Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]

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  • 8/6/2019 Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]


    Criteria voor duurzaam inkopen van


  • 8/6/2019 Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]


  • 8/6/2019 Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]



    1. Inleiding................................................................................................................................................... 2

    1.1 Afbakening van de productgroep.................................................................................................................... 2

    1.2 Status ............................................................................................................................................................. 2

    2. Markt en duurzaamheid .......................................................................................................................... 3

    2.1. Duurzaamheidsaspecten............................................................................................................................... 3

    2.2. Marktontwikkelingen ...................................................................................................................................... 4

    3. Duurzaamheid in het inkoopproces ........................................................................................................ 5

    3.1. Voorbereidingsfase (aandachtspunten)......................................................................................................... 5

    3.2. Specificatiefase (criteria) ............................................................................................................................... 6

    3.2.1. Kwalificatie van leveranciers ...................................................................................................................... 6

    3.2.2. Programma van eisen ................................................................................................................................ 6

    3.2.3. Gunningscriteria ......................................................................................................................................... 8

    3.2.4. Contract ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

    3.3. Gebruiksfase ................................................................................................................................................. 8

    4. Meer informatie..................................................................................................................................... 10

    4.1 Bronnen en relevante informatie ................................................................................................................. 10

    4.2 Gerelateerde productgroepen ...................................................................................................................... 10

    3 Informatiepunt SenterNovem........................................................................................................................... 10

    Bijlage 1.............................................................................................................................................................. 11

    Bijlage 2........................................................................................................Fout! Bladwijzer niet gedefinieerd.

  • 8/6/2019 Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]


    1. Inleiding

    De overheid wil concrete stappen zetten naar een duurzame samenleving en geeft zelf het goede voorbeeld.

    Jaarlijks besteden overheidsorganisaties meer dan 40 miljard euro aan inkopen en diensten. Door als overheid

    duurzaam in te kopen, krijgt de markt voor duurzame producten een stevige impuls.

    De overheden hebben duidelijke doelen gesteld: het Rijk wil in 2010 voor 100 procent duurzaam inkopen. De

    gemeenten streven naar 75 procent in 2010 en 100 procent in 2015. Provincies en waterschappen hebben

    minimaal 50 procent in 2010 als doel gesteld. 100 procent duurzaam inkopen betekent dat de inkopen voldoen

    aan de eisen die op dat moment voor de desbetreffende productgroepen zijn opgesteld. Meer informatie

    hierover vindt u op de website van Duurzaam Inkopen.

    SenterNovem ondersteunt overheden om de doelstellingen te bereiken, onder andere door

    duurzaamheidcriteria te ontwikkelen voor alle producten, diensten en werken die overheden inkopen. In dit

    document vindt u de criteria voor de productgroep Hardware. Ook vindt u in dit document aandachtspunten

    voor de fase vr en n de inkopen, achtergrondinformatie, afwegingen bij de criteria, uitwerking van de criteriain bestekteksten en uitwerking van de beoordeling van criteria.

    1.1 Afbakening van de productgroep

    De productgroep Hardware omvat desk- en laptops en beeldschermen (monitoren). De productgroep omvat

    niet: software, reproductieapparatuur, netwerken en infrastructuur en servers/datacenters. Eventueledienstverlening op het gebied van hardware valt tevens buiten de afbakening.

    Om het de aanbestedende dienst gemakkelijker te maken wordt een selectie van CPV-codes gegeven die van

  • 8/6/2019 Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]


    2. Markt en duurzaamheid

    De criteria voor de productgroep Hardware zijn zorgvuldig, met raadpleging van verschillende

    belanghebbenden, samengesteld. Meer informatie over het algemene proces van de totstandkoming van

    criteria is te vinden op de website van Duurzaam Inkopen. In dit hoofdstuk vindt u de inhoudelijke afwegingen

    die geleid hebben tot de criteria voor Hardware.

    2.1. Duurzaamheidsaspecten

    Bij het opstellen van criteria voor duurzaam inkopen van hardware is uitgegaan van de belangrijkste

    duurzaamheidsaspecten voor deze productgroep. Voor hardware zijn dit:

    Energieverbruik tijdens gebruik (verbruik van niet-hernieuwbare grondstoffen (brandstof) en

    productie van broeikasgassen).

    Gebruik van energie en grondstoffen bij productie van hardware. Toepassing van schadelijke stoffen (brandvertragers en zware metalen) in hardware.


    In studies naar de milieubelasting van hardware wordt het energieverbruik in de gebruiksfase als het

    belangrijkste punt voor milieuwinst aangewezen. De wachtstand en (afwezigheid van) powermanagement is de

    belangrijkste bron van een hoog energieverbruik van computers. Daarbij verbruiken nieuwe, krachtigere

    processors meer energie dan oudere, waardoor het energieverbruik per pc steeds verder toeneemt. De criteriavoor duurzaam inkopen richten zich daarom op de aanschaf van energie-efficinte apparaten. Dit is in de

    criteria uitgewerkt met een verwijzing naar Energy Star. Energy Star is een internationaal programma voor de

    vrijwillige labelling van energie-efficinte apparaten in het leven geroepen door de US Environment Protection

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    geregeld in de WEEE-richtlijn (Directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment). De richtlijn is in

    Nederland gemplementeerd met de Regeling beheer elektrische en elektronische apparatuur. Om deze

    reden zijn er (nog) geen criteria opgenomen met betrekking tot recycling.

    Schadelijke stoffen

    Tenslotte is de toepassing van schadelijke stoffen van belang. Ook voor dit aspect bestaat een Europese

    richtlijn, de RoHS directive (Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic

    equipment). De richtlijn houdt in dat vanaf 1 juli 2006 geen producten meer op de markt mogen komen met

    gevaarlijke stoffen als lood, cadmium, kwik, zeswaardig chroom en PBB/PBDE. Deze richtlijn is in Nederland

    gemplementeerd met het Besluit beheer elektrische en elektronische apparatuur. Om deze reden zijn er ook

    (nog) geen criteria opgenomen met betrekking tot gevaarlijke stoffen.

    Sociale aspecten

    Behalve milieu criteria kunnen ook sociale criteria een rol spelen bij duurzaam inkopen. Het gaat daarbij om

    eerlijke handel, mensenrechten en het bevorderen van de toepassing van internationale arbeidsnormen. Wat

    de arbeidsnormen betreft gaat het primair om de vier fundamentele arbeidsnormen, zoals vastgelegd door de

    ILO met absoluut zwaartepunt op kinderarbeid en dwangarbeid. Bij uitzondering en selectief toegepast kunnen

    in sommige gevallen ook andere ILO normen van toepassing zijn. Voor elke productgroep zal worden

    vastgesteld of en welke sociale criteria relevant zijn, en hoe leveranciers kunnen aantonen dat zij daaraan

    voldoen. SenterNovem verwacht najaar 2008 de sociale criteria van alle relevante productgroepen te hebben


    Inkopende overheidsinstanties die beleid hebben geformuleerd ten aanzien van arbeidsparticipatie van zwakke

    groepen op nationaal niveau, kunnen in hun inkoopbeleid hiermee gewoon doorgaan (uiteraard binnen de

    aanbestedingsregels). Hiervoor zullen geen criteria worden opgesteld. Het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en

    Werkgelegenheid overweegt een overzicht op te stellen van best practices die als voorbeeld kunnen dienen.

  • 8/6/2019 Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]


    uitpakt. Op de website van Energy Star kan met behulp van een energie calculator een berekening uitgevoerd

    worden (

    3. Duurzaamheid in het inkoopproces

    De criteria in dit document zijn verdeeld over de verschillende stappen in het inkoopproces. Meer informatie

    over de stappen in het inkoopproces en de manier waarop duurzaamheid daarin kan worden meegenomen,

    vindt u in de Instructie Duurzaam inkopen. Deze is binnenkort te downloaden. Het is aan te bevelen deze

    instructie te bekijken voordat u met de criteria voor deze productgroep aan de slag gaat.

    3.1. Voorbereidingsfase (aandachtspunten)

    Elke inkoop of aanbesteding begint met het inventariseren van de behoefte van de (interne) klant.

    Duurzaamheid kan in deze fase meegenomen worden door te onderzoeken of de aanschaf noodzakelijk is en

    of er een duurzamere oplossing is voor de inkoopbehoefte. Specifieke aandachtspunten voor de inkoop van de

    productgroep Hardware zijn:

    Anticipeer bij de aanschaf van computers op ontwikkelingen of reorganisaties binnen de organisatie, zoals

    de ontwikkelingen van ICT, de toename van thuiswerken, en veranderingen van de kantooromgeving zoals

    flexibele werkplekken. Snelle veranderingen in de organisatie vragen om flexibele werkplekken en


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    3.2. Specificatiefase (criteria)

    In de specificatiefase wordt de behoefte van de (interne) klant vertaald in een aanbestedingsdocument. In deze

    fase worden geformuleerd:

    Criteria voor de kwalificatie van leveranciers. Dit kunnen uitsluitingsgronden en geschiktheidseisen zijn, ofwel

    eisen aan de leverancier en in een niet-openbare aanbesteding eventueel ook selectiecriteria, ofwel wensen

    ten aanzien van de leverancier.

    Een beschrijving van de minimumeisen die ten aanzien van levering, dienst of werk gesteld worden (het

    Programma van Eisen).

    Gunningscriteria, ofwel wensen ten aanzien van levering, dienst of werk. Deze zijn alleen van toepassing als

    gekozen wordt voor het gunnen op Economisch Meest Voordelige Inschrijving.

    Het contract met daarin contractbepalingen.

    Meer informatie over de verschillende soorten criteria en de verschillende manieren van aanbesteden vindt u in

    de Instructie Duurzaam Inkopen. In de gunningscriteria is, indien relevant, ook innovatie meegenomen.

    Innovatie is gericht op de ontwikkeling en introductie van nieuwe ideen en producten.

    De criteria in dit document zijn opgesteld om de inkoper te ondersteunen bij het duurzaam inkopen van

    Hardware. De criteria zijn juridisch getoetst. Elke inkoop en aanbesteding is echter maatwerk. Het opstellen

    van een aanbestedingsdocument blijft dan ook de verantwoordelijkheid van de inkoper.

    3.2.1. Kwalificatie van leveranciers

    Voor deze specifieke productgroep zijn geen criteria geformuleerd voor de kwalificatie van leveranciers. Meer

    informatie over de mogelijkheden om duurzaamheid toch mee te nemen in dit onderdeel vindt u in de Instructie

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    Toelichting voor

    de inkoper

    Energy Star is een internationaal programma voor de vrijwillige labeling van energie-

    efficinte apparaten, in het leven geroepen door de US Environment ProtectionAgency (EPA) in 1992. Door middel van een Overeenkomst met de Amerikaanse

    overheid participeert de Europese Unie in het Energy Star Programma voor zover het

    kantoorapparatuur betreft. De eisen van Energy Star voor computers zijn in 2006

    aangescherpt en vastgelegd in het document ENERGY STAR Program

    Requirements for Computers. De eisen gelden vanaf 20 juli 2007.

    Verificatie van bewijsmiddel(en):1. Productcertificaten waaruit blijkt dat de apparatuur voldoet aan de gestelde

    criteria. Bij ontbreken van een certificaat (laten) meten van de apparatuur volgens

    de test methode in sectie 4 van de bijlage;

    2. De apparatuur die is voorzien van het Energy Star label, is opgenomen in de

    Energy Star database ( In deze database kan worden

    nagegaan of de aangeboden apparatuur is voorzien van het Energy Star label en

    derhalve voldoet aan de gestelde criteria;3. Geen nadere verificatie.

    Minimumeis nr. 2 De te leveren monitoren voldoen aan de eisen van Energy Star voor monitoren, versie

    4.0, d. d. 1 januari 2006, hoofdstuk 3 en 4, zoals opgenomen in bijlage 2.

    Indien de monitoren beschikken over het Energy Star label, versie 4.0, d.d. 1 januari

    2006, wordt het in ieder geval aan deze minimumeis voldaan.


    1 De bij deze inschrijving te voegen verklaring van inschrijver dat aan deze

  • 8/6/2019 Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]


    de test methode in sectie 4 van de bijlage;

    2. De apparatuur die is voorzien van het Energy Star label, is opgenomen in de

    Energy Star database ( In deze database kan worden

    nagegaan of de aangeboden apparatuur is voorzien van het Energy Star label en

    derhalve voldoet aan de gestelde criteria;

    3. Geen nadere verificatie.

    3.2.3. Gunningscriteria

    Voor deze productgroep zijn geen gunningscriteria geformuleerd.

    3.2.4. Contract

    Voor deze productgroep zijn geen contractbepalingen geformuleerd.

    3.3. Gebruiksfase

    Nadat het inkooptraject is afgerond en een product of dienst is ingekocht, bestaan er mogelijkheden om het

    product op een duurzame wijze te gebruiken. Specifieke aandachtspunten voor de productgroep Hardware zijn:

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    Met het instellen van de juiste energiebeheer opties worden de energiebesparende mogelijkheden van de

    aangeschafte producten benut. Ook op de EU Energy Star website staan tips voor energiebeheer van

    computers en monitors ( ).

    Geen screensavers.

    Screensavers zijn oorspronkelijk bedoeld om inbranden van de monitor tegen te gaan, maar met de huidige

    monitoren is deze kans nihil. De bewegende beelden van een screensaver, met name 3D animaties, gebruiken

    veel energie, meer dan bijvoorbeeld een tekstverwerkingsprogramma.

    Verantwoorde afdanking

    De producent/ leverancier is wettelijk verplicht om kostenloze terugname te garanderen. Ook zijn er

    verschillende bedrijven die oude computers upgraden voor scholen en voor minder draagkrachtige

    (buitenlandse) organisaties. Alleen werkende computers mogen gexporteerd worden, anders is het transport

    van afval en gelden andere regels.

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    4. Meer informatie

    4.1 Bronnen en relevante informatie

    Electronics Industry Code of Conduct

    Energy star EU

    Energy star VS

    Group for Energy Efficient Appliances (GEEA) label

    4.2 Gerelateerde productgroepen




    Netwerken en infrastuctuur

    3 Informatiepunt SenterNovem

  • 8/6/2019 Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]


    Bijlage 1

    Energy Star Program Requirements for Computers (version 4.0), Eligibility Criteria, section 3 and 4

    3) E Effi i d P M t C it i C t t t th

  • 8/6/2019 Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]


    3) Energy Efficiency and Power Management Criteria: Computers must meet therequirements below to qualify as ENERGY STAR. Effective dates for Tier 1 and Tier 2 are covered inSection 5 of this specification.

    A) Tier 1 Requirements - Effective July 20, 2007(1) Power Supply Efficiency Requirements

    Computers Using an Internal Power Supply: 80% minimum efficiency at 20%, 50%, and 100% ofrated output and Power Factor > 0.9 at 100% of rated output.

    Computers Using an External Power Supply: Must be ENERGY STAR qualified or meet the no-load and active mode efficiency levels provided in the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements forSingle Voltage Ac-Ac and Ac-Dc External Power Supplies. The ENERGY STAR specification andqualified product list can be found at Note: This performancerequirement also applies to multiple voltage output external power supplies as tested in accordance tothe Internal Power Supply test method referenced in Section 4, below.

    (2) Operational Mode Efficiency RequirementsDesktop Categories for Idle Criteria: For the purposes of determining Idle state levels, desktops(including integrated computers, desktop-derived servers and game consoles) must qualify underCategories A, B, or C as defined below:

    ENERGY STAR Program Requirements for Computers: Version 4.0

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    Category A: All desktop computers that do not meet the definition of either Category B orCategory C below will be considered under Category A for ENERGY STAR qualification.

    Category B: To qualify under Category B desktops must have:

    Multi-core processor(s) or greater than 1 discrete processor; and Minimum of 1 gigabyte of system memory.Category C: To qualify under Category C desktops must have:

    Multi-core processor(s) or greater than 1 discrete processor; and A GPU with greater than 128 megabytes of dedicated, non-shared memory.In addition to the requirements above, models qualifying under Category C must be configuredwith a minimum of 2 of the following 3 characteristics:

    Minimum of 2 gigabytes of system memory; TV tuner and/or video capture capability with high definition support; and/or Minimum of 2 hard disk drives.

    Notebook Categories for Idle Criteria: For the purposes of determining Idle state levels, notebooksand tablets must qualify under Categories A or B as defined below:

    Category A: All notebook computers that do not meet the definition of Category B below will beconsidered under Category A for ENERGY STAR qualification.

    Category B: To qualify under Category B notebooks must have:

    A GPU with a minimum of 128 megabytes of dedicated, non-shared memory.Workstation Levels: Workstation levels will be determined using a simplified Typical ElectricityConsumption (TEC) approach to allow manufacturers energy trade offs between different operating

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    Table 1: Tier 1 Energy Efficiency Requirements

    Product Type Tier 1 Requirements

    Desktops, Integrated Computers,Desktop-Derived Servers and Gaming


    Standby (Off Mode): 2.0 W

    Sleep Mode: 4.0 W

    Idle State:Category A: 50.0 WCategory B: 65.0 WCategory C: 95.0 W

    Note: Desktop-derived servers (as definedin section 1. F) are exempt from the Sleeplevel above.

    Notebooks and Tablets

    Standby (Off Mode): 1.0 W

    Sleep Mode: 1.7 W

    Idle State:

    Category A: 14.0 WCategory B: 22.0 W


    TEC Power (PTEC): 0.35 * [PMax + (# HDDs * 5)] W

    Note: Where Pmaxis the maximumpower drawn by the system as testedper the test procedure in Section 4 ofAppendix A, and #HDD is the number ofinstalled hard drives in the system.

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    both through enterprise channels and directly to consumers must test and meet both the levelswith and without WOL.

    Systems where any additional management services are, at the customers request, pre-provisionedby the manufacturer, do not need to test the systems with these functions in an active state providingthe function is not actually activated until there is specific action by the end user (i.e., manufacturershould test in pre-provisioned state and does not have to consider the power use after full provisioningoccurs on site).

    (3) Power Management Requirements

    Shipment Requirement: Products must be shipped with the displays Sleep mode set to activate

    within 15 minutes of user inactivity. All products, except for desktop-derived servers which are exemptfrom this requirement, must be shipped with a Sleep mode which is set to activate within 30 minutes ofuser inactivity. Products may have more than one low power mode but these proposed criteriaaddress Sleep mode as defined in this specification. Computers shall reduce the speed of any active

    1 Gb/s Ethernet network links when transitioning to Sleep or Standby.

    All computers, regardless of distribution channel, shall have the ability to enable and disable WOL forSleep mode. Systems shipped through enterprise channels must have Wake On LAN (WOL) enabledfrom the Sleep mode when operating on ac power (i.e. notebooks may automatically disable WOL

    when operating on their portable power sources). For the purpose of this specification, enterprisechannels are defined as sales channels normally used by large and medium-sized business,government organizations, and educational institutions, with the intent of identifying machines that willbe used in managed client/server environments. For all computers with WOL enabled any directedpacket filters shall be enabled and set to an industry standard default configuration. Until one (ormore) standards are agreed upon, partners are asked to provide their direct packet filter configurationsto EPA for publication on the Website to stimulate discussion and development of standardconfigurations. Systems in which the Sleep mode maintains full network connectivity, providing thesame fully connected network state found in Idle, can be considered to meet the WOL enablingrequirement and may qualify using the corresponding WOL capability adder.

    All machines shipped to enterprise customers shall be capable of both remote and scheduled wakeevents from Sleep mode. Manufacturers shall ensure, where the manufacturer has control (i.e.,configured through hardware settings rather than software settings), that these settings can be

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  • 8/6/2019 Senternovem Hardware Criteria[1]


    qualification. If the initial unit tested meets the maximum power level for Idle but falls within 10%of that level, one additional unit of the same model with an identical configuration must also betested. Manufacturers shall report Idle values for both units. To qualify as ENERGY STAR, both

    units must meet the maximum Idle level for that product category. Note: This additional testing isonly required for Idle qualification only one unit is required to be tested for Sleep and Standby.The following example further illustrates this approach:

    Category A desktops must meet an Idle level of 50 watts or less, making 45 Watts the 10%threshold for additional testing. The following scenarios could then occur when testing amodel for qualification:

    If the first unit is measured at 44 watts, no more testing is needed and the model qualifies (44watts is 12% more efficient than the specification and is therefore outside the 10%threshold).

    If the first unit is measured at 45 watts, no more testing is needed and the model qualifies (45watts is exactly 10% more efficient than the specification).

    If the first unit is measured at 47 watts, then an additional unit must be tested to determinequalification (47 Watts is only 6% more efficient than the specification and is within the 10%threshold).

    If the two units are then tested at 47 and 51 watts, the model does not qualify as ENERGYSTAReven though the average is 49 watts because one of the values (51) exceeds the

    ENERGY STAR specification. If the two units are then tested at 47 and 49 watts, the model does qualify as ENERGY STAR

    because both values meet the ENERGY STAR specification of 50 watts.

    B. Models Capable of Operating at Multiple Voltage/Frequency Combinations: Manufacturers shalltest their products based on the market(s) in which the models will be sold and promoted asENERGY STAR qualified. EPA and its ENERGY STAR Country Partners have agreed upon atable with three voltage/frequency combinations for testing purposes. Please refer to the TestConditions in the Test Procedure (Appendix A) for details regarding internationalvoltage/frequency combinations for each market.

    For products that are sold as ENERGY STAR in multiple international markets and, therefore,rated at multiple input voltages, the manufacturer must test at and report the required powerconsumption or efficiency values at all relevant voltage/frequency combinations. For example, a

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    IPS: Internal Power Supply

    Power Supply

    Efficiency Protocol IPS:

    Efficiency EPS: ENERGY STAR Test EPS: for External Power


    C. Qualifying Families of Products: Models that are unchanged or that differ only in finish from thosesold in a previous year may remain qualified without the submission of new test data assuming thespecification remains unchanged. If a product model is offered in the market in multiple

    configurations or styles, as a product family or series, the partner may report and qualify theproduct under a single model number, as long as all of the models within that family or seriesmeet either of the following requirements:

    Computers that are built on the same platform and are identical in every respect except forhousing and color may be qualified through submission of test data for a single, representativemodel.

    If a product model is offered in the market in multiple configurations, the partner may reportand qualify the product under a single model number that represents the highest powerconfiguration available in the family, rather than reporting each and every individual model inthe family. In this case, the highest configuration would consist of: the highest powerprocessor, the maximum memory configuration, the highest power GPU, etc. For desktopsystems which meet the definition for multiple desktop categories (as defined in section 3.A.2)depending on the specific configuration, manufacturers will have to submit the highest powerconfiguration for each category under which they would like the system to qualify. Forexample, a system that could be configured either as a Category A or a Category B desktopwould require a submittal of the highest power configuration for both categories in order toqualify as ENERGY STAR. If a product could be configured to meet all three categories, itwould then have to submit data for the highest power configuration in all categories.Manufacturers will be held accountable for any efficiency claims made about all other modelsin the family, including those not tested or for which data was not reported.

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    Bijlage 2

    Energy Star Program Requirements for Computer Monitors (version 4.0), Eligibility Criteria, sections 3

    (Energy-Efficiency Specifications for Qualifying Products) and 4 (Test Methodology)

    3) Energy-Efficiency Specifications for Qualifying Products:Only those products listed in Section 2that meet the following criteria may qualify as ENERGY STAR. Effective dates for Tiers 1 and 2 are

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    that meet the following criteria may qualify as ENERGY STAR. Effective dates for Tiers 1 and 2 areprovided in Section 6 of this specification.

    Widescreen Models: Widescreen (e.g., 16:9, 15:9, etc.) models are eligible to earn the ENERGYSTAR, provided that they meet EPAs energy-efficiency requirements. There are no separatespecifications for widescreen models and as such, they must comply with Sections 3.A and 3.B,below. For Tier 2, future revisions or clarifications for widescreen models will be evaluated andconsidered, when adequate energy consumption data is readily available to EPA.

    A. On Mode/Active Power

    1. Tier 1: To qualify as ENERGY STAR, computer monitor models must not exceed the followingmaximum active power consumption equation: Y = 38X + 30. Y is expressed in watts androunded up to the nearest whole number and X is the number of megapixels in decimal form(e.g., 1,920,000 pixels = 1.92 megapixels). For example, the maximum power consumption fora computer monitor with 1800 x 1440 resolution, or 2,592,000 pixels, would be: 38(2.592) +30 = 128.49 or 129 watts when rounded up. Under this metric, maximum allowed power

    consumption for computer monitors with various standard resolutions is provided below inTable 1.

    2. Tier 2: To qualify as ENERGY STAR, computer monitor models must not exceed the followingmaximum active power consumption equation: If X < 1 megapixel, then Y = 23; if X > 1megapixel, then Y = 28X. Y is expressed in watts and rounded up to the nearest wholenumber and X is the number of megapixels in decimal form (e.g., 1,920,000 pixels = 1.92megapixels). For example, the maximum power consumption for a computer monitor with1024 x 768 resolution (or .78 megapixels) would be Y = 23 watts and for a computer monitorwith 1600 x 1200 resolution would be 28(1.92) = 53.76 or 54 watts when rounded up.

    Table 1: Sample Tier 1 On Mode Maximum Power Levels

    Resolution Total Pixels Maximum Power Use for Tier 1

    640 x 480 307,200 42 watts

    800 x 600 480,000 49 watts

    1024 x 768 786,432 60 watts

    1280 x 768 983,040 68 watts

    1280 x 1024 1,310,720 80 watts

    1600 x 1024 1,638,400 93 watts

    1600 x 1200 1,920,000 103 watts

    1920 x 1200 2,304,000 118 watts

    1800 x 1440 2 592 000 129 watts

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    2. Sleep Mode Exception: Computer monitors that have the capability to proceed automaticallyfrom On Mode/Active Power to an Off Mode/Standby Power of 2 watts or less in Tier 1 and 1watt or less in Tier 2 comply with these energy consumption requirements. The computermonitors Off Mode/Standby Power must be activated within 30 minutes of user inactivity or asotherwise defined in future versions of the Computer Agreement (issued after current Version3.0). Upon resumption of user activity (e.g., user moves the mouse or presses a key on thekeyboard), the computer monitor must return to full operational capability. In other words, aSleep Mode is not necessary if the computer monitor can proceed from On Mode/ActivePower to Off Mode/Standby Power and meet the ENERGY STAR requirements in the OffMode/Standby Power.

    Table 2: Energy-Efficiency Criteria for Sleep and Off Modes (Tiers 1 and 2)

    Tier 1 Tier 2

    Sleep Mode 4 watts 2 wattsOff Mode 2 watts 1 watt

    3. Sleep Mode Enabling: Energy savings from the computer monitors Sleep Mode can only beachieved if this power-saving mode is enabled. EPA recognizes that enabling and defaulttimes are driven by the computer, and as such, has outlined these requirements in theComputer Agreement. However, where feasible (e.g., where monitor manufacturer has abusiness relationship with specific computer manufacturers or where monitor manufactureralso sells its own computers or bundled products), monitor manufacturer should ensure that

    ENERGY STAR qualified computer monitors have their Sleep Modes enabled when shippedto the customer. Further, the computer shall activate the computer monitors Sleep Modewithin 30 minutes of user inactivity or as otherwise defined in future versions of the Computer

    Agreement (issued after current Version 3.0). If a computer monitor has the capability to

    proceed automatically from On Mode/Active Power to Off Mode/Standby Power, then,consistent with the Sleep Mode requirements, the computer monitors OffMode/Standby Power must be activated within 30 minutes of user inactivity or asotherwise defined in future versions of the Computer Agreement (issued after currentVersion 3.0).

    4) Test Methodology

    Product Testing Set-up, Methodology, and Documentation: EPA utilizes, where possible, existing,widely-accepted industry practices for measuring product performance and power use under normal or

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    To ensure a consistent means for measuring the power consumption of electronics products, thefollowing protocol must be followed, which has three main components:

    Product Testing Set-up and Conditions: Outlined below in Sections A through H are the ambient testconditions and measurement protocols that must be respected when performing powermeasurements.

    Product Testing Methodology: The actual test steps for measuring power in On Mode/Active Power,Sleep Mode/Low Power, and Off Mode/Standby Power are provided in Section I, below.

    Product Testing Documentation: Documentation requirements for submittal of qualified product datato EPA are detailed in Section J, below.

    This protocol ensures that outside factors do not adversely affect the test results and that the test

    results can be consistently reproduced. Manufacturers may elect to use an in-house or independentlaboratory to provide the test results. A sample of test facilities and recommended test equipment willbe provided in the near future on the ENERGY STARWeb site at

    Product Testing Set-up and Conditions

    A. Test Conditions:

    General Criteria

    Supply Voltage*: North America:Europe:Australia/NewZealand:Japan:

    115 ( 1%) Volts AC, 60 Hz ( 1%)230 ( 1%) Volts AC, 50 Hz ( 1%)

    230 ( 1%) Volts AC, 50 Hz ( 1%)100 ( 1%) Volts AC, 50 Hz ( 1%)/60 Hz ( 1%)

    Total HarmonicDistortion (Voltage):

    < 2% THD

    Ambient Temperature: 20C 5C

    Relative Humidity: 30 80 %

    Line Impedance: < 0.25 ohm

    (R f IEC 62301 H h ld El t i l A li M t f St db P S ti

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    C. Color Controls and Peripherals: All color controls (hue, saturation, gamma, etc.) shall be placed attheir factory default settings. No external devices shall be connected to any included UniversalSerial Bus (USB) hubs or ports. Any built-in speakers, TV tuners, etc. may be placed in theirminimum power configuration, as adjustable by the user, to minimize power use not associatedwith the display itself. Circuit removal or other actions not under user control may not be taken to

    minimize power use.

    D. Power Measurement Test Conditions: CRT pixel format shall be set at the preferred pixel formatwith the highest resolution that is intended to be driven at a 75 Hz refresh rate. A VESA DiscreteMonitor Timing (DMT) or newer industry standard pixel format timing must be used for the test.The CRT monitor must be capable of meeting all its manufacturer-stated quality specifications inthe tested format. For LCDs and other fixed pixel technologies, pixel format shall be set to thenative level. LCD refresh rate shall be set to 60 Hz, unless a different refresh rate is specificallyrecommended by the manufacturer, in which case that rate shall be used.

    E. Power Measurement Protocols: Computer monitor power consumption shall be measured in wattswith an imposed test pattern. Warm-up time shall be a minimum of a 20-minute period (ReferenceVESA FPDM Standard 2.0, Section 301-2D or 305-3 for warm-up test). A true RMS power meterwith a crest factor of at least five shall be used to measure the power use of each randomlychosen unit at one or more, as appropriate, of the voltage/frequency combinations provided inSection 4.A (Reference VESA Standard: Display Specifications and Measurement Procedures,Version 1.0, Revision 1.0, Section 8.1.3). Measurements shall be taken after wattage values arestable over a three-minute period. Measurements are considered stable if the wattage reading

    does not vary more than 1% over the three-minute period (Reference IEC 4.3.1). (Manufacturersshall ignore the input sync signal check cycle when metering the model in Sleep Mode/Low Powerand Off Mode/Standby Power.) Manufacturers shall use calibrated measuring equipment capableof measurements accurate to one-tenth of a watt or better.

    Borrowing from European Norm 50301 (Reference BSI 03-2001, BS EN 50301:2001, Methods ofMeasurement for the Power Consumption of Audio, Video, and Related Equipment, Annex A),EPA has established a test procedure where the number of units required for test depends on thetest results for the first unit. For the purposes of ENERGY STAR, if a tested computer monitor

    uses at least 15% less power (i.e., greater than or equal to 15%) than the ENERGY STARspecification in all three operating modes (On Mode/Active Power, Sleep Mode/Low Power, andOff Mode/Standby Power), then it only has to be tested once. However, if a tested computermonitor is within 15% (i.e., less than 15%) of the ENERGY STAR specification in any of the threeoperating modes then two more units have to be tested None of the test values may exceed the

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    F. Luminance Test Patterns and Procedures: For CRT monitors, the technician shall initiate theAT01P (Alignment Target 01 Positive Mode) pattern (VESA FPDM Standard 2.0, A112-2F,AT01P) for screen size and use it to set the computer monitor to the manufacturersrecommended image size, which is typically slightly smaller than maximum viewable screen size.Then, test pattern (VESA FPDM Standard 2.0, A112-2F, SET01K) shall be displayed that provides

    eight shades of gray from full black (0 volts) to full white (0.7 volts).2 Input signal levels shallconform to VESA Video Signal Standard (VSIS), Version 1.0, Rev. 2.0, December 2002. Thetechnician shall adjust (where feasible) the computer monitor brightness control downward from itsmaximum until the lowest black bar luminance level is just slightly visible (VESA FPDM Standard2.0, Section 301-3K). The technician shall then display a test pattern (VESA FPDM Standard 2.0,A112-2H, L80) that provides a full white (0.7 volts) box that occupies 80% of the image. Thetechnician shall then adjust the contrast control until the white area of the screen provides at least100 candelas per square meter of luminance, measured according to VESA FPDM Standard 2.0,Section 302-1.

    For all Fixed Pixel displays (e.g., LCDs and others), test pattern (VESA FPDM Standard 2.0,A112-2F, SET01K) shall be displayed that provides eight shades of gray from full black (0 volts) tofull white (0.7 volts).2 Input signal levels shall conform to VESA Video Signal Standard (VSIS),Version 1.0, Rev. 2.0, December 2002. With the brightness and contrast controls at maximum, thetechnician shall check that, at a minimum, the white and near white gray levels can bedistinguished. If white and near white gray levels cannot be distinguished, then contrast shall beadjusted until they can be distinguished. The technician shall next display a test pattern (VESAFPDM Standard 2.0, A112-2H, L80) that provides a full white (0.7 volts) box that occupies 80% of

    the image. The technician shall then adjust the brightnesscontrol until the white area of thescreen provides at least 175 candelas per square meter of luminance, measured according toVESA FPDM Standard 2.0, Section 302-1. [If computer monitors maximum luminance is less than175 candelas per square meter (e.g., 150), then technician shall use the maximum luminance(e.g., 150) and report the value to EPA with other required testing documentation. Similarly, if thecomputer monitors minimum luminance is greater than 175 candelas per square meter (e.g.,200), then technician shall use the minimum luminance (e.g., 200) and report the value to EPA.]

    G. Light Measurement Protocols: When light measurements, such as illuminance and luminance,need to be made, a LMD shall be used with the computer monitor located in dark room conditions.

    The LMD shall be used to make measurements at the center of, and perpendicular to thecomputer monitor screen (Reference VESA FPDM Standard 2.0, Appendix A115). The screensurface area to be measured shall cover at least 500 pixels, unless this exceeds the equivalent ofa rectangular area with sides of lengths equal to 10% of the visible screen height and width (in

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    Product Description/Category (e.g., 17-inch computer monitorwith white housing)

    Display Technology (e.g., CRT, LCD, Plasma)

    Brand Name/Manufacturer

    Model Number

    Serial Number

    Rated Voltage (VAC) and Frequency (Hz)

    Viewable Diagonal Size (inches)

    Aspect Ratio (e.g., 4:3)

    Recommended Image Size (actual size tested) Width X Height

    Viewing Angle (horizontal and vertical degrees)

    Screen Refresh Rate (during test) (Hz)

    Number of Pixels as Tested (horizontal)

    Number of Pixels as Tested (vertical)

    Maximum Claimed Resolution (horizontal)

    Maximum Claimed Resolution (vertical)

    Analog, Digital, or Both Interfaces

    Instrumentation Information (e.g., type of signal generator)

    Product Testing Methodology

    I. Test Method: Following are the test steps for measuring the true power requirements of the testunit in On Mode/Active Power, Sleep Mode/Low Power, and Off Mode/Standby Power.

    Manufacturers are required to test their computer monitors using the analog interface, except inthose cases where one is not provided (i.e., digital interface monitors, which are defined as onlyhaving a digital interface for purposes of this test method). For digital interface monitors, pleasesee Footnote 2 on page 9 for voltage information and then follow the test method below using adigital signal generator.

    On Mode/Active Power1. Connect the test sample to the outlet or power source and test equipment. For computer

    monitors shipped with an external power supply, the external power supply (as opposed to a

    reference power supply) must be used in the test.2. Power on all test equipment and properly adjust power source voltage and frequency.3. Check for normal operation of the test unit and leave all customer adjustments set to factory

    default settings.

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    Sleep Mode/Low Power (Power Switch On, No Video Signal)1. At the conclusion of the On Mode/Active Power test, initiate the computer monitors Sleep

    Mode/Low Power. The method of adjustment shall be documented along with the sequence ofevents required to reach the Sleep Mode/Low Power. Power on all test equipment andproperly adjust operation range.

    2. Allow the computer monitor to remain in Sleep Mode/Low Power until stable power readingsare measured. Measurements are considered stable if the wattage reading does not varymore than 1% over the three-minute period. Manufacturers shall ignore the input sync signalcheck cycle when metering the model in Sleep Mode/Low Power.

    3. Record the test conditions and test data. The measurement time shall be sufficiently long tomeasure the correct average value (i.e., not peak or instantaneous power). If the device hasdifferent Sleep Modes that can be manually selected, the measurement should be taken withthe device in the most energy consumptive of those modes. If the modes are cycled throughautomatically, the measurement time should be long enough to obtain a true average that

    includes all modes.

    Off Mode/Standby Power (Power Switch Off)1. At the conclusion of the Sleep Mode/Low Power test, initiate the computer monitors Off

    Mode/Standby Power. If only one power switch is provided (i.e., a soft off or a hard off), pressthat switch; if two power switches are provided (i.e., a soft off AND a hard off), press the softoff switch. The method of adjustment shall be documented along with the sequence of eventsrequired to reach the Off Mode/Standby Power. Power on all test equipment and properlyadjust operation range.

    2. Allow the computer monitor to remain in Off Mode/Standby Power until stable power readingsare measured. Measurements are considered stable if the wattage reading does not varymore than 1% over the three-minute period. Manufacturers shall ignore the input sync signalcheck cycle when metering the model in Off Mode/Standby Power.

    3. Record the test conditions and test data. The measurement time shall be sufficiently long tomeasure the correct average value (i.e., not peak or instantaneous power).

    Product Testing Documentation

    J. Submittal of Qualified Product Data to EPA: Partners are required to self-certify those product

    models that meet the ENERGY STAR guidelines and report information to EPA on a QPI form.ENERGY STAR qualifying product lists, including information about new as well as discontinuedmodels, must be provided on an annual basis, or more frequently if desired by the manufacturer.