David Reid 29 April 2015 SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDS Secret Power of Pyramids, Page 1

SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDSenhanced if the materials used, is gold or copper.! * Charging Crystals is a popular use with pyramids. Quartz crystals are most effective for that, as they

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Page 1: SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDSenhanced if the materials used, is gold or copper.! * Charging Crystals is a popular use with pyramids. Quartz crystals are most effective for that, as they

David Reid 29 April 2015


Secret Power of Pyramids, Page �1

Page 2: SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDSenhanced if the materials used, is gold or copper.! * Charging Crystals is a popular use with pyramids. Quartz crystals are most effective for that, as they

David Reid 29 April 2015


Pyramid power is super natural or paranormal properties of the ancient Egyptian pyramids and objects of similar shape. This power, is said to preserve foods, improve health function, align us with our higher vibrational frequency, cure illness and disease and cause other dramatic effects.!

Pyramid power is one of many theories, referred to as pyramidology.!

!Some of the effects are:!

Food kept under a pyramid will stay fresh for two to three times longer than uncovered food. Artificial flavourings in food will loose their taste, but natural flavours are enhanced.!

The taste of foods change; they become less bitter or acid. Spectrographic reading of the treated item will show a change in the molecular structure.!

The pyramid will dehydrate and mummify things, without decay or mold growing.!

There is also a slowing or complete stopping of the growth of microorganisms.!

Kirlian photographs show the aura to be significantly brighter after a 15 minute exposure period.!

!Reactions to pyramid environments:.!

Persons living, meditate, work or sleep inside of a pyramid building or under a pyramid framework, generally feel immediate positive reactions. Creatures and nature are magnetically attracted to Pyramid replicas and devices.!

Testimonials from several sources, demonstrate that pets of all kinds thrive under, or within open frame pyramids. Dogs and cats are observed to respond to the pyramids.!


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Page 3: SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDSenhanced if the materials used, is gold or copper.! * Charging Crystals is a popular use with pyramids. Quartz crystals are most effective for that, as they

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Pyramid research:!

Bill Kerell is a researcher who experimented with pyramids for about 17 years. He has done many experiments using brine shrimp. Brine shrimp usually live 6 to 7 weeks; but under the pyramids, Bill has kept them alive for over a year. He also noticed that pyramid-grown shrimp grew two to three times larger than normal. Bill has also done a lot of work with humans.!

One of the things he and his associates have found is that hypertensive individuals become tranquillised, but lethargic people become energetic again.!

A lot of work has been done with individuals who meditate. The theta and alpha brain waves are increased. These frequencies are also higher and the signal strength is twice the 9amplitude of normal. Dr. Carl Benedicks (a Swedish scientist) discovered that the pyramid produced a resonance or frequency inside it. Two German scientists, Born and Lertes, also discovered that this frequency was in the microwave range.!

Researchers discovered that items placed under a pyramid stay "charged" for various lengths of time after being taken from under the pyramid. Crystals, Ormus and water keeps their "charge" longer than anything else.!

!Doctors have been experimenting with Pyramids.!

A Canadian hospital tried using a pyramid in their burn ward. The results were that after being under the pyramid for a few minutes, the patients' pain started to reduce.!

They also found that burns areas healed much faster.!

!How a Pyramid Works?!

Negative Ions help to reproduce and repair body cells. They're transmitted into the body through the air and are circulated by the blood. Too many positive ions (the result of air pollution) can cause depression, and ultimately, illnesses. Thus, negative ions have a beneficial effect on the body.!

Pyramids generate negative ions. In addition, they are believed to have a generally balancing effect on the body's electromagnetic field. This effect is greatly enhanced if the materials used, is gold or copper.!

* Charging Crystals is a popular use with pyramids. Quartz crystals are most effective for that, as they hold the charge for several weeks. These crystals can then be used for healing purpose as they release their charge into the surrounding.!

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* Large pyramids (the kind you sit inside) are often used for meditation, massage, acupuncture, and Reiki.!

* Many people have also experienced that after sleeping inside a pyramid they find that they need less sleep and feel more relaxed and at peace when they wake up.!

* Many people put their drinking water in pyramids to charge it with the pyramid's negative ions.!

It is recommended to put a glass inside a pyramid for about half-an-hour, and large quantities overnight.!

* The pyramid activates the energies of the pineal and pituitary glands Users experience balance, relaxation, tranquility, well-being, and in some instances, the reduction of headaches.!

!Evidence From Ancient Egyptian Tombs:!

Egyptologists have found well preserved grain in tombs that is thousands of years old. In sharp contrast, grains stored in modern silos usually spoils after only a few seasons of storage. Grain in modern silos usually keeps no longer than four years.!

The preservation of organic material in pyramids has received a lot of attention in popular books. In the 1930s, a Frenchman named Antoine Bovis observed that a dead cat in the Great Pyramid did not decompose. The animal apparently wandered into the King's Chamber and perished before finding an exit route. The cat's body dried out, although the air in the King's Chamber is always humid.!

Bovis's observation gave rise to the idea of 'pyramid power,' which preserve organic matter. Advocates of pyramid power include a French radiologist named Jean Martial; an electronics engineer from Prague named Karl Drbal; author and biologist Lyall Watson; and physicist Patrick Flanagan.!

Small models made of paper, wood or other materials, have been tested for desiccating organic matter and sharpening razor blades. Several tests have demonstrated pyramid to be capable of preserving organic matter.!

At Saqqara, Egypt, Egyptologists excavated a tomb of a woman of lesser nobility. In accordance with funerary customs, an elaborate meal was set out on pottery platters. The meal consisted of porridge, quail, kidneys, pigeon, fish, beef ribs, triangular loaves of bread, cakes and fruits. Their state of preservation was so excellent that Egyptologists easily recognised all of the foods in the entire meal, although it is almost 5,000 years old.!

The example suggests that shape is the key to the phenomenon popularly known as ' pyramid power.!

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Careful study reveals several unique and beneficial qualities that may be derived from Pyramid Meditation. Experienced Meditators relate profound results in their quest for expanded awareness.Many people feel that psychic powers are stimulated or heighten by the use of pyramids.!

Psychics who use pyramids in that fashion have achieved an altered state of consciousness more rapidly than they would have otherwise, placed on the head focussing through the chakra system, during Meditation sessions, clearing psychic passages which may have become blocked.!

The pyramid is a geometric amplifier which increases the power of prayer and can strengthens or quicken a spiritual request.!

Pyramid Meditators suggest that the best results are achieved by sitting upright with the upper chakras located approximately one third up from the pyramid base directly under the apex or centre.!

The use of a pyramid in meditation can excellerate the process bringing feelings of calmness, wellbeing and a more open and positive attitude. Many users claim increased memory recall, visions of past incarnations, telepathic communication and an expansion of awareness or reconnection.!

Verbal and written testimonials, among experienced and non-experienced pyramid meditators throughout the world have reported that the pyramid shows the following reactions.!

!1. A sense of weightlessness!

2. Electric-like tingling sensations!

3. Feelings of warmness, usually in the upper portions of the body!

4. Tranquility, relaxation and freedom from tensions!

5. Dreams with vivid colours and graphic visions!

6. External stimuli, sight and sounds particularly fade away!

7. Time distortion, Space consciousness prevails!

8. Deeper, more fulfilling meditations and higher energy levels !


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Page 6: SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDSenhanced if the materials used, is gold or copper.! * Charging Crystals is a popular use with pyramids. Quartz crystals are most effective for that, as they

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The reason for the PYRAMIDS of GIZA !The Pyramids of Giza maybe power plants built to generate energy based on natural technology from the running water and the rays of the Sun with the limestone that acts as a transmitter. This process of implosion also creates free energy utilised from natural resources without combustion or explosion, therefore creating no wastes or toxins. This type of free energy is high vibrational and harmonic which naturally affects consciousness, lifts and enhances the quality of life on Earth. To amplify this process they are built on top of natural power points, leylines of nature and energy centres on planet Earth in alignment with the stars, specifically Orion, Sirius, the Pleiades and constellation of Leo, which is ruled by the Sun. !

!As Above So Below. As Below So Above. !!Sound and Light frequencies were used to broadcast and amplify this energy and activate the harmonic transmissions. At the time this type of knowledge was utilised, the awareness of such techniques was common. !!Somewhere around 26,000 years ago we had already harnessed sound and light technology based on zero point energy. As frequency, the transmission of particle wave radiations works with the elements and the forces of nature to build and create in alignment with source and universal bio dynamics. This was done with a high level understanding of universal physics, magnetism, pure energy, vibration, polarity and the nature of the space time continuum in relation to Consciousness. !!The Harmonics created are expressed through music, language, mathematics, dance, architecture, sculpture and geometry to support life itself and enhance this consciousness. They create resonance which is the key for transmissions of cosmic energy from the infinite potential to the finite vessel. Echoing with the music of the spheres through the vast continuum of space within a 64 tetrahedron grid that is the nature of creation endlessly repeating itself on different scales. Understanding this fundamental knowledge will lead to quantum leaps in our creations, way of life, and eventually naturally to a

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Golden Age where we are operating with optimum capacity and fully activated senses. Full Awareness.!!The laws of creation are mastered through consciousness which already created them, leading to advanced natural technology that applies deep spiritual formulas in universal physics. It is fully integrated wholistic science. Understanding how this sacred science works is like putting the pieces of the puzzle together to see the big picture. How Consciousness creates and how Creation works. It is all connected. !!As consciousness devolved into a dark age, knowledge of the Golden Age was lost. This was the real catastrophe which resulted in the energetic drop of frequency levels and awareness on the planet. This has led to the manipulation, misuse of power, ignorance and destructive force we know of today. !!What is referred to as the giant crystals in Atlantis looks to me like Ancient Egyptian Khemitian heritage that is right before our eyes, those same pyramids, obelisks and crystal altars that were operating with crystalline structures, ley lines and natural elements based on advanced natural technology are evidence of this true science, which is Universal. What we see remaining from this planetary network of energy systems that works with the Earth's magnetic field & biosphere is based on superior natural intelligence. This intelligence is nothing more than who we are and is our natural birthright. The self organising principle. As the SUN enters a new cycle all the knowledge is coming back at an accelerated rate.!!We see evidence of the collapse of such power structures in the archeological sites that host them today. There is still buried technology, hidden chambers and advanced devices in secret chambers underneath the Giza plateau. This is obvious. And is not only the case in Egypt but all around the world from China through Tibet, India passing through Africa and Europe all the way to Peru and Mexico. !!There has been military bases, secret research, censorship, scientific evidence, meta programming devices and brain washing programs built around these areas and specifically working with an artificial planetary grid to distort the frequencies, limit consciousness and disconnect people from nature and the truth. This manipulation extends to world governments, military elite, international organisations, capitalism, consumerism, money, banking, corporations, democracy, media, education, culture, written history, energy

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use, labor, nutrition, medicine, insurance, law and legislation, politics, bureaucracy, religion, conventional knowledge and even science, everything that is mainstream, to cover all areas of life as part of the plot to limit evolution, devolve consciousness and enslave humanity to a parasitic nature with artificial intelligence that acts as police. Which is really the shadow energy working its way to integration as we harness the untapped potential in our subconscious beyond polarity, thus owning our power, accessing unity super-consciousness and completing the Great Work. Fortunately our Power is limitless and we can transmute all of this with Awareness and Love. Truth is nothing can stop the course of evolution from taking its place. Resistance is futile and may sometimes actually act as a catalyst to speed up the process!!!Due to the written misinformation and manipulation that has become the mainstream source of reference in the world, among other factors such as the dogma and brain washing control enforced by world governments, politics and institutionalised religion / education, and censored science, this knowledge of natural law and what really went on remained underground, preserved by the rich cultural inheritance of indigenous cultures, elders, grandmothers, oral traditions and folk knowledge that goes way back to the Ancient World and Pre Historic Matriarchal society, ultimately beyond planet Earth. This type of knowledge and its keepers became targeted by those who wish to maintain the status quo to limit freedom and sovereignty. In every age we see traces of this melodrama taking place. Any one who pays attention cannot be fooled by it though. What is underground eventually has to surface. !!As we enter into a time of awakening, a time of rebirth, this awareness is activated once again from within our cellular memory, DNA, and genetic code by the rays of the Sun directly and this is the nature of our time. !!This is why AWAKENING IS INEVITABLE. There is no way around it. It is happening as we speak. And like the photons of the Sun we bounce energy and light off each other transmitting the information directly with no interference for this body itself is a cosmic vessel, transmitter, antenna. And when supported with consciousness harnessing the forces of nature there is no limit to what we can achieve and create. This is real progress on the horizon of human evolution. It has been done before by few and now is time to share the reality with many.!!The gene pool holds the script. The Akashic Records. The manual. The blueprint design created by the Grand Architect. It contains the Pure Blood Lineage of Light that is yearned for by many, it is our natural birth right, who

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we are, so don't look any further. Just know thyself and you will know the Universe, Nature and God.!!Truth fractals out of singularity & pulses through eternity with harmonics of sound light creations. !!The Cosmic Heartbeat.. The science of Consciousness is demonstrated in universal physics where Love is the Law.!!Access to such things as the philosopher's stone, arc of the covenant, the Sun disc, the holly grail, fountain of eternal youth, tree of life, immortality, mono atomic gold and so on are mere results of activating the Golden strand DNA that leads to Awakened Super Consciousness. !!This awareness is a spiritual technology that already exists within us and when harnessed can save humanity from further destruction and suffering. As we learn how to build up, maintain and preserve our energy levels from base to crown harnessing sexual energy, chi, creative life force all the way from the bottom up, from our physical to the spiritual bodies we give birth to ourselves and begin to awaken to our SOVEREIGN multi-dimensional existence and true place in this epic cosmic divine order. This is the Immaculate Conception that leads to Transfiguration. Full Self Realisation. True bliss and Sacred Union. !!Awaken to the true POWER of your SOVEREIGN BEING in the network of ONENESS. !Experience True FREEDOM. This is who we are...!LIMITLESS. !!Above all we are the TRUTH!ONESHIP!!US HERE NOW  !!INFINITE AWARENESS !!!

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• Pyramid device runs on magnetic energy provided by Romag or Celestial Particle Transmuter!

• Pyramid unit uses free energy to form sound waves and magnetic vibrations to function!

• Pyramid circuitry designed to recycle energy after it uses it!• Pyramid unit does not create pollution, so it is beneficial to the

environment!• Actual pyramid is made of acrylic and is located between two large

spinning magnets of specific composition!• Pyramid device demonstrates that magnetism holds molecules together

and that magnetism is the property that unlocks the molecular lock of molecules!

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• Living matter inside pyramid becomes unseen!• Pyramid machine can assist in the exploration of uses and properties of

magnetic energy!!We are providing this free information out of love to help heal our planet. Please help us in educating people about magnetic energy.!!This magnetic device will show that magnetism is the property that unlocks the molecular lock, propelling chemistry and physics into a new area of research. Billions of dollars and many years of research have been spent trying to understand the force that holds molecules together. Chemistry and Physics mainly focus on dangerous chemicals and heat, but the process may be far simpler when magnetic current is used under the right conditions. Molecules are held together by a magnetic attract force that has a unique signature for every molecule. Simply applying a magnet to a molecule will not accomplish much because the magnet probably does not match the polarity of the molecule. We are redefining the word magnetism to mean an unending variety of polarities that have an infinite amount of potential uses. We are including in that definition of magnetism the notion of neutral, or relatively neutral, polarities. Neutral magnetic current is capable of taking on the polarity it is offered, thereby allowing many different types of molecules to be altered. As neutral magnetic energy from a generator like the Romag or the Celestial Particle Transmuter is harnessed by this pyramid unit, the neutral energy changes polarities to match all the polarities needed to make the pyramid device properly function.!!This pyramid unit provides evidence that altering the vibration of molecules can exchange matter into a pure energy form that the human eye cannot see. We use the word “exchange” because all matter has a template that exists at a higher vibration, and this unit exchanges matter with it’s matching template that is free of environmentally caused changes. Molecules are held together by magnetic force; this force can be alleviated, allowing the molecules to separate, leaving the molecules that are naturally attracted to each other remaining in tact. For example, injury and disease caused by environmental influences are not part of an organisms matching template, therefore, after an organism is subjected to the energy field of this unit, injury and disease are no longer part of the organism. Obviously, this pyramid device has tremendous potential in the medical field.!!This pyramid molecular exchanger also has vast applications in the field of environment science. So many forms of pollution are currently contaminating

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the environment on many levels. When the full potential of this molecular exchanger is realised, people will begin to use this unit to convert pollution into more benign forms of matter and energy. Air pollution, water pollution, ground pollution, garbage, chemical pollution, radioactive pollution, and other forms of pollution will all be rendered inert by a transmutation process that will unlock the molecules of the pollution and neutralise the polarities of the pollution so that the energy can be redistributed back into the Earth’s energy system. Redistribution of energy is the integration of energy back into a Universal flow that allows the energy to be safely used again. Redistribution is another word for recycle, it is Universal process for recycling and it is always occurring. Redistribution can be sped up or slowed down when the energy or matter being redistributed is subjected to certain magnetic fields. Magnetic energy can enable people to recycle matter and energy more efficiently than any current technology, thus allowing us to heal our ailing environment.!!This pyramid unit has an arrangement of pyramids which when magnetically activated, serve as test chambers where matter is exchanged. The magnets that rotate above and below the pyramids produce vortexing magnetic fields that encapsulate the pyramids. Two walls of wires on opposite sides of the pyramids, are charged with flowing magnetic current from the Romag Generator or the Celestial Particle Transmuter to produce a magnified SOUND OF VIBRATION that aids in creating the proper field for matter exchanging.!!The magnetic vortex produced inside this pyramid structure creates a tremendous flow of energy that connects the unit to the energy field of the planet. The rotating magnets, the vibrating wires, and the magnetic current all contribute to the amplification of energy pulses that set a natural process in motion. As this unit functions, energy in the ionosphere begins to respond to the magnetic pulses and sound waves. In the ionosphere, energising molecules begin to group together and these energy clusters begin to form a vortex that feeds the unit additional energy. A steady stream of energy exchange is established between the unit and the ionosphere that magnifies the energy potential within the unit. New discoveries in science will show that all energy devices use the ionosphere. Some devices use ionosphere energy properly and some do not. Electricity has an extremely negative effect on the ionosphere as we explain in the write ups of other magnetic devices on the website.!!The wires that line the pyramids aid in producing REFRACTORY LIGHT which becomes part of the process that makes the object under test APPEAR as

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though it is not there. The arrangement of hardware causes sound waves to influence the magnetic energy to manifest as pulses. Magnetic pulses produce powerful VIBRATORY CHANGES to the molecular structure of molecules that change the object into energy that human eyes cannot see. What changes is the VISIBLE matter.!!PARTS LIST!!• An outer aluminium 2″ square tubing frame, 50″ sq. at the inside

measurement, 6 feet high welded construction.!• Two non-metal support bars located at the top and bottom of frame #1 to

hold non-metal sleeve bearings.!• Two Delrin sleeve bearings, 2-1/2″ ID by 4-1/2″ OD by 4″ long, secured

to Parts #2.!• Two 6″ long non-metal shafts that rotate inside Parts #3.!• Two Delrin 4 feet diameter plates, 3/4″ thick that have shafts Part #4

bolted at the center point.!• One top magnet 4″ dia., 1-1/2″ thick bonded to one of Plates #5. This

magnet is made of 30% neodymium, 21% Boron, 7% nickel, 42% ferrite, charged to a peak energy product of 4.2.!

• A hand crank pulley drive method to rotate magnet #6 at a speed of 2,000 to 2,400 RPM for a charge time of 1-1/4 minutes.!

• One bottom magnet 4′ Dia., 1-1/2″ thick bonded to one of Plates #5. This magnet has the same exact composition of elements while being charged to twice the power, or 8.4 peak energy product.!

• Are four aluminium corner supports with scale indicators to support the large pyramid assembly, while detecting weight loss.!

• One acrylic base for large pyramid measures 4′ square, 7/8″ thick.!• Four triangular acrylic shapes, 3/16″ thick with three of them bonded to

Part #10, (one removable). These shapes form a 2′ high pyramid with the 4 plates at a 45 degree angle, 4′ square.!

• A continuous length of flat clean copper coated steel wire 1/4″ wide by 1/32″ thick. This wire is bent as needed to allow a 1/8″ overlap on all seams and corners.!

• A .032″ thick copper coated steel wire secured to the top point of Part #11, connected to #12 and extending downward inside the large pyramid.!

• A 1-foot square acrylic base plate 1/2″ thick to serve as a bottom for the small pyramid.!

• Are 4 triangular acrylic shapes, 1/8″ thick to form a 6″ high by 1″ square pyramid. Three of these sides are bonded to Part #14, one side is hinged to swing open for placement of the test object.!

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• A centre point on the inner pyramid that connects to Wire #13 holding this pyramid 6″ above base part #10.!

• A continuous length of clean copper coated steel wire .032″ thick (#20 wire) to be secured to all seams of Parts #14 and #15. This wire is located on the OUTER surface.!

• One plate of Part #15 that is hinge mounted but not to interfere with wire #17.!

• Two brass support bars on the left side of Frame #1. These bars are 1″ wide, 3/16″ thick, 54″ long, slid into slots cut in frame #1 that are spaced to hold these bars 2′ apart.!

• Wire wrapped around Parts #19 total 1200 wraps of .020″ thick clean copper coated steel wire spaced at 25 wraps per inch for the full 4 foot distance. The bottom of the wires is even with the bottom of Magnet #8.!

• Two brass threaded rods located at the centres of Part #19 to prevent the wound wire #20 from bending these bars.!

• Two coaxial cable wires circuited from the Romag generator that gets connected to the wound Wire #20.!

• Two brass support bars located at the right side of Frame #1. These bars are 1″ wide, 3/16″ thick, 54″ long spaced apart by 2 feet.!

• Wire wrapped around Parts #23 total 1200 wraps of the same wire size as Part #20. The bottom of these wires is also even with the bottom of magnet #8.!

• Two threaded brass rods located at the centre of Parts #23 to prevent the wound wire from bending these bars.!

• Two coaxial cable wires circuited from the Romag generator to go to the ends of Wires #24.!

• A dotted centreline to show that the centre of the small pyramid is almost aligned with the centre of the side wires.!

• Four corner scales to record the weight of the unit when testing.!• The rotation is to be in the direction of the arrows as shown in Figure 1.!!The unit functions as follows:!!The test object, in this case, a live hamster, is placed inside the small pyramid and a little acrylic door, hinged on one side is closed. One panel of the large pyramid is not used but the flat wire remains in place. This open side allows a direct viewing of the small pyramid.!!After the magnetic current is circuited into the walls of wires Parts #20 and #24, the top magnet is rotated using Part #7. When the speed is 2000 – 2400

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rpm during the 1-1/4 minutes charge time, several magnetic charging actions happen.!! The wires Part #12 get charged.! The wires Part #17 get charged. This charging of the wires causes the top magnet to follow these charges in route to attracting the bottom magnet, which now gets pulled around in the same direction.! This rotating of the bottom magnet completes another magnetic circuit between the bottom location of the wire walls Parts #20 and #24 and the 1-1/2″ thick side section of this magnet. After the 1-1/4 minute charge time the bottom magnet, being influenced by the magnetic circuit to the walls of wire, continues to rotate serving as a rotating stabiliser that now pulls the TOP magnet around, at a somewhat slower speed. All of this magnetic activity creates sound that is turning into waves that then cause magnetism to come out as pulses.!!The centre point of this massive magnetic action is the small pyramid that starts a vibration likened to a salt shaker on a shaking table. The hamster has now been changed into a form of energy that the human eye cannot see. What has changed is the VISIBLE matter.!!All of the magnetic activity was caused to happen as this newly formed energy was being setup in the wires around the pyramids. This is why the small pyramid is held from above with a length of the same wire, (part #17), a wire that also contacts the wires around the large pyramid.!!When it is stated that the hamster is subjected to VIBRATION, we are referring to an enhanced molecular vibration. ALL matter vibrates at the molecular level and enhancing this vibration is a natural process. This molecular shaking does not cause harm to the hamster.!!Comments about the wire walls:!!These wire walls are wound with .020″ thick clean copper coated steel wire for a reason. This thinner wire, when pulled as snug as possible, responds with a desired LIVELY BOUNCE. This action produces the stated, ‘sound of vibration.’ If the wire used were thicker, or just copper, the response would be likened to a THUD without the needed vibration action.!!Thus, in order to wind the wire wall tightly, the threaded brass rods are used to keep the brass bars, Parts #19 and #23 from bending.!

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!Comments about the Magnet Mounting Method:!!These magnets will constantly attract together with a south face from the top magnet attracting to a north face on the bottom magnet. Flange bearings are used to keep the magnets at their set space distance.!!Of great importance is the requirement to use all non-metal shafts, bearings and bearing supports both above and below the magnets.!!Another point–these magnets are NOT to be made from an assembly of smaller magnets but cast as one single 4-foot diameter magnet, 1-1/2″ thick. This one-piece structure causes the magnets to respond with the required activity throughout the casting with 21% Boron doing a special work (when blended with the elements listed).!!LOCATION FOR TESTING!!The bottom magnet needs to have a clear DRAW-FACTOR to the Earth. Therefore, the best testing location is outdoors on regular soil and NOT on cement.!!This unit demonstrates that atoms can be changed without heat. Atoms are magnetic molecular structures that have unique RYTHMIC VIBRATIONS and are in a constant state of change. The bottom line for understanding ALL universal action and events is that there is NOTHING BUT energy, which is in a constant state of change. All energy is ALWAYS forming and reforming until what we call MATTER results.!!All matter is made of various combinations of magnetic molecular structures that maintain a unified field of cohesion through a synchronistic vibration. The energy we call matter is constantly changing. Some energy is systemically changing faster than other energy. The molecules of an energy system, a rock for example, are held together by an attract force that is unique, harmonious, and synchronistic. Objects attract to each other to the degree they are similar. For every structure that is known (whatever name we have given it) there are equal structures being made, off shoots, if you will. Every component of energy (or matter) generates energy that is constantly vibrating and producing the pattern of its structure. All matter sings a unique song that can be slowed down and formulated into additional matter under the right conditions. For every energy structure combination that we perceive there is a structure

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Page 17: SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDSenhanced if the materials used, is gold or copper.! * Charging Crystals is a popular use with pyramids. Quartz crystals are most effective for that, as they

David Reid 29 April 2015

combination outside of our perception, and these structures blend into an unending variety of combinations not unlike the vast array of color combinations available within the colour spectrum.!!A change in substance NEED NOT NECESSARILY BE a change in molecular structure. Molecular structures can (and do) maintain their OWN integrity while simply incorporating themselves into DIFFERENT structural formations.!!If the pyramid unit is used as a tool to expand what has just been stated, it will be a great advance for science. The advancement will be in finding that an intertwining of magnetic circuitry produces the ability to MONITOR what is called a magnetic pulse-rate.!!For example, when the hamster is under test inside the small pyramid the very STRUCTURE of this animal becomes the FOCAL POINT for the conductive activity within the total generating force. The hamster is made of elements with every single element emitting three different TESTABLE magnetic responses that are exclusive to each element. A) Each element has a given magnetic pulse-rate, B) Each element as a given magnetic intensity, C) Each element will respond with a GIVEN polarity depending on the conditions surrounding it. Thus, while the hamster is in this new PURE ENERGY state we might find that to exist as this particular animal, the creature must have certain essential properties uniquely specifiable for each part of each element. We might say the properties are essential in the sense that as the pyramid unit is shut down all of the elements must be conserved. Naturally, the proof of conservation is the fact that the hamster is unharmed.!!The Universal Mind is offering this unit to us to expand our understanding of the Universe and to heal the ailments we have brought upon ourselves through environmental pollution. The human body is designed to live for countless years if it is free of disease and impurity. Some people who have mastered the ability to raise their vibrations are naturally performing a function very similar to this unit. These spiritual masters are known to heal their own bodies and those around them. This pyramid unit can assist people in learning to work with their energy systems to stay healthy and live free of physical problems. There is no flaw in the human design, it is the choices that we make that create the limitations we experience.!!The applications of this unit are nearly endless. This basic model can be extrapolated from to produce a vast array of devices incorporating this unit’s principles. One day GROUPS of these units just might be arranged to

Secret Power of Pyramids, Page �17

Page 18: SECRET POWER of PYRAMIDSenhanced if the materials used, is gold or copper.! * Charging Crystals is a popular use with pyramids. Quartz crystals are most effective for that, as they

David Reid 29 April 2015

REPLICATE all kinds of elements from other elements. People will use these principles to explore other dimensions, to travel by teleportation, to create unimaginable works of art, to explore micro-cosmos and macro-cosmos, and perform countless other endeavours. !!Please share this information with others.!!Namaste

Secret Power of Pyramids, Page �18