Section B 1 7 Hoping for the better UNIT Rays of hope in rising rudeness To master the reading skill To understand the text To practice the phrases and patterns To learn about essay writing Objective s

Section B 1 7 UNIT Rays of hope in rising rudeness To master the reading skill To understand the text To practice the phrases and patterns To learn about

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Section B


7 Hoping for the betterUNIT

Rays of hope in rising rudeness

Rays of hope in rising rudeness

To master the reading skill

To understand the text

To practice the phrases and patterns

To learn about essay writing



Reading skills

Text study

Comparative study


Unit project

Rays of hope in rising rudeness Section B



Background information

Rays of hope in rising rudeness Section B

1. What could “a random act of kindness” be according to the song? Try to give examples of a random act of kindness in your daily life.

Listen to the song Random Acts of Kindness and discuss the following questions.



2. What are the benefits of being kind to others?




If something is random, it’s unplanned. So, a random act of kindness means that you do something for someone that you haven’t planned to do, just to be nice. Examples are given in lines like “For those about to die, we salute you; for those about to cry, we love you; for those of us who live in fear of ‘Happy Christmas and new year’, I raise a toast to you.”

1. What could “a random act of kindness” be according to the song? Try to give examples of a random act of kindness in your daily life.

Listen to the song Random Acts of Kindness and discuss the following questions.

In our daily life, a random act of kindness could be anything from giving a stressed parent a hug to offering to share lunch with a friend.

Just as a famous saying “roses given, fragrance in hand” goes, the benefits of being good to others are as follows: to boost the giver’s wellbeing, to shift the dynamics of the whole community, to make the giver significantly more popular with their peers, and to help to discourage social problems such as bullying. Since a random act of kindness can make you feel good and doesn’t cost anything, it is worthwhile to perform small and simple altruistic ( 利他的,无私心的 ) acts.


2. What are the benefits of being kind to others?


Listen to the song Random Acts of Kindness and discuss the following questions.

1. What do you know about Random Acts of Kindness Foundation?

2. What is the goal of the Foundation? How does it work?

3. How can a person contribute to the World Kindness Movement?




Background information

1. What do you know about Random Acts of Kindness Foundation?

the US based nonprofit organization, established in 1995, the powerful belief in kindness, providing resources and tools that encourage acts of kindness.

Background information


2. What is the goal of the Foundation? How does it work?

The Foundation inspires people to practice kindness and to pass it on to others. It provides free educational and community ideas, guidance, and other resources to kindness participants through its website.

Background information


3. How can a person contribute to the World Kindness Movement?

People in participating nations promote kindness within their countries and are creating a global network of kindness and compassion.

Background information


Reading skills

Presentation of the skill

Reading skill practice

Rays of hope in rising rudeness Section B

When you are making a guess about the meaning of a new word in your reading, you can use context clues to help you. You might not be able to guess the exact meaning of a new word every time, but you may be close enough to get the meaning of the sentence containing the new word. The following are six context-based clues that are useful for you to figure out the meaning of a difficult or unfamiliar word.

Presentation of the skill

Finding out word meanings

Finding out word meanings

Presentation of the skill

5 context-based clues

• Synonyms

• Antonyms

• Definition or explanation

• Examples

• Root words, prefixes, and suffixes

To understand an unfamiliar word, you

can look for its synonym in the context,

which may be a familiar word to you.

Words like “similarly”, “as well as”, “both

… and”, and “likewise” show that

synonyms or comparison clues are likely

to follow. For example:

Presentation of the skill


Taking out the garbage was an onerous task; likewise, washing dishes can be a hard job.

Prof. Smith’s lectures are so riveting. Similarly, Prof. Wilson’s classes are very interesting, too.

The meaning of “onerous” is likely to be similar to “hard” as indicated by the signal word “likewise”. And the meaning of “riveting” is likely to be similar to “interesting” as indicated by “similarly”.

Presentation of the skill



You can also use a familiar antonym to determine the meaning of an unknown word. So, it is helpful to locate the antonym of the unknown word. Connecting words, such as “however”, “yet”, “on the other hand”, “instead of”, “but”, “while”, and “although” are likely to introduce something opposite in meaning to what is previously said. For example:

Presentation of the skill


My sister is extremely neat and tidy in appearance while she is slovenly in doing housework.

Some business disputes can be settled out of court; on the other hand, others require litigation.

The meaning of “slovenly” must be contrary to “neat and tidy” as indicated by “while”. And the word “litigation” most probably means “be settled in court” with the contrastive clue “on the other hand”.

Presentation of the skill

Definition or explanation

Definitions tell us directly the meaning of the unfamiliar word. The clues preceding the definition are or act like linking verbs. Examples of these verbs include “be” (“is”, “are”, “was”, “were”), “mean”, “involve”, “be called”, “i.e.”, or “in other words”.

Presentation of the skill

Definition or explanation

You may also find explanation about an unfamiliar word in the context, information you’re you are familiar with and set off by commas, parenthesis, brackets, or dashes. For example: A souk is an open-air marketplace in an Arab country. Metamemory, the knowledge about one’s memory processes, is helpful in helping us store and recall information.

Presentation of the skill


You can guess the meaning of an unknown word with the help of the example(s). Examples are usually introduced by the following words and phrases: “such as”, “such”, “for example”, and “like”. For example:

Potentates, such as kings, queens, and emperors, are very powerful and wealthy people.

The word “potentate” must be people like “kings, queens, and emperors”.

Presentation of the skill

Root words, prefixes, and suffixes

Knowledge about word formation can also help you guess the meaning of an unfamiliar word. In other words, if you have a good command of the common prefixes and suffixes, you would be more likely to figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar multi-syllabic word by analyzing its word formation.

Sometimes the best way to illustrate how to do something is by counterexample.

Gently swing your right arm in a clockwise direction.

Presentation of the skill

Root words, prefixes, and suffixes

Sometimes the best way to illustrate how to do something is by counterexample.

Gently swing your right arm in a clockwise direction.

If you know the prefix “counter-” means “the opposite of something” and the suffix “-wise” means “in the direction of”, then it would not be difficult for you to work out the meanings of “counterexample” and “clockwise”.

Presentation of the skill

Beside, common sense and knowledge can be one additional skill.

You may also use your common sense or your knowledge about the real world to determine the meaning of an unknown word. This is very important, especially when none of the above five clues can be found in the sentence. For example:

Presentation of the skill

Common sense and knowledge

Common sense and knowledge

The angry driver shouted vehemently during his fight with the other driver.

If industrial waste water is discharged directly into a river from chemical factories without treatment, the river will be contaminated, and people and animals that drink the river water could be poisoned.

Presentation of the skill

Common sense and knowledge

We know what “angry” means, and we know how people feel when they fight. So we can guess that the word “vehemently” in the first sentence has something to do with strong emotion or intense feeling. In the second sentence, according to our knowledge, industrial waste water without treatment can cause pollution, so “contaminate” most likely means “pollute”.

Presentation of the skill

Reading skill practice

A. workers B. citizens

C. Students D.tourists

1. It is generally thought around the world that the inhabitants of large cities are ruder than their fellow citizens from smaller towns or the countryside.

B. citizens

Reading the following sentences from Text B and figure out the meanings of the underlined words.

Reading skill practice

A. helper B. assistance

C. annoyance D. entertainer

2. It’s common to hear people on the bus or subway talking on their cell phones very loudly, being a nuisance to those around them.

C. annoyance

Reading the following sentences from Text B and figure out the meanings of the underlined words.

Reading skill practice

A. Odd B. Rude

C. Impractical D. Embarrassing

3. Disgraceful insults are shouted and even bottles and trash are thrown at road crews by upset drivers because lanes are restricted.

D. Embarrassing

Reading the following sentences from Text B and figure out the meanings of the underlined words.

Reading skill practice

A. business B. strength

C. occupation D. pattern

4. In fact, some see a new pattern emerging in big cities — the “norm of non-involvement ” as one psychologist calls it.

D. pattern

Reading the following sentences from Text B and figure out the meanings of the underlined words.

Text study

Text comprehension

Language focus

Critical thinking

Rays of hope in rising rudeness Section B

Text comprehension

1. Read the title of text B and predict the topic of the text. And what is the writer’s viewpoint of the topic concerned?

2. What is the popular attitude towards rising rudeness in public experiences? ( para.1)

3. Who do people generally think are ruder? Why? (para.2)4. Why did the pedestrian mentioned in para.2 kick the taxi?

(para.2)5. What are the reasons behind those rude behaviors

according to the text? (paras.3-4) 6. How do citizens and public officials think about each

other ? (para.5)7. What does the sentence “sometimes, such behavior goes

beyond verbal abuse” mean in the paragraph? What’s the function of it? (para.7)

8. Is the situation improving or not? What is the author’s viewpoint ? (para.8)

Questions previewing

1. Read the title of text B and predict the topic of the text. And what is the writer’s viewpoint of the topic concerned?

Rudeness is on the rise. / Rude deeds are becoming increasingly common.

The expression “Rays of hope” reveals the writer’s attitude: although the phenomenon becomes so widespread that it attracts public attention, there is hope that this situation would be changed.


Text comprehension

a ray of hope / light etc.: sth. that provides a small amount of hope or happiness in a difficult situation 一线希望 / 光明等

It is much more common to use “a ray of hope”, the singular form, than “rays of hope”, the plural form. The author uses the plural form “rays” to show that the hope is quite strong rather than very slight.

Text comprehension


2. What is the popular attitude towards rising rudeness

in public experiences? (Para.1)

Faced with rudeness, a common element of modern life, in public, most people tend to lump it, or mind their own business, or get out of the way.


Text comprehension



Text comprehension Sentence interpretation



原句:Rudeness is a common element of modern life. “If you don’t like it, lump it.” Or “Mind your own business.” Or “Get out of the way.” (Para. 1, L1-2)

解释 : Rudeness is a common part of modern life. Even if you don’t like it, you still have to put up with it. Or ignore it. Or move out of the way.

3. Who do people generally think are ruder? Why? (Para.2)

It is generally thought around the world that the

inhabitants of large cities are ruder than their fellow

citizens from smaller towns or the countryside. The

reason is that in the city, if you have a small conflict

with someone, most probably you will never meet

that person again, while in the countryside, the

situation is quite different.

Text comprehension


4. Why did the pedestrian mentioned in para.2 kick the

taxi? (Para.2)

Because the taxi driver injured his knees.


Text comprehension

原句:… you will encounter taxi drivers who believe a “walk” sign at a walk way is an automatic invitation to bump their cars against pedestrians’ knees. (Para. 2, L3 )解释 : …you will find taxi drivers who know that they should wait at a “walk” sign to let pedestrians cross the street, but they keep driving even if that endangers the pedestrians.译文:… 你都会遇到那种出租车司机,他们把人行通


Text comprehensionSentence interpretation

5. What are the reasons behind those rude behaviors according to the text? (Paras.3-4)


Text comprehension

Different people hold different views. Some experts say that the trend began decades ago when people became resistant to traditional values and manners. Others blame fast-paced modern lifestyles for contributing to a society that has little time to be polite. The writer thinks that stress also plays a role in incident of ignorant behavior.

译文:辛迪 · 克拉特说,医院里的无礼行为与人们总是在生死攸关的环境下工作所面对的压力相关。

Text comprehension Sentence interpretation


原句:Cindy Kludt,…, says rudeness in hospitals corresponds with the stress of people constantly working under life-and-death circumstances. (Para. 4, L1)

解释 : Cindy Kludt … says that rudeness in hospitals is related to the stress of those who constantly work in extremely serious and stressful situations.

be related to 相关

6. How do citizens and public officials think about each other ? (Para.6)

Public officials think that citizens tend to be offensive and citizens feel that government agencies are rude or mistreating them.


Text comprehension

原 句 : Staff assistants in public institutions tell of rude, hostile, and sometimes threatening words from people who feel government agencies are rude or mistreating them. (Para. 6, L1)

解 释 : Those working at public organizations mention that people say rude, unfriendly, and sometimes intimidating words to them, because these people think government organizations are rude to them or treating them in a wrong way.

Text comprehensionSentence interpretation



原句:As rudeness in public dealings cuts both ways, citizens perceive that public servants habitually ignore them, and they in turn treat the public servants in an offensive fashion. (Para. 6, L3) 解释 : Since rudeness in public activities goes in both directions (in other words, citizens and public servants are rude to each other), citizens find that public servants usually neglect them and so they treat the public servants in a rude way as well.译文:正如在公共交往中,粗鲁无礼是把双刃剑一样,


Text comprehensionSentence interpretation

7. What does the sentence “sometimes, such behavior goes beyond verbal abuse” mean in the paragraph? What’s the function of it? (Para.7)

It means that beside verbal abuse, there are other forms of abuse. From the following part / examples, we can find another form of abuse, that is, rude actions. The sentence functions as a transitional sentence.


Text comprehension

8. Is the situation improving or not? What is the author’s viewpoint ? (Para.8)

Text comprehension

Tips There is disagreement as to whether the situation is

improving or not. Many see little hope for a decline in

today’s rude behavior. Others are feeling more hopeful. The author holds the same view as the latter. (volunteer

their time for community projects, make a lot of

donations of goods and money to charities, have a

positive effect on others, help to reduce the stress in


原句:The organization points to a variety of indicators showing kinder and more compassionate citizens. (Para. 8, L6)

解释 : The organization mentions many different kinds of signs which show citizens are getting kinder, more understanding, and more sympathetic.



Text comprehension Sentence interpretation

Rude deeds are becoming ___________ common.

Faced with rudeness in public, most people _______ it,

or mind their own business, or get out of the way. It is

generally _________ around the world that the

inhabitants of large cities are ruder than their fellow

citizens from smaller towns or the countryside. What

are the reasons behind it? Some experts say that the

trend began decades ago when people became

resistant to __________ values and manners.





Text comprehension Text summary

Some people blame ___________ modern lifestyles for

contributing to a society that has little time to be polite.

Others find that stress also plays a role in incident of

_________ behavior and is becoming strikingly common.

Rudeness has many forms. Beside ____________, people

tend to be violent. There is disagreement as to whether the

situation is improving or not. Many see little hope for a

_________ in today’s rude behavior. Others are

feeling more hopeful.



verbal abuse


Text comprehension Text summary

Nowadays, more people are ___________

their time for community projects; also,

donations of goods and money to charities

have increased. These acts of kindness

would have a _______ effect on others and

would help to reduce the stress in society.

Let’s hope this optimistic view _______ and

brings a better, brighter world for us all.




Text comprehensionText summary

Practical phrasesLanguage focus

Practical Phrases Specific Meanings

1. mind one’s own business 做自己的事;少管闲事

2. crop up 突然冒出来3. give chase 追赶4. cut both ways 两面都行得通或说得

通5. in a …fashion 以…方式6. go beyond 超出;超过7. show up 显现出来 , 到达8. pass sth. on to sb 传递(某物)


(yell at sb. )

There I was, minding my own business, when this

man started yelling at me.

mind one’s own business 短语逆译



Language focus Practical phrases

突然冒出来 crop up 短语逆译

(hit sb. before sb. is ready

In daily life, sometimes problems will crop up and

hit you before you are ready.



Language focus Practical phrases


(quarrel / run out )

After the quarrel, his girlfriend ran out and he gave chase.

give chase 短语逆译



Language focus Practical phrases


You wouldn’t help me now. But remember, it cuts both ways: I won’t help you again, either.

cuts both ways 短语逆译



Language focus Practical phrases


(get a raise )

He behaved in a strange fashion after he failed to get a raise.

in … fashion 短语逆译



Language focus Practical phrases


(imitation / promote innovation )

We must go beyond imitation and promote innovation.

go beyond sth. 短语逆译



Language focus Practical phrases


(cultural differences / invite a foreigner to our home )

Cultural differences can show up when we invite a foreigner to our home.

show up短语逆译


Language focus Practical phrases


(be pocketed by retailers / instead of being passed on to)

Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers.

pass sth. on to sb. 短语逆译




Language focus Practical phrases

Language focus

Functional Patterns Functions & Usages

1. It is generally thought / estimated / said that…

用 于 表 达 “ 对 某 件 事物 / 某个现象的普遍看法或观点”。

2. There is disagreement as to…. Many see / believe/hold the view / …. Others are feeling / thinking / pointing to / …


3. Let’s do sth. 表达“发出号召”,“表达期望”常用于文章的最后,起总结全文的作用。

Functional patterns




逆译练习It is generally thought around the world that the inhabitants of large cities are ruder than their fellow citizens from smaller towns or the countryside. (Para.2, L1)

Language focusFunctional patterns


It is commonly/generally/widely/believed /held/accepted/recognized /thought /reported /estimated/said that…



用于表达“对某件事物 / 某个现象的普遍看法或观点”,常用作段落的主题句。

Language focusFunctional patterns

(women in the workforce)

It is commonly thought that women in the workforce face more challenge in balancing work and family, while it’s easier for housewives who just need to take good care of their family.



Language focusFunctional patterns


这种情况现在是否有所改善, 大家对此意见不一。很多人对于如今无礼行为是否会减少不抱什么希望。事实上,有些人看到城市中正在出现一种新的模式,一位心理学家称之为“不介入模式”。


逆译练习There is disagreement as to whether the situation is improving or not. Many see little hope for a decline in today’s rude behavior. In fact, some see a new pattern emerging in big cities – the “norm of non-involvement” as one psychologist calls it. Others are feeling more hopeful. (Para. 8, L1)

Language focusFunctional patterns


There is disagreement as to/some debate over whether or not …. Many see/believe/hold the view/…. Others are feeling/thinking/pointing to/…




Language focusFunctional patterns

(be engaged in / paid work / regard … as/ valuable work experience)

There is a debate over whether children should be engaged in some kind of paid work. Some people regard this as completely wrong, while others consider it as valuable work experience, important for learning to take responsibility.  


Language focusFunctional patterns





Let’s hope this optimistic view prevails and brings a better, brighter world for us all. (Para.8, L11)

Language focusFunctional patterns


Let’s do sth.




Language focusFunctional patterns

(answer students’ cries / career education / shortsightedness )

Let’s hope our educators answer students’ cries for career education, but at the same time, let’s ensure that students are prepared for the day when they realize their shortsightedness.

典型例句让我们希望我们的教育者能回应学生对职业教育的需求 , 但同时也让我们保证学生们已经准备好应对他们明白他们的短视的那天。意群提示

Language focusFunctional patterns

1. 一线希望 a ray of hope

2. 现代生活中常见的现象

a common element of modern life

3. 做…的自动邀请 an automatic invitation to do sth.

4. 为争抢座位而互相推搡

elbow one’s way to grab seat

5. 传统价值观及传统礼节

traditional values and manners

6. 快节奏的现代生活方式

fast-paced modern lifestyle

7. 在生死攸关的环境下工作

work under life-and-death circumstances

8. 人们发泄不满的目标 the target of people’s frustration

9. 不只是言语辱骂 go beyond verbal abuse

10. 鼓励人们对别人要友善

inspire people to practice kindness

11. 希望这样的乐观看法可以成为主流

hope this optimistic view prevails

Language focus Genuine collocations



a. Whether it is people

smoking in public, or people

cutting in line, the examples

are almost endless.

Language focusLanguage appreciation

如果上层领导粗鲁无 礼 或 不 关 心 员



b. If people at the top are rude

and uncaring,


moves on


affecting everyone’s behavior.

Language focusLanguage appreciation



们,他们就也以无礼的方式对待公务员。 c. As rudeness in public

dealings cuts both ways,

citizens perceive that public

servants habitually ignore

them, and they in turn treat the

public servants in an offensive


Language focusLanguage appreciation



d. That

makes short

tempers, and angry, rude

behavior show up.

Language focusLanguage appreciation

Further discussion

1. What do you think are behind rising rudeness in society? How do you react to rude people, for example, people speaking too loud in the library, or cutting in line in the cafeteria?

2. Why is it important for us to be polite and kind to other people?

3.What can we do to promote politeness and understanding between people?

Critical thinking




Apart from the reasons mentioned in the text,

I think some people are impolite and rude

due to the following reasons:

Further discussionCritical thinking


1. What do you think are behind rising rudeness in society? How do you react to rude people, for example, people speaking too loud in the library, or cutting in line in the cafeteria?

Further discussionCritical thinking

Tips• Parents do not teach their children good manners.

Moreover, some parents do not have good manners themselves, so their children follow bad examples;

• Schools do not teach manners nowadays. Schools teach math, science, history and foreign languages, but neglect teaching good manners and decent behavior;

• Some people are very self-centered and not sensitive to other people’s feelings. They say or do something rude without knowing that is hurtful;

• Some people regard themselves superior to others, and they are too proud of themselves to respect other people.

Further discussionCritical thinking

Tips• It depends. For example, if someone speaksloudly on his cell phone on the street, or elbowsme aside in a crowd, I would ignore them. Butif it’s in a public place like the library, I willchoose to correct them. I once confronted aperson who spoke loudly during a Peking operaperformance, a person who cut in line at a ticketoffice, and a person who didn’t clean up herdog’s droppings. I spoke out and asked them tocorrect their misbehaviors.

Critical thinking


2. Why is it important for us to be polite and kind to other people?

Further Discussion

• make others feel good about themselves because they are treated in a polite way;

• make you feel better about yourself because you behave nicely;

• make others like you more because you are a nice person;

• make others respect you more because your politeness makes you a respectable person;

• bring people closer to you, for they will see you as someone worthy of their time and attention.

Everyone can do their share to promote politeness and understanding between people. For example, we can: • smile to the people we meet. Smiles on our faces make others smile too; • say nice words to others. Nice words make people happy and nice; • be ready to offer help. Help people in need, even strangers; • always treat people the way we’d like to be treated. If we’re nice to others, they will be nice to us.

Critical thinking


3. What can we do to promote politeness and understanding between people?

Further discussion

Study the pictures carefully and answer questions.

Critical thinking

Further discussion

They are about Zhang Ying (张英 ) and the origin of ““the tale of the six-chi-wide lane” (“六尺巷” ).

Zhang Ying, a native of Tongcheng, Anhui province, began his official career at the beginning of Kangxi’s reign and in time was promoted to Grand Secretary of the Hall of Wenhua and the President of the Board of Rites. As a high-ranking official, Zhang Ying was just and honest, and was strict with his children and relations. One of his letters home was the origin of “the tale of the six-chi-wide lane”, which even today is widely known for its moral significance: comity ( 礼让 ).

Critical thinking


1. What do you know about these pictures?

Further discussion

1) Being reasonable and never going to extremes when faced with unavoidable conflicts;

2) Being courtesy and considerate when patching up the quarrel and remaining good neighbors;

3) Being lofty when confronted with the loss of interest;

4) Living harmoniously with others by making a concession and being modest.

5) Giving precedence to others is giving precedence to oneself.

Critical thinking

Further discussion


2. What can we learn from them?

It’s a fact that we are all more alike than we are different. In effect, this means the more a person understands and admires traits and talents within him or herself, the more this person is likely to understand and admire about the rest of humanity. Therefore, in order to live harmoniously with others in a society, we should:

3. How can we make contributions to building up a harmonious society?

Critical thinking

Further discussion


Recognize that each human being is potentially an asset to humanity.

Appreciate our natural desire to look good and to perform well.

Recognize that we are able to be useful to others, and that others may be useful to us.

Recognize that we are all on this planet together.

Critical thinking

Further discussion


3. How can we make contributions to building up a harmonious society?

Extend and embrace love at every opportunity.

Compete constructively and try to resolve conflicts with patience, tolerance, and communication.

No matter whom we encounter, always keep in mind that the similarities, which we share with any person, far outweigh the differences.

Seek to enjoy life and seek to allow others to do the same.

Critical thinking

Further discussion


3. How can we make contributions to building up a harmonious society?

Thematic study

Comparative study

Thematic study

Language features analysis

Rays of hope in rising rudeness Section B

2. From a student’s perspective, which text impresses you most? And why? (open)

Thematic study



1. Compare the reasons of dishonest behavior in When honesty disappear and the reasons of rudeness behavior in Ray of hopes in rising rudeness.

1. Comparison between reasons of dishonest behavior in When honesty disappear and the reasons of rudeness behavior in Ray of hopes in rising rudeness.

Dishonest behavior 1. The pressure to have a

university degree.2. It is very easy to cheat

with internet access.3. Writing term papers

makes students anxious and frustrated.

Rudeness 1. People became

resistant to traditional values and manners.

2. Fast-paced modern lifestyles contribute to a society that has little time to be polite.

3. Stress plays a role in incidents of ignorant behavior.

Thematic study

To be frank, both texts are excellent, which provide us moral lessons of learning to be honest. But to my mind, text B impresses me most for the following reasons……


Thematic study

2. From a student’s perspective, which text impresses you most? And why? (open)

Based on your study of the two texts, compare the writing styles of the two texts in terms of their typical language features.

Language features analysis

1. What are the typical language features of the two texts?

2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas.

Language features analysis



Both Text A and Text B share a lot in the characteristic of giving examples without using any signal word.Text A features the list of examples in which parallelism is used to show how serious and widespread the situation is (Para.1, L4-9). In addition, the application of rhetorical questions makes the passage fascinating and attractive to readers.

1. What are the typical language features of the two texts?

Language features analysis


2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas.

Language features analysis

TipsThe topic sentence of Paragraph 3, Text A, is

“Modern students who want to fake a term

paper don’t have to browse long”. Two specific

examples are used to show how easy it is for

students to fake a term paper.

2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas.

Language features analysis

TipsThe topic sentence of Para. 2, Text B, is “It is

generally thought around the world that the

inhabitants of large cities are ruder than their

fellow citizens from smaller towns or the

countryside”. Three examples are used to show

the rudeness in large cities:

2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas.

Language features analysis


Recently, an angry pedestrian reacted by kicking a cab, … .

Cindy Kludt, a counselor who works with overworked nurses, says … .

A worker in a restaurant was slapped and cursed by … .

Unit project

Group discussion

Oral presentation

Essay writing

Rays of hope in rising rudeness Section B

Work in groups of four and discuss which of the following bad behavior is more common in your school. Reorder the list, starting with the most common one, and then discuss the ways to stop them. (Open)

Group discussion

• Cheating on exams• Spitting and littering• Copying others’ homework• Talking on the cell phone loudly in public places• Occupying a seat in the library but not using it• Playing music loudly in the dorm• Staying up very late and disturbing others’ sleep• Chatting in class or napping in class• Arriving late for class or leaving class early• Cutting in line in the cafeteria, etc.

Group discussion

Each group will be given 5 minutes to present their ways on how to reduce or stop bad behavior on campus. Make sure every member has a chance to speak up. Otherwise, the group will fail the oral presentation. (Open)

Oral presentation

Coping with Bad Behavior on Campus

You may base on the outline as follows and use some expressions given below.

• Situation-describing• Reason-analyzing • Measures to be taken

Essay writing

You may use the following expressions in your writing.

Essay writing

• A common element of modern life• Crop up • Examples are endless.• …is a thing of the past.• Play a role in(doing)sth.• Live with • Show up• Despite the obvious disturbance to fellow students• Be resistant to traditional values and manners

You may use the following expressions in your writing.

Essay writing

• Be resistant to traditional values and manners• This is particularly true in universities. • Rude, hostile and sometimes threatening words from…• Have a positive effect on others.• Help to reduce the bad behavior in school• Recently, sb. did sth., causing…• A man in the school recently did sth. when….• There is disagreement as to whether the situation is

improving or not. Many see…. Others are feeling…

The end

Rays of hope in rising rudeness Section B