Separation of Mercury With an Ammonium Sulfate Flotation

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  • 8/10/2019 Separation of Mercury With an Ammonium Sulfate Flotation


    Separation of Mercury with an Ammonium Sulfate-Ammonium

    Thiocyanate-Ethyl Violet Flotation System

    Bingyi Chen ( ), Haixin Bai ( ),

    Quanmin Li* ( ) and Guoguang Liu ( )

    College of Chemistry and Environmental Science, Henan Normal University, Key Laboratory of

    Environmental Science and Engineering Education Commission of Henan Province,

    Xinxiang, 453002, P. R. China

    The separation behavior of mercury by a flotation system consisting of ammonium sulfate, ammonium

    thiocyanate and ethyl violet, and the conditions for the separation of Hg(II) with other common metal ions

    have been studied. The studies show that in aqueous solutions, Hg(II) combines with NH4SCN and ethyl vio-

    let(EV) into dissoluble ternary ion-association complex [Hg(SCN)42-](EV)2. In the presence of ammonium

    sulfate, the precipitate is floats well on the surface of the water phase and separates from water thoroughly. It

    shows that Hg(II) can be separated completely from Cd(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Mn(II) and Al(III) by flota-

    tion at pH1.0. The flotation mechanism of Hg(II) is described in this paper.

    Keywords: Flotation separation; Mercury; Ammonium thiocyanate; Ethyl violet.


    Mercury is a toxic and harmful element to humans, ani-

    mals and the environment, so the work of studying separation

    and determination of mercury has assumed great importance.

    There are many reports on the determination of mercury. 1-3

    The separation behavior of Hg(II) with an ammonium sul-

    fate-ammonium thiocyanate-ethyl violet flotation system,

    and the conditions for separation of Hg(II) with other metal

    ions are described in this paper. The results showed that

    Hg(II) can form a dissoluble ternary ion-association complex

    [Hg(SCN)42-](EV)2 with NH4SCN and ethyl violet(EV). In

    the presence of ammonium sulfate, the precipitate floats well

    on the surface of the water phase and separates from water

    thoroughly. In the process of phase separation, Hg(II) is

    floated quantitatively and separated completely from Cd(II),

    Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Mn(II) and Al(III) by flotation at pH

    1.0. Compared with the traditional flotation system, this

    method does not use harmful reagents and needs no compli-

    cated floating gas-flow-path facility, neither does it need a

    capillary atomizer or atomic absorption spectrometer that

    were used in one reference.3 This method is simple, conve-

    nient, rapid, and environmentally friendly and also has the

    advantages of using simple instruments, having lower cost,

    and homogeneous flotation and separation out of phase.

    Therefore, this method has great importance in theory and

    practice for determination of m ercury by concentrati on.


    Reagents and Instruments

    Standard solutions of metal ions and buffer solutions of

    different pH were prepared as references 4. A stock of stan-

    dard solution of 1.0 10-2 M NH4SCN was prepared by dis-

    solving 0.7613 g of ammonium thiocyanate (Tianjin Chemi-

    cal Plant, Tianjin, China) in distilled water and diluting it to 1

    L. The stock solution was standardized by standard AgNO3

    solution. Aqueous solutions of ethyl violet (EV) were pre-

    par ed by dis sol vin g 0.4 922 g EV in 1 L of disti lled wat er.

    Ammonium sulfate (A.R., Peking Chemical Plant, and Pe-

    king, China) was used. Other reagents were analytical grade.

    A model 722-raster spectrophotometer (Xiamen Ana-

    lytical Instruments Plant, Xiamen, China) was employed for

    photometry measurements . A Shanghai model pHs-2 pH m e-

    ter was used.


    A given amount of metal ion, NH4SCN solution and

    CTMAB were added to a 25 mL graduated color comparison

    tube. Acidity was adjusted with buffer solution, and the mix-

    ture was diluted to 10 mL. Then 1.0 g of solid ammonium sul-

    fate are added and the mixture is shaken thoroughly before

    standing for a while. Then the mixture separates into a flota-

    tion phase and a salt-water phase. Add 1.00 mL of the aque-

    ous salt, 1.00 mL of 1 10-3

    M 5-(diethylamino)-2-(5-bro-

    Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society,2003,50, 869-873 869

    Bingyi Chen, Pingdingshan Engineering College, Pingdingshan, Henan, 467001, P.R. China

  • 8/10/2019 Separation of Mercury With an Ammonium Sulfate Flotation


    mo-2-pyridylazo)phenol (dissolved in ethanol), 0.50 mL of

    10% TritonX-100 (dissolved in distilled water), 3.00 mL of

    0.1 M di-sodium tetra-borate into another 25 mL graduated

    color comparison tube. After diluting to the mark, the absor-bency is read at 560 nm (560 nm prove d to be the maximum

    absorption wavelength of the complex by determining its ab-

    sorption at different wavelengths) against the reagent blank.

    Then the flotation yield of Hg(II) is calculated.

    Dissolve the precipitate of the flotation phase with eth-

    anol and determine the concentration of Hg(II) in the diluted

    solution with the aforementioned color development reaction

    method, then calculate the flotation yield of Hg(II). The re-

    sults agreed well with each other.


    Influence of amount of EV on flotation yield of Hg(II)

    Using 50g of Hg(II) and 1.50 mL NH4SCN, the influ-

    ence of EV amount on flotation yield of Hg(II) was studied

    (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 shows that the flotation yield of Hg(II) in-

    creases with the increment in EV amount, and Hg(II) cannot

    be floated in the absence of EV. Without (NH4)2SO4, Hg(II) is

    floated completely when the amount of EV is 0.60 mL. In the

    presence of 1.0 g (NH4)2SO4, only 0.50 mL of EV can make

    all of Hg(II) float completely. Furthermore, the flotation

    yield of Hg(II) remains constant when more EV is used. So,

    0.50 mL of EV was selected for all further studies.

    Influence of NH4SCN on the flotation yield of Hg(II)

    The influence of the amount of NH 4SCN (1.010-2 M)

    on the flotation of Hg(II) is showed in Fig. 2. It shows that

    Hg(II) cannot be floated without NH4SCN, and the flotation

    yield of Hg(II) increases with the increment in amount of

    NH4SCN. In the presence of 1.0 g (HH4)2SO4, Hg(II) can be

    floated completely when the amount of NH4SCN is 0.40 mL;

    otherwise, 1.50 mL NH4SCN is need todo that. Inorder toen-

    sure that Hg(II) is floated completely, 1.0 mL of NH4SCN

    was selected for subsequent studies.

    Reactive mechanism of flotation of Hg(II)

    Methyl violet, which exists in acid solutions in cationic

    form, can combine with metal complex anion into ion-asso-

    ciation complex and be precipitated.5

    Ethyl violet(EV) is

    similar to methyl violet in those qualities. Therefore it is de-

    duced that the precipitate of the flotation phase is ion-asso-

    ciation complex associated by cationic ethyl violet(EV +), and

    complex anion consists of Hg(II) and SCN-. The calculation

    shows that if the ion-association complex is [Hg(SCN)42-]

    (EV)2, 50 g Hg(II) cannot be floated completely until the

    amount of EV is 0.499mL. It agreed well with theexperimen-

    tal results that 0.50 mL EV just made the 50 g Hg(II) float

    completely. Therefore the form of the ion-association com-

    plex is [Hg(SCN)42-](EV)2.

    From the aforementioned results, it is known that

    Hg(II) cannot be floated at all without NH4SCN or EV. Only

    with the simultaneous presence of NH 4SCN and EV, can

    Hg(II) associated with them and form insoluble ternary ion-

    association complex [Hg(SCN)42-](EV)2. In the presence of

    (NH4)2SO4, the precipitate [Hg(SCN)42-](EV)2float well on

    the surface of the water phase and separates thoroughly from

    water. In the process of phase separation, Hg(II) is floated

    quantitatively. Hence, the reactive mechanism of flotation of

    Hg(II ) is as follows,

    Hg2+ + 4SCN- [Hg(SCN)4]2-

    (water phase) (water phase)

    [Hg(SCN)42-] + 2EV+ [Hg(SCN)4


    (water phase) (water phase)

    Influence of different salts on the flotation yield of


    The influence of different salts on the flotation yield of

    870 J. Chin. Chem. Soc., Vol. 50, No. 4, 2003 Chen et al.

    0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.60












    Fig. 1. Effect of EV amount on flotation yield(E) of

    Hg(II). C(EV): 1.0 10-3 M; Hg(II): 50 g;

    NH4SCN: (1.0 1 0-2 M): 1.50 mL; total vol-

    ume: 10 mL.

    0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.40














    Fig. 2. Effect of NH4SCN amount on flotation yield(E)

    of Hg(II). c(NH4SCN): 1.0 10-2 M; Hg(II): 50

    g; Ethyl violet(EV) (1.0 10 -3 M): 0.50 mL;

    total volume: 10 mL.

  • 8/10/2019 Separation of Mercury With an Ammonium Sulfate Flotation


    Hg(II) is shown as Fig. 3. The results show that (NH4)2SO4,

    NaNO3 and KBr did not affect the flotation yield of Hg(II)

    whereas NaCl decreased the flotation yield of Hg(II). The

    reason is as follows.Similar to SCN-, Cl - can also form a complex anion

    HgCl42- with Hg(II). The sequence of anionic hydrophobic

    ability6 is SCN- Br- Cl -. Therefore, the hydrophobic abil-

    ity of HgX42-

    (X = SCN-, Br

    -, Cl

    -) which the X formed with

    Hg(II) respectively decreases one by one. As a result, their

    abilities to associate with EV+ also decrease. While Hg(II)

    forms Hg(SCN)42- with SCN- in the presence of Cl-, a side re-

    action of Hg(II) with Cl- generated. However, the larger the

    amount of NaCl, the more severe the side reaction and the

    greater the decrease in the flotation yield of Hg(II). When

    there is KBr or NaCl without NH4SCN, completely floating

    50 g Hg(II) needs no less than 0.5 g KBr, and the flotation

    yield of Hg(II) is 93% using the same amount of NaCl. This

    shows that Hg(SCN)42- has a much stronger association abil-

    ity with EV+ than that of HgCl42- or HgBr4

    2-. Using more

    NaCl will decrease the flotation yield of Hg(II). The reason

    may be that some EV+

    associating with a greater amount of

    Cl - decreases the association ability of HgCl42- and EV+.

    Hg(II) can be floated completely again and not be influenced

    by NaCl if the amount of NH4SCN is increased to 20 fold of

    the former. This also proved that there is a much more stron-

    ger association ability between Hg(SCN)42- and EV+ than that

    of HgCl42- and EV+. Hg(II) can be floated completely when

    KI takes the place of NH4SCN, KBr or NaCl.

    From Figs. 1, 2, we know that the flotation yield of

    Hg(II) increases with the presence of (NH 4)2SO4. In the ex-

    per iment al cours e it is also fou nd that the prese nce of

    (NH 4)2SO4 can make Hg(II) float more quickly and com-

    pletely, and the phase interface of liqui d-solid is much clearer

    than before and less colored by EV which is beneficial for

    pho tomet ry mea sur ement s. Hen ce, 1.0 g solid (NH4)2SO 4

    was selected for all further studies.

    Influence of acidity on the flotation yield of different

    metal ions

    Using 1.0 g (NH4)2SO4and 50g of each metal ion, we

    studied the influence of acidity on the flotation yield of dif-

    ferent metal ions at pH 1.0~6.0 (Fig. 4). The experimental re-

    sults showed that in the range of pH 1.0~6.0 the flotation

    yield of Hg(II) is not affected by acidity and Mn(II), Fe(II),

    Co(II) cannot be floated at all. Cd(II) at pH 1.0 and Ni(II),

    Al(III) at pH 1.0~4.0 cannot be floated either. At pH 2.0~6.0,

    a small portion of Cd(II) is floated and also Co(II), Ni(II),

    Al(III) do that over the pH range of 5.0~6.0. The reason is

    Cd(II), Co(II), Ni(II)have a smallcomplexabilitywith SCN-.

    A small portion flotation of Al(III) may be induced by the hy-

    drolysis product Al(OH)3 produced by Al(III). Therefore

    Hg(II) can be separated from Cd(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II),

    Mn(II) and Al(III) by flotation at pH 1.0.

    Influence of different surfactants on the flotation yield

    of Hg(II)

    Fig. 5 shows the influence of different surfactants on

    the flotation yield of Hg(II). It shows that cationic surfactant

    cetyl-trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTMAB) does not af-

    fect the flotation yield of Hg(II). That reason is that the big

    cation CTMAB+ is similar to EV+ and can associate with

    [Hg(SCN)4]2- as well. When the amount of anionic surfactant

    sodium-dodecyl sulfonate(SDS) or neutral surfactant TritonX-

    100 was increased, each of them gradually decreased the flo-

    tation yield of Hg(II) in different amounts since their pres-

    ence increased the solubility of the ternary ion-association

    complex [Hg(SCN)42-](EV)2in the water phase. The afore-

    said results agreed well with the phenomena that less precipi-

    Separation of Mercury by Flotation System J. Chin. Chem. Soc., Vol. 50, No. 4, 2003 871

    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.00







    3 2





    Fig. 3. The effect of salts on flotation yield(E) of

    Hg(II). Hg(II): 50g; NH4SCN (1.010-2 M):

    1.00 mL; EV (1.0 10-3 M): 0.50 mL; total vol-

    ume: 10 mL; 1. (NH4)2SO4, NaNO3, KBr; 2.

    NaCl; 3. KBr (wi tho ut NH4SCN); 4. NaCl

    (without NH4SCN).

    1 2 3 4 5 60






    Ni(II) Al(III)



    Mn(II) Fe(II) Co(II)



    Fig. 4. The effect of pH on flotation yield(E) of

    Hg(II). Men+: 50g; NH4SCN (1.0 10-2 M):

    1.00 mL; EV: (1.0 1 0-3 M): 0.50 mL; total

    volume: 10 mL; (NH4)2SO4: 1.0 g.

  • 8/10/2019 Separation of Mercury With an Ammonium Sulfate Flotation


  • 8/10/2019 Separation of Mercury With an Ammonium Sulfate Flotation



    The results in Tables 1, 2 show that a system consisting

    of ammonium sulfate, ammonium thiocyanate and violet can

    separate Hg(II) from Cd(II), Fe(II), Co(II), Ni(II), Mn(II) and

    Al(III) by flotation. Furthermore the flotation behaviors of

    metal ions were almost the same as each ion existing alone.

    According to each metal ions floating behavior, the counter-

    part of the ion in the system can be estimated. It is seen from

    Table 3 that the results determined by the proposed and the

    dithizone methods agreed well with each other and their re-

    coveries were 95-106% and 96-110%, respectively, which

    proved that the proposed meth od is reliable. It is concluded

    that the proposed system is very significant for studying sep-

    aration of Hg(II).

    Received June 12, 2002.


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    Separation of Mercury by Flotation System J. Chin. Chem. Soc., Vol. 50, No. 4, 2003 873

    Table 3. Separation and Determination Results of Mercury in Industrial Wastewater (pH = 1.0)

    RSD (%) (n = 5)Sample

    Hg(II) found

    in solid

    phase (g/L)

    Hg(II) found

    in liquid

    phase (g/L)

    Hg(II) total




    yield of

    Hg(II) (E%)








    1 7.8 0.2 8.0 97.50 8.1 3.9 4.5Industrial

    wastewater 2 6.9 0.1 7.0 98.57 7.2 5.1 4.8