Sunday 10th November 2019 Holy Family Frankston North St. Joachim’s Carrum Downs St. Anne’s Seaford Parish Priest: Fr. Benneth Osuagwu Parish Secretary: Annette White Parish Office: 84 Austin Road, Seaford (Closed Monday & Wednesday) Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 9.00am–3.00pm / Fri 9.00am—4.30pm / Sat 10.00am—12.00pm Telephone: 9785 2580 Mobile: 0403 718 624 (Emergency Only) Email: [email protected] Website: www.stannes.com.au FB: https://www.facebook.com/stannesseafordvic/ Seaford Parish Bulletin Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time—Year C A THOUGHT FROM FR BENNETH FOR THIS WEEK Dont Close Your Mind to God The Sadducees were members of a religious group whose beliefs differed from Jesus teachings. For example, they didnt believe in the Resurrection or in angels. But in this weeks Gospel, they didnt listen to him and rethink their positions; instead, they made an argument that mocked his beliefs. Thats too common in our society. People dont listen to one another; instead, they attack or belittle one another. Its an easy style to adopt. But thats how we miss Gods wisdom. This weeks Gospel reminds us that sometimes God challenges our positions on things like faith, religion, school, and family. That challenge will likely come through friends, ministers, teachers, work colleagues, and family members. The Spirit calls us to keep our minds open, especially to people with whom we disagree. Here are some tips: When you disagree with someone, avoid the temptation to close your mind or respond with sarcasm or personal attacks. Think. Ask God to help you consider opposing opinions closely. Dont let pride get in the way. God calls us to full life, but we miss out – like the Sadducees did – when were not open to the spiritual and intellectual changes that life brings. What makes it tough for you to keep your mind open when you disagree with someone? We have many activities happening in the next coming days and weeks, please we encourage you to join the rest of the parishioners. Join us for the Dinner Dance next weekend. Join us to welcome Archbishop Peter to our Parish. Join us for the Parish Advent Retreat. Join us for our Christmas lunch. Join us for all the Dawn Masses before Christmas. We have the Parish Christmas Raffle on sale from this weekend. All prizes have all been donated by parishioners, so please support this. The Youth Group will be holding their Bake Sale from the 1st weekend in December, please also support them. If anyone needs single beds and a good couch, please contact me as soon as possible.

Seaford Parish Bulletin Sunday 10th November 2019 · 2019-11-09 · There are two important lessons here. First, we are called to be generous with our encouragement and hope. As God

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Page 1: Seaford Parish Bulletin Sunday 10th November 2019 · 2019-11-09 · There are two important lessons here. First, we are called to be generous with our encouragement and hope. As God

Sunday 10th November 2019

Holy Family Frankston North St. Joachim’s Carrum Downs St. Anne’s Seaford

Parish Priest: Fr. Benneth Osuagwu Parish Secretary: Annette White

Parish Office: 84 Austin Road, Seaford (Closed Monday & Wednesday) Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 9.00am–3.00pm / Fri 9.00am—4.30pm / Sat 10.00am—12.00pm

Telephone: 9785 2580 Mobile: 0403 718 624 (Emergency Only)

Email: [email protected] Website: www.stannes.com.au FB: https://www.facebook.com/stannesseafordvic/

Seaford Parish Bulletin

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time—Year C


Don’t Close Your Mind to God

The Sadducees were members of a religious group whose beliefs differed from Jesus’ teachings. For example, they didn’t believe in the Resurrection or in angels. But in this week’s Gospel, they didn’t listen to him and rethink their positions; instead, they made an argument that mocked his beliefs.

That’s too common in our society. People don’t listen to one another; instead, they attack or belittle one another. It’s an easy style to adopt.

But that’s how we miss God’s wisdom. This week’s Gospel reminds us that sometimes God challenges our positions on things like faith, religion, school, and family. That challenge will likely come through friends, ministers, teachers, work colleagues, and family members. The Spirit calls us to keep our minds open, especially to people with whom we disagree.

Here are some tips:

When you disagree with someone, avoid the temptation to close your mind or respond with sarcasm or personal attacks. Think. Ask God to help you consider opposing opinions closely.

Don’t let pride get in the way. God calls us to full life, but we miss out – like the Sadducees did – when we’re not open to the spiritual and intellectual changes that life brings.

What makes it tough for you to keep your mind open when you disagree with someone?

We have many activities happening in the next coming days and weeks, please we encourage you to join the rest of the parishioners. Join us for the Dinner Dance next weekend. Join us to welcome Archbishop Peter to our Parish. Join us for the Parish Advent Retreat. Join us for our Christmas lunch. Join us for all the Dawn Masses before Christmas. We have the Parish Christmas Raffle on sale from this weekend. All prizes have all been donated by parishioners, so please support this.

The Youth Group will be holding their Bake Sale from the 1st weekend in December, please also support them.

If anyone needs single beds and a good couch, please contact me as soon as possible.

Page 2: Seaford Parish Bulletin Sunday 10th November 2019 · 2019-11-09 · There are two important lessons here. First, we are called to be generous with our encouragement and hope. As God


Monday 11th November—Sunday 17th November

Monday Feast of St. Martin Tours

Tuesday Feast of St. Josaphat 6.00pm Mass

Wednesday 7.00am Morning Mass 9.30am Holy Family

Thursday 9.00am Mass at St. Joachim’s School 6.00 pm Mass

Friday 7.00am Morning Mass 9.15am Mass with St. Anne’s School 10.00am Exposition until Midday

Saturday 9.00am Mass 6.00pm Mass

Sunday 8.30am Mass 10.00am Mass

Reconciliation: Fr. Benneth will be available for

reconciliation: Saturday morning 9.30am

Saturday evening 5.30pm (before Mass) or by appointment.

* * * * * * THIS WEEK’S CHOIR

6.00pm Mass: Family Choir

8.30am and 10.00am Mass: St. Michael’s Berwick Choir

Please pray for our sick:

Michelle Monger, Brigid Murphy, Alice Feeney, Jack Storer, Andrew Peake, Judy Bartosy, Andrew Crowley, Francis Gallego, Destiny Weir, Elaine Hoy, David Myall, Rosemary Sleddon, Irene Woodman, Menino Goes, Rosika Roma, Rikki Winduss, Liam Riley, Warren Neil, Valerie P, Warren Mills, Sylvia Arendze.

COLLECTION LAST WEEK Thanksgiving $1,453.00 + Loose $794.00 + C/C $3,688.00 = $5,935.00

Gold Coin Collection last weekend—$333.00

Average Weekly Thanksgivings: January $3,494.33, February $3,898.40, March $3,671.82, April $4,002.90, May $3,660.73, June $4,039.61, July $3,704.13,

August $3,690.75, September $3,418.87, October $4,050.45.

REFLECTIONS—Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement and good hope through his grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen them in every good deed and word." (2 Thessalonians 2:16-17)

There are two important lessons here. First, we are called to be generous with our encouragement and hope. As God shows us mercy, we must be merciful to others. Second, joy is contagious! The joy we receive from doing good works not only strengthens us, it encourages others as well. Share the joy of living your faith whenever you can.

In this week’s Gospel words, Jesus means to explain that in this world we live a provisional reality, which ends; conversely, in the afterlife, after the resurrection. We will no longer have death as the horizon and will experience all things, even human bonds, in the dimension of God, in a transfigured way. Even marriage, a sign and instrument of God in this world, will shine brightly, transformed in the full light of the glorious communion of saints in Paradise.

Pope Francis, 32nd Sunday in Ord Time, 2016


Please pray for all those souls who have recently departed.

May they rest in peace.

Klara Anna Kruausz Kathleen Dunne

READINGS FOR NEXT WEEK 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time—Year C

First reading: Malachi 3:19-20

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 97:5-9

Second reading: Thessalonians 3:7-12

Gospel: Luke 21:5-19

Page 3: Seaford Parish Bulletin Sunday 10th November 2019 · 2019-11-09 · There are two important lessons here. First, we are called to be generous with our encouragement and hope. As God

Every Wednesday at 6.30pm

Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour in the Parish Chapel

Sing to the LORD! Give praise to the LORD!

He rescues the life of the needy from the

hands of the wicked. Jeremiah 20:13

VISIT BY ARCHBISHOP PETER. A. COMENSOLI We will have the Archbishop celebrating our Mass next Sunday 17th November at 10.00am.

Our school choirs will be singing and there will be refreshments afterwards.

Please attend this very important Mass in our Parish.


Many thanks to all who gave their time to help with the Vinnies Bunnings BBQ Fundraiser and all who came along and showed their support!


The St. Anne’s Youth Group is beginning their fundraising Christmas Bake Sale on the 1st weekend of Advent (Sat 30/11 & Sun 1/12) for 3 weeks. Please if you can help with baking please contact Linda Davis on 0422 990 127.


Are now available at the piety stall for $12.00 and make lovely Christmas gifts!

Election of St Vinnies Seaford Chapter President

This will take place on Wed 13th November at 7.30 in the Parish Centre.

The role of President involves chairing the monthly meeting, being a contact for the Parish, checking the accuracy of the roster and resolving any companion issues. Very supportive team. Please contact Marlene if you would like any further details.


Book of Remembrance

November is the month we traditionally remember and pray for those who have died. If you would like to have your loved ones prayed for please inscribe their name in the ‘Book of Remembrance’ which is located near the candle stand in the foyer of the Church.

Page 4: Seaford Parish Bulletin Sunday 10th November 2019 · 2019-11-09 · There are two important lessons here. First, we are called to be generous with our encouragement and hope. As God


Wednesday 13th November St. Vincent De Paul meeting— 7.30pm at the Parish Centre.

Thursday 14th November SHAC meeting—7.30pm at the Parish Centre

Saturday 16th November Parish Dinner Dance—Doors open at 7.00pm for 7.30pm start

Sunday 17th November Archbishop Peter A. Comensoli will celebrate our 10.00am Mass

Saturday 30th November Parish Advent Retreat from 9.15am—3.00pm

Wednesday 4th December Bus trip—Christmas Lunch at Skyhigh Restaurant.

Wednesday 4th December Christmas Reconciliation Service at 7.00pm.

Sunday 15th December Raffle draw after 10.00am Mass

Monday 16th December Dawn Novena Masses start daily—until 24th December—5.00am

A JOURNEY OF FAITH TO THE HOLY LAND: 2 to 17 March 2020 Cost $5,595.00 PP 11 nights Hotel Accommodation and service charge. Breakfast, lunch and dinner as per the itinerary. Contact Shereen on 9547 7598 or 0421 114 724 or Allan on 9792 4444.


St. Vincent de Paul Gift Tree The St. Vincent de Paul Gift Tree will be located in the foyer of the Church from this weekend. Each gift tag on the tree indicates the age & gender of a child whose Christmas you can make brighter by the purchase of a Christmas gift. All gifts will be distributed in our local community by St. Vincent de Paul, Seaford Conference. Gifts should be kept to a maximum price of $20.00. When returning your gift please attach the gift tag to it and place it under the tree. All gifts should be left unwrapped. We ask that no soft toys be purchased for the gift tree and that gifts are placed under the tree by the 17th December.

CHRISTMAS ROSTERS We invite all our parishioners to consider being involved in one of our Christmas Masses. Sign up sheets will be available from next weekend in the foyer if you wish to assist in one of the many important ministries for these special Masses, or speak to Fr. Benneth or ring the office if you would like more information.

St. Anne’s Parish Christmas Raffle

Tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00 and will be available in the foyer after all weekend Masses from this weekend. Raffle draw will be on Sunday

15th December after the 10.00am Mass. All prizes donated by parishioners.

1st Prize 55” Smart HDR 4K LED TV (Value: $800) 2nd Prize Peninsula Hot Springs luxurious massage voucher for two people (Value: $250) 3rd Prize Fiamemma Outdoor Gas Heater (Value: $200) 4th Prize Restaurant Voucher Lobster Cave 5th Prize Crown Casino Voucher (Value: $200) 6th Prize James Squire Pack—24 x 345ml bottles of Pale Ale (Value: $110) & 6 collectable pint glasses 7th Prize Scentsy Oil Warmer + wax melts (Value: $95) 8th Prize Tea-rific Tea for Two Hamper (Value: $80) 9th Prize Missal & Crucifix necklace (Value: $65) 10th Prize Hand-blown Glass Vase (Value: $60)

VINNIES CHRISTMAS HAMPERS—CAN YOU HELP? We are asking please for any parishioner support—if anyone knows of or works for a company that may wish to collect groceries/make a donation towards the Vinnies Christmas Hampers, it would be greatly appreciated. It takes many, many groceries to fill enough for 180 families and each family receives two bags of groceries.