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Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 0 (2017) 1–17

Scalable Structural Modal Identification UsingDynamic Sensor Network Data with STRIDEX

Thomas J. Matarazzo*

Senseable City Laboratory, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA


Shamim N. Pakzad

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015, USA

Abstract: This article uses the formulation of thestructural identification using expectation maximization(STRIDE) algorithm for compatibility with the trun-cated physical model (TPM) to enable scalable, output-only modal identification using dynamic sensor network(DSN) data. The DSN data class is an adaptable and ef-ficient technique for storing measurements from a verylarge number of sensing nodes, which is the case in mo-bile sensor networks and BIGDATA problems. In thisarticle, the STRIDEX output-only identification algo-rithm is proposed for the stochastic TPM to estimatestructural modal properties (frequencies, damping ratios,and mode shapes) directly from DSN data. The spa-tial information produced by this novel algorithm, calledSTRIDEX (“X” for extended), is scalable, as demon-strated in a strategy to construct high-resolution modeshapes from a single DSN data set using a series of in-dependent identification runs. The ability to extract de-tailed structural system information from DSN data ina computationally scalable framework is a step towardmobile infrastructure informatics in a large urban set-ting. The performance of the STRIDEX algorithm isdemonstrated, using the simulated response of a 5,000DOF structure, and experimentally, using measurementsfrom two mobile sensor cars, which scanned about 8,000points on a beam specimen in the laboratory. In the ex-perimental results, a mobile sensor is shown to provide

∗To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:[email protected].

over 120 times more mode shape points than a fixed sen-sor.


Structural engineers are in perpetual exploration ofmethodologies that expedite the extraction of infor-mation from infrastructure systems. Advancementsin sensor technology and innovative data collectiontechniques target prompt retrieval of structural healthmetrics, which are essential for short- and long-termstructural condition assessments as well as effectivemaintenance planning. Over the past two decades,structural health monitoring (SHM) applications haveincorporated wireless sensing technology (Lynch,2007), which has facilitated the use of dense sensorarrays in large-scale structures (Ko and Ni, 2005; Lynchet al., 2006; Pakzad et al., 2008). The smart sensingsubcategory has offered devices with on-board micro-processors (among other components), which enableenhanced communication, distributed computing, andimproved power consumption (Gao et al., 2006; Lynch,2002; Spencer et al., 2004).

Optimal sensor placement techniques acknowledgehigh equipment costs and aim to minimize the numberof sensors needed to achieve a particular set of struc-tural information from the data, for example, damagedetection (Guo et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2000), modalidentification (Chang and Pakzad, 2014, 2015; Meo andZumpano, 2005), and so on. Compressed sensing strate-gies recognize scalability issues in SHM methods and

C⃝ 2017 Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering.DOI: 10.1111/mice.12298

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2 Matarazzo & Pakzad

seek mathematically guided alternatives to brute forcewhen processing very large data sets, that is, BIGDATA(Huang et al., 2014; Matarazzo, et al., 2015b; O’Connoret al., 2014; Yao et al., 2017).

Researchers aspire for data sets that are larger, moreinformative, and obtained more frequently. Currentlyin SHM, these data goals are attained by designing andimplementing fixed sensor networks (wired or wireless)that are spatially dense (Ko and Ni, 2005; Ni et al.,2009; Pakzad and Fenves, 2009) and/or are incorporatedwithin a long-term monitoring system (Cha et al., 2016;Jang et al., 2010; Kurata et al., 2011, 2013; Soyoz andFeng, 2009; Spiridonakos et al., 2016). Recent imple-mentations of sensing systems with internet connectiv-ity have demonstrated an ability to streamline data col-lection, storage, and permit real-time results for civilstructures, for example, wind-turbines (Smarsly et al.,2012), tall buildings (Kijewski-Correa et al., 2013; Yuenand Mu, 2015), and highway bridges (Zhang et al.,2016). Yet, there remains high value in reducing thecost and labor needed to achieve advanced infrastruc-ture insights (Adeli, 2001; Adeli and Jiang, 2006; Qariband Adeli, 2015; Sun and Betti, 2015). These constraintsare byproducts of the fixed sensor paradigm in SHM:numerous fixed sensors are needed to obtain sufficientspatial information, for example, high-resolution modeshapes, and each with a corresponding cost in dollarsand setup/maintenance time. Mobile sensors addressthe shortcomings of fixed sensors: a single mobile sensordelivers spatial information comparable to that which isretrievable from numerous fixed sensors (Horner et al.,2015; Matarazzo and Pakzad, 2016a; Unnikrishnan andVetterli, 2012) at a lower cost.

1.1 Toward the acquisition and analysisof crowdsourced infrastructure vibration data

What if the general public had access to portable, high-quality sensors and contributed a volume of informa-tive infrastructure data to SHM every day? Althoughconsumer technology and civil participation have yetto converge in this regard, the recent boom in publicsmartphone ownership is unprecedented (MediaPost,2015); the number of connected devices worldwide hasalready tripled the human population and is multiplyingat a faster rate (Hotel News Resource, 2015). This intro-duction of a mass quantity of different types of sensorsincluding triaxial accelerometers, GPS devices, digitalcameras, microphones, and others to the urban environ-ment has quickly impacted how researchers perceive,acquire, and utilize digital data sets (Calabrese et al.,2011; Herrera et al., 2010; Mohan et al., 2008). In thecontext of SHM, the expected volume of daily mobile

smartphone data streams greatly surpasses what a long-term fixed sensor network can supply.

Recent studies have selected smartphones, based ontheir potential for scalability, to evaluate road qual-ity. For instance, Pothole Patrol, a system which gath-ered and analyzed data from vehicles equipped with atriaxial accelerometer and GPS sensor to assess roadsurface conditions, was developed by Eriksson et al.(2008) and implemented using seven taxis in Boston,Massachusetts, USA. Potholes were confirmed visuallyat 39 out of 48 sites identified by the system; the remain-ders were mostly attributed to sunken manholes, rail-way crossings, and expansion joints.

SmartRoadSense, a system and mobile application toassess road surface condition from smartphone accel-eration records, was proposed by Alessandroni et al.(2014). In experiments, the data were collected by Mo-torola Moto G smartphones fixed in public bus cabinsin Italy; road quality indices were computed for 275 kmtotal. Road surface conditions in India were monitoredby Kumar et al. (2016) using data from smartphonesmounted on motorbikes, exemplifying a highly tech-nological impact in a country with an emerging econ-omy and a low level of individual smartphone owner-ship (Pew Research Center, 2016).

The use of stationary smartphones for identifyingstructural vibration characteristics was discussed byFeng et al. (2015), in which the performances of var-ious common smartphone accelerometers were com-pared to a reference sensor in laboratory and field dy-namic tests. It was concluded that selected smartphonemodels are capable of recording sinusoidal vibrationswith a specified accuracy that depends on the amplitudeand frequency of the signal. Power spectral density es-timates of vibration test data collected from a bridge inPrinceton, New Jersey, USA displayed peaks within 1%of the fundamental frequency, suggesting that smart-phone data may be suitable for system identification(SID).

Although smartphone data quality varies, and cansuffer from basic signal processing problems, for exam-ple, time synchronization errors, noise, clipping, missingdata, and so on, the inherent mobility of smartphonesposes a more substantial challenge in SHM, becausemodern models and techniques have been developedexclusively to process data from fixed sensors—not mo-bile sensors. Furthermore, to fully capitalize on thewealth of public smartphone data that contain infras-tructure information, SHM methods must be designedto properly consider data volumes that are magnitudeslarger than today’s, that is, BIGDATA (this is currentlynonstandard in SID and damage detection; Matarazzoet al., 2015a); promising preliminary results indicate thatit is no longer prudent to delay these inquires under any

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Scalable structural modal identification using dynamic sensor network data with STRIDEX 3

assumption that sufficient computing power might soonbe available, for example, Moore’s Law.

In particular, the rate at which the SHM communityincorporates crowdsourced smartphone data dependson the adaptability and computational scalability ofupcoming analytical tools (rather than the evolutionof commercial central processing units). These twofeatures target the inherent “variety” and “volume”characteristics of BIGDATA, established by Laney(2001). SHM tools must be (i) adaptable to atypicalor heterogeneous sensor networks and (ii) computa-tionally scalable with respect to the number of sensorsand sensing nodes represented by the data set. If sucha new data stream is truly desired, these two featuresmust be prioritized in the development of data analysistechniques. Otherwise, the data sets applicable tostructural vibration analyses will remain those retrievedprimarily by researchers, in which case, information willbe produced and shared at the current capacity, whichprovides limited public service. As it will be demon-strated, with its ability to process the dynamic sensornetwork (DSN) data class (Matarazzo and Pakzad,2016b), and a strategy to produce high-resolution modeshapes, the proposed extended structural identificationusing expectation maximization (STRIDEX) methodfor output-only modal identification is the first to beboth adaptable and scalable.

1.2 State of system identification using mobile sensornetworks

Over the past decade, there has been notable atten-tion to the problem of identifying modal propertiesfrom mobile sensor network data. In summary, thesestudies have proven that mobile sensor data can con-tain modal property information. At this time, the SIDmethods applicable to mobile sensor data cannot pro-duce a full modal property set (frequency, damping,and mode shape) and/or have restrictions on the sens-ing configuration. One objective in the development ofSTRIDEX was to provide a comprehensive modal iden-tification, one that includes frequency, damping, andmode shape estimates, using DSN data (a general sen-sor data class), to match the existing capabilities of SIDmethods for fixed sensor data.

Frequency identification was explored analytically inYang et al. (2004), in which equations were developedto describe the dynamic response of a vehicle as itcrossed over a bridge. Variations in vehicle speedsand bridge properties were considered and verifiedusing finite element analyses—overall concluding thatit is possible to extract the fundamental frequency ofthe bridge from vehicle vibration (acceleration) data.These findings were verified experimentally by Lin

and Yang (2005), in which a tractor-trailer, towing aninstrumented cart, drove over the Da-Wu-Lan Bridgein Taiwan. The fundamental frequency of the bridgewas successfully extracted from the acceleration spectraof the cart response for three passing speeds (13, 17,and 35 km/h). This was explored further in Yang andChang (2009) with parametric studies and simulationsthat considered two bridge frequencies. In Siringoringoand Fujino (2012), an analytical bridge-vehicle model,additional finite element simulations, and further para-metric studies on vehicle velocity, vehicle frequency,and bridge frequency were presented; the study con-cluded with a field experiment at a bridge in southeastTokyo. The first frequency was successfully identifiedfrom the power spectral density (PSD) estimate of theacceleration data collected by an instrumented vehicle,at three speeds (10, 20, and 30 km/h).

With a vehicle-bridge-interaction (VBI) model, amethod to estimate bridge damping ratios using accel-eration measurements from a moving vehicle was pro-posed by Gonzalez et al. (2012). The technique assumesRayleigh structural damping and relies on the double in-tegration of the recorded accelerations to estimate thebridge displacements under the wheel of the vehicle.The method was verified with finite element model sim-ulations that considered various bridge lengths, 21 ve-hicle speeds, and 9 levels of damping. The sensitivity ofthese estimates with respect to road surface roughness,measurement noise, and particular modeling inaccura-cies were also studied.

A mode shape identification procedure, developedby Marulanda et al. (2016), requires the use of at leasttwo sensors: one mobile sensor and one fixed sensor.The modal frequencies are first identified using thedata from the fixed sensor; then, spatially dense modeshapes can be extracted from a space–frequency repre-sentation, which is constructed using short-time Fouriertransforms. In a theoretical example with a stationaryand mobile sensor, assuming noise-free data and knownnatural frequencies, three mode shapes were accuratelyidentified with 479 points each—further demonstratingthe rich spatial information provided by a mobile sen-sor. In an experimental setup in a laboratory, a sensorcar, equipped with a wireless iMote2 sensor, crosseda simply supported beam instrumented with a fixedsensor. The beam was excited by white noise using adynamic shaker and manually with a rubber hammer.Three mode shapes, with 21 ordinates each, were suc-cessfully identified and verified using results from adense fixed sensor network.

Flexure-based mobile sensing nodes (capable ofclimbing) were introduced in Zhu et al. (2010) toautomate the spatial arrangements of a fixed sensornetwork, allowing data collection at desirable structural

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4 Matarazzo & Pakzad

points with minimal manual labor. In a subsequentstudy, the team redesigned the units to better navigatestructural elements. Four nodes were deployed ona pedestrian steel truss bridge and reported to fivesensing configurations, where they paused to collectambient acceleration data (Zhu et al., 2012). With theuse of static reference sensors, three modes were com-pletely and accurately identified from the flexure-basedmobile sensing node data, which included detailedmode shapes. The collected data sets had an improvedspatial resolution in comparison to a fixed sensor net-work of the same size, although the potential for spatialinformation was restricted by the nature of stationarysensing configurations. Accordingly, the data wascategorized as fixed sensor data and was processed forSID accordingly with ERA-NExT (James et al., 1993).

Previously, the authors have viewed mobile sensordata as a dense fixed sensor data matrix subjected to themissing data problem. Matarazzo and Pakzad (2016a)presented new equations for the structural identifica-tion using expectation maximization (STRIDE) method(Matarazzo and Pakzad, 2016c) to accept data sets withmissing observations; the method was successfully ap-plied to simulated mobile sensing data by strategicallyeliminating entries from a complete data matrix. Al-though the identified modal properties are accurate andcomprehensive, the flaw of this perspective is that ofthe standard state–space model: the sensing nodes arelinked to the model size. As a result, this model lacksscalability because it is computationally inefficient whenhigh-resolution mode shapes are desired.

This article considers a general interpretation ofmobile sensor data in which measurements are sampledas sensors move in space. With this definition, a mobilesensor network reduces to a fixed sensor network ifthe positions of the sensors do not change over time.The following sections review how mobile sensor dataare classified as DSN data and can be modeled exactlyusing the truncated physical model (TPM).

In past work by the authors in this framework, an ex-perimental mobile sensing testbed was developed and apreliminary version of STRIDEX was successfully ap-plied (Horner et al., 2015; Matarazzo et al., 2016a). Inone study, three vertical modes were identified usingfour mobile sensors; mode shapes contained up to 150points—although fixed sensor results were unavailablefor comparison (Matarazzo et al., 2016b; Matarazzoet al., 2016a).

1.3 Contributions

This article builds on fundamental knowledge and prac-tice of DSNs, a data class that includes mobile sensornetworks and BIGDATA. The TPM (Matarazzo and

Pakzad, 2016b) was introduced as an efficient approachto include DSN data into the model of the structuralsystem. An extension of the STRIDE output-only iden-tification algorithm (Matarazzo and Pakzad, 2016c) ispresented, and named STRIDEX (“X” for extended),for the TPM. The proposed technique has four novelfeatures:

(1) Comprehensive and convenient: estimates fre-quencies, damping, and mode shapes simultane-ously.

(2) Adaptable: there are no methodological restric-tions on sensor arrangement or mobility as longas the positions of each sensor are known for allsamples.

(3) Scalable information: with a new virtual probinglocation (VPL) assignment, an additional identifi-cation run can produce a new set of mode shapeordinates from the same set of DSN data.

(4) Computationally scalable: (i) the size of theTPM is independent of the density of the spatialgrid applied during measurement and (ii) in theconstruction of high-resolution mode shapes, thecomputational needs of individual runs are nearlyequivalent to one another.

The first two features match the capabilities of tradi-tional SID methods in regards to fixed sensor data. Thethird feature harnesses DSNs’ high capacity for spatialinformation, which enables high-resolution mode shapeestimates using few sensors. Finally, the computationalscalability of STRIDEX (along with its adaptability) isconducive for processing large data streams and BIG-DATA volumes.

There are two central technical challenges withinSTRIDEX, which result from the inherent presence ofspatial discontinuities in DSN data matrices: (i) the timevariant nature of the observation equation and (ii) theapparent reliance of the TPM on mode shape informa-tion prior to identification. These complications are ad-dressed in Section 3.3.

An output-only modal identification method that cansuccessfully process DSN data is applicable to crowd-sourced smartphone data. Furthermore, high-resolutionmode shapes are highly valuable to SHM processes thatare sensitive to spatial features such as damage de-tection based on mode shape curvature (Abedl Wa-hab and De Roeck, 1999; Chandrashekhar and Ganguli,2009; Pandey et al., 1991). It is worthwhile to note that,more generally, the objective of this article is to extractsome form of structural information from the DSN dataclass using a time-series model (in the state-space for-mulation). Because such models (and variations, e.g.,ARMA; Box et al., 2008) and their parameters (or

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Scalable structural modal identification using dynamic sensor network data with STRIDEX 5

coefficients) play a fundamental role in numerous dam-age detection and model updating algorithms (Cardenand Brownjohn, 2008; Nigro et al., 2014; Shahidi et al.,2015; Yao and Pakzad, 2012), it is suggested that por-tions of this work may also serve as a framework for pro-cessing DSN data in SHM in a more generic application.



2.1 Review of dynamic sensor networks

DSN data (Matarazzo and Pakzad, 2016b) are a gen-eral data class in which the sensor configuration changesduring measurement. DSN data are scalable with re-spect to sensor quantity; through concatenation, addi-tional measurement channels may be included in thedata matrix without affecting its dimensions. DSNs havea high capacity for spatial information and store struc-tural responses in a compact data matrix. By contrast,fixed sensor network data contain costly, yet restrictedspatial information. For instance, in SID, a dense fixedsensor network can have substantial equipment andprocessing requirements: a sensing device must be in-stalled at every point where a mode shape ordinate isdesired, whereas the addition of a measurement chan-nel to the data set affects computational costs cubically(Matarazzo et al., 2015b)—a result comparable to thatof increasing model orders for stabilization diagrams(Chang and Pakzad, 2013a, b).

DSNs account for changes in sensing configurationswith spatial discontinuities in the data matrix. In the ap-plications presented, the switching times are known andintentional; it is the source of these spatial discontinu-ities which characterize the DSN type as either online,offline, or hybrid (a detailed explanation of these typesis available in Matarazzo and Pakzad (2016b)). At eachtime step, k, the sensors’ locations are sO

k ∈ RNO , wherethe superscript O indicates the set of observed sensingnodes, which covers NO points at every time step and Nsensing nodes over the entire time series.

2.2 Stochastic truncated physical model

In this section, the stochastic TPM is presented to con-sider randomly driven states and noisy observations inthe output-only identification problem (ambient vibra-tion data). For best comprehension, it is recommendedthat the reader reviews the deterministic TPM, as intro-duced in Matarazzo and Pakzad (2016b) prior to delv-ing into the following equations. Note, in this article,there exist some slight symbolic differences in regardsto mathematical entities; a notation table with descrip-tions follows the References.

In the standard state-space model, the sensing nodesare coupled with the state variable (model DOF); thusa dense grid applied during measurement requires ahighly complex dynamic model (Matarazzo and Pakzad,2016b). In the TPM, the system states do not rely on thesensing nodes covered in the DSN data. As a result, anintuitive relationship is formed between DSN observa-tions and model size.

In the TPM, the state variable represents the trun-cated physical structural response at user-selectedVPLs, which are Nα static points, defined as sα ∈ RNα .The VPLs are the points at which the structural re-sponses will be modeled, as well as where mode shapeordinates will be evaluated. The VPL choice is a mod-eling decision and therefore independent of the DSNdata. The asterisk superscripts in TPM entities pre-sented in Matarazzo and Pakzad (2016b) are omittedhere for simplicity. More specifically, the TPM state vec-tor, xk ∈ RpNα , and state matrix, A ∈ RpNα×pNα , are x∗

kand A∗ from equations (31) and (28), respectively, inMatarazzo and Pakzad (2016a), where p is the model or-der. The observation matrix, C ∈ RM×pNα , is defined asC ≡ "αC∗ (C∗ is found within equations (30) and (33)of Matarazzo and Pakzad (2016a)) to reduce the totalnumber of unknown parameters; the identification ofthis product is sufficient for evaluating pNα structuralmode shapes at the VPLs. The observations yk ∈ RNO

are the measurements of the DSN data at time-step k.Finally, the mode shape regression (MSR) term, #k ∈RNO ×M , is defined as #k ≡ "O

k ("α)−1 and relates themodal ordinates of the VPL (denoted by superscript α)to the sensor locations (observations) at time-step k (de-noted by superscript O). This time-variant term is syn-chronized with the spatial discontinuities in the DSNdata because it is a function of the sensors’ loca-tions. For the purpose of establishing the identificationframework, it is first assumed that the MSR term isknown at all time steps. This assumption is revisited inSection 3.3.

Equations (1) and (2) are the state and observa-tion equations for the stochastic TPM for time-stepsk = 1, 2, · · · , K and Equations (3)–(5) define aleatoryvariables.

xk = Axk−1 + ηk (1)

yk = #k C xk + νk (2)

x1 ∼ N(µ, V


ηk ∼ N (0, Q) (4)

νk ∼ N (0, R) (5)

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6 Matarazzo & Pakzad

As in the original STRIDE formulation, the stateinput ηk ∈ RpNα and observation error/noise νk ∈ RNO

terms are assumed to be zero-mean and uncorrelatedGaussian vectors with diagonal covariance matrices Q ∈RpNα×pNα and R ∈ RNO ×NO , respectively. The superpa-rameter, $, which is updated with each iteration, is de-fined in Equation (6); note the absence of the time-variant parameter #k .

$ =(µ, V , A, Q, C, R


The complete data log-likelihood function of theTPM is a mixture of three Gaussian densities that de-pend on the superparameter:

ln (L X,Y ($)) = − (NO + pNα) K2

ln (2π)


ln∣∣V∣∣− 1

2(x1 − µ)T V −1 (x1 − µ)


ln |R| − 12



( yk −#kC xk)T R−1 ( yk −#kC xk)


ln |Q| − 12



(xk − Axk−1)T Q−1 (xk − Axk−1)


Because the complete data (states) are unmeasured,the conditional expectations of the states are computedbased on the observations and a superparameter esti-mate. The conditional expectation of the log-likelihoodfunction under the observations Y = y1 , . . . , yK and thesuperparameter at iteration j is defined in Equation (8).

G ($ j+1|$ j ) = E [ln (L X,Y ($ j )) |Y ] (8)

With the stochastic TPM and its parameters specified,the next section discusses the equations needed to iden-tify the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the su-perparameter.


The procedure and the goal of STRIDEX remains thesame as those of STRIDE (Matarazzo and Pakzad,2016c). The algorithm begins with an initial parameterset $0 = (µ0, V0, A0, Q0, C0, R0) and iterates betweenthe expectation and maximization steps (E-step andM-step, respectively), maximizing the conditionallog-likelihood function G($ j+1|$ j ) (henceforth G)each time. The procedure continues until the slope of Gis nearly zero, that is, below a nominal slope threshold(it is suggested to start with θ = 5 × 10−4). Some

modifications are needed in the original E-step equa-tions to adjust to the time-variant nature of theobservation equation in the TPM (Equation (2)). Forthe M-step, the update formulae must be derived an-alytically from the log-likelihood function in Equation(8). Otherwise, the procedures for initial superpa-rameter estimation and guidelines for model orderselection may be implemented as specified for STRIDEin Matarazzo and Pakzad (2016c).

3.1 E-step for STRIDEX

The goal of the E-step is to provide minimum mean-squared error (MSE) estimates and covariances for thehidden state variable. Given the data and a superparam-eter estimate, the conditional expectation of the statesand their covariances are defined in Equations (9)–(11).

xk|K = E [xk |Y ] (9)

Vk,k|K = E[(xk − xk|K )T (xk − xk|K ) |Y


Vk,k−1|K = E[(xk − xk|K )T (xk−1 − xk−1|K ) |Y


These estimates are achieved using the recursiveKalman filter and Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) equa-tions presented along STRIDE (Matarazzo and Pakzad,2016c) with the following change of variables: given thetime-varying observation equation, it is convenient toimplement an equivalent observation matrix at eachtime step, k, equal to C (eq)

k = #kC , where #k and Care those within Equation (2). With this substitution,the filtered and smoothed estimates for the statesand state covariances may be computed for a givensuperparameter.

3.2 M-step for STRIDEX

The updating formulae for the unknown parameters areobtained through the maximization of the conditionallog-likelihood function at iteration j , that is, the solu-tion of ∂G/∂ψ = 0 for ψ ∈ $. Despite the new likeli-hood function for the stochastic TPM in Equation (7),the updating equations for A j+1, Q j+1, µ j+1, and V j+1end up identical to those in STRIDE because they areuninvolved in the observation equation.

A j+1 =K∑


[xk|K xT

k−1|K + Vk,k−1|K





[xk−1|K xT

k−1|K + Vk−1,k−1|K



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Scalable structural modal identification using dynamic sensor network data with STRIDEX 7

Q j+1 = 1K − 1



(xk|K xT

k|K + Vk,k|K


−A j+1



(xk−1|K xT

k|K + Vk−1,k|K



µ j+1 = x1|K (14)

V j+1 = V1,1|K (15)

Next, the two updating formulae pertaining to obser-vation equation parameters are derived. A shorthandnotation E (Y, j) [()] = E[()|Y,$ j ] is adapted to simplifya recurring conditional expectation. Equation (16) is thepartial derivative of G with respect to the observationmatrix C .


= 0 = ∂



E (Y, j)





( yk −#kC xk)T R−1

× ( yk −#kC xk)





k yk E (Y, j) [xTk

]− #T

k #kC E (Y, j) [xk xTk



0 = vec



#Tk yk E (Y, j) [xT






#Tk #kC E (Y, j) [xk xT



0 = vec



#Tk yk E (Y, j) [xT






E (Y, j) [xk xTk


k #k


vec (C)

vec (C j+1) =(



E (Y, j) [xk xTk


k #k


× vec



#Tk yk E (Y, j) [xT




In Equation (17), the individual terms of Equation(16) are vectorized and the Kronecker product isimplemented to remove the observation matrix fromthe summation of the second-term. The last two lines

of Equation (17) show the new M-step formula for theobservation matrix C j+1.

Next, the updating formula for the observation noisecovariance is considered; Equation (18) shows the par-tial derivative of G with respect to R−1. The newest ob-servation matrix, C j+1, is used in the observation noisecovariance updating formula in Equation (19).

∂G∂R−1 = 0 = ∂


(E (Y, j)

[− K

2ln (R)




( yk −#kC xk)T R−1 ( yk −#kC xk)


= K2

R − 12



(yk yT

k − yk E (Y, j) [xTk



−#kC E (Y, j) [xk] yTk +#kC E (Y, j) [xk xT





R j+1 = 1K



(yk yT

k − yk E (Y, j) [xTk



−#kC E (Y, j) [xk] yTk +#kC E (Y, j) [xk xT






R j+1 = 1K



(yk yT

k − yk E (Y, j) [xTk



−#kC j+1 E (Y, j) [xk] yTk

+ #kC j+1 E (Y, j) [xk xTk




With the M-step formulae provided in this section,the superparameter for the TPM can be updated and thealgorithm proceeds to the next iteration, namely j + 1(Equation (20)).

$ j+1 =(µ j+1, V j+1, A j+1, Q j+1, C j+1, R j+1


The procedure continues until the likelihood slope isbelow the threshold, θ . The estimated modal propertiesare computed from the MLE of the superparameter na-mely $M L = (µM L , VM L , AM L , QM L , CM L , RM L). Themodal properties corresponding to the MLE are com-puting using the state matrix, AM L , and observationmatrix, CM L . An eigendecomposition of AM L producesthe diagonal eigenvalue matrix, )M L , and the eigen-vector matrix, *M L . The estimated natural frequencyand damping ratio vectors in Equations (21) and (22),respectively, are computed using the diagonal elementsof )M L . In Equation (23), the estimated mode shape

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ordinates correspond to the coordinates of the VPLs.

f =2π∣∣ln [diag ()M L)]



ζ = − cos (!ln [diag ()M L)]) (22)

" = CM L*M L (23)

3.3 On the estimation of the mode shape regressionterm

With a time-variant observation equation in the TPM,the linear time-invariant (LTI) dynamic system dependson a time-varying parameter, namely the mode shaperegression (MSR) term, #k . Thus it is appropriate tocategorize the identification of the TPM as a linearparameter-varying (LPV) model identification problem(Bamieh and Giarre, 2002; Lee and Poolla, 1999; Tothet al., 2009; Verdult and Verhaegen, 2002). In thisframework, the observations, Y , are dependent on theLTI system and a scheduling signal (Toth, 2010). Inparticular, the so-called schedule of the observations isthe sensor-position matrix of the DSN data (sO

k at timestep, k).

In the preceding sections, it was assumed the exactMSR relations, #k , were available with the data; how-ever, in practice, this is not the case because the modeshapes are unavailable prior to system identificationthus, these relations must be estimated. With the TPM,the unknown MSR matrix may be accurately approx-imated using sinc or spline basis functions (Matarazzoand Pakzad, 2016b). Through this relation, all unknownmodel parameters are time invariant and the identifica-tion of the TPM is considerably simplified.

Influenced by Moheimani et al. (2003), Matarazzoand Pakzad (2016b) reformulated Whitaker-Kotelnikov-Shannon (WKS) (Kotelnikov, 1933;Shannon, 1998; Whittaker, 1915, 1929) sampling recon-struction theory exclusively for spatial interpolation ofstructural mode shapes. More specifically, mode shapeordinates at one set of sensing nodes were related tomode shape ordinates at another set through basisfunctions. The relation demonstrated that a sinc basiscan be used as an estimator of the MSR term, say #k , inthe TPM. It was shown that a B-spline basis could alsoreasonably estimate the MSR term, with less accuracy.To implement this approach for DSN data in the TPM,the locations of all sensors in the DSN must be knownfor each sample and VPLs must be selected. For opti-mal reconstruction and simplicity, it was recommendedthat the VPLs be spaced uniformly (Matarazzo and

Fig. 1. Illustration depicting the construction of a modeshape with 36 ordinates from four unique sets of nine VPLs.

Pakzad, 2016b). As a review, the VPLs are a modelingchoice, achieved by defining the MSR estimator:

#k =


sinc( 1+sα


k − sα1))

sinc( 1+sα


k − sα2))


sinc( 1+sα


k − sαNα))




where sOk is the vector of the positions of the obser-

vations in the DSN data set at sample k, sαi is the lo-cation of the ith VPL (Nα total), and +sα is the dis-tance between the VPLs. The spacing of the VPLs mustbe chosen to avoid spatial aliasing. The condition forperfect reconstruction of the Mth mode of a uniformsimply supported beam with length L , is +sα < L/M(Matarazzo and Pakzad, 2016b; Moheimani et al., 2003).Although, this rule is not unique to VPLs; it governs thearrangement of a fixed sensor network.

3.4 Scalable strategy for high-resolution mode shapes

This subsection discusses the strategy to construct high-resolution mode shapes by compiling STRIDEX re-sults. The rich spatial information available in DSNpermits the estimation of mode shapes at a theoreti-cally unlimited number of points, because they do notnecessarily need to coincide with sensing nodes. Af-ter a STRIDEX implementation, the estimated modeshape matrix contains one set of modal ordinates foreach identified mode, which corresponds to the cho-sen VPLs. The identification process can be repeatedusing the same DSN data set, yet with new (ideallynon-overlapping) VPLs, to increase the total quantityof modal ordinates available. This process may be re-peated as deemed necessary by the analyst. Once thedesired number of modal ordinates has been reached,they are aggregated into a high-resolution mode shape.

Figure 1 illustrates this strategy in which 9 mobile sen-sors provide a mode shape with 36 ordinates. Consider aDSN data set, Y , with size K × NO , where NO = 9. Nineuniformly spaced VPLs are chosen (Nα = NO = 9),

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Scalable structural modal identification using dynamic sensor network data with STRIDEX 9

and STRIDEX processes the DSN data, producing 9modal ordinates at “Set I”; these results are stored.Next, a new set of VPLs is chosen while analyzing thesame DSN data with STRIDEX; as a result, 9 modal or-dinates are added (18 total). This procedure continuestwice more to produce 18 additional unique modal ordi-nates for each identified mode shape. Note these analy-ses are independent of one another. Finally, the modalordinates (four sets of nine) are aggregated so that eachidentified mode shape contains 36 points. Note a simi-lar result can be obtained using data from four mobilesensors and applying nine different sets of four VPLs.

This strategy is scalable both in regards to spatial in-formation and computational requirements. Similar toSTRIDE, STRIDEX is most computationally sensitiveto the model order, p, the number of observations inthe DSN, NO , and the slope threshold, θ (a detailed ac-count of the computational operations within STRIDEis available in Matarazzo and Pakzad (2016c)); the newE- and M-step equations specific to STRIDEX have anegligible impact on the overall computational costs.Through the application of this strategy, only the VPLsare updated, all other settings remain unchanged, thatis, data size, model order, slope threshold, and so on.Thus, the computational needs of individual STRIDEXruns are practically equivalent to one another. The num-ber of iterations required to achieve the prescribedslope threshold will vary marginally with each run. Itshould be emphasized that each additional STRIDEXrun can extract further mode shape ordinates from thesame DSN data set; this scalable information feature isexemplified in the following application sections.


In this section, a uniform 5,000-DOF beam, with naturalfrequencies ranging from 0.27 to 98 Hz and 1% dampingin all modes, is analyzed. The structure is subjected to avertical white noise ground motion at the supports witha frequency cut off at 25 Hz. The objective is to identifythe first four modal properties of this system using DSNdata.

4.1 Description of mobile sensor network data

In this simulation, each sensing node was modeled as alumped mass DOF in the beam. Figure 2 illustrates howthe simulated network of six mobile sensors scanned4,992 sensing nodes in unison, with two back-and-forthmotions, passing each node at least four times. Forwide coverage, mobile sensors were equally spaced at715 nodes apart and were each designated a zone with

Fig. 2. A network of six equally-spaced mobile sensors scans4,992 points on the beam at the same speed. Each sensor

scans its designated zone four times, twice in each direction,without pause: (a) sensors begin forward scan; (b) sensorscomplete forward scan; (c) sensors begin reverse scan; (d)

sensors complete reverse scan; (e) sensors begin nextscanning cycle and eventually stop at their starting positions

(step not shown).

a width of 1,430 nodes (50% overlap). The nodes inoverlapping portions of these zones were each mea-sured eight times, that is, double coverage for sensingnodes within the central 71%. The corresponding DSNdata were calculated as the observations of the time-variant TPM, using the exact MSR relations. Alterna-tively, this data could have been generated by eitherthe standard or modal TPM discussed in Matarazzo andPakzad (2016b). For the minimum model size, the num-ber of modes included in the response was set equal tothe observation size in the DSN data matrix (M = NO ).In the case of online DSN data, the observation sizeis also equal to the number of sensor channels, thatis, NO = Nmc. In this example, M = NO = Nmc = 6.

The mobile sensors recorded acceleration at 50 Hz,moving to the next sensing node (DOF for discretizedsystems) in their respective routes after each sample.The DSN data was composed of six observations with3,328 samples each, which represented the vibrations of4,992 points over the course of about 67 seconds. Fi-nally, 1% random noise was added to the DSN data tosimulate measurement errors.

4.2 Selection of VPLs and modal identification results

With the DSN data specified, the analyst can choose theVPLs. To preserve the minimum model size of the TPM,the number of VPLs, Nα , should be set equal to thenumber of modes included in the response, M ; that is,Nα = M = 6. In this example, 24 ordinates are targetedfor each mode shape; therefore, it is necessary to selectfour sets of six VPLs.

Table 1 details the four VPL sets considered; theseare the points at which mode shapes will be evaluatedin SID. In all sets, the VPLs are spaced equally tothe nearest integer (either by 714 or 715 nodes). For

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Table 1Each VPL set includes six points (DOFs in this example) and

dictates where on the structure the mode shapes will beevaluated during identification. Four VPL sets are detailed

below: sα(I ), sα(II), sα(III), and sα(I V ). In each set, the VPLs arespaced equally (by 714 or 715) to the nearest integer

VPL Set sα1 sα2 sα3 sα4 sα5 sα6

sα(I ) 571 1,285 2,000 2,714 3,428 4,142sα(I I ) 714 1,428 2,142 2,857 3,571 4,285sα(I I I ) 857 1,571 2,285 2,999 3,714 4,428sα(I V ) 1,000 1,714 2,428 3,142 3,857 4,571

clarification, the DSN data is independent of the VPLselection; although it is true that in this case, the mobilesensors share this spacing, it is coincidental and was onlychosen for illustration. Furthermore, the VPL sets areessentially shifted versions of one another. For instance,the points in sα(I ) are 143 (142 for sα3 ) nodes apart fromthose in sα(I I ).

The STRIDEX method was performed four times,once for each VPL set, using the same DSN data. Amodel order of four, p = 4, and a slope threshold ofθ = 5 × 10−4 (the standard value) were selected and theinitial estimates for A0 and C0 were provided by ERA-OKID-OO (Chang and Pakzad, 2013b) (also p = 4).The remaining parameters were set in accordance withthe initialization guidelines for STRIDE (Matarazzoand Pakzad, 2016c): µ0 was the zero vector with sizepNα , whereas V0, Q0, and R0 were the identity matriceswith sizes pNα , pNα , and NO , respectively.

Each STRIDEX run produced a comprehensive setof modal property estimates. In Table 2, the frequencyand damping estimates computed for each VPL set arecompared with the exact MDOF values; the STRIDEXmean and the coefficient of variation (CoV) values werecomputed based on the VPL results and provide a mea-sure of precision. The individual and mean STRIDEXfrequency estimates matched the exact values for eachmode. The STRIDEX CoV for the frequencies wasalso low, showing a consistent accuracy. The STRIDEXdamping ratio estimates were also quite close to the truevalues; this is significant because damping estimates inoutput-only SID are typically associated with large er-ror margins (Au, 2013; Chang and Pakzad, 2013b). Inparticular, the mean damping estimates for modes twoand four were within 8% and 3% of the exact values,respectively. The CoV of the STRIDEX damping es-timates also indicate consistency. Overall, the accura-cies of the frequency and damping estimates providedby STRIDEX are aligned with those achieved in fixedsensor SID.

Figure 3 superposes the high-resolution mode shapes,estimated using the mobile sensor data, on the exact val-ues at all 24 DOFs under consideration. To reiterate,modal ordinates at twenty-four unique beam locationswere estimated using only six sensors. In other words,each mobile sensor provided the spatial information offour fixed sensors. Moreover, as it will be demonstratedmore explicitly in the following experimental applica-tion, STRIDEX shows that mobile sensors can providepractically unlimited spatial information in the scannedregion.

In addition to the high quantity of modal ordinatesprovided using only six mobile sensors, the accuracy ofthe estimates is also noteworthy. The consistency be-tween the STRIDEX mode shapes and the exact val-ues were evaluated using the modal assurance criterion(MAC) and are displayed in Figure 3. All four val-ues were greater than 0.98, of which three surpassed0.99. Within the third mode, there is one point (at DOF3,428) that is misaligned; the magnitude of this modalordinate is correct, although the reversed sign reducesthe MAC value for the shape.

In summary, the STRIDEX method demonstrated itsability to produce reliable modal property estimates forfrequencies, damping ratios, and dense mode shapesfor a 5,000-DOF beam. The estimation efficiency of themode shapes is particularly promising: the accuracy andscalability of STRIDEX are displayed.


This section presents an experimental implementationof a mobile sensor network, which scans the vibrationsof a flexible steel beam specimen, a platform intro-duced in Horner et al. (2015). The resulting DSN datais processed with the STRIDEX algorithm to deter-mine comprehensively the fundamental mode. For val-idation, fixed sensor data was also collected and pro-cessed for SID using ERA-NExT and STRIDE.

5.1 Mobile sensing platform and beam specimen

The beam specimen (pictured in Figure 4a) is a sim-ply supported steel plate with an adjustable posttension-ing system, which can control the midspan deflectionwhile permitting analyses of various dynamic systems.The beam is a 6.35-mm (¼ in) thin steel plate that is 635mm (25 in) wide by 3.66 m (12 ft) long, and is supported305 mm (12 in) from each end. Beneath the plate, asteel shore post (manufactured by Ellis—not visible inFigure 4a), with its adjustable length, provides aselectable horizontal posttensioning force on thesupports.

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Scalable structural modal identification using dynamic sensor network data with STRIDEX 11

Table 2STRIDEX frequency and damping estimates for the first four modes of the 5,000-DOF beam and exact values

Frequencies (Hz) Damping ratios (%)

VPL set f1 f2 f3 f4 ζ1 ζ2 ζ3 ζ4

sα(I ) 0.2682 1.094 2.438 4.341 4.497 1.126 0.839 1.114sα(I I ) 0.2685 1.093 2.440 4.342 2.077 1.038 0.858 0.966sα(I I I ) 0.2684 1.092 2.437 4.338 3.558 1.249 0.916 0.970sα(I V ) 0.2694 1.095 2.439 4.348 1.494 0.905 0.922 1.059Mean 0.2686 1.093 2.439 4.342 2.906 1.079 0.884 1.027CoV (× 10−4) 18.97 10.56 5.940 9.507 4716 1344 469.4 703.7Exact value 0.2735 1.088 2.448 4.352 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000

Fig. 3. High-resolution mode shape estimates for the firstfour modes. Each shape contains 24 modal ordinates, which

are compared with the exact values.

At both ends of the specimen, there are woodenpedestals that carry the motor-driven pulley system.Rotational shafts with gears were mounted on thepedestals and the step motor (STAC6-Si by AppliedMotion) was installed on the East one. Figure 4ashows four blue belts, which extend over the speci-men, from one pedestal to the other, and make con-tact with the roof of the mobile sensor cars parkedat the West support. Figure 4b shows a close-up ofa sensor car, which was used in Horner et al. (2015)and was constructed out of small plastic components.Figure 4c shows the step-motor assemblage on the Eastpedestal that drives the pulley system. Each car car-ries an IPR2420 Imote2 configured with TinyOS boot-loader (Pakzad et al., 2008), an IBB2400CA batteryboard (three 1.2 V batteries), and an ISM400 sensorboard (Spencer, 2011).

A script for controlling the rotational speed anddirection of the step-motor, therefore, the paths of the

Fig. 4. (a) Aerial photo of beam specimen at LehighUniversity. Two mobile sensor cars are shown at their

starting positions; (b) mobile sensor car equipped with awireless accelerometer; (c) step motor, shaft assemblage, and

four belts.

mobile sensor cars, was developed using Si Programmer(Applied Motion Products, 2009). Starting as shown inFigure 4a, the sensor cars traveled in unison at about114 mm/s (4.5 in/s), while sampling acceleration at 280Hz, toward the other support; as soon as the cars passedthe East support, they reversed and returned to theirinitial positions. In each direction, the sensors scanned7,788 points across the span. According to the mobilesensing protocol, the cars scanned the same 7,788 pointson their return, resulting in 15,576 samples total (about56 sec). Several bumps, with known locations, wereinstalled on the surface of the beam to examine theprecision of the spatiotemporal grid established by thestep-motor and discrete-time sampling. The positionsof the sensor cars provided by the motor program wereestimated within 1.3% of the true positions.

During data collection, the plate was excited man-ually by two lab assistants, who applied impulse-likeforces of moderate intensities at various locations alongthe main span to excite multiple modes. For validationof the estimated modal properties, acceleration data

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was collected from the specimen using a network of fourwireless fixed sensors (stationary sensor cars). The SIDprocedures and results for the mobile and fixed sensornetworks are discussed in the following sections.

5.2 Practical considerations for DSN data processingand VPL selection

In practice, a continuous structure is scanned, as op-posed to discretized elements in computer simulations.It is important to review details of DSN data and VPLsin this context. Although this article focuses on a specificsubcategory of structures for validation, the formulationis based on general concepts, with applications exceed-ing this subcategory.

During measurement, the locations of the mobile sen-sors must be recorded or tracked by some means to es-tablish the spatiotemporal grid, that is, sensing nodesand sensor-position time-series. In simulations, this taskis trivial because it is a prerequisite for producing theDSN data. Furthermore, the units of the position entriesare arbitrary, yet because they are a component of theDSN data set; it is recommended they are programmedwith intuition to simplify the organization and interpre-tation of multiple analyses.

The experiment in this article exemplifies the casein which the locations of the sensors the positions areknown with high certainty. In the case of smartphones,sensor-position vectors can be modeled by integratingassociated sensor data, for example, GPS, accelerom-eter, gyroscope, and so on—a procedure with an esti-mation accuracy and precision that is independent ofSTRIDEX.

Generally, for sensors within moving vehicles, themeasured signals are subject to noise generated throughdynamic vehicle-bridge interaction (Cantieni, 1992;Jiang et al., 2004; Ward and Iagnemma, 2009; Yang andChang, 2009), which is dependent on bridge dynamics,vehicle dynamics, vehicle speed, and road profile. In thisapplication, the vibrations of the beam dominated therecorded signal because (i) the sensor cars are muchstiffer than the beam specimen; (ii) the beam surfaceis smoothed with a layer of paper; and (iii) the sensorcars are not moving quickly. This study focuses on an ex-perimental validation of the STRIDEX method; a com-prehensive study on the impact of these parameters onidentification is reserved for future work.

Finally, the VPLs need not coincide with any of thepoints scanned during measurement because the do-main of the sinc interpolation function is continuous,that is, VPLs can be chosen in-between sensing nodes.As a result, the mode shape estimates that follow existin a continuum; theoretically, their spatial resolutionsare unlimited.

5.3 VPLs, SID results, and discussion

The network of two mobile sensors corresponded to anonline DSN data matrix with two measurement chan-nels, Nmc = 2, and two observations, NO = 2. For min-imum model size, each VPL set contained two points,that is, Nα = 2 and M = Nα . The VPLs are virtual pointsthat are established in the TPM; although, with realstructures, they also have an explicit representation inphysical space. In each set, the VPLs were separated by1.22 m (4 ft, 40% of the main span). The VPL sets weregenerated as uniformly shifted versions of one another.For instance, the points of one VPL set were spacedabout 12.1 mm (0.48 in, 0.4% of the main span) fromthe adjacent set. Overall, 144 VPL sets were analyzed(144 STRIDEX runs, thus 144 sets of modal propertyestimates), which corresponded to 288 aggregate modeshape ordinates.

The fixed sensor data was collected by four station-ary sensor cars and was processed independently us-ing two SID methods: ERA-NExT (James et al., 1993)and STRIDE (Matarazzo and Pakzad, 2016c). The free,Matlab-based Structural Modal Identification Toolsuite(SMIT) (Chang and Pakzad, 2013b) program was se-lected to implement ERA-NExT 50 times at even mod-els orders 2–100, and construct the corresponding stabi-lization diagram. Because the modal estimates can varysignificantly among model orders (Chang and Pakzad,2013b), the results from ERA-NExT model order 74(p = 74) were selected to represent the method be-cause they were consistent with the mean frequency anddamping estimates of all model orders. The STRIDEmethod processed the data at a model order of four andwith the default slope threshold (p = 4, θ = 5 × 10−4).The initial state and observation matrices were pro-vided by ERA-OKID-OO (Chang and Pakzad, 2013b)at model order four and the remainder of the superpa-rameter was the default assignment.

The mobile sensor data was processed usingSTRIDEX at a model order of six and the defaultslope threshold (p = 6, θ = 5 × 10−4). Recall withSTRIDE, a higher model order can be selected toforce further system poles using fewer sensors, forexample, Nmc = 2. The same practice is applicable toSTRIDEX in cases where the DSN data contain fewobservations, for example, NO = 2. Initial estimates forthe TPM state and observation matrices were providedby ERA-OKID-OO (Chang and Pakzad, 2013b) atmodel order six, with the remaining parameters set asthe defaults.

The frequency and damping estimates for the firstmode of the structure are provided in Table 3. The meanfrequency and damping values for the 50 ERA-NExTestimates are shown as “ERA-NExT mean” and those

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Scalable structural modal identification using dynamic sensor network data with STRIDEX 13

Table 3A comparison of frequency and damping estimates for the

first vertical mode: “ERA-NExT mean” are the averagevalues out of 50 model orders considered; “ERA-NExT (p =74)” are the estimates from model order 74; and “STRIDE”

are the estimates from model order 4

SID method Frequency (Hz) Damping (%)

ERA-NExT mean 8.225 0.8914ERA-NExT (p = 74) 8.237 0.8937STRIDE 8.226 1.035STRIDEX mean 8.304 0.7069ERA-NExT CoV 2.059 × 10−3 993.4 × 10−3

STRIDEX CoV 2.077 × 10−3 187.8 × 10−3

from model order 74 are “ERA-NExT (p = 74)”; corre-sponding CoV values are also displayed. Similarly, themean and CoV values of the 144 STRIDEX runs are in-dicated as “STRIDEX mean” and “STRIDEX CoV”;the mean values are interpreted as the modal estimatesfrom the mobile sensor data. The frequency estimatesof the fixed sensor data and the mobile sensing data arein agreement. The STRIDE and ERA-NExT estimatesare slightly lower than those from STRIDEX, yet theyare all within 1% of each other. Furthermore, the CoVof the STRIDEX estimates are on the same magnitudeas those observed in the ERA-NExT stabilization dia-gram, demonstrating high precision.

The damping estimates are quite consistent amongthe different data sets and SID methods considered.The estimation of damping for a real structure throughoutput-only SID is particularly challenging; not onlyare such estimates often accompanied with a largerstandard deviation but the true values are unavailablefor comparison (Au, 2013; Chang and Pakzad, 2013b;Matarazzo and Pakzad, 2015; Pakzad and Fenves, 2009).Given these challenges, the STRIDEX damping esti-mates are promising because they fit well with thosecomputed using fixed sensor data. Finally, the CoV ofthe STRIDEX damping estimates have the same magni-tude as those seen in the stabilization diagram of ERA-NExT. These results indicate that the accuracy and pre-cision standards of fixed sensor networks and existingSID methods are also achievable with mobile sensingdata and STRIDEX, which is quite encouraging.

The ordinates of the first mode shape are compared inFigure 5. With the DSN data and the scalable VPL strat-egy, 288 raw points were available. The spacing and thegeneration of the VPLs were such that 40 x-coordinatesnear midspan had two corresponding modal ordinates;only one modal ordinate is plotted for each point on thespan. The resulting mode shape was scaled and shiftedmildly in the x-direction to align its zero ordinates with

Fig. 5. First mode shape of the beam specimen: the modeshape estimated from the mobile sensor data contains 248


Table 4A comparison of the first mode shape using modal assurance

criterion (MAC): the SID results from the fixed sensors(ERA-NExT and STRIDE) are compared with one another

and then with those from the mobile sensors (STRIDEX)

SID methods MAC

ERA-NExT (p = 74) & STRIDE 1.000ERA-NExT (p = 74) & STRIDEX 0.9935STRIDE & STRIDEX 0.9935

the supports. Finally, the mode shape was normalized tohave a maximum value of one.

Figure 5 shows 248 ordinates computed from themobile sensor data and four points produced from thefixed sensor data. In other words, each mobile sensorproduced over 120 more mode shape points than eachfixed sensor. This result further quantifies how DSNdata sets can store dense spatial information efficientlyin a compact data matrix. The “fixed” points shown inFigure 5 were computed using STRIDE and were iden-tical to those estimated by ERA-NExT (as indicatedby a MAC value of unity in Table 4). The accuracy ofthe high-resolution mode shape could only be verifiedat four points due to the limited size of the fixed sensornetwork. In Table 4, the mode shape estimates fromthree methods are compared with one another usingthe MAC (Allemang and Brown, 1982) metric, in whicha value of one signifies perfect consistency between themode shape vectors. The MAC between the STRIDEXmode shape and either fixed sensor estimate exceeded0.99, indicating excellent consistency.

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In summary, this experimental application furtherestablished how frequency and damping estimatesobtained through SID with mobile sensor data andSTRIDEX are on par with modern techniques that con-sider fixed sensor data. The dense mode shape estimatewith 248 points exemplified the rich spatial informationavailable in DSN data and successfully demonstratedits extraction through a series of STRIDEX runs.

6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS! The rate at which the SHM community incorpo-rates crowdsourced smartphone data depends on theadaptability and computational scalability of upcom-ing analytical tools. For instance, an output-onlymodal identification method that is capable of pro-cessing DSN data is also applicable to smartphonedata.! The STRIDEX algorithm was proposed for output-only modal identification of the stochastic TPM usingDSN data, that is, mobile sensor data or BIGDATA.! The STRIDEX identification algorithm has four keyfeatures:

1. Comprehensive and convenient: estimates fre-quencies, damping, and mode shapes simultane-ously.

2. Adaptable: there are no methodological restric-tions on sensor arrangement or mobility as longas the positions of each sensor are known for allsamples.

3. Scalable information: with a new VPL assign-ment, an additional identification run can pro-duce a new set of mode shape ordinates fromthe same set of DSN data.

4. Computationally scalable: (i) the size of theTPM is independent of the density of the spatialgrid applied during measurement and (ii) in theconstruction of high-resolution mode shapes,the computational needs of individual runs arenearly equivalent to one another.! With STRIDEX, the mode shape estimates of a real

structure exist in a continuum; theoretically, theirspatial resolutions are unlimited.! It was shown that the accuracy and precision stan-dards established by fixed sensor SID methods, forexample, ERA-NExT and STRIDE, are also achiev-able using mobile sensors and STRIDEX.! In a simulation where a network of six mobile sensorsscanned a 5,000-DOF beam, the STRIDEX methoddemonstrated its ability to provide reliable modalproperty estimates of frequencies and damping ra-tios for the first four modes. A series of independent

STRIDEX runs produced mode shape estimates with24 points each (four times more points per sensorthan a fixed sensor network) and were nearly per-fectly consistent with the exact values.! In an experimental application, two mobile sensorcars measured acceleration from about 8,000 pointson a beam specimen in less than 1 minute. By compil-ing results from a series of independent STRIDEXruns, a dense mode shape with 248 ordinates (over120 times more efficient than a fixed sensor network)was produced with a verified accuracy at four points,further proving the utility of an adaptable and scal-able SID method.


Research funding is partially provided by the Na-tional Science Foundation through Grant No. CMMI-1351537, by the Hazard Mitigation and StructuralEngineering program, and by a grant from the Com-monwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Commu-nity and Economic Development, through the Pennsyl-vania Infrastructure Technology Alliance (PITA). Wewould like to thank Matthew Horner, Bhavana Valeti,Kate Kosner, and Soheil Sadeghi at Lehigh Universityfor their assistance with experimentation setup and datacollection.


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The following symbols were used in this article:

Symbol DescriptionA TPM state matrix; size is pNα × pNα . For

minimum model size: Nα = NO = MC TPM observation matrix; size is M × pNα .C(eq)

k Equivalent time-variant observation matrixexclusively defined for E-step; equal to #kC ;size is NO × pNα

p Model order; scalarsα Location vector of Nα VPLs in TPM; size is Nα ;

element is sαisO

k Location vector of NO observations at time-stepk; size is NO

+sα Distance between uniformly spaced VPLsj Iteration index; integerθ Log-likelihood slope threshold; scalark Time-step index; integerK Total number of time steps; integerxk State vector in TPM; size is pNα . For minimum

model size: Nα = NO = Mµ Mean vector for initial state vector x1; size is pNαV Covariance matrix for initial state vector x1; size

is pNα × pNαyk Observation vector in TPM; size is NOY Aggregated observations (DSN data)Nα Number of VPLs; integerNO Number of observations; integerNmc Number of measurement channels; integerN Number of sensing nodes; integerM Number of modes in TPM; integer$ j Superparameter for TPM at iteration j#k Mode shape regression (MSR) term; size is

NO × M .#k Approximation of MSR term using sinc basisηk Gaussian state input vector; size is pNανk Gaussian measurement noise vector; size is NOQ State input covariance matrix; size is pNα × pNαR Measurement noise covariance matrix; size is

NO × NOxk|K Minimum mean squared-error estimate of state

vector at time-step k; size is pNαVk1,k2|K Covariance matrix for estimated states at

time-steps k1 and k2; size is pNα × pNαL X,Y ($ j ) Complete data log-likelihood function for TPM;

scalarG($ j+1|$ j ) Conditional expectation of TPM log-likelihood

function given observations andsuperparameter estimate at iteration j

"Ok Mode shape matrix containing ordinates at

observation locations; size is NO × M"α Mode shape matrix containing ordinates at VPLs;

size is Nα × M) Diagonal eigenvalue matrix of A; size is

pNα × pNα* Eigenvector matrix A; size is pNα × pNαf Vector of estimated modal frequencies; size is

pNαζ Vector of estimated damping ratios; size is pNα" Matrix of estimated mode shapes (at VPLs); size

is NO × pNα+t Sampling period in seconds; scalar