High Rate of Population Growth

Secondary 2 Geography-High Rate of Population Growth

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Page 1: Secondary 2 Geography-High Rate of Population Growth

High Rate of Population


Page 2: Secondary 2 Geography-High Rate of Population Growth

Population pyramid for high rate of population growth

• Have a pyramid shape• High birth rate• Low death rate• Short life expectancy• More youths than


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Cause of a high rate of population growth

• High birth rate• Low death rate• More babies born than people dying

per year

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Factors causing high birth rate

• Children are important because they can help work at the farm. They are expected to work to earn money for their family

• Poor family planning and birth control method. In certain religion, they forbid people to use birth control method

• Boys are important as they help work in the farm. This encourage people to have more babies

• Childbearing period is higher as women marry at an earlier age. This cause them to have chance to have more babies

• Infant mortality rate(Number of children who died before their 1st age) encourage people to have babies to replace these dead babies

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Factors causing low death rate

• Improve in health and medical care. Causing more people to survive.

• Improvement of farming technique cause more food grown

• Better sanitation of clean water causing lesser people to die from drinking dirty water

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Consequence of high rate population growth

• More natural resources will be used. If there is not enough natural resources, the people will live in a poor condition

• The number of people looking for jobs is more than the number of jobs available

• More pollution may occur as more people may cause pollution

• More criminal case may happen as some people who is unemployed may do criminal case such as robbing people

• More house must be built so that everyone has a house to live

• There may be lack of facilities for everyone

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Measures to control high rate of population growth

• Giving incentive for smaller families will encourage people to have lesser babies so that they can get the incentive

• Imposing rules of having lesser babies will discourage people from having more babies

• Encourage people to have lesser babies by telling them the advantage and introduce birth control method to help them control the family

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The population pyramid have a pyramid shape, high birth rate, low death rate and more youths than elders. Having children as labor, poor family plan, preference for boys, early marriage and high infant mortality rate, improve in health and medical care, better diet and sanitation caused it. Use of more natural resources, high unemployment, pollution, criminal activity, more house built and lack of facilities are consequences. Giving incentive for smaller family, penalties and education on family planning are measures