SEFTON COUNCIL OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY ANNUAL REPORT … · 2015-07-08 · John Lamb, Trafford M.B.C ... Mike Hanrahan, updating Members on the Council’s Troubled Families Programme

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Overview and Scrutiny Management Board

Councillor Steve McGinnity Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board

It gives me great pleasure to introduce the Annual Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board for 2014/15.

‘ValuingImprovement’[email protected]

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Four meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board took place during 2014/15.

Communication has always been a key consideration for the Management Board and some time ago the Board agreed that Cabinet Member reports would be submitted, if the Chair of the Committee deemed it necessary, to the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committee in order to contribute towards the relationship between the Executive and Overview and Scrutiny Members.

Members have welcomed the Cabinet Member update reports and attendance of relevant Cabinet Members at Overview and Scrutiny Committee meetings.This process will remain in place despite Cabinet Member decisions being managed electronically.

During 2011/12, the Board established a cross-cutting review investigating the Port Master Plan. The Final Report, along with its recommendations, was considered by the Board which commended it to the Cabinet for approval. The Board has continued to monitor the progress made in relation to the implementation of recommendations. During the monitoring process, Members have raised concerns regarding the Air Quality in and around the road networks that service the Port and Docks and, indeed, regarding the residents who live in and around those road networks. The Board will continue to monitor the impact that the new berth at the Port has on the local community and look forward to receiving responses to previous questions raised.

All Overview and Scrutiny Committees have embraced the proposal to adopt an alternative approach to business. The Management Board has offered support and guidance, where necessary, in the promotion of mini- reviews/single item meetings with a view to being more productive and adding value with reduced resources. This has been welcomed by all Committees and we hope to build on the successes from the previous year to ensure we continually improve.

The Board welcomed receiving a report in relation to a Motion that had been referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) and to the Board from the Council concerning Accident and Emergency Services. The Board agreed with the sentiments of the Motion that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) should continue to monitor local Accident and Emergency Services as part of the Committee’s Work Programme. You will note from the Annual Report of the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care), Councillor Catie Page, that the Committee has received regular updates in that respect.

The Board welcomed receiving Health Protocols that had been developed to formulate relationships between the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) and the Health and Wellbeing Board and other Health Organisations.

The Management Board received a report in relation to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), in view of Professor Alex Jay’s Inquiry Report in Rotherham between 1999 and 2014. Members of the Board asked numerous questions in relation to CSE.

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This will be an area of work which the Management Board, along with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services and Safeguarding) will be scrutinising closely.

The Management Board received updates from the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT in relation to the 2014/15 and 2015/16 Budget Position and the Medium Term Financial Plan and Budget 2015 to 2017. Since 2011, the Council has faced unprecedented reductions in its resources as a result of cuts in Government Funding. In the preceding 4 years, cuts of £114 million had been identified and implemented and for the period 2015/16 to 2016/17, it was forecast that savings of a further £55 million would need to be identified. This represented a real term reduction of 45% on the 2011 spending level. For the reasons stated above, the Management Board will continue to monitor the Medium Term Financial Plan and Budget.

Liverpool City Region (LCR) Combined Authority Scrutiny Panel – Scrutiny Link, Councillor Lappin has been invited to attend the Management Board to report progress in relation to the LCR Scrutiny Panel. The Board has appreciated receiving progress reports from Councillor Lappin. The Board was interested to learn that the LCR Scrutiny Panel had undertaken a review, at the suggestion of Councillor Lappin, in relation to European Funding and that the topic had been chosen given its importance to the development of the City Region. The Final Report was submitted to the LCR Scrutiny Panel on 8 April 2015.

The Management Board welcomed Overview and Scrutiny Training being offered to all Members of the Council, Co-opted Members and Advisory Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees.

The training was provided by North West Employers and facilitated by Councillor John Lamb, Trafford M.B.C. and North West Employers Associate in February 2015.

The sessions were well attended and received positive feedback and in that respect it has been suggested that further training be provided during the Summer 2015, subject to sufficient resources being available. The additional training will target those Members who were unable to attend the sessions in February and any new Members who are elected on to the Council in May 2015.

The Year Ahead I think the forthcoming year will be extremely busy for Overview and Scrutiny and the Board. As a result of the Overview and Scrutiny Training, the Management Board agreed that informal meetings of each of the four individual Overview and Scrutiny Committees should be held prior to the first ordinary meetings of the Committees (June-July 2015). The purpose of the Informal Meeting is to draft the Work Programme of the Committee for the Municipal Year 2015/16 and to consider possible topics to review during that year.

The Board will continue to be updated on the prioritisation of Council services and the One Council approach, thereby ensuring that we continue to deliver services that

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meet the needs and expectations of our residents, partners and clients, within the set budget available.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Officers of the Democratic Services Team for all their hard work during the year and I look forward to working with the team again this year.

Councillor Steve McGinnityJune 2015

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Children’s Services

Councillor Robert Brennan Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services)

It gives me great pleasure to introduce Sefton Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee’s (Children’s Services) Annual Report 2014/15 to the Council.

During 2014/15 the Committee met on 4 occasions. In September 2014, the Committee received a presentation by the Service Manager, Lindsey Marlton, on the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, following concerns raised by Healthwatch Sefton in relation to patient referral waiting times. Also in September 2014, the Committee received a presentation by the Director of Young People and Families, Colin Pettigrew, on the Sefton Strategic Needs Assessment/Health and Wellbeing Strategy and considered the Corporate Parenting Board Annual Report 2013/14.

An update report was presented to the Committee on the progress of the recommendations of the Joint Working Group which investigated the situation in respect of young people who were not in education, employment or training (NEET).

In November 2014, the Committee also received a presentation by the Head of Learning Support, Mike McSorley, on Special Educational Needs reforms, together with a joint presentation by Colin Pettigrew and the Troubled Families Co-ordinator, Mike Hanrahan, updating Members on the Council’s Troubled Families Programme. A further update report on the Troubled Families Programme, which has now been re-named the “Turn Around Programme”, was considered in March 2015. The Government has extended the Programme for a further five years from 2015 and a further report is due to be considered in September 2015.

Other agenda items considered and scrutinised during the year included the following:-

School Organisation and School Places; Ofsted Annual Report for the North West 2013/14; Education Strategy and Education Partnership Board; Child Sexual Exploitation; and Ofsted Inspection – Early Years Provision and Day Nursery Provision.

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Pre-Scrutiny – The Key Decision Forward PlanThe Overview and Scrutiny Committee has also been given the opportunity to pre-scrutinise items from the Council’s Key Decision Forward Plan. The Forward Plan is submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of the Work Programme update. The pre-scrutiny process assists the Cabinet and Cabinet Members to make effective decisions by examining issues beforehand and making recommendations prior to a determination being made.

Cabinet Member ReportsIn order to keep Overview and Scrutiny Members informed, the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board had previously agreed for relevant Cabinet Member Reports for the Children, Schools, Families and Leisure portfolio to be submitted to appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs for them to determine what items should be reported to Committee. During 2014/15, I have again requested Cabinet Member Update Reports to be included on Committee agendas for general information purposes for Members of the Committee. Items considered within Cabinet Member reports have included issues relating to:-

Vulnerable Children and Young People – Review of Fostering and Adoption Services

G.C.S.E. and G.C.E. Results 2014 Youth Provision Re-design Legal Requirements for Short Breaks for Disabled Children and Young People Jay Report on Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham Changes to Children’s Homes Regulations Conversion of St. Michael’s High School to a Sponsored Academy Progress of Schools with Interim Executive Boards School Inspection Outcomes Conversion of Hillside and Litherland High Schools to Sponsored Academies King George Vth College Performance Education and Skills Strategy North West Regional Ofsted Report Children’s Transport Consultation.

New Committee MembersTwo new advisory representatives of Healthwatch Sefton were appointed to the Committee: Ms. Libby Kitt and Ms. Jenny Southern.

Working GroupsAt its meeting on 28 January 2014, following consideration of the latest Cabinet Member report, which included details of the 2012/13 Ofsted report on Education, Children’s Services and Skills, the Committee decided to undertake a review into the disparity between the performance of Sefton schools in the primary and secondary sectors which had been identified in the Ofsted report. Accordingly, a School Performance Working Group was established, comprising myself, Councillors Hands, Hartill, Keith, Preece and Webster, together with Advisory Member Mrs. S. Cain and parent governor representatives Mr. D. McCaughrean and Mrs. C. Palmer. The Working Group initially met on 17 March 2014 and again on 5 September 2014.

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At this second meeting, a series of key questions for secondary school headteachers was proposed and these were endorsed by the Committee at its meeting on 23 September 2014. At its meeting on 27 January 2015, the Committee disbanded the Working Group and the response of the Sefton Association of Secondary Heads to the key questions has now been received. This will help to inform the final recommendations of the review, which will be contained in a report by the Director of Young People and Families on the Sefton Education Strategy. The report will be submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services and Safeguarding) within the near future and then be referred to the Cabinet for consideration.

The Year AheadI am sure that the Committee will look forward to the new Municipal Year as it works as a critical friend to our Cabinet Member and partners. The Committee will be examining Key Priorities for the Council and examining areas for us to investigate in order that the services we provide are continually improved to benefit all who live and work in the Borough.

I am particularly appreciative of our Democratic Services Officers for their commitment, advice and support and especially to the responsible officer during 2014/15, Mike Morris, for his assistance.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all Committee Members, officers and partners for their support, hard work and contributions to our endeavours throughout the year. I would also like to wish the best of luck to my colleague, Councillor Paula Murphy, as she succeeds me as Chair of the Committee.

Councillor Robert BrennanJune 2015

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Health and Social Care

Councillor Catie Page Chair of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care)

It is my pleasure to introduce the 2014/15 Annual Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care).

IntroductionThis is my third Annual Report as Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care). I believe that the Committee has built on the existing good working relationships with many of our health partners. The trust that has been established has meant that we are recognised in our role of “critical friend”, that we are listened to and have been able to have a positive influence on the development of health services within Sefton.

The Committee met formally on five occasions during 2014/15, plus an informal meeting and two meetings dedicated to consideration of draft Quality Accounts. This Report is presented to the Council and a wider audience beyond in the hope that the information it contains will contribute to the debate and discussion about the provision of health and adult social care services for Sefton residents and their development, improvement and access.

NHS Trust Quality AccountsAs usual, the Committee commenced 2014/15 with the consideration of draft Quality Accounts from local healthcare providers. This provided Committee Members with an opportunity to comment on the performance of local NHS Trusts during the preceding twelve months, particularly in relation to patient experience, safety and clinical effectiveness. Nine local NHS Trusts submitted their draft Quality Accounts for consideration and comment in May 2014. It is always a challenge to provide adequate time to consider all the draft Quality Accounts in sufficient detail. Following a revision of the arrangements to consider draft Quality Accounts, two additional meetings were held during May 2014, dedicated to considering the nine draft Quality Accounts, and this proved to be an effective method of scrutiny. At the time of drafting this report, the Committee intends to adopt a much more informal approach in considering the draft Quality Accounts during May 2015, with help and guidance from a representative of the CCGs.

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Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)Throughout 2014/15 the Committee received regular update reports from the two Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) within Sefton, namely the South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group and the Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group. This was the second year of full operation for the CCGs and they reported to the Committee on a range of activities designed to promote health and wellbeing amongst residents. I believe that excellent relationships exist between the Committee and officers of the CCGs, particularly the Chief Officer who attends virtually every Committee meeting and has always been willing to take up issues raised by Members and explain aspects of the services provided. She also provided a very valuable informal presentation on Local NHS Arrangements. Updates submitted by the CCGs have included details of CCG Board meetings to which members of the public were invited; strategic planning for the CCGs; plus details of the following:-

New CCG Chair in Southport and Formby; Finalising the 5 year Strategy for improving healthcare in Sefton; Publication of Annual Reports and Annual Accounts; Transforming primary care – strategies for improving quality; Look for us on TV or download our new app – Looking Local services; Children’s community audiology services; New support service for Sefton’s military veterans; Review of out of hours pharmacy at Litherland; Forthcoming Governing Body meetings; CCGs to hold their first Annual General Meetings; Resilience planning; Improving access to psychological therapies; Home oxygen service; Community anticoagulation service; Update on community paediatric service; Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) at GP surgeries; Southport surgery praised for work on diabetes; CCGs publish joint 5 year strategy; Big Chat 4; Breast care services in Southport and Formby - About the existing service; Stoma pilot in the spotlight; CCG leadership acknowledged in prestigious awards; Examine Your Options this winter; New Asperger service launched; Alcohol Recovery Centre piloted over festive party period; Big Chat 4 – strategy into delivery; Breathe well in south Sefton; Breast care services for Southport and Formby patients; Out of Hours Pharmacy at Litherland; CCGs awarded for inspiration and improving lives; Shaping Sefton – new models of care; Decision on Out of Hours Pharmacy; and

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Update on breast care services for Southport and Formby patients.

Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS TrustSouthport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust reported to the Committee at alternative meetings during 2013/14 on a range of issues affecting the Trust, particularly issues raised regarding Accident and Emergency Services during the winter period and an explanation of the reasons for the cessation of the breast care service at the Trust. Mortality rates at the Trust were also discussed. Other items considered included:-

Culture and “Scope for Change”; Chief Inspector of Hospitals – visit from the Care Quality Commission

anticipated during November 2014; Performance against national targets; Finance; Governance; Care Closer to Home, including the Closer to Home Strategy; Pathway Implementation, including the Frail Elderly Integrated Care Pathway;

and Facing the future together - development of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams

configured around clusters of GP practices; Good practice and hand washing; Reported cases of c-difficile at the Trust against national outbreaks; Improvements in the use of information technology; Mortality rates at Trust premises; Chief Inspector of Hospitals – Visits by the Care Quality Commission; Performance, including Accident and Emergency; Financial pressures; and Children’s Diabetes Services.

Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation TrustRegular Update Reports were also received from Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust on a range of issues affecting the Trust, including winter pressures on A&E. Other issues considered included:-

Care Quality Commission rating following a recent inspection; Development of the Urgent Care and Trauma Centre; Sefton suite – private patient unit; Junior Radiologists’ Forum Trainer of the year award; Rheumatology team attendance at national conference; Girl Guides help celebrate International Nurses Day; Aintree hosts regional NHS Army Challenge; Weight Management Services honoured at House of Lords; A&E Healthcare Assistant beats dyslexia to win award; Support for people with deafness and hearing loss during Deaf Awareness

Week; Aintree tops off Urgent Care and Trauma Centre; Aintree takes part in Merseyside’s largest ever emergency training exercise; Staff flu campaign begins;

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Good results for Aintree in annual PLACE inspection; Aintree is first hospital to provide simulation training for all new junior doctors; Chief Executive, Catherine Beardshaw, shortlisted for national award; Aintree backs NHS “Sign Up for Safety” campaign; Pioneering heart clinic celebrates third birthday; Aintree named Employer of the Year for apprentice training; Senior appointments; Successful Annual Members’ Meeting and marketplace event; Operating Theatres Open Day; Aintree café staff save visitor’s life; Marina Dalglish Centre – OPERA volunteer update; Response to query about cardiology transitional care for young adults and

transitional care in general; Service news: Winter developments; New A&E psychological support service to start; Urgent Care and Trauma Centre opening in less than 100 days; Nursing recruitment; Aintree teams up with British Red Cross to support elderly patients when they

leave hospital; and Aintree supports ‘Hello my name is …’ campaign.

ReportsThroughout 2014/15 the Committee received a number of reports on the work of various NHS Trusts, including the following:-

Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust - future of the specialist community dental service and a also review of the phlebotomy service;

NHS England – Litherland Darzi Equitable Access Centre, Litherland; and NHS Halton – Review of Maternity Services.

In addition, a report from NHS England provided an overview of general practice in Sefton and attendance by NHS England representatives enabled the Committee to raise a number of concerns which we hope will be addressed during 2015/16. The Committee also received the Public Health Annual Report.

PresentationsThroughout 2014/15 the Committee received a number of presentations on the work undertaken by various local Trusts, particularly by the following:-

Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust – Integrated Clinical and Quality Strategy; and

North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust – Future of Maghull Ambulance Station.

Dr. Janet Atherton, Director of Public Health, provided presentations on the Sefton Strategic Needs Assessment, the Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Health Inequalities. Peter Morgan, our former Deputy Chief Executive, gave a presentation on the role and remit of the Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board. Fiona Clark, the

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Chief Officer of the CCGs provided a presentation on the Francis Report. A representative of NHS England also provided a presentation on the North West Specialised Commissioning arrangements and planning and engagement in particular.

Social Care ActThroughout the year, the Committee received a number of reports and presentations on the Social Care Act from the Council’s Director of Older People which covered a range of aspects including advocacy, deferred payments, eligibility, assessment, funding allocations, workforce development, and carers. I am confident that he will continue to submit monitoring reports during the forthcoming Municipal Year, allowing the Committee to scrutinise the on-going work to implement this important piece of legislation in Sefton.

Site VisitsDuring 2014/15 Members of the Committee visited the ambulance station at Buckley Hill, Netherton, Aintree University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, The Walton Centre and also Ormskirk District General Hospital, to view services provided to Sefton residents. All these site visits provided ideal opportunities for Members to ask questions and to view a range of services provided.

Scrutiny Review Working GroupsNo specific working group reviews were undertaken by the Committee during 2014/15 although the Committee did undertake a huge amount of work. As the Committee hopes to focus on specific areas in the year ahead, I hope that this will allow more time to undertake future working group reviews.

Pre-Scrutiny and the Key Decision Forward PlanAs ever, the Key Decision Forward Plan provided the Committee with an opportunity to pre-scrutinise Key Decision items from the Council’s Forward Plans as each of the latest Forward Plans are submitted to the Committee as part of its Work Programme update. The pre-scrutiny process assists the Cabinet and Cabinet Members to make effective decisions by examining issues beforehand and making recommendations prior to a determination being made.

Cabinet Member ReportsThe regular attendance of the Cabinet Member - Health and Social Care, Councillor Cummins, has been particularly appreciated by Members of the Committee. Throughout the year I have agreed the inclusion of all the relevant Cabinet Member Update Reports on agendas as I feel that it is particularly important to include regular updates on such a major part of the Council’s activities, particularly as budgets have become increasingly under pressure. Councillor Cummins’s attendance, together with the presence of senior officers from both the Council’s Adult Social Care and Public Health service areas, has been very useful and provides Members with an opportunity to question them about any developments within the Council. The update reports and presentations have included the following matters:-

Governance; Approved Savings;

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Reconfiguration of Vulnerable People and Commissioning Teams; Re-ablement; Continuing Health Care; Section 117; Awareness, Information, Advice and the Market; Market Position Statement; Community Services Guide; Sefton Directory; Eligibility Threshold/Assessments and Review; Reviews; Care Act and Policy, Procedural Changes; Paying for Care and Support; Improving Information Quality; Deferred Payment Scheme; Adult Social Care Market Position Statement; Service Reviews; Campaigns; New Reports; Health Protection; Continuing Health Care; Re-modelled respite (short term care) provision; Section 117 of the 1983 Mental care Act (after care after discharge from

hospital); Assessment and Review; Preparing for Adulthood (Transitions); Information and advice; Pre-Paid Cards for the payment of goods and services; Community Services, formerly Day Opportunities, including the Vision and the

proposed three models; Day Care Opportunities; Residential and Nursing Homes; Deprivation of Liberty (DoLS); Adult Social Care Assessment Teams Reconfiguration; Transfer of public health commissioning responsibility for 0-5 year olds to

local authorities; Health Champions (Linked to Making Every Contact Count); Sefton's Annual Flu Campaign; Ebola; LGC Awards 2015; Remodelling Day Opportunities; Substance Misuse – Adult Treatment and Recovery Service (Lifeline); 0-5 Transition update January 2015; and Flu.

Accident and Emergency MonitoringFollowing the referral of a Notice of Motion from the Council in June 2013, the Committee committed itself to monitoring local Accident and Emergency services

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and this process continued into 2014/15 with the submission of update statistics by the Chief Officer of the CCGs to each meeting. The North West Ambulance Service has also contributed to these submissions. Moving forward into 2015/16, the continuation of these regular monitoring reports may well be an area for the Committee to consider.

Sefton HealthwatchThe Committee was fortunate in securing the services of two Advisory Members from Sefton Healthwatch during 2014/15 who were able to bring additional experience and expertise to the table. I have also met informally with the Healthwatch representatives, together with the Chair of the Organisation, and these informal meetings have enabled us to discuss a range of issues and strengthen the relationship between Sefton Healthwatch and the Committee.

New Health Scrutiny GuidanceThe publication of new guidance on local authority health scrutiny by the Department of Health in June 2014 was very important in highlighting gaps identified by the Francis Report and led to protocols between the Committee and the Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board, Healthwatch Sefton and NHS Trusts to be developed.

Changes to Cancer ServicesThe transformation of cancer services across Cheshire and Merseyside required consideration during 2014/15, and following determination that the proposals constituted a substantial variation in services, a Joint Health Scrutiny Committee was established between the majority of local authorities within Cheshire and Merseyside to examine the proposals submitted by the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust. Following in-depth consideration of the proposals, together with a range of issues associated with them, the Joint Committee was finally able to agree to the proposals made by the Clatterbridge Cancer Centre. I was fortunate to be a Member of this important Joint Health Scrutiny Committee.

Transforming Medium Secure ServicesDuring 2014/15, Mersey Care NHS Trust consulted the Committee on its proposals for the transformation of Medium Secure Services, currently provided at the Scott Clinic in St. Helens. The Committee agreed that the proposals constituted a variation in services and a Joint Health Scrutiny Committee was established between Sefton and St. Helens Councils, to consider the proposals in greater detail. Ultimately, the Joint Committee agreed that the proposals for the future of medium secure services provided by Mersey Care NHS Trust should be supported, namely for a new build for medium secure services at the Ashworth Hospital site to be pursued. It has been a great honour for me to Chair this Joint Health Scrutiny Committee and I await the final outcome with interest.

Future Work ProgrammeTowards the end of the Municipal Year, Committee Members met informally to discuss the work programme for the Committee and how this might be shaped moving into 2015/16. The Health remit is such a large one and Members considered that the Committee needs to focus more on the services provided by the Council and less on NHS Trust activity. I am certain that with help and guidance from our Director

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of Adult Social Care and Director of Public Health, together with the Chief Officer of the CCGs, the Committee will focus on those areas requiring greatest input from Members in the year ahead.

Contributions Made During 2014/15The attendance of representatives of organisations and partners, including senior officers and members of NHS Trusts, has been much appreciated and I would like to thank all our partners for their openness and their responses to our requests and suggestions. I have also appreciated the advice and support of Fiona Clark, Chief Officer for both the Sefton Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs), the Director of Older People and Health, Dwayne Johnson, and Dr. Janet Atherton, Sefton’s Director of Public Health. Towards the end of the Municipal Year, Dr. Atherton announced her intention to move on to pastures new and I am certain that Members of the Committee would wish to join me in thanking her for her achievements in Sefton and wishing her well for the future. I am also grateful to all the Members of the Committee for their support and for the enthusiastic way that they have contributed to our work. I would also like to express my gratitude to members of the public who attended the Committee during 2014/15. My particular appreciation goes to our Democratic Services Officers for their commitment, advice and support and specifically the officer who supports the Committee, Debbie Campbell, for her enthusiasm and hard work.

The Year AheadWith continuing pressures on health and social care services and the recent implementation of the Social Care Act, I am conscious that the Committee will face fresh challenges during 2015/16. However, I am confident that the Committee will continue to rise to the challenges it faces.

Councillor Catie PageApril 2015

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Performance and Corporate Services

Councillor Steve McGinnityChair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee(Performance and Corporate Services)

On behalf of the Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Performance and Corporate Services), it gives me great pleasure to introduce the 2014/15 Annual Report.

During the year the Committee has met 4 times and considered matters relating to financial issues associated with the Medium Term Financial Plan and revenue budget 2015/17; updates on the 2014/15 budget; and an update on the Council Tax and Business Rates collection 2014/15, Sefton’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Sefton Strategic Needs Assessment, the Council’s Procurement Strategy, the Parish and Town Council Charter for Sefton and welfare reform in Sefton including updates on foodbanks. The Committee received many presentations and this enabled Members to engage with colleagues from within and outside of the Council on topics identified below.

Revenue Budget 2015/17A major part of the Committee’s work involved scrutinising the proposed budget for 2015/17. The Council faced significant challenges in setting its two year budget for 2015/17 as £55 million savings for this period were required, and that this was in addition to the £114m of cuts that had been identified and implemented in the four preceding years and which represented a real term reduction of 45% on the 2011 spending level. The Committee was well aware of the continuing and significant impact this level of reductions would have on Council services and outcomes for Sefton communities; and that it was important therefore that the Council’s remaining resources were spent in areas of highest priority that minimised the negative impact on communities.

At its meeting held on 13 January 2015, all Directors were in attendance and this enabled Committee Members to ask questions and scrutinise savings options identified in the Director’s service areas.

The Committee will continue to monitor and scrutinise the Revenue Budget during the course of 2015/16.

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Council Tax, Business Rates and Council Tax Reduction SchemeThe Committee received presentations on the following issues:-

Business Rate & Council Tax SurplusThe forecast surplus for business rates was £4.165m (Sefton’s share is 49% = £2.041m). The forecast surplus for Council Tax was £5.235m (Sefton’s share is 85.2% = £4.536m).

Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS)The amount of discounts awarded in 2014/15 was £2.878m lower than estimated in the Council Tax base. This was due to a reduction in the number of claimants in both 2013/14 and 2014/15. The amount set-aside for bad debts at the year-end was £0.427m lower than forecast. The provision was reduced from 93% in 2013/14 to 50% in 2014/15 based on the amount of outstanding 2013/14 CTRS debt collected in 2014/15. So at 31 March 2015 the total surplus on CTRS was £3.3m. This is included in the Council Tax Surplus calculation.

In-year collection rates for 2014/15The Council Tax Collection rate was 96.3%. This is 0.1% behind target but 0.1% more than 2013/14. The cash receipts totalled £120,114,739, an increase of £4,420,019 on 2013/14The Business Rates Collection rate was 98.4%. This is 0.4% above target and 0.6% more than 2013/14. The cash receipts totalled £70,325,069, an increase of £2,904,536 on 2013/14. This is the highest in-year performance ever recorded in Sefton for NNDR.

Sefton’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the Sefton Strategic Needs AssessmentThe Committee received a presentation on Sefton’s Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Sefton’s Strategic Needs Assessment. The presentation summarised findings and issues concerning the topics of people and place, environment, health inequalities, children and young people and older people.

With regard to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy, the Committee was advised of its six outcomes, namely:-

To ensure all children have a positive start in life To support people early to prevent and treat avoidable illnesses and reduce

inequalties in health To support older people and those with long term conditions and disabilities to

remain independent and in their own homes To promote positive mental health and wellbeing Seek to address the wider social, environmental and economic issues that

contribute to poor health and wellbeing To build capacity and resilience to empower and strengthen communities;

and details were provided of the Annual Plan of the Health and Wellbeing Board. A copy of Sefton’s Strategic Needs Assessment presentation can be obtained here

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Procurement StrategyThe Committee received two presentations on Sefton’s Procurement Strategy that detailed why the Council had reviewed its procurement processes. Information was also provided on the training roll-out within and outside of the Council, spend above and below the European Union threshold and the identification of savings, spend analysis on contracts, the contribution of the Procurement process towards social value by supporting SME’s and the waiver approval process through the Head of Service and then the Strategic Leadership Team.

Future monitoring of the process would be undertaken by reporting to this Committee and continued improvement in the use of the Contracts’ Register would be sought. A copy of Sefton’s Procurement Strategy presentations can be obtained here and here

Parish and Town Council Charter for SeftonThe Committee received a presentation on the Parish and Town Council Charter (the Charter) for Sefton. The Committee was advised that the last Charter was approved in 2004 and that in order to reflect the significant changes that had taken place since then it had been agreed that a review would be undertaken; that a fresh Charter had now been developed in partnership with the Town and Parish Councils; and that relevant departments of the Council had been consulted to ensure that the details contained in the Charter were in line with their policies and procedures.

The Charter was approved by Cabinet at its meeting held on 9 October 2014; and a copy of the Parish and Town Council Charter approved by Cabinet can be obtained here

Welfare ReformThe Committee spent considerable time scrutinising and gathering information on the Government’s Welfare Reform proposals; and considered two reports of the Cabinet Member Reference Group on such issues. The first report updated on welfare reform in Sefton and provided a summary of the impact on people, services, housing and the economy during 2013/14; whist the second report updated on the work being undertaken in Sefton to mitigate the impact of welfare reform together with the current position on Universal Credit. Detailed information was provided in the reports on the following topics:-

Delivering Sefton’s Partnership Action Plan The development of foodbanks in Sefton Strengthening information and advice to people potentially affected by welfare

reform The Emergency Limited Assistance Scheme that provided assistance to local

residents who were experiencing severe hardship, a disaster or emergency Council support offered relating to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme, 2013/14,

2013/2014 Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) Funding, Housing Benefit and Under Occupancy, the Benefit Cap and the Bedroom Tax

The impact on housing provision

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Increasing skills and job readiness The roll-out of Universal Credit to Sefton

A copy of the document “Welfare Reform in Sefton: A summary of the impact on people, services, housing and the economy 2013/2014” can be obtained here

Youth Offending TeamYouth Offending Teams (YOTs) were established under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, with the principle aim of of preventing offending by children and young people. Local Authorities are responsible for establishing a YOT within their area, and Police, Probation and Health Services are statutorily required to assist in their funding and operation. Sefton YOT is a statutory multi-agency partnership within Early Intervention and Prevention services of Sefton Council and active links are maintained at local strategic level. The Committee received regular update reports on the operation of the YOT; and the Committee were very pleased to acknowledge the performance of the YOT in reducing the use of custody in comparison to other Merseyside YOT’s. A copy of the Sefton YOT – Annual Youth Justice Plan 2014-16 can be obtained here

Cabinet Member ReportsIn keeping with previous years and in order to keep Members informed, the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board agreed for relevant Cabinet Member Reports to be submitted to appropriate Overview and Scrutiny Committees. The Terms of Reference of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee covered the portfolios of the Cabinet Member – Corporate Services and Performance and the Cabinet Member – Communities and Environment.

Pre-Scrutiny – The Key Decision Forward PlanThe Overview and Scrutiny Committee has also been given the opportunity to pre-scrutinise items from the Council’s Key Decision Forward Plan. The Forward Plan is submitted to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee as part of the Work Programme update. The pre-scrutiny process assists the Cabinet to make effective decisions by giving the Overview and Scrutiny Committee the opportunity to examine issues beforehand and making recommendations prior to a determination being made.

The Year Ahead The Committee will continue to make progress on the following priorities over the coming year:

The consideration of budget proposals and savings and the Medium Term Financial Plan

Review the Council Tax Reduction Scheme during the third year of operation In accordance with a decision of the Management Board held on 7 January

2014, to undertake an annual review of the service standards for individual Cabinet Members

Monitoring the operation of the Parish and Town Council Charter Monitoring the operation of the Procurement Strategy Update on the disposal of surplus council owned land

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I envisage the forthcoming year to be extremely busy and challenging for the Committee given the difficult budgetary challenges and financial savings that have to be met in Sefton.

On behalf of the Committee I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our work over the past year. I would personally like to thank all Members of the Committee and officers who had attended meetings for their support to me over the past year and provided the Committee with valuable information. Finally and behalf of the Committee, I would like to pay special gratitude and appreciation to the very many organisations – and volunteers – across Sefton who help local people who are impacted by welfare reform to feel valued and supported in these times of change.

I also send my best wishes to my Colleague, Councillor Dave Robinson who succeeds me as the Chair of the Committee.

Councillor Steve McGinnityJune 2015

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Regeneration and Environmental Services

Councillor Patrick McKinley Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services)

It gives me great pleasure to introduce Sefton Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services) Annual Report 2014/15.

It has been a pleasure and privilege to chair the Committee during the year. The Committee met on seven occasions during the year, and we were grateful to all those who were invited to attend and the various Council Officers who presented reports and offered guidance, advice and support to the Committee.

As Chair, I have built strong relationships with the four Cabinet Members whose portfolios are within our Terms of Reference. As part of that process, we have continued to welcome update reports from Cabinet Members on to our agendas. This ensures that the Committee are briefed upon current Cabinet Member activities. It also allows the Committee to make judgements and offer assistance to the Cabinet Members where they agree it’s required.

The Committee dealt with one decision that had been “called in” during the year 2014/15 in relation to proposed waiting restrictions on Proctor Road, Formby. The Committee resolved that it was not concerned about the decision made by the Cabinet Member for Transportation and so the decision was implemented immediately.

The call-in mechanism allows at least three Members, who are not Members of the Cabinet, to call in a decision for further review. There are certain stipulations associated with what constitutes a valid call-in and the Committee must, in the first instance, determine if the call in is a valid one. When considering a call-in at Committee, there is a set procedure to be followed and this assists the Committee in ensuring that they receive all the evidence required to determine if the original decision was a sound one.

The Floods and Water Management Act 2010 has placed a number of duties on Local Authorities, in particular those that are Lead Local Flooding Authorities (LLFA).I note that in previous years this Committee has been instrumental in ensuring that the Council complies with the sentiments of the Act by working with Cabinet to ensure that the Council are fulfilling its duty as a LLFA.

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This year being no exception, the Committee received an Annual Report on Flood and Coastal Risk Management. The Committee will continue to monitor compliance with the Act.

Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority – Annual ReportThe Committee welcomed the Chief Executive, Mr. Carl Beer, from the Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority who made a presentation in relation to progress against the Merseyside Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy. The Committee also received an update from a Senior Officer of the Council detailing the progress of the Merseyside Waste Partnership against the delivery of the objectives of the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy.

The Committee agreed that it would be most appropriate to continue to scrutinise the progress of the Merseyside Waste Partnership in delivering the key objectives of the Joint Municipal Waste Management Strategy on an annual basis.This Committee will scrutinise the Strategy at the time the Annual Report which details performance is published. We look forward to working with the Partnership to ensure that the targets are met.

Review of Winter Service Policy and Operational PlanThe Committee welcomed the Annual Report reviewing the winter service policy and operational plan. The pre-scrutiny process allows Overview and Scrutiny Committees to pre-scrutinise reports such as this and feed comments back to the Cabinet Member or Cabinet for consideration. In terms of the Winter Service Policy/Operational Plan, the role of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is to ensure that the policy and plan are “fit for purpose” in the coming Winter months and it’s fair to say that the plan was “fit for purpose” and all roads across Sefton were deemed to be safe during the Winter months 2014/15. The Winter Service Policy and Operational Plan is subject to an annual reassessment and consultation and in that respect the Committee will continue to monitor this on an annual basis.

Local Plan UpdateIn last year’s Annual Report, I indicated that the Committee had been updated on the outcome of the “consequences study” and preferred options document which led into a 12 week consultation. I also reported that the consultation raised numerous infrastructure issues and the Cabinet Member – Regeneration and Tourism had requested that this Committee investigate and review the infrastructure implications of the emerging Local Plan.

In that respect the Committee had agreed to establish an Infrastructure Working Group to examine the issues in more detail. As Chair of this Committee, I welcomed the opportunity to investigate these issues on behalf of the Community. The Working Group completed its investigations and the Final Report was considered by the Committee in December 2014 and the Cabinet in January 2015.

The Committee also considered a report in relation to the Local Plan for Sefton. The report presented the Publication Draft Plan which was referred to as a key stage in the preparation of Sefton’s Local Plan.

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Two public petitions had been submitted for consideration at the meeting and in that respect the Committee heard representations from a representative of the Maghull and Lydiate Action Group and a representative of the Formby Residents Action Group Opposition from Formby. Members of the Committee raised numerous questions and observations which demonstrated that full and frank scrutiny had been undertaken by the Members of the Committee.

Infrastructure Working GroupAt the request of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, the Committee approved the establishment of an Infrastructure Working Group to consider the infrastructure issues arising from the preparation of the draft Local Plan. The Working Group produced its Final Report and the 18 recommendations were accepted by the Cabinet in January 2015, thereby ensuring that all infrastructure needs should be addressed in the right place at the right time before any development would take place. The Working Group were also concerned that the National Planning Policy Framework definitions of sustainable development appeared to give a greater weighting to the economic aspects above the social aspects. One of the recommendations was that the Council should write to the Secretary of State to express its concerns in that respect.

Shale Gas (Fracking) Working GroupThe Council, at its meeting held on 24 July 2014, received a Motion and an Amendment to the Motion in relation to Shale Gas (Fracking) in Sefton. The Council agreed that the issue should be the subject of a review and requested the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services) to investigate the issues raised in the Motion.

The Committee established a Working Group at its meeting held on 16 September 2014 and began to scope the review in November 2014.At the time of writing my Annual Report, the Working Group had received background information and interviewed many key witnesses. The investigation is ongoing and it is anticipated to conclude during the Summer 2015.

NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training) Working GroupIn September 2012, the Committee embarked on a Joint Review with the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services) to investigate NEET. The review took a focused approach to the investigation, which involved interviewing various organisations and their honesty in answering the Group’s questions was welcomed.

The Committee has been updated on statistical information regarding NEET in Sefton and reducing the numbers of young people over the age of 16 who are not in Education, Employment or Training.As a Member of the Working Group, I am keen to monitor the progress made against each of the recommendations and as such the Committee will be briefed upon the latest position with regard to NEET on an annual basis.

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Employment Development and Development of Local Town Centres and Economies Working GroupIn my Annual Report last year, I reported that the Committee had established a Working Group to conduct a policy review to investigate Employment Development and Development of Local Town Centres and Economies. I highlighted that the Terms of Reference and Objectives of the review were rather detailed and with that in mind, the Working Group had agreed to split the review into two parts for investigation purposes.

The Employment Development element of the review was completed and the Final Report was submitted to Cabinet in November 2013. All recommendations were agreed by Cabinet. The Committee has monitored progress made against each recommendation and this has been facilitated by an Action Plan developed by the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Tourism. The Committee will continue to monitor progress on an annual basis.

The Working Group continued its brief in investigating Local Town Centres and interviewed many key witnesses. The Working Group completed its investigations and the Final Report was considered by the Committee and the Cabinet in January and February 2015. The Cabinet referred the Final Report to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Tourism for his response, which was considered by the Cabinet on 4 June 2015.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all Members, Officers and those organisations who have given up their time to come and speak with the Group. This Committee will monitor the action taken against all the agreed recommendations.

Port Master PlanIn September 2011, at the request of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board, the Committee established a Cross-Cutting Working Group/Joint Review with Members from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) to investigate the Port Master Plan.The report was agreed by the Cabinet in September 2012. This Committee has received updates in relation to progress made against 15 of the recommendations and the Committee will continue to monitor progress.

The Year AheadThe Committee will continue to keep abreast of the various matters as listed above.I would like to take this opportunity to thank Committee Members, Officers and Partner Organisations for all their hard work, dedication and support throughout the year.I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ruth Harrison, Senior Democratic Services Officer, for all the hard work and support that she has given to me as Chair of the Committee. On behalf of the Committee, I would like to thank her for the professional support she has given in ensuring that the Committee has conducted its work within its Terms of Reference and fulfilled its democratic mandate in the scrutinising of decisions.

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I also send my best wishes to my Colleague, Councillor John Kelly who succeeds me as the Chair of the Committee.

Councillor Patrick McKinleyApril 2015

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During 2014/15, the following Members served on the Committees indicated:-

Overview & Scrutiny Management Board

Councillor McGinnity (Chair)Councillor Byrom (Vice-Chair)Councillor BradshawCouncillor BrennanCouncillor J. KellyCouncillor McKinleyCouncillor PageCouncillor Robinson - subsequently replaced by Councillor Dams

Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services)

Councillor Brennan (Chair)Councillor Bradshaw (Vice-Chair)Councillor Ball Councillor HandsCouncillor KeithCouncillor MurphyCouncillor McKinleyCouncillor PreeceCouncillor ThompsonCouncillor WebsterCanon R. Driver – Church Diocesan RepresentativeFather D. Seddon - Church Diocesan RepresentativeMr. D. McCaughrean and Mrs. C. Ryan-Palmer - Parent Governor RepresentativesMrs. S. Cain - Advisory MemberMs. L. Kitt and Ms. J. Southern – Healthwatch Representatives

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Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Health & Social Care)

Councillor Page (Chair)Councillor Robinson subsequently replaced byCouncillor Dams (Vice-Chair)Councillor David BartonCouncillor Jo BartonCouncillor BurnsCouncillor DawsonCouncillor GathererCouncillor GraceCouncillor J.J.KellyCouncillor LappinMr. B. Clark and Mr. R Hutchings – Healthwatch Representatives

Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Performance & Corporate Services)

Councillor McGinnity (Chair)Councillor Byrom (Vice-Chair)Councillor Veronica BennettCouncillor BoothCouncillor JonesCouncillor KermodeCouncillor LewisCouncillor OwensCouncillor RobinsonCouncillor Weavers

Overview & Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration & Environmental Services)

Councillor McKinley (Chair)Councillor J. Kelly (Vice-Chair)Councillor AtkinsonCouncillor Dutton subsequently replaced by Councillor HartillCouncillor GathererCouncillor LappinCouncillor S. McGuireCouncillor P. Maguire (resigned as an Elected Member of the Council in March 2015)Councillor O’BrienCouncillor Weavers