SECRET AGENT cyoa version 1.1 release candidate 3, “Her Majesty’s Secret Service” A sharp tug on your arm pulls you into an adjacent alley. Shocked, you’re pushed through an invisible hatch and sat in a hard chair. You’ve been selected. You have all the qualities with need. If you choose to accept, you will receive the appropriate training and tools to accomplish the mission we have for you. Other agencies have no- ticed it too; if you reject our offer know now that you may be in danger for the rest of your life.“Wait what?!” This Choose-Your-Own-Adventure features both random and chosen elements. Follow this loop to play: - Choose or roll to determine your mission. - Create your character to defeat it. - Navigate the epilogue. This game is much more fun if you flesh out the backstory of your mis- sion, and explain your choices. Be the secret agent you know you are. Most importantly, though: have fun! --intermittent Build Your Mission Choose exactly one from each section or Roll 1d6 for each section Background 1: Rogue Spies Spies have been dissappearing from intelligence agencies around the world for a while now. While you will usually be fighting hired muscule, an enemy spy will be trained similarly to yourself, and will likely be able to trick you if you aren’t careful. They know how to spot a spy, and they know how to assassinate one too. 5: Bioterrorists Scientists, some insane, some power hungry, decided the world would be better if they ran it. Their base is full of labs, and, while scientists are weak in a melee, their “enhanced” guards will be. Rarely, they un- dergo experiments on themselves, so we don’t know what combination of tentacles, eyes, and teeth you’ll face. Normal ones can still shoot, and they’re smart enough to use everything they’ve got against you. 3: Soviet Remnant A small nation doesn’t believe the Cold War ended, and are still trying to fight for the USSR. Using whatever they find, they’ve armed and brainwashed as many men as possible to fight for their cause. As far as they’re concerned, they’ve always been at war with Oceania and 2 + 2 = 5. They are only normal humans, but you can’t bargain with them, only fool them. 4: Religious Cult A new prophet has emerged, and he wishes to bring down hellfire on all but his worshippers. They believe in beef, big guns, and shooting first; however, most guards are simply believers working for their church. They want a better life for themselves, and the church promises them that. They don’t question church higher-ups, and they don’t question a good barbecue; however, priests will shoot on sight. 2: Revolutionaries Some middle-class “thinker” has fooled the proles into revolution. Except, this time, it’s organized. The vanguard, running the operation, is few and fervent, but they have friends in high places, giving them military grade machines, guns, etc, to arm their fol- lowers with and propel their organization. Few in the lower ranks are smart, however. 6: Nazis They’re back, with a vengeance. They probably haven’t cloned Adolf Hitler, but they’ve certainly got plans, and they’re cer- tainly spouting the same hate as last time. Guards are well trained and well armed. Offi- cers are ruthless and equipped with whatev- er crazy thing they’ve found to try and wipe the world out with. Plan 1: Earthquake Generators Aſter buying contracting and research companies, the organization has laid out earthquake generators disguised as moni- tors. When the time comes, they’ll make us pay up, or else they’ll destroy cities, nuclear reactors, or worse: a supervolcano. If you succeed, you can destroy all the generators, or take them over, and all the associated companies. 2: Rampant AI Taking over the world is expensive, so the organization developed a computer powerful enough to break into the world’s banks and governments and slowly steal their money. When it woke up, they taught it how to coordinate their forces and disrupt their opponents. Soon their armies will come, all guided by the AI. Maybe you can talk to it? 3: The Singularity and Mind Control They figured out how to upload minds into computers and then, how to control them, remotely, with nanodevices and chemicals. By infecting the water, the orga- nization is poised to take control over the populus. If you can disrupt their servers, the control will break, but people can get infect- ed again. Be careful, if unprepared, you’re just as vunerable as anyone else. 4: Blackout Some people just want to watch the world burn. They’ve infiltrated several gov- ernments and influential corporations, and they’ve gone through great expense to build their network, but their final plan is simple. Hack the stock markets, cut worldwide com- munications, destroy transportation and power infrastruture, then start assassinating leaders. When the dust settles, they figure there’ll be little food and lots of chaos. 6: Opening the Portal Using geometry and human sacrifice, the organization has discovered how to open portals to dimensions filled with hungry horrors, and pull them into ours. Some possess humans, people giving up their humanity for power. Some have their own shape, and consume everything around them. If you get there in time, you can close the gates for good, and save us all from this inhuman threat. 5: Clone Armies Advanced genetics has lead the organi- zation to transhuman augmentation and cloning. Remotely controlled, their superhu- man clones are almost unkillable, and they’re making thousands of them; however, if you break the link to their servers, who knows what the real personality of a clone is? Maybe they’re insane and bloodthirsty, but maybe some hate their controllers... Location 1: Fortified Bunker You will have to infiltrate a Cold War era bunker in an Eastern European nation. It’s a day’s hike through a forest filled with guards, and once you’re inside, there’s only one exit: the way you came in. It’s a vast underground complex, and all the doors, vents, lights, and cameras are computer controlled on a secure network. 2: Desert Complex You will have to infiltrate an open-air desert base in a Middle Eastern nation. It’s exposed, but defended, so you’ll either have to lie to get in and hope they don’t shoot you, or make a 3 day crawl through the desert at night, hoping to be missed by sniper fire. Once you’re inside, security seems to be lax if you don’t kill anybody; however, the crew is expendible. 3: Foreign Government We know they’re planning something evil, so you’ll infiltrate the intelligence agency and multiple bureaucracies of a Western national government. English isn’t the first language there, and if you were to try to go in guns blazing, the army would show up. Their operation is controlled through multiple networks, each discon- nected. 4: Jungle Base You will have to infiltrate an operation spread out over a jungled mountainside in a Southeast Asian country. There are multiple bases of varying defenses interspersed with villages. Visibility is limited, so they commu- nicate over radio. There are AA guns hidden in the trees, so there’ll be no air support: you’ll have to spend a week hiking up, and if you can’t take them out, hike back. 6: Lunar Mining Site You’ll have to work fast on this one. We can get you there, but you’ll only have 18 hours to finish--at hour 18, the orbiter will be able to pick you up and go home, no later. The site uses large industrial vehichles, manned remotely. Each section of the mining site has its own central server which manages life support. If you aren’t prepared, the moon’s gravity will put even the best fighter at a disadvantage. 5: Underwater Compound Built during WWII, this German under- water base was found under a minefield, and repaired. Boats can’t get too close, so you’ll have to swim in and out. All the envi- ronmental controls are pneumatic; however, they’re easily sabotaged. The interior is cov- ered in cameras, and they won’t hesitate to pipe the ocean in to stop you. Build your Character Pick 2 Major training sections, 5 Minor training sections, and 15 points of gear. remember: these skills stay with you for the rest of your life Unkillable - You are trained to survive in almost any climate or situation - Multiple implants allow you to hold your breath for minutes, resist intense heat, and provide immunity to radiation. - Various augmentations make you regenerate very quickly - Other augmentations can undo damage to vital organs. - Short of destroying your body, it’s almost impossible to kill you. - Remember: your limbs don’t grow back if they get destroyed. - While you might survive it, you still feel all the pain. Physical - You can achieve incredible feats of speed and strength - You can endure physical damage that would kill lesser people - Your body operates a little more efficiently; you don’t need as much to eat or drink, and you easily get by on a few hours’ sleep. - You punch and block like iron bars, making you very hard to beat in a fight. - You aren’t invunerable; if you’re shot in vital organs you’ll die. If you lose too much blood you will die. If you drown, you die. - You don’t have perfect balance, and you can’t block everything. Reflex - You move your body very quickly over short distances, reflexively. - You can easily dodge bullets aimed at limbs - You adjust to what you’re wearing, how your body is weighted, and the terrain very quickly. - You can dodge every punch and kick thrown at you in close quarters combat, and punish your opponent for missing. - You can climb and swim quickly, without getting tired. - Just because you can move very quickly over short distances, don’t think you can run or sprint very far. - You are still limited by the quality of your grip. Social - People inherently trust you, like you, and assume you have a right to be where you are, oſten without you saying anything. - You know what to say and how to treat people in order to get what you want, avoid fights, etc - You can quickly understand a person’s psyche, emotions, and how to manipulate them. - You can easily infiltrate places with social engineering. - Some people can’t be persuaded because they’re either too stupid, brainwashed, or don’t have ears. Focus - Observe and memorize your surroundings automatically. - You can resist torture/mind control indefinitely - You don’t experience stress. You’re always calm, collected, and ready to work at your best. - Easily outwit people who aren’t focusing or aren’t genuises. - Pain doesn’t affect you; you just force yourself not to feel it. - If you focus, you never make mistakes. - While you can work through, if something is irreparably damaged, you still can’t move it properly. - You’re limited by how fast you can move your body. Tech - You can use any soſtware you find, quickly learning how it works. - You can hack together any hardware you find, quickly learning what different parts do. - You’re taught about secret backdoors into all major computer systems. - If you can access the physical hardware, you can hack it and take control. - It’s hard to hack networks that are properly secured. - If you make a mistake, you can brick things for good. Acumen - Through intense training, you learn how to predict the next 10-30 seconds, automatically, like you’re clairvoyant. - Given time to think, you can predict from minutes to hours into the future. If you have focus, this takes almost no time. - You can predict macro trends with astounding accuracy - Other augmentations can undo damage to vital organs. - You know what the right place to be is, and when the right time to get there is. - This skill is based off of applied logic, physical reasoning, and statis- tics. Sometimes, illogical behavior can throw you off before you ac- count for it. - While you know the future, you’re limited by how fast you can move. Major Training Sections (pick 2) (most minor sections are contained within major sections of the same color, eg empathy, low-grav) Minor Training Sections (pick 5) Muscle Up.................... Marathon Man............. Fitness Plus................. Heavyweight............... Bezerker ...................... Punch Out!.................. Motorhead.................. Locksmith................... Catch!......................... Low-Grav Training....... Empathy ..................... Upbringing................. Silvertongue............... Unnoticed.................... Sexy ............................ Photograph................. Quis Cuistodiet............ Good at this Game....... Masochistic................. Human Calculator ........ Black Hat..................... Computer Whiz............ MacGyver .................... IT Services.................. Bogon Emitter ............. Speak for the Trees..... Gills............................ Backup Organs............ Make a Man out of You. Camoflaged................ You can perform feats of strength, but you don’t have the endurance to keep it up You can run 26 miles at 11 minutes a mile, cold, with no prep or water, in any clothes, over any terrain. Your general fitness and endurance approach the peak of human possibility. A combination of training and augmentation gets you to around 2m tall (6’6”), and above average muscularity. When you’re angry, you have immense strength and endurance. This isn’t controllable with focus. You’re excellent at fighting unarmed at close quarters. You always win with a KO finish. You’re taught how to drive almost anything, and how to drive it better than almost anyone else. You’re taught how to pick basic locks with common items, and complex locks with the correct tools. You have deadly throwing accuracy, and reflexively catch things thrown at you. Useful for missions in space and underwater. Gives you an edge in both. You can read people’s emotions, and really understand how they feel. People tend to assume you have a right to be where you are, wherever that may be. Learn up to two languages. People who hear you give an impassioned speech are moved, deeply. People don’t pay attention to you if you don’t want them to. You know how to seduce someone interested in your sex. Doesn’t actually make you better at anything else. Through training, you develop an eidetic memory. You are the watchman, and you watch yourself. You can resist all forms of brainwashing and torture. In games that involve logic and planning, you tend to dominate. Pain doesn’t slow you down, it fuels you. If you’re hurt, your focus improves. You can perform arithmetic instantly, and estimate mathematical functions accurately and quickly. You’re taught how to hack most computers. It takes some time. You can’t hack secured networks. You learn how to use soſtware intuitively, with time. You can repair almost anything physical, and put new things together out of parts you find around. You can repair almost anything electronic, and put new things together out of parts you find around. Computers around you get glitchy and stop working, if you want them to. You can survive and move undetected in wooded areas. An integrated rebreather means you can always breath underwater. A tissue sample is taken, and they clone your internal organs and limbs. If anything goes wrong, they can replace it. You can have the height, weight, appearence, and gender of your choice. Remember: size affects strength. Given time to prepare, you can create appropriate camoflage for any environment. Equipment You get 15 points to spend. You can’t carry more than 10 items without the breifcase Contact Lens (2 points) You get laser surgery for free to correct any problems with your eyesight. These lenses allow you to see clearly in all light condi- tions, and zoom to see far-away objects. You also get to choose the eye color of your choice. Power Glove (1 point) These gloves seem to be made out of high-quality thin leather, tanned black; however, they do more than that. They provide a near perfect grip on any surface, are waterproof (and can be sealed to act like a bag), and are nearly impossible to cut through. Super Shoes (2 points) These neat, black loafers fit and support your feet perfectly, but don’t fall off when running or climbing. They provide exellent grip and protection. You can walk silently in them. The toes contain a retractable knife and the soles are tempered to width- stand immense heat. Suit and Tie (1 point) While looking sharp, you are also protect- ed from the elements and, partially, from bullets. Tailored for you, this suit allows you a full range of motion. The material isn’t totally bulletproof: big guns will get through, and all hits will leave big welts, but it’s better than nothing. Super iPhone (3 points) This iPhone comes with a suite of hacking tools, helping you crack networks and boxes alike. It also acts as as extra pro- cessing power for any computing devices you may have. You can use it to monitor anything you have control over. If you don’t try to crack a network, you get all day battery life, too. 5-8 hours otherwise. Combat Knife (1pt/knife) It’s a knife. What more do you want? Design of your choosing, or based on the KA-BAR if you don’t choose anything. Compact Handgun (1pt/gun) This all-plastic disposable gun is small, and comes with 6 shots. It can’t be reload- ed. Innacurate past close range. Comes with a solvent that can be poured on the gun to dissolve it aſter use. Handgun (2 points) Not dissimilar to a Colt M1911, this is a semi-automatic pistol good at close to medium range. Can’t fire underwater or in vacuum 9 bullets in a magazine. Doesn’t come with ammo. Advanced Handgun (4 points) Using a similar design to the regular hand- gun, the advanced handgun manages to be lighter and pack an onboard computer, capable of adjusting for atmosphere and motion. Capable of firing underwater and in vacuum. 7 bullets to a magazine. Doesn’t come with ammo. Assault Rifle (3 points) This compact assault rifle is good at close to medium range, and is efficient at deal- ing with multiple targets. Can’t fire under- water or in vacuum. Remember: short, controlled bursts. 30 bullets in a magazine. Doesn’t come with ammo. Fold-up Rifle (3 points) This rifle can hit targets at long distances. Comes with a scope, and well placed shots can take out an armored target. Can use the computers from the Advanced Handgun, if you have it. 4 shots in a clip. Doesn’t come with ammo. Ammo (1pt/2 magazines) You get two magazines for up to two weapons of your choice. Reloadable weapons don’t come with any ammo. Watch your shots; you don’t get much. Micro Gun (1pt/pen) This all-plastic pen contains a single shot, capable of killing someone at close quar- ters. It’s not an efficient weapon, but it’s one they don’t know you have. Almost always makes it past checkpoints. It’s also a pen. Micro Explosives (1pt/pen) This all-plastic pen contains two small vials of liquid that, when combined, will make a small explosion in about ten sec- onds. Turn the top part of the pen 90 de- grees, then click it twice to set. Then, run. It’s also a pen. C4 (2pt/unit) A block of C4 and a detonator. Comes wrapped in dark cloth and comes with an adhesive sheet. You can pair the detona- tor with your phone, so a trigger (timer, something on the camera) can set it off. Poison (1pt/ 2 vials) Coming into contact with just a few drops of these poisons will have their desired effect. Each vial has about 2 uses in them. Survives high and low temperatures. Can be cooked. Effects available: kill, knock- out, nymphomania, rage, intense fear, booze. Gas Canister (1pt/canister) Like a grenade: pull the pin and throw. Easily resisted by gas masks, but few people actually wear theirs. Effects avail- able: knockout, tears, smoke, delerious, Cloaking Array (4 points) While it’s active, light passes through you and everything you’re holding. This means you can’t see anything that isn’t coming from a light source that is also cloaked. Can support about 5 minutes of cloaking on one charge. Comes fully charged. Can be recharged. Rechargable Battery (2pt/battery) You can use these batteries to recharge any other device. Each battery has 3 charges. You can’t recharge a battery with another battery. Lockpicks (1 pt/set) If you know how to use them, you can just about open anything, though, they tend to break aſter three uses or so. If caught with these, they will be confiscat- ed. LIquid Container (1pt/container) This container somehow manages to store liquids under extreme compression. In something the size of a fist, it stores 2 liters worth of water. Tends to go every- where if you try to open it carelessly. Water is icy cold due to decompression.- Looks like a normal water bottle. Can’t be refilled without special equipment. Printed Toolkit (1pt/ 3 cards) Looks exactly like a hard plastic credit card, but can be snapped apart to assem- ble some basic tools that, once used, are probably useless. You can use this to pick simple locks if you know how. You can probably get a door off its hinges, too. Good for taking things apart. Gets through inspection. Swiss Army Knife (2 points) Well, more like a multitool. Made of high quality titanium, very strong, but probably won’t make it past inspection. The knife on it is decent, but you wouldn’t want to fight with it. Auto Powertool (3 points) Contains screwdrivers, saws, cutters, and other things. It’s compact, but heavy. The battery lasts about 10 minutes when you’re doing intensive work, but it can be recharged. This definitely isn’t making it past a bag check. Condensed Rope (1pt/30ſt) Super strong, super light. Only as good as the knots you tie. Signal Jammer (2pt/box) A small box, once activated can block sig- nals in a 50ſt radius for about half an hour, aſter which, it self-destructs. It blocks your signals too, mind you. Hacking Spike (1pt/ 2 spikes) It looks kind of like a USB stick with a paddle. Snap the paddle off, and stick the USB-ish ends in a serial port. If you can’t attach the paddle to the motherboard, the dongle can destroy the computer. If you can, you can silently take control of the local machine, and start gathering infor- mation about the network. Network Drone (2pt/drone) It’s a small, black and grey box. Power it up and pair it with your phone. It’ll do its best to detect and crack all networks around, then dump all the data to your phone, before self-destructing. It has a limited power supply, so you might not break through in a single try. Remote Camera (2pt/ 3 cameras) These cameras are small and do a good job of blending in with their surroundings. They can capture and stream for about 8 hours, aſter which they self-destruct. Pair them with your phone for best results. Breifcase (1 point) You can now carry 20 items. 10 of them must be inside the breifcase, which you must put down to open. Comes with a springloaded ceramic blade which will slice anybody who opens it wrong (if set). The breifcase itself will get through inspection, but its contents may not. Are you ready, agent? Changelog: 10/14/15 v1.0 - intial release 10/15/15 v1.1 - complete redesign and rebalance v1.1 rc2 typo fixes, modified blackout, modified prompt, changed silvertongue, added minor skill reminder, upped to 5 minor skills. initial version of epilogue v1.1 rc3 little fixes, fleshed out epilogue Fonts used: Source Sans Pro (light, mostly 18pt) Orbitron (light, 72/48/30/24pts) All images copyright their respective owners. By intermittent. LIcenced under CC3.0 Attribution-Share Alike-Noncommercial Epilogue -Changed brown mushrooms to also require complete darkness (or mycelium) in which to grow to make farming them a Did you succeed, or fail? If you succeeded, what did you do? Destroy the Organization Capture the Organization Take over the Organization Regardless of the power you might be able to wield by using them, it’s not worth leaving in place something as dangerous as the organization. Aſter you’ve disabled their plan, if you can, you attempt to disrupt any field operations by notifying agents that all their contacts are compromised, and can’t be trusted. The agency will deal with the rest. Secret organizations such as the one you bestedwork with many layers of secrecy. Guardscan be replaced, and and agents in the field don’t know who the other agents are. If you,and your agency, are quiet and tactful, it’sentirely possible to transfer control with the minimum of blood. If it’s so easy to take over, why don’t you just do it, and reap the benefits? Your “agency”, whoever they are, kidnapped you off the street for this mission. Why hold any loyalty to them? So, you go rogue, and take control, using the organization to further your political ends. The agency will send more spies aſter you, but you can try to convince them of the benefits, too. ...then what? Go Career Return to Life Next, the World! (Only available if you didn’t go rogue) That was the most exciting experience of your life, and you want more. Your handlers smile at you, knowing they found a natural. You may go for another mission. New missions are about twice as dangerous as the previous, and may be split up over multiple locations. You get another major training section, 2 more minor training sections, and 10 points worth of gear. Consumables aren’t replaced. (Only available if you didn’t go rogue.) You decide that secret agent life isn’t for you. Too much crawling through scenery to get to a bunch of people who want you dead. Taking the skills you’ve learned, and a large chunk of cash as payment, you return to your normal life. Only the occaisonal followers in suits and dark glasses remind you of your spin as a secret agent. (Only available if you took over the organization) You’re trained, capable, and better than the last leaders of the Organization. They had their plans, but you can do better. All it would take is a bit of elbow grease, a bit of ingenuity, and a bit of luck, and you could be in charge of a lot more than this Organization. You could do what the last leaders only dreamed of .... Died, a hero. Captured, and Brainwashed Captured, and Defected It turns out the agency was a specialist branch of a major western superpower’s intelligence agency. Though you were draſted, you were still a soldier to them, and you’ll be recognized, your family given bereavement, and your name will go on... if there is a still a world to remember it aſterwards. Secret organizations are always in need of talented individuals such as yourself. Even if you don’t want to join them, they have ways of breaking a person and rebuidling them as a loyal drone. If you can resist though, this might only be a hiccup in a longer plan; a double agent is a very powerful entity, indeed. Loyalty doesn’t mean much if you’re dead. Aſter being captured, they give you an offer: you can work for them, and spy on your agency, or you can die, like a dog. They’ll halt the plan, for now, so it looks like you succeeded, and send you back, with a bomb in your brain. If you ever betray them, that’s it. If you failed, what happened to you? Thanks for playing!

SECRET AGENT cyoa - 4chan · 2019-07-06 · SECRET AGENT cyoa version 1.1 release candidate 3, “Her Majesty’s Secret Service” A sharp tug on your arm pulls you into an adjacent

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Page 1: SECRET AGENT cyoa - 4chan · 2019-07-06 · SECRET AGENT cyoa version 1.1 release candidate 3, “Her Majesty’s Secret Service” A sharp tug on your arm pulls you into an adjacent

SECRET AGENT cyoaversion 1.1 release candidate 3, “Her Majesty’s Secret Service”

A sharp tug on your arm pulls you into an adjacent alley. Shocked, you’re pushed through an invisible hatch and sat in a hard chair. “You’ve been selected. You have all the qualities with need. If you choose to accept, you will receive the appropriate training and tools to accomplish the mission we have for you. Other agencies have no-ticed it too; if you reject our offer know now that you may be in danger for the rest of your life.” “Wait what?!”

This Choose-Your-Own-Adventure features both random and chosen elements. Follow this loop to play: - Choose or roll to determine your mission. - Create your character to defeat it. - Navigate the epilogue.

This game is much more fun if you flesh out the backstory of your mis-sion, and explain your choices. Be the secret agent you know you are. Most importantly, though: have fun! --intermittent

Build Your MissionChoose exactly one from each section or Roll 1d6 for each section

Background1: Rogue Spies Spies have been dissappearing from intelligence agencies around the world for a while now. While you will usually be fighting hired muscule, an enemy spy will be trained similarly to yourself, and will likely be able to trick you if you aren’t careful. They know how to spot a spy, and they know how to assassinate one too.

5: Bioterrorists Scientists, some insane, some power hungry, decided the world would be better if they ran it. Their base is full of labs, and, while scientists are weak in a melee, their “enhanced” guards will be. Rarely, they un-dergo experiments on themselves, so we don’t know what combination of tentacles, eyes, and teeth you’ll face. Normal ones can still shoot, and they’re smart enough to use everything they’ve got against you.

3: Soviet Remnant A small nation doesn’t believe the Cold War ended, and are still trying to fight for the USSR. Using whatever they find, they’ve armed and brainwashed as many men as possible to fight for their cause. As far as they’re concerned, they’ve always been at war with Oceania and 2 + 2 = 5. They are only normal humans, but you can’t bargain with them, only fool them.

4: Religious Cult A new prophet has emerged, and he wishes to bring down hellfire on all but his worshippers. They believe in beef, big guns, and shooting first; however, most guards are simply believers working for their church. They want a better life for themselves, and the church promises them that. They don’t question church higher-ups, and they don’t question a good barbecue; however, priests will shoot on sight.

2: Revolutionaries Some middle-class “thinker” has fooled the proles into revolution. Except, this time, it’s organized. The vanguard, running the operation, is few and fervent, but they have friends in high places, giving them military grade machines, guns, etc, to arm their fol-lowers with and propel their organization. Few in the lower ranks are smart, however.

6: Nazis They’re back, with a vengeance. They probably haven’t cloned Adolf Hitler, but they’ve certainly got plans, and they’re cer-tainly spouting the same hate as last time. Guards are well trained and well armed. Offi-cers are ruthless and equipped with whatev-er crazy thing they’ve found to try and wipe the world out with.

Plan1: Earthquake Generators After buying contracting and research companies, the organization has laid out earthquake generators disguised as moni-tors. When the time comes, they’ll make us pay up, or else they’ll destroy cities, nuclear reactors, or worse: a supervolcano. If you succeed, you can destroy all the generators, or take them over, and all the associated companies.

2: Rampant AI Taking over the world is expensive, so the organization developed a computer powerful enough to break into the world’s banks and governments and slowly steal their money. When it woke up, they taught it how to coordinate their forces and disrupt their opponents. Soon their armies will come, all guided by the AI. Maybe you can talk to it?

3: The Singularity and Mind Control They figured out how to upload minds into computers and then, how to control them, remotely, with nanodevices and chemicals. By infecting the water, the orga-nization is poised to take control over the populus. If you can disrupt their servers, the control will break, but people can get infect-ed again. Be careful, if unprepared, you’re just as vunerable as anyone else.

4: Blackout Some people just want to watch the world burn. They’ve infiltrated several gov-ernments and influential corporations, and they’ve gone through great expense to build their network, but their final plan is simple. Hack the stock markets, cut worldwide com-munications, destroy transportation and power infrastruture, then start assassinating leaders. When the dust settles, they figure there’ll be little food and lots of chaos.

6: Opening the Portal Using geometry and human sacrifice, the organization has discovered how to open portals to dimensions filled with hungry horrors, and pull them into ours. Some possess humans, people giving up their humanity for power. Some have their own shape, and consume everything around them. If you get there in time, you can close the gates for good, and save us all from this inhuman threat.

5: Clone Armies Advanced genetics has lead the organi-zation to transhuman augmentation and cloning. Remotely controlled, their superhu-man clones are almost unkillable, and they’re making thousands of them; however, if you break the link to their servers, who knows what the real personality of a clone is? Maybe they’re insane and bloodthirsty, but maybe some hate their controllers...

Location1: Fortified Bunker You will have to infiltrate a Cold War era bunker in an Eastern European nation. It’s a day’s hike through a forest filled with guards, and once you’re inside, there’s only one exit: the way you came in. It’s a vast underground complex, and all the doors, vents, lights, and cameras are computer controlled on a secure network.

2: Desert Complex You will have to infiltrate an open-air desert base in a Middle Eastern nation. It’s exposed, but defended, so you’ll either have to lie to get in and hope they don’t shoot you, or make a 3 day crawl through the desert at night, hoping to be missed by sniper fire. Once you’re inside, security seems to be lax if you don’t kill anybody; however, the crew is expendible.

3: Foreign Government We know they’re planning something evil, so you’ll infiltrate the intelligence agency and multiple bureaucracies of a Western national government. English isn’t the first language there, and if you were to try to go in guns blazing, the army would show up. Their operation is controlled through multiple networks, each discon-nected.

4: Jungle Base You will have to infiltrate an operation spread out over a jungled mountainside in a Southeast Asian country. There are multiple bases of varying defenses interspersed with villages. Visibility is limited, so they commu-nicate over radio. There are AA guns hidden in the trees, so there’ll be no air support: you’ll have to spend a week hiking up, and if you can’t take them out, hike back.

6: Lunar Mining Site You’ll have to work fast on this one. We can get you there, but you’ll only have 18 hours to finish--at hour 18, the orbiter will be able to pick you up and go home, no later. The site uses large industrial vehichles, manned remotely. Each section of the mining site has its own central server which manages life support. If you aren’t prepared, the moon’s gravity will put even the best fighter at a disadvantage.

5: Underwater Compound Built during WWII, this German under-water base was found under a minefield, and repaired. Boats can’t get too close, so you’ll have to swim in and out. All the envi-ronmental controls are pneumatic; however, they’re easily sabotaged. The interior is cov-ered in cameras, and they won’t hesitate to pipe the ocean in to stop you.

Build your CharacterPick 2 Major training sections, 5 Minor training sections, and 15 points of gear.

remember: these skills stay with you for the rest of your life

Unkillable - You are trained to survive in almost any climate or situation - Multiple implants allow you to hold your breath for minutes, resist intense heat, and provide immunity to radiation.

- Various augmentations make you regenerate very quickly - Other augmentations can undo damage to vital organs. - Short of destroying your body, it’s almost impossible to kill you.

- Remember: your limbs don’t grow back if they get destroyed.

- While you might survive it, you still feel all the pain.

Physical - You can achieve incredible feats of speed and strength - You can endure physical damage that would kill lesser people - Your body operates a little more efficiently; you don’t need as much to eat or drink, and you easily get by on a few hours’ sleep. - You punch and block like iron bars, making you very hard to beat in a fight.

- You aren’t invunerable; if you’re shot in vital organs you’ll die. If you lose too much blood you will die. If you drown, you die.

- You don’t have perfect balance, and you can’t block everything.

Reflex - You move your body very quickly over short distances, reflexively. - You can easily dodge bullets aimed at limbs - You adjust to what you’re wearing, how your body is weighted, and the terrain very quickly. - You can dodge every punch and kick thrown at you in close quarters combat, and punish your opponent for missing. - You can climb and swim quickly, without getting tired.

- Just because you can move very quickly over short distances, don’t think you can run or sprint very far.

- You are still limited by the quality of your grip.

Social - People inherently trust you, like you, and assume you have a right to be where you are, often without you saying anything. - You know what to say and how to treat people in order to get what you want, avoid fights, etc - You can quickly understand a person’s psyche, emotions, and how to manipulate them. - You can easily infiltrate places with social engineering.

- Some people can’t be persuaded because they’re either too stupid, brainwashed, or don’t have ears.

Focus - Observe and memorize your surroundings automatically. - You can resist torture/mind control indefinitely - You don’t experience stress. You’re always calm, collected, and ready to work at your best. - Easily outwit people who aren’t focusing or aren’t genuises. - Pain doesn’t affect you; you just force yourself not to feel it. - If you focus, you never make mistakes.

- While you can work through, if something is irreparably damaged, you still can’t move it properly.

- You’re limited by how fast you can move your body.

Tech - You can use any software you find, quickly learning how it works. - You can hack together any hardware you find, quickly learning what different parts do. - You’re taught about secret backdoors into all major computer systems. - If you can access the physical hardware, you can hack it and take control.

- It’s hard to hack networks that are properly secured.

- If you make a mistake, you can brick things for good.

Acumen - Through intense training, you learn how to predict the next 10-30 seconds, automatically, like you’re clairvoyant. - Given time to think, you can predict from minutes to hours into the future. If you have focus, this takes almost no time. - You can predict macro trends with astounding accuracy - Other augmentations can undo damage to vital organs. - You know what the right place to be is, and when the right time to get there is.

- This skill is based off of applied logic, physical reasoning, and statis-tics. Sometimes, illogical behavior can throw you off before you ac-count for it. - While you know the future, you’re limited by how fast you can move.

Major Training Sections (pick 2)

(most minor sections are contained within major sections of the same color, eg empathy, low-grav)

Minor Training Sections (pick 5)

Muscle Up....................Marathon Man.............Fitness Plus.................Heavyweight...............Bezerker......................Punch Out!..................Motorhead..................Locksmith...................Catch!.........................Low-Grav Training.......Empathy.....................Upbringing.................Silvertongue...............Unnoticed....................Sexy............................Photograph.................Quis Cuistodiet............Good at this Game.......Masochistic.................Human Calculator........Black Hat.....................Computer Whiz............MacGyver....................IT Services..................Bogon Emitter.............Speak for the Trees.....Gills............................Backup Organs............Make a Man out of You.Camoflaged................

You can perform feats of strength, but you don’t have the endurance to keep it up

You can run 26 miles at 11 minutes a mile, cold, with no prep or water, in any clothes, over any terrain.

Your general fitness and endurance approach the peak of human possibility.

A combination of training and augmentation gets you to around 2m tall (6’6”), and above average muscularity.

When you’re angry, you have immense strength and endurance. This isn’t controllable with focus.

You’re excellent at fighting unarmed at close quarters. You always win with a KO finish.

You’re taught how to drive almost anything, and how to drive it better than almost anyone else.

You’re taught how to pick basic locks with common items, and complex locks with the correct tools.

You have deadly throwing accuracy, and reflexively catch things thrown at you.

Useful for missions in space and underwater. Gives you an edge in both.

You can read people’s emotions, and really understand how they feel.

People tend to assume you have a right to be where you are, wherever that may be.

Learn up to two languages. People who hear you give an impassioned speech are moved, deeply.

People don’t pay attention to you if you don’t want them to.

You know how to seduce someone interested in your sex. Doesn’t actually make you better at anything else.

Through training, you develop an eidetic memory.

You are the watchman, and you watch yourself. You can resist all forms of brainwashing and torture.

In games that involve logic and planning, you tend to dominate.

Pain doesn’t slow you down, it fuels you. If you’re hurt, your focus improves.

You can perform arithmetic instantly, and estimate mathematical functions accurately and quickly.

You’re taught how to hack most computers. It takes some time. You can’t hack secured networks.

You learn how to use software intuitively, with time.

You can repair almost anything physical, and put new things together out of parts you find around.

You can repair almost anything electronic, and put new things together out of parts you find around.

Computers around you get glitchy and stop working, if you want them to.

You can survive and move undetected in wooded areas.

An integrated rebreather means you can always breath underwater.

A tissue sample is taken, and they clone your internal organs and limbs. If anything goes wrong, they can replace it.

You can have the height, weight, appearence, and gender of your choice. Remember: size affects strength.

Given time to prepare, you can create appropriate camoflage for any environment.

EquipmentYou get 15 points to spend. You can’t carry more than 10 items without the breifcase

Contact Lens (2 points)

You get laser surgery for free to correct any problems with your eyesight. These lenses allow you to see clearly in all light condi-tions, and zoom to see far-away objects. You also get to choose the eye color of your choice.

Power Glove (1 point)

These gloves seem to be made out of high-quality thin leather, tanned black; however, they do more than that. They provide a near perfect grip on any surface, are waterproof (and can be sealed to act like a bag), and are nearly impossible to cut through.

Super Shoes (2 points)

These neat, black loafers fit and support your feet perfectly, but don’t fall off when running or climbing. They provide exellent grip and protection. You can walk silently in them. The toes contain a retractable knife and the soles are tempered to width-stand immense heat.

Suit and Tie (1 point)

While looking sharp, you are also protect-ed from the elements and, partially, from bullets. Tailored for you, this suit allows you a full range of motion. The material isn’t totally bulletproof: big guns will get through, and all hits will leave big welts, but it’s better than nothing.

Super iPhone (3 points)

This iPhone comes with a suite of hacking tools, helping you crack networks and boxes alike. It also acts as as extra pro-cessing power for any computing devices you may have. You can use it to monitor anything you have control over. If you don’t try to crack a network, you get all day battery life, too. 5-8 hours otherwise.

Combat Knife (1pt/knife)

It’s a knife. What more do you want?Design of your choosing, or based on the KA-BAR if you don’t choose anything.

Compact Handgun (1pt/gun)

This all-plastic disposable gun is small, and comes with 6 shots. It can’t be reload-ed. Innacurate past close range. Comes with a solvent that can be poured on the gun to dissolve it after use.

Handgun (2 points)

Not dissimilar to a Colt M1911, this is a semi-automatic pistol good at close to medium range. Can’t fire underwater or in vacuum

9 bullets in a magazine. Doesn’t come with ammo.

Advanced Handgun (4 points)

Using a similar design to the regular hand-gun, the advanced handgun manages to be lighter and pack an onboard computer, capable of adjusting for atmosphere and motion. Capable of firing underwater and in vacuum.7 bullets to a magazine.Doesn’t come with ammo.

Assault Rifle (3 points)

This compact assault rifle is good at close to medium range, and is efficient at deal-ing with multiple targets. Can’t fire under-water or in vacuum. Remember: short, controlled bursts.

30 bullets in a magazine.Doesn’t come with ammo.

Fold-up Rifle (3 points)

This rifle can hit targets at long distances. Comes with a scope, and well placed shots can take out an armored target. Can use the computers from the Advanced Handgun, if you have it.

4 shots in a clip.Doesn’t come with ammo.

Ammo (1pt/2 magazines)

You get two magazines for up to two weapons of your choice.

Reloadable weapons don’t come with any ammo.

Watch your shots; you don’t get much.

Micro Gun (1pt/pen)

This all-plastic pen contains a single shot, capable of killing someone at close quar-ters. It’s not an efficient weapon, but it’s one they don’t know you have. Almost always makes it past checkpoints.

It’s also a pen.

Micro Explosives (1pt/pen)

This all-plastic pen contains two small vials of liquid that, when combined, will make a small explosion in about ten sec-onds. Turn the top part of the pen 90 de-grees, then click it twice to set. Then, run.

It’s also a pen.

C4 (2pt/unit)

A block of C4 and a detonator. Comes wrapped in dark cloth and comes with an adhesive sheet. You can pair the detona-tor with your phone, so a trigger (timer, something on the camera) can set it off.

Poison (1pt/ 2 vials)

Coming into contact with just a few drops of these poisons will have their desired effect. Each vial has about 2 uses in them. Survives high and low temperatures. Can be cooked. Effects available: kill, knock-out, nymphomania, rage, intense fear, booze.

Gas Canister (1pt/canister)

Like a grenade: pull the pin and throw. Easily resisted by gas masks, but few people actually wear theirs. Effects avail-able: knockout, tears, smoke, delerious,

Cloaking Array (4 points)

While it’s active, light passes through you and everything you’re holding. This means you can’t see anything that isn’t coming from a light source that is also cloaked. Can support about 5 minutes of cloaking on one charge. Comes fully charged. Can be recharged.

Rechargable Battery (2pt/battery)

You can use these batteries to recharge any other device. Each battery has 3 charges. You can’t recharge a battery with another battery.

Lockpicks (1 pt/set)

If you know how to use them, you can just about open anything, though, they tend to break after three uses or so.

If caught with these, they will be confiscat-ed.

LIquid Container (1pt/container)

This container somehow manages to store liquids under extreme compression. In something the size of a fist, it stores 2 liters worth of water. Tends to go every-where if you try to open it carelessly. Water is icy cold due to decompression.-Looks like a normal water bottle. Can’t be refilled without special equipment.

Printed Toolkit (1pt/ 3 cards)

Looks exactly like a hard plastic credit card, but can be snapped apart to assem-ble some basic tools that, once used, are probably useless. You can use this to pick simple locks if you know how. You can probably get a door off its hinges, too. Good for taking things apart. Gets through inspection.

Swiss Army Knife (2 points)

Well, more like a multitool. Made of high quality titanium, very strong, but probably won’t make it past inspection. The knife on it is decent, but you wouldn’t want to fight with it.

Auto Powertool (3 points)

Contains screwdrivers, saws, cutters, and other things. It’s compact, but heavy. The battery lasts about 10 minutes when you’re doing intensive work, but it can be recharged. This definitely isn’t making it past a bag check.

Condensed Rope (1pt/30ft)

Super strong, super light. Only as good as the knots you tie.

Signal Jammer (2pt/box)

A small box, once activated can block sig-nals in a 50ft radius for about half an hour, after which, it self-destructs. It blocks your signals too, mind you.

Hacking Spike (1pt/ 2 spikes)

It looks kind of like a USB stick with a paddle. Snap the paddle off, and stick the USB-ish ends in a serial port. If you can’t attach the paddle to the motherboard, the dongle can destroy the computer. If you can, you can silently take control of the local machine, and start gathering infor-mation about the network.

Network Drone (2pt/drone)

It’s a small, black and grey box. Power it up and pair it with your phone. It’ll do its best to detect and crack all networks around, then dump all the data to your phone, before self-destructing. It has a limited power supply, so you might not break through in a single try.

Remote Camera (2pt/ 3 cameras)

These cameras are small and do a good job of blending in with their surroundings. They can capture and stream for about 8 hours, after which they self-destruct. Pair them with your phone for best results.

Breifcase (1 point)

You can now carry 20 items. 10 of them must be inside the breifcase, which you must put down to open. Comes with a springloaded ceramic blade which will slice anybody who opens it wrong (if set). The breifcase itself will get through inspection, but its contents may not.

Are you ready, agent?

Changelog:10/14/15 v1.0 - intial release

10/15/15 v1.1 - complete redesign and rebalancev1.1 rc2 typo fixes, modified blackout, modified prompt, changedsilvertongue, added minor skill reminder, upped to 5 minor skills.

initial version of epiloguev1.1 rc3 little fixes, fleshed out epilogue

Fonts used: Source Sans Pro (light, mostly 18pt)Orbitron (light, 72/48/30/24pts)

All images copyright their respective owners.By intermittent.

LIcenced under CC3.0 Attribution-Share Alike-Noncommercial


-Changed brown mushrooms to also require complete darkness (or mycelium) in which to grow to make farming them a little more interesting. The growth conditions remain otherwise unchanged.

Did you succeed, or fail?If you succeeded, what did you do?

Destroy the Organization

Capture the Organization

Take over theOrganization

Regardless of the power you might be ableto wield by using them, it’s not worth leavingin place something as dangerous as the organization. After you’ve disabled their plan, if you can, you attempt to disrupt any fieldoperations by notifying agents that all their contacts are compromised, and can’t be trusted. The agency will deal with the rest.

Secret organizations such as the one you bestedwork with many layers of secrecy.

Guardscan be replaced, and and agents inthe field don’t know who the other agents are. If you,and your agency, are quiet and tactful,

it’sentirely possible to transfer control withthe minimum of blood.

If it’s so easy to take over, why don’t you just do it, and reap the benefits? Your “agency”,

whoever they are, kidnapped you off the street for this mission. Why hold any loyalty to them?

So, you go rogue, and take control, using theorganization to further your political ends. Theagency will send more spies after you, but you

can try to convince them of the benefits, too.

...then what?Go Career Return to Life Next, the World!(Only available if you didn’t go rogue)That was the most exciting experience of your life, and you want more. Your handlers smile at you, knowing they found a natural. You may go for another mission. New missionsare about twice as dangerous as the previous, and may be split up over multiple locations.You get another major training section, 2 moreminor training sections, and 10 points worth ofgear. Consumables aren’t replaced.

(Only available if you didn’t go rogue.)

You decide that secret agent life isn’t for you.Too much crawling through scenery to getto a bunch of people who want you dead.

Taking the skills you’ve learned, and a largechunk of cash as payment, you return to your

normal life. Only the occaisonal followersin suits and dark glasses remind you of your

spin as a secret agent.

(Only available if you took over the organization)

You’re trained, capable, and better than the

last leaders of the Organization. They had their

plans, but you can do better. All it would take

is a bit of elbow grease, a bit of ingenuity,

and a bit of luck, and you could be in charge

of a lot more than this Organization. You could

do what the last leaders only dreamed of....

Died, a hero. Captured, andBrainwashed

Captured, andDefected

It turns out the agency was a specialist branchof a major western superpower’s intelligenceagency. Though you were drafted, you were still a soldier to them, and you’ll be recognized,your family given bereavement, and your namewill go on... if there is a still a world toremember it afterwards.

Secret organizations are always in need of talented individuals such as yourself. Even ifyou don’t want to join them, they have ways

of breaking a person and rebuidling themas a loyal drone. If you can resist though, this

might only be a hiccup in a longer plan; adouble agent is a very powerful entity, indeed.

Loyalty doesn’t mean much if you’re dead.After being captured, they give you an offer: you

can work for them, and spy on your agency,or you can die, like a dog. They’ll halt the plan,

for now, so it looks like you succeeded, andsend you back, with a bomb in your brain.

If you ever betray them, that’s it.

If you failed, what happened to you?

Thanks for playing!