Created by the ViPR/IRD team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 38 Section D. Identification of serotype-specific amino acid positions in DENV NS1 Objective Upon completion of this exercise, you will be able to use the Virus Pathogen Resource (ViPR; http://www.viprbrc.org/) to: Search for virus sequences and view sequence annotations in ViPR Search for immune epitopes Save selected sequences as a working set in your private Workbench space Use Meta-CATS to identify nucleotide or amino acid positions that significantly differ between groups of virus sequences Perform a multiple sequence alignment to observe sequence conservation and variations In this use case, we will identify serotype-specific amino acid positions in NS1, which could then be used to produce serotype-specific antibodies and reagents for use in a rapid clinical test. I. Search for sequences and save sequences into working sets a. Mouse-over the “Virus Families” tab and select “Dengue” to get to the Dengue virus homepage. b. In the Search Data section, click “Genes & Proteins”. c. The Gene/Protein Search page will be loaded. You will notice you have many options to search: virus serotype, gene symbol, gene product name, virus attributes, host attributes, clinical attributes, etc. Select the following search options, note how the “Results matching your criteria” counts change as you define new search criteria, and click the “Search” button. Dengue virus 1 – Select All Complete Genomes Only – checked Dengue virus 2 – Select All Gene Symbol radio button – “NS1” Dengue virus 3 – Select All Advanced options – Remove Identical Protein Sequences –checkbox Dengue virus 4 – Select All Complete Genomes Only – checked Start to type strain to get suggestions Deselect All SELECT VIRUS(ES) TO INCLUDE IN SEARCH Jump to strain in taxonomy: COMPLETE GENOME Complete Genome Only Start: YYYY End: YYYY COLLECTION YEAR To add month to search, see Advance Search Options: Month Range GEOGRAPHIC GROUPING Africa Asia Europe North America Oceania South America COUNTRY Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola HOST SELECTION All Bat Human Macaque Monkey Mosquito Mouse Opossum Rat Unknown SEARCH TYPE Include Polyproteins in Results (SOP) Gene Symbol NS1 e.g. C, E Gene Product Name Start: End: GENOMIC LOCATION Results matching your criteria: 771 (0/873 strains selected) (873 Strains 56 complete genomes) Type: Dengue virus 1 Deselect All (4054/4054 strains selected) (4054 Strains 1418 complete genomes) Type: Dengue virus 2 Deselect All (4202/4202 strains selected) (4202 Strains 1026 complete genomes) Type: Dengue virus 3 Deselect All (3107/3107 strains selected) (3107 Strains 717 complete genomes) Type: Dengue virus 4 Deselect All (1022/1022 strains selected) (1022 Strains 143 complete genomes) Type: Dengue virus (Manipulated Select All

Section D. DENV use case - Influenza Research … virus 2 – Select All Gene Symbol radio button – “NS1” Dengue virus 3 – Select All Advanced options – Remove Identical

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Created by the ViPR/IRD team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 38

Section D. Identification of serotype-specific amino acid positions in DENV NS1


Upon completion of this exercise, you will be able to use the Virus Pathogen Resource (ViPR; http://www.viprbrc.org/) to:

• Search for virus sequences and view sequence annotations in ViPR

• Search for immune epitopes

• Save selected sequences as a working set in your private Workbench space

• Use Meta-CATS to identify nucleotide or amino acid positions that significantly differ between groups of virus sequences

• Perform a multiple sequence alignment to observe sequence conservation and variations

In this use case, we will identify serotype-specific amino acid positions in NS1, which could then be used to produce serotype-specific antibodies and reagents for use in a rapid clinical test.

I. Search for sequences and save sequences into working sets

a. Mouse-over the “Virus Families” tab and select “Dengue” to get to the Dengue virus homepage.

b. In the Search Data section, click “Genes & Proteins”.

c. The Gene/Protein Search page will be loaded. You will notice you have many options to search: virus serotype, gene symbol, gene product name, virus attributes, host attributes, clinical attributes, etc. Select the following search options, note how the “Results matching your criteria” counts change as you define new search criteria, and click the “Search” button.

Dengue virus 1 – Select All Complete Genomes Only – checked Dengue virus 2 – Select All Gene Symbol radio button – “NS1” Dengue virus 3 – Select All Advanced options – Remove Identical Protein Sequences –checkbox Dengue virus 4 – Select All Complete Genomes Only – checked

3/1/2014 Virus Pathogen Database and Analysis Resource (ViPR) - Flaviviridae - Protein and Gene Search

http://www.viprbrc.org/brc/vipr_protein_search.do?method=ModifySearch&selectionContext=1393718736377 1/2

Loading  Virus  Pathogen  Database  and  Analysis  Resource  (ViPR)...

Start  to  type  strain  to  get  suggestions Deselect  All

SELECT  VIRUS(ES)  TO  INCLUDE  IN  SEARCHJump  to  strain  in  taxonomy:

COMPLETE  GENOMEComplete  Genome  Only

Start: YYYY  



To  add  month  tosearch,  seeAdvance  SearchOptions:  MonthRange


AfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaOceaniaSouth America


AfghanistanAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican SamoaAndorraAngolaAnguilla



SEARCH  TYPE  Include  Polyproteins  in  Results

(SOP)  Gene  Symbol  


e.g.  C,  E  Gene  Product  Name  




Host  Gender    All    Male    Female



Host  Age  Range

PrimaryProbable primaryProbable secondarySecondary

Immune  Status


Cell supernatantPlasmaSerum

Sample  Source

AP61 passage number unknownC6/36 0C6/36 1C6/36 10

Passage  History



Virus  Type

deathnot knownrecovery

Disease  Course


Submission  Site  Authors

*  Use  comma  to  separate  multiple  entries.  Ex:  McElroy,  Jorge

Sample  Collection  Authors

*  Use  comma  to  separate  multiple  entries.  Ex:  Comach,  Jarman

ARArchiveBRCACDC Reference Collection

Cohort  (Study)  Population


Results  matching  your  criteria:  771

(0/873  strains  selected) (873  Strains  -­  56  complete  genomes)

  Type: Dengue  virus  1 Deselect  All(4054/4054  strains  selected) (4054  Strains  -­  1418  complete  genomes)

  Type: Dengue  virus  2 Deselect  All(4202/4202  strains  selected) (4202  Strains  -­  1026  complete  genomes)

  Type: Dengue  virus  3 Deselect  All(3107/3107  strains  selected) (3107  Strains  -­  717  complete  genomes)

  Type: Dengue  virus  4 Deselect  All(1022/1022  strains  selected) (1022  Strains  -­  143  complete  genomes)

  Type: Dengue  virus  (Manipulated Select  All

Gene/Protein  Search  Search  for  virus  protein/gene  and  related  information.  You  can  search  for  the  whole  virus  family  or  search  for  specified  genus,  species  etc.  You  can  also  find  your  strain  orgenome  record  if  you  have  its  information,  such  as  strain  name,  accession.  

Protein/Gene  searches  for  Dengue  virus  or  Hepatitis  C  virus  can  be  augmented  with  clinical  metadata  criteria.  Selecting  the  appropriate  nodes  in  the  taxonomy  browser(Flavivirus,  Dengue  virus,  Hepacivirus,  Hepatitis  C  virus)  will  add  metadata  search  panels  and  enable  you  to  include  these  criteria.  Some  sequences  have  more  metadatafields  defined  than  others.  Queries  based  on  metadata  only  retrieve  sequences  for  which  those  fields  are  defined.

ViPR  Home    Dengue  Home    Gene/Protein  Search


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Created by the ViPR/IRD team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 39

d. The Search Results page will be displayed. Here you can:

i. Sort records by a display field by clicking the corresponding column header. Note: You can do advanced sorting by clicking the “Display Settings” button located above the result table.

ii. Save the search query to your Workbench and rerun the search again later.

iii. Download sequences (CDS, protein) by selecting sequences and then clicking “Download”.

iv. Store selected sequences into a working set by clicking “Add to Working Set”.

v. Analyze sequences by selecting the desired sequences and choosing an analysis option under the “Run Analysis” menu.

vi. Click “View” next to a strain name to view the Gene/Protein details.

e. From the Search Results page, select all NS1 protein records by ticking the checkbox above the table. Then click the “Add to working set” button to add them to a working set.

f. You’ll be prompted to log in to your Workbench account in order to save data to a working set. If you don’t have an account already, simply register for an account for free by choosing the “Register for a new account” option and following the prompts.

g. A lightbox of “Add to Working Set” will pop up. Now create a new working set and name it “Unique DENV NS1 proteins”. Click “Add to Working Set” to save selected records to a working set.

h. Click the “Workbench” tab in the grey navigation bar, you will see the working set “Unique DENV NS1 proteins” listed at the top of the table.

i. Click “View” to display records saved in the working set.

II. Metadata-driven Comparative Analysis Tool for Sequences (Meta-CATS)

a. On the Working Set Details page, select all NS1 records by ticking the “Select all” checkbox, mouse over “Run Analysis”, and click “Metadata-driven Comparative Analysis Tool”.

Metadata-driven Comparative Analysis Tool for Sequences (Meta-CATS)

• A unique comparative genomics analysis tool in ViPR to identify nucleotide/amino acid positions that significantly differ between two or more groups of virus sequences.

• Meta-CATS consists of three parts: a multiple sequence alignment (using MUSCLE), a chi-square goodness of fit test to identify positions (columns) of the multiple sequence alignment that significantly differ from the expected (random) distribution of residues between all metadata groups, and a Pearson's chi-square test to identify the specific pairs of metadata groups that contribute to the observed statistical difference.


Created by the ViPR/IRD team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 40

b. The Meta-CATS page will be loaded. Choose the “Auto Grouping” radio button, choose “Viral Species” from the drop-down list, and then click “Continue”.

c. On the Meta-CATS Setup Subset page, you will see the selected records have been separated into 4 groups based on serotype. Confirm grouping and click “Run”.

d. Once the analysis is finished, the Meta-CATS Report will be displayed. The Meta-CATS analysis result has two reports: a Chi-square Goodness of Fit test result table listing the positions that have a significant non-random distribution between your specified groups, and a Pearson's chi-square test result table listing the specific pairs of groups that contribute to the observed statistical difference.


Created by the ViPR/IRD team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 41

e. Examine position 47 and neighboring positions in both the top and bottom tables. What do you observe regarding the amino acids present in the different serotype groups?

f. Examine positions 124 and 191 as well.

III. Visualize protein sequence alignment

Now we are going to view the protein sequence alignment to confirm the meta-CATS results.

a. From the meta-CATS report page, click “Visualize Aligned Sequences” at the top of the page.

Note: You can also run an alignment on the saved sequence working set by navigating to the working set in your Workbench area and then clicking the “Visualize Aligned Sequences” option from the “Run Analysis” pull down menu.

b. The alignment is presented in the JalView visualization window. The window is interactive.

i. The consensus sequence is shown at the bottom of the window. You can choose to show sequence logos by right-clicking on consensus and then selecting "Show logo".


Created by the ViPR/IRD team and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 42

ii. You can manually adjust the alignment and display using various gray menu options.

iii. Scroll right to position 124. Note the residue at this position is correlated with serotypes. (DENV-1: I; DENV-2: L; DENV-3: V; DENV-4: F).

IV. Immune epitope locations

a. Mouse over the “Search Data” tab and click “Immune Epitopes”.

b. The Immune Epitope Search page will be loaded. Select the following search criteria, and then click the “Search” button.

Flavivirus -> Dengue virus – Select All Epitope Type – Experimentally Determined Epitopes Gene Symbol – NS1 B cell – Positive checkbox Host – human


c. The Immune Epitope Search page will be loaded. Find IEDB ID 2246. Serotype-specific position 124 identified by Meta-CATS is located within this B-cell epitope.

3/1/2014 Virus Pathogen Database and Analysis Resource (ViPR) - Flaviviridae - Experimentally Determined Epitope Search Results

http://www.viprbrc.org/brc/vipr_virusEpitope_search.do 1/3

Loading  Virus  Pathogen  Database  and  Analysis  Resource  (ViPR)...


Your  search  returned  32  epitopes. Search  Criteria Displaying  50  records  per  page  ,  sorted  by  IEDB  ID  in  ascendingorder.

Display  Settings

Experimentally  Determined  Epitope  Search  Results

Your  Selected  Items:  0    items  selected

  Select  all  32  epitopesMore  columns  were  returned  than  can  be  displayed  without  scrolling.  Use  scroll  bars  at  top  and  bottom  of  display  to  move  right  and  left  or  reduce  the  number  of

columns  displayed  by  using  the  Display  Settings  link  above.

IEDB  ID Epitope  Sequence




Protein  Names HostAssay  Type

CategoryAssay  Result

MHC  Allele





2246 AKMLSTELH 1 unknown(found  3)


B  CellB  CellB  Cell




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)

10124 DSGCVVSWK 1 unknown(found  2)


B  CellB  Cell




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)


1 unknown(found  6)


B  CellB  CellB  CellB  CellB  CellB  Cell




Hemagglutination  InhibitionHemagglutination  InhibitionHemagglutination  InhibitionEnzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Hemagglutination  Inhibition


1 unknown(found  7)


B  CellB  CellB  CellB  CellB  CellB  CellB  Cell




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)

18929 GCVVSWKNK 1 unknown(found  2)


B  CellB  Cell




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)

35628 LENLMWKQI 1 unknown(found  2)


B  CellMHC  Binding




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Purified  MHC  -­  Radioactivity

39255 LRYSWKTWG 1 unknown(found  4)


B  CellB  CellB  CellB  Cell




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)

39256 LRYSWKTWGKA 1 unknown(found  2)


B  CellB  Cell




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)

50030 PWHLGKLEM 3 nonstructuralglycoprotein


unknown(found  3)


B  CellB  CellB  CellB  Cell




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)

51974 QPTELRYSW 1 unknown(found  5)


B  CellB  CellB  CellB  CellMHC  Binding




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Purified  MHC  -­  Radioactivity

55304 RPQPTELRY 1 unknown(found  4)


B  CellB  CellB  CellB  Cell




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)

56201 RTTTASGKL 1 unknown(found  2)


B  CellB  Cell




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)

56202 RTTTASGKLIT 1 nonstructuralglycoprotein



B  CellB  Cell




Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)Enzyme-­Linked  Immuno  Sorbent  Assay  (ELISA)

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