Seabasing Capabilities: Amphibious Ships, Alternative Ships, Connectors and the ACV 14 April 2015 1 Navy League’s Sea Air Space “50 Years of Maritime Excellence and Innovation” UNCLASSIFIED

Seabasing Capabilities: Amphibious Ships, Alternative Ships, Connectors and the ACV 14 April 2015 1 Navy League’s Sea Air Space “50 Years of Maritime Excellence

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Seabasing Capabilities: Amphibious Ships, Alternative Ships, Connectors and the


14 April 2015

Navy League’s Sea Air Space“50 Years of Maritime Excellence and Innovation”


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

10:45 A.M. – 12:00 P.M. Sea Services Roundtable #3 – Seabasing Capabilities: Amphibious Ships, Alternative Platforms, Connectors and the ACV (Potomac C)Moderator: Vice Admiral Joseph P. Aucoin (Confirmed)Speakers:Major General Robert Walsh (Confirmed)Major General Andrew W. O'Donnell (Confirmed)Vice Admiral William H. Hilarides (Confirmed)Rear Admiral Thomas K. Shannon (Confirmed)

Panel Participants and Background


Background: Sponsored by the Navy League, largest maritime exposition in the U.S. 2014 event is expected to attract up to 10,000 attendees with more than 175 exhibitors.Audience: 150-250 defense industry mid-level to senior management; trade associations; professional organizations, congressional staffers, and policy groups, plus active-duty military and international Defense Attaches.Room layout: (Potomac Ballroom A/B size: 51,000 SqFt) seats for 1500 in round tables. Panel will be seated at a head table on the stage. Two projection screens will be on either side of the stage to support AV. A podium will also be on the stage for the moderator. Microphones will be placed on the table as well as at the podium.Audio Visual: The Navy League can accommodate PowerPoint presentations with videos. Press: Registered press will be allowed to attend. The event will be video-taped, audio-taped and photographed by the Navy League.Presentation Use: Picture transition slides requested for each speakerUniform/Attire: Military: Service Dress; Civilian: Business Dress



Sequence of Events

Sequence of Panel Events :1030: Panel meets in Potomac Green Room for pre-panel ice-breaker and any last minute discussions1045: SAS Representative: Welcome and Introduction of Moderator

• 1050-1100: (10min) Vice Admiral Joseph P. Aucoin welcome opening remarks:Intro to panel and intro of speakers; Strategic context cross walk w/CS21R: Naval Integration, All Domain Access, Amphibous Ship Reqt; Alt Platform Employment

• 1101-1109: (8min) Rear Admiral Thomas K. Shannon MLPs & AFSBs, JHSVs, and alternative uses of conventional platforms

• 1109-1117: (8min) MajGen WalshAmphibious Ship inventory and readiness, Alternative Platforms (Council and current initiatives), Connectors (to include LCAC SLEP/Post-SLEP)

• 1117-1125: (8min) Vice Admiral William H. Hilarides Amphibious Shipbuilding Status, Flight Deck Modifications for V-22 and F-35B, Industry Base (Supporting Amphibs)

• 1125-1133: (8min) MajGen O'DonnellSeabasing, ACV program update and pursuit of High Water Speed Vehicle

• 1133-1141: (8min) Moderator Q&A

• 1141-1200: (19min) Audience Q&A

** Panel Coordination Meeting (Recommend VTC/telecon week of 6 Apr, date/time TBD): Intent is to discuss desired speaking topics, the nesting within the theme and overall flow/sequence of events.


Suggested Questions for Moderator

• What are your thoughts on the current and future operating environment and what are the implications to Maritime forces? (MajGen O’Donnell)

• How can industry better align with or stay in step with evolving force development? (MajGen O’Donnell)

• A common theme in solutions to capability gaps is better integration, how do we become better integrators? (MajGen O’Donnell)

• How are amphibious ships going to remain relevant across the range of military operations as the threat, operational environment, and doctrine evolve? (MajGen Walsh)

• How are we being innovative in the use of alternative platforms? (MajGen Walsh)

• How do we maintain focus and alignment on current connectors, their replacements, and potential new ways to employ them? (MajGen Walsh)



Suggested Questions for Moderator

• You mentioned USNS SPEARHEAD's deployment to West Africa and her law enforcement ops. Could you describe some of the other Adaptive Force Packages that have been tried aboard the JHSVs to date? (RADM Shannon)

• The AFSB will have a mixed crew of civilian mariners and uniformed Sailors. Can you talk a bit about the challenges of the "hybrid" crew and what MSC has done to address these challenges? (RADM Shannon)

• The new AFSB is designed to handle the MH-53s. Are there plans to eventually handle the V-22 and F-35 in the future? (RADM Shannon)

• The CNO has talked in great detail about flexibility and the need for flexible platforms. What is NAVSEA doing to support this demand? (VADM Hilarides)

• Surface connectors are an integral part of the US Marine Corps' Expeditionary Force 21 strategy. What programs within NAVSEA support this strategy? (VADM Hilarides)

• How is the Navy targeting affordability and controlling cost growth in amphibious programs? (VADM Hilarides)



Proposed Area

(2) Round Table approx. 32” high

(1) Round Table approx. 42” high

(1) Table 2x6

(7) Chair Basic

(1) 42” TV w/DVD

Area Not to Scale

Approx. 12’x16’

VIP Green Room Intended use of area

• Area for media interviews with SMEs following speaking events

• Area for work, discussions, down time• Looping video’s: Expeditionary Force 21, ACV,

3rd MEB, BA-14, Sang Yong 14• Possible publications available: CPG, Posture

Statement, Expeditionary Force 21, Ground Combat & Tactical Vehicle Strategy Quick look, MEB Informational Overview Booklet




Panel POCs

• Vice Admiral Joseph P. Aucoin (LCDR Brian Anthony, [email protected])

• Vice Admiral William H. Hilarides (Brittany Lowrey, [email protected])

• Major General Robert Walsh (Lori Shields: [email protected])

• Major General Andrew W. O'Donnell (Rick Long: [email protected])

• Rear Admiral Thomas K. Shannon (Tom VanLeunen, CIV, PAO, [email protected])