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You need help and you need it now.

You’re here because you are looking for help.

Maybe it is help for you or a loved one. Is your marriage hanging by a thread?

Do you have a young son or daughter that is having emotional or mental struggles and the school is concerned?

You have two counseling options:

Option #1 - Secular:

Secular medical and psychological professionals believe that science is the answer to emotional challenges. The notion of spiritual help is tolerated at best and

rejected at worst. The guiding principle is “your emotional health is all up to you”. You have all the power and wisdom you need.

This route often leads to an appointment with a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist’s typical

approach to dealing with emotional issues is writing a prescription for psychotropic medications. Healing in a bottle.

Option #2 - Christ:

Christian counselors believe that your emotional challenge is spiritual in nature. The path to healing leads from your heart to Christ’s throne. We believe that in your

case, that path might be blocked.

Our goal is to show you what Christ has to say about your challenges and introduce you to the power and healing He has available for you – right now.

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We understand that you want the best. You might be questions the effectiveness of Christ-centered counseling. We want to help. We’ll do this by outlining 7

reasons why Christian Counseling is exactly what you need.

Let’s get started…

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Reason #1:

Your Owner’s Manual Has Already Been Written.

Most medical professionals, have quick access to a Physician’s Desk Reference.

It allows them to access detailed information about a specific syndrome, disorder, disease and medications.

A Christian counselor (lay, pastoral, licensed, clinical or anyone using the term) has the Bible as their primary resource. It is the word of God and offers time-

tested principles, teachings, prescriptions and direction to address many of life’s problems.

The wisdom and counsel found in the word of God is timeless and eminently applicable to today’s environment. There are many pages of sound, proven

directives and admonitions to address almost all aspects of the human experience. You can find practical help on how to be a better husband or wife,

how to deal with your children and others, how to manage finances, deal with anger, depression, temptations and more.

Other counseling resources can certainly be helpful but they too should be based

upon the bible in order to bring truth into the situation. Many of the secular counseling tools in use are based upon a humanist, agnostic or atheist viewpoint

and as such should be viewed with great skepticism by Christian counselors. Even the word “psychology”, which means the study of man, comes from the

Greek word psyche which was the name of the Greek goddess of the soul. That fact alone indicates the perspective of the research and should raise some red

flags for those who want a spiritual perspective.

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Reason #2:

Christian Counselors Seek The Root Cause.

Secular approaches examine the symptoms and devise solutions to handle the

short-term problem. For example, “Anger Management” therapy will help you to identify triggers to your anger, and give you specific tactics to respond.

What if the problems are severe or the tactics and exercises are not successful?

This is where it becomes important to understand not only how to manage the issue but rather to gain victory over it? Most secular methodologies teach you

how to cope with your problem with little expectation of life changing victory. Chopping off the tops of weeds in a garden does not result in a change that


How is Christian counseling different?

Christian counseling, using the bible and it’s teachings as the basis, presents the true nature of man and explains the relationship between our body/soul/spirit

make up, spiritual forces and free will.

Family history, sin/wrong choices, sexual sin, occultic activities, verbal/mental/sexual abuse and more all represent entry points for torment and

turmoil in our lives. Proper Christian counseling, using all the truths and revelations in the bible, can truly help you get to the root of your issues and plan

a way of healing and restoration for you.

Jesus came so that believers in him could have a blessed and abundant life.

(John 10:10). The teachings and methodologies in the bible, with an emphasis on forgiveness and understanding God’s grace, are geared towards deliverance and victory.

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Reason #3:

The Power Of God Offers Hope For Healing And Lasting Change

In Your Life.

If you research the issue and talk to people that you know, many who are on

prescribed psychotropic medications (antianxiety, antidepressants typically) will tell you that they simply mask the symptoms and allow them to cope. Many

secular approaches to counseling will focus on how to “manage” your issues. Wouldn’t you like to learn how to gain the victory over them?

Once the root causes of issues and problems have been identified and dealt

with, it is then important to “walk out” the truths of the bible and take hold of the promises that Jesus has made possible for us.

Inner (or emotional) healing is a major concern that people have when they come

in for help. Maybe it is something that you are looking for? Imagine having a splinter in your leg. You go to the emergency room, not

knowing what the problem is and expect them to fix you. You would understand the need to remove the splinter first so healing can follow.

Real and lasting change can happen in a person’s life when they can look upon their past and other people’s lives through the eyes of Christ. A competent

Christian counselor will share God’s perspective with you and help you to grow in that. A key part of that growth will involve learning about and being able to receive the love and grace of God in your life.

As you are able to do that in your life, it will help you in your dealings with

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everyone else on a day-to-day basis. Everyone: family, friend, co-workers and yes, even enemies! Isn’t that possibility worth exploring?

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Reason #4

You will learn how to thrive using the spirit-soul-body


Secular humanist counseling is focused on the psychology or study of man and

his instinct, emotion and mind. The notion of a spiritual component is typically ignored or minimally addressed at best. The focus is on the power of self in all

areas to become a better person in all areas.

The bible also talks about the nature of man as a three part being: body, soul (mind, memory, emotions) and spirit. God is a spirit and even the most skeptical

of people acknowledge the reality of a spirit realm for them that certainly includes demons and many include angels!

The “spirit” man is that that aspect of

humanity that connects with God. It is that part of us that leads or guides.

The “soul” is where our mind, memory and

emotions reside.

The “body” is simply our physical container (skin, bones, teeth, hair, etc.) that ultimately

decays upon physical death. There is a complex relationship and series of interdependencies between the

three separate aspects. Our spirit man has an opportunity to connect with God in a wonderful and powerful way. The soulish part of our being, where we typically

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“live” on a day-to-day basis interacts with the spirit and also the physical world. See the graphic at right.

The bible teaches that God interacts with our spirit and this spirit can lead the soul man in such a way that our mind is renewed, our emotions are healed and

we are able to gain victory and have peace in this life.

Once again, Christian counselors will explain these relationships and interactions so you can see changes. Secular counselors may work with the concept of

body, soul and spirit but are going to ignore or severely minimize the impact of God in this dynamic.

Don’t you want to meet with someone who can help you understand these


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Reason #5

Be a Victor Over Your Past and Not a Victim of It.

Many people have a “woe is me” victim mentality or mindset. That is the teaching

and viewpoint that is typically reinforced in the world. As a result, the focus is on coping with the past not getting past it!

Jesus knew that Forgiveness was a powerful spiritual weapon. He knew that bad

things happen to good people but he also knew that Forgiveness turned the tables on Satan and was a light on the path to healing. Maybe you have had

some horrific hurts and traumas in your life. Secular counselors frequently will address the need for forgiveness but do not understand and expound upon the

power and expectancy for victory as you walk that out.

A Christian counselor will teach you in much more depth about the nature and benefits of forgiveness. What it is, what it is not and why it is important? If you

are saying that you cannot forgive someone for something they did to you then you really do need to go to a Christian counselor to understand why it is so vital.

If the notion of forgiving someone is so painful or repugnant to you then you need

to consider this: Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get sick! Yes, that really is how it operates! You owe it to yourself to understand how this is so and why forgiveness is such an important part of being

made whole.

Another foundational teaching in the bible is on the possibility of becoming a new creation, of getting a “do over” in life. Yes, it is really possible!

Christian counseling will talk about how to get past our past in such a way that

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you can proactively change attitudes and behaviors, based upon the proven truths in the bible, to move confidently into the future.

Secular counselors focus on making a “better” you! The bible talks about the spiritual death of the “old” you and being reborn as a new creation! You will be

able to put the past in the rear view mirror and walk with your hope renewed and eyes looking forward. Doesn’t that sound like a better option?

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Reason #6

You Will Learn About Spiritual Warfare and How to Have Victory

Over a Spiritual Enemy Who is Playing for Keeps.

In point 4, I mentioned demons and angels. Demonic spirits do have an impact

and influence on the daily lives of people. If you are completely opposed to the notion of there being a demonic realm then this might be a true valid reason for

you not to consider Christian counseling.

The bible teaches that Jesus won the victory over Satan and his demonic horde on the cross. We know that Satan was a created being, a powerful angel, who

led a rebellion against God and was cast out of heaven to earth. Most people, even those with little or no theological background, are absolutely convinced of

the reality of the demonic realm. They may differ on their views of God and heaven, but there is common agreement that demons are here, that they are evil

and they are at work in the affairs of men

One of the reasons Jesus came was to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8), When He died on the cross and rose again, he defeated the powers of

darkness. Many people misunderstand the present day reality of that powerful event over two thousand years ago. The spiritual enemy of our soul (and his

hordes) was defeated however the battles continue here on earth to this day!

How can this be? A modern day analogy is the D-Day invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944. War

historians acknowledge that the ultimate victory was secured on that day however it took almost a year of fighting until the hostilities ended.

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In like manner, there is a spiritual enemy, the demonic realm, which is still actively seeking to kill, steal and destroy today. You will learn about the nature of

this warfare, how the enemy uses our minds against us and will constantly remind us of our past. More importantly, you will learn how to wage warfare


At Above & Beyond we believe that the ministry of deliverance (or the driving out

of demons) is a viable present activity that Christians should be doing and many are involved in it themselves!

Some denominations and Christian counselors discount that view and you may

also. That is okay; you just need to know what you believe and research available Christian counselors to find one that is compatible with your needs and beliefs.

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Reason #7

You Can Have Access to the Perfect Counselor.

Most counseling resources are developed by well-intentioned people who you

typically cannot meet with. The bible’s author is God himself and his office never closes! A Christian counselor will make the introduction if you’ve never met Him


The bible is “God-breathed” and He supernaturally imparted His knowledge and insights to the men who ultimately compiled it. The good news is that He will

always be available to us for ongoing counsel.

Jesus said that when he ascended to heaven that his Father would send the “Counselor” to lead and guide in all truth. That promise was fulfilled on the day of

Pentecost and He is still very much doing the same thing today.

That Counselor is available to you; He is very anxious to have you thrive and prosper and He will reveal himself to you. The number one way He speaks to you

is through the Bible so spending time meditating and studying will be very helpful to you. Of course, He also speaks through anointed people, pastors and TV

teachings but all of that needs to be measured against you own personal time with him.

A Christian counselor will also hopefully make the case as to why you should be in healthy church if you are not already. Many people contend that they love God

(and/or Jesus) but just don’t like the church. If you have been hurt or betrayed by authority figures in church then there is often a tendency to pull back and

withdraw. There is no such thing as a perfect church but there are healthy churches out there that most people will have access to unless you are truly in a

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remote location. If that is the case, you may need to start with a small group!

Not been in church lately or don’t know what the voice of God sounds like? That’s okay. Once again, a Christian counselor can help you start that journey. It

is never too late and God does not hold grudges. He yearns to build a deeper relationship with you so the table is set. Will you come and eat?

A Christian counselor can help you with that connection: isn’t that possibility

worth pursuing?

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About Me

I want to be some of my background and perspective with you so you can determine whether the points I have proposed are worthwhile to consider as you

ponder your next steps.

I have a PhD degree in Clinical Christian Psychology, am an NCCA-Licensed

Clinical Pastoral Counselor and over the course of many years in ministry have met with thousands of individuals, couples and families. I have seen the word and power of God move to help bring wholeness and restoration into their lives

and relationships.

On a personal level, I have been married over thirty five years to a wonderful

godly woman and have learned, apart from clinical studies and training, on a daily basis what does and does not work in couples and families.

I love being a Christian counselor and educator and there is nothing more

rewarding than seeing people set free and walking in the love, grace and power of God. After years in another center, I started Above & Beyond Counseling

Center so we could use the skills and experience we had learned to people as God showed us. We minister to people in our local offices and also worldwide

over the internet.

The Counseling Academy was inaugurated to equip the saints for the works of ministry in Christian Counseling education and deliverance ministry training. As

with the Counseling Center, technology and the internet allows us to work with students all over the world.

One of the aspects of biblical living that is vitally important for us to impress upon

our clients the reality and importance of spiritual warfare. The bible tells us that we battle spiritual forces of evil and not flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12) and too

few people understand that reality. It is an important aspect of our services

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because we also utilize a proven and effective five step deliverance ministry process to help set the captives free!

Our center has been able to help many people of different religious backgrounds because we do not make their religious beliefs a prerequisite for working with

them. If you come across a Christian counselor who will not help you or who insists you “get saved” first, then you need to head out the door and find another

one! I believe you will find that most competent and compassionate Christian

counselors will commit to helping you regardless of your spiritual condition. I personally assess everyone’s spiritual state during the first session and this helps

me to determine how best to proceed with them. What I am looking for is desperation to be helped and a willingness to listen!

Just as looking for a mechanic, attorney or hair dresser, Christian counselors come in a variety of figurative shapes and sizes. The experience, belief system, skill set and competence is going to vary widely and that needs to be factored

into your ultimate search for someone who can help you.

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Next Step

How do you find a “good” Christian counselor? There are several factors worthy of your consideration and we list them below for your convenience. Call them.

Check out their website and look for their statement of belief, credentials, experience and testimonials among other factors.

Some minimal qualifying questions to be answered include:

• What are their areas of expertise? Do they have a track record helping

people with issues similar to yours?

• What are their religious beliefs in general? Ask for a statement of faith. If you

have a denominational preference then you can certainly start in that area. However, do not limit yourself if you do not have a strong preference or are

open to new possibilities.

• Are they under a church covering (which will typically tell you about their

beliefs) or are they a stand-alone entity. Beware of lone rangers: individuals that are not part of a Center or under a church covering. You really do not

know what you are getting or getting into.

• What do they believe about the present day power and ministry of God? I

contend that you want to find a counselor who believes that God still moves

in healing and deliverance.

• How long have they been counseling and what are their credentials?

• What are the fees? If you can get competent, Christian counseling for free from your church or pastor you should do it. However, you may need

professional help from someone with a Christian counseling degree and licensing so be prepared to pay. Your brother-in-law might be able to do

some repairs on your car but he can also cause greater problems if he gets in beyond his level of expertise. The same can be said when choosing a


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We would love the opportunity to connect with you! If you would like to learn more about our services, please research our website.

If you are ready to move ahead, give us a call toll-free at (800) 264-6236 or click here to schedule an appointment and we will be happy to get you started down

the path to wholeness!