Self-Mastery Book- Table of Contents

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Namasté is an ancient Sanskrit word that means… I honor the place in you where the entire universe dwells.

I honor the place in you which is of truth, of light, of peace, and love. And when we communicate with that level of awareness,


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Self-mastery A Journey Home to Your Self!

Renaissance Publishing

All Rights Reserved Eighth Edition

Copyright © 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008 Sixteenth Printing

Joseph Hu Dalconzo

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in whole, or in part, or in any form electronically or mechanically, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, or by any other means, without written permission. Please note that HLC typically does not unduly withhold permission. For permission information, address your letter to: Holistic Learning Centers, Inc., 1509 Lakeside Dr. So. Forked River NJ, 08731, Attention: Self-Mastery Book Permission.

Disclaimer Hu Dalconzo and Holistic Learning Centers, Inc (HLC) and LIFE Seminars do not treat, heal, cure, or otherwise provide any medical or psychological services what so ever. Hu’s and HLC’s training methods, which are based on HLC’s clinically tested self-help exercises, are represented by non-invasive processes that help HLC students and clients achieve their self-help objectives when performed as instructed. HLC’s self-help exercises are not intended as a medical or psychological treatment or service.

Neither Hu Dalconzo, Holistic Learning Centers, Inc., LIFE Seminars, nor the publisher assumes responsibility or liability arising from any error or omission, or from the use of any information in this book. In no event shall Holistic Learning Centers, Inc, Hu Dalconzo, or Renaissance Publishing be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, special, or consequential damages arising out of or in any way connected with the use of the information in this book. For specific diagnosis, treatment, or courses of action for emotional, physical, or mental conditions or illnesses, the reader should always consult a licensed health professional who can discuss personal symptoms and appropriate treatment.


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I want to give my editors, Reggie Marra and Jane ~Ji Christ,

a "Special Thanks"

for undertaking the project of editing this book as a labor of love!

I also want to thank my “Em.” Without your unconditional love,

this book would not have been possible!

I’d also like to thank Karen Malisse, JoAnn Norton,

Dr. Jane Sennett and Linda Baran for their editorial support.

Thank you my soul friends!

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This book is dedicated to my children Sabrina, Dean and Scott, and to all the children of the world.

May these mastery exercises help them to distinguish

their real Self from the illusions

of the temporal world.

So that they may fulfill their dharmic purpose for living!

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Hu Dalconzo’s book, Self-mastery…A Journey Home To Your SELF, transcends spiritual and religious boundaries as it takes you to a place where we all unite as one spirit. It is a compilation of 25 years of the

author’s journal edits, books, tapes and notes from the many lectures that he attended and books that he has read. It took him thirty-six months and 114,000 edits to classify, simplify and organize these sixteen Self-mastery Lessons into what they are today… An inspiring, empowering textbook and home study course for the next millennium. Self-Mastery...A Journey Home to Your Self, is recognized by many spiritual leaders as a spiritual- “Think and Grow Rich.”

Self-mastery…A Journey Home To Your SELF is the foundational textbook that Hu Dalconzo’s school, Holistic Learning Centers, Inc (HLC) was founded upon. www.HolisticLearningCenter.com HLC is a spiritually-based life-coaching and Self-help school which offers self-help mastery courses, one on one spiritual life coaching

and facilitator’s life coaching certification courses for holistic practitioners, doctors, healthcare professionals and educators, as well as the everyday mystic.

Hu is a globally-conscious visionary who launched his Gaia-conscious “Save…the Humans” campaign over 20 years ago. Hu is an enthusiastic, personable, "spirit-first" life coach, who has logged in over 25,000 life-coaching hours helping thousands of people achieve their dreams. Hu is recognized nationally for his clinically proven, life-coaching facilitation techniques. He has developed 54 clinically-tested self-help exercises that are supported by seven spiritually-based life coaching textbooks, which contain over 3000 pages of “how to” information that help teach his life coaching students how to professionally facilitate HLC’s field tested self-help exercises.

Since 1977, Hu Dalconzo and his HLC’s staff has been clinically testing and retesting hundreds of self-help exercises that were developed by dozens of nationally known self-help leaders, such as Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, Eckhart Tolle, Carolyn Myss, Deepak Chopra and Ram Dass (see bibliography for the complete list).

HLC’s clinically proven exercises are personalized, self-actualization drills that take the abstract concept of inner Self-mastery, which is a hard-to-understand theoretical concept, and break it down piece by piece into a step-by-step, easy-to-understand, specific set of emotional, psychological and spiritual Self-nurturing exercises that have consistently helped the holistically competent become more competent.

One of the many reasons why HLC’s self-help exercises work is because they support HLC’s students efforts to stay spiritually conscious. This helps them to see, feel and heal (correct) their psycho-spiritual issues by studying, practicing, and emotionalizing clinically proven emotional, spiritual and psychological self-help exercises in a regimented and supervised manner.

HLC’s clinically tested self-help exercises are defined as; “a proven series of specific self-help actions that bring about an expected end result… Self-mastery” These exercises have proven time and time again that they help HLC’s students understand they are a “perfect” child of God, who does not always display “perfect” behavior, which helps them unconditionally love and accept themselves, “as is” and as such, live in the Be-Here-Now.

“My work with Hu Dalconzo’s clinically proven self-help exercises has helped me to heal my emotional scars. By healing the pain of my past, I am better able to live in the present and enjoy my life and my family.

The work has helped me to be a more loving wife, a more understanding mother, a more trusting friend and a better emergency medicine physician.”

Dr Jane Sennett DO, is a Board Certified Emergency Medicine Physician

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A journey home to your… SELF!




Other Books, Audiocassette Albums and Training Manuals by Joseph Hu Dalconzo: Self-mastery… A Journey Home To Your SELF! Audiocassette Album Spiritual Life Coach's Course & Training Manual Spiritual Life Coach’s Audiocassette Album Life Coaches Certification Course & Training Manual Self-parenting Coaches Course & Training Manual Weight Mastery Course & Training Manual Money Mastery Course &Training Manual Relationships Mastery Course & Training Manual Parenting Mastery Course & Training Manual How to Build A Successful Holistic Practice Training Manual How To Build an…Abundant Holistic Practice! Audiocassette Album The Secret…Your Beliefs Create Your Reality! Book The Secret… You Can Create The Reality You Desire! Audiocassette Album To Order Call (888) 452-0878 or visit www.HolisticLearningCenter.com

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FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................... 13

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 15

LESSON 1- What is… Self-mastery? ............................................................. 23

LESSON 2- Why Affirmations “Alone” Don’t Work ......................................... 33

LESSON 3- The Conscious Creation Process ............................................... 41

LESSON 4- The Language of Feelings .......................................................... 53

LESSON 5- Self-parenting ............................................................................. 69

LESSON 6- Spiritual Relationships ................................................................ 91

LESSON 7- Is Your Ego Mind Your Master? ............................................... 105

LESSON 8- The Metaphysics of Unconscious Creation .............................. 117

LESSON 9- Spiritual Distinction Meditation ................................................. 131

LESSON 10- The Disciplinas – One Hundred Self-mastery Benefits! ......... 137

LESSON 11- Money Mastery ....................................................................... 143

LESSON 12- Weight Mastery ....................................................................... 163

LESSON 13- Parenting Mastery .................................................................. 183

LESSON 14- Karma and Dharma ................................................................ 217

LESSON 15- The TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH ............................... 229

LESSON 16- Self-mastery Lessons in a Nutshell ........................................ 239

EPILOGUE- SAVE the Humans! ................................................................. .251

Bibliography & Recommended Reading ...................................................... 259

About the Cover Artist .................................................................................. 263

Teacher’s Educational Study Guide ............................................................. 265

Index ............................................................................................................. 273

An overview of Holistic Learning Centers..................................................... 281

About The Author ......................................................................................... 283

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I wish to acknowledge the immeasurable contribution that my teachers have made to my life and this textbook. No one writes a book alone, especially a textbook like this one, which is a compilation of all my notes, journal edits, books, tapes, and the lectures that I attended over the last twenty-five years on my journey home to my Self. All of my spiritual teachers, mentors, and models contributed to my spiritual education. They have taught me how to navigate through the ocean of God’s bliss on my journey home to my Self. Their wisdom and knowledge have been a part of me for so long that it’s hard for me to differentiate, anymore, whom to acknowledge for what. Therefore, I would like to thank and credit all of them, and I’ve listed their books that I have studied in my recommended reading section. To the extent that I have understood my teachers’ heartfelt advice, I pass it on to you hoping that it will take root and flourish for the benefit of all sentiment beings now and in the future:

Jesus the Christ, Buddha, Ram Dass, Pema Chödrön, A Course in Miracles, Debra Grillo, Dr. Venice Bloodworth, Stephen Levine, Lenore Bowman, Eckhart Tolle, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Swami Muktananda, Stuart Wilde, Jane Christ, Alan Walter, St. Francis of Assisi, Gary Zukav, Eric Butterworth, Emile Cady, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Harry Palmer, John Bradshaw, Deepak Chopra, Michael Ryce, Wayne Dyer, Edgar Cayce, Neale Donald Walsch, Richard Bach, Ernest Holmes, Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain, John Gray, Marianne Williamson, Jim Rohn, Phil McGraw, Doreen Virtue, Judy Wardell, Molly Groger, Sondra Ray and all my spiritual guides.

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Spiritual Transformation cannot be achieved without the realization that your identity as an individual spirit is one with, and the same as, the Universal Spirit.


One cold day in the winter of 1989, I was standing in a bookstore in New Jersey perusing the “Self Help” section. A young girl walked up next to me and began rather frantically searching the shelves. She took out one book after another, briefly reading the back, and then quickly returning it to the shelf.

Watching her angst grow, I had the distinct feeling that she was new to her path and had no idea where to start in this sea of books. I remembered how years before, when I had just started on my own spiritual path, I had “stumbled” upon Wayne Dyer’s You’ll See It When You Believe It. Recalling how its basic nature had helped me to find my footing, I reached up and plucked You’ll See It When You Believe It off the shelf and handed it to her. She looked at it, looked at me and then simply said, “thank you,” paid for the book and left the store without looking back.

I will never forget that moment. As I think back on it, I only wish that I had been able to save her (and myself) many more years of perusing shelves by just handing her a copy of Self-mastery… A Journey Home to Your SELF. The information contained in this incredible book is equivalent to (and perhaps even greater than) an entire self-help section in any bookstore.

Self-mastery… A Journey Home to Your SELF is quite literally food for the soul. It is not only excellent reading, it is a textbook…required reading for those of us who are awakened enough to realize that we are all merely fellow classmates in this earth school. This is not easy reading, by any means. It was consciously designed by the author to be a contemplative workbook and soul searching study guide on your journey to learning about your Self.

The author, Hu Dalconzo, created this textbook (and subsequent course) after years of studying the works of hundreds of authors (listed under “Acknowledgements”) and then spent many more years tying together the threads of truth that ran through each author’s book. From Jesus to John Bradshaw, from Ram Dass to Ralph Waldo Emerson, from Gandhi to Gary Zukav, Hu has brought the common truths in these works together to create a most amazing and Self-empowering book. Actually, this is more than just a book. This is a dynamic home study course that has the potential to impart empowerment to the enlightened children of this new millennium.

My own personal spiritual path has led me down many alleyways. After many years of study, I knew enough “spiritual truth” to live lawfully and I did so to the best of my ability even to the point of taking on the responsibility of teaching others the spiritual laws of life through workshops and study groups. However, my knowledge did not fully empower me. In order to live an empowered life, it was crucial that I learn to emotionalize and thereby actually embody the truths that I now knew were the basic “matrix” of the universe. The study of this Self-mastery book and the coaching based on this work is what brought me

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Foreword 14

around enough to be able to place my feet squarely on my dharmic path. The clarity I gained from studying Self-mastery is a gift that gives on a day-by-day, perhaps even minute-by- minute basis.

Through exercises and anecdotes, this book will teach you how to get in touch with your feelings, which is truly the key to spiritual transcendence and paramount for anyone who desires to create a spiritually awakened, loving relationship…especially the relationship we all need to have with our inner Self.

As you go forward into the great adventure of finding your Self through the lessons in this book, I would like to share with you the wonderful, mystical words of Prajnaparamita:

“When the perfect wisdom is first seen, a new perception comes into being that does not depend on any structure. The great quest of the seeker now blossoms as various vast

and mysterious doors swing open at the mere touch of the new perception.

There is the door that opens to a vista of the essenceless essence, that which is the real nature of the manifested world. There is the door of liberation from a merely partial perception

or muddled perspective of this real nature. And there is the door that opens directly into the authentic realization of this true nature.

There is the wonderful door that opens into an intensity of sights and sounds, color and beauty. And there is the door of balance and ease through which one looks in awe at all the limitless structures of the world as one looks at the star-studded night sky. And there is the door to the exquisite happiness

that would never want to own any worldly treasures or to possess even that same happiness. Finally, there is the door of total awakening itself.”

I am eternally thankful to have “opened the door” to this powerful teaching. I know that you will feel the same.

God bless you on your soul journey.


Jane~Ji Christ CHSC, NCMT