In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful And say, the truth has come and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood (by nature) everbound to depart (Qur’an 17:81) Volume 18. No.12 REGISTERED AT GPO AS A NEWSPAPER Zul-Hijjah 1437 / September 2016 Self- Asssessment As Islamic Year 1437 Exit Qur’an 9:126 Do they not see that they are tried every year once or twice but then they do not repent nor do they remember. Hadith Abdullah Bin Mas’ud (Radhiyallahu Anhu) narrated that the Prophet said: A man shall be asked concerning five things on the Day of Resurrection: Concerning his life, how he spent it; concerning his youth, how he grew old; concerning his wealth, whence he acquired it, and in what way he spent it; and what was it that he did with the knowledge that he had. (Tirmizi ) The entire lives of the animals are spent aimlessly. Their intelligence and knowledge are imperfect. They are unable to discriminate between good and bad. Therefore they don’t have any responsibility imposed on them. They will not be required to account for their deeds. But us, who are the best of the creations of Allah Ta’ala, is not like the animals.We have wisdom and capability. We discriminate between good and bad. Therefore, we ought to take an ever ending assessments all the time. As human beings we carry a great responsibility and duty ordained for us. We are the vicegerent and trustees of Allah Ta’ala in this world. Our life’s purpose is not just satisfying desires. We need to tread such a path that we prove our superiority over the rest of creatures. We should have a goal in life. The goal has to be idealistic. We should always strive in Allah’s cause and to serve His creations and not only for achieving the worldly benefits. We need to search the Truth and to follow the Truth. Yes our existence is such a precious value. It is regretable that many of us squander our invaluable time. We spend our lives literally with no purpose. Shoud we really spend our years without understanding ourselves and die in utter ignorance. Ali Ibn Khataab (Radhiyallahu Anhu), the Commander of the Faithful, said: The best enlightenment is that the man recognizes himself, and the greatest ignorance is when a person doesn’t know his own self. The Islamic year 1437 should end with self - assessment. How much have we contributed to Islam? Where have we failed in general? Is our business compliant with Shariah? Are we reformed as we get into 1438? Are we thankful to ALLAH? Page 4 The Marriage Discourse Q: My daughter was divorced without the marriage having been consummated. Although they were alone, sexual relations did not take place. The husband has divorced her. Does she have to observe Iddat (waiting period)? A: Since your daughter was alone in an enclosed room with her husband, she has to observe Iddat even if conjugal relations did not occur. Zakaah Nisaab (Sept 2016) MK 312,500

Self- Asssessment As Islamic Year 1437 Exit

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Vol 18. No.12 September 2016 / Zul-Hijjah 1437

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

And say, the truth has come and falsehood has departed. Indeed isfalsehood (by nature) everbound to depart (Qur’an 17:81)

Volume 18. No.12 • REGISTERED AT GPO AS A NEWSPAPER • Zul-Hijjah 1437 / September 2016

Self- AsssessmentAs Islamic Year 1437 Exit

Qur’an 9:126Do they not see that they are tried every year once or twice but then they do not repent nor do they remember.

HadithAbdullah Bin Mas’ud (Radhiyallahu Anhu) narrated that the Prophet said: A man shall be asked concerning five things on the Day of Resurrection: Concerning his life, how he spent it; concerning his youth, how he grew old; concerning his wealth, whence he acquired it, and in what way he spent it; and what was it that he did with the knowledge that he had. (Tirmizi )

The entire lives of the animals are spent aimlessly. Their intelligence and knowledge are imperfect. They are unable to discriminate between good and bad. Therefore they don’t have any responsibility imposed on them.

They will not be required to account for their deeds. But us, who are the best of the creations of Allah Ta’ala, is not like the animals.We have wisdom and capability. We discriminate between good and bad. Therefore, we ought

to take an ever ending assessments all the time.

As human beings we carry a great responsibility and duty ordained for us. We are the vicegerent and trustees of Allah Ta’ala in this world. Our life’s purpose is not just satisfying desires. We need to tread such a path that we prove our superiority over the rest of creatures. We should have a goal in life. The goal has to be idealistic. We should always strive in Allah’s cause and to serve His creations and not only for achieving the worldly benefits. We need to search the Truth and to follow the Truth.

Yes our existence is such a precious value. It is regretable that many of us squander our invaluable time. We spend our lives literally with no purpose. Shoud we really spend our years without understanding ourselves and die in utter ignorance. Ali Ibn Khataab (Radhiyallahu Anhu), the Commander of the Faithful, said: The best enlightenment is that the man recognizes himself, and the greatest ignorance is when a person doesn’t know his own self.

The Islamic year 1437 should end with self - assessment. How much have we contributed to Islam? Where have we failed in general? Is our business compliant with Shariah? Are we reformed as we get into 1438? Are we thankful to ALLAH?

Page 4 The Marriage DiscourseQ: My daughter was divorced without the marriage having been consummated. Although they were alone, sexual relations did not take place. The husband has divorced her. Does she have to observe Iddat (waiting period)?A: Since your daughter was alone in an enclosed room with her husband, she has to observe Iddat even if conjugal relations did not occur.


(Sept 2016)MK 312,500


QWhile we wish Allah’s Mercy on the Hujjaj (Pilgrims) who have gone for Pilgrimage this year, we want to know the benefits that people see in Hajj?

AThe benefits that the Muslims see in Hajj are many, include spiritual benefits, social benefits and worldly benefits. As for the spiritual benefits, they are what the pilgrims do of

performing the rituals as well as what they do of spending on Hajj, which is spenidng for the sake of Allah Ta’ala. With regard to social benefits, that includes what happens of people meeting one another, the love that is created between them, learning good manners from one another. With regard to the worldly benefits, that include the trade in which the pilgrims engage by bringing goods with them and taking goods with them from Makkah and other great benefits. Allah Ta’ala says in the Noble Qur’an: That they may witness things that are of benefit to them. (22:28)

QAllah Ta’ala may call us and become among those going for Hajj (Pilgrim) next year Insha-Allah. Is there any advice for the one who travel for Hajj? What should s/he

do before travel?

AIf one has decided to go to Hajj or Umrah, it is Mustahabb for him to advise his family and friends to fear Allah Ta’ala, which means fulfilling His commands and heeding His prohibitions.

He should write down what he is owed and what he owes of debts, and he should have that witnessed. He must hasten to repent sincerely. Allah Ta’ala says in the Noble Qur’an: And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you, O believers, that you might succeed. (24:31) He should use pure wealth for his Hajj and Umrah. During his journey he should remember Allah Ta’ala a great deal, by making Istighfaar.

QI am a divorced woman with no children. As a divorced woman do I have to live with my parents again, or am I allowed to become independent and live on my own?

AIt is not obligatory on you to stay with your parents, if you are a mature adult woman in full possession of senses. However, Islam insists that you need to ensure that you are able to

safeguard your honour and dignity. Once you are confident of that, you may live on your own. At the end of it, never fail to seek the pleasure and acceptance of your parents in your decision.

Q I have just embraced Islam and want to know the way of (purification)Taharah before prayer?

ABefore prayer (Salaah) you should be purified from the major and minor impurities. In case of major impurities (Janaabah) (a condition when one had slept with his

wife), you have to do Ghusl (purificatory bath). In case of answering the call of nature you need to make Istinjaah (washing the place where the impurities has come out).

QIs it permissible for a Muslim contractor to build a warehouse for a company which also deals in liquor?

AAs long as the warehouse is not being built specifically for storing liquor or for a Haraam purpose, the contractor may build it for the company.

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• Question and Answers

• Question of the Month

• Reviving the Sunnah

• Islamic Humour


WISDOM1. An act of charity is like perfume. It benefits the user, the seller, and the buyer. The psychological benefits that one receives from helping others are indeed great. If you suffer from depression, an act of charity will have a more potent effect on your sickness that will the best avilable medicine.2. Hardship strengthens your heart, and helps to suppress inclination towards pride.

PublisherAl-Haqq Publications

[email protected]@alhaqq-malawi.org


Vol 18. No.12 September 2016 / Zul-Hijjah 1437

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QI have blundered for many occasions, by speaking things that eventually I regret. How should we control our tongue?

AControl of the tongue is gained by reflecting a couple of seconds before speaking. In the beginning it is usually difficult to halt a

couple of seconds to think, then speak. But with constant practice, it will become a reflex action. Your mind will immediately focus on the merits and demerits of the contemplated talk. Before uttering a statement, think: Will Allah Ta’ala be pleased with the statement I wish to utter? Is there any Deen or worldly benefit in what I am about to say? This is called Mujaahadah (struggling against the Nafs). Without effort and struggle there will be no spiritual progress. Only after effort and struggle will you gain moral reformation.

Q I have heard that the best method to seek guidance from Allah Ta’ala when we fail to decide on what to do between two

issues is to perform Istikharaah. How many times can one pray Istikharaah, and what is it’s best time?

A You can pray Istikharaah as much as you want until you are blessed or get satisfied on the mission you are doing Istikharaah

for. Nothing has been mentioned in the Sunnah regarding the best time for this Salaah to be performed.

Q Some women go unmarried for so long if not throughout their life due to certain social factors against their will. Are

these women allowed to co-habit outside the wedlock?

AIt is very strange that Muslim women or men suffer unmarried life due to un-Islamic social factors. Some young people or their

parents may have unnecessary expectations for their spouses.They set a very difficult standards such as that of education, profession, wealth or lineage for prospective suitor. The result is that such women remain single because the suitors

fail to meet those standards. Muslims should emphasize that the best criteria according to Islam is good character. However, if for any reason men and women are not able to marry, then they must observe abstinence. They have no other way. Sexual relations are allowed only among the married couples.

Q I am a 34 years old woman and not married yet. I believe that marriage is Qadar (predestined). However, my

mother tells me that I have to show up in all social events so that men see me. What is your comment?

A Marriage is part of the Qadar, but we don’t know what has been already written for us. Our duty therefore, is to do our job by

taking all the means possible within our capacity and above all which is not against the Shariah. All means available in terms of seeking marriage in the lawful way must be exhausted first before saying this is Qadar or not. There is a saying: When there is a desire, there is an effort required. This applies to your case. But above all make a lot of Duas (Supplications).

Q From what point should a new Muslim (convert) begin paying or calculating Zakaah? Should it be from the time of

conversion or one year after?

AA new Muslim starts the calculation of Zakaah from the day she/he acquires the Nisaab. If she/he has the Nisaab on the day

she/he became a Muslim, so she/he is to begin counting the days from that day, and after 354 days they will have to see how much they have. If they have anything that is equal to Nisaab or more, Zakaah is due at the rate of 2.5% and every 354 days from then onwards. The term Zakaah Nisaab means the minimum threshold (amount on which alms-giving starts to be calculated).

The Prophet said: The first to be summoned to Paradise on the Day of Resurrection will be those who praise Allah in prosperity and adversity.



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Q: My brother is in jail. He does not know for how long he will remain in jail. His wife has no means of support. Should he divorce her? Who is responsible for her maintenance?

A: If the wife wants to be divorced, the husband in prison should issue Talaaq. If she does not want to be divorced, then her husband should not issue Talaaq. It is your duty and the duty of the family,i.e. the other males in your family, to support the woman. If not and you don’t have the means, then it is the obligation of the community to assist the woman with charity. Allah Ta’ala knows.

Q: I have been separated from my husband for 3 years without Talaaq (divorce). We have now reconciled. Is it necessary to perform a new Nikaah?

A: Since Talaaq was not issued, it is not necessary to renew the Nikaah. Nikaah will be necessary only if one or two Talaaqs had been given.

Q: Sometimes a man may disappear from his wife. If he disappears say for two years, may his wife be considered a widow who can get married?

A: You cannot consider yourself as widowed unless you have ascertained the fact that of his death. However, you are allowed to seek the

dissolution of your marriage on the ground of his disappearance through Shariah Counsellors and consider yourself free to marry.

Q: A woman got married while in Iddah (waiting period) following the death of a husband. Is this allowed?

A: What is required for a Muslim woman after her husband death is to observe an Iddah of four months and ten days from the date of his death, if she is not pregnant. If she is pregnant, then her Iddah lasts untill she gives birth. It is not permissible for a woman who is in Iddah to get married during her Iddah. After the Iddah the second husband may do a marriage contract.

Q: I do argue with my wife so often. Sometimes she gets angry and starts hitting me. But still goes on. What can I do about this?

A: We are amazed that you are happy, despite having arguments as couples. Hitting a husband is a serious problem in a household not fit to raise children. If you want to set things straight, then you must find out the reason why your wife has resorted to violence. Specialists says a wife may become violent due to: (1) Her violence is a reaction to her husband’s violence. (2)Your wife’s violence may be because of having had a bad childhood etc.

Listen to what they said:1- If you are beset with fear and anxities, stand up right and pray: Your soul will find comfort and solace. The prayer - as long as you perform it sincerely with a wakeful heart - is guaranteed to have this effect for you.

2- Look around you, to the right and to the left. Do you not see the afflicted and the unfortunate? In every house there is mourning and upon every cheek run tears.

3- How many tribulations and how many people persevere with patience? You are not alone in your troubles, which are few when compared to those of others. How many sick people remain bedridden

for years while suffering from unspeakable pain? How many men and women have lost their children in the prime of youth?

4- Find consolation with those that are worse off than you; know that this life is like a prison for the believer, an abode of grief and sadness.

5- When you experienced sadness yesterday, your situation didn’t get any better by you being sad. Your son failed in school, and you became depressed, yet did your depression change the fact that he failed? You lost your business, and you became saddened. Did this change your situation by transforming losses into profit? Don’t be sad.


Marriage Discourse

Our Pious Predecessor’s Advice

Vol 18. No.12 September 2016 / Zul-Hijjah 1437

[email protected]

The Prophet said: Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately. Always adopt a middle, moderate, regular course, whereby you will reach

your target (of Paradise) (Bukhari)


QWhat is the ruling on one who spreads the personal affairs of others, whether that is memos, letters or conversations

without the person’s permission?

A If the person entrusted it to him on the basis that it was a secret, then it is not permissible for him to spread it. The Prophet

said: A Conversation in a gathering is a trust. Similarly, if spreading it will result in harm to his Muslim brother, that is not permitted because He

said: There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm. Similarly, if spreading it will result in a scandal for a sinning Muslim brother whose sin has been concealed by Allah Ta’ala, it is not permissible to spread it. But, if spreading it will serve a Shar’i interest and benefit the person or people in general and the person did not state the condition that it had to be kept a secret, then it is permisible to spread it in that case.

Q How can the parents deal with children when they are heedless about prayers (Salaah)?

A Salaah is a very important matter in Islam. It is the foundation of Islam, the means of success and a sign of piety (Taqwa). Giving

a child sound Islamic upbringing, teach him to establish prayer is a sign of success. With regard to the means of disciplining children and raising them with the prayer may be summed up as follows: (1) It is essential that there be a real life example, in parents being keen to offer the prayer on time and regularly. (2) The father should be very keen to take his son with him to pray and the mother should be keen to tell her daughter to pray regularly at home. (3) Offering moral and material support. (4) The parents should never tire of reminding, advising and disciplining, even if the children neglect prayers repeatedly, and they should never despair of their children being guided.

QWhat are the best fields of worldly work, employment or trade?

AThe best way of earning a living is to put one’s trust in Allah Ta’ala and have faith that He is Able to take care of you and to think

well of Him. That means that one who is keen to earn a living should turn to Him and call Him. One should seek to earn money with self-respect and pride, so that Allah Ta’ala may bless it for him; one should not take it with an attitude of desperation and greed. One of the pious predecessors said: You are in need of this world but you are in a great need of your share of the Hereafter. If you start with the share of the Hereafter, then your share of this world will automatically come with it. With regard to specifiying a particular means of earning a living, it varies from one person to another, provided it is not objectionable in Islamic grounds.

Q I am a young Muslim man who has indulged in evil doing for quite a long time. I want to repent (come back)

(Tawbah) to Allah Ta’ala. How should I go about it?

AThe word Tawbah (repentance) is a great word with deep meaning. It is not as we generally think about it, merely words to be

uttered whilst persisting in sin. Allah Ta’ala says: Seek the forgiveness of your Lord and turn to Him in repentance. (11:3) Repentance is something more than seeking forgiveness. Since repentance is a serious matter, there is conditions attached. The Scholars of Islam (May Allah Ta’ala bless them all) mentioned the conditions on repentance based on the Noble Qur’an and Hadith. The conditions are as follows: (1) Giving up the sin immediately. (2) Regreting what has happened in the past. (3) Resolving not to go back to it. (4) Making amends to those whom you have wronged,or asking for their forgiveness.

Q What is the relationship between an adoptive child and his/her foster parents when he/she attains maturity?

A All the rules of Hijaab will apply strictly between the Baaligh children and their foster parents.

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F:Kodi tingatani pofuna kuziteteza kwa anthu omwe satifunira zabwino?

Y:Ndizachikhalire kuti anthu ena sawafunira amzawo zabwino. Chifukwa chaichi

Msilamu ayenera kupempha chitetedzo kwa Allah kuti atetezedwe ku zoipa zonse zomwe anthu akumuganizira zitamupeza. Kuziteteza ku zoipa kuyenera kuchitika potsatira ndondomeko yoyenera ya Shariah. Izi ndi monga kuwerenga ma Surah awiri omalizira amu Qur’an katatu kum’mawa kulikonse komanso madzulo. Kuwerenga pafupipafupi Ayat Qursi. Choncho sizololedwa kugwiritsa ntchito njira zina zomwe zili zotsutsana ndikukhulupilira Mulungu M’modzi yekha.

F:Kodi njira yopangira Twaharah (kuziyeretsa) ndi iti tisanaimike pemphero?

Y:Munthu osanaimike pemphero lina lililonse uyenera kuonetsetsa kuti waziyeretsa kuumve waung’ono ndi waukulu. Ngati

unali ndi umve waukulu monga Janaabah, uyenera kusamba pofuna kuti uziyeretse. Ngati umve omwe uli awo ndiwaung’ono monga pamene munthu wachita chimbuzi kapena kukonza mikodzo ayenera kutsuka pamalo pomwe patuluka zoipazo, ndipo sikofunika kusamba thupi lonse.

F:Kodi kujambula kapena kutola zithunzi ndikololedwa M’chisilamu?

Y:Poyamba tinene kuti zithunzi zitha kugwiritsidwa ntchito munjira ziwiri. Njira yoyamba ndiko kugwiritsa

ntchito zithunzi muzinthu zovomerezeka ndipo njira yachiwiri ndiko kugwiritsa zithunzi muzinthu zolakwika. Choncho ngati zitagwiritsidwa ntchito muzinthu zovomerezeka posaonetsa maliseche kudzakhala kovomerezeka kwa Msilamu kutola zithunzi. Koma ngati zitagwiritsidwa muzinthu zolakwika monga potukula mchitidwe woonetsa maliseche zidzakhala zosavomerezeka. Komanso tiyenera kudziwa kuti zinthuzi siziyenera kupembezedwa kapena kutamandidwa.

F:Kodi zoyenera kuchita Msilamu pamene achita malonda ndi ziti?

Y: Ayenera kupewa bodza, komanso osagulitsa katundu woletsedwa M’chisilamu. Munthu Msilamu

ayenera kukhala wokambika ndiwofewerera pamene achita malonda. Pamwapa pa zonse Msilamu ayenera kupewa chinyengo pa malonda


F:Munthu wina anapita kumaula kukapeza yemwe adamubera katundu wake. Kodi izi ndizololedwa?

Y: Sizololedwa kupita kumaula chifukwa Mtumiki Muhammad (Mtendere upite kwaiye) adati: Yemwe angapite kwa

munthu wochita maula ndikumufunsa za chinthu china chake, mapemphero ake sadzalandiridwa kwa masiku makumi anayi (Muslim) Choncho langizo lathu ndiloti sibwino kumvera ndikukhulupilira maula

F:Kodi zitachita kuti munthu wa mayi wamwalira ndipo wasiya khanda, kodi mayi wa Chisilamu akuloledwa

kuyamwitsa khandalo, komanso kodi mayi yemwe sali wa Chisilamu atha kuyamwitsa mwana wa Msilamu?

Y: Ndizololedwa mayi wa Chisilamu kuyamwitsa mwana wa wobadwa kwa mayi yemwe sali Msilamu, komanso

ndizololedwa mayi yemwe sali Msilamu kuyamwitsa mwana wobadwa kwa mayi wa Chisilamu. Izi ndi chifukwa chakuti Mulungu walamulira kuchitirana ubwino. Ngati kuyamwitsa kutachitika palibe chingaonongeka kwa Msilamu pa Chisilamu chake. Yemwe anali Msilamu kale kuyamwitsa ndi kuyamwitsidwa kusanachitike adzakhalabe Msilamu komanso chimodzimodzinso kwa yemwe sanali Msilamu adzakhalabe ku chipembedzo chake.

F:Kodi Chisilamu chikuti bwanji pa nkhani ya munthu wa mkazi kuyenda ulendo wautali yekhayekha?

Y: Masikugggg Chisilamu chimapereka ulemu kwa munthu wa mkazi, ndipo chifukwa cha kufooka kwake Chisilamu

chinatseka mipata yomwe mkazi angakumane ndi zovuta zosiyanasiyana monga kugwiliridwa, kufunsilidwa ndi zina posamulola iye kuyenda ulendo wautali yekhayekha. Komanso pa chikhalidwe cha Chisilamu mamuna ndikofunikanso naye kumuziwitsa mkazi wake ngati akupita ku ulendo wogona konko, chifukwa chakuti naye mkazi ali ndi ufulu woyenera kudziwa komwe mamuna wake wapita. Mwachidule mkazi sakuloledwa kuyenda ulendo wautali yekhayekha popanda womuyang’anira. Msilamu amayenera kuyendetsa moyo wake potsatira ndondomeko ndi malamulo a Chisilamu. Musaiwale kuti tanthauzo la Chisilamu ndi: Njira ya umoyo.



Vol 18. No.12 September 2016 / Zul-Hijjah 1437

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Mtumiki Munthu yemwe angamange Mzikiti chifukwa cha Mulungu, ngakhale kukula kwake kutakhala ngati chisa cha mbalame ya mu mchenga, Mulungu adzamumangira nyumba ku Jannah. (Ahmad)


F:Ndakhala ndi pa banja kwa zaka khumi ndi zisanu, koma mamuna wanga nthawi zonse tikakhala tili pa mavuto a

ndalama amati ndalama pa banja imabwera ndi mwayi wa mkazi. Kodi Chisilamu chikuti bwanji pa nkhani ya ndalama pa banja?

Y:Malinga ndi funsoli, ndalama komanso zina zonse zomwe munthu amazipeza (Ma Riziki) amachokera kwa Mulungu

ndipo sangasokonezeke ndi munthu wina aliyense. Koma kuti izi sizithandauza kuti munthu angokhala ayi. Munthu akuyenera kulimbikira pogwira ntchito, kuchita malonda ndi njira zina zopezera mariziki. Choncho ndikulakwa komanso kutsutsana ndi chiphunzitso cha Chisilamu kukhala ndi chikhulupiliro choti ndalama pa nyumba zimabwera chifukwa cha mwayi wa mkazi kapena wina aliyense.

F: Kodi ndikulakwitsa kunena kuti misonkho yosiyanasiyana yomwe boma limaitanitsa kwa anthu ake ndi kuwabera

anthu ndalama yawo yomwe amaipeza mukulimbikira kwawo?

Y:Misonkho yosiyanasiyana yomwe boma limaitanitsa kwa anthu ake sikungakhale kuwabera anthu komanso ndikulakwitsa

kulankhula choncho. Koma kuti misonkho yomwe boma limaitanitsa kwa anthu itha kukhala yovomerezeka kapena ayi malinga ndi zifukwa zomwe misonkhoyo anaikhazikisira. Ndizolakwika boma lina lililonse kuika misonkho ndi cholinga chofuna kugwiritsa ndalama yake powavutitsa anthu ake powachitita nkhanza zosiyanasiyana. Koma misonkho yomwe inakhazikisidwa potsatira ndondomeko ya nyumba ya malamulo ndipo inavomerezeka ndi anthu oimira anthu m’madera osiyanasiyana ndiyovomerezeka. Koma malinga ndi mayendesedwe a chuma cha anthu mu chipembedzo cha Chisilamu, sikofunika kutenga misonkho kwa anthu ngati dziko lili ndi chuma cha chilengedwe monga mafuta, miyala ya mtengo wa patali ndi zina. Mwachidule sikuba ndipo dziwani kuti boma limafuna ndalama kuti liyendetsera dziko bwino pogula mankhwala, kumanga zipatala, masukulu, mabuliji ndi zina. Popanda kuika

misonkho yosiyanasiyana dziko silingayende ndipo kutha kukhala kovuta kuti anthu apeze zitukuko zosiyanasiyana zomwe tazitchulazi.

F:Maulama athu nthawi zonse amatilimbikitsa kuti tizichulukitsa kuchita Maduwah. Kodi Maduwah ali

ndi gawo lanji kwa munthu ndipo ndi ofunika bwanji?

Y:Poyamba dziwani kuti Duwah ndi chida cha uzimu cha munthu Msilamu (wokhulupilira). Duwah ndi chinthu chapaderadera

choziyandikitsira kwa Mulungu. Kupyolera mu Duwah Msilamu amakhala ndi chiyembekezo chakupambana pa chilichonse chifukwa chakuti Duwah imamupatsa Msilamu nyonga zenizeni za chikhulupiliro ndipo amaulukimiza mtima wake kwa Mulungu. Duwah imabweretsa chikhulupiliro mu mtima pokhala ndi chiyembekezo ndikusakaikira mphamvu ya Mulungu pa chilichonse. Duwah ndi gawo limodzi la moyo wa Msilamu makamaka pamene wakumana ndizopinga zopyola mphamvu zake ndi kuzindikira kwake. Duwah imathawitsa tsoka lomwe limati limupeze munthu Msilamu ndipo m’malo mwake chisoni ndi chifundo cha Mulungu chimamufungatira. Choncho Msilamu ayenera kudalira Mulungu. Mwachidule Duwah lili ndi gawo lalikulu, lofunikira, lopambana kwa munthu Msilamu wokhulupilira mwa Mulungu m’modzi yekha. Kufunika kwake ndikwakukulu ndithu. Tiyeni tiitenge Duwah kukhala chida chathu nthawi zonse. Mulungu amasangalatsidwa ndi Msilamu yemwe akumupempha Iye, ndipo amakwiya ndi munthu yemwe samupempha Mulungu

F: Kodi pali mulingo omwe anthu ochita malonda (bizinesi) angamapezere phindu (pulofiti) pamene akuchita


Y:Palibe mulingo weniweni wa phindu lomwe anthu ochita malonda) angamatsatire, koma ngati katundu yemwe akugulitsidwa

ndiwodziwika mitengo yake pa msika, sikololedwa kuwabera anthu ogula ndicholinga chofuna kupeza phindu lochulukitsa chifukwa choti ogula sakudziwa za mitengo yake.

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F:Kodi Shariah ikuti bwanji kwa mamuna yemwe akuumiliza mkazi wake kuti achotse pathupi chifukwa choti

akufuna asiyane banja. Kodi pali dipo lina lililonse kwa munthu wochita izi?

Y: Sizololedwa kuchotsa pathupi. Malinga ndi malamulo a Chisilamu pamene mkazi wazindikira kuti ali ndi pathupi ayenera

kuteteza pathupipo ndipo ndi zoletsedwa kwa munthu wa mkazi kuchotsa pathupipo chifukwa choti pathupi ndi amana yomwe Mulungu wasungitsa m’mimba mwanu ndipo pathupipo pali ndi ufulu wosafunika kuchitidwa chiwembu chofuna kuti pathupipo pachoke. Palibe dipo linalililonse kwa mamuna womukakamiza mkazi wake kuti achotse pathupi koma ayenera kulapa kwa Mulungu chifukwa chokhala ndi maganizo aupandu.

F:Ine ndi mzimayi wa Chisilamu ndipo ndili pa ubwenzi ndi Khristu yemwe akulonjeza kuti adzalowa Chisilamu.

Ndili okhutira malonjezo ake ndipo tidzasiyana ngati ataphwanya lonjezoli. Kodi malangizo anu ndi otani?

Y:Poyamba tiloleni kuti tikukumbutseni za kuzilekelera kwanu kuti ubwenzi omwe mukunena monyadilirawu kuti ndili ‘pa

ubwenzi’ ndi kanyama koletsedwa Mchisilamu ndi kwa Msilamu wina aliyense wa mkazi komanso mamuna. Dziwani kuti Chisilamu sichikulola kukhalira limodzi pakati pa mkazi ndi mamuna kunja kwa banja mopanda kuona mbali kuti ochita nayeyo ndi Khristu kapena Msilamu amene. Kukwatiwa ndi Khristu ndi koletsedwa ndipo ndi chinthu chomwe mkazi wa Chisilamu ayenera kunyatsidwa nacho. Kuletsedwa kwakeku osati chifukwa choti muli ndi mantha woti atha kudzatsintha lonjedzo lake ayi, koma kuti ngakhale atalonjeza kuti adzalowa Chisilamu, sizololedwa kugonekera khosi ayi, koma kuti ndizoyenera kwa iye mamuna kuyamba walowa Chislamu osati chifukwa cha banja koma chifukwa choti wachimvetsetsa Chisilamu kukhala chipembedzo choona

F:Ine ndinazitulukira kuti mamuna wanga ali pa ubwenzi ndi mkazi wina wa chipembedzo china ndipo mkaziyo

ali ndi pathupi. Mamuna wangayo akuti akufuna kuti adzamutenge mwana akabadwa ndi cholinga chofuna kuti adzakule ndi chiphunzitso cha Chisilamu, koma mkaziyo akukanitsitsa. Kodi ine ndingathandizepo bwanji pa nkhaniyi?

Y:Poti ndi khumbo lanu lofuna kuthandizapo, malinga ndi m’mene funso lanu likumvekera. Koma kuti poyamba mamuna wanu adziwe

kuti mchitidwe omwe waonetsa ndi mchitidwe woletsedwa kwa Msilamu. Choncho mutha kumulangiza mamuna wanuyo pomukumbutsa kuti ayenera kumuopa Mulungu yemwe amaona zonse zomwe munthu amachita. Onanitu kuti zotsatira za chiwerewere ndi zoipa pa dziko lino komanso kumoyo wina pambuyo pa imfa. Ndichachidziwikire kuti palibe tchimo kwa inu chifukwa cha kulakwitsa kwa amuna anu. Mulibe udindo wina uliwonse pa mwana yemwe mamuna wanuyo akufuna kuti adzamutenge ngakhale kuti mkaziyo akukanitsitsa. Inu musavutike nkufunafuna m’mene mungathandizire pa nkhaniyi chifukwa mwina titha kuganiziratu kuti kodi mchitidwe womwe amuna anu akuchita umakusangalatsani? Tili ndi chikhulupiliro kuti simungatsangalatsidwe nazo. Azibambo enafe tiyenera kudziwa kuti mchitidwe woberekera ana kunja kwa banja ndi woipa, chifukwa anawo adzakula wachikunja ndipo mwina ndikudzakhala m’dani wa Chisilamu.

F:Chifukwa chakufooka kwa chikhulupiliro (Imaani) mabanja Asilamu ena amatha kuluza m’bale

wawo pokutuluka Chisilamu. Kodi zotere zitachitika omwe sali Asilamu angakhalenso amodzi mwa alowa m’malo a chuma cha masiye cha munthu Msilamu?

Y:Kusiyana zipembedzo ndi chifukwa chokwanira choletsa munthu wa chipembedzo china kukhala mlowa

m’malo wa chuma cha masiye cha Msilamu. Mtumiki Muhammad (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) anati: Msilamu asakhale mlowa malo wa chuma cha munthu yemwe sali Msilamu chomwechonso munthu yemwe sali Msilamu asakhale mlowa malo wa chuma cha Msilamu.(Ibn Majah komanso Ahmad ndi Abu Dawood) Dziwani kuti chuma cha munthu wokhulupilira ndi chodalitsika ndipo sichiyenera kutengedwa ndi munthu kapena anthu omwe sali Asilamu. Chuma cha Msilamu chiyenera kutengedwa ndi Msilamu popitiliza kuchisamalira ndi kumaperekera Zakaah..

F: Kodi munthu ungatani pofuna kukwaniritsa Sunnah kapena kuti uoneke kuti umatsatira Sunnah?

Y:Dziwani kuti Sunnah ndi gwero la ubwino womwe munthu angapeze. Pamene zoipa zichuluka kutsatira Sunnah kuli ndi

madalitso kuposa nthawi zonse. Kutsatira Sunnah ndiko kuchita zinthu zomwe munthu walamulidwa ndi kupewa zinthu zomwe waletsedwa. (2) Kupewa zinthu zopeka.

Vol 18. No.12 September 2016 / Zul-Hijjah 1437

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QCould you advise us on the disposal of interest funds? We know that it is Haraam to give and receive. How do we

get rid of it?

A It is not permissible for a Muslim or Muslim organisations to keep money in an interest bearing account for the purpose of

collecting interest. If interest has been collected then one should not delay in disposing the it. It is unanimously accepted that interest money should be given to the poor and the needy without the intention of Sadaqah (charity), but rather intending disposal of Haraam money. Some Ulama have allowed the use of interest money for public amenities, i.e. public roads and public hospitals. A deserving Muslim or Muslim organisation should be given preference over non-Muslims.

Q What are the conditions (rules) of trade or business in Islam?

AIslam has forbidden all non-transparent business dealings. Deals done without accurate

knowledge about the goods may cause discontent or difficulties. So Islam does not approve such dealings. The trader has the responsibility to ensure that quality and value of the commodity he sells. Islam teaches that all kinds of unfair trade are forbidden.

Q I run a Motor Spares Shop. Often times customers return the purchased spares after they obtain them cheaper

elsewhere. Can I levy a 10% handling charge due to returns?

A A dissolution in transaction is termed as Iqaalah. The Prophet said: Whoever makes Iqaalah of his sold item (in particular)

from a Muslim, Allah will remove his difficulty of the Day of Judgement. (Mishkaat) The Fuqahaa (jurists) have stated that Iqaalah is permissible on the original amount. Therefore, it is not permissible to include handling charges in Iqaalah. Inorder to avoid the abuse of Iqaalah, the seller may refuse making Iqaalah or alternatively offer to purchase the sold item at a discounted price. It is advisable that the seller prints that in his purchase and sale invoice slip.

Q I have hired premises to do business. Due to extreme difficult economic conditions, I am unable to meet my

basic commitments of electricity and water. According to Shariah am I duty bound to honour

the lease agreement and is it permissible for me to terminate the lease agreement?

AIt is permissible to terminate an Ijaarah (hiring) contract due to excuses valid in Shariah. Recess in the market economy is

also regarded as a valid excuse in terminating a lease agreement. If the reasons to terminate is expressly clear to all, in particular the landlord, the tenant may singularly terminate the contract. If it is not clear, he cannot singularly terminate the agreement. The tenant should approach the landlord and amicably terminate the agreement.

QI want to know which part of the 5 daily Salaah are Sunnah Muakkadah?

A If we understood your question correctly, you are asking about the Nafl prayers, which are also called

Rawaateb Sunnah prayers. According to Abu Hanifa they are 12 in total: 2 before Fajr, 4 before Zuhr, 2 after Zuhr, 2 after Maghrib and 2 after Isha. While according Imaam Shafi: 2 before Fajr, 2 before Zuhr, 2 after Zuhr, 2 before Asr, 2 after Maghrib, 2 before Isha and 2 after Isha. Making it 14 in total..

Q What are the etiquettes pertaining to Dua (Supplication) and what is its optimum time?

ATo begin with a true believer never gives-up supplicating to his Lord and asking for guidance. Dua (supplication) is a weapon of

a believer, a pillar of religion and a light of Heaven and Earth. Some of the etiquettes of making Dua are; (1) Praising Allah and sending peace and blessings to His Prophet (2) Admiting one’s sins and showing remorse. (3) Asking Allah with firm will and seriousness. (4) Using short rich expression in supplication. (5) Observing humbleness and humility. (6) Repeating one’s supplication three times. While its optimum times are : (a) Between Azaan and Iqaamah. (b) In prostration. (c) While on travel and while being subject to oppression. (d) In the middle of the night.

QIf one does not know what Dua to read in Janaazah, what should they do?

A The Janaazah Salaah is itself a Dua for the deceased. If a person does not recite any Dua and he merely makes

the Takbirs only, in such a situation Janaazah Salaah will be complete for the deceased.


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Q What is the importance of Waqf (endowments) in Islam as I have several structures which are not in use?

AWaqf signifies an important value that contributes to the well-being and stability of Muslim communities. It relates to vital

aspects that greatly affect the interests of society, such as social, financial, educational, and medical fields. Waqf is an important institution in Islam. It is one of the best ways of leaving a legacy of good deeds that are abiding and enduring. Unlike other investments whose benefits one may derive in this worldly life, Waqf is an investment with Allah Ta’ala, and its benefits will continue to be reaped long after one dies.

Q I experience levels of high faith sometimes and other times I do not have such high faith, so I slacken in my

worship and also sin. What can I do to stay in a high state of faith all the time and not slacken and sin?

AFaith increases and reaches very high levels at times and decreases at other times. When faith decreases, it is important

for a Muslim not to deviate from the right path. We can do this by keeping firm on doing at least the obligations of Shariah and not commit major sins. At the times when a Muslim’s faith is weak he should hold himself accountable for his deeds and ask himself why he got in this state. He should do his best to increase his faith by seeking the help of righteous friends, reciting Qur’an and making more Zikr (remembrance of Allah) and asking Allah Ta’ala for forgiveness. This is normal. You cannot maintain the peak moments of worship all the time as everybody goes through times of weakness and tiredness. Therefore, what you need to do is to be sure you do not deviate from the right path when slackening or leaving worship or going beyond the minimum requirement.

QI wish to purchase a vehicle but I don’t have the money to pay for it immediately. My brother has offered to purchase the

vehicle, add a profit onto it and resell it to me over a set of period of time. Is this transaction permissible?

AIt is permissible to add a markup on the vehicle and sell it to you in installments on condition that: (a) Your brother purchases

the vehicle and takes possession of it as his own vehicle. (b) He bears all risks associated with the vehicle whilst he is the owner of it. (c)It is not

made a precondition that you have to purchase the vehicle from your brother upon him purchasing it. (d) The price is fixed at the time of him selling the vehicle to you.

QWhat is the ruling on working as a cashier in a store that sells Haraam products such as alcohol, pork and

many others)?

AIt is not permissible to sell Haraam things such as those mentioned, because that is helping in sin and transgression and

because when Allah Ta’ala forbids a thing, He also forbids its sell. The cashier is the one who handles the sale directly, so it is not permissible for him or her to sell Haraam things, and he/she is sinning every time he/she sells a Haraam item.

Q A purchaser was late in paying back in instalments so he suggested rescheduling the payments and an

increase in the amount. Is this increase in the amount of the instalment considered to be Riba (interest)?

AFirstly: It is permissible to sell by instalments for a price that is higher than the price paid in cash. Secondly: If the purchser who owes

money is late in paying instalments that were due on a particular date, it is not permissible to force him to pay any money that is additional to the debt, because that is Riba (interest) which is Haraam. Based on that, what the purchaser has suggested of rescheduling the payment and increasing the amount of the instalments because of the delay is a suggestion that is invalid according to Shariah. Allah Ta’ala says in the Noble Qur’an: And if the debtor is in a hard time (has no money) then grant him time till it is easy for him to pay. (2:280)

Q What are the procedures to follow if someone wishes to convert to Islam?

AConversion to Islam is a simple procedure. It does not entail any complicated rituals or ceremonies,

since Islam does not allow any intermediaries in worship, and as such there is no priestly class to administer specific rites. Therefore, conversion is mostly a person’s own choice; as long as he/she is willing to accept the basic tenet of faith. The person needs to say the words of Shahadah (testimony of faith) in front of some Muslims.


Vol 18. No.12 September 2016 / Zul-Hijjah 1437

[email protected]

The Prophet said: Whoever wants Allah to respond to his supplications at the time of his calamities should engage in frequent supplications during the

times of his happiness. (Tirmizi)


QI have a friend at work who is not a Muslim and he wants to know why we bury our dead so quickly without delays?

AIslam teaches us when a person dies and he is among those who go to Jannah then take him to a better place as soon as possible.

If he is going to Hell-Fire get rid of him quickly. Muslims must make haste in certain matters, e.g. Salaah, repentance, pay debts, Nikaah, Hajj and burying the deceased.

QWhen we say “As-Salaamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullah” at the end of the prayer, to whom are we saying that?

A The Tasleem or Salaam at the end of the prayer is a pillar and essential part of prayer. One cannot end the prayer or exit

from the prayer without saying it. When saying the Salaam at the end of the prayer, the worshipper intends three things: (1) To exit the prayer. (2) To send Salaam upon the recording Angels. (3) To send Salaam upon his fellow worshipper. If one is praying alone, then he intends when saying Salaam to exit the prayer and send Salaam upon the recording Angels.

QMy friend gave me money for Zakaah so that I could distribute it to those who are entitled to it. I am still distributing it, but

I also need some money. Am I entitled to take some of the money for myself or not?

AYou do not have the right to take anything from this money, because your friend only gave it to you so that you could distribute

it to others, not to take it. You are an agent of the person who gave you the money, and you are only allowed to dispose of it in the manner that he gave you permission to do. Taking some of the money is a betrayal of trust.

QMy relative is asking if it is possible to divide the inheritance equally between her as a woman and her two brothers,

and that will be by their own consent. Is that

permissible in Islam?

A Islam pays due attention to the issue of inheritance (Miraath). Muslims are ordained to apply the rules of Islam concerning

inheritance as these are the orders of Allah Ta’ala. We as Muslims should realize that the Islamic rules regarding inheritance are the best, the most reliable, and the fairest ones ever. It is permissible for heirs to divide the inheritance among them equally as long as this is based on the consent of all parties without any pressure or shyness. It is therefore the right of any one of the brothers to give up his share to his sister willingly, as it is his personal wealth. But, this should take place after dividing the whole inheritance according to the Qur’an and the juristic rules. Only then, it would be the full right of these brothers to give up parts of their shares to their sister.

QBefore my sister passed away I stole some money of hers when I was conducting her business. She has 2

children. How should I compensate?

A Return the money in its total amount and give it to your sister’s children. You need not inform them that you are compensating

a theft committed by you many years ago. Give it to them as a gift. Seek Allah’s forgiveness.

QIf for some reasons the Waqf Institution no longer operates, what should be done with the funds?

A The monies of the Waqf Institution should be used for the objectives for which then Waqf was instituted. In the end if the objectives of

the Waqf cannot be fulfilled for some valid reason, then it is advisable to give the money to the poor and the needy.

QDue to travel expenses we conducted Nikah over the phone. Is that valid?

A Nikah over the phone is not permissible. Therefore the officiation will not be valid.

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Human Nature

Accounting is a characteristic found in human nature, irrespective of country, ancestry, community or religion. We are always preoccupied about things that shall benefit or harm us. We are worried about our future, our wealth, property and about other things. Our minds are always analyzing our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Impartial Accounting

Generally, we take an account of those things that are related to our temporary world. At such times, we forget that there is someone else too, who is taking (our) account and whose rewards are everlasting. We are so absorbed in the accounting of this colourful and attractive world, that we have forgotten the terrifying accounting that shall take place in the grave or the impartial accounting of the Day of Mahshar (Day of Gathering on the Last Judgment).

We are busy in finding faults in others. We forget to take account of ourselves and see how much we are immersed in sins and how many flaws lie within our own self.

Become Advisor of Your Own

Rather, we should make our own self so strong and powerful, that it becomes our advisor. The ‘self’ of us should exhort ourselves towards all obligatory acts and refrain us from committing all prohibited acts. Today, so much time is being wasted in backbiting, accusing others,etc. We must realize that everything will be accounted for. The way we trained our children, the way we spent our money, whether we have usurped any one’s right, even if it is a material right, to the extent that even if we have done good or evil of the size of a mustard seed, it will be accounted for.

Actions that are Beneficial

Taking account of ourselves before the weighing scale is established. We should be prepared for a great accounting. Just as we carry a watch in order to keep track of time, in the same manner, we should assign a watch for ourselves that will keep a track of our daily activities. We should check everyday the actions that are beneficial to us and the actions that harm us.

Resolve Not to Repeat

Every night when we lie down on the bed, we should analyze our entire day and scrutinize each and every of our actions. ‘What did we eat?’ ‘What did we earn?’ ‘Did we commit any sin?’ At the same time we should also remember about the Day of Resurrection. If we find that we have performed good actions, then we should praise Allah Ta’ala and if we find that we have performed bad actions, then we should seek forgiveness from Him and resolve not to repeat them.

Be Strict With Ourselves

Let us be strict with ourselves every time we account for ourselves, just as a master is strict with his slave, or as a partner takes account of another partner. So account of ourself before our account is taken which will be so severe that there shall be no scope for rectification..

Time for Self-Appraisal

A little boy went into a drug store, reached for a soda carton and pulled it over to the telephone. He climbed onto the carton so that he could reach the buttons on the phone and proceeded to punch in digits. The Store owner observed and listened to the conversation: Boy: “Lady, Can you give me the job of cutting your lawn? ”Woman (at the other end of the phone line): “I already have someone to cut my lawn.”Boy: “Lady, I will cut your lawn for half the price of the person who cuts your lawn now.”Woman: “I’m very satisfied with the person who is presently cutting my lawn.”Boy: “Lady, I’ll even sweep your curb and your sidewalk, so on Sunday you will have the prettiest lawn in all of Palm beach.”Woman: “No, thank you.”With a smile on his face, the little boy replaced the phone receiver. The Store owner, who was listening to all this, walked over to the boy. Store owner: “Son... I like your attitude; I like that positive spirit and would like to offer you a job.”Boy: “No thanks.”Store owner: “But you were really pleading for one.”Boy: “No Sir, I was just checking my performance at the job I already have. I am the one who is working for that lady, I was talking to!”This is what we call “Self-Appraisal”, which is highly recommended, because it encourages you to be proud of your accomplishments and candid about your weaknesses. The Islamic year 1437 is getting to an end, Let us make some appraisal of ourselve us we get into the year 1438 Insha-Allah.

Islam and Self-Appraisal

INSPIRATIONAL QUOTES1- Some people have passed away, but their character has kept them alive. Others are alive, but their character has killed them. 2-And do not lose hope in the Mercy of Allah, indeed, none loses hope in the Mercy of Allah except the most ungrateful people. 3-The successful marriage is not when you can live in peace with your wife, but when you can’t live in peace without her. 4-

When a Husband and wife look at each other with Love, Allah look at them with mercy. 5- Oh, Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief, helplessness, laziness, cowardice, stinginess, being overpowered of debt and from the oppression of people. 6- The strong person is not the good wrestler. Rather, the strong person is the one who controls himself when he is angry.