• SPRING • FRÜHLING • 2015 SEMESTER PROGRAM • SEMESTERPROGRAMM internationales seminar für analytische psychologie international school of analytical psychology agap post-graduate jungian training

SEMESTER PROGRAM - isapzurich.com · Inhalt Contents Wichtige Daten Important Dates 2 Kontakte Contacts 3 Erläuterungen Explanations 4 Semester-Gebühren Semester Fees 5 Fächer

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cover design • kontext • elsbeth knaus • zürich • SPRING • FRÜHLING • 2015SE







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internationales seminar für analytische psychologieinternational school of analytical psychologyagap post-graduate jungian training

• Die Studierenden der beiden Institute können an allen Veranstaltungen des Semesterprogramms beider Institute kostenlos teilnehmen, die Veranstaltungen werden gegenseitig anerkannt.

• Bitte tragen Sie Ihr Teilnahme entsprechend (Angabe von Thema, Stundenzahl) in Ihr Studienbuch/ Testatheft ein.

• Melden Sie sich bitte in Stuttgart auf den vorgegebenen Anmeldeformularen an: www.cgjungstuttgart.de

Kooperation mit dem C.G. Jung-Institut Stuttgart

Inhalt Contents Wichtige Daten Important Dates 2

Kontakte Contacts 3 Erläuterungen Explanations 4 Semester-Gebühren Semester Fees 5 Fächer Areas of Study 11 Programm Program 12 Grundlagen der Fundamentals of Analytischen Psychologie Analytical Psychology 12

Psychologie des Traums Psychology of Dreams 14

Psychologische Deutung Psychological Interpretation von Mythen & Märchen of Myths & Fairy Tales 15

Psychologische Psychological Deutung von Bildern Interpretation of Pictures 16

Ethnologie & Psychologie Ethnology & Psychology 17

Religion & Psychologie Religion & Psychology 18

Assoziationsexperiment Association Experiment & Komplexlehre & Theory of Complexes 19

Entwicklungs- Developmental & Kinderpsychologie & Child Psychology 19

Vergleichende Neurosenlehre Comparative Theories of Neurosis 20

Psychopathologie & Psychiatrie Psychopathology & Psychiatry 21

Individuation Individuation 22

Praktischer Fall Practical Case 24

Fallkolloquien Case Colloquia 24 Gastdozenten Guest Presenters 27 Stundenplan Timetable 29

Office Öffnungszeiten Opening Hours

Di Tues Mi-Fr Wed-Fri

13:30–16:30 09:30–12:00 + 13:30–16:30

Semesterpause Semester Break

Mi, Do Wed, Thurs 13:30–16:00

Auskunft Information

Front Office [email protected] +41 (0)43 344 00 66

Studiensekretariat Studies Secretary

Ana Frank Di Tues Mi Wed Do, Fr Thurs, Fri

[email protected] 13:30–16:30 09:30–12:00 + 13:30–16:30 13:30–16:30

Buchhaltung Accounting

Myrta Blarer [email protected]

Frühling 2015 Spring 1

Wichtige Daten Important Dates

Frühling 03.03.15 – 06.06.15 Spring

Anmeldeschluss: Semester-Einschreibung Zahlung der Gebühren Examina, etc


Deadline for: Semester Registration

Fee Payment Exams, etc.

Orientierungstreffen mit neuen Studierenden 04.03.2015, 9:00 Orientation Meeting

with new Students

Semester-Eröffnungstee 07.03.15, 16:00 Semester Opening Tea

Examensperiode 07.04.15 – 08.05.15 Exam Period

Treffen: ISAP Leitung & Studierende 11.03.15, 10:00 Meeting: ISAP Committee &


AK Sitzungen 26.02.+ 21.05.15 AC Meetings

Examenskonferenz (nur für Analytiker) 18.05.15, 19:30 Exam Conference

(for analysts only)

Treffen: neue Diplomkandidaten & Studienleitung

27.05.15, 10:00 Meeting: New Diploma

Candidates & Director of Studies

Diplomübergabe 29.05.15, 19:00 Graduation Ceremony

Betriebsferien 19.06.15 – 11.08.15 Vacation

Herbst 08.09.15 – 11.12.15 Fall

Anmeldeschluss: Semester-Einschreibung Zahlung der Gebühren Examina, etc


Deadline for: Semester Registration

Fee Payment Exams, etc.

Orientierungstreffen mit neuen Studierenden 09.09.15, 9:00 Orientation Meeting

with New Students

Semester-Eröffnungstee 19.09.15, 16:00 Semester Opening Tea

Examensperiode 13.10.15 – 13.11.15 Exam Period

Treffen: ISAP Leitung & Studierende 23.09.15, 10:00 Meeting: ISAP Committee &


AK Sitzungen 17.09. + 03.12.15 AC Meetings

Examenskonferenz (nur für Analytiker) 30.11.15, 19:30 Exam Conference

(for analysts only)

Treffen: neue Diplomkandidaten & Studienleitung

09.12.15, 10:00 Meeting: New Diploma

Candidates & Director of Studies

Diplomübergabe 11.12.15, 19:00 Graduation Ceremony

Betriebsferien 15.12.15 – 05.01.16 Vacation

2 Frühling 2015 Spring

Kontakte Contacts

ISAP-Leitung ISAP Council

Co-Präsidenten Isabelle Meier, Dr. phil. [email protected] Marco Della Chiesa, lic. phil.

[email protected]


Vize-Präsident vakant/vacant Vice-President

Sekretär vakant/vacant Secretary

Quästor Stefan Boëthius, PhD [email protected]


Administrative Schulleiterin

Begoña Martin Calzada [email protected]

Head of Administration


Marianne Peier, MA [email protected]

Director of Studies

Aufnahmeleiterin Ursula Ulmer, MA [email protected]

Director of Admissions

Programmleiterin Nathalie Baratoff, lic.phil. [email protected]

Director of Program


Student Reps


vakant/vacant Student Association


Daniela Dröscher [email protected]

Bill Hansen [email protected]

Program Committee

Bibliothek Library

Öffnungszeiten Di - Fr

11:30 – 16:30 Opening Hours Tues - Fri

Während der Semesterpause Mi + Do

13:30 – 16:00 During the Semester Break

Wed + Thurs

Bibliothek- assistentin

Eleonora Babejova [email protected]

Library Assistant

Bibliotheksassistent Andrew Fellows [email protected]

Library Assistant

Frühling 2015 Spring 3

Erläuterungen Further Information

Vorlesungen & Offene Seminare

Lectures & Open Seminars

Öffentlich zugänglich Open to the Public

• Ohne Voranmeldung. Barzahlung an der Kasse.

• Registration not required. Payment in cash at the door.

• Eintritt pro 2 x 45 Minuten: • Entrance fee for 2 x 45 minutes: CHF 30.00 Regulär CHF 30.00 Regular CHF 20.00 Studierende &

AHV/IV mit Ausweis CHF 20.00 Students, Seniors,

& Disabled, with ID

• ISAP-Teilnehmer und Personal haben freien Zugang zu allen Vorlesungen (aber nicht zu Seminaren oder Offenen Seminaren).

• ISAP Participants and staff have free access to all lectures (but not to seminars or open seminars).

Seminare Seminars

• In der Regel den immatrikulierten ISAP-Studierenden vorbehalten.

• IAAP-Routers sind nach individueller Absprache mit der Studienkommission ebenfalls zugelassen.

• Anmeldung mit beiliegendem Formular innerhalb der Anmelde-frist: 30.01.2015

• As a rule, seminars are reserved for matriculated ISAP students.

• IAAP Routers may also attend, under conditions explained in their individual meeting with the Studies Committee.

• To register send the enclosed form by the deadline: 30.01.2015

Fallkolloquien Case Colloquia

den Diplomkandidaten vorbehalten Reserved for Diploma Candidates

Studierende Students

Immatrikulierte Fachhörer Matriculated Auditors

Ausbildungskandidaten Training Candidates

Diplomkandidaten Diploma Candidates

Kandidaten Candidates

Ausbildungskandidaten Training Candidates

Diplomkandidaten Diploma Candidates

4 Frühling 2015 Spring

Semester-Gebühren Semester Fees

Semestergebühr* CHF Tuition*

Ausbildungskandidaten 2800 Training Candidates

Diplomkandidaten 2600 Diploma Candidates

Immatrikulierte Fachhörer 2300 Matriculated Auditors

Urlaubsgebühren Kandidaten 1000 Leave of Absence Candidates

Urlaubsgebühren Fachhörer 100 Leave of Absence Auditors

NB: Die Semestergebühren beinhalten den Mitgliederbeitrag der Studierenden-vereinigung. Wenn Sie nicht Mitglied sein möchten, ziehen Sie CHF 25.- ab.

NB: Tuition fees include membership dues for the Student Association. If you prefer not to be a member, subtract CHF 25.-.

Examen CHF Exams

Propädeutisches Examen 900 Propaedeuticum

Diplomprüfungen 2400 Diploma Exams

Weiterbildungsprüfung & Zertifikat

300 Continuing Education Exam & Certificate

Verschiebung, pro Prüfung 100 Postponement, per Exam

Wiederholung Fallprüfung 500 Repeated Case Exam

Übrige Prüfungswiederholungen 150 All Other Repeated Exams

Sonstige Kosten CHF Other Costs

Anmeldung zum Studium 150 Application for Studies

Aufgeschobener Studienbeginn 100 Postponed Start of Studies

Interviews pro Interview

130 Interviews per interview

Vorlesungen & Offene Seminare, öffentlich zugänglich, à 2x45 Min.

Lectures & Open Seminars General Public, 2x45 min.

Allgemeiner Eintritt 30 General Entry

Studierende & AHV/IV 20 Students, Seniors, Disabled

Banküberweisung Bank Transfer

Credit Suisse Konto-Nr. 622208-71 Clearing-Nr. 4835 IBAN CH65 0483 5062 2208 7100 0 SWIFT-BIC: CRES CH ZZ 80 A ISAP ZURICH - AGAP CH-Zürich

Credit Suisse Account-No. 622208-71 Clearing-No. 4835 IBAN CH65 0483 5062 2208 7100 0 SWIFT-BIC: CRES CH ZZ 80 A ISAP ZURICH - AGAP CH-Zürich

Zahlung mit Paypal Paypal Payment

www.isapzurich.com www.isapzurich.com

Frühling 2015 Spring 5




le •









. jun


Mutter ist die Bestie Mutterkomplex im Film ISAPZURICH | Stampfenbachstrasse 115, 8006 Zürich Nähe Hauptbahnhof | Tram 11 od. 14, Haltestelle Beckenhof 3 Filmvorführungen mit Kommentar und Diskussion Eintritt Fr. 15.00 pro Abend | Abendkasse

Ödipussi (D 1988) • Komödie „tragikomisch“ – „makaber“ – „brillant“

Do., 5. März 2015, 18.30 - 21.30 Kommentar: Marco Della Chiesa, lic. phil.

Lovely Louise (CH 2013) • Drama „feinfühlig“ – „aufwühlend“ – „hoffnungsvoll“

Do., 9. April 2015, 18.30 - 21.30 Kommentar: Paul Brutsche, Dr. phil.

Giulietta degli Spiriti (I 1965) • Drama „vielschichtig“ – „geheimnisvoll“ – „befreiend“

Do., 7. Mai 2015, 18.30 - 21.30 Kommentar: Peter Ammann, Dr. phil.

Auskunft, Kontakt • [email protected] Tel. +41 (0)76 380 34 43 • www.isapzurich.com Organisation: Daniel Frey • Kathrin Schäppi








SEELE UND SINN Spiritualität im Alltag und in der Psychotherapie Samstag, 21. März 2015 • 9.30 - 18.00 Uhr Stampfenbachstrasse 115, 8006 Zürich

Vorträge, Workshops, Podiumsgespräch Eintritt inklusive Café, Gipfeli, Stehlunch, Apéro

Paul Brutsche, Dr. phil. Einleitung Ursula Wirtz, Dr. phil. Woher, wohin, wozu? Wege zum Sinn Bernard Sartorius, lic. theol. Im Auge des Zyklons: gibt es eine zeitgemässe «Schweizer» Spiritualität?

Workshops • Wahl: Katharina Casanova, lic. phil.

Die Orixàs – eine lebendige Götterwelt Franz-Xaver Jans-Scheidegger, dipl. theol.

Die Sehnsucht nach dem «einig Wesen» Ilsabe von Uslar, lic. phil.

Das Totemtier – Seelenführer und hilfreiche Kraft aus dem Unbewussten Ursula Wirtz, Dr. phil.

Spiritualität: Erfahrung, die verwandelt Weitere Auskunft • Anmeldung • [email protected]

Zahlung in bar an der Tageskasse: •Allgemein: 160.- •AHV: 140.- •Studierende/IV/ISAP-Analytiker: 80.- •ISAP-Stud: 40.- Verbindliche Anmeldung bis 8. März 2015 • [email protected] • od. per Post Name Vorname


Email Tel

Senden an ISAPZURICH • Märztagung 2015 • Stampfenbachstrasse 115, 8006 Zürich • Schweiz


* Train fare and museum entry are subject to change, depending on prices for 2015

Tracing Jung’s Footsteps Dream Sites

The “Alchemical” Pharmacy Museum

Thursday May 28, 2015 14:15 - 19:30

• Purchase your own train ticket in advance Round-trip ca. CHF 32.00 with Halbtax*

• Bring cash entry fee for the Pharmacy Museum with guided tour CHF 20.00*

• Free time in Basel after the walking tour and museum

14:15 Gather at the Red Cube Group Meeting Point Zürich Hauptbahnhof 18:20 Gather at the Basel Train Station for Zürich Return

19:30 Approximate Arrival at Zürich Hauptbahnhof

Trip to Basel • Walking Tour

Sign-up Required ISAP Front Office Deadline May 21, 2015

Spring Excursion with Nancy Krieger and Peter Luginbühl  


The 10th Jungian Odyssey Annual Conference and Retreat

On the Brink Stepping into the Unforeseen



May 30 - June 6, 2015 Hotel Seeblick Emmetten, Switzerland

“[M]odern . . . man . . . stands upon a peak, or at the very edge of the world, the abyss of

the future before him, above him the heavens, and below him the whole of mankind with a history that disappears in primeval mists.”

C.G. Jung (CW10, §149)

Keynote Guest

Iain McGilchrist, MD

Special Guest

Eva Pattis Zoja, PhD With Faculty Members Peter Ammann, Dr. phil. Nathalie Baratoff, lic. phil. Maria Bernasconi, lic. phil. Katharina Casanova, lic. phil. Diane Cousineau Brutsche, PhD Marco Della Chiesa, Prof. lic. phil. Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH Allan Guggenbühl, Prof. Dr. phil. Judith Harris, MA Gary Hayes, lic. phil. John Hill, MA Anne Chia-Yi Li, MA Lucienne Marguerat, lic. phil. Michael Péus, lic. phil. Dariane Pictet, AdvDipExPsych Bernhard Sartorius, lic. theol. Murray Stein, PhD Ilsabe von Uslar, lic. phil. Penelope Yungblut, MA

Details & Registration www.jungianodyssey.ch [email protected] Photo: Bergkuliss e by Christian Perrett © Courtesy Hotel Seeblick

C.G. Jung 54. Gedenktag • 54th Memorial Day

Die Unberechenbarkeit der Seele: C.G. Jungs Beitrag zum Tiefenverständnis von Konflikten

The Unpredictable Nature of the Soul: C.G. Jung's Contribution to a Depth Psychological

Understanding of Conflict

• C.G. Jung-Institut Zürich, Küsnacht • Internationales Seminar für Analytische Psychologie Zürich ISAPZURICH • Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Analytische Psychologie SGAP|SSPA

Vortrag & Apéro Sa. 6. Juni 2015 Lecture & Apéro Sat., 6 June 2015 18:00 - 19:30 Eintritt frei • Entry gratis

Lecture in German • English Transcript Hornweg 28, 8700 Küsnacht


Allan Guggenbühl Prof. Dr. phil. Lehranalytiker • Training Analyst, ISAPZURICH

Fächer Areas of Study

01 Grundlagen

der Analytischen Psychologie 01 Fundamentals

of Analytical Psychology

02 Psychologie des Traums 02 Psychology of Dreams

03 Psychologische Deutung von Mythen & Märchen

03 Psychological Interpretation of Myths & Fairy Tales

04 Psychologische Deutung von Bildern

04 Psychological Interpretation of Pictures

05 Ethnologie & Psychologie 05 Ethnology & Psychology

06 Religion und Psychologie 06 Religion & Psychology

07 Assoziationsexperiment & Komplexlehre

07 Association Experiment & Theory of Complexes

08 Entwicklungs- & Kinderpsychologie 08 Developmental & Child Psychology

09 Vergleichende Neurosenlehre 09 Comparative Theories of Neurosis

10 Psychopathologie & Psychiatrie 10 Psychopathology & Psychiatry

11 Individuation 11 Individuation

12 Praktischer Fall 12 Practical Case

13 Fallkolloquium 13 Case Colloquium

"Der Archetypus is eine symbolische Formel, welche überall da in Funktion tritt, wo entweder noch keine bewussten Begriffe vonhanden, oder solche aus inneren order

äusseren Gründen überhaupt nicht möglich sind." GW, VI, 696

"The archetype is a symbolic formula which always begins to function when there are no conscious ideas present, or when conscious ideas are inhibited for internal or external

reasons." CW, VI, 625

Frühling 2015 Spring 11



Lecture Wednesday, Room S1 04.03. 10:00-11:45 18.03. 25.03. 01.04.

Colour symbolism and its natural roots: A matter of feeling

01 02 Harald Atmanspacher, PhD Lecture Friday, Room S1 06.03. 14:00-15:45 13. 20.

Psychophysical correlations, synchronicity, meaning The dual-aspect framework which Jung developed with Wolfgang Pauli implies that psychophysical phenomena constitute a radically novel kind of phenomenon, deriving from correlations between the physical and the mental. In synchronistic events, these correlations are explicated as experienced meaning.

01 03 Paul Downes, PhD

Lecture Thursday, Room S1 02.04. 12:00-13:45

Fundamental structures of the psyche: The primordial dance between concentric and diametric spaces in Jungian thought Based on my recent book, The Primordial Dance, Jung’s central concepts of the collective unconscious, the ego-self axis, individuation, anima/animus are interpreted through an innovative framework as projections of concentric and diametric spaces.

Frühlingssemester 2015 Spring Semester 2015 Di, 03.03.15 – Sa, 06.06.15 Tues, 03.03.15 – Sat, 06.06.15

Bitte konsultieren Sie die Website bezüglich möglicher Änderungen: www.isapzurich.com

Please check the website for possible changes: www.isapzurich.com

Alle Vorlesung & Offene Seminare sind für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich. Seminare und Fallkolloquien sind für ISAP-Kandidaten reserviert.

All Lectures and Open Seminars are open to the public. Seminars and Case Colloquia are reserved for ISAP candidates.

18. April reserviert exklusiv für Veranstaltungen auf Deutsch.

12 Frühling 2015 Spring

01 04 Rolf Kaufmann, Theol. Vorlesung Freitag, Raum S1 10.04. 18:00-19:45

Der Beitrag der Analytischen Psychologie für das Verständnis von Evolution, Psyche und Bewusstsein

01 05 Rolf Kaufmann, Theol.

Lecture Wednesday, Room S1 15.04. 14:00-15:45

The contributions of Analytical Psychology to the understanding of evolution, psyche and consciousness

01 06 Joanne Wieland-Burston, PhD

Seminar Sat/Sa-Sun/So, Room/Raum S1 16.05. 10:00-17:45 17.05. English & Deutsch

Active imagination with the help of objects In this weekend seminar participants will practice doing experiential work in active imagination with the help of concrete objects. This technique offers an emotional and resource oriented approach to the psyche. Please bring some small objects. Experiential seminar

8 ISAP Students Aktive Imagination mit Objekten In diesem Wochenendseminar können Teilnehmer eigene Erfahrungen machen mit der Technik der Aktiven Imagination mit Objekten. Die Technik bietet einen emotionalen und Ressourcen-orientierten Zugang zur Psyche. Bitte bringen Sie einige eigene kleine Objekte mit. Selbsterfahrungsseminar

8 ISAP Studierende

01 07 Dariane Pictet, Ad.Dip.Ex.Psych Lecture Tuesday, Room S1 26.05. 10:00-11:45+14:00-15:45

=== Prelude ===

Overview of Jungian Psychology

01 08 John Hill, MA Lecture Wednesday, Room S1 27.05. 14:00-15:45 29.05. 10:00-11:45

=== Prelude ===

To be or not to be a Jungian: Psychoanalysis in the 21st century Reflections on the uniqueness of Jungian psychology and its encounters with a non-Jungian world in theory and practice.

See also / Siehe auch: 02 09, 02 10, 03 14, 05 20, 08 30, 09 33, 09 34, 11 41, 11 47, 11 48

Frühling 2015 Spring 13


02 09 Josephine Evetts-Secker, Rev.

Prof. Lecture Tue-Wed, Room S1 07.04. 10:00-13:45 08.04.

The Cosmography of Myself: Landscapes of the unconscious Through dream, myth, fairy tale, and poetry, I want to explore the experience of personal inner geographies as well as more general cultural ones. Each of us carries an individual inner atlas, unique territories where complexes reside or visit. Extra reading will be suggested as we travel.

02 10 Josephine Evetts-Secker, Rev.

Prof. Seminar Thursday, Room S1 09.04. 10:00-13:45

The Cosmography of Myself: Landscapes of the unconscious We will work with dream material provided by the seminar leader. Attendance at the corresponding lecture 02 09 required.

02 11 Urs H. Mehlin, Prof. Dr. phil.

PhD Seminar Tuesday, Room S1 14.04. 10:00-11:45 21.04. 28.04. 05.05.

Sleep, dreams and dreaming: An introductory seminar The "Night-Side" of life: Functions and patterns of sleep. Personal, symbolic, and archetypal elements of dreams. The theoretical aspects will be completed with a few exercises of interpretation.

16 ISAP Students

02 12 Anita Chapman, PhD

Seminar Tue-Thur, Room S1 19.05. 14:00-15:45 20.05. 21.05.

Dream interpretation: Theory and practice In this seminar, using material which I will bring, we'll work on a variety of individual dreams, as well as dreams in a series.

16 ISAP Students

See also / Siehe auch: 10 36

14 Frühling 2015 Spring


03 13 Nathalie Baratoff, lic. phil.

Seminar Tuesday, Room S1 03.03. 16:00-17:45 10.03. 17.03. 24.03. 31.03. 07.04.

A taste of salt: a fairy tale speaks

16 ISAP Students

03 14 Gary Hayes, lic. phil. Seminar Friday, Room S3 06.03. 10:00-11:45 13.03. 20.03. 27.03.

The role of the father By looking at myths, fairy tales, and dreams, as well as recent publications, we will be exploring the archetype of the father from the point of view of Depth Psychology.

15 ISAP Students

03 15 Katy Remark, PhD

Seminar Thursday, Room S1 12.03. 14:00-15:45 19.03.

The kingdom within: Accessing inner resources Using personal fairy-tale and body-centered visualization to access and anchor a client’s /analysand’s inner resources. Seminar to the lecture 10 35. Experiential seminar

See also / Siehe auch: 01 04, 01 05, 02 09, 02 10, 10 35, 11 43

Frühling 2015 Spring 15


04 16 Lucienne Marguerat, lic.phil.

Seminar Monday/Montag 09.03. 16:00-18:30 16.03. 23.03. 30.03. 13.04. 20.04. 27.04. 04.05. 11.05. 18.05. English & Deutsch

Intuitive painting Starting with a color and a stroke we let the picture emerge. Participants are requested to bring their own colors (gouache only!) and brushes, if possible. Rental fee: CHF 71 Place: Maltherapie R. Bourgogne Badenerstrasse 173, 8003 Zürich Experiential seminar

7 ISAP Students Intuitives Malen Ausgehend von einer Farbe und einem Strich lassen wir das Bild entstehen. Die Teilnehmer/innen werden gebeten, wenn möglich eigene Farben (nur Gouache!) und Pinsel mitzubringen. Beitrag zur Miete: CHF 71 Ort: Maltherapie R. Bourgogne Badenerstrasse 173, 8003 Zürich Selbsterfahrungsseminar

7 ISAP Studierende

04 17 Mathew Mather, PhD Lecture Sunday, Room S1 12.04. 10:00-13:45

Jung's "secret knowledge" and the interpretation of images We will try to understand Jung's "secret knowledge" in terms of an astro-alchemical myth, and interpret selected images from The Red Book and Bollingen stone engravings from such a perspective. We will then consider the works of contemporary Irish artists.

04 18 Irene Berkenbusch, Dr.phil.

Seminar Friday, Room S1 08.05. 12:00-15:45

Using drawings as a diagnostic tool in therapy We will consider some client drawings and learn how they can be of help in analyzing and diagnosing the person’s psychic condition and process. Material will be provided by the seminar leader.

10 Training and Diploma Candidates See also / Siehe auch: 01 01, 01 06, 05 21, 06 23, 07 26, 09 32, 10 37

16 Frühling 2015 Spring


05 19 Nancy Krieger, PhD

Seminar Friday, Room S1 20.03. 12:00-13:45 English & Deutsch

ISIS/ISIL: A cultural complex? Psychology doesn't only happen in the consulting room. Can we use the tools of Analytical Psychology to investigate the rise of the Islamic State? A group reflection. Discussion in both English and German. ISIS/ISIL: Ein Kulturkomplex? Psychologie kommt nicht nur in der Praxis vor. Können wir mit den Werkzeugen der Analytischen Psychologie den Aufstieg des Islamischen Staates verstehen? Eine Gruppen - Reflexion. Diskussion in beiden Sprachen.

05 20 Yuriko Sato, MD Seminar Thursday, Room S1 16.04. 14:00-15:45 23.04. 30.04.

Spirit and matter in our time We will explore manifestations, that are still alive in our psyche, of a world view, once widespread, in which spirit and matter are not clearly separated. Participants are invited to bring examples from their own culture and experience.

10 ISAP Students

05 21 Peter Ammann, Dr.phil.

Lecture Thursday, Room S1 28.05. 10:00-11:45 29.05. 14:00-15:45

=== Prelude ===

Rock Art and the Origin of Consciousness How rock paintings reflect the emergence of humans as a "symbolic species".

See also / Siehe auch: 01 01, 11 41

Frühling 2015 Spring 17


06 22 Murray Stein, PhD

Open Seminar Tuesday, Room S1 10.03. 10:00-11:45 17.03. 24.03. 31.03.

C.G. Jung and Erich Neumann on the problem of evil The seminar will consider the approaches of Erich Neumann and C.G. Jung to the problem of evil by studying the texts: Depth Psychology and a New Ethic, by Erich Neumann, Answer to Job, by C.G. Jung, passages from The Red Book, as well as some letters from the newly published Jung-Neumann Letters.

06 23 Jennifer Swan, PhD

Lecture Tuesday, Room S1 05.05. 14:00-17:45

Transformation and temenos in the religious art of Marc Chagall This lecture explores the concepts of sacred transformative imagery, temenos spaces, and Jung's theory of individuation through an examination of the religious themed works of Russian-French painter Marc Chagall (1887-1985).

06 24 Judith Harris, MA

Lecture Tuesday, Room S1 12.05. 10:00-11:45 19.05.

An introduction to Alchemy as seen in the transference We will look at the alchemical process in Jung's Psychology of the Transference in an attempt to understand the unconscious dynamics in the analytic relationship.

06 25 Bruno Rhyner, Dr. phil.

Open Seminar Wednesday, Room S1 20.05. 10:00-11:45 27.05.

The voyage of Buddhism on the Silk Road: From Hinayana (Small Vehicle) to Mahayana (Great Vehicle) We will study the transformation of Buddhist teachings from its original forms in India on its way to China. Besides popular Amida Buddhism, Zen with its experience-based techniques can be considered as a movement back to the roots.

See also / Siehe auch: 04 17, 09 31

18 Frühling 2015 Spring


07 26 Marco Della Chiesa, Prof. lic

phil. Paul Brutsche, Dr.phil. Peter Ammann, Dr.phil. Offenes Seminar Donnerstag, Raum S1 05.03. 18:30-21:30 09.04. 07.05.

Mutter ist die Best(i)e: Mutterkomplex im Film 3 Filmvorführungen mit Kommentar und Diskussion: „Ödipussi“ Kommentar- Marco Della Chiesa „Lovely Louise“ Kommentar- Paul Brutsche „Giulietta degli Spiriti“ Kommentar- Peter Ammann.

07 27 Stacy Wirth, MA

Nancy Krieger, PhD Seminar Wed + Thur, Room S1 25.03. 14:00-15:45 26.03.

Word Association Experiment: Part I Theory and practice.

10 ISAP Students

07 28 Isabelle Meier, Dr.phil. Offenes Seminar Thur/Don, Room/Raum S1 02.04. 14:00-15:45 09.04. English & Deutsch

Mother complex, father complex How complexes manifest in several clinical disorders (depression, eating disorders, anxiety etc.). Mutterkomplex, Vaterkomplex Komplexe bei verschiedenen Störungsbildern (Angst, Essstörungen, Depressionen etc).

07 29 Katharina Casanova, lic. phil.

Ilsabe von Uslar Ryffel, lic.phil. Seminar

Assoziationsexperiment: Teil I Einführung in die Komplexlehre und das Assoziationsexperiment. Anmeldung bis zum 31. Januar 2015 [email protected] +41 (0)44 361 82 28

10 ISAP Studierende


08 30 Scott Hyder, MA

Lecture Wednesday, Room S1 22.04. 12:00-13:45 29.04.

Exploration of the Developmental Psychology of C G Jung

See also / Siehe auch: 01 03, 03 14, 11 48

Frühling 2015 Spring 19

09 31 Andreas Schweizer, Dr. theol.

Lecture Thursday, Room S1 12.03. 10:00-11:45 19.03. 26.03.

Reflections on The Red Book: Jung's unconventional understanding of neurosis

09 32 Christa Robinson, MA Seminar Saturday, Room S1 11.04. 10:00-11:45+14:00-15:45

Melancholia in Albert Dürer's work: Reflections on the power aspect of depression Discovering the shadow aspects of depression in Dürer's etchings.

6 Training and Diploma Candidates

09 33 Irene Berkenbusch, Dr.phil.

Vorlesung Samstag, Raum S1 18.04. 12:00-13:45+16:00-17:45

Kampf um die Erinnerung: Die psychodynamische Beziehung zwischen Komplexen und Archetypen. Mit Fallbeispielen. Anhand von Fallbeispielen soll der Zusammenhang von Komplexen und Archetypen im psychodynamischen Geschehen angeschaut werden. Dabei werden Funktion und Bedeutung der Erinnerung für den therapeutischen Prozess besonders berücksichtigt.

09 34 Isabelle Meier, Dr.phil.

Seminar Thursday, Room S1 30.04. 10:00-11:45

Intersubjectivity and transference/countertransference: Part II “Symbolic attitude”, “analytic third”, “relationship test.” The client’s neurosis within the therapeutic relationship.

12 Training and Diploma Candidates See also / Siehe auch: 01 08, 07 26


20 Frühling 2015 Spring


10 35 Katy Remark, PhD

Lecture Thursday, Room S1 05.03. 14:00-15:45

Depression, anxiety and panic: A clinical view Working with depression and anxiety in the private practice: Anamnesis, channels of anxiety in the body, BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) and BAI (Beck Anxiety Inventory), resourcing. Suggested reading: Getting Past Your Past by Francine Shapiro

10 36 Heike Weis Hyder, MD

Seminar Friday, Room S1 06.03. 16:00-17:45 13.03. 20.03.

Analytical Psychology & Psychiatry Experiential seminar

16 Training and Diploma Candidates

10 37 Christiana Ludwig Seminar Wed/Mi, Room/Raum S1 22.04. 18:00-19:45 29.04. 06.05. 13.05. English & Deutsch

Diseases, symptoms, differential diagnoses Working with ICD-10 and using paintings of psychiatric in-patients.

Diploma Candidates Krankheitsbilder, Symptome, Differentialdiagnose Betrachtung anhand von ICD-10 und Bildern von Psychiatrie-Patienten.


10 38 Ursula Kübler, lic.phil. Lecture Wednesday, Room S1 06.05. 10:00-13:45 13.05.

Introduction to psychological trauma An investigation into the history, symptoms, and resulting cascade of physical effects set in motion by sustained deep suffering and resulting archaic defenses. Prerequisite for trauma seminar in FS 2015. Please read: J.L. Herman, Trauma and Recovery, Pandora 2001

10 39 Angela Mary Connolly, MbCHB

Lecture Saturday, Room S1 09.05. 12:00-13:45

Perversions: A Jungian approach This lecture will explore the definitions of perversion and the Jungian clinical and theoretical approach to masochism. Suggested reading: Rosemary Gordon, Masochism: The shadow side of the archetypal need to venerate and worship, and Lyn Cowan, Masochism: A Jungian View

Frühling 2015 Spring 21

10 40 Angela Mary Connolly, MbCHB Seminar Saturday, Room S1 09.05. 14:00-15:45

Perversions: A Jungian approach This follow-up seminar will serve to deepen our understanding of perversion and masochism and provide the possibility for further discussion of these subjects. Prerequisite 10 39

Training and Diploma Candidates See also / Siehe auch: 07 28, 03 15, 09 32


11 41 Brigitte Egger, Dr. sc. nat. ETH

Open Seminar Wednesday, Room S1 04.03. 12:00-13:45 11.03. 18.03. 25.03. 01.04.

Reflecting on death and its impact on life Our perspective will be inspired by M.-L. von Franz's On Dreams and Death: A Jungian Interpretation 1986. Please read the book before the seminar.

11 42 Gudrun Kapferer, Dipl. päd. Ursula Lenz-Bücker, Dr. med. Seminar Fri/Fr-Sat/Sa, Room/Raum S1 24.04. 16:00-19:45 25.04. 10:00-15:45 English & Deutsch

Active imagination in movement: Part 2/4 Introduction to the use of selected movements of Qigong in the analytical process. Please wear comfortable clothing and warm socks, and bring a blanket. Experiential seminar

8 Training and Diploma Candidates Aktive Imagination in Bewegung: Teil 2/4 Nach einer kurzen Einführung üben wir ausgewählte Bewegungen aus dem Qigong zur Unterstützung des analytischen Prozesses ein. Bitte bequeme Kleidung, warme Socken, und eine Decke mitbringen. Selbsterfahrungsseminar

8 Ausbildungs- und Diplomkandidaten

11 43 Elisabeth Kampmann,

cand.scient.soc. Lecture Tues + Wed, Room S1 12.05. 14:00-15:45 13.05.

The Trials of Kraka The lecture will explore the story of the woman, Kraka, and her adventurous life as told in a Nordic saga. The saga was written down around 1200. We will discuss the trials and thresholds of female individuation described in this saga.

22 Frühling 2015 Spring

11 44 Marianne Ligeti, clinical psychologist Seminar Tues-Fri, Room S1 19.05. 16:00-17:45 20.05. 21.05. 22.05.

A Jungian approach to subtle bodywork Recommended Reading: Jung and Yoga by Judith Harris Experiential seminar

20 Diploma Candidates

11 45 Svetlana Zdravkovic, PhD Lecture Thursday, Room S1 21.05. 12:00-13:45

What determines our choice of partner? A Jungian perspective The lecture will present some Jungian views on our choice of an emotional and sexual partner, both in theory and practice: Anima and animus, early experiences, etc. will be discussed in connection with dreams and active imagination of analysands.

11 46 Svetlana Zdravkovic, PhD

Seminar Friday, Room S1 22.05. 12:00-15:45

Fashioning images of the feminine and masculine in clay Participants will be invited to model feminine and masculine forms and to explore the inner figures which may emerge in active imagination. Students are urged to attend lecture 11 45. Experiential seminar

15 ISAP Students

11 47 Penelope Yungblut, MA

Seminar Sat-Sun, Room S1 + S3 23.05. 10:00-17:45 24.05.

The undiscovered self Using active imagination to allow images to spontaneously arise from the unconscious, we will engage these images in dialogue and explore the associations, fantasies and insights they reveal. Participants are asked to contribute CHF 15 for art supplies. Experiential seminar

8 ISAP Students

11 48 Penelope Yungblut, MA

Lecture Tue, Wed + Fri, Room S1 26.05. 16:00-17:45 27.05. 29.05.

=== Prelude ===

A self of one's own Who am I, if I am not defined by trauma, the collective, family dynamics, or by roles assigned by others? The path of individuation asks us to claim authentic, undeveloped, disavowed, and dissociated parts of the self on the way to becoming unique and integrated persons.

See also / Siehe auch: 01 03, 01 04, 01 05, 01 06, 02 12, 03 13, 04 16, 04 17, 04 18, 06 23, 06 24, 06 25, 10 36

Frühling 2015 Spring 23

12 49 Antoinette Baker, med.kand.

Lucienne Marguerat, lic.phil. Seminar Wednesday, Room S1 04.03. 16:00-17:45 11.03. 18.03. 25.03. 01.04.

Practical problems in commencing analytical work and some thoughts on termination Theory, role playing, discussion. German speaking students with passive knowledge of English are welcome.

12 Training and Diploma Candidates

12 50 Lucienne Marguerat, lic.phil.

Seminar Friday, Room S1 27.03. 10:00-11:45 10.04. 17.04. 24.04.

How we work: The Jungian practice of psychotherapy Each session two ISAP analysts will use a case vignette to discuss their considerations in working with clients, including first diagnostic indications, transference/ countertransference issues, resources and difficulties, and how these may affect the analytic process.

12 Training and Diploma Candidates See also / Siehe auch: 04 18, 06 24, 09 33, 09 34, 11 45


For Diploma Candidates only. Registration and payment directly with colloquium leader. Any changes are the responsibility of the colloquium leader. Nur für Diplom-KandidatInnen. Anmeldung und Teilnahmegebühr direkt beim Leiter. Sämtliche Änderungen liegen in der Verantwortung des Kolloquiumleiters.

13 51 Deborah Egger-Biniores, MSW

Colloqium Monday 09.03. 09:00-13:00 16.03. 23.03.

Case Colloquium with emphasis on the intersection between developmental history and unconscious material Location: Rietstrasse 3 8712 Stafa Registration: +44 (0)79 575 5513 [email protected]

7 Diploma Candidates


24 Frühling 2015 Spring

13 52 Ursula Ulmer, MA Colloqium Mon + Tue, Room S3 09.03. 14:00-15:45 16.03. 23.03. 30.03. 13.04. 20.04. 27.04. 04.05. 12.05. 10:00-11:45 19.05. 10:00-11:45

Case colloquium Weekly meetings Location: ISAP Registration: [email protected]

8 Diploma Candidates

13 53 Nathalie Baratoff, lic. phil. Colloqium Tue + Thur 14.04. 16:00-17:45 16.04. 21.04. 23.04. 28.04. 30.04.

Case colloquium with reference to Toni Wollf's structural forms of the feminine Location: Bergstrasse 118 8032 Zurich Registration: +41(0)44 788 1272 [email protected]

6 Diploma Candidates

13 54 Joanne Wieland-Burston, PhD

Colloqium Sat/Sa-Sun/So 25.04. 10:00-17:45 26.04. English & Deutsch

Case colloquium with special emphasis on manifestations of the unconscious in pictures, play and the body. Location to be announced (Zürich) Registration (at least one month in advance): [email protected]

8 Diploma Candidates Fall Kolloquium mit Schwerpunkt auf Manifestationen des Unbewussten in Bildern, Spiel, und Körper Anmeldung mindestens einen Monat im voraus: [email protected]

8 Diplomkandidaten

13 55 John Hill, MA

Colloqium Sat-Sun 09.05. 09:30-18:30 10.05. 09:30-12:30

Block Colloquium on Transference and Countertransference Neptunstrasse 21, 8032 Zürich Registration: +41 (0)44 262 1976

10 Diploma Candidates

Frühling 2015 Spring 25

13 56 Diane Cousineau Brutsche, Dr. phil Colloqium Monday 11.05. 09:30-12:15+13:30-16:15 18.05.

Case colloquium Location: Steinbrüchelstrasse 64 8053 Zürich Registration: +41 (0)44 383 1363 [email protected]

8 Diploma Candidates

13 57 Bernhard Sartorius, lic. theol. Colloqium Thursday Start 05.03.15. 16:15-18:00

Case colloquium Location: Klosbachstrasse 116 8032 Zürich Tram #3, 8, 15 Tram stop "Römerhof" Walk UPHILL from tram stop. Registration: [email protected] +41 (0)79 423 1921

12 Diploma Candidates

13 58 Michael Péus, lic. phil.

Kolloquium Donnerstag, Beginn 12.03. Weitere drei Termine werden gemeinsam vereinbart.

Fallkolloquium mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Traumafolgestörungen Ort: Universitätsstrasse 9 8006 Zürich 4. Stock, Gemeinschaftspraxis Zeit: jeweils donnerstags, 19.15 - 20.45 Uhr Anmeldung: Michael Péus Hauptstrasse 25 8840 Einsiedeln, +41 (0)55 442 22 47 [email protected]

8 Diplomkandidaten

26 Frühling 2015 Spring

Gastdozenten Guest Presenters

Anita Chapman Zurich graduate in private practice in Asheville, N.C., since 1988. Has been active in the Training Program of the IRSJA. Formerly English Department Chair of The American International School of The Hague. Doctorate in Dramaturgy from University of Amsterdam. Her book, Edward Albee: The Poet of Loss, approaches the playwright's work from a Jungian perspective. Directs concert-style readings of American and European Classics for The Autumn Players.

Dr. Paul Downes is Senior Lecturer (Psychology), St. Patrick’s College, Dublin City University, Ireland. He has been involved in various expert advisory roles for the European Commission, Directorate-General Education and Culture. Designer of the Familiscope service, Dublin, Dr. Downes is published internationally in areas of psychology, education, law, philosophy, anthropology and social policy, including the Journal of Analytical Psychology.

Josephine Evetts-Secker, Rev. Prof. is a graduate of the C G Jung Institute, Zürich, and a member of IGAP, London. She taught literature at the University of Calgary but now lives and practices in England. She has published poetry, collections of fairy tales, and articles on literature and psychology. She is currently president of AGAP’s Executive Council.

Im Folgenden sind kurze Beschreibungen und Fotos einiger unserer Gastdozenten publiziert. Informationen über ISAP-Fakultätsmitglieder finden Sie auf unserer Website.

You will find below short descriptions and photos of some of our guest lecturers. Information on ISAP faculty members is posted on our website.

Frühling 2015 Spring 27

Marianne Ligeti, clinical psychologist Clinical psychotherapist specializing in Subtle Bodywork and Sandplay. Has taught for many years at São Paulo University and Sedes Sapientiae Institute in Brasil. Also in Zurich and Kyoto.

Jennifer Swan, Dr. Jennifer Swan trained in the US as a visual artist at Penn, PAFA, and Moore College of Art & Design where she lectured 1997-2005. She later qualified as a practitioner (US and UK) in clinical psychology, child and adolescent therapy, and Focusing. She holds a PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies from the University of Essex where she lectured 2006-09. This seminar presents themes from her book, 'On Spirit and Self: The Religious Art of Marc Chagall'.

Svetlana Zdravkovic, PhD, is a Jungian Analyst (IAAP, IGAP) with additional specialization in medical psychology. She works at the Institute of Mental Health in Belgrade, Serbia, where she is the president of the Wednesday’s Cultural Circle. There, together with three Jungian analysts from London and Belgrade, she teaches a basic course in “Analytical Psychology and Creativity”. She is a frequent guest lecturer in ISAPZurich and IGAP (London).

28 Frühling 2015 Spring


18. April reserviert exklusiv für Veranstaltungen auf Deutsch.

10:00-11:45 12:00-13:45 14:00-15:45 16:00-17:45 18:00-19:45


Mo 2

Tue/Di 3 Baratoff 03 13 (S1)

Wed/Mi 4 Egger 01 01 (S1)

Egger 11 41 (S1)

Baker/Marguerat 12 49 (S1)

Thur/Do 5 Remark 10 35 (S1)

Sartorius (begins) (16:15-18:00) 13 57 (Klosbachstr.)

Chiesa (18:30-21:30) 07 26 (S1) *D*

Fri/ Fr 6 Hayes 03 14 (S3)

Atmanspacher 01 02 (S1)

Hyder 10 36 (S1)


Sun/So 8

Mo 9 Egger-Biniores (9:00-13:00) 13 51 (Rietstr.)

Ulmer 13 52 (S3)

Marguerat (16:00-18:30) 04 16 (Badenerstr.) *E/D*

Tue/Di 10 Stein 06 22 (S1)

Baratoff 03 13 (S1)

Wed/Mi 11 Egger 11 41 (S1)

Baker/Marguerat 12 49 (S1)

Thur/Do 12 Schweizer 09 31 (S1)

Remark 03 15 (S1)

Péus (beginn) (19:15-20:45) 13 58 (Universitätsstr.)

Fri/ Fr 13 Hayes 03 14 (S3)

Atmanspacher 01 02 (S1)

Hyder 10 36 (S1)

Sat/Sa 14

Sun/So 15

Mo 16 Egger-Biniores (9:00-13:00) 13 51 (Rietstr.)

Ulmer 13 52 (S3)

Marguerat (16:00-18:30) 04 16 (Badenerstr.) *E/D*

Tue/Di 17 Stein 06 22 (S1)

Baratoff 03 13 (S1)

Wed/Mi 18 Egger 01 01 (S1)

Egger 11 41 (S1)

Baker/Marguerat 12 49 (S1)

Frühling 2015 Spring 29

10:00-11:45 12:00-13:45 14:00-15:45 16:00-17:45 18:00-19:45

Thur/Do 19 Schweizer 09 31 (S1)

Remark 03 15 (S1)

Fri/ Fr 20 Hayes 03 14 (S3)

Krieger 05 19 (S1) *E/D*

Atmanspacher 01 02 (S1)

Hyder 10 36 (S1)

Sat/Sa 21 MÄRZTAGUNG (9:30-18.00) (Stampfenbachstr.)

Sun/So 22

Mo 23 Egger-Biniores (9:00-13:00) 13 51 (Rietstr.)

Ulmer 13 52 (S3)

Marguerat (16:00-18:30) 04 16 (Badenerstr.) *E/D*

Tue/Di 24 Stein 06 22 (S1)

Baratoff 03 13 (S1)

Wed/Mi 25 Egger 01 01 (S1)

Egger 11 41 (S1)

Wirth/Krieger 07 27 (S1)

Baker/Marguerat 12 49 (S1)

Thur/Do 26 Schweizer 09 31 (S1)

Wirth/Krieger 07 27 (S1)

Fri/ Fr 27 Hayes 03 14 (S3)

Marguerat 12 50 (S1)

Sat/Sa 28

Sun/So 29

Mo 30 Ulmer 13 52 (S3)

Marguerat (16:00-18:30) 04 16 (Badenerstr.) *E/D*


Tue/Di 31 Stein 06 22 (S1)

Baratoff 03 13 (S1)

Wed/Mi 1 Egger 01 01 (S1)

Egger 11 41 (S1)

Baker/Marguerat 12 49 (S1)

Thur/Do 2 Downes 01 03 (S1)

Meier 07 28 (S1) *E/D*


Sat/Sa 4

Sun/So 5


Tue/Di 7 Evetts-Secker 02 09 (S1)

Baratoff 03 13 (S1)

30 Frühling 2015 Spring

10:00-11:45 12:00-13:45 14:00-15:45 16:00-17:45 18:00-19:45

Wed/Mi 8 Evetts-Secker 02 09 (S1)

Thur/Do 9 Evetts-Secker 02 10 (S1)

Meier 07 28 (S1) *E/D*

Brutsche (18:30-21:30) 07 26 (S1) *D*

Fri/ Fr 10 Marguerat 12 50 (S1)

Kaufmann 01 04 (S1)

Sat/Sa 11 Robinson 09 32 (S1)

Robinson 09 32 (S1)

Sun/So 12 Mather 04 17 (S1)

Mo 13 Ulmer 13 52 (S3)

Marguerat (16:00-18:30) 04 16 (Badenerstr.) *E/D*

Tue/Di 14 Mehlin 02 11 (S1)

Baratoff 13 53 (Bergstr.)

Wed/Mi 15 Kaufmann 01 05 (S1)

Thur/Do 16 Sato 05 20 (S1)

Baratoff 13 53 (Bergstr.)

Fri/ Fr 17 Marguerat 12 50 (S1)

Sat/Sa 18 Berkenbusch 09 33 (S1) *D*

Berkenbusch 09 33 (S1) *D*

Sun/So 19

Mo 20 Ulmer 13 52 (S3)

Marguerat (16:00-18:30) 04 16 (Badenerstr.) *E/D*

Tue/Di 21 Mehlin 02 11 (S1)

Baratoff 13 53 (Bergstr.)

Wed/Mi 22 Hyder 08 30 (S1)

Ludwig 10 37 (S1) *E/D*

Thur/Do 23 Sato 05 20 (S1)

Baratoff 13 53 (Bergstr.)

Fri/ Fr 24 Marguerat 12 50 (S1)

Kapferer/Lenz-Bücker 11 42 (S1) *E/D*

Sat/Sa 25 Kapferer/Lenz-Bücker 11 42 (S1) *E/D*

Wieland-Burston 13 54 *E/D*

Sun/So 26 Wieland-Burston 13 54 *E/D*

Frühling 2015 Spring 31

10:00-11:45 12:00-13:45 14:00-15:45 16:00-17:45 18:00-19:45

Mo 27 Ulmer 13 52 (S3)

Marguerat (16:00-18:30) 04 16 (Badenerstr.) *E/D*

Tue/Di 28 Mehlin 02 11 (S1)

Baratoff 13 53 (Bergstr.)

Wed/Mi 29 Hyder 08 30 (S1)

Ludwig 10 37 (S1) *E/D*

Thur/Do 30 Meier 09 34 (S1)

Sato 05 20 (S1)

Baratoff 13 53 (Bergstr.)



Sat/Sa 2

Sun/So 3

Mo 4 Ulmer 13 52 (S3)

Marguerat (16:00-18:30) 04 16 (Badenerstr.) *E/D*

Tue/Di 5 Mehlin 02 11 (S1)

Swan 06 23 (S1)

Wed/Mi 6 Kübler 10 38 (S1)

Ludwig 10 37 (S1) *E/D*

Thur/Do 7 Ammann (18:30-21:30) 07 26 (S1) *D*

Fri/ Fr 8 Berkenbusch 04 18 (S1)

Sat/Sa 9 Connolly 10 39 (S1)

Connolly 10 40 (S1)

Hill (9:30-18:30) 13 55 (Neptunstr.)

Sun/So 10 Hill (9:30-12:30) 13 55 (Neptunstr.)

Mo 11 Cousineau Brutsche (9:30-12:15 + 13:30-16:15) 13 56 (Steinbrüchelstr.)

Marguerat (16:00-18:30) 04 16 (Badenerstr.) *E/D*

Tue/Di 12 Harris 06 24 (S1)

Kampmann 11 43 (S1)


13 52 (S3)

Wed/Mi 13 Kübler 10 38 (S1)

Kampmann 11 43 (S1)

Ludwig 10 37 (S1) *E/D*


32 Frühling 2015 Spring

10:00-11:45 12:00-13:45 14:00-15:45 16:00-17:45 18:00-19:45

Fri/ Fr 15

Sat/Sa 16 Wieland-Burston 01 06 (S1) *E/D*

Sun/So 17 Wieland-Burston 01 06 (S1) *E/D*

Mo 18 Cousineau Brutsche (9:30-12:15 + 13:30-16:15) 13 56 (Steinbrüchelstr.)

Marguerat (16:00-18:30) 04 16 (Badenerstr.) *E/D*

Tue/Di 19 Harris 06 24 (S1)

Chapman 02 12 (S1)

Ligeti 11 44 (S1)

Ulmer 13 52 (S3)

Wed/Mi 20 Rhyner 06 25 (S1)

Chapman 02 12 (S1)

Ligeti 11 44 (S1)

Thur/Do 21 Zdravkovic 11 45 (S1)

Chapman 02 12 (S1)

Ligeti 11 44 (S1)

Fri/ Fr 22 Zdravkovic 11 46 (S1)

Ligeti 11 44 (S1)

Sat/Sa 23 Yungblut 11 47 (S1 + S3)

Sun/So 24 Yungblut 11 47 (S1 + S3)


Tue/Di 26 Pictet 01 07 (S1)

Pictet 01 07 (S1)

Yungblut 11 48 (S1)

Wed/Mi 27 Rhyner 06 25 (S1)

Hill 01 08 (S1)

Yungblut 11 48 (S1)

Thur/Do 28 Ammann 05 21 (S1)

SPRING EXCURSION (14:15-19:30) (Basel)

Fri/ Fr 29 Hill 01 08 (S1)

Ammann 05 21 (S1)

Yungblut 11 48 (S1)


Sat/Sa 30 JUNGIAN ODYSSEY 30.05. - 06.06.

Frühling 2015 Spring 33