September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 1 Mr. Douglass Bitteker, President - Presiding PRESENT: Aziz Ahsan, Esq., Dr. Chandani, Mrs. Jiava, Mr. Lumia, Mrs. McGeary, Mr. McMahon, Mrs. McNamara and Mrs. Shultz ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Powell, COS, Mrs. Ohliger, Mr. Rosato, Mrs. Vasquez, Mr. DeHay, Mr. Pochintesta, Holly Siebert There were approximately 30 students, teachers, staff and community members present. Mr. Bitteker called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Mr. Lumia moved, seconded by Dr. Chandani, to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing matters leading to the discipline of a particular person and the employment history of a particular person. ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Vote taken. Unanimous approval by all Board members present. Mrs. McNamara arrives at 6:59 p.m. Mr. McMahon moved, seconded by Aziz Ahsan, Esq., to close Executive Session and resume Public Session. Vote taken. Unanimous approval. CLOSE EXECUTIVE SESSION Respectfully Submitted, _____________________________ Mrs. Marilynn Shultz Vice President, Board of Education Mr. Bitteker opened Public Session at 7:37 p.m. OPEN PUBLIC SESSION

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Page 1: September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting … › ny › wcsd › Board.nsf › legacy-content...September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board

September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 1 Mr. Douglass Bitteker, President - Presiding PRESENT: Aziz Ahsan, Esq., Dr. Chandani, Mrs. Jiava, Mr. Lumia, Mrs. McGeary, Mr. McMahon, Mrs. McNamara and Mrs. Shultz ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Powell, COS, Mrs. Ohliger, Mr. Rosato, Mrs. Vasquez, Mr. DeHay, Mr. Pochintesta, Holly Siebert There were approximately 30 students, teachers, staff and community members present. Mr. Bitteker called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. CALL TO

ORDER Mr. Lumia moved, seconded by Dr. Chandani, to adjourn to Executive Session for the purpose of discussing matters leading to the discipline of a particular person and the employment history of a particular person.


Vote taken. Unanimous approval by all Board members present. Mrs. McNamara arrives at 6:59 p.m. Mr. McMahon moved, seconded by Aziz Ahsan, Esq., to close Executive Session and resume Public Session. Vote taken. Unanimous approval.


Respectfully Submitted, _____________________________ Mrs. Marilynn Shultz Vice President, Board of Education Mr. Bitteker opened Public Session at 7:37 p.m. OPEN PUBLIC


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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 2 Communications COMMUNICATIONSFrom the Board Mr. Bitteker – asks for moment of silence for Gilbert Unger – a gentleman and kind soul – took video of Board meetings for many years.

Mr. Bitteker – received a letter from Johanna Hudak this morning regarding Special Education grants; 611, 619, 611 ARRA and 619 ARRA. After speaking with the VESID Special Education Budget & Finance Unit, Mrs. Hudak was informed that the district would hear something in about 7 to 10 days. Mrs. Hudak explained how the District was planning on using the 611 ARRA funds to restore 1.5 social worker positions.

Mr. McMahon – I see that Mrs. Lazarus is in the audience. It is good to hear that your son is making good strides and improvement.

Mr. Lumia – received an email from a Special Education teacher regarding testing of special education students. I concur with this teacher and support her totally. I will make this an issue at the next DCSBA meeting I attend – perhaps we can write a letter to the governor and consortium. Mr. Bitteker and I attended a DCSBA meeting two weeks ago – at the meeting we were informed on what is being done in the county for swine flu prevention. I have spoke with Dr. Chandani and Mrs. Jiava (as part of the Board’s Health Education and Wellness Committee) to come up with a plan. I would like to comment on President Obama’s address – I commend him – it was positive – I hope that every parent gives their child the chance to hear it.

Mrs. McNamara – I would like to welcome everyone back and I wish all a successful school year.

From the Public Mr. Unger – comments on Open Houses; the field trip on the agenda for approval; the BOCES course on agenda for approval (integrate science with cosmetology – is that really what kids need).

Presentations PRESENTATIONS Update of 9th Grade Teaming – Sydnie Vazquez UPDATE ON 9TH

GRADE TEAMING (please see PowerPoint Presentation contained in BoardDocs) Dr. Thomas – introduces Mrs. Vazquez. She states that the

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 3 reason the program has worked so well is because of Mrs. Vazquez. Comments/Questions From Board: Mr. McMahon – can you attribute what the increase at RCK in Math was? Implemented this year AIS in Math. Identified students this year who did not score well on their 8th grade test; we’ve divided them into four sections; they meet every other day in an AIS section. What statistics have shown is that what they really need is practice on those skills. We’re implementing some technology based software. What’s unique about it is that it differentiates the learning for each child. There’s a list of objectives that the teacher sets – as the student meets his/her objective they move on. So even if you had a group of 4 or 5 students working on a certain objective, if one meets the objective they move on, the others may stay. Even with the same objective they might be working on a different problem. It’s a very unique program. With regard to your goals – you mentioned empower teachers to handle disciplinary issues at the classroom level. Your thoughts on how you were going to implement that versus what’s going on now. I want to work with the teachers to help them address issues in the classrooms so that the student sees them as the boss not me. Because I think that when students are kicked out of class and they’re sitting in my office; #1 they’re not getting instruction; #2 it sends the wrong message to the student from the teacher. I want to help teachers in terms of classroom management to help them keep these kids in the classroom.

Mrs. Shultz – thanks for the presentation and everything that you’re doing. Is there a reason why teachers in 10th, 11th, & 12th can’t do similar activities as far as the students in their class that are maybe not doing what they should be – maybe they could find out what their schedule is and talk to the teachers that have those children in their classes so that they could do similar type things – I think that may be beneficial, but I’m not sure. For the students in 10th grade AIS social studies and English we did our best to link those kids with the same teacher they had for AIS that happens in the 9th grade. Once kids get into 10th, 11th and 12th grade there are so many options for them to take academically – it’s very hard to create a team approach. However, those students that are at risk we have done work to have the student have that teacher twice, and they will of course, continue to work with guidance. The guidance counselors are involved at all levels it’s just a different format for the 9th grade academy.

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 4 Mr. Bitteker – I’m comparing data – global 1 @RCK 2007-08 – 51 failed. 63 students failed and 36 failed this year. What was the number of students that took it in 2007-08 and 2008-09 - was that the number of students that took that course? Was that constant? We can get you the %.

Mr. Lumia – how often do teachers meet? They are supposed to meet once a week. It ends up being more then once a week if issues come up with those students. Since we’ve been in school the teachers have been meeting everyday to prepare for open house. Do you recommend that they meet more than once a week? Absolutely. I’d like them to meet everyday but the issue is coverage in the bldg. because teachers are relieved of their duties every day that they meet for a team meeting. So it becomes a supervision issue and it definitely impacts the bldg. when 9th grade teachers are relieved of duty. Obviously there is very important work going on here but someone does need to stand in the cafeteria monitor the students.

Mrs. McNamara – if a student has an issue with a particular subject but does well in all their other subjects, if they call for a meeting with the teacher - do they just meet with that particular teacher? No. It’s a team approach. And the parents seem to like to meet with all the teachers at once. It’s important for the parent to hear positive things – even if child was struggling with just one subject. Sometimes parents aren’t able to hear the positive things that are going on in other subjects.

Summer School Update – Rodger DeHay SUMMER SCHOOL

UPDATE (please see PowerPoint Presentation contained in BoardDocs) Comments/Questions From Board: Mr. Lumia – passing course or regents? I didn’t do anything with regents. How did that put them back on track? ---

Mrs. McNamara – I think its terrific. Last year if the 7th grades failed ---- We receive aid in the year following – each 90 min. session you would get 12% in foundation aid. I would like to have COS do a presentation on this. We could do a break even analysis.

Mr. Lumia – what was the smallest class? Six.

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 5 Special Voting Meeting SPECIAL VOTING

MEETING Mrs. McGeary moved, seconded by Mrs. Jiava, to adjourn to a Special Voting Meeting.

Vote taken. Unanimous approval. Consent Agenda CONSENT AGENDA Mrs. McGeary moved, seconded by Mrs. McNamara, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Board of Education does hereby adopt the following Consent Agenda Items:12.0, 13. A, B (with the exception of #7), C, E, H, I, J AND K.

Vote taken. Unanimous approval. Old Business OLD BUSINESS CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 12.0

WHEREAS the minutes of the Reorganization Meeting/Special Voting Meeting were approved at the Board meeting of August 24, 2009; and WHEREAS the names listed under the Audit/Finance Committee were listed as: Mrs. McGeary, Mrs. Shultz and Mr. Lumia; and WHEREAS Mr. Bitteker, President, Board of Education, has now informed the District Clerk of a correction to this list; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education authorize the District Clerk to revise said list of Audit/Finance Committee members to reflect the following: Mrs. McGeary, Mrs. Shultz, Mr. McMahon.


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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 6 New Business



RESOLVED that the reading of the Support Personnel List be waived and the Resignations, Leaves of Absence, 2009-2010 COS Salary Increases, Probationary Appointments, Temporary Appointments, Substitutes and Continuation of Emergency Conditional Appointments be approved as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.


Support Staff Personnel List Resignation 1. Name: Cheryl Devine

Position: Health Aide/Typist– 17.5 Hrs. Building/Garage: District Office Last Day of Service: 8/28/09 Effective Date of Resignation: 8/29/09

2. Name: Robert Garofalo Position: Hourly Bus Driver Building/Garage: Sheafe Road Garage Last Day of Service: 8/31/09 Effective Date of Resignation: 9/1/09

3. Name: Mary Hill Position: School Bus Monitor – 7.75 Hrs. Building/Garage: Transportation Last Day of Service: 8/17/09 Effective Date of Resignation: 8/18/09

4. Name: Peggy Jones Position: Food Service Helper – 3.75 Hrs. Building/Garage: Wappingers Jr. High Last Day of Service: 8/19/09 Effective Date of Resignation: 8/20/09

5. Name: Ana Monti Position: School Bus Monitor – 6 Hrs. Building/Garage: Transportation Garage

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 7

Last Day of Service: 8/31/09 Effective Date of Resignation: 9/1/09

6. Name: Shelia Russel Position: Hourly Bus Driver Building/Garage: Transportation Last Day of Service: 8/5/09 Effective Date of Resignation: 8/21/09

7. Name: Gary Tompkins Position: Hourly Bus Driver Building/Garage: Fishkill Plains Last Day of Service: 8/26/09 Effective Date of Resignation: 8/27/09

8. Name: Anne Trerotola Position: Food Service Helper – 3.75 Hrs. Building/Garage: Roy Ketcham Senior High Last Day of Service: 6/24/09 Effective Date of Resignation: 9/2/09

Leave of Absence 9. Name: April Barhydt

Position: Custodian – 3rd Shift Building/Garage: Van Wyck Type of Leave: Medical - WC Leave Begins: 8/25/09 Leave Terminates: 10/26/09

10. Name: David McIntyre Position: Groundskeeper Building/Garage: RCK Annex Type of Leave: Medical Leave Begins: 8/06/09 Leave Terminates: 10/01/09

11. Name: Michael Murphy Position: Automotive Mechanic Building/Garage: Transportation Type of Leave: Medical - WC Leave Begins: 8/11/09 Leave Terminates: 9/11/09

12. Name: Dawn Perez Position: Food Service Helper PT – 5.25 Hrs. Building/Garage: Van Wyck Type of Leave: Medical Leave Begins: 9/14/09 Leave Terminates: 10/7/09

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 8

13. Name: Tara Privitera

Position: Custodian – 3rd Shift Building/Garage: Roy C. Ketcham Type of Leave: Medical Leave Begins: 9/2/09 Leave Terminates: 10/15/09

14. Name: Peter Ruvolo Position: Hourly Bus Driver Building/Garage: Fishkill Plains Type of Leave: Medical Leave Begins: 9/02/09 Leave Terminates: 9/29/09

15. Name: Barbara Tomlins Position: FT Driver – 10 Month Building/Garage: Fishkill Plains Type of Leave: Medical Leave Begins: 9/01/09 Leave Terminates: 10/01/09

16. Name: Alfred Vanwart Position: Hourly Bus Driver Building/Garage: Transportation Garage Type of Leave: Medical - WC Leave Begins: 9/9/09 Leave Terminates: 11/4/09 Currently on Leave: 7/22/09 Through: 9/2/09

2009-2010 COS Salary Increases 17. Salary increases for the Director of Human Resources and the School

Business Manager as per the memorandum dated 8/31/09 from the Superintendent of Schools to the Board of Education.

Unless indicated with an asterisk (*), the individuals listed below are being appointed under the Emergency Conditional Appointment amendment to the fingerprinting requirements. These appointments are subject to fingerprint and criminal history record clearance by the New York State Education Department and shall terminate after 20 school days unless such clearance is received. Probationary Appointments 18. Name: Karen Casucci

Position: School Monitor – 3.0 Hrs. Building/Garage: John Jay Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Ms. Casucci will be replacing Michael Reed who resigned from his position effective 6/24/09 (Reference 6/22/09).

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 9

Salary: $9.35/Hr.

19. Name: Marlene Delanoy Position: Teaching Assistant Building/Garage: Van Wyck Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Tenure Due: 9/15/12 Replacement Details: Ms. Delanoy will be filling the vacancy created by the resignation of Audrey Ryan. Ms. Ryan resigned from her position effective 9/8/09 (Reference 5/05/09). Salary: $17,092

20. Name: Joseph DiBasi Position: School Bus Monitor – 5.5 Hrs. Building/Garage: Transportation Garage Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Mr. DiBasi will be replacing Jessie Johnson who retired from her position effective 6/24/09 (Reference 3/23/09). Salary: $9.35/Hr.

21. Name: Richard Esposito Position: Hourly Bus Driver Building/Garage: Transportation Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Esposito will be replacing Shelia Russel who resigned from her position effective 8/20/09 (Reference Above). Salary: $21,059

22. Name: Erna Kenny Position: Health Aide/Typist Building/Garage: Fishkill/Fishkill Plains/Sheafe Road Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Ms. Kenny will be replacing Cheryl Devine who resigned from her position effective 8/29/09 (Reference Above). Salary: $13.86/Hr.

23. Name: Mary LaSorsa Position: Custodian – 3rd Shift Building/Garage: RCK Annex Probationary Period Begins: 10/01/09 Replacement Details: Ms. LaSorsa will be replacing Melvin Johnson who was appointed to a Custodian – 2nd Shift position effective 10/01/09 (Reference 8/24/09). Salary: $41,908

24. Name: Patricia Letteri Position: School Monitor – 3.5 Hrs. Building/Garage: John Jay High School

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 10

Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Ms. Letteri will be replacing Kim-Marie Porretto who resigned from her position effective 12/16/08 (Reference 1/12/09). Salary: $9.35/Hr.

25. Name: John Masselli Position: School Bus Monitor – 6.0 Hrs. Building/Garage: Transportation Garage Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Masselli will be replacing Vivian Sherow who retired from her position effective 6/24/09 (Reference 3/23/09). Salary: $9.35/Hr.

26. Name: Judith Miskovitz Position: Teaching Assistant Building/Garage: Fishkill Plains Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Tenure Due: 9/15/12 Replacement Details: Ms. Miskovitz will be filling the vacancy created by the resignation of Laura MacPhedran. Ms. MacPhedran resigned from her position effective 8/28/09 (Reference 8/24/09). Salary: $17,092

27. Name: Nannette Nodhturft Position: School Monitor – 2.5 Hrs. Building/Garage: Brinkerhoff Elementary Probationary Period Begins: 09/15/09 Replacement Details: Ms. Nodhturft will be replacing Kara Garrison who resigned from her position effective 8/7/09 (Reference 8/24/09). Salary: $9.35/Hr.

28. Name: Carl Nuessel Position: School Bus Monitor – 6.0 Hrs. Building/Garage: Transportation Garage Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Nuessel will be replacing Ana Monti who resigned from her position effective 8/31/09 (Reference above). Salary: $9.35/Hr.

29. Name: Larry Percival Position: School Bus Monitor – 6.0 Hrs. Building/Garage: Transportation Garage Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Percival will be replacing Carolyn Walsh who resigned from her position effective 6/19/09 (Reference 6/22/09). Salary: $9.35/Hr.

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 11 30. Name: Jack Sedita

Position: Hourly Bus Driver Building/Garage: Transportation Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Sedita will be replacing Robert Garofalo who resigned from his position effective 8/26/09 (Reference Above). Salary: $21,059

31. Name: Anthony Solicito Position: School Bus Monitor – 7.75 Hrs. Building/Garage: Transportation Garage Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Solicito will be replacing Mary Hill who resigned from her position effective 8/17/09 (Reference above). Salary: $9.35/Hr.

32. Name: Tom Teresi Position: Hourly Bus Driver Building/Garage: Transportation Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Teresi will be replacing Gary Tompkins who resigned from his position effective 8/26/09 (Reference Above). Salary: $21,059

33. Name: Laura Weinert Position: Account Clerk/Typist Building/Garage: Special Education Office – District Office Probationary Period Begins: 9/22/09 Replacement Details: Ms. Weinert will fill a newly created position which was created when Cheryl Hawks was transferred to the special education office at Gayhead Elementary. This position is federally funded by the 611 grant. Salary: $29,508

Temporary Appointments 34. Name: Lester Sawyer

Position: Automotive Mechanic Building/Garage: Main Garage Temporary Appointment Extended Through: 9/11/09 Temporary Assignment Began: 2/24/09 Through: 8/27/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Sawyer will be replacing Michael Murphy whose Medical Absence has been extended through 9/11/09 (Reference Above). Salary: $45,246

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 12 35.

Name: Malcolm Worthington Position: Hourly Bus Driver Building/Garage: Fishkill Plains Date of Hire: 9/15/09 Replacement Details: Mr. Worthington will be replacing Peter Ruvolo who is currently on a Medical Leave of Absence through 9/29/09 (Reference Above). Salary: $21,059

Substitutes Name Position Date 36. Graff, Caron School Monitor Substitute 9/15/09 37. Lane, Janet Teaching Assistant Substitute 9/15/09 38. Lazenka, Esther Food Service Helper Substitute 9/15/09 39. Nuessle, Carl School Bus Monitor Substitute 9/15/09 40. Signor, Angela Teaching Assistant 9/15/09 41. Worthington, Malcolm Bus Driver Substitute 9/15/09 Continuation of Emergency Conditional Appointments Name Position Date of Board Appointment Clearance Status 42. Salese, Angelica FSH Sub 10/14/08 reprinted 8/27/09 43. Ross, Amelia Bus Mon Sub 8/3/09 being processed 44. Rampert, Barbara FSH Sub 8/24/09 being processed 45. Smith, Emma Custodian 8/24/09 Being processed CONSENT AGENDA ITEM #13 B

RESOLVED that the reading of the Administrative/Teaching Personnel List be waived and the Resignation, Leave of Absence, Leave of Absence - Teacher-in-Charge, Probationary Appointments, Full-Time Temporary Appointment, Part-Time Temporary Appointment, Part-Time Temporary Appointments - Sixth Class Assignment, 2009-2010 COS Salary Increases, Temporary Teacher-In-Charge Appointment, 2009-10 Fall Coaching Appointments, 2009-2010 Fall Continuing Education Teacher Appointment, Certified Substitute Teacher Appointments, Uncertified Substitute Teacher Appointments and Continuation of Emergency Conditional Appointment be approved as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.


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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 13 Teaching & Administrative Personnel List Resignation 1. Name: Matthew Brown

Position: Physical Education Teacher Building: John Jay Last Day of Service: 10/30/09 Effective Date of Resignation: 10/31/09

Leave of Absence 2. Name: Carolyn Prongay

Position: Balanced Literacy Specialist Building: Fishkill Plains/Brinckerhoff Type of Leave: Child Care Leave Begins: 9/8/09 Leave Terminates: 6/30/10

Leave of Absence – Teacher-in-Charge 3. Name: John Hafner

Position: Teacher-In-Charge: Second Language Building: Roy C. Ketcham Type of Leave: Medical Leave From TC Position Begins: 9/4/09 Leave Terminates: 1/29/10

Unless indicated with an asterisk (*), the individuals listed below are being appointed under the Emergency Conditional Appointment amendment to the fingerprinting requirements. These appointments are subject to fingerprint and criminal history record clearance by the New York State Education Department and shall terminate after 20 school days unless such clearance is received. Probationary Appointments *4. Name: Walter Gulick

Position: Physical Education Teacher Building: John Jay Long Term Substitute: 9/4/09 to 9/14/09 First Day of Service: 9/15/09 to 10/30/09 Probationary Period Begins: 11/2/09 Tenure Due: 11/2/12 Replacement Details: Replacing Matthew Brown who resigned (reference above). Schedule: 2009-10 IV Row: 1 Column: B+0 Annual Salary: $49,897.00 Certification: Initial: Physical Education

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 14 *5.

Name: Anisi Roman Position: Special Education Teacher Tenure Area: Special Education Buildings: Brinckerhoff Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Tenure Due: 9/15/12 Replacement Details: Replacing Jennifer Weed who resigned (reference 8/24/09). Schedule: 2009-10 IV Row: 3 Column: M+6 Annual Salary: $55,161.00 Certification: Permanent: Special Education

*6. Name: Alyssa Gasparro Position: Special Education Teacher Tenure Area: Special Education Buildings: Van Wyck Probationary Period Begins: 9/15/09 Tenure Due: 9/15/12 Replacement Details: Replacing Nancy Lindahl who resigned (reference 8/24/09). Schedule: 2009-10 IV Row: 1 Column: B+0 Annual Salary: $49,897.00 Certification: Initial: Students with Disabilities 7-12 Social Studies

Part-Time Temporary Appointment *8. Name: Rupali Rifenburg

Position: Guidance Counselor (.4) Building: Kinry Road First Day of Service: 9/15/09 to 6/30/10 Replacement Details: Continuing part time position approved in the 2009-10 budget. Schedule: 2009-10 IV Row: 6 Column: M+18 Annual Salary: $62,128.00 Prorated Annual Salary: $24,851.20 Certification: Provisional: School Counselor

Part-Time Temporary Appointments – Sixth Class Assignment *9. Name: Eric Sautter

Position: Technology Teacher (.2 additional) Building: WJHS First Day Of Service: 9/9/09 To: 6/14/10 Replacement Details: Mr. Sautter is a full-time WCSD Technology Teacher who is voluntarily teaching a sixth class, replacing .2 of a continuing part time position approved in the 2009-10 budget. Schedule: 2009-10 IV Row: 23 Column: M+3

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 15

Annual Salary for Additional Class: $19,007.80 Certification: Permanent: Industrial Arts

2009-10 COS Salary Increases 10. Approval of salary increases for the Assistant Superintendent for Instruction, Deputy

Superintendent, and Director of Special Education and Student Services as per the memorandum dated 8/31/09 from the Superintendent of Schools to the Board of Education.

Temporary Teacher-In-Charge Appointment *11. Name: Kathleen Flanagan-Vigars

Position: Teacher-in-Charge: Second Language Building: Roy c. Ketcham Replacement Details: Replacing John Hafner who is on leave of absence (reference above). Effective Dates: 9/4/09 – 1/29/10 2009-10 Annual Stipend: $2,137.00

12. 2009-10 Fall Coaching Appointments JOHN JAY BOYS’ SPORTS Delete: Football Asst. Varsity TBA $2,746 Add: Football Asst. Varsity Gastin, Ralph $2,746 RCK BOYS’ SPORTS Delete: Football Asst. Freshman TBA $1,834 Add: Football Asst. Freshman Sullivan, John $1,834 WJHS BOYS’ SPORTS Delete: Football Modified B TBA $2,746 Add: Football Modified B Schaeffer, John $2,746 13. 2009-10 Fall Continuing Education Teacher Appointment

Name Title Rate of Pay Sautter, Eric Continuing Education Teacher – First Lego $50.00 per student

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 16 Certified Substitute Teacher Appointments *14. Name: Emma Akhondzadeh

Certification: Initial – Childhood Education 1-6

*15. Name: Lynne M. Bondi Certification: Initial – Social Studies 7-12

*16. Name: Wendy Pecoraro Certification: Permanent – Special Education Permanent – Physical Education

Uncertified Substitute Teacher Appointments 17. Name: John Gensch

Degree: MA – Public Administration Areas to Substitute: Grades 9-12

18. Name: Jessica R. Johnson Degree: BA – Sport Management Areas to Substitute: Secondary

Continuation of Emergency Conditional Appointment

Name Position Date of Board Appointment

Clearance Status

19. Graff, Caron Substitute Teacher 8/24/2009 Sent to OSPRA Mrs. McGeary moved, seconded by Mr. McMahon, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that the reading of the Full-Time Temporary Appointment be approved as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.


Comments From Board: Mrs. McGeary – I know that this is a temporary appointment because of medical leave, but I still can’t vote for it.

Vote taken. Mrs. McGeary, Mr. McMahon and Mrs. McNamara vote no. Aziz Ahsan, Esq., Mr. Bitteker, Dr. Chandani, Mrs. Jiava, Mr. Lumia and Mrs. Shultz vote yes.

Resolution passes as stated.

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 17 Full-Time Temporary Appointment *7. Name: Katherine Lavello

Position: Balanced Literacy Specialist Building: Fishkill Plains/Brinckerhoff Long Term Substitute: 9/4/09 First Day of Service: 9/8/09 to 6/30/10 Replacement Details: Replacing Carolyn Prongay who is on leave of absence (reference above). Schedule: 2009-10 IV Row: 1 Column: M+6 Annual Salary: $52,733.00 Certification: Initial: Literacy B-6


WHEREAS, the Board of Education appointed several individuals to emergency conditional appointments in accord with the applicable regulations of the Commissioner of Education; and

WHEREAS, the regulations of the Commissioner of Education provide that an emergency conditional appointment must terminate no later than twenty business days from its inception or when the School District is notified as to the status of the conditional clearance; and

WHEREAS, Superintendent of Schools had advised the Board of Education that with regard to the emergency conditional appointments of certain individuals, the School District has not received any information from the State Education Department with regard to their status for conditional clearance; and

WHEREAS, the emergency conditional appointment of each such individual needs to be renewed; and

WHEREAS, a list of all of the individuals involved and the applicable Board of Education meeting dates is included in the respective personnel lists; and

WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Schools has


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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 18

advised the Board of Education that it is his understanding that the State Education Department recently has taken the position that a Board of Education can, by resolution, authorize the Superintendent of Schools to continue the emergency conditional appointment status of individuals, pending receipt of notification from the State Education Department, beyond the initial period of twenty business days as provided for in the regulations; and

WHEREAS, the Superintendent of Schools has advised the Board of Education that in order to continue to provide students with instructional services, the emergency conditional appointments of the individuals whose names appear on the aforementioned lists must be continued; and

WHEREAS, individuals serving pursuant to emergency conditional appointments have been and will continue to be subject to heightened administrative supervision by their building administrators.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the emergency conditional appointment of each such individual whose name appears on the aforementioned lists shall remain in full force and effect and continue until such time as the School District is notified as to the status of the conditional clearance of each such individual or until such time as the Board of Education, on a recommendation from the Superintendent of Schools, may act to terminate the employment of any such individual; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Superintendent of Schools is authorized to take whatever action is necessary in order to effectuate the purpose of this resolution in consultation with the attorney for the Board of Education.

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 19 Mrs. McGeary moved, seconded by Mr. Bitteker, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the Comprehensive Educational Plan for John Jay High School as outlined in a memorandum dated August 31, 2009 to the Superintendent of Schools from the Assistant Superintendent - School Administration.


Comments From Board: Mrs. McGeary – I had previously forwarded questions to Dr. Thomas and they were answered. Lack of consistency with implementing our ELA – what will we be doing? This reflects what we’ve implemented --- can’t always team co-teach so we have to make sure that all teachers understand.

Mrs. McGeary – are coordinators involved as well? Mr. Pochintesta – Ms. Wadkins worked with us last year and will continue to do so.

Vote taken. Unanimous approval. CONSENT AGENDA ITEM #13 E

RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve an agreement between the Astor Early Childhood Program and the Wappingers Central School District as outlined in a letter from the Center Director of the Astor Head Start Program and the Superintendent of Schools dated August 25, 2009.


Mrs. McGeary moved, seconded by Aziz Ahsan, Esq., to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Board of Education give approval for the BOCES CTI Intergrated Science: Cosmetology course as outlined in a memorandum from the Coordinator for Science and Technology to the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction dated September 9, 2009 and recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.


Comments From Board: Mr. Lumia – I can’t see how this course is science for us to get science credit …

Mrs. McNamara – my concern is if you look at what they’re

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 20 covering ----- in normal biology you wouldn’t spend a year on this. Mrs. McGeary – is this a course that they are currently giving? Mr. Powell – these students are sitting in this course as a cohort Mrs. Belfield – that’s why its called an integrated course. Mrs. McNamara – how many students do we have taking this course?

Mrs. Belfield – approximately 20-25 in each high school. Mr. Powell – these students that are currently sitting in the cosmetology classroom & the science course is integrated into that curriculum’s classroom instruction.

Mrs. Shultz – would these students be taking science back at the high school?

Mrs. Belfield – they possibly could, however, they are at BOCES for a ½ day and may have difficulty fitting in graduation requirements. This is the science elective.

Vote taken. Mr. Bitteker, Dr. Chandani, Mr. Lumia and Mrs. McNamara vote no. Aziz Ahsan, Esq., Ms. Jiava, Mrs. McGeary, Mr. McMahon, and Mrs. Shultz vote yes.

Resolution passes as stated. Mrs. McGeary moved, seconded by Mrs. Shultz, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the Professional Development Plan as indicated in a memo dated August 31, 2009 from the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction to the Superintendent of Schools.


Comments From Board: Mrs. McGeary – my concern is that an individual listed as a parent is also a paid consultant of the district.

Vote taken. Aziz Ahsan, Esq., Mr. Bitteker, Dr. Chandani, Mrs. Jiava, Mrs. McGeary, Mr. McMahon, Mrs. McNamara, And Mrs. Shultz vote no. Mr. Lumia votes yes.

Resolution fails.

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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 21 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM #13 H

RESOLVED that the Board of Education authorize the agreement by and between the Hudson Valley Paramedic Services and the Wappingers Central School District as indicated in a memo dated August 3, 2009 from the Coordinator of PE, CALS to the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, and at a cost of $250.00 per game for the period beginning September 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009.



WHEREAS Wappingers Central School District sustained damages to the stone wall at the Wappingers Junior High School on November 25, 2008 by a delivery van; and WHEREAS the Insured submitted to their insurance company, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company in the amount of $4,500.00; and WHEREAS State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company has issued payment in the amount of $4,500.00 to satisfy the District's claim. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education authorize an increase in the 2009-2010 school budget in the amount of $4,500.00 to expenditure code A1621A00 40000, Contractual Service, with the offsetting revenue code A1 2681, insurance recoveries other, in order to make the above mentioned repairs.



RESOLVED that the Board of Education approve the following list of individuals willing to serve in the capacity of 3214 Hearing Officer for the 2009-2010 school year under the terms of the Hearing Officer RFP#10086. Dr. Matthew Clarke Mr. Michael Starvaggi


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September 14, 2009 Board Workshop/Special Voting Meeting District Offices Board Room 17 A/B 22

Mr. Wilbert John Knight


WHEREAS the Board of Education approved Policy #4531 - Overnight Field Trips at their meeting on December 22, 2004; and 1.) WHEREAS the Board has received a request for an overnight field trip from Van Wyck Junior High School to travel to Boston, MA on April 13 - April 15, 2010; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education does hereby approve said request dated September 3, 2009 and submitted by Rodger DeHay.


Communications COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Unger – comments on BOCES course and on teaming. Mr. Davis – if parents kept kids home from taking tests …. --- yes there are problems but the root is a lot deeper …

Adjournment ADJOURNMENT Mrs. Jiava moved, seconded by Mrs. McNamara, to adjourn the meeting.

Vote taken. Unanimous approval. Time is 8:55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, _____________________________ Susan Penney District Clerk