Selection n Staffing

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Selection n Staffing Job Analysis

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  • Reaz Choudhury

  • COURSE OUTLINEBefore Mid-Term

    HRM Functions and Integration with Staffing & SelectionsFundamentals of StaffingJob Analysis and Competency ModelAttracting Talent PoolStaffing and & Selection Legal IssuesBias and Fairness

  • HRM-How will you be Judged?Textbook/ Reference Materials : Course OutlineTermed Exam (Mid and Final)30%Class Participation30%Quality of the Report (Case Studies,35%Presentation (Use of Tech) and Discussion of report outputAttendance5%


  • Organizations are not mere bricks, mortar, machineries or inventories. They are people. It is the people who staff and manage organizations.- HRM involves the application of management functions and principles. The functions and principles are applied to acquisitioning, developing, maintaining, and remunerating employees in organizations. - Decisions relating to employees must be integrated. Decisions on different aspects of employees must be consistent with other human resource (HR) decisions.HRM Functions

  • - Decisions made must influence the effectiveness of an organization. Effectiveness of an organization must result in betterment of services to customers in the form of high-quality products supplied at reasonable costs.- HRM functions are not confined to business establishments only. They are applicable to non-business organizations, too, such as education, health care, recreation, and the like.

    HRM Functions

  • HRM FunctionsHuman Resource Management is a management function that helps managers recruit, select, train and develop members for an organization. HRM is concerned with the peoples dimension in organizations

  • The core functions of HR, or Human Resources, may vary but there are six main functions. The functions are stated as: recruitment, selection, orientation, development, performance evaluation, and career path management. Each function has multiple responsibilities and steps that are included. Recruitment is the process of attracting employees.Selection is the process of selecting the people most suited for the job position. HRM Functions

  • Orientation is the training of new employees to perform each job responsibility that is listed in their job description.Development is used to improved effectiveness of the employees. Performance evaluation assesses the person's productivity during a certain time period. Career path management is the process of actively managing the employee skills for a successful careerHRM Functions

  • After an organization's structural design is in place, it needs people with the right skills, knowledge, and abilities to fill in that structure. People are an organization's most important resource, because people either create or undermine an organization's reputation for quality in both products and service.HRM Functions

  • In addition, an organization must respond to change effectively in order to remain competitive. The right staff can carry an organization through a period of change and ensure its future success. Because of the importance of hiring and maintaining a committed and competent staff, effective human resource management is crucial to the success of all organizations.HRM Functions

  • Understanding the fundamentals of HRM can help any manager lead more effectively. Every manager should understand the following three principles:All managers are human resource managers.Employees are much more important assets than buildings or equipment; good employees give a company the competitive edge.Human resource management is a matching process; it must match the needs of the organization with the needs of the employee.HRM Functions


  • StaffingStaffing and selection are both about choosing the right candidates out of the pool and getting them through the recruiting funnel and into the leadership pipeline.Staffing is the process of acquiring, deploying, and retaining a workforce of sufficient quantity and quality to create positive impacts on the organizations effectiveness. This process is performed by management functions, in effect, all managers are human resource managers, although human resource specialists may perform some of these activities in large organizations

  • Acquisition comprises the recruitment processes leading to the employment of staff. It includes human resource planning to identify what the organization requires in terms of the numbers of employees needed and their attributes (knowledge, skills and abilities) in order to effectively meet job requirements. In addition the selection techniques and methods of assessment to identify the most suitable candidates for a particular job.


  • Deployment involves decisions about how those recruited will be allocated to specific roles according to business demands. It also concerns the subsequent appointment to more advanced jobs through internal recruitment, promotion or reorganization.Retention deals with the management of the outflow of employees from an organization. This includes both managing voluntary activities such as resignation, and controlling involuntary measures whereby employees are managed out of the organization through redundancy programs or other types of dismissal. Staffing

  • Contd.The overriding objective is to minimize the loss from the organization of valued employees through strategic and tactical measures whilst enabling the organization to reduce employment costs where circumstances dictate.


  • Staffing has been an important aspect in all types of organizations development. More and more companies have noticed a good staffing plan could increase productivity and reduce operation costs in terms of lower turnover rate and transition costs. Good staffing could be able to minimize cost in order to maximize profit, because it could assist the company to stay more competitive within the industry. Importance of Staffing

  • Importance of StaffingFilling the Organizational positionsDeveloping competencies to challengesRetaining personnel - professionalismOptimum utilization of the human resources

  • Staffing Process1.Manpower requirements- The very first step in staffing is to plan the manpower inventory required by a concern in order to match them with the job requirements and demands. Therefore, it involves forecasting and determining the future manpower needs of the concern.2.Recruitment- Once the requirements are notified, the concern invites and solicits applications according to the invitations made to the desirable candidates.

  • 3.Selection- This is the screening step of staffing in which the solicited applications are screened out and suitable candidates are appointed as per the requirements.4.Orientation and Placement- Once screening takes place, the appointed candidates are made familiar to the work units and work environment through the orientation programmes. placement takes place by putting right man on the right job.

    Staffing Process

  • 5.Training and Development- Training is a part of incentives given to the workers in order to develop and grow them within the concern. Training is generally given according to the nature of activities and scope of expansion in it. Along with it, the workers are developed by providing them extra benefits of indepth knowledge of their functional areas. Development also includes giving them key and important jobs as a test or examination in order to analyze their performances.

    Staffing Process

  • 6.Remuneration- It is a kind of compensation provided monetarily to the employees for their work performances. This is given according to the nature of job- skilled or unskilled, physical or mental, etc. Remuneration forms an important monetary incentive for the employees.7.Performance Evaluation- In order to keep a track or record of the behavior, attitudes as well as opinions of the workers towards their jobs. Regular assessment is done to evaluate and supervise different work units in a concern. Staffing Process

  • Contd..It is basically concerning to know the development cycle and growth patterns of the employees in a concern.8.Promotion and transfer- Promotion is said to be a non- monetary incentive in which the worker is shifted from a higher job demanding bigger responsibilities as well as shifting the workers and transferring them to different work units and branches of the same organization.

    Staffing Process

  • Job Analysis and Competency Model

  • Job AnalysisJob analysis is the important process of identifying the content of a job in terms of activities involved and attributes needed to perform the work and identifies major job requirements.Job analyses provide information to organizations which helps to determine which employees are best fit for specific jobs. Through job analysis, the analyst needs to understand what the important tasks of the job are, how they are carried out, and the necessary human qualities needed to complete the job successfully.

  • Purpose of Job AnalysisOne of the main purposes of conducting job analysis is to prepare job descriptions and job specifications which in turn helps hire the right quality of workforce into an organization. The general purpose of job analysis is to document the requirements of a job and the work performed.Job and task analysis is performed as a basis for later improvements, including: definition of a job domain; description of a job; development of performance appraisals, personnel selection, selection systems, promotion criteria, training needs assessment, legal defense of selection processes, and compensation plans.

  • The human performance improvement industry uses job analysis to make sure training and development activities are focused and effective. In the fields of human resources (HR) and industrial psychology, job analysis is often used to gather information for use in personnel selection, training, classification, and/or compensation.Purpose of Job Analysis

  • Job analysis aims to answer questions such as:Why does the job exist?What physical and mental activities does the worker undertake?When is the job to be performed?Where is the job to be performed?How does the worker do the job?What qualifications are needed to perform the job?

    Purpose of Job Analysis

  • Six Steps of Job Analysis1. Decide how to use the information since this will determine the data to collect and how to collect it. Some data collection techniques such as interviewing the employee and asking what the job entails are good for writing job descriptions and selecting employees for the job. Other techniques like the position analysis questionnaire do not provide qualitative information for job descriptions. Rather, they provide numerical ratings for each job and can be used to compare jobs for compensation purposes.

  • 2. Review appropriate background information like organization charts, process charts, and job descriptions. Organization charts show the organization-wide work division, how the job in question relates to other jobs, and where the job fits in the overall organization. The chart should show the title of each position and, through connecting lines, show reports to whom and with whom the job incumbent communicates. A process chart provides a more detailed picture of the work flow. In its simplest, most organic form, a process chart shows the flow of inputs to and outputs from the job being analyzed. Six Steps of Job Analysis

  • 3. Select representative positions. This is because there may be too many similar jobs to analyze. For example, it is usually unnecessary to analyze jobs of 200 assembly workers when a sample of 10 jobs will be sufficient.4. Actually analyze the job by collecting data on job activities, necessary employee behaviors and actions, working conditions, and human traits and abilities required to perform the job. For this step, one or more than one methods of job analysis may be neededSix Steps of Job Analysis

  • 5. Verify the job analysis information with the worker performing the job and with his or her immediate supervisor. This will help confirm that the information is factually correct and complete. This review can also help gain the employee's acceptance of the job analysis data and conclusions by giving that person a chance to review and modify descriptions of the job activities.Six Steps of Job Analysis

  • 6. Develop a job description and job specification. These are two tangible products of the job analysis process. The job description is a written statement that describes the activities and responsibilities of the job as well as its important features such as working conditions and safety hazards. The job specification summarizes the personal qualities, traits, skills, and background required for completing a certain job. These two may be completely separate or in the same document.

    Six Steps of Job Analysis

  • Uses of Job Analysis Information1. Recruitment and Selection: Job analysis provides information about what the job entails and what human characteristics are required in order to perform these activities. This information, in the form of job descriptions and specifications, helps management officials decide what sort of people they need to recruit and hire and select.2. Compensation: Job analysis provides the information to determine the relative worth of each job and its appropriate class. Job analysis information is crucial for estimating the value of each job and its appropriate compensation.

  • 3. Performance Appraisal: A performance appraisal compares each employee's actual performance with his or her performance standards. Managers use job analysis to determine the job's specific activities and performance standards.4. Training: The job description should show the activities and skills, and therefore training, that the job requires

    Uses of Job Analysis Information

  • 5. Discovering Unassigned Duties: Job Analysis can also help reveal unassigned duties. For example, a company's production manager says an employee is responsible for ten duties, such as production scheduling and raw material purchasing. Missing, however, is any reference to managing raw material inventories. On further study, it is revealed that none of the other manufacturing employees are responsible for inventory management, either. From review of other jobs like these, it is clear that someone should be managing raw material inventories. Therefore, an essential unassigned duty has been revealed.Uses of Job Analysis Information

  • 6. Compliance: Job analysis plays a large role in legal compliance. For example, employers must be able to show that their selection criteria and job performance are actually related. Doing this requires knowing what the job entails, which in turn requires job analysis.

    Uses of Job Analysis Information

  • WHAT IS COMPETENCY MODELING?Competency Modeling is a corporate initiative designed to align the skills, knowledge, and abilities of employees with the companys strategic goals and objectives. The term competency refers to an ability, skill, or attribute that is associated with superior job performance. Competencies are typically defined in terms of behaviors. Examples include: Decision Making: Ability and willingness to make tough decisions in a timely manner. Follows through on decisions and actions.

  • Customer Service: Maintains a consistent focus on meeting or exceeding the customers expectations while staying in touch with changing customer needs.The value of competency modeling lies in defining and implementing the competencies that are critical to the success of an organization.WHAT IS COMPETENCY MODELING?

  • CORE COMPETENCIESCore competencies describe the behaviors that are key to the success of an organization. In a sense, core competencies define the skills and abilities that all employees must demonstrate in order to drive business results. Core competencies are directly aligned with and support the primary goals and strategies of the organization.COMPETENCIES

  • TECHNICAL COMPETENCIESTechnical competencies describe the behaviors that key to the success of an individual job or position within the organization. These are the knowledge and abilities required to drive results in the particular Job position, and are often built upon the foundation of the organizations core competencies.COMPETENCIES


  • ATTRACTING TALENTED PEOPLE Looking for talent? The smartest employers, who hire the best people, recruit a pre-qualified candidate pool of potential employees before they need to fill a jobYou can develop relationships with potential candidates long before you need them. you will experience wars for talent as the baby boomer generation retires.

  • WHATS IMPORTANT TO APPLICANTTo better understand the differences among unique populations of job seekers, Gallup surveyed a targeted sample of people looking for jobs and asked them a series of questions about what was important to them in their job search. Some key findings are:

  • Highly educated people place high importance on a company's mission and cultureJob seekers with advanced or graduate-level education place higher importance on the mission and culture of a company than do those with lower levels of education. They also view working for an innovative company as more important than do job seekers with lower levels of educationWHATS IMPORTANT TO APPLICANT

  • Applicants looking for full-time work place heavy emphasis on long-term benefits and growth prospects. Those seeking a full-time job place more importance on a company's pay and benefits, growth and advancement opportunities, and financial outlook than do those seeking part-time work. This might be because part-time-job seekers are looking for a job for very different reasons than full-time-job seekers.WHATS IMPORTANT TO APPLICANT

  • Different kinds of job seekers require different kinds of messages.Not all job seekers are the same, so companies must try to understand the differences to create a compelling reason for people to want to work for them. Companies should tailor recruitment messages to different types of job seekers. Those interested in entry-level, individual contributor roles might be looking for very different things in a company compared with a job seeker who has years of experience and who is looking for a management role.WHATS IMPORTANT TO APPLICANT

  • Identify and prioritize different types of positions and job seekers. Often, it's not feasible for a company to study every role, so executives may want to focus on roles that have the biggest impact in the company or on those with the most job openings. An efficient way to do this is to group job opportunities into larger categories that make sense to your applicants. Start by asking: What groupings or categories might applicants look for when searching for a job? How can we make their search easier? RECRUTING IDEAL CANDIDATES

  • Study applicants for -- and employees in -- your high-priority positions.Once your company has identified the positions that are most important and that should have unique recruitment messaging, gather information from top performers and top applicants in these roles. Start by identifying your best employees and managers and your ideal applicants. Then invite them to participate in a survey, interview, or focus group, Ask your best employees questions about why they like their jobs and what attracted them to your company, share it with potential candidatesRECRUTING IDEAL CANDIDATES

  • Communicate and integrate messagingAfter reviewing all the data from the employees, companies will see common themes and patterns from the interviews. Those themes should be instilled in the staffing strategy.RECRUTING IDEAL CANDIDATES

  • DosA job description that tells potential employees the exact requirements of the position is usefulSpread word-of-mouth information about the position availability, or eventual availability, to each employee so they can constantly look for superior candidates in their networks of friends and associates. In this age of online social and professional networking, the chances are, you and your employees are instantly connected to hundreds, and even thousands, of potential candidates. Tap into this potential audience on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, to name just a few.RECRUTING IDEAL CANDIDATES

  • Use trade show to meet and get to know potential candidates as well as customers. Encourage employees to gather business cards from, and develop relationships with, high potential possible employees. And, don't stop with employees alone; tap the networks of your social, board, funder and academic connections, too.RECRUTING IDEAL CANDIDATES

  • Use extensive telephone networking. Bring people in for interviews before you have an available position. You may even want to consider starting a periodic company newsletter to keep your master lists of potential employees, customers and interested others up-to-date about company progress and happenings. You can use online and/or mail distribution to send these out.RECRUTING IDEAL CANDIDATES

  • Does your "Join Our Team" section of your company Web site tell and even, "sell," potential employees about the vision, mission, values and culture of your company? Do you present a message about how people are valued? Do you express your commitment to quality and to your customers? If not, you are missing out on one of the most important recruiting tools you have to appeal to prospective high-potential employees.RECRUTING IDEAL CANDIDATES

  • Bias and Fairness

  • FairnessHow correct our decisions are can be thought of in terms of two properties:

    Fairness - The social justice issues surrounding the employment of the test

    Bias - A statistical artifact in the test which makes it respond differently to different groups

  • Fairness is a social rather than a psychometric concept. Its definition depends on what one considers to be fair. Fairness has no single meaning and, therefore, no single definition, whether statistical, psychometric, or social. The Standards notes four possible meanings of fairness.Fairness

  • The first meaning views fairness as requiring equal group outcomes (e.g., equal passing rates for subgroups of interest). Outcome differences in and of themselves do not indicate bias.The second meaning views fairness in terms of the equitable treatment of all examinees. Equitable treatment in terms of testing conditions, access to practice materials, performance feedback, retest opportunities, and other features of test administration, including providing reasonable accommodation for test takers with disabilities when appropriate, are important aspects of fairness under this perspective.Fairness

  • The third meaning views fairness as requiring that examinees have a comparable opportunity to learn the subject matter covered by the test.The fourth meaning views fairness as a lack of predictive bias. For example, a selection system might exhibit no predictive bias by race or gender, but still be viewed as unfair if equitable treatment (e.g., access to practice materials) was not provided to all examinees.Fairness

  • BiasBias is an inclination of temperament or outlook to present or hold a partial perspective and a refusal to even consider the possible merits of alternative points of view. People may be biased toward or against an individual, a race, a religion, a social class, or a political party. Biased means one-sided, lacking a neutral viewpoint, not having an open mind. Bias can come in many forms and is often considered to be synonymous with prejudice or bigotry.

  • In judgment and decision making (Cognitive bias)A cognitive bias is the human tendency to make systematic decisions in certain circumstances based on cognitive factors rather than evidence. Bias arises from various processes that are sometimes difficult to distinguish. These processes include information-processing shortcuts, motivational factors, and social influence. They include errors in judgment, social attribution, and memory. Cognitive biases are a common outcome of human thought.Bias

  • A bias exists in a test if gives different results for different populationsExample: Army Alpha

    Soldiers almost always scored lower than officersBias in Test


  • Ensuring Legal ComplianceEnsuring Legal ComplianceOne of the functions of human resource management is perhaps the least glamorous but arguably of utmost importance. Ensuring legal compliance with labor and tax law is a vital part of ensuring the organization's continued existence. The government impose mandates on companies regarding the working hours of employees, tax allowances, required break times and working hours, minimum wage amounts and policies on discrimination. Being aware of these laws and policies and working to keep the organization completely legal at all times is an essential role of human resources.

  • DiscriminationConstitutionArticles 27 and 28 have provided a guideline to the legislator to make the discrimination free environment in every walk of national life.Article 27 of the Constitution is stated as follows:----All citizens are equal before Law and are entitled to equal protection of LawLegal Compliance-S & S

  • Types of DiscriminationAgeDisabilityEqual Pay/CompensationGenetic InformationHarassmentNational OriginPregnancyRace/ColorReligionRetaliationSexSexual HarassmentDiscrimination in BangladeshAgeDisabilityCompensationOriginReligionGenderPolitical

  • Bangladesh Labor Law 2006Child : In the present law child means a person who has not yet completed his fourteen years of age.Adolescent: Adolescent means a person who has completed her/his fourteen years but has not completed her/his eighteen years of age.Certificate of fitnessSection 37 of the new labor law requires an adolescent to obtain a fitness certificate to be employed in any occupation or in a factory.

  • Article 28 of the Constitution is stated as follows:----The State shall not discriminate against any citizen on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.Therefore, discrimination on the grounds of any of the above issues is prohibited in the country.

    Legal Compliance-S & S

  • DiscriminationLabor LawSection 345 of the new labour law is, however, noteworthy in this connection. The section is stated as follows: In determination of the wages for a worker or in fixation of the minimum wages equality irrespective of the sex of the worker, shall be maintained. No discrimination in this regard shall be tolerated by law.Legal Compliance-S & S

  • EmploymentAppointment Letter and ID CardSection 5 of the new Labour Law 2006 provides that each and every worker should be given appointment letter and ID card by their employer free of charge.Probationary periodPeriod of probation: Six months for the worker employed in clerical activities Three months for other workers.Legal Compliance-S & S

  • WORKING HOURS AND LEAVESSection 100 makes a provision of 8 working hours a dayEMPLOYMENT OF FEMALENight-shift work of female workers: Section 109 of the labour law, 2006 creates a bar on the night works of the female workers. The section states as follows:No female worker shall be engaged for work in any establishment without her consent between 10 pm and 6 amLegal Compliance-S & S

  • MATERNITY BENEFITSMaternity leaveIn section 46 of the new labour law 2006 provisions have been created for maternity leave of 16 weeks (8 weeks before and 8 weeks after the delivery). But the law also makes a provision that no worker shall be entitled to receive the benefit unless she has served under the owner for a minimum period of six months prior to the notice of the probability of the delivery.Legal Compliance-S & S
