OUTLOOK OUTLOOK Selwyn & Ashburton Wednesday, January 25, 2017 Residential sections Big range, Canterbury wide Imagine... Summer on the deck, time spent with friends and family. Make 2017 your year for a new home. Sections selling now, many with titles, from 500m 2 to 4ha throughout Canterbury. Call 03 7411340, email [email protected] anytime, or visit our website. SALES AND INFORMATION OFFICE, 2 Kingsdowne Drive, Wilfield. OPEN Sun and Wed 1-3pm. Or by appointment at 145 Papanui Road, Christchurch. Mon - Fri. Fleet footed P6 Smart snacks P15 A larger than life surprise ERIN TASKER Enjoying the fun in Mayfield were (from back left) Sam Johnson, James Reid and Hamish Gee from The Feelers, Tyler Brummer, and donation collectors Sara Sheppard (front left) and Madeline Roy. When Alistair ‘Happy’ Thomas was challenged over a couple of beers to put on a party, his challengers could never have dreamed he’d come up with the party he did. Happy decided to put on a party for the small Mid Canter- bury town of Mayfield, where he’s run the local garage for the past 10 years, which finished with a sur- prise performance by New Zea- land music legends, The Feelers. The guest appearance by The Feelers’ James Reid and Hamish Gee was the best kept secret in town, and followed a fun after- noon on Saturday which included a bouncy castle, clown, magician, DJ Ash Collett, an aerobatic dis- play by pilot Andrew Love, a lolly scramble, and a water slide thanks to the Mayfield volunteer rural fire unit. St John kept a watchful eye over proceedings, and guests were fed by Gary Oli- ver and his catering crew. It was a big party, which wasn’t cheap, but to see the com- munity come together for such a fun event was awesome. Years ago small rural communities would come together regularly for things like picnics, but it rarely happened any more, Happy said. So when the idea of a party was brewed one night at the pub, Happy had an idea and put together a committee to make it happen. They began by booking in the kids’ entertainment. ‘‘Then with a bit of thinking we thought we could organise The Feelers. Hamish actually orig- inally came from Mayfield, him and his brother,’’ Happy said. Gee and Reid were happy to take to the stage at the Mayfield Hall. When they weren’t on stage they were mixing and mingling with the crowd. Also in the crowd was May- field’s Sam Johnson, who founded the Student Volunteer Army fol- lowing the Canterbury earthquakes, and he and some young helpers went around shak- ing buckets and collected around $600 which will be donated to Mt Somers Springburn and Mayfield schools. With so many people and such big music stars in attendance they even had security in place, but the day and night went off without a hitch, and the last party-goers went home at about 1am. The committee said the day wouldn’t have been possible with- out their helpers, the support of the community and other local businesses, and also the clean up crew.

Selwyn & Ashburton P6 OOUTLOOKUTLOOK · 2017. 1. 23. · OOUTLOOKUTLOOK Selwyn & Ashburton Wednesday,January25,2017 Residential sections Big range, Canterbury wide Imagie... Summeronthedeck,timespentwithfriendsandfamily.Make2017youryearforanewhome

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  • OUTLOOKOUTLOOKSelwyn & Ashburton

    Wednesday, January 25, 2017

    Residential sections Big range, Canterbury wide

    Imagine...Summer on the deck, time spent with friends and family. Make 2017 your year for a new home.

    Sections selling now, many with titles, from 500m2 to 4ha throughout Canterbury. Call 03 7411340,

    email [email protected] anytime, or visit our website.

    SALES AND INFORMATION OFFICE, 2 Kingsdowne Drive, Wil�eld.

    OPEN Sun and Wed 1-3pm. Or by appointment at 145 Papanui Road, Christchurch. Mon - Fri.







    A larger than life surpriseERIN TASKER

    Enjoying the fun in Mayfield were (from back left) Sam Johnson, James Reid and Hamish Gee from The Feelers, Tyler Brummer, and donation collectors Sara Sheppard (front left) and Madeline Roy.

    When Alistair ‘Happy’ Thomaswas challenged over a couple ofbeers to put on a party, hischallengers could never havedreamed he’d come up with theparty he did.

    Happy decided to put on aparty for the small Mid Canter-bury town of Mayfield, where he’srun the local garage for the past 10years, which finished with a sur-prise performance by New Zea-land music legends, The Feelers.

    The guest appearance by TheFeelers’ James Reid and HamishGee was the best kept secret intown, and followed a fun after-noon on Saturday which includeda bouncy castle, clown, magician,DJ Ash Collett, an aerobatic dis-play by pilot Andrew Love, a lollyscramble, and a water slidethanks to the Mayfield volunteerrural fire unit. St John kept awatchful eye over proceedings,and guests were fed by Gary Oli-ver and his catering crew.

    It was a big party, which

    wasn’t cheap, but to see the com-munity come together for such afun event was awesome. Yearsago small rural communitieswould come together regularly forthings like picnics, but it rarelyhappened any more, Happy said.

    So when the idea of a party wasbrewed one night at the pub,Happy had an idea and puttogether a committee to make ithappen. They began by booking inthe kids’ entertainment.

    ‘‘Then with a bit of thinking wethought we could organise The

    Feelers. Hamish actually orig-inally came from Mayfield, himand his brother,’’ Happy said.

    Gee and Reid were happy totake to the stage at the MayfieldHall. When they weren’t on stagethey were mixing and minglingwith the crowd.

    Also in the crowd was May-field’s Sam Johnson, who foundedthe Student Volunteer Army fol-lowing the Canterburyearthquakes, and he and someyoung helpers went around shak-ing buckets and collected around

    $600 which will be donated to MtSomers Springburn and Mayfieldschools.

    With so many people and suchbig music stars in attendance theyeven had security in place, but theday and night went off without ahitch, and the last party-goerswent home at about 1am.

    The committee said the daywouldn’t have been possible with-out their helpers, the support ofthe community and other localbusinesses, and also the clean upcrew.

  • stuff.co.nz2 SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK, JANUARY 25, 2017

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    There’s a lot of worryaround at the moment.The hope that 2016 hadleft its hoodoo behind us

    hasn’t really come through.The White House has become

    the centre stage of everythinggoing off kilter. From alternativefacts to twitter rants, it really doesfeel like the world has tipped onits axis just a little.

    As my daughter said, it’s likewe’re living in an alternate timestream.

    We, however, down here inparadise, are mostly oblivious.We can choose whether we engageor not, because at the moment, ithasn’t really reached our shores.

    So I’m taking a healthyinterest, keeping a watch ondevelopments and staying abreastof the changes, but I’m alsomaking sure I switch off, walk,breath and focus on the importantthings.

    My best advice? Wear thedress, buy the shoes and eat theice cream. Live each day.

    Maybe this is all just areminder to do exactly that.

    – Shannon.

    Contact us EDITOR: Shannon Beynon, [email protected], @ShannonBFFX.REPORTER: Helena O’Neill, 027 285 2766, [email protected]: Erin Tasker, 027 201 5866, [email protected]: Jonathan Leask 027 403 0007, [email protected] ADVERTISING: 03 364 8285 [email protected] ADVERTISING: 03 377 8778 [email protected] MISSED DELIVERIES: fixmydelivery.co.nz

    CONTENTS9 Conversations10-11 What’s On12 Out and About13 Movies14 Backyard Banter15 Your Health15 Puzzles16 Community Cookbook17-23 Property Outlook26 Motoring27-28 Sport

    to d

    o l



    2 3

    4 5

    This newspaper is subject to NZ Press Council procedures. A complaint must first be directed in writing, within one month of

    publication, to the editor’s email address. If not satisfied with the response, the complaint may be referred to the Press Council. PO Box 10-879, The Terrace, Wellington 6143. Or use the online complaint form at www.presscouncil.org.nz Please include copies of the article and all correspondence with the publication.


    1. AMAZE AT THE MAIZEFundraising venture keeps ongrowing❚ P4

    2. GOT THE RHYTHMAshburton’s self-taught dancingkingwinging his way stateside❚ P5

    3. TEDDY BEARS PICNICIf youwent down to the woods ontheweekend, wemight have yourphoto❚ P12

    4. WHAT’S ONNew exhibitions and a good excuseto head into Christchurch❚ P10-11

    5. THROWING WITH STYLEPetanque is on the hunt formoreplayers - can you throw?❚ P27

  • stuff.co.nz 3JANUARY 25, 2017, SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK

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    Body named as new ATS chairmanRURAL

    ATS chairman Alister Body. SUPPLIED

    Methven dairy farmer AlisterBody has been appointed the newChairman of the AshburtonTrading Society (ATS).

    The former chairman of theRuralco joint venture board wasappointed at December’s boardmeeting, and has been a directorof the co-operative since 2011.

    He replaces long-standingdirector and chair, PhilMcKendry, who retired from theboard in November last year.

    ‘‘I’m looking forward to thechallenges ahead in what I believeare exciting times for ATS andRuralco,’’ Body said.

    ‘‘Our long term strategy, whichhas been embedded over the lastcouple of years, has ensured aclear path for future growth andwe are poised to be a significantregional co-operative withnational reach.

    ‘‘We are seeing operationalexcellence and efficiencies in ourstore based offering, along withour seed, energy, fuel and ferti-

    liser divisions. This is comple-mented by the extended reach andgrowth of the Ruralco Card.’’

    Development of the Ruralcobrand will become more apparentearly this year with the highlyvisible repositioning of the brandas it becomes the outward facingand nationally recognisablebrand of the co-operative.

    The board also appointed anew deputy chair with JessieChan-Dorman taking up the role.

    The Dorie dairy farmer hasbeen an ATS director since 2013.

    In brief


    There has been an increase inrural burglaries in SelwynbetweenWeedons and theChristchurch city boundary.Selwyn Police say this may berelated to high value equipmentandmachinery associatedwiththe construction of theChristchurch southernmotorwayextension. Police encourageresidents to secure firearms,remove keys from vehicles andlock them. Close and lock gates ifpossible. Talk to your neighboursand consider other securityprecautions like CCTV cameras.


    Ashburton District Council,through their contractor ACL hastemporarily closed a section ofOak Grove this week to renewsewermains. The north-boundlane of Oak Grove from ElizabethSt to the Harrison St roundaboutwas closed on Tuesday, and adetour put in place. It’s due toreopen on Thursday. Councilassetsmanager AndrewGuthriesaid the workwas part of theongoing programme to renewAshburton’s sewermains.


    Confidence a $206millionresearch centre at LincolnUniversity will come to fruitionhas hit the red, a recent Treasuryreport shows. The future of theproposed Lincoln Hubwasthreatened by Lincoln’s uncertainfinances, which presented a‘‘significant financial risk’’ toinvestment in the project, thereport said. The university andAgResearch have partnered tobuild the hub by December 2019,with several Crown ResearchInstitutes planned as tenants ofthe 900-scientist facility.


    The Rockin Ribs Fest is scheduledforMarch 11 andMarch 12 but hasyet to secure a consent from theSelwyn District Council. OrganiserChristine Bogers says datesmaychange to reflect this.

    Bonjour from Mid CanterburyERIN TASKER

    French speakers Sophie-Claire Violette, Julie Crahay and Denise, Peter MacKenzie, Ambroise Loiseau, Vincent Kiamtia.

    Si vous parlez Frrançais et que çavous dit de nous rejoindre Sophieet Julie ont hâte de vousrecontrer; alors prenez contacte.

    If you speak French, thenyou’ll know what that said. If youdon’t, it translates to if you canread this, then Sophie-Claire andJulie want you.

    Sophie-Claire Violette andJulie Crahay have started up aFrench speaking club in Ashbur-ton, which will meet on the firstand fourth Wednesday of everymonth, and so far the interest hasbeen good but she’s hoping to findeven more speakers of the beauti-ful language to join in.

    When the club met for a picniclunch at the Ashburton Domainrecently, six people turned up.Violette herself is a Frenchspeaker from Mauritius, and shewas joined by Frenchman Vin-cent Kiamtia, who’s dad isMauritian, Frenchman AmbroiseLoiseau, Crahay and her three-year-old daughter Denise from aFrench speaking part of Belgium,and French-speaking ScotsmanPeter MacKenzie.

    Violette is the Mid CanterburyNewcomers Network co-ordinatorand she said the inspiration forthe group came through one of the

    Newcomers group’s coffeemornings.

    ‘‘One of our newcomers whocomes to our coffee club is fromBelgium and so we started talkingin French because we both speakFrench, and we thought it wouldbe good to reach out to otherfrancophones,’’ she said.

    French is the most widelyspoken language in Violette’shome nation of Mauritius,although the official language is

    English.‘‘The first meeting that we had

    was at the end of last year and Imet two other Mauritians wholive in Methven and work in Ash-burton, and that was really coolbecause all that time I thought Iwas the only Mauritian here.’’

    The group is open to anyonewho speak French.

    ‘‘At the first meeting we hadtwo Kiwis who have been study-ing French and who are quite

    immersed in the language and theculture,’’ Violette said.

    For people like MacKenzie,who was only in New Zealand fora short time, the meetings were achance to brush up on his rustyFrench.

    Anyone wanting to find outmore about the French speakers’group can contact Sophie-ClaireViolette at the Mid CanterburyNewcomers Network office, atAshburton’s Community House.

  • stuff.co.nz4 SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK, JANUARY 25, 2017








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    Two new schools ready for term oneHELENA O'NEILL AND ADELEREDMOND

    Rolleston College will be the Canterbury town’s first secondary school. JOSEPH JOHNSON/FAIRFAX NZ

    Final preparations are wrappingup ahead of the opening of twoschools in Rolleston next week.

    The town will get its firstsecondary school, Rolleston Col-lege, and its fifth primary school,Lemonwood Grove School.

    Rolleston College is set on a 6.4hectare section southwest ofChristchurch on the corner ofBroadlands Drive and Springston-Rolleston Rd, just behind the Sel-wyn Aquatic Centre.

    Establishment board oftrustees chairwoman Jackie Free-man said 220 year 9 students wereexpected to attend the college thisyear, with the roll sitting at 214.

    Twenty-five staff, includingteachers and management,started on Monday.

    Rolleston College principalSteve Saville took up his new rolein October 2015. He was formerlydeputy principal at Alfriston Col-lege in Auckland, a position heheld for eight years.

    Saville said the college had fivemajor learning spaces, with aseries of flexible learning spaceswithin those areas.

    ‘‘We also have specialist roomsfor things like music, dance,theatre and the like.’’

    The community had wanted itsown school, with its own identity,and had a lot of input into the cre-ation of Rolleston College, Free-man said.

    Also opening next week isLemonwood Grove School.

    It is located on a 4ha section onEast Maddisons Rd, serving popu-lation growth in the southernarea of Rolleston, particularly theFaringdon subdivision.

    Foundation principal Sean Bai-

    ley said five teachers would caterto the 50 pupils due to start nextMonday.

    The school has space to grow toa roll of 750.

    Collaborative learning spacesextend to teachers who arerequired to hot desk in the admin-

    istration building called ‘‘TheGrove’’, he said.

    ‘‘If the learners see theteachers demonstrating thebehaviour they will change andadapt to that.’’

    The library is the ‘‘informationlandscape’’, while classrooms are

    ‘‘learning landscapes’’ that canhold up to 150 students each.

    Bailey, who was previouslyprincipal at Ladbrooks School forfive years, said Rolleston’s newestprimary aimed to focus onengagement, motivation andenjoyment.

    Maize maze set to amazeERIN TASKER

    Scarlett Hanrahan (left) and Ashley Andrews, both 10, check out Ashburton’sMaize Maze. ERIN TASKER/FAIRFAX NZ

    An intricate maze weaving itsway through a field of maize hasgot people scratching their headsjust outside of Ashburton theseschool holidays.

    The maze is a fundraiser forAshburton Borough School, onRandal Hanrahan and LouiseCurrie’s property. Hanrahan firstcame up with the idea a few yearsago as a way to raise money forthe school his children went to,and it’s his third time making a

    maze for the school.The maze covers around 7500

    square metres, and Hanrahan’sdaughter Scarlett said it takesmost people between half an hourand an hour to figure out.

    In its early days, it’s a chal-lenge more for kids than adults;many adults will be able to seeover top of parts of it. But themaize still has a fair bit of verticalgrowth to go, and it’s about to geteven more challenging asHanrahan prepares to add insome challenges to find along the

    way.The maze will open every day

    from 10am until 5pm during theschool holidays, then only openon weekends until it’s ready to beharvested in March. It’s expectedto remain open until aroundEaster.

    Ashburton’s Maize Maze canbe found at 451 Rakaia Highway,and there’s signage pointing to itnext to the Hakatere Marae onState Highway One. Admission is$5 per adult and $3 per child under15.

  • stuff.co.nz 5JANUARY 25, 2017, SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK

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    Dancer set to take on the world

    Ashburton dancer Krishay Nadan is off to LA for the World Championships of Performing Arts. ERIN TASKER/FAIRFAX NZ


    When self-taught Ashburtondancer Krishay Nadan auditionedin front of two judges late lastyear, he didn’t really know whathe was auditioning for.

    The 15-year-old had no ideathat if he impressed those twojudges in the Ashburton Collegeauditorium that day, he’d have achance of representing New Zea-land at the World Championshipsof Performing Arts in America.But he was, and he did impressthem, and he made the cut.

    Now, Krishay, along with MidCanterbury singers OceanWaitokia, Liam Pram, Tilly Smithand Layna Hunt, are preparingfor the trip of a life time. The com-petition will be held in LosAngeles in June and New Zea-land’s sending a team of almost 30,named the Black Stars.

    ‘‘At first I didn’t know it wasfor LA, but after I got back Ilooked at the paper and it said LA,and I thought ‘I don’t know if I’mgoing to get in’,’’ Krishay said.The prospect was far beyond any-thing he had experienced before.

    Up until then, Krishay’s danc-ing had been limited to home,performances at local Indian cul-tural group events, and schoolcompetitions like the AshburtonCollege Lip Sync, which he wonlast year. But now he’s preparinghimself to take to the stage infront of a crowd the likes of whichhe’s never seen before.

    Talented youngsters frommore than 50 countries in theworld will converge on LA andperform various acts as bothindividuals and groups. For

    Krishay, there are four categoriesto prepare for - lip sync and open,and his favoured hip hop and lyri-cal styles. Between now and Junehe’s hoping to perfect a few newmoves which he hopes will makehim stand out from the crowd,with scholarships up for grabs.

    After his initial audition,Krishay said the judges couldn’t

    believe he was self taught. Hisfamily has no idea where he getshis talent from.

    The Nadan family moved toNew Zealand from Fiji 10 yearsago when Krishay was five. Whenhe was about nine or 10, he caughtthe dancing bug and could oftenbe found out dancing in the backyard, his mum Priti Nadan said.

    Now, she’s preparing to makethe trip to America too, and thefamily are busy fundraising. Theyneed to raise around $7000 forKrishay’s trip. They’ve got a Givea Little for Krishay Facebookpage, Krishay’s doing sausagesizzles, and they’ll have a stall atWaitangi Day’s Multi CulturalBite international food festival.

    Reducingfire riskCOUNCIL

    Selwyn residents are being askedto be proactive and reduce therisk of fires.

    The Selwyn District Councilsays strong winds and excess veg-etation raises the fire risk in thedistrict.

    ‘‘Fire activity has been lowerthan usual over the holiday breakas conditions were cool for thetime of year,’’ Principal RuralFire Officer Douglas Marshallsaid.

    ‘‘However we are now experi-encing hotter weather and morewindy conditions. Combined withthe amount of vegetation in ourdistrict as a result of a wet spring,this creates conditions wherefires can spread quickly if theyare not prevented.’’

    Several recent fires started as aresult of electric fences cominginto contact with vegetation dur-ing windy conditions.

    Marshall said property ownerscan reduce the risk of these typesof fires starting by eitherswitching off electric fences ortrimming vegetation near fences.

    A restricted fire season is inplace in the rural area of Selwyndistrict. Under the restrictions theonly types of outdoor fires allowedare barbecues, drum fires, cropstubble fires and fires where apermit has been issued by thecouncil.

    Crop stubble fires may be morecommon in coming weeks. Thecouncil website has a list of safetyguidelines which must beobserved with these fires.

  • stuff.co.nz6 SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK, JANUARY 25, 2017

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    Golden start for Selwyn athleteHELENA O'NEILL

    Maia Broughton (14), of Rolleston, is having a very successful year in athletics. HELENA O’NEILL/FAIRFAX NZ

    It’s been a successful start to theyear for Rolleston’s MaiaBroughton.

    The 14-year-old was the onlymember of the Selwyn AthleticsClub to represent the Canterburyteam at the South Island TeamsCompetition held in Dunedin atthe weekend.

    Ashburton Athletic Club mem-ber Callum Breen also repres-ented Canterbury in the grade 14team.

    Canterbury had one of its mostsuccessful years, with both itsgrade 14 and 16 teams winningtheir grades, Anita Sutherland ofAthletics Canterbury said.

    Maia was named top pointscore in the female grade 14, withfellow Cantabrians Ryan Suther-land and Sam King taking theleading point scorer titles for themales grades 14 and 16 respect-ively.

    ‘‘So we had three out of thefour top point scorers, which wasamazing,’’ Sutherland said.

    While the younger gradeusually performs well for the Can-terbury juniors representativeteam, the grade 16 team also win-ning was a pleasant surprise asthree of its nine members wereonly 14 years old.

    For Maia, the award comes onthe back of her last Colgate Gameswhere she won four gold medalsand a bronze.

    ‘‘I’m pretty happy with howI’m going at the moment, but youalways want to be better,’’ shesaid.

    The South Island ColgateGames were held in Invercargillfrom January 13 to 15.

    Maia took first place in the100m, 200m, 400m, and long jump,and her team came third in therelay.

    ‘‘She hadn’t done long jump ina while because she was concen-trating on her running.

    ‘‘Maia and another girl fromInvercargill jumped exactly thesame length – 5.34m. Maia had

    less wind so she got the gold,’’grandmother Karen Broughtonsaid.

    Maia was also awarded a $500Colgate Games scholarship tohelp with the costs associatedwith sport from travel to gear.

    With this her last ColgateGames due to the age limit, Maiawas glad to finish on a high note.

    She took up athletics at age 10and became a member of the Sel-wyn Athletics Club.

    ‘‘I love the feeling you get after

    running a race, and you get tomake heaps of friends throughathletics.’’

    The year 11 Lincoln HighSchool pupil trains about threetimes a week, and is preparing fornationals in Hamilton in March.

    Time tobe smartwith waterCOUNCIL

    ‘‘Consecutiveseasons of dryweather has taken atoll.’’Andrew Guthrie, ADC

    Recent rain may have put a damp-ener on the holidays this summer,but the Ashburton District Coun-cil (ADC) is urging the com-munity to remain vigilant withwater use.

    Council assets managerAndrew Guthrie saidunseasonably wet conditionsshould not be a cause for com-placency, and SMART Wateringpractices were important.

    ‘‘We often feel a sense of secur-ity about water when we see lotsof rainfall, but consecutiveseasons of dry weather has takena toll on Mid Canterbury, and weshould be doing what we can toensure water is used wisely.’’

    IrrigationNZ chief executiveAndrew Curtis is backing coun-cil’s sentiments.

    ‘‘Given it’s the middle of sum-mer now, we’re looking at short-term approaches – things likemaking sure your sprinklerwaters your plants and not thepatio, driveway or footpath; usingtimers; watering early in themorning and in the evening andusing mulch to help your soilretain water,’’ Curtis said.

    The SMART Watering cam-paign, developed by IrrigationNZand launched by Canterburycouncils in October last year, isan educational campaign promot-ing water-wise farming principlesin suburban gardens.

    The campaign is a useful toolfor residents, particularly withwater restrictions in place acrossthe district.

  • stuff.co.nz 7JANUARY 25, 2017, SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK

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  • stuff.co.nz8 SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK, JANUARY 25, 2017

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    Drivers urged to take care near schools

    Motorists are asked to drive carefully as children go back to school.



    Motorists are urged to drive care-fully when children head back toschool next week.

    From Monday, January 30,over 8000 Selwyn children will betravelling to school.

    Selwyn school road safety co-ordinator Stephanie Hautler isreminding drivers to watch outfor children and slow down nearschools, early childhood centresand school buses.

    Local children will be travel-ling to school by bus, bike, car,scooter and on foot.

    ‘‘Children can dart out on tothe road unexpectedly. Driversneed to slow down and be extracautious near schools and earlychildhood centres, and rememberthat 20km per hour is the speedlimit past a school bus that hasstopped to let children on or off.’’

    This year, two new schools willopen in Rolleston – Rolleston Col-lege and Lemonwood GroveSchool – so children will be usingnew travel routes to these schools.

    ‘‘The safety of all children isparamount,’’ Senior Sergeant PeteStills said.

    ‘‘Police will be patrolling out-side schools and pre-schools so asto reduce the risk posed by speed-ing vehicles, illegal parking anddangerous driving manoeuvreswhilst everyone gets used to chil-dren being back at school.’’

    Parents and caregivers alsoneed to be mindful of their owndriving when dropping off or pick-ing up children.

    ‘‘From observation I have seendrivers double parking, parkingover driveways and footpaths andparking on yellow lines nearcrossings and intersections,’’Hautler said.

    ‘‘Taking the shortest route isnot always the safest option foryour kids or other children.’’

    School travel safety tips:❚ Reduce your speed around chil-dren❚ Park well back from crossingsand intersections so children canbe seen❚ Ensure children walking,scooting or biking wear theirsafety vest to help them be seen❚ If dropping children off by car,ensure they get out on the foot-path side of the car❚ Encourage your children to usecrossing points and kea crossingsand always look out for vehiclesin driveways❚ Teach children to cross roadssafely and to judge safe distances.Road safety resources for parentsand children are available fromthe Selwyn District Council byemailing or phoning 347 2705.

    Ready for first day at schoolERIN TASKER

    New 5-year-old Tavita Salesa tries out his new pencils ahead of his first day at


    Tavita Salesa has his pencil casepacked, his books covered and hisuniform ready.

    When schools around theregion head back for another yearnext week, Tavita will be one ofmany new five year oldspreparing for his first ever day atschool, and he can’t wait.

    ‘‘One and one is two, and fourand four is eight,’’ Tavita said,showing he’s been working hardon his maths before school starts.

    Tavita turned five on Monday,and he’ll head to AshburtonBorough School with his olderbrothers Tama, 9, and Niko, 7.

    For Tavita’s mum, Jane Salesa,it will be a strange feeling sendingthe last of her six children off toschool, but she knows Tavita isready.

    ‘‘He’s excited. He’s startedusing the pencils to write, andstarted to do a bit of addition, andlearning his teacher’s name,’’Jane said.

    The Salesas only moved to

    Ashburton a few months ago fromMelbourne, Australia, and they’reloving their new home.

    Tavita has attended SteppingStones Preschool and he’s madesome good friends already who hesaid he’ll miss, along with hispreschool teachers.

    Starting school can be a bigchallenge and a bit daunting. Janesaid Tavita had been a little waryof school, but three transitiondays late last year were good forhim and he’s now looking forwardto school.

  • stuff.co.nz 9JANUARY 25, 2017, SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK

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    OutsmartingThe MinersRACHAEL


    ‘‘Not surprisinglythe bottles of wineare first to go, andthere have beentussles over home-made preserves.’’

    It’s amazing how much money a small town can raise for a good cause while

    having some good-spirited fun. JO MCKENZIE-MCLEAN


    ConversationsGET IN TOUCH ONLINE

    Intense rivalries, spying and skul-duggery - it must be quiz night atthe local pub.

    Once a month the goats aresorted from the sheep, as thelocals put their knowledge to thetest in the quest for glory.

    I’m a new(ish) recruit to theDome Dummies, who have battledfor superiority over other teamsfor more than 20 years.

    You’d think that a journalistand three well-read, knowledge-able farmers would hold theirown in a general knowledge quiz,but that’s not always the case.

    We always start well. Havingtwo members who have lived in

    the district for 60 years means ourlocal knowledge is pretty good.

    We can name the huts on thehigh country stations around us,the side roads in order from oursto the closest town and thetributaries of the local rivers.

    Next up is news questions - sowe don’t do too badly there, if I dosay so myself. And of course withthree blokes in the team we’ve gotsport covered off nicely.

    After 20 years of quizzing,some questions have beenrecycled, but that’s not always agood thing. If we could rememberthe highest score in snooker fromlast time we got it wrong, or thatScotland were the world cham-pions in elephant polo in 2005, wecould be onto a winner.

    While we have moments ofsheer brilliance that leave even usstunned, inevitably we’ll have onemediocre round that will see us

    slide down the leaderboard,languishing mid-table.

    It’s usually a picture roundwhere there are cryptic wordpuzzles we have to solve - andthat’s where the skulduggerycomes in. Teams can spend $5 andbuy an answer from thequizmaster - but why do thatwhen you can just cheat?

    One of our members, who shallremain nameless, inevitably has

    to visit the bar during this roundand will stop and have a yarn to afellow farmer, casting a subtle eyeover his answers in the process.

    We’ve also been known totrade answers with neighbouringteams who know we’ve got a shotat beating The Miners, a newteam of, quite frankly, geeks, whoare our biggest rivals.

    The Miners came to town withall their bluster and university

    degrees a couple of years back,and have dominated the top of thescoreboard since then.

    Not without some cheatingthough. Funny how one of themalways pops over to say giddaymid-quiz, and he’s even beenknown to shout the odd round inthe hope of buttering us up.

    But it’s at raffle time that weall need to be on our toes. Prizesare laid out on the table and whenthe number is called, people raceup and pick a prize.

    Not surprisingly the bottles ofwine are first to go, and therehave been tussles over home-made preserves.

    If your number comes up late,you could be going home with aset of John Denver cassette tapes.

    It’s amazing how much moneya small town can raise for a goodcause while having some good-spirited fun.

  • stuff.co.nz10 SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK, JANUARY 25, 2017

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    What’s On n Get involved!WhWW ahh t’tt s’’

    onoo nn eaee raayoyy u


    List your event

    Email details of your event [email protected] are free and are at theeditor’s discretion.Please let us knowat least ten daysprior to your event to avoiddisappointment.

    WED JAN 25Zirka Circus: Zirka Circus is proudto bring you its fourth tour of NewZealand, the new show ‘‘Cross theocean’’. Whether you like actionpacked daredevil acts or beautiful,balletic and poetic acts, there issomething for everyone in this newshow. Held at Ashburton Domain,Walnut Ave from January 25 to 29.More information:www.zirkacircus.com.

    THU JAN 26Picnic in the Park - Springfield:Enjoy an entertaining summereveningwith family and friendslistening to livemusic in SpringfieldDomain onWest Coast Rd from5.30pm to 7.30pm. Entertainmentincludes bouncy castles, eventstrailer full of games, face painting,Pedalmania, and AdamAllsorts. Freesausage sizzle and coffee availablefor purchase, but we encourage youto pack a picnic andmake anevening of it.

    FRI JAN 27Netball Holiday Programme: Fun,freebies and games at the NetballMainland Holiday Programme forschool-aged children in year 3-8.Held at the Selwyn Netball Centre,North Belt, Lincoln from 10.30am to12.30pm.More information:www.netballmainland.co.nz.Frontrunner Lake CrichtonSeries: This Friday evening seriesallows for all competitors to finishtheir working weekwith a race. Youcan enter individually or in a team.There are two race distances forboth the triathlon and the duathlon.Visit www.selwynsportstrust.org.nzformore details and series dates.Fiona Pears and Band: Touringwith Arts On Tour NZ, together withher husband, English recordproducer andmusician Ian Tilley onpiano, Pete Fleming on double bassand Burke Goffe on guitar, Fionawillplay amix ofmusical stylesincluding tango, gypsy, Celtic,classical and jazz - some traditional,many her own compositions.Ashburton Trust Event Centre, WillsStreet, Ashburton, 7.30pm.

    SAT JAN 28Child restraint checking clinic:Selwyn Car Seat Champions haveorganised free car seat checks byqualified child restraint techniciansat the Rolleston Community Centre

    Carpark from 10am to 12pm (noon).Free refreshments and anchor boltfitting as well as fun activities for thechildren.The Dubliner Fight Night: Anevening of live boxing inMethven attheMethven Heritage Centre. Allproceeds to theMethven RugbyFootball Club lighting upgrade fund.Over 10 fights. Dress to impress, withprizes for the best dress female andmale. Doors open 7pm. All ticketssold for the rescheduled Decemberevent will be valid for this event.Public weigh in will be at theDubliner, Methven, January 27, at7pm.

    SUN JAN 29Southbridge Pool Party: Comeandmake a splash these holidays atyour local outdoor swimming pool.The pool inflatables will be out,sausages sizzling, the DJ will bemixing some tunes, competitionsand prizes up for grabs. Held atSouthbridge Community Pool, HighSt from 2pm to 4pm.Summer art opening: At theAshburton Art Gallery. Exhibitions byMichael Armstrong, The BlurredFringes of the Hyperbolic and JamesRobinson, Strange Attractor. Theopeningwill include an artist talkand special musical performance byMelbourne sound artists Seth Rees.All are welcome to attend this freeevent, at 2pm.

    WED FEB 1Volunteering funding workshop:If you are part of an not for profitgroupworking with volunteers andlooking for funding, then thisworkshop is for you. Five presentersfromCommunity Trust Mid SouthCanterbury, Department of InternalAffairs, Advance Ashburton,Ashburton Licensing Trust andAshburton District Council will speakabout the funding and how to get it.Register with VolunteeringMid &South Canterbury

    [email protected], ph (03)3081237, Community HouseMidCanterbury, Cass Street, Ashburton.Woodblock print makingworkshop: The first in a series ofcreative classes for adults at theAshburton Art Gallery. Theworkshop onwoodblockprintmakingwill run for four weeksonWednesdays from 5-7pm, fromFebruary 1. The cost for this coursewill be $40 for Friends of the Galleryand $50 for everyone else whichwill

    include all materials.

    THURS FEB 2Picnic in the Park - Springston:Enjoy an entertaining summereveningwith family and friendslistening to livemusic in SpringstonDomain on Ellesmere Junction Rdfrom 5.30pm to 7.30pm.Entertainment includes bouncycastles, events trailer full of games,face painting, Pedalmania, andAdamAllsorts. Free sausage sizzle

    and coffee available for purchase.

    SAT FEB 4

    Crusaders: Darfield will host theCrusaders in their annual FarmlandsCupmatch against the Highlanders,at the Darfield Rugby Club. Thematchwill be a pre-seasonmatch inthe lead up to the Super Rugbycompetition, which starts threeweeks after this game.

    New exhibitions at galleryTwo new exhibitionsfor the Ashburton ArtGallery.

    Michael Armstrong’s work entitled A Series of Miscalculations. SUPPLIED

    The Ashburton Art Gallery will opentwo new exhibitions on January 29,both featuring solo artists who paytribute to themedium of paintingand its enduring power as anartistic discipline.

    Opening in the Colin RedmondGallery will be Strange Attractor, anexhibition of recent paintings andworks on paper by Dunedin basedartist James Robinson. The artist’svisual diary will also accompanythis exhibition which containsadditional drawings which informthe completedworks.

    Robinson is regarded as asignificant artist of his generationknown for his honest andimmediate approach. CriticWarwick Brown describes hisattitude tomaking art ‘‘like a tideRobinson is a force of nature, and,like nature, his art is capable ofsublimity and terror, of tranquillityand turbulence. Just as theretreating tide arranges jetsam onthe sand at random, but with asense of the abstract power thatplaced it there, so Robinson’s artconfronts us with a record ofswirling activity.’’

    Also opening on Sunday is anexhibition of recent works by SouthCanterbury artist MichaelArmstrong.

    The paintings in The BlurredFringe of the Hyperbolic arepredominantly on canvas with the

    addition of drawings and sculpturewhich explore the political,philosophical and scientificenvironments surroundingArmstrongwhich are reflectionsand commentaries oncontemporary life.

    The exhibitions will open onSunday at 2pm, with both artists in

    attendance, and Robinson giving afloor talk of his exhibition.

    The opening will also include aspecial musical performance byMelbourne sound artist Seth Reeswhichwill be inspired by Robinson’sexhibition.

    All are welcome to attend thisfree public event at the gallery.

  • stuff.co.nz 11JANUARY 25, 2017, SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK

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    What’s On

    SAT FEB 4Kiwiana Market: Come join in thefun of this celebration of all thingsKiwi at the LincolnMarket from10am to 1pmon the Lincoln green.There will be variety of typical Kiwifare on offer and a Special Hunt theKiwi Treasure Hunt for the children.Perfect day out for the whole familyover the holidayweekend. Seewww.facebook.com/lincolnmarket.Racing: The Ashburton Racecoursewill be a hive of activity as theAshburton Trotting Club holds itsfirst racemeeting of the year. Headalong to check out some top horseracing action.

    MONFEB 6Multi Cultural Bite: Ashburton’sMulti Cultural Bite is a communityevent which invites different culturesfromwithin our community toprepare and share bite-sizedportions of foodwhich arerepresentative of their culture, thisenablingmembers of ourcommunity to sample food frommany different cultures from aroundtheworld. From 11am to 3pm, onEast St, by the clock tower.

    THU FEB 9Picnic in the Park - Lincoln: Enjoyan entertaining summer eveningwith family and friends listening tolivemusic at the Lincoln EventCentre, 15 Meijer Dr, from 5.30pm to7.30pm. Entertainment includesbouncy castles, events trailer full ofgames, face painting, Pedalmania,and AdamAllsorts. Free sausagesizzle and coffee available forpurchase, but we encourage you topack a picnic andmake an eveningof it.

    FRI FEB 10Drive-in Family Movie: Pull into acar park and tune into the specialfrequency on your car radio for twodrive-inmovies. The first will be heldat the Darfield Domain from 7pm to9.30pmon February 10 and inRolleston on February 17. Movies willbe confirmed on the Summer inSelwyn Facebook page.

    SAT FEB 11West Melton Young Farmers60th anniversary: Held atShowgate Riccarton Park. Tickets are$90 per person and there is a busavailable for $5 per person. Paymentdetails are: 06 0879 0123756 00

    please put the reference: name +ball. There is a full buffet meal, liveband and cash bar.

    SUN FEB 12Plains Railway: Ashburton’s PlainsRailway onMaronan Road holds itsthird running day of the New Year,featuring the Vulcan Railcar RM 50.From 11am until 4pm. Preschoolersride for free, children $3.50, adults $8or a family for $20. Formore, see thePlains Railway’s Facebook page.Rolleston Music on the Green:Come along to your local green andsit back, relax and chill out to anoutstanding line-up of localmusicians. Pack a picnic or enjoy abite to eat at an onsite food vendor.Runs from 4.30pm to 7pm atRolleston Reserve.

    THU FEB 16Picnic in the Park - West Melton:Enjoy an entertaining summereveningwith family and friendslistening to livemusic inWestMelton Domain, West Melton Rdfrom 5.30pm to 7.30pm.Entertainment includes bouncy

    castles, events trailer full of games,face painting, Pedalmania, andAdamAllsorts. Free sausage sizzleand coffee available for purchase,but we encourage you to pack apicnic andmake an evening of it.

    FRI FEB 17Drive-in Family Movie: Pull into acar park and tune into the specialfrequency on your car radio for twodrive-inmovies. To be held at theRolleston Community Centre from7pm to 9.30pm.Movie will beconfirmed on the Summer in SelwynFacebook page.Summer Lights Party: The BrownPub’s Summer Lights Party is a nightof chilled sounds at the Brown inMethven. The night’s performers willbe Richie and Gormo - Little BigMenDuo. Kicks off at 9pm. Foremoreinformation, go towww.brownpub.co.nz.

    SAT FEB 18Mobile Home Extravaganza: Theannual South IslandMobile HomeExtravaganza in Ashburton is thebuying/selling of new and used

    mobile homes and accessories. Heldat the Ashburton A&P Showgrounds,February 18 and 19, 9am to 4pm.Campers welcome to stay on site.Hawke Cup: Mid Canterbury’ssenior cricket side takes onOtagoCountry in their fourth and finalHawke Cup zonematch at theAshburton Domain Oval. Play getsunder away at 10.30am on bothSaturday and Sunday.Kennel Club Show: The AshburtonKennel Club is holding a large breedshowwhich will run over bothSaturday and Sunday at the AllentonRugby Club. The showwill start at9.30amboth days andwill runthrough until about 3pm.

    WED FEB 22Summer Skate Jam: Get involvedin the 2017 Summer Skate Jamseries at your local Selwyn skatepark. Free gear hire and coachingfrom experienced skaters. At theDarfield Skate Park, South Tce, from4pm to 6pm.

    THU FEB 23Salmon Fishing Competition:

    Rakaia’s annual Salmon FishingCompetitionwill be held on theRakaia River. Gets under way onThursday and runs through untilSunday, when thewinners will becrowned.Picnic in the Park - Leeston: Enjoyan entertaining summer eveningwith family and friends listening tolivemusic in Leeston Park, High St,Leeston from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.Entertainment includes bouncycastles, events trailer full of games,face painting, Pedalmania, andAdamAllsorts. Free sausage sizzleand coffee available for purchase,but we encourage you to pack apicnic andmake an evening of it.

    FRI FEB 24Outdoor Family Movie: Get yourfriends and family together, grab abite to eat and enjoy a family-friendlymovie outdoors thissummer. Bring a seat, bean bag orblanket and chill out in front of ourhuge outdoor screenwatching afantasticmovie. Held at the LincolnGreen in Gerald St from 7pm to9.30pm.

    Night for noodlesThe popular international food marketreturns to Christchurch next month.

    The Night Noodle Market in Hagley Park. IAIN MCGREGOR/FAIRFAX NZ

    The Night NoodleMarkets arereturning to North Hagley Park inChristchurch after their much-welcomed debut in the Garden Citylast year.

    Over 375,000 Kiwis experiencedthe hawker stylemarket in 2016 asit toured the country starting inChristchurch, Wellington,Queenstown and Auckland.

    Returningwith renowned stallholder Hoy Pinoy and their newPanda Bun stall, this year themarket will offer a range of localand international food stallsincluding Dragon’s Den StreetKitchen, and Rollickin Gelatoserving up a range of Asian-inspireddesserts, as well as entertainment.

    FairfaxMedia NZ EventsManager, Brett McMeekin, says theNight NoodleMarkets experiencehas grown from strength tostrength.

    ‘‘The Night NoodleMarkets arefree to attendwhichmakes it agreat family outing for Cantabriansto come and enjoy the hustle andbustle, with all the smells andsmoke of an authentic Asianhawkermarket.

    ‘‘Saturday is set to be the biggestday, coinciding with themuch-lovedSparks running adjacent to themarketsmaking it all themoreenticing.’’

    Formore information, visit theevent’s Facebook page.

    NIGHT NOODLE MARKETS❚ 4pm – 10pm,WednesdayFebruary 8 – Friday February 10❚ 1pm – 10pm Saturday February 11❚ 1pm – 9pm Sunday February 12❚ North Hagley Park, 14 RiccartonAvenue, Christchurch Central❚ Entry is free, foodwill range from$5.00 – $15.00. Eftpos preferred.

  • stuff.co.nz12 SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK, JANUARY 25, 2017

    Out & About

    Holliday Buckland (1), of Christchurch, has a go on thetoddler’s gym. HELENA O’NEILL/FAIRFAX NZ Lyla Newell (9 months), Bridgit and Selena Ramage. HELENA O’NEILL/FAIRFAX NZ

    Sophie Blunden, of Southbridge.SUPPLIED/SELWYN DISTRICT COUNCIL

    Beary fun day for a picnicAlmost 1000mums, dads, kidsand teddy bears attended theannual Teddy Bear’s Picnic at theRolleston Community Centre lastWednesday. Rainbow Lily the fairyattended and acrobats from ZirkaCircus performed. Children alsoenjoyed a petting zoo and theHouse of Bricks.

    Addison Gardiner, Rainbow Lily Fairy, Megan Nelson andSophie Hoey. SUPPLIED/SELWYN DISTRICT COUNCIL

    Luana Griffin with Sienna Moore (2), of Rolleston, test out House of Bricks’ lego collection. HELENA O’NEILL/FAIRFAX NZ

    Zara Gill, Nahla Seque (15 weeks), Bayley Game (11), TaraEdkins, and Milah Taylor (7 months), all of Christchurch.


    Sam Blower (2), of Halswell, tests his balance.HELENA O’NEILL/FAIRFAX NZ

    Oceane Gilchrist(3), ofSpringfield, withher well-dressedteddy.



    Children showtheir teddies to afairy.SUPPLIED/SELWYN


    Children andadults enjoy aperformance byZirka Circus.SUPPLIED/SELWYN


  • stuff.co.nz 13JANUARY 25, 2017, SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK


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    A fascinating,high-energy, character study


    Portman’s eerily


    portrayal of

    Jackie Kennedy

    puts the finishing

    touches on the

    myth of Jackie O.

    herself. SUPPLIED

    Jackie (M)

    Directed byPablo LarrainStarringNatalie Portman, PeterSarsgaard, GretaGerwig99mins★★★

    As a portrait ofgrief, it'sincredibly raw, asyou'd expect fromPortman after herOscar-winningturn in Black Swan(and one fullyexpects thisperformance willadd a secondtrophy to the shelf)...

    Hours after John F Kennedy’sdeath, Jackie Kennedy watchedPresident Lyndon B Johnson getsworn in while her husband’sblood was still fresh on herclothes.

    Days after her husband’s deathshe organised an elaborate publicfuneral procession and gave anexclusive interview to LIFEmagazine, both of which elevatedher husband’s legacy to mythicalproportions.

    In the retelling of these stories,Natalie Portman’s eerilymasterful portrayal of JackieKennedy puts the finishingtouches on the myth of Jackie Oherself.

    As a portrait of grief, it’sincredibly raw, as you’d expectfrom Portman after her Oscar-winning turn in Black Swan (andone fully expects thisperformance will add a secondtrophy to the shelf), but there isbarely a second’s reprieve fromthe intensity of the performance,which I found quite exhausting inplaces.

    Chilean director PabloLarrain’s take on this mostAmerican of fairytales does add a

    distance that feels necessary,painting with a grey/green palettethat matches both the paranoia ofthe Cold War-era and the grainy

    film of many of these historicalevents that has been sobeautifully recreated here.

    Jackie is a fascinating, high-

    energy, character study and well-worth your time, if you don’tmind the emotional cost. – LeonieHayden



    CLINIC PHONEFendaltonHalswellRangioraAshburton

  • stuff.co.nz14 SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK, JANUARY 25, 2017

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    The silly season is behind us, butthere are many holidays still tocome. During this time, peoplecan find themselves indulgingmore than usual, often gettingcarried away with the holidaycheer.

    Research shows that 47 percent of New Zealanders areinterested in making a change tothe way they drink. Are you oneof them?

    Jude Walter, programmemanager at Alcohol&Me, aninteractive online programmethat provides information to helppeople make smarter decisionsabout their drinking, says: ‘‘Ourgoal is not to stop people drinking.For most, a few drinks and somefestive cheer is a great way tocelebrate ... but the key is to do soin a way that keeps you andothers safe and sociable.

    ‘‘We hope these tips will helpmake the good times last longerand ... for all the right reasons.’’

    Eating before drinking will

    help. Food won’t stop you gettingdrunk, but it will slow the pace atwhich your body absorbs alcohol.It’s important to eat before andduring the occasion, and for thebest results the next day, startwith a good meal when you wake.

    Coffee and a cold shower won’tsober you up. Your liver can onlyprocess 10 grams of pure alcohol(one standard drink) per hour andnothing you do will speed up this

    process. A cold shower and acoffee might help to wake you, butit won’t speed up the body’sability to process the alcohol youhave drunk. Time is the onlycure.

    A ‘‘tactical vomit’’ won’t soberyou up. It may make you feelbetter, due to the shot ofendorphins your body releases,but it will only be short term.Alcohol is absorbed into your

    bloodstream almost immediatelyand vomiting will only removethe small amount of alcohol thatis actually in your stomach.

    Beer before liquor, never beensicker. Liquor before beer, you’rein the clear. Wrong! It’s theamount you drink that’simportant, not what you drink orthe order you drink. Remember,your liver can only process 10g ofpure alcohol per hour and there is

    nothing that will speed thisprocess up.

    It’s important to rememberthat a standard drink is notnecessarily a glass or a bottle. Itdiffers depending on your drink ofchoice, but here is a quick guide:❚ 5 per cent beer or cider – 1 Stddrink is 255ml.❚ 2.5 per cent mid strength beer – 1Std drink is 510ml.❚ 13 per cent wine – 1 Std Drink is100ml.❚ 40 per cent spirit – 1 Std drink is30ml.Plan ahead. This is key when youare drinking. Think about howyou want the occasion to shape upbefore it begins and put plans inplace to make it happen. Forexample, if you’re organising aparty at home, book a cleaner tocome and take away the pain thefollowing morning.

    Also, make sure you let theneighbours know your plans,better still invite them along –post a message on Neighbourly sothey know what the deal is.❚ For more smarter drinkingtips and information, visitalcoholandme.org.nz

  • stuff.co.nz 15JANUARY 25, 2017, SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK

    SUDOKU Fill the grid so every row, column and every 3x3 box contains 1-9NEW ZEALAND CROSSWORD


    THE TOP 101 2 3 4 5 6

    7 8


    10 11

    12 13

    14 15 16

    17 18

    19 20 21

    22 23

    24 25


    7. Choice (6)8. Clothing (6)10. Iconic NZ hotel, The ___ (7)11. Angry (5)12. Route (4)13/17/18. 1977 hit song for Dragon (5,3,2,4)22. Lake or sea (Maori) (5)23. Thrilled (7)24. Abduct (6)25. Take, temporarily (6)


    1. Idea (7)2. Secrecy (7)3. One of Santa’s reindeer (5)4. NZ beer (colloq) (7)5. Absolutely necessary (5)6. Precious stone (5)9. Startled (9)14. Easternmost point of Bay of Plenty, Cape ____ (7)15. Strong-tasting condiment (7)16. Winning hand in 500, __ __ misere (3,4)19. Tea break (colloq) (5)20. Late (5)21. Ladle (5)


    1. A playing card symbol (8)6. Midday (4)7. Vocalist (6)9. Grow plants from these (5)11. A meal (5)12. Undo strings, knots (5)13. Country of Indians (5)16. Grabbed hold of (6)18. Bones in your chest (4)19. Made bigger (8)


    1. Extinct big animals (9)2. By yourself (5)3. A bird makes this (4)4. Sore skin from being outside in summer (7)5. Frozen water (3)8. Practised (9)10. Fine gentle rain (7)14. Coming to the end of life (5)15. A worshipped statue (4)17. Hole for thread in a needle (3)


    Across: 1. Diamonds, 6. Noon, 7. Singer, 9. Seeds, 11. Lunch, 12. Untie, 13. India, 16. Seized, 18. Ribs, 19. En-larged. Down: 1. Dinosaurs, 2. Alone, 3. Nest, 4. Sun-burn, 5. Ice, 8. Rehearsed, 10. Drizzle, 14. Dying, 15. Idol, 17. Eye.



    1. The name of which New Zealand brand, known worldwide, is said to have been inspired by an employee’s tattoo?2. In which century were the

    descents made? 3. In a Fibonacci sequence, what is the next number: 8, 13, 21, 34 . . .?4. Noisettes are usually cuts of which meat?5. Which New Zealander was honoured in 2009 with a statue in Trafalgar Square?6. Peter Jackson started his

    which newspaper? 7. What was the tallest building in the world for more than 3800 years?8. New York has JFK: what does Sydney have?9. What is a period of play in polo? 10. Who was ‘Derek’, in Derek and the Dominoes?

    1. Anchor, 2. 18th, 3. 55, 4. Lamb, 5. Sir Keith Park, 6. The Evening Post, 7. The Great Pyramid at Giza, 8. Kingsford Smith, 9. Chukka, 10. Eric Clapton.

    TOP 10


    Across: 7. Option, 8. Attire, 10. Chateau, 11. Irate, 12. Path, 13/17/18. April Sun in Cuba, 22. Moana, 23. Excited, 24. Kidnap, 25. Borrow. Down: 1. Concept, 2. Stealth, 3. Comet, 4. Steinie, 5. Vital, 6. Jewel, 9. Surprised, 14. Runaway, 15. Mustard, 16. Lay down, 19. Smoko, 20. Tardy, 21. Scoop.

    1 2

    Make wise choices when you snack

    If we eat real, whole food and make sure the meals we choose are full of

    nutrients, including some good fat and protein, we are likely to be sustained by

    that meal for longer. 123RF


    Ask Dr Libby

    Email your questions for Dr Libby to

    [email protected].

    Please note, only a selection of

    questions can be answered.

    Q: I have recently read that it’sbest to stick only to main mealsand not snack through the day,is this true? Thanks, Kelly.

    A: Snacking suits some people’sdietary needs while not others.Some people feel fantastic eatingthree main meals each day whileothers make better choices andeat an amount that is moreappropriate to their needs byeating five or six smaller mealsper day. The key is to notice howYOU feel.

    A common challenge manypeople describe with snacking iswhat they can choose when theyare in a hurry. Why you’resnacking also plays a part. Is itgenuine hunger or are youmeeting an emotional need?

    Since our stomach stretches toaccommodate food, it then expectsthe same amount of food becauseit has become used to beingstretched to this size. It istherefore best not to overeat atour other meals simply to avoidsnacking. Some people won’t needsnacks between their mealsbecause they won’t be hungry, but

    others will need to keep theirblood sugars stable and need tohave something handy to snackon.

    There are two main things toconsider here.

    Firstly, if we are eating real,whole food and making sure themeals we choose are full of

    nutrients, including some kind ofgood fat and protein, we are likelyto be sustained by that meal forlonger. If, for example, you’reeating a banana or a piece of toastand a coffee for breakfast, you’remost likely going to be starvingand need something to sustainyou to get you through to lunch.

    On the other hand, if you have abreakfast of eggs, avocado, somegreens and a handful of nuts andseeds you’re likely to feel fullerfor longer and may not need thesnack.

    Most people fall into the firstexample category and eat on therun, choosing foods that aren’tgoing to sustain them. Then theyget to morning or afternoon teatime and they’re so ravenousthey’re about to eat their own armoff and they need something fast.In these circumstances, the snackchoice we make is often going tobe something sugary or simplecarbohydrate based since ourbody prompts us to look for thething that’s going to give us themost amount of energy as quicklyas possible.

    The second thing to consider isthe type of snack we choose. If wedon’t eat sufficiently at breakfastor lunch our body is probablygoing to be screaming for quickfuel and we’ll want to reach forthat muffin or those chocolatecovered biscuits. Regardless ofwhether we’ve eaten well forbreakfast and lunch or not, if we

    reach that midpoint betweenmeals and find we’re not going tobe able to hold out till the nextmeal time, we still have theopportunity to choose somethingnourishing to snack on.

    A small handful of nuts or halfan avocado with some goodquality crackers or vegetablesticks dipped into hummus will bemuch better snack choices tomaintain our blood sugars andsee us through to the next mealthan a couple of biscuits andanother coffee.

    ❚ Dr Libby is a nutritionalbiochemist, best-selling authorand speaker. The advicecontained in this column is notintended to be a substitute fordirect, personalised advicefrom a health professional.Visit drlibby.com.

  • stuff.co.nz16 SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK, JANUARY 25, 2017

    What you can expect when you “List with Jill Leonard at Harcourts”



    Ater Hours03 308-9263


    [email protected]

    “SUMMER ISHERE” and likemany newbeginningsif you decide now is the right time to sell your homeor

    invest in property,

    Jill can provide youwith all the information you need

    tomake the right decisions to ensure the

    best possible price.

    Jill will provide youwith professional service and

    client care second to none in a caring and


    Contact Jill Leonard today

    to achieve the desired results you deserve.

    Tidy solid three bedroom brick home on a large 1012 sqm section with subdivisionpossibilities. Close proximity to town. Quiet urban street with rural backdrop.

    View today or visit the Open Homes:Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th January 11.30 am - 12.00 noon www.ashburton.harcourts.co.nz

    Phillip Kenny Real Estate Ltd MREINZLicensed Agent REAA 2008

    Office03 308-6497

    16 Manse Street, Hampstead, Ashburton Price: $279,000






    co temporary

    Monday to SaturdayPreschool to Advanced


    Classes at Halswell

    Ladbrooks and Lincoln

    Call 03 354 6228 or 0274 836 265



    OF DANCECH-7496272AB


    View TradeMe for open home dates. Property ID: FCP309HouGarden.com. Property ID : FCP309

    Contact: Edith Willetts 027 240 3087

    Rolleston: 14 Pollock PlaceOfers over $595,000

    2 24 2

    • Single level 235 sqm, 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom

    Home that will impress, set on a 791 sqm section.

    • Warm, fully insulated with double glazing, wood burnerand heat pump, gas hot water system, high quality�ttings throughout.

    • 2 Car internal garage, this house has great appeal!

    Chicken withspiced bulgur

    Topping with

    pumpkin seeds

    adds the

    perfect crunch.



    This colourful meal will please the wholehousehold.


    Each week Nadia gives you another easy recipe foryour family andyou’ll find all the ingredients in My Food Bag. myfoodbag.co.nz

    Pomegranate molasses ismade by reducing freshpomegranate juice downuntil it forms a dark, thick

    syrup. This adds just the rightamount of tang to the beetrootsalad.



    BEETROOT SALADSpiced bulgur wheat❚ 1 cup chicken stock❚ 1 cup water❚ 1⁄4 teaspoon ras el hanout (store-bought)❚ 11⁄4 cups bulgur wheatChicken breast❚ 600g skinless, boneless chickenbreasts❚ 1 tablespoon ras el hanout (store-bought)❚ 1⁄4 teaspoon salt

    Beetroot salad❚ 1 carrot❚ 2 beetroot❚ 2 stalks celery❚ 40g raisins❚ 1 tablespoon olive oil❚ 1 teaspoon balsamic vinegar❚ 1 tablespoon pomegranatemolasses (store-bought)Shredded cos❚ 1 baby cos lettuceTo serve

    ❚ 50g feta cheese, crumbled❚ 30g pumpkin seeds

    Preheat barbecue grill or hot plateto high (if using).

    Bring stock, water and firstmeasure of ras el hanout to theboil in a small pot (with a lid) onhigh heat. Once boiling, turn offheat. Add bulgur wheat, stir,cover and leave for 18-20 minutes,until grains are tender. Do not liftlid during cooking.

    Pat chicken dry with papertowels and cut into steaks. To do

    this, place your hand flat on top ofchicken breast and use a knife toslice through horizontally tomake two thin steaks. Coat withsecond measure of ras el hanout,salt and a drizzle of oil in a smallbowl and set aside to marinate.

    Heat a drizzle of oil in a largefry-pan on medium-high heat.Cook chicken steaks for 2-3minutes each side or until cookedthrough. Set aside, covered withfoil, to rest for about 5 minutesbefore slicing thickly against thegrain.

    While the chicken cooks,prepare beetroot salad. Peel andgrate carrot; scrub then gratebeetroot; finely slice celery. Mixtogether veges with all remainingbeetroot salad ingredients in alarge bowl and set aside.

    Finely shred lettuce and setaside.

    To serve, divide spiced bulgurwheat and shredded cos betweenplates. Top with beetroot saladand slices of chicken breast.Garnish with feta and pumpkinseeds.

  • stuff.co.nz 17JANUARY 25, 2017, SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK

    The FIRST place to lookfor property listingsin Selwyn and MidCanterbury/Ashburton

    IT’S ALL IN WHITCOMBEThis impressive home has to be seen to be believed. Just 2 years new this home has been positioned, designed and built for the discerning buyer. Four large bedrooms, 2 luxurious

    bathrooms, a formal lounge, an informal living, dining area, designer kitchen with American influences, this house will quickly become home. Positioned within Landsborough to ensure

    the view is of the mountains, tucked away from the prying eyes, this home oozes charm, character and privacy. The indoor outdoor flow faces the view. The oversized 3 bay shed with three

    phase power completes the picture for a hobbyist to work away on their projects. Darfield is just 25 minutes to the airport, 20 minutes to Rolleston and all its amenities. With an excellent

    primary and high school families are well catered for.

    Sue Robinson

    021 409050

    [email protected]







    New Listing

    ADDRESS: 10 Whitecombe Place


    PRICE: $869,000




    Sue RobinsonLicensed Salesperson, AREINZ

    Mobile: 021 [email protected]

    Paul RobinsonLicensed Salesperson, MREINZ

    Mobile: 021 277 [email protected]

    www.marealestate.co.nz l SOUTH TERRACE, DARFIELD l Ph 03 318 8204

    We have had a very busy time over the holiday break and nowneed new listings.

    We would love to sell your property!Phone or email us for a FREE no obligation appraisal

    and to discuss your options.

    “Matching properties with people”



  • stuff.co.nz18 SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK, JANUARY 25, 2017

    Tai Tapu 598 Tai Tapu Road

    Rural Leeston 967 Irwell Rakaia RoadLeeston 2/14 Spring Place


    This great family home is availableat the end of January or possiblysooner.

    Large open plan lounge andrenovated kitchen with a selfcleaning induction oven. Lovelybathroom plus a separate showerin the laundry. Three good sizedbedrooms, one single room and asunny little conservatory to enjoy agood book while over looking thegarden. You will be nice and warmnext winter with a log fire, heatpump, heat transfer unit and doubleglazing.

    Sunny one bedroom unit with twoliving areas OR two bedrooms withone living area. Situated on a farmand perfect for a single person orcouple. The bedroom is a doublewith a built in robe and large storageroom. The other room could be asecond living area accessed off themain open plan kitchen/dining/livingarea. or as a bedroom. Log fire andunderfloor heating, bathroom witha shower, toilet and vanity. Thelaundry is in the back entranceway.Surrounding area is is run withstock. Farm irrigation runs over thehouse approx 30 min once a week.

    Private and peaceful townhouse inthe middle of three. One bedroomis a double and the other a single,both with built in wardrobes. Thekitchen overlooks the back garden.The open plan living/dining opensout through sliding doors to acottage style garden with a smalllawn (lawnmower provided) andpatio. The bathroom has a shuband there is a separate toilet. Thelaundry is in the bathroom and awashing machine can be providedif required. Nightstore heater in thelounge. Single garage, manual door.

    Lincoln 51 Gerald Street

    Leeston 3 Johnston Street

    This stylish one year old, twobedroom unit is available now. Thebedrooms are a good size with builtin wardrobes. Open plan kitchenand lounge that opens out onto theback lawn area. The bathroom hasa bath and shower. The laundry islocated in the single internal accessgarage. Stay warm with a heatpump and double glazing. Theproperty is fully fenced and has lowmaintenance garden and lawn.The local school is at the end of thestreet and the local shopping centreis a short stroll away.

    Perfect location in the heart ofLincoln.

    Three generous sized bedrooms,two with built-in wardrobes anda single wardrobe in the thirdbedroom. Large lounge which flowsthrough to the dining room, where aheat pump is located, before flowinginto the kitchen. Large farmers stylelaundry.

    Good sized section plus doublegarage with remote door accessand a little storage nook for bikesetc.Pets okay.

    Rent $350 p/wrwlincoln.co.nz/LIC23014

    Paul Clement [email protected]

    Sarah John [email protected]

    Lincoln Office 03 325 7298

    Red Chili Property Management Ltd

    3 1 1 2

    2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

    2 1 1 1 2 1 1

    Rent $470 p/wrwlincoln.co.nz/LIC23032

    Sarah John [email protected]

    Paul Clement [email protected]

    Lincoln Office 03 325 7298

    Red Chili Property Management Ltd

    Rent $300 p/wrwlincoln.co.nz/LIC23039

    Paul Clement [email protected]

    Sarah John [email protected]

    Lincoln Office 03 325 7298

    Red Chili Property Management Ltd

    Rent $460 p/wrwlincoln.co.nz/LIC23031

    Sarah John [email protected]

    Paul Clement [email protected]

    Lincoln Office 03 325 7298

    Red Chili Property Management Ltd

    Rent $305 p/wrwlincoln.co.nz/LIC23045

    Sarah John [email protected]

    Paul Clement [email protected]

    Lincoln Office 03 325 7298

    Red Chili Property Management Ltd

    Templeton 4 Mahoe Street

    A good sized two bedroom homethat is pet friendly does not becomeavailable very often.

    The property offers a galley stylekitchen that opens into the loungearea.

    The sunroom then opens out ontothe fully fenced back yard.Near new carpet and heat pump.

    Separate laundry and toilet.

    Double garage.

    Cats and small dogs welcome.

    View By Appointment.

    2 1 1 2

    Rent $390 p/wrwlincoln.co.nz/LIC23049

    Sarah John [email protected]

    Paul Clement [email protected]

    Lincoln Office 03 325 7298

    Red Chili Property Management Ltd

    For Rent For Rent

    For Rent For Rent

  • stuff.co.nz 19JANUARY 25, 2017, SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK

    Lincoln 18 Payne Court

    Lincoln 5 Glebe Close

    Lincoln 3 Craig Thompson Drive

    Lincoln 34 Russ Drive

    Tai Tapu 60 School RoadPrebbleton 8 Birchlea Court

    For Sale Asking $890,000rwlincoln.co.nz/LIC22867Leanne Morgan 027 503 9219 DDI: 03 974 [email protected] Morgan Mob: 027 438 3035 DDI: 03 974 [email protected] Agent and Licensee Salesperson (REAA 2008)

    Deadline Sale 10 Feb 17rwlincoln.co.nz/LIC21656Leanne Morgan DDI: 03 974 [email protected] Morgan DDI: 03 974 1000Lincoln Ofice 03 325 7299Red Chili Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)

    For Sale Offers Consideredrwlincoln.co.nz/LIC22921

    Steve Morgan DDI: 03 974 1000

    [email protected]

    Leanne Morgan DDI: 03 974 1001

    [email protected]

    Lincoln Ofice 03 325 7299

    Red Chili Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)

    Prebbleton 407 Trents Road


    On entering this quiet cul-de-sacthe excellent street appeal of thishome stands out. Four doublebedrooms, large master withensuite, family bathroom plus aseparate toilet. Combined kitchen /dining / family room plus a separatelounge. Gas ire, heat pump andHRV home ventilation system anddouble glazing. Separate laundrywith access to utility area. Coveredoutdoor living space with PVCblinds. Internal access doublegarage with extra width for storage,glasshouse and a garden shed.Securely fenced, expansive pavedareas, set on a 903m2 section.

    A comfortable functional fourbedroom home featuring largemaster with walk-in robe andensuite, plus a family bathroom andtwo more toilets. Off the entrance,double doors lead into a separatelounge with log ire and an indoor/outdoor �ow through the Frenchdoors to the easy care section.The kitchen/dining areas have beendesigned to capture all day sun.A heat pump and two ventilationsystems provide all year comfort.Double internal access garage witha walk through laundry room, a thirdtoilet and access to the utility areas.

    Space, design and �air combine inthis elegant new 247m2 executivestyle family home.

    Generous formal lounge with gasire, large family living, designerkitchen, walk-in pantry, study nook,separate laundry and sun drenchedprivate outdoorliving.

    Four double bedrooms, main withensuite and walk-in robe. Qualitycarpet and tiled �oors inish thisimpressive home, inspection will notdisappoint.

    Sophistication and so much more in a primelocation, surrounded by superior homes. Fourdouble bedrooms plus study, main bathroomwith free standing bath and in the ensuite is adouble vanity, double tiled shower and under�oorheating. Spacious open plan living with butler’spantry, formal separate lounge with feature gasire plus ducted heat pump system. With up tothe minute decor and LED lighting you won’t bedisappointed. Double internal access garagewith attic storage, all within walking distance toPrebbleton’s amenities. Immediate possession,so why build when you could move straight in?

    Brand new 221m2 quality fourbedroom home on a 751m2 cornersection.

    Superb kitchen with butlers pantry,quality appliances and tiled �oorsoverlooking the spacious familyliving and dining area, along with thestudy nook and separate lounge.Generous sized bedrooms, themaster also has a tiled ensuite andthe family bathroom also has tiled�oors and a free-standing bath.

    This home’s natural warmth issupplemented by two heat pumps.

    This fabulous four bedroom homeis presented like new and offers agenerous living space including aseparate lounge with sliding doors.

    The kitchen/dining/living area has afeature gas ire and bi-fold doorsopening to the large sunny deck.

    Large master bedroom with aseating area, walk-in robe andluxury tiled ensuite, all built on ribraft foundations.

    Situated in Liffey Springs with itsstreams, reserves, wide roads andtennis court.

    This home stands out from irst viewwith its plaster and polished blockcladding. Four double bedroomsplus study, the master consistingof of a walk-in robe plus large tiledshower and double basin vanity.Under�oor heating throughout mostof the tiled areas plus a log burnerwith heat transfer system plus aheat pump and formal lounge hasa gas ire with display units oneach side. Bi-fold doors open to aprivate, courtyard entertaining area.The inishing touches on this homeare superb, adding its own uniquefeel - rare to ind nowadays in sucha new home.

    For Sale Asking $659,000rwlincoln.co.nz/LIC23012

    Robyn Duthie 0274 602 192

    [email protected]

    Lincoln Ofice 03 325 7299

    Red Chili Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)

    For Sale Price By Negoitationrwlincoln.co.nz/LIC22899

    Dawn Pollard 0220 737 580

    [email protected]

    Lincoln Ofice 03 325 7299

    Red Chili Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)

    For Sale Price By Negoitationrwlincoln.co.nz/LIC22932

    Nicola Bray 027 755 8846

    [email protected]

    Lincoln Ofice 03 325 7299

    Red Chili Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)

    For Sale Price On Applicationrwlincoln.co.nz/LIC22218

    Nicola Bray 027 755 8846

    [email protected]

    Lincoln Ofice 03 325 7299

    Red Chili Real Estate Ltd LICENSED (REAA 2008)

    4 2 2 21

    4 2 2 21

    4 2 2 21

    4 2 2 2

    4 2 2 2 4 2 2 2

    4 2 2 2


    sold prior)

  • stuff.co.nz20 SELWYN & ASHBURTON OUTLOOK, JANUARY 25, 2017


    0800 367 5263Hastings McLeod Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 03 307 [email protected] West Street, Ashburton


    ASHBURTON134 Longbeach RoadSeldom do opportunities of this size and quantity ofunits become available to be purchased. This propertyhas been owned and loved by the present owner forsometime and they have put their heart and sole intomaking this the unit it is today. Fully irrigated, goodsoils, excellent lane system, great sheds and a renovatedfamily home in a lovely setting. A great add on orstand-alone unit.View By AppointmentDEADLINE SALE closes Wednesday 8thFebruary, 2017 at 3.00pm, (unless soldprior)





    $657,500 WEB ID AL53741ASHBURTON126 Wakanui RoadThis tastefully modernised home is nestledaway in a private, peaceful setting. Relax bythe pool on the sun soaked deck or withinthe beauty of its timber T & G interior.Includes a double garage with twoadditional bedrooms and bathroom.View By Appointment





    $578,000 WEB ID AR51608MOUNT SOMERS3421 Arundel Rakaia Gorge Road• Close to Mt Somers village, school andservices• Large 250sqm home with generous livingareas and bedrooms• Three woodburners + heat pump• Large landscaped section and paddocks.View By Appointment





    $370,000 WEB ID AL53557WINSLOW537 Hinds HighwayOnly minutes to town but affordable androom for everyone including the horse andmotorbike. A neat and tidy home looking fornew owners. Recently redecorated and anew bathroom in place make this anappealing small holding close to town.View By Appointment





    $420,000 + GST (IF ANY) WEB ID AL53556TINWALDHinds Highway7.9 hectares of quality soils only minutes from town.Well subdivided into four paddocks. Own well fordomestic and stock water purposes. Road frontage,soils and location give opportunity. Call now.View By Appointment


    BY NEGOTIATION WEB ID AL53452ASHBURTONMurdochs RoadQuality bareland sections.Brand new subdivision in popular location.Sizes range from 4100sqm to 5300sqm. Superblyfenced and sheltered.Only minutes from town centre.Don't delay. Call now.View By Appointment


    $425,000 WEB ID AL53447HUNTINGDON25 Murneys Lane• 2.649 hectare lifestyle bareland• 23m x 12m = 276sqm coloursteel shed• 5 auto doors (4.2m) laminated beams,5.6m apex• 6 metre concrete apron, compacted gritdriveway and forecourt• Great views of mountains.View By Appointment



    TENDER WEB ID AL52977ASHBURTONTrevors Road5.5 hectares newly zoned Residential C in a developingpart of town. Located right on the previous townboundary this opportunity gives a chance for lifestyleor landbank for future development. Call now.View By Appointment


    $1,200,000 WEB ID AL52875ASHBURTON82 Wilkins RoadLocated only 1km from town boundary. 4bedroom homestead plus office. Spaciousliving areas including separate lounge anddining room. Extensive attractive ground.Superb shedding. Zoned Residential "D"giving exciting subdivision possibilities.View By Appointment





    BY NEGOTIATION WEB ID AR52630ASHBURTON994 Mitcham RoadThis property can only be described assomewhere very special. From the minuteyou drive into this extremely well manicuredproperty it sings quality. The very first thingyou take in is the magnificent home sittingat the end of your very own lake.View By Appointment





    $295,000 WEB ID AL52542ASHBURTON161 Wakanui Road• Large 8682sqm lifestyle section (subject to