KARPATY MEATS & DELI 536 BANNERMAN AVE. Phone: (204) 586-1395 (at McGregor St.) Tuesday – Friday: Winnipeg, Manitoba 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. R2W 0V6 Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. “Independently owned” 1442 Main Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3V7 Ph: 586-8044 www.cropo.com Serving the Ukrainian Catholic Community For over 50 Years Ivan’s AUTOBODY IVAN PECUH 811 Murray Ave Winnipeg, MB, R2V 4S7 Tel: 334-4754 Fax: 338-3705 COLLISION, GLASS REPLACEMENT, RESTORATION, INSURANCE CLAIMS; GALARNYK INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 696 McGregor Street Winnipeg, MB R2V 3T8 Mon to Fri 9:00 – 6:30 Sat 9:00 – 2:30 S erv ing t he Communi t y f or ov e r 4 0 y ears (204) 582-7891 “The Financial Institution of choice for Manitoban’s Ukrainian Community” 950 Main St. 80-2200 McPhillips St. 1341-A Henderson Hwy. 1375 Grant Ave. 1-850 Regent Ave. West Ph: (204) 989-7400 www.carpathiacu.mb.ca ПРОПОНУЄМО ПОВНИЙ ОБСЯГ ФІНАНСОВИХ ПОСЛУГ Українська Католицька Парафія Покровa Пресвятої Богородиці Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish (EST. 1922) Contact Information: Pastor: Rev. Volodmyr Bashutskyy (204) 582-7535 Chair Parish Executive: Glen Henkewich (204) 633-1502 UCWLC President: Janet Kuchma (204) 582 5932 Men’s Club President: John Natyna (204) 339-9366 Catechism Coordinator: Teresa Hryndzio (204) 334-4298 Perogy Committee President: Myron Fedoruk (204) 338-7243 Parish Van Coordinator: Jerry Pilipowicz (204) 582-7570 College Ave Hall Rental: John Kutcher (204) 589-7152 Church Auditorium: (204) 582-4466 Auditorium Rental: (204) 582-7535 College Ave Hall: (204) 586-3032 Office Hours: Tues-Fri 10:00am-2:00pm; Call before coming Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals: By Appointment Only BVM Church [email protected] blessedvirginmaryparishwpg.ca 965 Boyd Ave. R2X 0Z9 Sunday, September 16, 2018 Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Неділя 16 вересня 2018 Неділя по Воздвиженні Чесного ХРЕСТА Bulletin Issue: #36/52 (735) Divine Liturgies: Weekdays: 9:00am; Saturday: 5:00pm (English); Sunday: 10:00am (Bilingual) Tel:(204) 582-7535 Fax:(204) 582-4647

September 16, 2018 · 2018. 9. 17. · to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You. ... Твій. Тропар воскресений

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Page 1: September 16, 2018 · 2018. 9. 17. · to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You. ... Твій. Тропар воскресений


536 BANNERMAN AVE. Phone: (204) 586-1395

(at McGregor St.) Tuesday – Friday:

Winnipeg, Manitoba 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

R2W 0V6 Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

“Independently owned”

1442 Main Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba R2W 3V7

Ph: 586-8044


Serving the Ukrainian Catholic Community For over 50 Years

Ivan’s AUTOBODY IVAN PECUH 811 Murray Ave

Winnipeg, MB, R2V 4S7

Tel: 334-4754

Fax: 338-3705




INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. 696 McGregor Street Winnipeg, MB R2V 3T8

Mon to Fri 9:00 – 6:30

Sat 9:00 – 2:30

Serving the Community

for over 4

0 years

(204) 582-7891

“The Financial Institution of choice for

Manitoban’s Ukrainian Community”

950 Main St.

80-2200 McPhillips St.

1341-A Henderson Hwy.

1375 Grant Ave.

1-850 Regent Ave. West

Ph: (204) 989-7400



Українська Католицька Парафія Покровa Пресвятої Богородиці

Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Parish (EST. 1922)

Contact Information:

Pastor: Rev. Volodmyr Bashutskyy (204) 582-7535

Chair Parish Executive: Glen Henkewich (204) 633-1502

UCWLC President: Janet Kuchma (204) 582 5932

Men’s Club President: John Natyna (204) 339-9366

Catechism Coordinator: Teresa Hryndzio (204) 334-4298

Perogy Committee President: Myron Fedoruk (204) 338-7243

Parish Van Coordinator: Jerry Pilipowicz (204) 582-7570

College Ave Hall Rental: John Kutcher (204) 589-7152

Church Auditorium: (204) 582-4466

Auditorium Rental: (204) 582-7535

College Ave Hall: (204) 586-3032

Office Hours: Tues-Fri 10:00am-2:00pm; Call before coming

Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals: By Appointment Only

BVM Church

[email protected] blessedvirginmaryparishwpg.ca

965 Boyd Ave. R2X 0Z9

Sunday, September 16, 2018 Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Неділя 16 вересня 2018 Неділя по Воздвиженні Чесного ХРЕСТА

Bulletin Issue: #36/52 (735)

Divine Liturgies: Weekdays: 9:00am; Saturday: 5:00pm (English); Sunday: 10:00am (Bilingual)

Tel:(204) 582-7535 Fax:(204) 582-4647

Page 2: September 16, 2018 · 2018. 9. 17. · to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You. ... Твій. Тропар воскресений

Verse: In Judea God is known; His name is great in


Epistle: A reading from the letter of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Galatians (2: 16 - 20) Brothers and Sisters: Knowing that a man is not justified by legal observance but by faith in Jesus Christ, we too have believed in him in order to be justified by faith in Christ, not by observance of the law; for by works of the law no one will be jus-tified. But if, in seeking to be justified in Christ, we are shown to be sinners does that mean that Christ is encouraging sin? Unthinkable! If, how-ever, I were to build up the very things I had de-molished, I should then indeed be a transgressor. It was through the law that I died to the law, to live for God. I have been crucified with Christ, and the life I live now is not my own; Christ is living in me. I still live my human life, but it is a life of faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Alleluia Verses: Come, let us rejoice in the Lord; let

us acclaim God our Savior.

Let us come before His countenance with praise

and acclaim Him with psalms

Gospel: Mark 8:34 - 9:1 Instead of "Indeed it is fitting… ": My soul, extol the venerable cross of the Lord. O Mother of God, you are a hidden paradise which mysteriously brought forth Christ by whom a life-giving tree of the cross has been planted on earth. Today this cross is being exalted, and we, adoring it, glorify You. Communion Hymn: The Light of Your face, o Lord, is raised over us. Praise the Lord from the heavens; praise Him in the highest. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

First Antiphon: My God, my God, look upon me, why have You forsaken me? Why can't my sinful words reach You, my salvation. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, o Sav-

iour, save us.

When I cry to You during the day, O my God, You do not listen, and there is no rest for me at night. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, o Sav-

iour, save us.

Nonetheless You are there in the holy place, o Israel's boast. Through the prayers of the Mother of God, o Sav-

iour, save us.

Glory be to the Father. .. Only Begotten Son. .

Third Antiphon: Regular but with the following


O Son of God, crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to You: Alleluia! Tropar of the Exaltation, Tone 1: Save Your peo-ple, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance. Grant vic-tory to Your faithful people against enemies, and protect Your community by Your cross. Tropar Tone 8: You came down from on high, O Merciful One,* and accepted three days of burial* to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the

Holy Spirit, now and for ever and ever, Amen!

Kondak Tone 8: When You rose from the tomb, You also raised the dead and resurrected Adam.* Eve exults in Your resurrection,* and the ends of the world celebrate Your rising from the dead,* O most merciful One. Instead of: "Holy God...": To Your cross, o Master, we bow in veneration, and we glorify Your holy Resurrection. Prokimen Tone 8: Pray and Give praise to the Lord our God.

Перший Антифон: Боже, мій Боже, чому мене, покинув? Стоїш Далеко від спасіння мого, від слів мого зойку. Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.

Боже мій, кличу я вдень, не відповідаєш, а й уночі я теж не вгаваю. Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.

Таж ти святий, возсідаєш на хвалах Ізраїлевих. Молитвами Богородиці, Спасе, спаси нас.

Слава Отцю .... Єдинородний Сину ....

Третій Антифон: Звичайний 3-ий Антифон, але

з цим припівом:

Спаси нас, Сину Божий, що плоттю розп'явся, співаємо Тобі: Алилуя. Тропар Воздвиження, глас 1: Спаси, Господи, людей Твоїх і благослови спадкоємство Твоє! Дай перемогу благовірному народові над супротивниками і хрестом Твоїм охорони люд Твій. Тропар воскресений глас 8: З висоти зійшов Ти, Милосердний,* і триденне погебення прийняв Ти,* щоб нас звільнити від страждань.* Життя і воскресіння наше, Господи слава тобі! Слава Отцю, і Сину, і Святому Дохові, і нині і

повсякчас, і на віки вічні. Амінь.

Кондак воскресний: Коли ти воскрес із гробу,* то й померлих підняв,* і Адама воскресив; радіє Єва во ск рес і ння м Тво є з мерт вих воскресінням,* Благомилостивий. Замість “Святий Боже...” Хресту Твоєму поклоняємось, Владико, і святеє воскресіння Твоє славим. Прокімен, глас 8: Помопіться і хвалу віддайте Господеві, Богу нашому.

Стих: Відомий Бог у Юдеї, в Ізраїлі велике ім’я Його. Апостол: До Галатів послання святого апостола Павла читання (2: 16 - 20) Браття і Сестри! Довідавшися, що людина оправдується не ділами закону, а через віру в Ісуса Христа, ми й увірували в Христа Ісуса, щоб оправдатися нам вірою в Христа, а не ділами закону; бо ніхто не оправдається ділами закону. Коли ж, шукаючи оправдання у Христі, виявилося, що й ми самі грішники, то невже Христос, служитель гріха? Жадним Робом! Бо коли я знову відбудовую те, що зруйнував був, то я себе самого оголошую переступником. Я бо через закон для закону вмер, щоб для Господа жити: я - розп'ятий з Христом. Живу вже не я, а живе Христос у мені. А що живу тепер у тілі, то вірою в Божого Сина, який полюбив мене й видав себе за мене.

Стихи на Алилуя: Прийдіте, радісно

заспіваймо Господеві, воскликнім Богу,

Спасителеві нашому.

Прийдімо з похвалами перед обличчя Його, і

псалмами воскликнім Иого.

Євангелія: Марко 8: 34 - 9:1 Замість "Достойно . . . .": Величай, душе моя, пречесний хрест Господній. Таїнственний рай ти, Богородице, що невоздільно виростила Христа. Він на землі насадив хресне життєносне дерево. Йому, що його нині возносять, поклоняючись, тебе величаємо! Причасний: Знаменувалося на нас світло лиця Твого Господи. Хваліте Господа з небес, хваліте Його на висотах. Алилуя! Алилуя! Алилуя!

Sunday September 16, 2018 Sunday After the Exaltation of the Holy Cross Неділя 16 вересня 2018 Неділя по Воздвиженні Чесного ХРЕСТА

Page 3: September 16, 2018 · 2018. 9. 17. · to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You. ... Твій. Тропар воскресений

Schedule of Services from September 16 to September 23, 2018

Sunday Services: Sunday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Sat. Sept 15 NO SERVICE (Next Service on Saturday, September 22, 2018 at 5 pm )

Sun. Sept 16 9:00am: Catechism

9:30am: Confession

10:00am: Divine Liturgy

For Health and God’s Blessings for all parishioners

Mon. Sept 17 9:00am: For the Late +John Bodnar (1 Year) from his family

Tues. Sept 18 9:00am: For the Late +Stephanie Bilyj from Agnes Yasenko

Wed. Sept 19

Thurs. Sept 20

Fri. Sept 21

Sat. Sept 22 9:00am: For the late +Ron Nelson (40 Days)

from Lorna, Andrew, John & Christy

Sunday Services: 18TH Sunday after Pentecost

Sat. Sept 22 5:00pm Divine Liturgy

For Health and God’s Blessings for all parishioners

Sun. Sept 23 9:00am: Catechism

9:30am: Confession

10:00am: Divine Liturgy

For Health and God’s Blessings for all parishioners

VICHNA LYAMPA (ETERNAL LIGHT IN SANCTUARY): For a recovery of illness for Sandra Rybachok from Agnes Yasenko & Family

Available dates in October: 7, 14, 21, 28 ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD VIGIL LAMP:

Available dates in October: 7, 14, 21, 28 ICON OF OUR LORD VIGIL LAMP:

Available dates in September: 23 & October: 7, 14, 21, 28

Please pray for the following sick & shut-in Parishioners from BVM:

"Oh God, Our Father we pray You restore to physical health those of our parishioners who are weakened with illness, give peace of mind to those troubled with worry and comfort to those discouraged with problems. Help them find in the days of their strength, a faith and trust in You and a love for one another to guide them through any health challenges or troubles they may face". Amen.

Shut-ins: Stella Demedash,

Holy Family Nursing Home: Stephania Demkiw, Lorraine Putasnick, Olga Dilay, Anna Kmet, Olga Palmer, Father Edward Evanko, Mary Popiel

Maples Care Home: Murray Balagus; Joseph Bodnar, Helen Trafiak, William Tom-chuk, Anna Paslawsky

Fred Douglas Lodge: Olive Pollock

Date & Time Greeters Eucharistic Ministers Epistle Readers

September 16, 2018

(10:00 am)


Welcome Ruslan Bobelyak

Simeon Rusnak

Alexander Hryndzio

September 23, 2018

(10:00 am)


Welcome John Natyna

Andriy Bobelyak

Nazar Bobelyak


Sunday Collection: $875.00; Envelopes: 48; Direct Deposit Parishioners 17

College Hall rental: $600.00; Church Auditorium Rental: $250.00; Church Donation: $25.00

EXPENSES: Total: $4,102.55

The Parish Pilgrim Icon of the Miraculous Lady of Pochaiv September 16-30: Agnes Yasenko

September 30-October 7: Bernice Kulbaba If you are interested in welcoming the Parish Pilgrim Icon of the Miraculous Lady of Pochaiv into your home for a one or two week Spiritual experience,

please contact Frances Bodnar: (204) 633-4662 or [email protected]

No Daily Liturgies from Wed. September 19 to Fri. September 21.

Father Bashutskyy will be away for the Annual Clergy Retreat. For emergencies you may call the parish at 204-582-7535 or Redemptorist or Basilian Fathers.

Page 4: September 16, 2018 · 2018. 9. 17. · to free us from our sufferings.* O Lord, our life and our resurrection,* glory be to You. ... Твій. Тропар воскресений

To receive the weekly bulletin by email, scan the QR code on the right with your Smartphone or visit http://bit.ly/bvmemail to sign up. For more information contact Nick Szun: [email protected]


Donor(s) Intention $ Amount

Glenn & Anne Rusnak In Memory of + Ron Nelson $25.00

The Knights of Columbus, the Canon Luhovy Assembly, has created an Educational Foundation, the purpose of which is to assist financially any member of the Ukrain-ian Catholic community who is enrolled in a post-secondary (University or College)

or a private catholic secondary school program. Assistance is also offered to anyone pursu-ing a vocation or wishing to enhance their educational profile. The closing date for receipt of application is September 30, 2018. For application please contact Father Bashutskyy in per-son or call parish office at (204)582-7535.

Life's Vision's Annual Life Hike Join us in the walk to support LIFE! Saturday, September 22, 2018 at St. Timothy's Parish (South St. Vital), 135 John Forsyth Rd. Registration is at 9:00 am and walk begins at 10:00 am. Leaving and returning to the church. Fun for the whole family. A barbecue lunch will follow the walk. There will be a bake sale and raffle/auction. Donations of baked goods for the sale would be gratefully accepted and can be brought to St. Timothy's on the day of the hike between 8:30 & 9:30 am. If you are able to do-nate any items appropriate for the raffle/auction, please call Life's Vision at (204) 233-8047 by September 19th. Pledge forms are available by calling the office or online at lifesvision.ca

Blessed Virgin Mary Parish invites you and your family and friends to a Perogy Fundraising Lunch on Friday, September 21 from 11:30 to 1:30 p.m.

6 perogies, dessert & beverage are $6.00 and 12 perogies, dessert & beverage are $10.00. Take out is also available and this may be pre-ordered so that it

will be ready when you arrive. Contact Frances Bodnar @ (204) 633-4662 or [email protected] for pre-orders or for more

information. Everyone is welcome. We hope to see you there. If you are interested in helping out at this event please contact Janet Kuchma @ (204) 582-5932 or

[email protected].

The Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League

Invites all parishioners and friends to the annual

Church Praznyk (Dinner) Sunday, September 30, 2018

following the 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

Adults: $15.00 , Children (6-12 years) $5.00 Children (under 5 years) FREE!!!

Please come and enjoy a delicious dinner with fellow parishioners!

A Divine Liturgy & Panakhyda Service for the late +Rt. Rev. Mitrat Semczuk

Will take place on Tuesday, September 25 @ 7:00 p.m. @ Sts. Peter & Paul.

All UCWLC members are encouraged to attend.

There will be a short reception/meeting to follow.

The Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Perogy Committee

Would like to thank all who helped to peel potatoes & to make perogies

With your dedicated help 695 dozen perogies were made!

May God bless you for your time and effort with this important church fundraising event!

Romanetz 40th Anniversary Celebration

Location: Sts Peter and Paul Parish Center, 400 Marion Street, Winnipeg

September 22, doors open @ 6:00 pm, dinner @ 6:45

Showtime: 8:00 pm

Tickets: Adults - $50, children (12 & under) - $25, support - $10

Dinner by M&S Meats, performances by Romanetz members and

alumni & guest performers Lyra

Zabava to follow, ending at 1:00am

Cash bar, silent auction and late lunch offered as well.

Contact [email protected] for tickets!