27th Year—Number 1348 Sunday 25/11/2018 شة شال السعة السـنةدد ال8431 حد ا1118811/81 Season of the Glorious Birth of Jesus د مياد مي زمـن م ميبح م مبم مار ميرشارة Sundays Readings: Galaans 3: 15-22 & Luke 1: 26-38 حد: قراءات الرسـالة: اطية غ3 : 51 - 22 يل: ;pma& ا لوقا5 : 22 - 33 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Naz- areth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgins name was Mary. And he came to her and said, Hail, thou who art full of grace.But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeng this might be. The angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.Mary said to the angel, How can this be, since I am a vir- gin?The angel said to her, The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God. And now, your relave Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month for her who was said to be barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.Then Mary said, Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.Then the angel departed from her. Luke 1: 26-38 عد ة ع شة ا عد الس ا ر "شفي ال ا ن ا ام ا ا ا ج ا ال ا ا ل ، ر) ع ي زك ع ا ر ل ا ن ا ا في ال ل ة ا فن ا د ا لد ا ا ا د ن ا ع ل ا ا ا ل ل ة ا ل ا ا ا ا ا ا لد ع ا ، ا اعص الن ل ، ش ل ل ف س ل ا اشد ا د ا ن ا ي ا ج ا ال ا ا ل ا ع د او شل ا ي ا ا ا ا ا ا ال ا ل ا ع ا ، ل ا ا ن ا ا ع ج الس" ع ا ع ا ا ر ن ا ل ا ا ا ت ا ف ا ا ا ا م ال ة، ر ا ا ن د ا س ا ع ع ا ا ا ا ا ا ال ، شر ا س ا ج ا ا ل ا ي ا ع ا ر ا ل ا ع ا فهف ج ا الس اا ا ل ا ل ا ر ا د ا ا ا ش اا ان ، ا ي ا ع ا ي، ل ا عف ا ا " ج ا ال ع، ن ا ا ع ل ا ل ا ل و ش ل س ا ل س ان ن ا ا س ع، ش ن ي ا ف ا د ا ا ، ش ان ا و ا ا ان ع ر ا و ش ا د ن ا ع ة ا ا ن لد ا ا ل ه ا ل ا ن اد ي ا ع ا ا ا ن ا نس، ف ا اي ر ا د اش ا د ا ا ع لس ا م اش ال ا نس ا د، شي ا ع د ا ف ي ا ال ا ي ش ا اع ع ت ر ا ان ا، شر اا ل ا ل ا ن ا" ج ا ا ل ا ي ا ا هعل ا ةف ا عل ا ر ا ن ا س ا ا ل ل ا د، شت ل ا اي ا، ا ا ا ا ا ي ا ا ال ا د ، شا ا ا ن ا ا م ع ا و ا ل ع د اله م شي ال ع" ا ر ا ل ا شاع ج ا ال ا ع اا ؟" فا ج ا ا ا ا ا ح د ا ، ا ا ا ا ا ن ا س ا ن ا ع ا عة ا نك ا ل ا ا ع ا ف ش ا ي د ا ع د ف ا ا ن ا لد ل ل ال م شع د فتله ا ا اال ا شل ا، ا عا ا د ع ا ع د ي ال اا ا ا ل ع ا عد الس ر ال ا ل ا اا رعو ش ا ا ل ل ن ا ل في ع ةتي ا ال ر اي ا ب ا س ا و ا ي ة ا ل ا ن ا ، ف ال ة ا ا انع ر ع ر ا" " ا ي ا ا عل ا "فهف ن ا و ا س ا ر ا د ا ا ع ا س ن ا ل س ان لاعو" ل ج اع ال ا د ن ا ع ا ا ا ا ك ن ف "ش اا ا ل ل ا ا8 : 12 - 41 . The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshad- ow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God ققرة ميرقرة ول وقدرة عليي ميس أيبوح لن لو! مىر ا ي ليوي لقيس وياير

Season of the Glorious Birth of Jesus د لايم ا دلايم نـمز ...27th Year—Number 1348 Sunday 25/11/2018 1118811/81 دحلأا 8431 دد لا— ش لاش ة ةعسلا

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Page 1: Season of the Glorious Birth of Jesus د لايم ا دلايم نـمز ...27th Year—Number 1348 Sunday 25/11/2018 1118811/81 دحلأا 8431 دد لا— ش لاش ة ةعسلا

27th Year—Number 1348 Sunday 25/11/2018 1118811/81األحد 8431ال دد —السـنة السعة ة شال ش Season of the Glorious Birth of Jesus

زمـن ميالد ا ميال د

شارة ميرارمم مب —مالح ميبم Sunday’s Readings: Galatians 3: 15-22 & Luke 1: 26-38 :33-22: 5لوقا & اإلجنيل: 22-51: 3غالطية الرسـالة: قراءات األحد

“In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a town in Galilee called Naz-areth, to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, ‘Hail, thou who art full of grace.’ But she was much perplexed by his words and pondered what sort of greeting this might be. The angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favour with God. And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give to him the throne of his ancestor David. He will reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be, since I am a vir-gin?’ The angel said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be holy; he will be called Son of God. And now, your relative Elizabeth in her old age has also conceived a son; and this is the sixth month for her who was said to be barren. For nothing will be impossible with God.’ Then Mary said, ‘Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word.’ Then the angel departed from her.” Luke 1: 26-38

"شفي ال ر ا السعداع شة د ة ع اامان ا اا اج زك يع(، ر لا ا ال

ع را ان ا ل ا فناةل في ال ندا ا الد ادا عالاةل لا اا ل ا ا النعصا ا ، الد عاا ااس فلل، ش ل اشدا ل ا يان ا دا اج لا ا ال ع دا يا و شلا ا ااا ا ال ا

لا ، لاع ا اناا ع ااع " "رالسج عا الانراا ا ف "فات ة، رال م ا ااا ا نا

د الا اع عاسا ا اا سا، شرالا يا لاالاج ا اع را لاالل ا ااا السجف فهاع ا لارا

ا د يا ، ألاناا شااا عفاي، لاع ا ا اج" "ت ا الع، ن و ش لا لاالل عا ا نناس لاسل ا ف ا ين ع، شسا ، شاادا ن ا ا ندا و ش اع ران ا او ة عا ا نا

د يان ا لا هل ا الد اا عا اشدا رايانس، فانا ا دا لس عا نسا ال م اشا ا يا فدعاد، شي ش ي ا ال اا لاالل ااا، شراناع ت راع ا اج" "ذان علاةف "فاهعلا ا يا لا الاسا نارا األاياد، شت لاالل لا ، ايا اااا ، شاد ا ال ا اناا شي الهدع لاوا م عا ع" "رال م شاع ا لارا اج ع ا ال ااج ؟" فااااا ا ، ااد حا نا ااا ا ناسا عةاع ناا فدعاد ي ا ف ش اع ا الانكا لللد ا ا شلاالااا فتلهدمشع لع لا ااا ال ي دعاد عاعاا ا، للا ارعو ش ااا لا ال ر السعدا ن ا ع ةتي ل في يا رالا

با ناال لاي ةاواسا ة ال ، فا يا " " اع رانع را ا ن ف "فهاعلا ا اد ا را س اوا ألانس لانسا عااجو" للاع ندا ع ال ف "ش نكا ا ا ا عا . 41-12: 8االلااا

The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshad-ow you; therefore the child to be born will

be holy; he will be called Son of God

أيبوح ميس ي علي وقدرة ول رة ميرق ققرة وياير لقيس وي ليال ي ا مىر و! ل ن ل

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Reflection of the week تأمل سبوع

عا مالئق ن رالنفي لسة اآلحعد ال ي هلدنع الد نجد الص، ن لا اا اتحد عند األ يننرع ةع ل الا رعد لن حعد ت لهعع، ش ل احد ة ع ا نع ي ال ا او حده ة ع ال ا از النجد ال ز ال ع و شن عة اله ا اشنني للاع، الا لهل ال هند انس رش

، شصس الدانل شال ام لوده ال ع و ل الهلنة ل ي ال اا لج س الهد الج لكي ا نل د كن

السج عنا لع ”لن ر نة ي عند لن اك ا اا الالج ل عد “ ئة ن ة

في الجمالة ا امن لوس لسع ال هد ع الد ي ال ع ال لا ةو في ة ع زك يع كعن ف حة األ ع الد السع ن ا ع في ة ع النل ي ف حة السععد األ عو ل عند ال ع ، ل عند سد الالة ال سد لندنع لسل السن في ح ع ي و ش ل عند ي ال ئة ن ةو ال ي ا ة ع السع، شاعل "ن

فنك لي حسب اللا"وفي ة ع ي ف د ف د تش ع اس انس علله" اعجنع شف ج شيك

اي ش شي ادعو الد ي ، ال اآل ا ل ا امن الجالنرع لجلس، حا ا ع رع يلال سو اع دين الجي شر نئ س(و انس صعحب العد اتشلد ال ع ي ع ن ة عاد ع ا اع ع شا رع انهد النسع اينس الالة اتلرنة لسل لالي الل ا ص ال عل شالا اتيد الدفد عد

1 8ال ب الص عد الالننسة شللاع 12-44)

اتي لسل هس ي و ةس ف د شسنس لسل ر لصو فللد انسعنع ي شلالنس لللد رت ا الد ل ش ل اي ال ي

-148 8فللد ت كك النعع ة ا ي ةهل ال شي الهدع تنس الهدشع اي شللاع ل كر 42 (و اا ع نهللس في النم و لسل ا ش ص، كا لهد لنعع الل

لنعع الجي اتيد الونع فللنر الال ا ة شالن اهو شكص لهد في الل اتلرنة ع د شاس و

فن الل في ح ع ع لسل ال شي الهدع الهل اتلرنة لاي شيو عد ي شيوللرع الد ا (141 8ال شي الهدع لهلد النعع نول السن فنا داين في الم شللاع

ي ثع الالننسة" الالننسة عد ثع ي ي ا ا نع ف ا ا اللرع كة شا عن رع عل لدلة ينن ح ير لرع د الد حنع ادفد لعلد ةعلال از شال ن ةعتنن ( ش

(و 23ش 24ال شي الهدع ششلدشا شالعنكع الثعني الدل ل ال هعمد في الالننسة عدد ال لدلة ي ح د الالننسة الا نس فللد الاف نلا ةعلسن شالا كج اننسو

نك الا لس ه فنس الثعللهو شالالننسة عد ثع ي الالننسة عد ثع ال ا العد ة ا ة لعد ة ل لسل ال سد ر ل ال ني ةعلن ةو شكعد ة دعد الالننسة ع شع السن النهنة ات ننة ل يسرع شل رد عو الالننسة ل السن شلاص حال

الجصي في ال عل د الال از ةس لز عد النعع ن ة ال نيو

Mary was not without feelings of confusion upon the Angel’s arrival, but was able to comprehend the significance of the appearance of Gabriel and rather react in acceptance and graciousness. Through her unwavering faith, Mary welcomed her vocation to help establish the temple of God and Christian faith. This young girl, weak and poor, low and unimportant, became the vessel for God’s greatest treas-ure and gift to the world.

Because Mary said "Yes..." It is Mary above all others who can teach us what it means to live by faith, and how to respond when God's providence disrupts the daily course of our lives, overturn-ing its rhythms and expecta-tions. Despite her fears and uncertainty over how this prom-ise could be fulfilled, she still answered "Yes." Are we able to respond to God this way? When we reflect on the An-nunciation to Mary, and her acceptance of the angel's message, we also reflect on our own vocation -- our own calling from God. In the Lord's Prayer, we pray, "Thy king-dom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" -- an echo of Mary's "Be it done unto me according to your word." Each time we commit ourselves to embracing God's call and accepting His will, we mark a new point on the path of our relationship with Him. For the rest of her life, Mary pondered her extraordinary encounter with God, turning the weight of the angel's mes-sage over and over again in her heart. From the manger to the cross, Mary's life was radically changed -- her rela-tionship with God profoundly deepened -- the moment she said "Yes." (Fr. Thomas Rosi-ca) Lessons from the Gospel Mary did not say “yes”

because she fully under-stood or had all her ques-tions answered. She said yes in faith and trust.

Mary is our primary example of holiness, humbleness and disci-pleship.

By her yes, Mary has brought us Jesus and opened for us the path to salvation and she did so in perfect freedom.

Mary can teach us what it means to live by faith and how to respond to God despite fear and confusion.

Mary had the humility to listen to the angel, the faith to believe in God and the courage to say yes. She was perfectly obedient to the will of God.

هام مبسع ميبساين 11-181 4غجطنة

ال ع ال لل يللس ثج ة يصع، ر شصنة اللالد ألشتد ، ةعلن اه ة د ، شطهس عد اللعد الا رعع شي ا ن ريي ينسس ان ل اآلةع، ةا فع ا ريدلصع ت ف د شت ف اد األ ع، شكع شعد عنس، ألنس صعد ع ع دش

شلنطو ال ي ة ة د اللعد شدل اشنسع اععد لنعن س ل رد شر س اللعدو ر اد ر فهد عد س ل األ ع ش ل دعل لد السعو ي ر اد ر لكن ث عع ف ع ةعلن شال ، ش ه ا ع ل لن

ش ع ل وش ا ال ي ة، شا كعن لرنة، ت لس رع ا وهل اكد الجصي ال ع لن ن " ا ال ية لد اس ال ، ألنرع عف ر ع لسل السن اي ال ا ا ا شر فرلد فرل اي اللعد، نس ي ا ن شفي صل

ال (، ش ل ال كة “ رنسع ”ال د، ت شالجي لن ال ل ، شالللنط اللحند ين شال و ا فهكد ت ف وهل ت

ةعشلع ينسل السن و

Fiat. This is the Latin word for what in English is let it be done to me. Mary’s fiat does not just compel our veneration, but also our imita-tion. Just as she submitted to the will of God, so also are we called to utter our own fiats to the will of God.

(Stephen Beale)

Bringing God's Word to Others Mary brings forth the Word of God to the world. By her "Yes" she enables the Word of God to live among the human race. Mary is alone in her assent. She does not consult anyone. She immedi-ately believes. When the Spirit gives her Jesus, he wishes to mould her spirit and transform her life personally and directly. Mary accepted to do God's will and not her own. As disciples we are also called to bring God's Word to others and as we go about this task the Spirit will mould and transform our lives. All we have to do is give an une-quivocal "Yes" and then to hear the Word of God and to practise it.

(Gwen Simon)

The Season of Advent The season of Advent provides us with a waiting space and a sacred time. It is time to pause, remember and reflect on the ongoing promise of God coming in fulfilment in our lives, in this moment and in this place. With Advent expectancy we also hope in the completion of that promise in the fullness of time and in the fullness of God’s love.

(Sr. C. O’Sullivan RSJ)

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Chapter six: Some Pastoral Perspectives A big heart

199. The dialogue that took place during the Synod raised the need for new pastoral methods. I will attempt to mention some of these in a very general way. Differ-ent communities will have to devise more practical and effective initiatives that respect both the Church’s teach-ing and local problems and needs. Without claiming to present a pastoral plan for the family, I would now like to reflect on some more significant pastoral challenges.

Proclaiming the Gospel of the family today 200. The Synod Fathers emphasized that Christian families, by the grace of the sacrament of matrimo-ny, are the principal agents of the family apostolate, above all through “their joy-filled witness as domes-tic churches”. Consequently, “it is important that peo-ple experience the Gospel of the family as a joy that ‘fills hearts and lives’, because in Christ we have been ‘set free from sin, sorrow, inner emptiness and loneliness’. As in the parable of the sower (cf. Mt 13:3-9), we are

called to help sow seeds; the rest is God’s work. Nor must we forget that, in her teaching on the family, the Church is a sign of contradiction”. Married couples are grateful that their pastors uphold the high ideal of a love that is strong, solid, enduring and capable of sustaining them through whatever trials they may have to face. The Church wishes, with humility and compassion, to reach out

to families and “to help each family to discover the best way to overcome any obstacles it encounters”. It is not enough to show generic concern for the family in pasto-ral planning. Enabling families to take up their role as active agents of the family apostolate calls for “an effort at evangelization and catechesis inside the family”.

Next Sunday: Proclaiming the Gospel of the family today (2)

( كـعنـ لـرـ عـعمــة الـالـــة اشلـرـنـة ةـ ـنـلا 12-8:81 شحي نن فلحنع ش" سن شاوعد" اد رع األل لرع ا ، ود فـنـرـع عـ " كاا لكي لسلصج لسل في اا الك نن فـلحـنـع ـ ـ ــ لـع ـع األطـل فـي الـالـ ـع الهدع، ش ي الكج اللداعنة ة د غسن األ ا و ج لسل ا الكج ـنـعاـنـع فنرع رينس السعش ود ع ع شاا ج ـنـا ةـ ـد ر فـ ـ كـرـ طـعلــع ـ اآل ر ا الكج كـرـنـلـنـة ــععـنـة طـعةـ ـرـع الـــد لنور الجي شال علا شال اشلع للاارة ال ي و ع

كع شانرع رعد ل جاة لسل اآل " "ذع رح ني رح ر "و شظرل الج للل ا الكج حدفث لنسل ال ـج ـنـا، رعــع ـ ـ لـجلـس كـ الـ ـ ـعلـنـ فـنــع لــ ـص ةـعلــجي شرذــ ف ر ش نا للاارة ال ع ، نه الودفث لد صج اس رع األل لرـع اـ ــ لـد ـج ـة راسـعو

( ل صج لسل لااس طعلع اآل ر لد ر ا نل الوهنـهـة السـعطـ الـا لـنـ ــسـد 1-8الهس األش ش عد الكنب ش الهنع ةو الهس الثعني ش ( ل صج لسـل لـ ـج ـنـا طـعلــع لـرـ ــععـة اآل 81-2ةعلل

( ل صج لسل لالـ الــ ـ يـة عــد ـد 12-/1" ح ر ال ي ووو ادلر ةعلول وو" ر ع الهس الثعلث شالد ل طعلع لر اللحد "فنكلنلا ةاا ر شاحدا ووو رنع فنر شرن فني لنغـلا كــع الـلحـد شيـ ـ الـ ـعلـ رنـا

رن ر ل ني شرنا رح ر كع رح ني"ول األل لرع ا األ سنة طعلة نع ر نكي لاانع كي ف د فنـنـع ش ـ لـجلـنـع طـعلــنـ ال ــععـة ال داغ ( ل ل ي ششحد اشلع ل سن الثعلله األادع اآل شاشي شال شي الهدعو ن شلكرع لهعدل ع

Pope Clement of Rome The First Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians

“Filthy talk makes us feel comfortable with filthy action. But the one who knows how to control the tongue is prepared to resist the

attacks of lust .”

Where to read Kadishat online SaintCharbelsSydney



Pope via Twitter @Pontifex

Let us ask for the grace to open our eyes and

hearts to the poor in order to hear their cry and recognize their needs.

دعلنع نب الن ة لن رعنننع را لع نع له ا شال

ص الر شال عد اح نعاعر و


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Clement I, Pope & Martyr (+101) Feast Day: Nov 25

Pope Saint Clement I of Rome is also known as Clemens Romanus. He is considered by the Roman Catholic Church, if Saint Peter is seen

as the first Pope, to be the fourth, although some records

list him as being the immediate successor to Peter. He was the first Apostolic Father of the early Christian church. Clement's best known writing is a letter to the Christian Church in Corinth, often called the First Epistle of Clement or 1 Clement. Few details are known about Clement's life. He is known to have been a leading member of the church in Rome in the latter part of the 1st century. According to tradition, Saint Clement was banished from Rome during the reign of the Emperor Domitian. He was sent to Chersonesus where he was sentenced to work with other prisoners in a stone quarry. Saint Clement arrived to find the prisoners suffering from a great lack of water. After kneeling down in prayer, the saint looked up to see a lamb standing upon a hill. Taking his pickaxe, Saint Clement went to where the lamb had stood and struck the ground, revealing a gush-ing stream of clear water. In retaliation for this miracle and for having converted large numbers of the local pagans and his fellow prisoners to Christianity, Saint Clement was martyred by being tied to an anchor and thrown from a boat into the Black Sea. A symbol of an anchor is often used to identify him.

Pope Saint Clement I worked with a lively intellect and a passion for God to convert sinners and to advance the Church of that time. He was faithful in life and in death.

الع شني غة ال ي لانرع إكبمم ميرارمم مب

الالننسة ا “ل ال السكلني العنكعني الثعني" عشية ي شدعل ع ميد ش ننة ش سععد ششلنةو شيب رت الل لد ال ا اه ا األلهع ك ا ة السن شاد س يلصس الللنط األشحد، رش يد عنرعو فع لنهة لك ر عد الالة ال سد شالعد و شلال كع ر كرنل الهدلة لل ة، األعي الهع ل في الد اع فنس، ة السن ل شال ب الم ، شكع ر صجي األشحد لنال حهصع عد الجمل ةكل ل عفنة، كالا شلعطة العد اللحند ت هكي ي ث، ك كد رشحد، ة لل ةو شالالننسة ت دد في اشع ا يرا الر عش الجمل ةالنلطة ة ي ، كع رنرع ت ا ع شلصي يرع لد وة الم نن ح د

ع رش ل س ندف لد عل ر س ”.ف سكلا ةعلللنط شالص سك ال ر ال هنة “شيان ي ت لهل ةعل لاط الوهنهي ل ا ا اشذ ا

العطة، ي لكد ع اشلع الوهنهي الا فدف نع لد ال عي ، شت ةعشع هعدا ةاعمرع شالوب النل نول ر نع شاشا دا شلصي ”. اشع ا ةسل ر

الالننسة ةعل عع عع رع ال ي ت دوع دن مالح ميساامإ إكبمم ميس

First Letter of Clement: Letter to the Church at Corinth

First Letter of Clement, originally titled Letter To The Church Of Corinth; also called I Clement, a letter to the Christian Church in Corinth from the church of Rome. It is extant in a 2nd-century Latin translation, which is possibly the oldest surviving Latin Christian work. Regarded as scripture by many 3rd- and 4th-century Christians. Concerned about a dispute in the Corinthi-an Church in which younger members had deposed older men from the ministry, the letter opposed the deposition and dis-cussed the orders of the ministry, which it asserted were established by the Apostles and were the will of God. The First Letter of Clement was an important influence on the development in the church of the episcopal orders of the ministry (bishops, priests, deacons), and it has been used to support the doctrine of the apostolic suc-cession, according to which bishops repre-sent a direct, unbroken line of succession from the Apostles (Ency Britannica)

Page 4: Season of the Glorious Birth of Jesus د لايم ا دلايم نـمز ...27th Year—Number 1348 Sunday 25/11/2018 1118811/81 دحلأا 8431 دد لا— ش لاش ة ةعسلا

Masses of the week قداسات األسعSunday 25th November 2018: Announcement to Mary

7:30 (Memorial) Sayed Youssef Ayoub from Kahef El Malloul

8:45 Arabic Mass

10:00 (Memorial) Joseph Ghosn from Diman

11:15 (Forty) Antoine Adib Boulos from Jeddayel - Jbeil

2:00 (Wedding) Charbel Semaan & Natalie Succar

4:00 (Wedding) Charlie Taouk & Tanya Saade

5:30 (Forty) George Edmond Saouma from Hasroun

7:00 (Recent) Fares Toufic Khazaka from Zahle

Saturday 1st December 2018:

7:30 Morning Mass

2:00 (Wedding) Chabrel Tannous & Rachelle Chehade

4:00 (Wedding) James Nader & Therese Gerges

5:30 (Forty) Jamile Tannous Bou Rizk from Kfaryasheet

Sunday 2nd December 2018: Visitation to Elizabeth

7:30 (Memorial) Halim Jabbour Elazzi from Jieh

8:45 (Memorial) Boutros Mekhael Elazzi from Jieh

10:00 (Year) Hanna Yaacoub Habib from Behwita

11:15 (Memorial) Farid, Joseph & Violette El Hage

2:00 (Wedding) Joseph Abou Raad & Sarah Talia

4:00 (Year) Tony Samrani from Arjess

5:30 (Recent) Adele Ibrahim Khalil Khoury from Bkerkasha

7:00 Youth Mass

إ أح شارة ميرارمم 5102 شب ن مينا 52مبح الل /1:4 رفل شعل لع كر شاكع ( ال حل لعفد فللنة 1:31 اداع ةعلغة ال

شاكع ( ال حل الزين غك الدلع //:/8 ان –شر ل ( ال حل رنلا دفب يللس اداف 88:81 Charbel Semaan & Natalie Succarشاذن ( //:1 Charlie Taouk & Tanya Saadeشاذن ( //:3 شر ل ( ال حل ال د ل صل ع حك ش /1:4 شحدفث( ال حل فع ع لفنل ل ااة زحة //:1 : 5102كا ن مبو 0مي عت اداع صعحي /1:4 Charbel Tannous & Rachelle Chehadeشاذن ( //:1 James Nader & Therese Gergesشاذن ( //:3 شر ل ( ال حل ة انة طنلع يل زل ك يعن /1:4 إ ز ارة ميرارمم بيد ا ا 5102كا ن مبو 5مبح شاكع ( ال حل حن ال اله شاينس ال النة /1:4 شاكع ( ال حل ة ع عف اله النة 1:31

شلنة( ال حل حنع ل هل حنب ةولي ع //:/8 شاكع ( ال حل ف يد الوع شاينس الزين شزشا س فنللن 88:81 Joseph Abou Raad & Sarah Taliaشاذن ( //:1 شلنة( ال حل طلني الس اني ع اس //:3 شحدفث( ال حل ة ردا ي ا ن لن الل ةه اعع /1:4 اداع ال نة //:1

شزشا شالنس شلنع ش زلنع شزشا س حسنع شرشتد ع لعفد ش ع ش شزشا س شاشتد شكن س للز فلل اين رع لللع شرشتد ع ز نة س ش ال حل ن " طنلع فلل حن زلنع الدشيري ل ند زلنع الدشيري شزشا س ع ي الزين لند لفنل ال ن عني شزشا س افن ششالدس يدل ة عل ل ل النع النعع نر ا شزشا س رع د رش

نع ل ند اله شل ند ا اس اله شزشا س لنة شلع ي طل ع يل اسل شزشا س ش لع لنع زشاة فلل ل ند اله شعل نك ش لع لد لن ي ش ال علي ش لع شانس شنرعد نن ش لع ال شيعلن اس لع ان شيعلن نان شرشتد ع يدش شحسنع ش لع نكل شاع ح شاين رع الزفن نع

عد عنة عننلع –لعةع يرنل ل ح شزشا س ردفة شاينر فعف شطلني فلنس شعل لع دش نننا ين شي حن ال اله شعل لع رل د شن ة ش يللس ش لع ي ف يد اله ن شعل لع و طنلع عف لعةع ششدل –ل كنس شزشا س لند شعل لع فلل النعع ة ع اله شاينس الزين شحند ش

عد ع د ال دلعل نةل كنس ل د شعل لع فلل السند شزشا س دفة شرشتد ل يس شفنك ل ششلن شكن ر انننع شداد شا اس شرل د شن ة ش ك شدت ش رل د ش لع لن كن ع ش لع يندش يدش ننة لعصة كن حلاو

القداسات الكاراة ة األس األسع

St Charbel’s Parish Activities and Announcements نشـاطات وص ايات ةمية راة ـر ل

St Charbel’s Parish is organising a “Cherry picking trip” to Orange on Tuesday 11th December, the cost is $65 includ-ing bus, breakfast and lunch. For more info please contact the parish office.

The parishioners who would like to join the Sodality of the Immaculate Conception are asked to contact Mr. Barbar Moussa.

The Family of the Divine Word invites you to a Bible Study on Monday 26th November 2018.

رحقن يس ا ميابز مي! مىـ ـسـن ن عنة ع Orange ش لـا فـل الـثـج ـع ــ 21الـالـــة صــعحـع و /1:4 و اشنـجل السـععـة 1/81كعنل األش 88

اشكـع ةــكـ ـب الـ عـنـةورش الـ اـع العي شال شيهة شالغـداو لــ فـ غـب اشـ ـ ا ةعأل في حة

اشكع ةـعلسـنـد مإل ضالام مي! أة ن ميلعي ا ة ناك ف غب ـ ال اع يـ للدو

1/81 ـ يـ الـثـعنـي 12اش ـنـنـ فـل اي هبة مإل دقد ن يرـالـقـن ميـاـقـالـن ناك ك ، في ل ع عذنل و /1:4السععة سع