AFL S PORT E DUCATION IN P HYSICAL E DUCATION P ROGRAM 148 Secondary lesson plans Appendix 3 Lesson plans In this section Secondary lesson plans 149 Lesson plans

Secondary lesson plans - AFL Community · PDF fileAppendix 3 Secondary lesson plans Lesson plans In this section ... Teams aim to kick or handball a pass to a player standing in their

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Page 1: Secondary lesson plans - AFL Community · PDF fileAppendix 3 Secondary lesson plans Lesson plans In this section ... Teams aim to kick or handball a pass to a player standing in their

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Secondary lesson plansAppendix 3

Lesson plans

In this sectionSecondary lesson plans 149

Lesson plans

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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans

Appendix 3 – Early prim

ary lesson plans


Points to be covered by the teacher.• Student-centred approach.• Football committee selection.• Teams.• Student roles.• Competition format.• Skill development.• Assessment procedure.

Focus question. Samples:1. What are the features of an AFL season?2. What resources do we require to conduct the season?3. What are some of the roles/duties that we need to fill?4. How can we ensure all students can participate in safe and

friendly environment?

• Teacher announces successful candidates to the class.• Teacher reinforces the roles and responsibilities of the football

committees to the class. 1. Determine the team selection policy, team sizes, competition format and

assist with disputes.2. Organise the presentation day.3. Coordinate the nomination of awards and recognition of achievement.4. Assist others in their team roles.5. Work closely with the teacher to ensure that the season is successful for all.

• Conducted by teacher and/or regional development manager.• Warm-up: Conduct various movement activities stretches. Hold

stretches for 10 to 30 seconds. Hold position comfortably. Do notstrain. Encourage children to stretch each week on their own.

• Activity 1: Two students kick a football to each other. Start with shortdistances then gradually increase. Aim for 10 successful passes.

• Activity 2: Pairs stand three metres apart and handballback and forth. Emphasis on hitting ball off platform handand following through in direction of your partner.

• Activity 3: Six v six end ball Form two teams of six. Teams aim to kick or handball a pass to a playerstanding in their area in order to score a goal. If the end zone playerdrops the ball, a free kick is awarded to the opposite team. Rules: Noside boundaries, students can be in possession for no longer than fourseconds, no tackling, no kicking off ground. A mark is awarded to anyplayer catching the ball from a kick, provided it has travelled 10 metres.Play is started by a ball-up between two opposing players at the centre.Rotate end zone playersafter every goal or everytwo minutes.

• Distribute and discuss the skill testing activities that will beundertaken in Lesson 2.

• Explain to the students how the skill testing will form the basis ofteam selection.

• Allocate students to set up skill testing activity/stations at the start ofthe next lesson.

• Encourage students to practise activities in their own time.


Introduce AFL SportEducation model to the students.

Season requirements

Election of football committee

Practical introduction to skills

Team selection

Task checklist

Introduction prepared detailing key points.

Focus questions/answers prepared.

Successful football committeecandidates announced to the class group.

Unsuccessful candidatesconsulted.

Equipment is available.







Skill testing activities distributed to students.

Students allocated activity stations to set up at the start of the next lesson.

Appendix 3 – Early secondary lesson plansLesson 1

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3

Early secondaryLesson 2 preparation


• Organise team selection meeting with the football committee todiscuss skill testing activities and how assessment will form thebasis of team selection.

• Organise skill testing assessment sheets.

• Photocopy role descriptions to disseminate to students.

• Ensure equipment required is available.

Task checklist

Football committee membersunderstand the team selection process.

Assessment sheets provided tofootball committee members.Appendix 5, pages 179-186.

Role descriptions photocopied.Pages 32-34.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Handball targets


Markers Tape measure


Whistle Portable goals




Teacher’s notes



x1 set

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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans

Appendix 3 – Early prim

ary lesson plans


• Students set up the activity stations allocated in the previous lesson.

• Students separate into five groups and rotate through the 10 skilltesting activities (complete the first five activities before moving onto the next five).

• Skill testing activities (Page 154).1. Stationary handball.2. Set goal kick.3. Accuracy kick.4. Pick up a rolling ball.5. High kick and mark.

6. Pick up and handball.7. Running goal kick.8. Pick up and bounce.9. Running mark.10. Distance kick.

• Football committee members to test students as they rotatethrough each station.

• Teacher and or development manager to oversee activities.

• Distribute and discuss role descriptions with students.

• Explain that the roles will be allocated once teams have been announced.

1. Coach.2. Captain.3. Fitness adviser.4. Team manager.5. Umpires (field, goal).6. Statisticians.7. Media publicity team.8. Video camera operator. 9. First aid officer.


Skill testing activity stations

Team selection(skill testing)

Roles and duties

Early secondaryLesson 2

Task checklist

Activity stations set up.

Students divided into fivegroups – one for each of thefirst five activities.

One football committeemember positioned on eachstation to test students.

Football committee membersprovided with assessmentsheets to mark students.Appendix 5, pages 179-186.

Role descriptions distributedand discussed with students.

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3

Early secondaryLesson 3 preparation


• Meet with football committee to:

1. Select teams from the previous lesson skill testing results.

2. Draft the season draw.

3. Decide on modified game/rules.

• Photocopy code of behaviour and disciplinary procedure templatefor dissemination to students.

• Photocopy draw and rules for dissemination to students.

• Photocopy task planners to disseminate to students.

• Ensure equipment required is available.

Task checklist

Teams selected and drawcompleted by football committee.

Code of behaviour anddisciplinary template photocopied.Section 9, pages 83-87.

Draw and rules photocopied.Pages 18 and 49-51.

Task planners photocopied. Page 35.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Whistles






Teacher’s notes


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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans


• Formulate codes of behaviour and disciplinary procedure (set rules)for the competition through group discussion and focus questions.

Example: Guiding principles.1. What is fair play?2. What are the signs of good sporting behaviour?3. How can we ensure "participation for all"? 4. How should we deal with any disputes or behavioural problems if

they arise?

• Teacher to write discussion points on whiteboard to formulatefinal draft.

• Student to complete code of behaviour/disciplinary course of actiontemplate and sign.

• Football committee to announce teams.

• Students separate into teams.

• Students to select team names (affiliation with an AFL club).

• Students to develop a team song prior to their first game (can adopttheir AFL team’s song)

• Teams to select students for roles as discussed in the previous lesson.

• Media/publicity officers to work as a media team to produce aweekly football record/newsletter.

• Not all roles need to be allocated at this point; further duties can beincluded at a later stage of the season.

• Provide students with a Task Planner to assist them with planningand make them more accountable when fulfilling their role.

• To be conducted by the teacher/development manager withassistance from teams’ coaching staff.

• Stretches: Conduct various stretches. Hold stretches for 10 to 30seconds. Hold position comfortably. Do not strain. Encourage children to stretch each week on their own.

• Activity 1: Students step and kick drop punts in pairs. Emphasis on correct technique.

• Activity 2: Student stands side on with left foot forward and left handextended in front of body. Place ball on palm of left hand and hit balloff stationary hand to partner. Change hands and feet. Repeat.

• Football committee representative announces and distributes copiesof the draw and match rules to students.


Codes of behaviour


Team selection

Role allocation

Skill development

Season draw and match rules

Early secondaryLesson 3

Task checklist

Code of behaviour and disciplinaryprocedure formulated.

Children have ownership bysigning their code of behaviour/disciplinary procedure.

Facilitate team affiliation. (Name selection).

Facilitate role allocations.

Task planners distributed to students.

Equipment is available.







Draw and match rulesdistributed to students.

Appendix 3 – Early prim

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3


• Photocopy diagram detailing playing field dimensions/positions fordissemination to students.

• Photocopy and distribute to duty team and team managers prior tothe next lesson all recording and administration forms.

1. Team & match report sheets – team manager.2. Statistics sheet – statisticians.3. Match result sheet – publicity officer.4. Vote cards – field umpire.5. Scorecards – goal umpire.

• Ensure all equipment is available to conduct the next lesson.

Task checklist

Playing field diagram photocopied.Page 42.

Administration forms photocopiedand distributed to students. Section 8, pages 77-81.

Equipment checked and available.

Footballs Goal flags


Markers White shirt


Whistles Bibs


Portable goals

x1 set



Teacher’s notes

x2 sets


x2 sets

Early secondaryLesson 4 preparation

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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans


• Distribute diagram detailing playing field dimensions/positions to students.

• Practical demonstration on how to set up the playing field.

• Discuss and demonstrate match rules that were provided in theprevious lesson.

• Focus questions on how the rules differ from the traditional game.• Samples:1. What aspects from the traditional game have been modified to

make it safer for us to play and allow for mixed gender games?2. What rules have been put in place to ensure maximum participation

for everyone?3. What rule modifications have been added to stop the better players

from dominating?

• To be conducted by the teacher/development manager withassistance from teams’ coaching staff.

• Movement game and stretches: Conduct various stretches. Holdstretches for 10 to 30 seconds. Hold position comfortably. Do notstrain.Encourage children to stretch each week on their own.

• To be conducted by the teacher/development manager withassistance from teams coaching staff.

• Activity 1: In lanes 15-20metres apart. Team Aruns and handballs tolead from student fromTeam B. Repeat until all have had a turn. Encourage use of oppositehands. Use both rocket and top spin handballs.

• Activity 2: Start ingroups of five, 15-20metres apart. Firststudent in team B leadsout. Student from team A delivers pass. Team B student handballs tonext player and replaces team A player. Repeat. Use both feet.

• Team 1 v Team 2• Team 3 duty team

• Students to umpire the game interchanging from field to goal eachquarter/half.

• Coach/captain to address their team before game.• Duty team’s football committee member acts as the match manager,

assisting and directing students with duties.• Match manager to collect all administrative forms at the completion

of the game.

• Conducted by coach and fitness adviser.

• Opportunity for students to lower their heart rate through stretchingactivities. Team coaches can provide feedback to fellow students.


Playing field

Match rules


Skill development

MatchRound 1

Traditions• Coin toss by captains• Shake hands

with opponents• Run out behind the captain• Sing team song after

the game• Goal umpires check scores at

the end of each quarter/half

Cool down

Early secondaryLesson 4

Task checklist

Diagrams distributed.Practical demonstrationcompleted with field set up.

Students have a clearunderstanding of the match rules.

Students understand thegeneral underpinning principlesof why the game has beenmodified.

Stretches. Pages 62-63.

Equipment is available.Footballs Goal flags

x2 sets x15

Markers White shirt

x20 x1

Whistles Bibs

x2 x2 sets

Portable goals

x1 set

Teams provided with bibs.

Duty team in place.

White shirt and whistle providedto the field umpire.Coaching tips page 56.

Flags and score card providedto goal umpires.Administrative forms collected.

Cool down coordinated andcompleted by students.

Appendix 3 – Early prim

ary lesson plans

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3

Early secondaryLesson 5 preparation


• Football committee meet to complete competition ladder and reviewfirst round.

• Media team.

1. Completes a match review and places on the school notice board.

2. Interview team captains at school assembly

3. Start preparing football record for next round.

• Coaches, captains and fitness advisers review statistics and video to plan/prepare for training and to develop strategies for the next round.

• Photocopy and distribute to duty team and team managers prior tothe next lesson all recording and administration forms.

• Contact AFL development manager to arrange for local umpiringrepresentative to conduct umpiring clinic in Lesson 6.

• Ensure all equipment for the next lesson is available.

Task checklist

First round ladder completed.

Match review on school notice board.

Captains interviewed at assembly.

Coaching staff has reviewedstatistics, video and preparedwarm-up and training drills for thenext lesson (use template andcompendium of drills). Page 64 and Appendix 4, pages173-177.

Administration forms photocopiedand distributed to students. Section 8, pages 77-81.

Equipment is available.



MarkersWhite shirt /bib


Whistles Bibs


Portable goals

x1 set

Development manager contacted.



Teacher’s notes

x2 sets


x2 sets

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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans

Appendix 3 – Early prim

ary lesson plans


• Duty team to set up playing field and prepare for the start of play.

• Conducted by team fitness advisers and coaches.

• To be conducted by team coaching staff.

• Coaching staff summit drills to the teacher at the conclusion of the lesson.

• Team 1 v Team 3• Team 2 duty team

• Students to umpire the game interchanging from field to goal eachquarter/half.

• Coach and captain address teams before play.

• Duty team’s football committee member acts as the match manager,assisting and directing students with duties.

• Match manager to collect all administrative forms at the completionof the game.

• Conducted by coach and fitness adviser.

• Opportunity for students to lower their heart rate through stretchingactivities. Team coaches can provide feedback to fellow students.


Playing field


Skill development

MatchRound 2


• Coin toss by captains

• Shake hands with opponents

• Run out behind the captain

• Sing team song after the game

• Goal umpires check scoresat the end of eachquarter/half

Cool down

Early secondaryLesson 5

Task checklist

Equipment available for student.

Playing field ready for play.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Goal flags x15 x2 sets

Markers White shirt

x20 x1

Whistles Bibs

x2 x2sets

Portable goals

x1 set

Teams provided with bibs.

Duty team in position.

White shirt and whistle providedto the field umpire.

Flags provided to the goalumpire.

Administrative forms collected.

Cool down coordinated andcompleted by students.

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3

Early secondaryLesson 6 preparation


• Football committee meets to update competition ladder and reviewsecond round.

• Media team.

1. Completes a match review and places on the school notice board.

2. Interview team captains at school assembly.

3. Start preparing football record for next round.

• Coaches, captains and fitness advisers review statistics and videoto plan/prepare for training and to develop strategies for the next round.

• Contact local umpiring representative to ascertain whatresources/equipment is required for the next lesson. Ensure that the umpiring representative or school has a ‘What’s your decision?’ tape.

• Photocopy umpiring signals for dissemination to students.

• Book classroom with video player for the ‘What’s your Decision?’segment of the next lesson.

Task checklist

Ladder updated.

Match review on school notice board.

Captains interviewed at assembly.

Coaching staff has reviewedstatistics, video and preparedwarm-up and training drills for thenext lesson (use template).Pages 64 and Appendix 4, pages173-177.

Equipment is available.Footballs Goal flags


Markers White shirt/bib


Whistles Bibs


Portable goals Video player

x1 set

Local umpiring representative contacted.Classroom booked.Umpiring signals photocopied.Section 7, pages 69-75.



Teacher’s notes

x2 sets


x2 sets


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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans


• Focus questions to highlight the various roles umpires play. Samples:1. What is the role/duties of the field umpire?2. What attributes do you look for in an umpire?3. What methods do umpires use to communicate with players? 4. What have been some of the issues that have confronted student

umpires to date? 5. What initiatives do you think the AFL can put in place to change

community attitudes towards umpiring?

• Introduce local umpiring representative to explain the session format.

• Clinic to cover the following key area: ‘Spirit of the Laws’

• Umpiring representative to lead discussion on ‘Spirit of the Laws’.

• Distribute ‘Spirit of the Laws’ brochure and signals.

Clinic activities.

Classroom:1. What’s your decision?

‘What’s your decision?’ video session. Students to complete worksheet provided by umpiring representative. Test students’comprehension of the interpretation.

Oval:2. Contesting the ball:

Break children into groups of three. Static contest between tworegarding holding the man/holding the ball. Third student (theumpire) indicates and calls the decision. Continue until eachstudent has practised twice.

3. Role play: Break into groups of six, five players and one umpire. Set upcontest for the ball where an infringement occurs. Umpire blowswhistle, and describes and indicates the infringement. Umpire thencommunicates with student on the mark about where to stand andclears all other players from the area.

• Children are divided into four teams of five-six a side.

• Two games to be played at the same time.

• Students take turns to field umpire.

• The teacher and local umpiring representative provide instructionand feedback.

• Use the same rules as normal round matches.

• Local umpiring representative to provide students with an overviewof the umpiring pathway and how students can become involved.

• Question and answer time


Role of the umpire

Practical umpiring clinic

Match practice

Umpiring pathway

Task checklist

Focus questions/answersprepared.

Equipment available to conduct the clinic.








x2 sets

Fields set up.

Teams in position.

First field umpires nominated.

Early secondaryLesson 6

Appendix 3 – Early prim

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3

Early secondaryLesson 7 preparation


• Photocopy and distribute to duty team and team managers prior tothe next lesson all recording and administration forms.

• Ensure all equipment for the next lesson is available.

Task checklist

Administration forms photocopiedand distributed to students. Section 8, pages 77-81.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Goal flags


Markers White shirt/bib


Whistles Bibs


Portable goals

x1 set



Teacher’s notes

x2 sets


x2 sets

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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans

Appendix 3 – Early prim

ary lesson plans


• Duty team to set up playing field and prepare for the start of play.

• Conducted by fitness advisers and coaches.

• To be conducted by the teams’ coaching staff.

• Coaching staff summit drills to the teacher at the conclusion of the lesson.

• Team 2 v Team 3• Team 1 duty team

• Students to umpire the game interchanging from field to goaleach quarter/half.

• Coach and captain address teams before play.

• Duty team’s sports committee member acts as the matchmanager, assisting and directing students with duties.

• Match manager to collect all administrative forms at thecompletion of the game.

• Conducted by coach and fitness adviser.

• Opportunity for students to lower their heart rate throughstretching activities. Team coaches can provide feedback tofellow students.


Playing field


Skill development

MatchRound 3


• Coin toss by captains

• Shake hands with opponents

• Run out behind the captain

• Sing team song after the game

• Goal umpires check scoresat the end of eachquarter/half

Cool down

Early secondaryLesson 7

Task checklist

Equipment available for students.

Playing field set up.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Goal flags

x15 x2 sets

Markers White shirt/bib

x20 x1

Whistles Bibs

x2 x2 sets

Portable goals

x1 set

Teams provided with bibs.

Duty team in position.

White shirt/bib and whistleprovided to field umpire.

Flags and score cards provided togoal umpires.

Administrative forms collected.Cool down coordinated andcompleted by students.

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3


• Football committee meet to update competition ladder and reviewthird round.

• Media team.

1. Completes a match review and places on the school notice board.

2. Interview team captains at school assembly.

3. Start preparing football record for next round.

• Coaches, captains and fitness advisers review statistics and videoto plan/prepare for training and to develop strategies for the next round.

• Photocopy and distribute to duty team and team managers prior tothe next lesson all recording and administration forms.

• Photocopy tabloid sports day activities and distribute to studentsprior to Lesson 9.

• Ensure all equipment for the next lesson is available.

Task checklist

Ladder updated.

Match review on school notice board.

Captains interviewed at assembly.

Coaching staff has reviewedstatistics, video and preparedwarm-up and training drills for thenext lesson (use template andcompendium of skill drills).Pages 64 and Appendix 4, pages173-177.

Administration forms photocopiedand distributed to students. Section 8, pages 77-81.

Tabloid sports day activitiesphotocopied and distributed to students. Appendix 5, pages179-186.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Goal flags


Markers White shirt/bib


Whistles Bibs


Portable goals

x1 set



Teacher’s notes

x2 sets


x2 sets

Early secondaryLesson 8 preparation

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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans


• Duty team to set up playing field and prepare for the start of play.

• Conducted by fitness advisers

• To be conducted by teams’ coaching staff.

• Coaching staff submit drills to the teacher at the conclusion ofthe lesson.

• Team 1 v Team 2• Team 3 duty team

• Students to umpire the game interchanging from field to goaleach quarter/half.

• Coach and captain address teams before play.

• Duty team’s football committee member acts as the matchmanager, assisting and directing students with duties.

• Match manager to collect all administrative forms at thecompletion of the game.

• Conducted by coach and fitness adviser.

• Opportunity for students to lower their heart rate throughstretching activities. Team coaches can provide feedback tofellow students.


Playing field


Skill development

MatchRound 4

Traditions• Coin toss by captains• Shake hands

with opponents• Run out behind the captain• Sing team song after

the game• Goal umpires check scores

at the end of eachquarter/half

Cool down

Task checklist

Equipment available for students.

Playing field set up. Students prepared for warm-up.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Goal flags

x15 x2 sets

Markers White shirt/bib

x20 x1

Whistles Bibs

x2 x2 sets

Portable goals

x1 set

Teams provided with bibs.

Duty team in position.

White shirt/bib and whistleprovided to field umpire.

Flags and score cards provided togoal umpires.

Administrative forms collected.

Cool down coordinated andcompleted by students.

Early secondaryLesson 8

Appendix 3 – Early prim

ary lesson plans

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3

Early secondaryLesson 9 preparation


• Football committee meets to update competition ladder and reviewfourth round.

• Media team.

1. Completes a match review and places on the school notice board.

2. Interview team captains at school assembly.

3. Start preparing ‘Football Record’ for next round.

• Coaches, captains and fitness advisers review statistics and videoto plan/prepare for training and to develop strategies for the next round.

• Photocopy tabloid sports day score cards to disseminate to teamsfor the next lesson.

• Ensure all equipment for the next lesson is available.

Task checklist

Ladder updated.

Match review on school notice board.

Captains interviewed at assembly.

Coaching staff has reviewedstatistics, video and preparedwarm-up and training drills for thenext lesson (use template andcompendium of skill drills).Page 64 and Appendix 4, pages173-177.

Tabloid sports day scorecardsphotocopied. Appendix 5, pages179-186.

Equipment is available.




Markers Tape measure


Whistles Cassette player


Portable goals

x 1 set



Teacher’s notes




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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans

Appendix 3 – Early prim

ary lesson plans


Conducted by team coaching staff.

• Students compete in their teams.

• Teams rotate through the first three skill activities accumulating atotal team score for each.

• Each team records their score.

• Activity four to be conducted as a whole group, with the teacherproviding students with a ranking.

Activity 1: Stationary handball. Three handballs each hand at target. Score according to where theball hits the target.Use markings on handball target, eg. the hole 10 points. Maximumscore = 60 points.Record each participant’s score and add for a team total.

Activity 2: Stationary goal kick.Three kicks on each foot at goals.Two points for a goal, one point for a behind.Maximum score = 12 points.Record each participant’s score and add for a team total.

Activity 3: Pick up and bounce.Pick up, bounce and catch three times over a distance of six metres.One point for every completed bounce and catch.Three attempts.Maximum score = nine points.

Activity 4: Endurance test: 20 metre shuttle run ‘beep test’.All teams complete the test at the same time. Students are given aranking as they drop out of the test; eg. last out will have the numberone ranking.Add student rankings to obtain a team ranking.

• Complete the overall tabloid score card to give the winning team.



Skill/fitnessTabloid Sports Day

Task checklist

Three activity stations set up.

Each team has a tabloid sports day scorecard.Appendix 5, pages 179-186.

20-metre shuttle run test ‘beeptest’ area marked out withcassette player working.

Tabloid Sports Day score card completed.Pages 184-185.

Early secondaryLesson 9

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3

Early secondaryLesson 10 preparation


• Photocopy and distribute to duty team and team managers prior tothe next lesson all recording and administration forms.

• Remind coaching staff that they will be required to deliver theirwarm-up and skill drills.

• Ensure all equipment for the next lesson is available.

Task checklist

Administration forms photocopiedand distributed to students. Section 8, pages 177-181.

Coaches and fitness advisersreminded to plan their warm-upskill drills.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Goal flags


Markers White shirt/bib


Whistles Bibs


Portable goals

x1 set



Teacher’s notes

x2 sets


x2 sets

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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans

Appendix 3 – Early prim

ary lesson plans


• Duty team to set up playing field and prepare for the start of play.

• Conducted by fitness advisers.

• To be conducted by teams’ coaching staff.

• Coaching staff submit drills to the teacher at the conclusion of the lesson.

• Team 1 v Team 3• Team 2 duty team

• Students to umpire the game interchanging from field to goaleach quarter/half.

• Coach and captain address teams before play.

• Duty team’s football committee member acts as the matchmanager, assisting and directing students with duties.

• Match manager to collect all administrative forms at thecompletion of the game.

• Conducted by coach and fitness adviser.

• Opportunity for students to lower their heart rate throughstretching activities. Team coaches can provide feedback tofellow students.

Task checklist

Equipment available for students.

Playing field set up.

Students prepared for warm-up.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Goal flags

x15 x2 sets

Markers White shirt/bib

x20 x1

Whistles Bibs

x2 x2 sets

Portable goals

x1 set

Teams provided with bibs.

Duty team in position.

White shirt/bib and whistleprovided to field umpire.

Flags and score cards provided to goal umpires.

Administrative forms collected.

Cool down coordinated andcompleted by students.


Playing field


Skill development

MatchRound 5Traditions

• Coin toss by captains

• Shake hands withopponents

• Run out behind the captain

• Sing team song after thegame

• Goal umpires check scoresat the end of eachquarter/half

Cool down

Early secondaryLesson 10

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3

Early secondaryLesson 11 preparation


• Football committee meets to update competition ladder and reviewfifth round.

• Media team.

1. Completes a match review and places on the school notice board.

2. Interview team captains at school assembly.

3. Start preparing Football Record for next round.

• Coaches, captains and fitness advisers review statistics and videoto plan/prepare for training and to develop strategies for the next round.

• Photocopy and distribute to duty team and team managers prior tothe next lesson all recording and administration forms.

• Ensure all equipment for the next lesson is available.

• Letter inviting special guest/s to the Lesson 12 GrandFinal/presentation day.

1. Local club/s. 2. Invite through your AFL development manager an AFL player.3. School principal.

• Letter inviting parents to the presentation day and requesting themto bring a plate of refreshments.



Teacher’s notes

Task checklist

Ladder updated.

Match review on school notice board.

Captains interviewed at assembly.

Coaching staff has reviewedstatistics, video and preparedwarm-up and training drills for thenext lesson (use template).Page 64 and Appendix 4, pages173-177.

Administration forms photocopiedand distributed to students. Section 8, pages 77-81.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Goal flags

x15 x2 sets

Markers White shirt/bib

x20 x1

Whistles Bibs

x2 x2 sets

Portable goals

x1 set

Letter drafted and sent invitingspecial guests.

Letter distributed via students to parents.

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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans

Appendix 3 – Early prim

ary lesson plans


• Duty team to set up playing field and prepare for the start of play.

• Conducted by fitness advisers.

• To be conducted by teams’ coaching staff.

• Coaching staff submit drills to the teacher at the conclusion of the lesson.

• Team 2 v Team 3• Team 1 duty team

• Students to umpire the game interchanging from field to goal each quarter.

• Coach and captain address teams before play.

• Duty team’s football committee member acts as the matchmanager, assisting and directing students with duties.

• Match manager to collect all administrative forms at thecompletion of the game.

• Conducted by coach and fitness adviser.

• Opportunity for students to lower their heart rate throughstretching activities. Team coaches can provide feedback tofellow students.


Playing field


Skill development

MatchRound 6

Traditions• Coin toss by captains• Shake hands with

opponents• Run out behind the captain• Sing team song after

the game• Goal umpires check scores

at the end of eachquarter/half

Cool down

Task checklist

Equipment available for students.

Playing field set up.

Equipment is available.

Footballs Goal flags

x15 x2 sets

Markers White shirt/bib

x20 x1

Whistles Bibs

x2 x2 sets

Portable goals

x1 set

Teams provided with bibs.

Duty team in position.

White shirt/bib and whistleprovided to field umpire.

Flags and scorecards provided togoal umpire.

Administrative forms collected.

Cool down coordinated andcompleted by students.

Early secondaryLesson 11

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Early secondary lesson plansAppendix 3

Early secondaryLesson 12 preparation


• Football committee.1. Update competition ladder.2. Review sixth round.3. Start preparing run sheet for the Grand Final.4. Count votes for the best team player award.

• Media team1. Completes match review and places on the school notice board.2. Interview Grand Final team captains at school assembly.3. Start preparing Grand Final Football Record.

• Coaches, captains and fitness advisers review statistics and videoto plan/prepare for training and to develop strategies for the grandfinal. (Teams will be required to train in their own time).

• Photocopy and distribute to duty team and team managers prior tothe Grand Final all recording and administration forms.

• Ensure all equipment for the next lesson is available.

• Nominate football committee representative to welcome specialguest/s and parents at the Grand Final/presentation day.

• Book and organise the school microphone system for thepresentation day.

• Organise tables for refreshments.

Task checklist

Ladder completed. Grand Final teams posted on thenotice board.

Match review on school notice board.

Captains interviewed at assembly.Coaching staff has reviewedstatistics, video and preparedwarm-up and training drills for theGrand Final (use template).Page 64 and Appendix 4, pages173-177.

Administration forms photocopiedand distributed to students. Section 8, pages 77-81.

Equipment is available.Footballs Goal flags


Markers White shirt/bib


Whistles Bibs


Portable goals

x1 set

Student identified and briefed onwelcome speech.

Microphone booked.

Tables organised.



Teacher’s notes

x2 sets


x2 sets

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Appendix 3Early secondary lesson plans

Appendix 3 – Early prim

ary lesson plans


• Football committee representative to welcome: 1. Special guests.2. Parents.

• Teacher to provide explanation of the AFL Sport Education program.

• Students demonstrate a typical match-day format, including all dutyteam roles.

• Team 1 v Team 2• Team 3 duty team

• Students to umpire the game interchanging from field to goal eachquarter/half.

• Coach and captain address teams before play.

• Duty team’s football committee member acts as the match manager,assisting and directing students with duties.

• Special guest/s present awards and participation certificates to students.

• Refreshments provided by parents and students.

• Special guests, teachers, parents and students discuss the highlightsof the season.

• Special video presentation of the season.

• Teacher to thank special guests and parents for attending.

• Thank students for their enthusiasm and commitment to the program.

• Media team

1. Completes Grand Final review and places on the school notice board.

2. Interview Grand Final team captains at school assembly.


Festive event – Grand Final /presentationdayIntroduction & welcome

Grand Finaltraditions• One day in September

theme song.• Run out behind the captain.• Run through the

team banner.• Coin toss by captains.• Shake hands

with opponents.• National anthem.• Sing team song after

the game.• Presentation of the cup.

1. Presentation of cup. 2. Best team player.3. Participation certificates.4. Encouragement awards.



Post-Grand Final

Task checklist

Football committeerepresentative ready todeliver welcome.

Microphone set up andworking.

Duty team to set up field.

Teams provided with bibs.

White shirt/bib and whistleprovided to field umpire.

Flags and score cardsprovided to goal umpire.

Administrative formscollected.

Certificates and awards ready for presentation.

Tables in place forrefreshments.

Video recorder in place and working.

Grand Final review on schoolnotice board.

Captains interviewed atassembly.

Early secondaryLesson 12