our bumper sticker has been and is: REFORMED: CONTINUALLY BEING REFORMED. With this as a preface, let me move on to the main topic: In a letter to the editor in the July 11 th edition of the Lexington Herald Leader, the Rev. Wayne Smith, former pastor of Southland Christian Church, wrote, “Christians must not rationalize gay marriage.” He said an “increasing number of liberal church leaders are endorsing the gay lifestyle…..” His assertion is that “liberal church leaders” are basing their support on what is popular in culture rather than on scripture. I totally reject his assertion. One of the hallmarks of Reformed Theology has been that our beliefs and position on issues are grounded in scripture. I believe many who are protesting the loudest in the name of Christianity arrive at their views from the opposite approach. Rather than turning to scripture to inform them on what to believe, they start out with a belief and turn to scripture to justify their position. The message of scripture is that God is totally sovereign. In scripture God consistently breaks out of the box in which people tried to place him thereby containing God so that God meets their limited definition. For example, one of the boxes in which we place God is God’s gender. While I’ve used the masculine Continued on next page

September 2015 Salt Shaker - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/thepresbyterianchurchofdanville...I also find the roots of what is called Liberation Theology in their writings. Liberation

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September 2015


Last month, I shared with you some possible ways the Supreme Court’s ruling on marriage might

impact our church. The session has asked Liz Orndorff, John Preston, Charlie Boyd and me to review our

current wedding policy and to update it where needed.

Last month I said that both Hannah and I are biblically and theologically open to performing same sex

weddings. I can’t speak for Hannah, but I want to share with you how I’ve arrived at my position.

First, I acknowledge that how I think theologically has been shaped by a variety of theologians, but

primarily John Calvin, Art Cochrane, Karl Barth, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Walter Brueggemann. I

acknowledge that there aren’t any women theologians in my list, which is a deficit on my part. Nevertheless,

these are the theologians that have spoken to me and continue to speak to me. For the most part, they

represent Orthodox Reformed theology that underlies what we believe and have believed as Presbyterians.

I also find the roots of what is called Liberation Theology in their writings. Liberation Theology came out of

the experience of theologians in South America who essentially say that God is on the side of the poor and

the oppressed. Liberation Theology has resonated with and influenced a variety of groups that have

experienced discrimination and oppression including women, racial and ethnic minorities and those who fall

under the LGBTQ umbrella. Our bumper sticker has been and is: REFORMED: CONTINUALLY BEING


With this as a preface, let me move on to the main topic:

In a letter to the editor in the July 11th edition of the Lexington Herald Leader, the Rev. Wayne Smith,

former pastor of Southland Christian Church, wrote, “Christians must not rationalize gay marriage.” He said

an “increasing number of liberal church leaders are endorsing the gay lifestyle…..” His assertion is that

“liberal church leaders” are basing their support on what is popular in culture rather than on scripture.

I totally reject his assertion. One of the hallmarks of Reformed Theology has been that our beliefs

and position on issues are grounded in scripture. I believe many who are protesting the loudest in the name

of Christianity arrive at their views from the opposite approach. Rather than turning to scripture to inform

them on what to believe, they start out with a belief and turn to scripture to justify their position.

The message of scripture is that God is totally sovereign. In scripture God consistently breaks out of

the box in which people tried to place him thereby containing God so that God meets their limited definition.

For example, one of the boxes in which we place God is God’s gender. While I’ve used the masculine Continued on next page

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pronoun, which is a dominant view of God, limiting God to a specific gender restricts our understanding of our

sovereign God. Instead we are reminded that God is wholly other, and that God’s ways are not our ways. As

we delve into scripture we notice that God chooses unlikely characters to carry out his will. First, God

chooses a 99 year old man, Abraham, and his 90 year old wife, Sarah, to be the parents of a multitude of

nations. God chooses the scoundrel Jacob over his first born brother Esau. God chooses the unlikely

shepherd boy, David, to be king. And it goes on and on, time and again, God chooses those we probably

wouldn’t choose. The Bible is written in such away that just in case you missed the message the first time

around, it tells you again, and often a couple of times after that. Eventually, this leads to God choosing Mary,

an unmarried, pregnant teenage girl, to be the mother of our Lord.

What’s the message? Given the sovereignty of our God who refuses to be placed in a box of our

making, isn’t it quite possible that God is once again at work in the world, “doing a new thing”? If God is

totally sovereign as both liberal church leaders and conservative church leaders assert, then God can do

whatever God wants to do, which includes calling gays and lesbians to ministry and to be leaders in their

churches. Otherwise, God is not sovereign.

If we assert that “God is love and that those who abide in love abide in God and God abides in

them,” (I John 4:16), then those who have love abide in God. Does anyone assert that LGBTQ people do not

have love? Again, look to scripture for a definition of love, being kind, being patient, not boasting, etc. (I

Corinthians 13) If they have love, then it is surely of God. The truth is that LGBTQ couples often exemplify

the very aspects of love that we desire heterosexual couples to embody. If you would judge them just on the

characteristics of their love, then we might conclude that they are indeed living out scriptural mandates. The

sovereignty of God also enters into the discussion about marriage because we assert that “Those whom God

has joined together, let no one separate.” In other words, just as we believe that God in God’s mysterious

way brings heterosexual couples together, can’t God do the same for gay and lesbian couples? How do we

know that God isn’t at work in bringing couples together? I think the deciding factor is whether there is love,

and whether there is a fostering of the love God has for all of us. Can we see that unconditional love

reflected in the relationships of couples regardless of whether they are same sex or not? If that’s the case,

then what’s the problem?

And of course, we can also talk about scripture’s mandate for justice, that we are to “let justice roll

down like waters, and righteousness like an ever flowing stream,” that the Lord requires us to “do justice, to

love kindness; and to walk humbly with our God.” There are justice issues that the ruling on same sex

marriage will help alleviate. For example, married couples get to make health decisions for each other. They

will be able to share property and child custody, and so on.

So you see, we’re grounded in scripture. Our positions are not arrived at willy-nilly, nor do they just

reflect what is popular in culture. We may read the Bible differently, but it is our guide. It leads us to being

faithful by supporting our brothers and sisters in their quest for equality.

I suspect that after we’ve wrestled with all the biblical, theological and justice issues, there is one

remaining elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about, and that is sex. We are sexual beings, and

often it is the driving force that leads us to seek out partners. Biologically, sexual intercourse between

heterosexual couples is part of our reproductive process. But, we also know it is more than that. Sexual

union brings pleasure. The danger is that the idea of sex has been sold as if it were a drug that will cure us

or make us better, when like drugs, abuse of sex brings about a huge number of problems. We’ve asserted

that sexual union is a gift from God, that sex is intended for pleasure because it brings with it intimacy, a

closeness that has a strong emotional affect upon us and that can lead to stronger relationships, and so we

seek it out. We have long believed that sexual union is a symbol of God’s love for us. It is a powerful non-

verbal means of communication. Biblically and theologically we believe that just as two bodies become one

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with intensity, pleasure and powerful intimacy, so with that same intensity, pleasure and intimacy God loves

us and we are joined with God. I would assume that with the exception of reproduction, sex plays the same

role in both heterosexual and homosexual relationship.

Freedom always brings with it responsibility. The freedom to marry carries with it the responsibility of

being faithful to one another and to live out God’s unconditional love. Just as the church has historically

called couples to live faithfully within the covenant of marriage and chaste in singleness, so the church

continues to do so. As the church has held heterosexual couples to a higher standard, so it does so with

homosexual couples. The freedom to marry is not a freedom to be promiscuous.

Jacob has long been one of my favorite biblical characters. He was a bit of a scoundrel who stole his

brother’s birthright and his father’s blessing, and yet God chose him. I think the story of Jacob wrestling with

God (God’s messenger) is a metaphor for us. Just as Jacob wrestled with God all night long with neither side

prevailing, so in the same way we are called with wrestle with mighty and complex issues, and sometimes

neither side prevails. Make no mistake, when it comes to this issue, my position and the position of our

church is based on scripture. Traditionally, we as Presbyterians do our research. We pray for God’s

guidance. And then we arrive at a decision regarding what God wants from us. Even when we do this, we

don’t always arrive at the same conclusion. The bottom line is that we seek to be faithful and use scripture as

our guide.

One last point, one that I think we always need to acknowledge…I could be wrong.

I hope this has been helpful.

Grace & peace,




Sunday, September 6, 2015

10:00 a.m. Worship (one worship service)

Picnic at 11:00 a.m. following service (on the church grounds)


A salad, vegetable, or dessert (with a serving spoon)

and a blanket or lawn chairs.

The meat and beverages will be provided. If you can help with set-up or clean up, please contact Anastasia Knight.

[email protected] 

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SESSION REPORT The Session held its regular monthly meeting on August 11, 2015. This is a summary of the reports received and actions taken at that meeting.


Budget and Finance: Darren Peckler and Karl Benson

Both July and Year to Date congregational giving is slightly ahead of the previous year and the current plan. July special offerings were quite strong.

Letters to chairs of program committees asking for budget recommendations for 2016 have been prepared, and will be sent soon.

Bills for the wireless internet system, pew covers, and kitchen refrigerator have been received. Repair of the sanctuary roof is the only remaining major capital item anticipated for this year.

Adult Formation: Bill Garriott

Plans for the Explorers Class were distributed. The fall offerings are set; the spring classes have been tentatively approved.

Children’s Formation: Judith Jia

The committee has approved a fall schedule that includes the Godly Play Kickoff (Sept. 13), Halloween Social (Oct. 28), Christmas Craft Night (Dec. 2), Christmas Pageant (Dec. 20) and two Parents’ Nights Out (Sept. 25 and Nov. 20)

Youth Formation: Maureen Beto

The possibility of asking people using the church parking lot for Norton Center events for donations that would be used for youth programs was discussed. The Session asked the committee for more information and a formal recommendation.

Communications and Office Administration: Shane Wilson and Johnny Preston

A manual for using the new technology in the sanctuary and Fellowship Hall is nearing completion.

Facilities and Grounds: Darren Peckler and Roger Hartner

Joe Schultz, who has been assisting Tim Shelton two days a week, has retired. SERV PRO will provide help on Mondays and Fridays, and other times as needed.

Worship and Music: Chris Glidewell and Mark Hoebelheinrich

The committee has discussed the worship schedule for September through December. The schedule includes three single service Sundays (Sept. 6, Nov. 8, and Dec. 27), Hanging of the Greens Nov. 23-24, Centre’s Lessons and Carols Dec. 5, and Christmas Eve services at 5:30 and 11:00 p.m.

Adult Choir resumes Sept. 2; Children’s Choir begins Sept. 13. Music on Main Street will continue, with performances scheduled for October, January, and April and/or May.

Local Mission: Maureen Beto and Mark Hoebelheinrich

$600 was donated to the backpack program at Families First FRC in Danville Schools. A $10,000 donation to the Presbytery for the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance program, designated for

flood relief in Johnson County, was approved. The money was drawn from funds earmarked for use in Eastern Kentucky.

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Worldwide Mission: Karl Benson

Our church ranks 6th in the nation in contributions to the Hunger Program of the PCUSA. Karl Benson and Joanie Lukins went to Mexico to upgrade a water purification system that was installed

10 years ago. The system now provides enough clean water for the entire community and a neighboring community as well.

The Alternative Gift Market is scheduled for Dec. 6.


Johnny Preston, Hannah McIntyre, and Jean Harney attended the called meeting of the Presbytery of Transylvania in Winchester on August 6, 2015. Eric Mount and Rollin Tarter were also in attendance. At that meeting, Phillip Lotspeich was elected to serve as Designated General Presbyter for a three-year term.


The Session continued its discussion of the implications of the recent Supreme Court Decision on same gender marriage. Pastor Stewart, as requested, addressed the issue in the August Salt Shaker, and will do so again. The Pastor and Elders Liz Orndorff, Charlie Boyd, and Johnny Preston will examine our current wedding policy and report to the Session with recommendations for any changes they believe to be necessary.

Bill Garriott Assistant Clerk

On April 14, 2015 the Session of our church approved the formation of “The Legacy Fund”. The following text

is based on the “Minute for Mission” given on August 9, 2015 to announce The Legacy Fund's creation by

Don Porter.

I am pleased to announce the Session of our church has created “The Legacy Fund”. The Legacy

Fund will allow all those desiring to add to our church's Legacy to conveniently do so.

We have benefited greatly from those who have gone before us. Naturally we first tend to think of our

Legacy as this building. While true, a building is only a small portion of our Legacy. Every Friday the

Advocate Messenger lists 64 churches where you can worship. We often take it for granted but we are one of

the few who share a reformed tradition where: everyone is welcome, where education is encouraged, where

our clergy have strict educational requirements, where we are encouraged to think and more importantly to

question, where no limits are placed on women or the divorced in avenues of service and where we have a

system to resolve issues and work together for mission and social justice. Part of our Legacy is to make sure

this reformed option is available to future generations.

I have accepted the volunteer position as the church's development officer. I have been a member of

this church for 30 years and have wondered if the church was even interested in giving for the future. I can

assure you it is. If you would like to talk about how planned gifts to The Presbyterian Church are distributed

now, how you can participate in The Legacy Fund, how you can designate a gift or why you should give a

planned gift to our church at all, I would love to meet with you.

You will note I will have regular hours from 9 a.m. until noon on Tuesdays at the church office or will

be happy to make an appointment. You can contact me at 859-324-5020 or [email protected] .

Again I want to thank the Session for creating this fund to allow all of us to conveniently support the

Legacy of this church for future generations.


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It's almost here! In just a few short weeks children's Sunday School and Sunday Evening

Fellowship will resume. On September 13, join us at 9:30 p.m. in the children's assembly room

on the second floor for our Godly Play kick-off. Godly Play is our Sunday School program for

children ages 3 years - 5th grade. Come check out the classrooms, meet the storytellers, and

enjoy a lite breakfast.


Sunday Evening Fellowship also begins on September 13. Come join us for dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 5:15

p.m.. Following dinner, there will be activities for children ages 3 years - 5th grade. The adults will begin watching the

movie "The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe," based on the first book in the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S.

Lewis. Dinner will be provided.


Exploring Our Faith: The Things That Make for Peace (Sept. 20, 27, Nov. 29)

Explore the inner and outer paths to peace. This 4-part adult Bible study begins during the Presbyterian

Church’s “Season of Peace,” September 6 through October 4 (World Communion Sunday), and continues as a preface

to our observance of Advent and Lent.

Leader: Jane Preston

Exploring Our Church: Church Matters (Sept. 13, Oct. 4, 11, 18, 25)

Explore the ways in which our Church is making a difference in people’s lives. Learn how facilities, mission,

membership, programs, and generosity all matter.

Leader: Bill Garriott

Exploring Our World: Local Issues in Substance Abuse and Addiction—Challenges, Solutions, and Hope (Nov.

1, 15, 22)

Explore the current research and statistics on substance use disorders, with a focus on our local community’s

problems and responses. The goal of this class is to provide the tools and information necessary to contribute

individually, and as members of our faith community, to solutions to these complicated problems.

Leader: Kathy Miles

Advent Book Discussion: Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol (Dec. 13, 20)

What messages did Dickens want to send to his readers when his “Ghost Story of Christmas” was published in

December of 1843? In what ways does the story speak to us today? Can 21st century Christians find an Advent

message in this 19th century classic?

Leader: Bill Garriott


We are pleased to announced Amy Wilson has accepted the position of Christian Formation Associate! Amy started

work on Tuesday, August 25th.

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5:15 Dinner – Fellowship Hall

5:45 Programming – Youth Room

7:15 Pick-up

September 6: Christian Ed. Kickoff @ PresbyDan – No PYC

September 13: PYC Begins – Theme development and Parent’s meeting

September 20: Regular PYC – Unity Car Wash

September 27: Unity Games

October 4: No PYC (Fall Break) World Communion Sunday

October 11: CommUnity Outreach – “Meals on Wheels”

October 18: Regular PYC

October 25: Corn Maze ($8.00 + some for snacks)

October 28: Halloween Party @ PresbyDan… all families welcome!

November 1: Unity with the Past All Saints Day

November 8: CommUnity Outreach – Fall Cleanup

November 14: Stop Hunger Now event

November 15: Regular PYC

November 22: Regular PYC

November 29: A Cornucopia of Games

December 2: Christmas Craft Night @ PresbyDan

December 6: “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and other shenanigans.

December 13: Phelps Shopping (12:30 – 3:00)

December 18- 20: Annual Trip to Phelps (High School only)

December 20: Middle School meets at regular time

2015 Fall Calendar

Inability to pay will never factor into your child’s ability to participate. Please speak to Hannah if you have any financial concerns!

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A WORD FROM THE MOUNTAIN The following is short sermon Ethan Baker delivered at the Mountain T.O.P. service on August 16th. In it

Ethan draws a connection between the theme of the camp and his own experiences, and he makes a

powerful argument for the transformative power of the Mountain T.O.P. mission experience. It is an excellent

sermon. You should all be proud of what he has to say, for he credits all of you for playing a role.


By Ethan Baker


I see the work of your hands, galaxies spinning in a heavenly dance. O God, all that you are is so


These are words from the song that was the theme of Mountain T.O.P. this past year. The theme was

to be overwhelmed by God.

Now, what does this mean, to be overwhelmed? O course, today you will have heard all about what it

means, but you truly cannot even begin to understand what it means to be overwhelmed until you live it.

When we arrived at the mountain, I had two things in mind: when were we having lunch, because I

was starving, and the biggest question of all, what was my YRG going to be. You probably already know, but

your YRG is the group you spend 7-8 hours with each day, so naturally you’re always hoping that you’ll be

able to get along with them, and that they won’t slack off by sleeping in the vans while at the worksite. When

I finally got into my YRG, something clicked with our group, and immediately I felt comfortable as I got to

know them better. So when I got switched out of it to a new YRG with people who had less experience, I felt

like I had just lost a winning lottery ticket. Apparently, I was too over qualified with 3 years of experience to

be in a group of veterans, so they sent me into a group where I had the most Mountain T.O.P. experience,

and was expected to lead the group. I was shocked and angry, and even scared at being overwhelmed by

the prospect of treading unfamiliar waters where I only saw strangers in m group, and I was weighed down by

a sense of foreboding that seemed to press in on me. But then God overwhelmed the situation and

something happened that I could never have expected. I had spent so long wondering what the camp world

would give me, I never thought that it was time for me to give to the camp.

Funny story, there was this kid in my cabin in the bunk across from me, who I really applaud for his

creativity. He brought and set up a small television and an Xbox. Now, I’m pretty sure that the whole goal of

Mountain T.O.P. is to meet new people and make friends, and I don’t really think that sitting in your cabin at

night by yourself fits that description. O course news spread, and some staff came by saying “Oh, you know

you shouldn’t play that.” But they didn’t really do anything about it. So I stole the Xbox power cable and hid it

in the closet when I saw an opportunity on the 2nd or 3rd day. What really surprised me was that he never

found it until someone told him where it was on the last day. By that time he had changed completely. After I

stole the cable, I remember seeing him just sitting on a bench listing to his music. But then I noticed on the

last night, and that’s when it hit me, the kid who was at first a loner, was now cracking jokes, laughing and

opening being social to everyone. Through one small act, the lure of isolation was removed and the

obligation of interaction changed his experience completely.

At the end of the week, I received a letter from a member of my YRG which contained information that

still shocks me to this day. What I had considered ordinary labor and being social, such as offering to scrub

floors with them or spending 5 minutes trying to convince them to play volleyball had helped improve their

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experience and helped cheer them up when they felt down. But I wasn’t the only person who was changing

live. If you look at each and every person who participated in Mountain T.O.P., or helped us get there, you

are looking at a savior. You are looking at someone, regardless of whether it was their first year or last, who

has changed a stranger’s life, whether it be a community member, or staff member, or another camper. And

of course, everyone who helped fund and support this trip ensured our ability to change lives, to be saviors.

We are all part of God’s plan, and the smallest acts are the most important because they can bring about the

most change. And that is truly overwhelming.


I’d like you to meet Everett.

Everett came into the Café two weeks ago. He was very timid, and wanted to

know what we were all about. I gave him the details and he said, “I only have change.” I said, “That’s fine! We are a pay

-what-you-can Café.” I took his order and heard a few coins drop into the birdhouse. He sat in the corner of the back

dining room and ate his lunch.

A few minutes later, he asked if he could have some more but he was out of money. I said it was not a problem as he

had already paid. I ordered him another dish. He sat eating and drinking coffee for quite a while.

A little later, he asked if he could help out. I told him that we’d be delighted if he’d please take out the trash. He did so

and went back to his table for more coffee.

The next day, Everett came back and asked if he could work for a meal. I told him that we could use a dishwasher that

day and he smiled and said, “I’m good at dishes!” He asked if he could eat first as he hadn’t had anything since the day

before. I told him that was not a problem and ordered him a plate. After eating he went into the kitchen and started

washing dishes.

He has been back every day since, working all three hours we are open. We are giving him breakfast, lunch and a

dinner to take home.

I asked Everett to tell me a bit about himself. He said he was from Danville, 36 years old, and “in between” right now.

His car is not running and he is living in a friend’s old trailer with no water or electricity. “I’ll figure something out,” he

said. “I’m just glad to be eating regular now.”

Last week, Everett came into the Café with his sister and cousin. He came up to the counter and whispered that he

would like to treat his family to lunch but only had $3. I told him that was perfectly okay. He put his money in the

birdhouse and told his family that the food was great and to get whatever they wanted. He was beaming and so proud.

While they were waiting he gave them a tour of the Café, showed them the art on the walls, the kitchen where he works

and told them all about the Café and our mission.

Grace in action – our mission is working.

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As we have done for the past several years, we will again be inviting Centre College students to join Centre

affiliated members of the congregation (alums as well as currently employed or retired professors, staff &

administrators) for lunch in Fellowship Hall following the 11:00 service on the 2nd Sunday of each month.

This is a wonderful opportunity for members of our congregation to meet and chat with current Centre

students and a great opportunity for these students to connect with the many members of our congregation

who are a part of life at Centre College.

The 2015/16 schedule for 2nd Sunday lunches is as follows:

SEPTEMBER 13 – This has been designated “Centre College Sunday”.


NOVEMBER 14 – NOTE: Instead of our usual 2nd Sunday lunch Nov. 8, we will encourage students to join

us that day for our combined service at 10 a.m., followed by lunch for the whole congregation. In addition,

students will be encouraged to participate in Soups on Us November 14 and then stay for a specially

prepared brunch afterwards.





WE are looking forward to seeing Centre College students back amongst us at The Presbyterian Church!

Hannah McIntyre, Sara Egge, Kari Young and Mary Beth Garriott


If you've been considering membership at The Presbyterian Church (or even if you're already a member) and

want to know more about our church and its place in the community and the world, come to the Library

(Room 122) at 9:30 on Sept 13 and 20. You'll hear from church members and pastors about what we believe,

where we came from, and what we do in Christ's name. Come join us!


The Presbyterian Church’s Soups On Us team would like to invite our church family, friends and Centre

students to a Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, November 26 (time TBD). Many of you have family

gatherings for Thanksgiving, which is where you need to be, but if you are free this year and would like to be

part of our church family, please consider joining us. There also will be various opportunities to help – kitchen,

nursery, set-up, clean up and decorations.

Sign up sheets will be available in October. If you have any questions feel free to contact Karen Moore or Jo Ann Fisher.

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JOIN A DINNER GROUP If you are hungry for food, fun and fellowship you are invited. Any adult is welcome married, single, divorced or widowed.

Everyone that signs up will be randomly assigned to a DINNER GROUP of eight with whom they will have a meal four

times during the coming year. Each meal will be hosted by a different member of the group. The meals can be potluck,

brunch, a picnic, restaurant, etc.

The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. For more information call Andrea Perkins 1-

859-748-8449 or Lynn Copp 236-3080

Sign up now! The DEADLINE is September 20, 2015



On September 24, The Legacy Fund will host a free catered dinner at the church for those interested in learning more

about The Presbyterian Foundation. Lisa Longo, our regional Ministry Relation officer of The Presbyterian Foundation,

will give the program following the meal. This will be an opportunity to learn about The Presbyterian Foundation and to

update us on current planned giving strategies.

Lisa has kindly agreed to come earlier to meet with people who wish to talk to her privately about their particular long

range planned giving goals. She will come at 3 p.m. and be available for seeing people from 3:30 p.m. through 5:30


Please contact the church office to make reservations for the dinner or and to let us know if you plan to stop by earlier to

meet with Lisa. If you need to contact Lisa by email her address is: [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you September 24th.

Don Porter, The Legacy Fund 859-324-5020


Thank you to all who have their Kroger cards linked to the church for the Kroger

Community Rewards program! Over the last 6 months, we have received $430 to benefit

our youth programming at the church. Because of this money we’ve been able to expand

our youth programming. The time has come however to renew your membership in the

programming. Please make sure you visit https://www.kroger.com/communityrewards to reenroll.


Wow! How lucky we are to have so many talented musicians in our congregation and our community to provide music for our services during the summer! Many thanks to the following people and their contributions:

Be sure to thank these people when you see them.

Meg Stohlmann, guitar and vocalist

Dudley Spoonamore, trombone

KY Governor’s School for the Arts

instrumental and vocal ensembles

Corbin Knight, violin

Luke Darville, cello

Joan Stansbury & Jesslyn Newhall,

piano and flute

Casey Huggins Smith, soprano

Kate Leahey & Elizabeth Nesmith,


Rich Stallings & Phillip Jones, guitarists

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Joe Amburgey Anne Byrom Louise Cox Alice Davis

Jean Crawford Griffin

Paula Hill Katie Kneisley Connie Musser Guy Richardson

Evie Smith

Congratulations! Myra Sheene and Dan White

were married

August 8, 2015

As I am sure everyone has noticed, we have refreshed and refurbished the sanctuary. Our walls have been

repainted and the pews have been recovered. This may not seem like a very difficult task but, I think we

would all be surprised at how much time and thought went into the end result. We have a small but talented

group within our congregation who have an artistic eye for color and design. These women put their heads

together and researched fabrics across the country. If you look closely you will notice that the fabric on the

pews have a Greek cross. The paint was computer matched so that it would have the same look we have

loved for so long. These women are just a few of the talented members of our congregation that silently give

of their time. We want to thank Joanie Lukins, Nancy Martindale, Susan Jonas and Emily Clark for giving of

their time and talents.

Our next collection will be SUNDAY

September 13, 2015

Collection for August $1,230.67

Collection for 2015 $8,014.99

Please prayerfully consider

making a donation to help feed the hungry. Thank you!

Please continue to collect "Box Tops

for Education".

Thank you!

Local Mission Committee

We are receiving food donations for the

Salvation Army in the food basket in the

Walnut Street Foyer.

Thank you!

Remember our ill

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MUSIC ON MAIN STREET I’m excited to announce the 2015-2016 Music on Main Street concert series. Mark your calendars and join us!


Sunday, October 25 3:00 p.m. Magie Smith & Rebecca Johnson, clarinet & flute duo Sunday, January 10 3:00 p.m. Lydia Graham, soprano

  Tuesday, April 19   7:00 p.m. The American Boychoir Wednesday, May 11 7:30 p.m. Stetson University Concert Choir


Have you recently moved? Disconnected your landline phone? Gotten a new cell phone number? Please contact the office to

update your contact information. 236-6692 or [email protected]


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SUNDAY MORNING VOLUNTEERS Nursery Volunteers September 6: Robin Voss September 13: Laura and James Russell September 20: Ed and Denise Rall September 27: Amy Wilson Greeter for the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service September: Scott Johnson Ushers for the 8:30 a.m. Worship Service September: Susan Shewmaker and Irvine Fox Ushers for the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service September: No information available *Indicates Head Usher Elder/Deacon of the Week September 6 None September 13 8:30: John Davis 11:00: Anastasia Knight and Scott Scutchfield September 20 8:30: Liz Orndorff 11:00 Mary Beth Garriott and Shane Wilson September 27 8:30: John Preston 11:00 Nancy Martindale and Charlie Boyd Lay Readers for September 8:30 a.m. Worship Service 1st Sunday: Sue Sullivan 2nd Sunday: David Shewmaker 3rd Sunday: Dale Kihlman 4th Sunday: Becky Gash Communion Prepares for 8:30 a.m. Worship Services September 13: Joe Schultz September 20: Jackie Stigall & Cole Miller September 27: Sue Cleveland

Lay Readers for 11:00 a.m. Worship Service September 6: Joanie Lukins September 13: Youth September 20: Nancy Ross-Stallings September 27: Jane Preston

Communion Schedule for 11:00 a.m., for September 6 (tray) Preparers: Karen and Dennis Moore Servers: *Bill Garriott, Mark Hoebelheinrich, Johnny Preston, Roger Hartner, Tom Quilligan, Tressa Brown, Mary Beth Garriott and Kim Ragland

September, 6, 2015 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Prov. 2:1-2, 8-9, 22-23; Ps. 125

James 2:1-10 (11-13) 14-17; Mark 7:24-37

September 13, 2015 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Prov. 1: 20-33; Ps. 19; James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38

September 20, 2015

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Prov. 31:10-31; Ps. 1; James 3:13-4:3, 7 - 8a

Mark 9:30—37

September 27, 2015 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ester 7:1-6, 9-10; 9:20-22; Ps. 124 James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50

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CALENDAR Tuesday, September 1 Wednesday, Sept 2 9:30 AM Beginning Yoga 10:00 AM AA Meeting 6:00 PM Adult Choir Potluck 7:00 PM Adult Choir Thursday, September 3 6:00 PM Life Support Meeting Friday, September 4 10:00 AM AA Meeting Saturday, September 5 Sunday, September 6 Church Picnic/Kickoff Sunday 10:00 AM Worship with Eucharist 9:30 PM Get Centred Monday, September 7 Labor Day Church Office Closed 10:00 AM AA Meeting Tuesday, September 8 10:00 AM Presby Pillow Talk 7:00 PM SESSION MEETING Wednesday, September 9 9:30 AM Beginning Yoga 10:00 AM AA Meeting 7:00 PM Adult Choir Thursday, September 10 6:00 PM Facilities Committee 6:00 PM Life Support Meeting Friday, September 11 10:00 AM AA Meeting Saturday, September 12 9:00 AM Soups On Us Sunday, September 13 Centre Sunday Cents-Ability Offering 8:30 AM Worship with Eucharist 9:30 AM Sunday School Kickoff 11:00 AM Worship 5:30 PM Sunday Evening Fellowship/PYC Kickoff 9:30 PM Get Centred Monday, September 14 10:00 AM AA Meeting

6:00 PM Budget and Finance 7:00 PM Worldwide Mission Meeting Tuesday, September 15 7:00 AM Men's Breakfast Wednesday, September 16 9:30 AM Beginning Yoga 10:00 AM AA Meeting 7:00 PM Adult Choir Thursday, September 17 12:00 PM Communications Meeting 6:00 PM Arnold Tower Meal (Thursday Morning Bible Study) 6:00 PM Life Support Meeting Friday, September 18 10:00 AM AA Meeting Saturday, September 19 8:00 PM Norton Center Event Sunday, September 20 8:30 AM Worship with Eucharist 9:30 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 5:30 PM Sunday Evening Fellowship/PYC 9:30 PM Get Centred Monday, September 21 Salt Shaker Deadline 10:00 AM AA Meeting Tuesday, September 22 10:00 AM Presby Pillow Talk 7:00 PM Local Mission Wednesday, September 23 9:30 AM Beginning Yoga 10:00 AM AA Meeting 7:00 PM Adult Choir Thursday, September 24 6:00 PM Life Support Meeting 6:00 PM Presbyterian Foundation Dinner 7:00 PM Worship and Music Committee Friday, September 25 10:00 AM AA Meeting 5:30 PM Parent's Night Out Saturday, September 26

Sunday, September 27 8:30 AM Worship with Eucharist 9:30 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship 5:30 PM Sunday Evening Fellowship/PYC 9:30 PM Get Centred Monday, September 28 10:00 AM AA Meeting 7:00 PM Deacon's Meeting Tuesday, September 29 Wednesday, September 30 9:30 AM Beginning Yoga 10:00 AM AA Meeting 7:00 PM Adult Choir

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THEPRESBYTERIANCHURCH500WestMainStreetDanville,KY40422Email:[email protected]:www.presbydan.orgChurch:859‐236‐6692Fax:859‐236‐6360

JimStewart:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

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THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 500 West Main Street Danville, KY 40422 859-236-6692