TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ISSN ll 1007-0214 ll 01/11 ll pp1-6 Volume 20, Number 1, February 2015 Sensorless Sensing with WiFi Zimu Zhou, Chenshu Wu, Zheng Yang , and Yunhao Liu Abstract: Can WiFi signals be used for sensing purpose? The growing PHY layer capabilities of WiFi has made it possible to reuse WiFi signals for both communication and sensing. Sensing via WiFi would enable remote sensing without wearable sensors, simultaneous perception and data transmission without extra communication infrastructure, and contactless sensing in privacy-preserving mode. Due to the popularity of WiFi devices and the ubiquitous deployment of WiFi networks, WiFi-based sensing networks, if fully connected, would potentially rank as one of the world’s largest wireless sensor networks. Yet the concept of wireless and sensorless sensing is not the simple combination of WiFi and radar. It seeks breakthroughs from dedicated radar systems, and aims to balance between low cost and high accuracy, to meet the rising demand for pervasive environment perception in everyday life. Despite increasing research interest, wireless sensing is still in its infancy. Through introductions on basic principles and working prototypes, we review the feasibilities and limitations of wireless, sensorless, and contactless sensing via WiFi. We envision this article as a brief primer on wireless sensing for interested readers to explore this open and largely unexplored field and create next-generation wireless and mobile computing applications. Key words: Channel State Information (CSI); sensorless sensing; WiFi; indoor localization; device-free human detection; activity recognition; wireless networks; ubiquitous computing 1 Introduction Technological advances have extended the role of wireless signals from a sole communication medium to a contactless sensing platform, especially indoors. In indoor environments, wireless signals often propagate via both the direct path and multiple reflection and scattering paths, resulting in multiple aliased signals superposing at the receiver. As the physical space constrains the propagation of wireless signals, the wireless signals in turn convey information that characterizes the environment they pass through. Herein the environment refers to the physical space where Zimu Zhou, Chenshu Wu, Zheng Yang, and Yunhao Liu are with School of Software and TNList, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China. E-mail: fzhouzimu, wu, yang, yunhaog@greenorbs.com. To whom correspondence should be addressed. Manuscript received: 2014-12-05; accepted: 2014-12-28 wireless signals propagate, which includes both ambient objects (e.g., walls and furniture) and humans (e.g., their locations and postures). As shown in Fig. 1, sensorless sensing with WiFi infers the surrounding environments by analyzing received WiFi signals, with increasing levels of sensing contexts. It is not a brand-new concept to exploit wireless signals for contactless environment sensing. Aircraft radar systems, as a representative, detect the presence of outdoor aircrafts and determine their range, type, and other information by analyzing either the wireless signals emitted by the aircrafts themselves or those broadcast by the radar transmitters and reflected by the aircrafts afterwards. Recent research has also explored Ultra-Wide Band (UWB) signals for indoor radar systems [1] . Primarily designed for military context, however, these techniques either rely on dedicated hardware or extremely wide bandwidth to obtain high time resolution and accurate range measurements, impeding their pervasive deployment in daily life.

Sensorless Sensing with WiFi - Tsinghua Universitytns.thss.tsinghua.edu.cn/~cswu/papers/TST15_sensorless_paper.pdf · sensorless sensing with WiFi infers the surrounding environments

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TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYI S S N l l 1 0 0 7 - 0 2 1 4 l l 0 1 / 1 1 l l p p 1- 6Volume 20, Number 1, February 2015

Sensorless Sensing with WiFi

Zimu Zhou, Chenshu Wu, Zheng Yang�, and Yunhao Liu

Abstract: Can WiFi signals be used for sensing purpose? The growing PHY layer capabilities of WiFi has made

it possible to reuse WiFi signals for both communication and sensing. Sensing via WiFi would enable remote

sensing without wearable sensors, simultaneous perception and data transmission without extra communication

infrastructure, and contactless sensing in privacy-preserving mode. Due to the popularity of WiFi devices and the

ubiquitous deployment of WiFi networks, WiFi-based sensing networks, if fully connected, would potentially rank as

one of the world’s largest wireless sensor networks. Yet the concept of wireless and sensorless sensing is not the

simple combination of WiFi and radar. It seeks breakthroughs from dedicated radar systems, and aims to balance

between low cost and high accuracy, to meet the rising demand for pervasive environment perception in everyday

life. Despite increasing research interest, wireless sensing is still in its infancy. Through introductions on basic

principles and working prototypes, we review the feasibilities and limitations of wireless, sensorless, and contactless

sensing via WiFi. We envision this article as a brief primer on wireless sensing for interested readers to explore this

open and largely unexplored field and create next-generation wireless and mobile computing applications.

Key words: Channel State Information (CSI); sensorless sensing; WiFi; indoor localization; device-free human

detection; activity recognition; wireless networks; ubiquitous computing

1 Introduction

Technological advances have extended the role ofwireless signals from a sole communication medium toa contactless sensing platform, especially indoors. Inindoor environments, wireless signals often propagatevia both the direct path and multiple reflectionand scattering paths, resulting in multiple aliasedsignals superposing at the receiver. As the physicalspace constrains the propagation of wireless signals,the wireless signals in turn convey information thatcharacterizes the environment they pass through. Hereinthe environment refers to the physical space where

� Zimu Zhou, Chenshu Wu, Zheng Yang, and Yunhao Liu arewith School of Software and TNList, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China. E-mail: fzhouzimu, wu, yang,[email protected].�To whom correspondence should be addressed.

Manuscript received: 2014-12-05; accepted: 2014-12-28

wireless signals propagate, which includes bothambient objects (e.g., walls and furniture) and humans(e.g., their locations and postures). As shown in Fig. 1,sensorless sensing with WiFi infers the surroundingenvironments by analyzing received WiFi signals, withincreasing levels of sensing contexts.

It is not a brand-new concept to exploit wirelesssignals for contactless environment sensing. Aircraftradar systems, as a representative, detect the presenceof outdoor aircrafts and determine their range, type,and other information by analyzing either the wirelesssignals emitted by the aircrafts themselves or thosebroadcast by the radar transmitters and reflected by theaircrafts afterwards. Recent research has also exploredUltra-Wide Band (UWB) signals for indoor radarsystems[1]. Primarily designed for military context,however, these techniques either rely on dedicatedhardware or extremely wide bandwidth to obtain hightime resolution and accurate range measurements,impeding their pervasive deployment in daily life.

2 Tsinghua Science and Technology, February 2015, 20(1): 1-6

Fig. 1 Illustration of setups and sensing tasks for wireless sensing in multipath propagation environments.

On the other hand, contactless sensing technology isof rising demand in our everyday world. For instance,passive human detection has raised extensive researchinterest in the past decade[2–5]. By Passive (also termedas device-free or non-invasive), it refers to detectingusers via wireless signals, while the users carry noradio-enabled devices[2]. Such contactless and privacy-preserving mode can stimulate various applicationsincluding security surveillance, intrusion detection,elderly monitoring, remote health-care, and innovativehuman-computer interaction.

One solution to passive human detection is to deployextra sensors like UWB radar systems. Yet a moreattractive alternative is to reuse the ubiquitous WiFiinfrastructure for pervasive, cost-effective, and easy-to-use passive human sensing. Such WiFi-based sensingis challenging in two aspects: Standard WiFi signalshave limited bandwidth and insufficient time resolutioncompared with dedicated radar signals; commercialWiFi hardware often fails to support sophisticated radarsignal processing. It is thus urgent to break awayfrom traditional radar systems and develop theory andtechnology for high-resolution wireless sensing withoff-the-shelf WiFi infrastructure.

Although neither WiFi nor radar alone yieldsnew concepts, their combination sparks interestinginnovations in mobile computing. Pioneer researchershave termed this largely unexplored field as WirelessSensing, Sensorless Sensing or Radio TomographyImaging[3], and we will use wireless sensing andsensorless sensing throughout this paper. In this paper,we reviewed the emergence of wireless, sensorless, andcontactless sensing via WiFi. We focus on the principlesand the infrastructure advances that enable wireless andsensorless sensing on commodity devices. Over the pastfive years researchers have developed a series of WiFi-based contactless sensing prototypes with increasingfunctionalities[6–10] and we expect wireless, sensorless,and contactless sensing to leap towards industrial

products in the coming few years.

2 From Received Signal Strength (RSS) toChannel State Information (CSI)

How can we infer environment information fromwireless signals? As a toy example, weak WiFisignal strength may indicate long distance from theaccess point. Though intuitive, RSS is widely usedto infer environment information such as propagationdistances. The past two decades have witnessedvarious sensing applications using RSS, with RSS-based localization as the most representative.

2.1 Received signal strength

RSS acts as a common proxy for channel quality andis accessible in numerous wireless communicationtechnologies including RFID, GSM, WiFi, andBluetooth. Researchers also utilize RSS for sensing,such as indoor localization and passive humandetection. In theory, it is feasible to substitute RSSinto propagation models to estimate propagationdistance, or take a set of RSS from multiple accesspoints as fingerprints for each location, or infer humanmotions from RSS fluctuations. However, in typicalindoor environments, wireless signals often propagatevia multiple paths, a phenomenon called multipathpropagation. In presence of multipath propagation,RSS may no longer decrease monotonicallywith propagation distance, thus limiting rangingaccuracy. Multipath propagation can also lead tounpredictable RSS fluctuations. Studies showed thatRSS can fluctuate up to 5 dB in one minute evenfor a static link[11]. Such multipath-induced RSSfluctuation may cause false match in fingerprint-basedlocalization. Since RSS is single-valued, it fails todepict multipath propagation, making it less robust andreliable. Hence RSS-based sensing applications oftenresort to dense deployed wireless links to avoid theimpact of multipath via redundancy[3].

Zimu Zhou et al.: Sensorless Sensing with WiFi 3

2.2 Channel state information

Since RSS is only a MAC layer feature, recent effortshave dived into the PHY layer to combat the impactof multipath. Multipath propagation can be depictedby Channel Impulse Response (CIR). Under the time-invariant assumption, CIR can be modeled as a temporallinear filter:

h.�/ D


aie�j�i ı .� � �i / (1)

where ai , �i , and �i denote the amplitude, phase, anddelay of the i -th path. N is the number of paths andı.�/ is the Dirac delta function. Each impulse representsa propagation path resolvable by time delays. Multipathpropagation also leads to constructive and destructivephase superposition, which exhibits frequency-selectivefading. Therefore multipath propagation can also becharacterized by Channel Frequency Response (CFR),the Fourier transform of CIR given infinite bandwidth.

Obtaining high-resolution CIR or CFR often involvesdedicated channel sounders. Yet the physical layerof WiFi, especially Orthogonal Frequency DivisionMultiplex (OFDM) based WiFi standards (e.g., IEEE802.11a/g/n), offers a sampled CFR at the granularityof subcarriers. With only slight firmware modificationand commercial WiFi network interface cards[12], thesesampled versions of CFR measurements can be revealedto upper layers in the format of CSI. Each CSI estimatesthe amplitude and phase of one OFDM subcarrier:

H.fk/ D kH.fk/kej†H (2)

where H.fk/ is the CSI at the subcarrier of centralfrequency fk , amplitude kH.fk/k, and phase †H .

2.3 RSS vs. CSI

Compared with RSS, CSI is able to depict multipathpropagation to certain extent, making it an upgradefor RSS. Analogously speaking, CSI is to RSS whata rainbow is to a sunbeam. As shown in Fig. 2, CSI

Fig. 2 An analogous illustration of RSS and CSI.

separates signals of different wavelengths via OFDM,while RSS only provides a single-valued amplitudeof superposed paths. As physical layer information,CSI conveys channel information invisible in MAClayer RSS. On one hand, CSI estimates CFR onmultiple subcarriers, thus depicting the frequency-selective fading of WiFi channels. On the other hand,CSI measures not only the amplitude of each subcarrier,but its phase as well. Thus CSI provides richer channelinformation in the frequency domain. Since CIR is theinverse Fourier transform of CFR, CSI also enablescoarse-grained path distinction in the time domain.

CSI brings more than richer information. With properprocessing, CSI can exhibit site-specific patterns indifferent environments, while retaining stable overallstructure in the same environment. Hence we mayextract finer-grained and more robust signal featuresfrom CSI via machine learning and signal processing,rather than obtain only a single value by simplyadding up the amplitudes over subcarriers (a similarprocessing approach as RSS). Although currently CSIis only accessible on certain platforms, the continuingpopularity of WiFi and its ubiquitous deployment stillmake CSI a relatively pervasive signal feature.

However, the resolution of CSI is limited by theoperating bandwidth of WiFi. Even with a bandwidthof 40 MHz (IEEE 802.11n with channel bounding),its time resolution still fails to distinguish individualpaths. We envision WiFi standards with increasinglywider bandwidth (e.g., IEEE 802.11ac) would providefiner-grained multipath propagation information infuture.

3 Sensorless Sensing via WiFi

How does CSI benefit wireless sensing? As an upgradefor RSS, it is natural to adopt CSI to boost performanceof RSS-based sensing applications. For instance, inRSS-based localization, RSS can be used as eithera location-specific fingerprint or to calculate thedistance between the mobile client and the accesspoint. Similarly, CSI can be employed as a finer-grained fingerprint as it carries both amplitude andphase information across subcarriers; or for moreaccurate ranging by accounting for frequency-selectivefading. Here we refer interested readers to Ref. [13] fora more comprehensive overview on CSI-based indoorlocalization. To sum up, RSS-based applications often

4 Tsinghua Science and Technology, February 2015, 20(1): 1-6

consider multipath harmful, since RSS is unable toresolve multipath propagation and suffers unpredictablefluctuation in dense multipath propagation. In contrast,CSI manages to resolve multipath effect at subcarrierlevel. Though coarse-grained, CSI offers opportunitiesto harness multipath in wireless sensing applications.

3.1 Sensing the environment

In multipath environments, propagation paths can bebroadly classified into Line-Of-Sight (LOS) and Non-Line-Of-Sight (NLOS) paths, where NLOS paths oftenpose major challenges for wireless communicationand mobile computing applications. Severe NLOSpropagation may deteriorate communicationquality and degrade theoretical signal propagationmodels. A prerequisite to avoid the impact of NLOSpropagation is to identify the availability of the LOSpath. Since CSI depicts multipath at the granularityof subcarriers, researchers have explored CSI forLOS identification[14, 15]. Zhou et al.[14] extractedstatistical features from CSI amplitudes in both thetime and frequency domains, and leveraged receivermobility to distinguish LOS and NLOS paths basedon their difference in spatial stability. Wu et al.[15]

utilized CSI phases of multiple antennas for real-time LOS identification for both static and mobilescenarios[15]. Phase information offers an orthogonaldimension to traditional amplitude-based features,and has been successfully adopted in a range ofapplications, e.g., millimeter-level localization[16].

Another concrete environment characteristic is theshape and the size of rooms and corridors, whichmake up part of the floor plan. Floor plan isoften assumed to be offered by service providersand researchers have shown increasing interest todraw floor plans by combining wireless and inertialsensing. Some works also demonstrated the feasibilityof using wireless sensing alone to recover part of thefloor plan information. For instance, Wang et al.[17]

distinguished straight pathways, right-angle, and arccorners by analyzing the difference in the trend ofCSI changing rates when the WiFi device moves. Withchannel measurements on multiple receiving antennas,the authors in Ref. [18] developed a space scanningscheme by calculating the angle-of-arrivals of multiplepropagation paths and inferring the locations of thereflecting walls. Despite its bulky size, the workingprototype holds promise for scanning the physical space

wirelessly and contactlessly.

3.2 Sensing humans

Humans, as part of the environments wireless signalspropagate within, are of utmost interest in wirelesssensing. In passive human detection, CSI can detect tinyhuman-induced variations from both LOS and NLOSpaths, thereby enhancing detection sensitivity andexpanding sensing coverage. Zhou et al.[4] utilized CSIas finer-grained fingerprints to achieve omnidirectionalpassive human detection on a single transmitter-receiverlink, where the user approaching the receiver fromall directions can be detected. With fusion of multiplelinks, CSI also facilitates fine-grained passive humanlocalization[19]. Xi et al.[5] extended human detection tomulti-user scenarios by correlating the variation of CSIto the number of humans nearby for device-free crowdcounting.

Pioneer research has marched beyond detectingsimply the presence of humans. On the one hand,CSI-based wireless sensing shifts from locating users inthe physical coordinates to offering more context-awareinformation. Some work demonstrated the feasibilityof general-purposed daily activity recognition by usingCSI as fingerprints for the hybrid of locations andactivity patterns[7]. Others targeted at more concretescenarios, e.g., fall detection[20], adopting similarprinciples with scenario-tailored optimization. On theother hand, ambitious CSI-based sensing applicationsstrive to detect micro body-part motions at increasinglyfiner granularity. Some reported over 90% accuracyof distinguishing multiple whole-body[6] and body-part gestures[9], while others claimed accurate breathdetection[10] or even lips reading[8]. Nevertheless,researchers have reached no concursus on to what extentof motion granularity and variety is CSI capable ofdistinguishing in practice.

3.3 One leap further: WiFi radar

Over the past five years, CSI has spawned variousapplications and its application scenarios continue toexpand. As an upgrade for RSS, it is natural toimprove performance of some applications simply byreplacing RSS with CSI. CSI also enables variousapplications infeasible with RSS alone, such asgesture recognition, breath detection, and complexenvironment sensing. Nevertheless, CSI is not apanacea, and its improvement in sensing granularity isstill incomparable with radar signals. Some envisioned

Zimu Zhou et al.: Sensorless Sensing with WiFi 5

applications might have already gone beyond thecapability of CSI.

Apart from further exploring and exploiting thefrequency diversity and the phase information ofCSI, researchers also began to identify its limitationsin practice, as well as seek other techniques toextend CSI-based sensing to general WiFi-basedsensorless sensing or WiFi radar. In Ref. [21],researchers pointed out via ambiguity function analysisthat the range resolution of WiFi-compatible passivebistatic radars can only reach meters, which isfundamentally constrained by the bandwidth ofWiFi signals. To overcome this intrinsic constraint,researchers alternatively incorporate Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) technology. Researchers in Ref. [22]exploited antenna cancellation techniques to eliminatethe impact of static clutters to enable through-wallsensing of human movements. In Ref. [23], the authorsachieved computational imaging using WiFi, and builta MIMO-based prototype on software defined radioplatforms. They experimentally demonstrated that thesize, material, and orientation of the target objects cansignificantly affect the performance of WiFi imaging,and a one-fit-all solution is still to be explored.

4 Conclusions

Wireless and sensorless sensing seeks breakthroughsin the contradiction between the limitation of WiFiand the growing demand for environment perception indaily life, seeks a balance between low cost and highaccuracy, explores solutions via frequency diversityand spatial diversity, and creates applications that arepreviously infeasible in wireless communications andmobile computing. We envision technological advanceswould boost the capability of wireless sensing to finergranularity and higher sensitivity, which will in turnfoster various new applications. This article only servesas an introduction on the concept of wireless andsensorless sensing, and we refer interested readers tothe corresponding references for in-depth information.

If we consider WiFi as a side sensor, then WiFi-basedsensorless sensing can be regarded as one of the world’slargest wireless sensor networks, spreading over officebuildings, shopping malls, other public places andhomes, and silently watching the activities of humanstherein. Living inside such a network, every individualin the physical world has been bestowed with uniquebeing in the digital world. So the next time you want

a secret meeting, after shutting the doors, pulling downthe curtains, and even checking for wiretaps beneath thetable, do not forget to turn off the WiFi!


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Zimu Zhou is a PhD candidate in theDepartment of Computer Science andEngineering, Hong Kong University ofScience and Technology. He received hisBEng degree in 2011 from TsinghuaUniversity. His main research interestsinclude wireless networks and mobilecomputing. He is a student member of


Chenshu Wu received his BEng degreefrom Tsinghua University, China, in2010. He is now a PhD student inDepartment of Computer Science andTechnology, Tsinghua University. He isa member of Tsinghua National Lab forInformation Science and Technology.His research interests include wireless

ad-hocnsor networks and pervasive computing. He is a studentmember of the IEEE and the ACM.

Zheng Yang received his BEng degreefrom Tsinghua University in 2006 andhis PhD degree in computer science fromHong Kong University of Science andTechnology in 2010. He is currentlyan associate researcher in TsinghuaUniversity. His main research interestsinclude wireless ad-hoc sensor networks

and mobile computing. He is a member of the IEEE and theACM.

Yunhao Liu received his BEng degreefrom Tsinghua University in 1995, andMS and PhD degrees in computer scienceand engineering from Michigan StateUniversity in 2003 and 2004, respectively.Yunhao is now Chang Jiang ChairProfessor and Dean of School of Softwareat Tsinghua University, China. Yunhao is

an ACM Distinguished Speaker, and now serves as the Chair ofACM China Council and also serves as the Associate Editors-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Parallel and DistributedSystems, and Associate Editor for IEEE/ACM Transactions onNetworking and ACM Transactions on Sensor Network. He is aFellow of IEEE.