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  • 8/14/2019 scwcd-alxdark


    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    Copyright 2002 Alx Dark

    Revision 1.15 2004-03-25

    Typos fixed.

    Revision 1.14 2003-07-08

    Minor typographic mistakes corrected, clarifications on relationship of doGet and

    doHead methods.

    Revision 1.13 2003-01-22



    Document Publication and Formats

    The Servlet Model

    For each of the HTTP methods, GET, POST, and PUT, identify the

    corresponding method in the HttpServlet class.



    For each of the HTTP methods, GET, POST, and HEAD, identify triggers

    that might cause a browser to use the method, and identify benefits or

    functionality of the method.




    For each of the following operations, identify the interface and method name

    that should be used:

    Retrieve HTML form parameters from the request

    Retrieve a servlet initialization parameter

    Retrieve HTTP request header information

    Set an HTTP response header; set the content type of the response

    Acquire a text stream for the response

    Acquire a binary stream for the response

  • 8/14/2019 scwcd-alxdark


    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    Redirect an HTTP request to another URL

    Identify the interface and method to access values and resources and to set

    object attributes within the following three Web scopes:




    Given a life-cycle method: init, service, or destroy, identify correct statements

    about its purpose or about how and when it is invoked.




    Use a RequestDispatcher to include or forward to a Web resource

    Getting the RequestDispatcher

    Using the RequestDispatcher

    The Structure and Deployment of Modern Servlet Web ApplicationsIdentify the structure of a Web Application and Web Archive file.

    Match the name with a description of purpose or functionality, for each of the

    following deployment descriptor elements:

    Servlet instance

    Servlet name

    Servlet class

    Initialization parameters

    URL to named servlet mapping

    The Servlet Container Model

    Identify the uses for and the interfaces (or classes) and methods to achieve

    the following features:

    Servlet context initialization parameters

    Servlet context listener

    Servlet context attribute listener

    Session attribute listeners

    Identify the WebApp deployment descriptor element name that declares the

    following features:

    Servlet context initialization parameters

    Servlet context listeners, servlet context attribute listeners, sessionlisteners or session attribute listeners

    Distinguish the behavior of the following in a distributable:

    Servlet context initialization parameters

    Servlet context listener

    Servlet context attribute listeners

    Session attribute listeners

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    Designing and Developing Servlets to Handle Server-side Exceptions

    Handling Business Logic Exceptions with HTTP Error Codes



    Handling Business Logic Exceptions Other Ways

    Deployment Descriptors


    Web Application Logs

    Designing and Developing Servlets Using Session Management

    Identify the interface and method for each of the following:

    Retrieve a session object across multiple requests to the same or

    different servlets within the same WebApp

    Store or retrieve objects from a session object

    Respond to the event when a particular object is added to a session

    Respond to the event when a session is created and destroyedExpunge a session object

    Given a scenario, state whether a session object will be invalidated


    Designing and Developing Secure Web Applications

    Identify correct descriptions or statements about the security issues:

    Authentication, authorization

    Data integrity


    Malicious code

    Web site attacks

    Identify the deployment descriptor element names, and their structure, that

    declare the following:

    A security constraint including a web resource

    The login configuration

    A security role

    Types of authentication




    Designing and Developing Thread-safe Servlets

    Identify which attribute scopes are thread-safe:

    Local variables

    Instance variables

    Class variables

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    Request attributes

    Session attributes

    Context attributes

    Multi-threaded and single-threaded servlets

    SingeThreadModel Interface

    The Java Server Pages (JSP) Technology Model

    Write the opening and closing tags for the following JSP tag types:





    Given a type of JSP tag, identify correct statements about its purpose or use.




    Given a JSP tag type, identify the equivalent XML-based tags.





    Identify the page directive attribute, and its values, that:

    Import a Java class into the JSP page

    Declare that a JSP page exists within a session

    Declare that a JSP page uses an error page

    Declare that a JSP page is an error page

    Identify and put in sequence the following elements of the JSP page


    Page translation

    Match correct descriptions about purpose, function, or use with any of the

    following implicit objects:








    Implicit object API

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    Scoped collections API

    Dispatching methods


    Error handling


    Distinguish correct and incorrect scriptlet code for:

    A conditional statement

    An iteration statement

    Designing and Developing Reusable Web Components

    Given a description of required functionality, identify the JSP page directive

    or standard tag in the correct format with the correct attributes to specify the

    inclusion of a Web component into the JSP page.



    Designing and Developing JSP pages Using JavaBean ComponentsFor any of the following tag functions, match the correctly constructed tag,

    with attributes and values as appropriate, with the corresponding description

    of the tag's functionality:

    Declare the use of a JavaBean component within the page.

    Specify, for jsp:useBean or jsp:getProperty tags, the name of an


    Specify, for a jsp:useBean tag, the class of the attribute.

    Specify, for a jsp:useBean tag, the scope of the attribute.

    Access or mutate a property from a declared JavaBean

    Specify, for a jsp:getProperty tag, the property of the attribute

    JSP/servlet scoped attribute implementations

    request scope

    session scope

    application scope

    Identify techniques that access a declared JavaBean component

    Designing and Developing JSP pages Using Custom Tags

    Taglibs in the deployment descriptor

    Taglib directives

    Given a custom tag library, identify properly formatted custom tag usage in aJSP page. Uses include:

    An empty custom tag

    A custom tag with attributes

    A custom tag that surrounds other JSP code

    Nested custom tags

    Designing and Developing a Custom Tag Library

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    Identify the tag library descriptor element names that declare the following:

    The name of the tag

    The class of the tag handler

    The type of content that the tag accepts

    Any attributes of the tag

    Identify the tag library descriptor element names that declare the following:

    The name of a tag attribute

    Whether a tag attribute is required

    Whether or not the attribute's value can be dynamically specified

    Given a custom tag, identify the necessary value for the bodycontent TLD

    element for any of the following tag types:


    Custom tag that surrounds other JSP code

    Custom tag that surrounds content that is used only by the tag handler

    Given a tag event method (doStartTag, doAfterBody, and doEndTag),identify the correct description of the methods trigger




    Identify valid return values for the following methods:

    doStartTag, doAfterBody, doEndTag, PageContext.getOut

    Given a BODY or PAGE constant, identify a correct description of the

    constant's use in the following methods:




    Identify the method in the custom tag handler that accesses:

    A given JSP page's implicit variable

    Nested tags

    Design Patterns

    Given a scenario description with a list of issues, select the design pattern

    that would best solve those issues

    Value Object

    MVCData Access Object

    Business Delegate

    Match design patterns with statements describing potential benefits that

    accrue from the use of the pattern, for any of the following patterns:

    Value Objects


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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    Retrieve a servlet initialization parameter

    Retrieve HTTP request header information

    Set an HTTP response header; set the content type of the response

    Acquire a text stream for the response

    Acquire a binary stream for the response

    Redirect an HTTP request to another URL

    Identify the interface and method to access values and resources and to set object

    attributes within the following three Web scopes:




    Given a life-cycle method: init, service, or destroy, identify correct statements

    about its purpose or about how and when it is invoked.



    Use a RequestDispatcher to include or forward to a Web resource

    Getting the RequestDispatcher

    Using the RequestDispatcher



    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)

    throws ServletException, {



    Called by the server to handle a GET request. If you override this method in

    HttpServlet to provide functionality, the servlet container will provide support for the

    doHead method by calling doGet and returning only the HttpServletResponse

    headers (although it doesn't return the body to the client, it does use it to calculate length


    Generally you use GET for operations that have no side effects, and that can be safely

    repeated. For operations like database updates, POST is the accepted request type.

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res

    throws ServletException, {



    Called by the server to handle a POST request. An unlimited amount of information can

    be sent to the server with such a request, as it is sent in the body of the request. POST

    operations typically have side effects, and may not be repeatable (updating a database,

    for example).

    protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res)throws ServletException, {



    Called by the server to process a PUT request. It is used to post a file to the web server.

    Obviously, the method has side effects.



    GET is used to request a resource, like a file. Browsers can trigger such a request with a

    hypertext link; to retrieve a resource that is listed in the href or src attribute of an

    element; or if a form either has no action attribute, or an action value of GET, the

    browser will use this method to send form data to the server.

    Typically GET is used to retrieve a static resource, although a query string or extra path

    information can be appended to the URL of a GET request in order to trigger server-side

    processing. Such processing should not have side-effects and it should be repeatable.

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    POST is used to send form data to the server. It can generally only be triggered by

    submitting a form that has its method set to the POST method. A POST can have

    side-effects and may not be repeatable (for example, submitting payment for a


    A browser calls a HEAD request when it wants to examine the headers for a particular

    resource, such as "Content-Type" or "Content-Length". Although such a request could

    be used to examine the document's last modification time, a browser can also send the

    "If-Modified-Since" header in a request, against which the server can compare a

    resource and determine whether or not it should send the new version, or a 304 (Not

    Modified) status code. This feature works with the browser's caching ability to reduce

    downloads. HTTP servlets that support GET requests can implement the

    getLastModifiedmethod to support this feature (otherwise the servlet will always

    appear modified and its content body will always be returned).




    public interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest {public String getParameter(String name);

    public java.lang.String[] getParameterValues(String name);

    public java.util.Enumeration getParameterNames();

    public java.util.Map getParameterMap();


    The obvious and easy way to retrieve a value is req.getParameter("myValue").

    The more robust version of this method is getParameterValueswhich returns all the

    values for that key (in HTTP form data there can be more than one); thegetParameter method will only return the first value if there is more than one.

    Where values are sent both in the query string and in the body of the HTTP request, the

    values are all added into the collection of parameters available through this API; the

    query string parameters will appear first in the collection.

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    The parameter API could be used for other protocols than

    HTTP; it is defined in the ServletRequest interface.

    Where you do not know the parameters in advance, getParameterNames can behelpful. It is most often used for debugging. The final method returns a Map interface

    (see the Collections Tutorial by Sun).


    public interface javax.servlet.ServletConfig {

    public String getInitParameter(String name);

    public java.util.Enumeration getInitParameterNames();


    Self explanatory. These initialization parameters are set in the deployment descriptor.


    public interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest {

    public String getHeader(String name);

    public java.util.Enumeration getHeaders(String name);

    public java.util.Enumeration getHeaderNames();

    public long getDateHeader(String name);

    public int getIntHeader(String name);


    There are special methods for retrieving headers that are dates or integers. They throw

    IllegalArgumentException and NumberFormatException respectively, if they

    are called on headers that cannot be converted to these formats. If these accessor

    methods are called on a header that doesn't exist, they return null or -1 depending on

    the return type. Finally, there is a method for getting a header that is set multiple times inthe request, and for getting all the header names in the request (e.g. "Cache-Control").

    The last is useful for debugging and reporting.


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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    public interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse {

    // Can be used to test if a header has already been set

    public boolean containsHeader(String name);

    // Mutator methodspublic void setHeader(String name, String value);

    public void setIntHeader(String name, int value);

    public void setDateHeader(String name, long value);


    public interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse {

    public void setContentType(String type);



    Analogous to the access methods, there are special methods for setting headers that

    represent integer and date values.

    setContentType takes a String value that consists of two parts: a MIME type,

    followed by an optional encoding (with the two separated by a semicolon). Examples

    include "text/plain" and "text/html; UTF-8". You have to set the content type prior to

    getting the PrintWriter for the response.


    public interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse {

    public getWriter();


    Prior to calling this method, you may set the encoding of the PrintWriter by calling

    the setContentType method with a String argument that includes the mime type

    and optionally, an encoding to use (e.g. "text/plain; UTF-8"). You can send a response to

    the client with either the PrintWriter or the ServletOutputStream provided by the

    getOutputStreammethod, but you cannot use both. An attempt to do so will throw an

    IllegalStateException. Calling flush on the PrintWriter will commit the



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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    public interface javax.servlet.ServletResponse {

    public javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream getOutputStream();


    You can send a response to the client with either the ServletOutputStream or thePrintWriter provided by the getWriter method, but you cannot use both. An

    attempt to do so will throw an IllegalStateException. Calling flush on the

    ServletOutputStreamwill commit the response.


    public interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse {

    public void sendRedirect( String location );


    Sends a temporary redirect (HTTP code 307) to the browser with a Location header

    directing the browser to a new URL.

    The method accepts a relative URL (the container generates the necessary absolute

    URL). One might expect that an URL beginning with a slash (e.g. "/alxdark/test.html")

    would be mapped relative to the context path of the web application, but it is not, it is

    mapped from the server root. Calling this method after committing part of the response

    will throw an IllegalStateException.

    The URL string passed to this method can and probably should be passed through

    another HttpServletResponsemethod, encodeRedirectURL, in order to support

    URL rewriting where sessions are required and cookies are disabled:

    res.sendRedirect( res.encodeRedirectURL( "../etc/second.html" ) );




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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    public interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest {

    public Object getAttribute( String name );

    public java.util.Enumeration getAttributeNames();

    public void setAttribute( String name, Object object );

    public void removeAttribute( String name );

    public ServletInputStream getInputStream();

    public BufferedReader getReader();


    There's very little remarkable about these methods. The ServletRequest object has a

    collection associated with it. If you pass a null reference to an object in the

    setAttribute method, it's the equivalent of calling removeAttributewith the same

    name argument. If there are no attributes, getAttributeNameswill return an empty


    As the objectives also mention resources, note that the body of the request can be

    retrieved as a binary stream or a character stream using the getInputStream and

    getReader methods, respectively.

    public interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession {

    public Object getAttribute( String name );

    public java.util.Enumeration getAttributeNames();public void setAttribute( String name, Object object );

    public void removeAttribute( String name );


    The HttpSession object has a collection associated with it. If you pass a null reference

    to an object in the setAttribute method, it's the equivalent of calling

    removeAttributewith the same name argument. If there are no attributes,

    getAttributeNameswill return an empty Enumeration.

    public interface javax.servlet.ServletContext {

    public Object getAttribute( String name );

    public java.util.Enumeration getAttributeNames();

    public void setAttribute( String name, Object object );

    public void removeAttribute( String name );

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    public URL getResource( String path );

    public InputStream getResourceAsStream( String path );


    The ServletContext object has a collection associated with it. If you pass a null

    reference to an object in the setAttribute method, it's the equivalent of calling

    removeAttributewith the same name argument. If there are no attributes,

    getAttributeNameswill return an empty Enumeration.

    As far as accessing resources, the ServletContext object provides two invaluable

    methods, getResource and getResourceAsStream, which provide access to any

    resource (file) in the web application. The path must begin with a "/" and it is interpreted

    relative to the context root of the application (you can access files in the META-INF/ and

    WEB-INF/ directories with these methods).




    The init method is called on a servlet instance right after it has been initialized (the

    servlet container calls a zero-argument constructor). The method can be overridden in a

    subclass to provide one-time initialization of the servlet (e.g. reading in properties from a

    properties file). If for some reason this initialization fails, you should throw an

    UnavailableException (note that this exception can take an int argument

    specifying how long the server should wait before attempting to instantiate the servlet

    again). If the init method does not complete successfully, the servlet is not brought

    into service.


    Once a servlet is successfully put into service, the service method is called each time

    a request is processed by the servlet. This can happen concurrently from multiple

    threads, unless the servlet implements the SingleThreadModel tag interface.


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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    Once all pending service requests have exited the service method, the destroy

    method can be invoked just before a servlet is taken out of service by the servlet

    container (dereferenced and garbage-collected). It is similar to the finalize method

    available to all Java objects, and you would use it to release resources, save state

    information, and the like.

    When will a servlet will be taken out of service? This depends on the servlet container,

    although shutting the container down is surely one case where all active servlets will be

    taken out of service.



    The ServletContext interface provides two methods to acquire a


    public interface javax.servlet.ServletContext {

    public javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String

    public javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher getNamedDispatcher(String na


    getRequestDispatcher takes an url argument that must begin with a "/" and

    represents a path within the current servlet context. The getNamedDispatcher

    method allows you to use the name of a servlet as defined in the deployment descriptor.

    This approach provides some additional flexibility as you can re-arrange application

    components at a later time.

    Previous versions of this study guide described

    getRequestDispatcher as a method to dispatch across

    contexts; this is not correct (thanks to Jorge Jordao for pointing

    this out).

    You can also use a relative path to obtain a getRequestDispatcher through the use

    of another method on the request object:

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    public interface javax.servlet.ServletRequest {

    public javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String


    The path provided to this method is relative to the calling servlet.

    Query strings can be appended to the URLs provided to these methods; these additional

    parameters will be available in the request object's parameter collection (where they

    appear first in the collection before other parameters). However, they fall out of scope

    after the include or forward call.


    The code for using a RequestDispatcher is straightforward:

    // Just for the sake of illustration

    req.setAttribute("us.alxdark.myApp", someObj);

    // Get dispatcher with a relative URL

    RequestDispatcher dis = req.getRequestDispatcher("../someUrl.html");

    // include

    dis.include(req, res);

    // or forward

    dis.forward(req, res);

    When using the include method, the called servlet can only alter the body of theresponse, and not the headers. The path information of the request also continues to

    reflect the original request location.

    When using the forward method, no content may have been committed to the client,

    but the called servlet can adjust the headers as well as the body of the response

    (content produced up to the forward call is cleared from the buffer). The path information

    of the request is altered to reflect the location of the called servlet, and no further

    output can occur after returning from a forward call (the output is committed upon

    returning from the call).

    RequestDispatcher objects obtained with the

    getNamedDispatchermethod behave differently than other

    such objects. As discussed here, forward calls do not involve

    an adjustment of the object's parameters to reflect the path of

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    the called servlet.


    Identify the structure of a Web Application and Web Archive file.

    Match the name with a description of purpose or functionality, for each of the

    following deployment descriptor elements:

    Servlet instance

    Servlet name

    Servlet classInitialization parameters

    URL to named servlet mapping



    Web archive files (jar files with the .war file extension) contain certain standard

    directories and files. If you decompress a web application packaged as antwerp.war,you will at least see the following directories and files:











    The root directory can contain any files or folders that compose the web site, such as

    images, HTML and/or JSP pages. There are also two additional folders, META-INF/

    and WEB-INF/, that are not directly accessible to web browsers (the servlet container

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    will not directly serve files in these folders, but they are still accessible to the developer

    through the getResource and getResourceAsStreammethods of the

    ServletContext interface).

    The META-INF/ folder serves exactly the same purpose and function as it does in any

    other jar file.

    The web application deployment descriptor file is named web.xml and it is located in

    the WEB-INF/ directory. Jar files (including custom tag library jar files) are located in a

    lib/ directory, while other code files such as servlets are located in a classes/

    directory. These last two directories are a well-known Java convention, but their location

    under the WEB-INF/ directory is unique to web applications.

    Custom tag libraries have their own deployment descriptor called a Tag Library

    Descriptor (a .tld file). You have some options about where to place the TLD file as well

    as the tag class files. Unbundled, you can place the TLD file anywhere in the WEB-INF/

    directory, and then reference it directly in a taglib directive:

    You can also map the URI declared in the taglib directive to an actual directory path

    using a declaration in the web.xml file. Here's a sample declaration in a JSP page:

    And how it would be mapped to an actual file:



    In addition, custom tag libraries can be bundled as JAR files. In this case, the TLD filemust be located in the WEB-INF/ directory of the jar file. In the taglib directive, the

    URI attribute points to the jar file just as you would include a jar file on your classpath

    (e.g. /WEB-INF/lib/myTags.jar).


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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification



    All of 2.2 discusses the declaration of a servlet and a servlet mapping in the deployment

    descriptor file. Here's an example using most of the elements of the declaration:


    Test Servlet

    A test servlet for illustration purposes.

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    when running the servlet.

    The DTD for the servlet tag includes many other optional elements:

    (servlet-class|jsp-file), init-param*, load-on-startup?, run-as?,






    The logical name for the servlet allows you to decouple references to a servlet from its

    implementation class. For example, you can acquire a RequestDispatcher via the

    logical name of a servlet or JSP page. Later, if you need to change the class of the

    servlet, you can simply adjust the deployment descriptor and avoid changing your

    RequestDispatcher code.






    The class declaration specifies the implementing servlet for this declared servlet

    instance. It's a string that declares the fully-qualified name of a class implementing the

    Servlet interface.


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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification



    Number of connections maintained by the DB connectiopool. The default is 10.





    Any number of initialization parameters can be declared for the application/context as a

    whole, or for any individual JSP/servlet. The context-param tag occurs near the top of

    the deployment descriptor and describes parameters for the application. Within the

    servlet tag there is an init-param tag that serves the same purpose. The values can

    be retrieved using the following methods (note that GenericServlet and

    HttpServlet implement the ServletConfig interface):

    public String ServletContext.getInitParameter(String name);

    public Enumeration ServletContext.getInitParameterNames();

    public String ServletConfig.getInitParameter(String name);

    public Enumeration ServletConfig.getInitParameterNames();

    These parameters allow an administrator or deployment developer to change specific

    values in the application even after it is compiled and packaged. This allows for a certain

    amount of customization after development.


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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification




    The URL to servlet mapping allows you to decouple references to a servlet from a

    specific URL. Instead you can declare that a servlet should handle requests directed to

    any page, directory or file type in the application. The benefits are obvious enough, but

    the mapping rules are somewhat complex.

    Page mappings include the entire URL, as so: /somepath/thispage.html;

    Path mappings are specified as so: /somepath/*;

    File type/extension mappings are mapped as so: *.ext

    A default servlet for the application is indicated with the / mapping.

    A request URL (minus the context path and everything to the left of it) is evaluated by

    each of the following rules, in order, until a match is made:

    If there's an exact match, it is selected;

    Working up the directories specified by the mapping, attempt to match against a

    mapping (such that the longest mapping that applies will be selected);

    If this doesn't work, and the mapping has an extension mapping (e.g. *.jsp), use

    the servlet assigned to that extension;

    If there is still no match, attempt to use a default servlet for handling such requests

    (e.g. a servlet that returns the file at that physical directory location, if it exists).

    These mappings are tricky (at least to my mind) because they are different than how

    web servers resolve similarly ambiguous URL paths. I suggest a review of the servlet 2.3

    specification, page 77, where examples of these mappings are given.

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    Identify the uses for and the interfaces (or classes) and methods to achieve the

    following features:

    Servlet context initialization parameters

    Servlet context listener

    Servlet context attribute listener

    Session attribute listeners

    Identify the WebApp deployment descriptor element name that declares the

    following features:

    Servlet context initialization parameters

    Servlet context listeners, servlet context attribute listeners, session listeners

    or session attribute listeners

    Distinguish the behavior of the following in a distributable:

    Servlet context initialization parameters

    Servlet context listener

    Servlet context attribute listenersSession attribute listeners




    public String ServletContext.getInitParameter(String name);

    public Enumeration ServletContext.getInitParameterNames();

    Any number of initialization parameters can be declared for the application/context as a

    whole. Servlet implementations based on GenericServlet or HttpServlet

    implement the ServletConfig interface, so they can simply call

    getServletContext() to access these methods.

    These parameters allow an administrator or deployment developer to change specific

    values in the application even after it is compiled and packaged. This allows for a certainamount of customization after development. A typical example is setting the number of

    connections to be maintained by a database pool.


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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    public interface javax.servlet.ServletContextListener {

    public void contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent sce);

    public void contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent sce);


    A servlet context listener is declared in the deployment descriptor. You might use this

    listener to log on to a database and store a connection as a servlet context attribute.

    When the context is destroyed, the connection could be closed. The event passed to the

    listener provides a method for obtaining a reference to the ServletContext that has

    started or stopped:

    public class javax.servlet.ServetContextEvent {

    public ServletContext getServletContext();



    public interface javax.servlet.ServletContextAttributeListener {

    public void attributeAdded(ServletContextAttributeEvent e);

    public void attributeRemoved(ServletContextAttributeEvent e);

    public void attributeReplaced(ServletContextAttributeEvent e);


    This listener must be registered in the deployment descriptor. An example of its use

    might be to implement a class that logs the addition or removal of database connections

    to the servlet context attribute collection. The event passed to this listener provides the

    ability to get the servlet context, the attribute name and the object that was involved in

    the event:

    public class javax.servlet.ServetContextAttributeEvent

    extends ServetContextEvent {

    public ServletContext getServletContext();

    public String getName();

    public Object getValue();



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    public interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionAttributeListener {

    public void attributeAdded( HttpSessionBindingEvent se );

    public void attributeRemoved( HttpSessionBindingEvent se );

    public void attributeReplaced( HttpSessionBindingEvent se );


    An example of the use of this interface would be an object that kept track of the names

    of users who were logged in to an application (as measured by active sessions). The

    event passed to this listener provides the ability to get the session, the attribute name

    and the object that was involved in the event:

    public class javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingEvent

    extends HttpSessionEvent {

    public String getName();public Object getValue();

    public HttpSession getSession();


    There are other listeners that are not mentioned in the

    objectives document. They are the HttpSessionListener,

    the HttpSessionActivationListenerand the

    HttpSessionBindingListener interfaces. If I remember

    correctly, these interfaces are referenced during exam

    questions about distributed applications; you'd best be familiar

    with them if only to differentiate them from the interfaces

    covered by the exam.




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    # connections in DB connection pool.


    Here's the DTD for this portion of the deployment descriptor:





    # connections in DB connection pool.


    List the listeners in the order in which they are to be notified of an event. The declaration

    in web.xml is identical for all of the following four listeners:

    ServletContextListener, ServletContextAttributeListener,

    HttpSessionListener, HttpSessionAttributeListener.

    The DTD for this simple element is:

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    The parameters are local to the virtual machine (VM) in which they are created. If

    information needs to be shared between servlets in a distributed environment, it should

    be placed in a session (which migrates with the user between servers), or a store such

    as a database, EJB, or directory service.


    Events are not required to propagate between different virtual machines (VMs) in a

    distributed application (presumably you have servers running on different machines

    within or alongside different VMs). Consequently, each servlet context listener will

    receive notification of application startup and shutdown, but it won't be the same event in

    each VM/server involved.


    Again, events don't propagate between VMs (or between servers, assuming the two are

    related to one another, which they needn't be). As a consequence, a listener in a VM will

    only see events based on attribute changes to the servlet context in that VM.


    Again, events don't propagate between VMs (or between servers, assuming the two are

    related to one another, which they needn't be). If an event is fired by an HttpSession,

    the only listeners that will be notified are those listeners that are in the VM currently

    servicing the request associated with that session. Over the course of a session, the

    session object may migrate between servers (to address load balancing, for example),

    so the listener instances could change.

    Once again, you might review the behavior of the following

    listeners in a distributed application: HttpSessionListener,HttpSessionActivationListenerand

    HttpSessionBindingListener. However, I don't remember

    being asked about this on the exam (I could be wrong)!

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    Handling Business Logic Exceptions with HTTP Error Codes



    Handling Business Logic Exceptions Other Ways

    Deployment Descriptors


    Web Application Logs



    public interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse {

    public void sendError(int errorCode);

    public void sendError(int errorCode, String message);


    The error code is an HTTP status code, usually an "Internal Server Error" (500) or a

    "Service Unavailable" error (503). There are others, however, all indicated with

    HttpServletResponse constants. When using this method, the servlet container will

    either use a custom error servlet/JSP page for the error code (as specified by the

    developer in the deployment descriptor), or if none is specified, a generic error page will

    be provided by the container.

    Here's an example of using this method from Hunter and Crawford's Java Servlet

    Programming, 2nd ed. (O'Reilly 2001):

    try {

    ServletUtils.returnFile(file, out);

    } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {



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    This method has to be called before the response is committed, or it will throw an

    IllegalStateException. If a message is included, it will be incorporated into the

    server's error page.


    Like sendError, the setStatus method must be called before any content is

    committed to the response. Unlike the error method, it can be used to set any status

    (including non-error status codes), and the servlet is still responsible for providing the

    body of the response to the client. The real issue is not how to use these methods, so

    much as when to use one method over another. For errors, sendError is usually

    desirable. You can specify custom error pages in the web deployment descriptor, either

    to handle specific exceptions or to handle error codes.



    As an example, let's say we wanted ServletExceptions to be displayed in a custom

    response created by the ErrorServlet servlet, and we had a JSP page to handle 404

    errors. Here's how that might look in the deployment descriptor:







    The servlet would need an additional servlet-mapping entry to connect the dots. If

    you do not specify these error handlers in your deployment descriptor, the servlet/JSP

    container will provide a default error page that is used for the server as a whole.

    The DTD for this element is as follows:

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    If you have a method that throws an application-specific error, like MyException, then

    the following code would initiate the handling of that exception:

    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {


    try {

    someMethod( name );

    } catch(MyException me) {


    RequestDispatcher dis = req.getRequestDispatcher("../error");

    dis.forward(req, res);}



    In the servlet handling the error you would do something with the exception, like the


    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {

    MyException me =


    // Some lame error reporting code


    PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();

    out.println( me.getMessage() );



    public interface javax.servlet.ServletContext {

    public void log(String message);


    Writes the message to a server log. Contrary to the way this objective is written, the

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    log's location is determined by the server, and may include all applications running on

    the server.

    This version of the log method will print a stack trace to the server log:

    public interface javax.servlet.ServletContext {

    public void log(String message, Throwable t);



    Identify the interface and method for each of the following:Retrieve a session object across multiple requests to the same or different

    servlets within the same WebApp

    Store or retrieve objects from a session object

    Respond to the event when a particular object is added to a session

    Respond to the event when a session is created and destroyed

    Expunge a session object

    Given a scenario, state whether a session object will be invalidated





    public interface javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest {

    public HttpSession getSession();

    public HttpSession getSession(boolean create);


    The first version with no arguments will produce a session if it does not yet exist; the

    second version allows the possibility of suppressing this behavior with a false value.


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    public interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession {

    public void setAttribute(String name, Object value);

    public Object getAttribute(String name);

    public Enumeration getAttributeNames();

    public void removeAttribute(String name);


    All pretty obvious. Works like the collections on the request or context objects.


    There are two interfaces for this event; one notifies the object itself when it is bound or

    unbound to the session, and the other (newer) interface notifies another object not

    involved in the event. Here's the first listener that notifies an object that it is being bound

    or unbound to the session as an attribute:

    public interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionBindingListener {

    public void valueBound( HttpSessionBindingEvent e );

    public void valueUnboud( HttpSessionBindingEvent e );


    In addition, you can implement the HttpSessionAttributeListener so that another

    object can receive notification when an attribute is added, updated or removed. This

    interface, and the event object that both these interfaces share

    (HttpSessionBindingEvent) are described in section 3.1.


    javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener {

    public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent e);

    public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent e);


    The event passed to the listener allows access to the session:

    public javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent {

    public HttpSession getSession();



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    public interface javax.servlet.http.HttpSession {

    public void invalidate();


    Throws an InvalidStateException if called on an already invalid session. Thecontainer will unbind any objects bound to the session (calling the appropriate listeners

    as it does so) before it dereferences the session.


    One obvious scenario where the session will be invalidated is when a user times out of

    the session (because he or she has not made a request within the specified period). Thetimeout period is defined by the servlet container although it can be accessed and

    changed through the HttpSession.getMaxInactiveIntervaland

    setMaxInactiveInterval(int seconds) methods. In practice questions, you

    needed to know that setting the timeout interval to -1 disables timeouts.

    You can specify a timeout value in the deployment descriptor. Here is an example where

    the timeout is set to 40 minutes:


    The HttpSession methods set and read the timeout value in

    seconds, while the deployment descriptor sets the timeout value

    in minutes.


    URL rewriting involves placing the session key (normally stored as jsessionid in a

    browser cookie) as a parameter in every HTML link in a web page. This is necessary

    when a browser has cookie support disabled. Every URL written out by a servlet or JSP

    page should be run through the following methods in the servlet API:

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    public String HttpServletResponse.encodeURL( String url );

    public String HttpServletResponse.encodeRedirectURL( String url );

    The latter method is used to encode any URL used as an argument in the

    sendRedirect method. If the user's browser does support cookies, the URLs are

    simply returned unchanged. Session tracking via URLs can lead to a single browser

    supporting multiple sessions through several windows.

    There are methods for determining whether a session is being supported via cookies or

    URL rewriting, and whether or not the session reported by a request is still valid or not.

    Typically you won't need these methods, because attempting to get an invalid session

    with getSession will either return null, or a new session, depending on the overloaded

    method you use.

    There's no JSP tag in the JSP 1.2 specification for doing URL rewriting (although it is in

    the JSP Standard Tag Library).


    Identify correct descriptions or statements about the security issues:

    Authentication, authorization

    Data integrity


    Malicious code

    Web site attacks

    Identify the deployment descriptor element names, and their structure, that declare

    the following:

    A security constraint including a web resource

    The login configuration

    A security role

    Types of authenticationBASIC




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    Objective 6.1 asks open-ended questions about web security,

    which cannot be fully addressed here. However, if you have any

    web application development experience, I think you'll find the

    questions are not difficult to answer. It's a case of knowing your

    ass from your elbow.

    Authentication involves verifying the identities of entities involved in an exchange, while

    authorization involves the controlled access to resources based upon an entity's identity.

    Obviously, authorization requires successful authentication. Although a user name and

    password can authenticate a user, a more secure form of authentication uses the

    exchange of "digital certificates" for public key encryption (SSL uses this method). These

    certificates combine a cryptographic key with the identification of an owner, and the

    agencies that issue these certificates make some effort to verify that the owner is the

    party identified by the certificate.


    Data integrity involves verification that the content of a communication has not been

    changed in transit.

    One issue here is that HTTP is conducted on top of TCP/IP, and neither are encrypted.

    It is possible that a "man-in-the-middle" attack could be used to intercept and change the

    contents of such communications. SSL addresses this issue as a protocol layered

    between TCP/IP and HTTP that encrypts the contents of these packets. This provides

    solid assurance they are being delivered uncorrupted.


    Auditing (maintaining logs on server usage) can allow an administrator to keep track of

    and/or reconstruct unusual activity such as attacks on the application. They are also a

    security liability insofar as they should be protected from intruders and prevented from

    growing so large that they crash a machine (which can happen).

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    This is the tag that declares how authentication will occur. Two examples are given: one

    for basic authentication, one for form-based authentication; they require different tags:











    This is a very simple declaration of a role:


    Corporate PHBs



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    The authentication mechanism defined in HTTP 1.0. In response to a request for a

    protected resource, a web server can send a request for authentication that includes a

    domain. The user enters credentials (user name and password) for the indicated domain

    and these are authenticated by the server before granting access to the resource. This

    exchange occurs in the headers of the HTTP messages, and it is not secure: the

    password is only Base 64 encoded and the server's identity is not verified.


    DIGEST authentication is similar in most respects to BASIC authentication, except that

    the password is encrypted, providing more security than BASIC authentication (but not

    much more; it's considered trivial to break this encryption). As something of a halfway

    measure, it hasn't fallen into widespread use.


    Of the four authentication mechanisms, this one is specific to the servlet specification. It

    defines cross-container support for a form-based login mechanism (where the user

    enters a name and password in an HTML form). This type of authentication is no more

    secure than BASIC authentication, but it provides a more flexible way to present the

    login form to the user.

    We've already seen how to declare the two relevant HTML pages in the deployment

    descriptor. When a user attempts to access a restricted resource without being

    authenticated, the login form will be returned instead. The login page must contain a

    form with the following basic elements:

    From the form's action, you can see that it is not dispatched via an URL to a page (JSP

    or servlet). Instead, the servlet container intercepts the request and uses the

    j_username and j_password values to attempt authentication. If the authentication is

    successful and the user is authorized to access the requested resource, he or she is

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    directed to the page originally requested prior to authentication. Otherwise, the user is

    directed to a 401 error page (either a page declared in the deployment descriptor or a

    default page for the server).


    CLIENT-CERT authentication is basically performed with HTTPS (are there any other

    protocols? VPN maybe?). This is HTTP over an SSL connection, that uses public key

    cryptography and digital certificates at both ends to authenticate the parties and secure

    their communication. Such authentication can be considered secure (if the keys are



    Identify which attribute scopes are thread-safe:

    Local variables

    Instance variables

    Class variables

    Request attributes

    Session attributes

    Context attributes

    Multi-threaded and single-threaded servletsSingeThreadModel Interface



    Yes. A different instance of each variable exists for each call to the method.


    No, since all the concurrent threads in a servlet's service method have access to the

    servlet's instance variables. However, if you implement the SingleThreadModel

    interface, the servlet's instance variables willbe thread safe (either through

    synchronization, or separate servlet instances).

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    whole servlet.


    public interface javax.servlet.SingleThreadModel. It's a tag interface;

    there are no methods.


    Write the opening and closing tags for the following JSP tag types:




    Given a type of JSP tag, identify correct statements about its purpose or use.





    Given a JSP tag type, identify the equivalent XML-based tags.





    Identify the page directive attribute, and its values, that:

    Import a Java class into the JSP page

    Declare that a JSP page exists within a session

    Declare that a JSP page uses an error page

    Declare that a JSP page is an error page

    Identify and put in sequence the following elements of the JSP page lifecycle:Page translation

    Match correct descriptions about purpose, function, or use with any of the following

    implicit objects:




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    Implicit object API

    Scoped collections API

    Dispatching methods


    Error handling


    Distinguish correct and incorrect scriptlet code for:

    A conditional statement

    An iteration statement






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    The specification says directives are "messages to the JSP container." Among other

    things, they indicate to the container how to translate a JSP source file into a servlet

    source file. The following table summarizes the available directives:

    Table 1. Directives

    pageAttributes that apply to the page (and its includes) as a whole. Objective 8.4

    discusses specific attributes for this directive (and there are many).

    taglib declares a tag library that will be used in the page.


    declares a file to be included verbatim at the position of the directive.

    Basically a server-side include (the file could be a fragment). The file is

    treated as if it had been actually typed into the page. Contrast this with the

    include action, where a request object is handed over to the included

    resource, and the outputof that processing is included into the final page.


    Discussions of JSP are made more complicated by the fiction that JSP will be compiled

    to some other language besides Java. Your JSP will be compiled into a Java servlet, and

    a servlet is a class. In that class, declarations are the code that will be written in the

    class, rather than in any particular method (particularly the service method and its

    HTTP delegates). This can include variable declarations and initializations, or even

    whole methods such as jspInit and jspDestroy. They should be complete code

    fragments...they are written verbatim to the servlet class file.

    All caveats about the thread safety of instance variables apply. Obviously, this code will

    be available from other scriptlets or declarations on the page, which are part of the same



    Again, it's easiest to understand JSP if you think of how JSP elements are translated

    into a servlet (although in practice, the actual servlet generated will include a lot of

    additional code beyond what is specified by the developer in a JSP file).

    Scriptlets define code fragments that appear in the service method of the servlet

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    generated from the JSP page (or whatever method service delegates to). They should

    be complete language fragments, although they can be interspersed with the template

    code that will be turned into println statements and spit out verbatim (as long as the

    resulting mix is syntactically correct code). For example, the following is legal:


    Hello, World!

    Because it becomes something close to:

    if (request.getAttribute("name") != null) {


    Hello " + request.getAttribute("name") + "

    ");} else {


    Hello, world!



    N.B. It's legal, but don't be surprised if your fellow team members strangle you for this

    kind of code.

    The content of an expression tag (which should be an expression) will be evaluated andthe result will be output as a String (with the toString method or some other

    conversion routine for primitives). The expression is evaluated during request

    processing, not during translation. If the result cannot be expressed as a String, this

    will create a translation error or a runtime ClassCastException, depending on

    whether the compiler can catch the error or not.

    They are useful because they eliminate the need to use out.println in your JSP




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    What about the taglib directive? It is nearly the equivalent of a namespace declaration

    (except that unlike namespaces, the URI must be resolvable to an actual file, in this case

    a TLD). Consequently, the taglib directive is subsumed by the root element of a JSP

    page when it is expressed as XML:


    your declaration here


    your scriptlet here.

    an expression here.



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    The import list is comma separated, and it can include the wildcard character to import

    an entire package. The following packages are imported without the need for a

    declaration: java.lang*, javax.servlet.*, javax.servlet.http.*,



    If true, then the implicit variable session is available to scripts in the JSP page. If set

    to false, this variable is not available (JSP developers should not circumvent this with a

    call to HttpServletRequest.getSession).


    If this page throws any Throwable (error or exception) at runtime, it will forward to the

    indicated page and make the Throwable available on that page via the implicit

    exception variable (it gets passed as a request attribute, but this doesn't particularlymatter). The response cannot have been committed. The JSP error page declared with

    this directive will take precedence over any error file declared in the deployment



    If set to true, then an implicit exception variable is available that indicates theThrowable thrown by the originating page. You can use this to log the exception and

    display a message to the user.


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    Page translation - The JSP page is turned into a Java source file, representing a

    class that implements a protocol-specific interface extending JspPage.

    JSP page compilation - The JSP source file is compiled. This can occur any time

    before the page first goes into service: during development, when the server

    starts, the application is loaded, or the page is first requested. In Tomcat, the latter

    strategy is used and there is a noticeable delay the first time the JSP page is


    Load class - The class is loaded by the class loader... obviously when this occurs

    depends a lot on when it is compiled.

    Create instance - Probably created the first time it is requested, although with

    servlets, you can load an instance and call init by specifying a

    load-on-startup tag in the deployment descriptor.

    Call jspInit - this method is called prior to the servicing of the first request; it can

    be used to initialize the JSP page.

    Call _jspService - this is the auto-generated method created by the JSP

    translation engine that is used to service requests to the page.

    Call jspDestroy - When the JSP page is taken out of service (e.g. in the process

    of unloading a web application, or shutting down the server), this method is called

    to enable the JSP page to perform clean up (releasing resources, writing state to

    disk, etc.).




    Basically it's the HttpServletRequest object available to servlets (since we assume

    we're writing subclasses of HttpJspPage). It represents an HTTP request, including:

    The HTTP headers;

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    information about where the request was directed;

    the form parameters that were included with the request;

    the cookies associated with the request;

    a server-side session object associated with this user;

    the user's security role (if authenticated);

    a collection associated with the request, for the purpose of persisting objects for

    processing by other components in the application.

    It's the HttpServletResponse object available to servlets. It provides object-oriented

    methods for generating the HTTP response, including:

    methods and constants for setting the HTTP status code of the response;

    methods for setting the content type and character encoding of the response;

    methods for setting headers in the response;

    a method for setting cookies in the response;

    methods for generating redirections and sending errors to the user;

    methods for retrieving a binary stream or text writer for outputting the HTTP

    response body;

    methods for manipulating the buffer associated with this stream or writer.

    The response object buffer can be set with the JSP page directive. The buffer

    attribute allows you to set the size of the buffer (e.g. "12kb", or the special value of

    "none") while the autoFlush attribute specifies whether or not the buffer should be

    flushed when it reaches it's maximum size (8kb or more by default). If set to "false", an

    exception will be thrown if the buffer overflows. Auto flush can't be set to "false" if the

    buffer is set to "none".


    The out object is the JspWriter used to return output to the client. You cannot attempt

    to get the PrintWriter or ServletOutputStream objects from a JSP page (these

    are the servlet programmer's equivalent). The content type and encoding for the writer

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    can be set via attributes in the page directive (contentType and pageEncoding).

    This is the HttpSession object available to servlet programmers. To get it manually

    you would write something like:

    HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);

    The session object is valuable because it provides a collection for storing objects that

    is associated with a particular user (actually, a particular web browser) that persists

    between HTTP requests. In addition, it contains utility methods for examining the

    session's creation and last access times, setting the timeout for the session, and

    invalidating it.


    This is the ServletConfig object, which provides information about the parameters

    that were set in the deployment descriptor for this servlet or JSP page. The parameters

    allow deployers to alter the configuration of the application without altering servlets or

    JSPs directly. It's other critical feature is the method getServletContextwhich

    provides access to the ServletContext object. (in JSP, the equivalent of the

    application implicit object).


    This is the ServletContext object. It provides a number of useful features:

    an application-level collection of objects available to all servlet/JSP components in

    the application;

    information about the servlet container (its name and version);

    a method for accessing other servlet contexts on the server, and a

    RequestDispatcher to dispatch requests across applications;

    a facility for generating log files;

    methods for accessing resources on the local filesystem, and to determine the

    MIME type of those resources.


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    The page object is the javax.servlet.jsp.HttpJspPageobject itself; in other

    words, it is a reference to the object that the JSP page will be compiled into.

    This is not typically used by JSP authors. You could, for example, use it this way:

    The cast to HttpJspPage is necessary because page is actually of type Object. It can

    be any of a number of protocol-specific subclasses of JspPage (such as

    HttpJspPage), so it must be downcast to the appropriate type.


    This object provides convenience methods to JSP authors and some important

    functionality to custom action developers (custom Tag classes acquire information about

    page and application state through a reference to this object). The class provides:

    an API for accessing the various implicit objects;

    an API for manipulating the collections in all the implicit objects (across the page,

    request, session and application-level scopes);

    request dispatching methods;

    a mechanism for getting the JspWriter associated with the page to output to the


    a method for handling exceptions and errors;


    public java.lang.Object getPage();

    public javax.servlet.ServletRequest getRequest();

    public javax.servlet.ServletResponse getResponse();public javax.servlet.jsp.JspWriter getOut();

    public javax.servlet.http.HttpSession getSession();

    public javax.servlet.ServletConfig getServletConfig();

    public javax.servlet.ServletContext getServletContext();

    public java.lang.Exception getException();

    Not useful to JSP authors, but useful for custom action tag developers who acquire

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    access to these objects through the pageContext object.


    static int PAGE_SCOPE;

    static int REQUEST_SCOPE;

    static int SESSION_SCOPE;

    static int APPLICATION_SCOPE;

    public Object findAttribute( String key );

    public int getAttributesScope( String key );

    public void removeAttribute( String key );

    public void setAttribute( String key, Object attribute );

    public Object getAttribute( String key );

    public Object getAttribute( String key, int SCOPE );

    public void removeAttribute( String key, int SCOPE );

    public java.util.Enumeration getAttributeNamesInScope( int SCOPE );

    For action tag developers, these methods can be more convenient than operating on the

    underlying objects and their collections. For JSP authors, these methods are not

    particularly useful. Here's some rules about how this API behaves:

    The find method searches the page, request, session and application

    objects in that order, returning the first match. getAttributesScope behaves

    the same way, but returns the scope constant for the scope in which it finds the


    the setAttribute and getAttribute methods that do nottake a scope

    constant operate on the page-level scope. But (rather confusingly) the

    removeAttribute method that does not take a scope constant will search the

    various scopes in the same way the findAttribute method does;

    The methods that do take an int scope constant will all return null if the attribute

    cannot be found in that scope.


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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    public void forward( String relativeUrl )

    throws ServletException, IOException;

    public void include( String relativeUrl )

    throws ServletException, IOException;

    These should look familiar, they're similar to the request object's dispatching methods.

    After a forward, you should not attempt to alter the response object for the page

    (typically you don't do anything but return). When an include is used, the JspWriter is

    flushed just before processing the include (which limits error-handling and header-setting

    options at that point).


    Particularly for custom action tag developers, it is necessary to acquire the writer being

    used to output a JSP page.


    handlePageException( Throwable t ), will hand off processing to the error page

    for this JSP page (if there is one), or else perform some default error reporting for the

    servlet container. After making this call you should not produce further output or modify

    the response object.


    Certain JSP pages can be designated error pages with the appropriate page directive

    attribute. They catch exceptions or errors thrown by other pages; this Throwable is

    made available on such error pages as the implicit exception object. With this object

    available, you can undertake any error recovering or reporting you feel is prudent.



    Here's a correct example of a conditional statement:

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification


    Hello, World!

    The key for objective 8.7 is to make sure everything is nested properly, and that all

    necessary semicolons and braces are present in the right location (which can be difficult

    to verify because of the JSP syntax).

    Here's one potential way of writing an iterator (which purposefully jumps in and out of


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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification




    JSP provides support for two kinds of includes and one kind of forward. Presumably allthree kinds of "inclusion" are covered by this section of the objectives.


    The first kind of include is a page directive that acts exactly like a server-side include:

    the include occurs during the translation of the page, and the included file is treated as if

    it had been typed into the original page:

    The second kind of include uses an action tag, and occurs at the time a request is

    processed. This means that the request and response are processed by the included

    resource and the output is included in the original file. The tag uses the request

    dispatcher mechanism to fulfill the include, so the same rules apply: 1) the include is a

    dynamic resource; 2) it can't set headers; but3) the action tag willtake a relative URL

    (unlike the request dispatcher include method).


    There is one standard forward method involving an action tag. It also uses the request

    dispatcher forward method. It is executed at request time, and has the same rules as

    the dispatcher method: 1) the response cannot have been committed; 2) existing output

    at the time of the forward is cleared; and 3) you can set headers.

    Both of these action tags will accept nested param tags in order to set parameters for

    the included or forwarded target (this also follows the RequestDispatcher's behavior).

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  • 8/14/2019 scwcd-alxdark


    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    In short, this tag attempts to find an existing object with a variable name equal to the id

    in the specified scope; if it cannot, it will attempt to create a variable using these and

    other attributes. It will place that variable in the appropriate scope and create a variable

    for scripts on the page. If there are setProperty tags in the body of the useBean tag,

    they will be used to initialize the bean's properties.

    Table 1. Attributes

    Attribute Rules Comment

    id required

    Needs to be unique to the page and a valid variable

    name. Identifies an object instance in a specified

    scope, and also a scripting variable declared and

    initialized as a reference to that object (the same

    thing and a fine point when the implementation

    language is Java).

    scopeoptional, default

    value is pageValue can be page, request, session or application.


    either class or type

    must be present; do

    not use beanName

    if you do use class

    Fully qualified name of the class that implements this



    either class or type

    must be present;

    OK to use

    beanName if you

    use type

    The type of the variable to be created for the page

    (this might be a superclass or interface implemented

    by the class). If used without the class or beanName

    attributes, the object must already exist.

    beanNameuse eitherclass or


    The name of a Bean as expected by the

    instantiate() method of the java.beans.Bean

    class. Basically a fully-qualified class name or a

    serialized bean. This attribute can accept a

    request-time attribute value.


    Apparently by convention rather than requirement, useBean declares a scoped

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    attribute/variable via its id attribute, while getProperty refers to that scoped

    attribute/variable via its name attribute. In the example below, both of the tags appear on

    a page in the following order:

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

  • 8/14/2019 scwcd-alxdark


    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    This refers to the ServletContext object and its interface for manipulating a collection

    of associated attributes (context is the servlet word that combines application and

    server-level functionality).


    This has been covered elsewhere in section 10; the outstanding thing to note is that a

    declared JavaBean component can also be accessed via script (as well as the JavaBean

    action tags). For example:


    Once the bean is declared, the last two lines perform equivalent tasks.


    Taglibs in the deployment descriptor

    Taglib directives

    Given a custom tag library, identify properly formatted custom tag usage in a JSP

    page. Uses include:

    An empty custom tag

    A custom tag with attributes

    A custom tag that surrounds other JSP code

    Nested custom tags


    The deployment descriptor maps an URI to an actual TLD file, allowing you to use the

    URI in the JSP taglib directive. Later if you need to move the TLD or rename files, this

    mapping allows you to do so without editing a large number of JSP pages.

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  • 8/14/2019 scwcd-alxdark


    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    The name of the tag

    The class of the tag handler

    The type of content that the tag accepts

    Any attributes of the tag

    Identify the tag library descriptor element names that declare the following:

    The name of a tag attribute

    Whether a tag attribute is required

    Whether or not the attribute's value can be dynamically specified

    Given a custom tag, identify the necessary value for the bodycontent TLD element

    for any of the following tag types:


    Custom tag that surrounds other JSP code

    Custom tag that surrounds content that is used only by the tag handler

    Given a tag event method (doStartTag, doAfterBody, and doEndTag), identify the

    correct description of the methods triggerdoStartTag



    Identify valid return values for the following methods:

    doStartTag, doAfterBody, doEndTag, PageContext.getOut

    Given a BODY or PAGE constant, identify a correct description of the constant's

    use in the following methods:




    Identify the method in the custom tag handler that accesses:

    A given JSP page's implicit variable

    Nested tags

    I have found the following tables helpful in learning aspects of custom action

    programming that are difficult for me to remember. One of my measurements of a

    successful software design is its memorability, and by this measure, the

    javax.servlet.jsp.tagext package is kind of a mess.

    The first table shows, for several different types of tag, the interface or class you would

    use to create such a tag, and the methods and sequence of calls that would be made on

    that tag handler class. It is based on a table in the J2EE 1.3 tutorial on custom tags,

    although I have expanded it:

    Table 1. Classes and Methods Required by Kind of Tag

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    Java 2 Web Component Developer Certification

    Type Explanation Interface ImplementationMethod CallSequence


    Contains no

    body and no


    Tag TagSupport





    Contains no

    body, but has


    Tag TagSupport






    Body, no


    Contains body

    content that is

    either skipped or

    evaluated byJSP container.

    Tag TagSupport





    tag, no


    Contains body

    content passed

    to JSP engine for

    evaluation one or

    more times.

    IterationTag TagSupport







    Contains a body

    that is processed

    one or moretimes by the tag


    BodyTag BodyTagSupport








    The tag library descriptor file has changed in many minor ways

    between version 1.1 and 1.2